Background: Flexural deformities are anatomical deviations, in varying degrees, of one or more joints, and may have a congenital or acquired origin. Congenital contracture of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) affects newborn calves and results in hyperflexion of the metacarpal-phalangeal joint, which in severe cases means that the animal must support its own weight on its fetlock joints. The aim of this study is to report the rapid and successful result of applying bilateral total tenotomy technique on a newborn bovine that had been diagnosed with severe bilateral DDFT contracture in the thoracic limbs. Case: A 3-week-old male bovine with a history of difficulty in maintaining a quadrupedal position was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Tocantins. The animal had severe bilateral locomotor alterations in the thoracic members to the point that he walked on his fetlock joints. The physical examination revealed clinical parameters within the normal range. However, the locomotor system examination showed severe flexor deformity in the bilateral metacarpal-phalangeal joints, and the limbs were being supported on the dorsal face of the fetlock joints, which presented ulcerations, and was suggestive of a shortening of the DDFT. Based on the patients history and clinical examination, as well as the severity of the tendon contractures, surgical treatment using the DDFT bilateral total tenotomy technique was decided upon. Postoperative treatment consisted of 2.5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin intramuscularly (IM), SID, for 5 days and 0.5 mg/kg meloxicam via IM, SID, for 3 days; as well as a dressing (cotton, medical bandage and a PVC mold) on the thoracic limbs to provide support and allow the animal to..
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/anormalidades , Contratura/cirurgia , Contratura/veterinária , Tendões/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Tenotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Flexural deformities are anatomical deviations, in varying degrees, of one or more joints, and may have a congenital or acquired origin. Congenital contracture of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) affects newborn calves and results in hyperflexion of the metacarpal-phalangeal joint, which in severe cases means that the animal must support its own weight on its fetlock joints. The aim of this study is to report the rapid and successful result of applying bilateral total tenotomy technique on a newborn bovine that had been diagnosed with severe bilateral DDFT contracture in the thoracic limbs. Case: A 3-week-old male bovine with a history of difficulty in maintaining a quadrupedal position was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Tocantins. The animal had severe bilateral locomotor alterations in the thoracic members to the point that he walked on his fetlock joints. The physical examination revealed clinical parameters within the normal range. However, the locomotor system examination showed severe flexor deformity in the bilateral metacarpal-phalangeal joints, and the limbs were being supported on the dorsal face of the fetlock joints, which presented ulcerations, and was suggestive of a shortening of the DDFT. Based on the patients history and clinical examination, as well as the severity of the tendon contractures, surgical treatment using the DDFT bilateral total tenotomy technique was decided upon. Postoperative treatment consisted of 2.5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin intramuscularly (IM), SID, for 5 days and 0.5 mg/kg meloxicam via IM, SID, for 3 days; as well as a dressing (cotton, medical bandage and a PVC mold) on the thoracic limbs to provide support and allow the animal to..(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Tendões/anormalidades , Contratura/cirurgia , Contratura/veterinária , Articulação Metacarpofalângica/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Tenotomia/veterináriaResumo
Relata-se um caso de dermatofilose em eqüino puro-sangue inglês de 11 anos, macho, castrado, de 540 kg, com histórico de dermatopatia recorrente há dois anos, previamente tratado com penicilina e banhos de solução à base de iodo povidona.. Foram realizados exames físico e parasitológico de raspado de pele, assim como cultura e antibiograma dos exsudatos presentes nas lesões. À inspeção, foram detectadas marcante emaciação, anidrose na garupa, lesões cutâneas exsudativas, áreas de alopecia localizadas na garupa, dorso e boleto, como também a presença de descamação furfurácea e pêlo fosco. Os resultados da cultura e do antibiograma permitiram detectar a presença de Dermatophilus congolensis, com sensibilidade ao Ceftiofur sódico. Apesar do resultado do antibiograma, optou-se por tratamento isoterápico à base de autonosódio,observando-se melhora clínica do paciente. O resultado obtido com a utilização do isoterápico nos chama atenção para as possibilidades de utilização de terapias não convencionais, em situações clínicas especiais, como a verificada neste caso.(AU)
This is a report on a dermatophytosis case affecting an Thoroughbred horse. The animal was a gelded, 540-kg male of 11 years old showing a recurrent dermatopathy for two years, which has been previously treated using penicillin and baths with a povidone-iodine solution. The animal was submitted to physical examination, culture and antibiogram of lesion exudates and parasitological examination of skin scraping. Inspection of the animal showed it to be emaciated; it also showed anhydrosis onthe croup, exsudative cutaneous lesions, localized areas of alopecia on the croup, back and fetlock, as well as furfuraceous scaling and dry hair. Culture and antibiogram showed the presence of Dermatophilus congolensis sensitive to Ceftiofur sodium.In spite of the antibiogram results, an isotherapic treatment was determined based on nosode, with clear clinical improvement. Results obtained with the use of an isotherapic compound shows the possibility of following non-conventional therapies inspecial clinical situations, such as the one reported here.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cavalos , Dermatopatias Bacterianas/veterinária , Penicilinas/uso terapêutico , Isoterapia/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos/diagnósticoResumo
Nesta segunda parte, os autores revisaram as informações relativas à citologia broncoalveolar normal, bem como os padrões citopatológicos da hemorragia pulmonar induzida pelo exercício, da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, doença inflamatória das vias aéreas, dos efeitos da estabulação e das infecções virais.(AU)
Normal bronchoalveolar cytology as well the cytopathologic pattern for exercise-incluced pulmonary hemorrhage, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, inflammatory airway disease, viral infection and also from indoors effects were revised from the authors in this second part. (AU)
En esta segunda parte, los autores revisaron las informaciones relativas a la citología broncoalveolar normal, así como los estándares citopatológicos de hemorragia pulmonar inducida por el ejercicio, la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, enfermedad infl amatoria de vías aéreas, los efectos de la estabulación y de las infecciones virales. (AU)