Hippopsis sexlineata, a new species from Ecuador is described. The identity of Hippopsis quadrivittata Breuning, 1940 sensu auctorum is discussed and considered to be Hippopsis fractilinea Bates, 1866.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , EquadorResumo
Four new species are described: Xystochroma luteotarsis sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Callichromatini), from Ecuador; Psyrassa tysoni sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Elaphidiini), from Guatemala; Bisaltes (Bisaltes) lateralis sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Apomecynini), from Ecuador; and Nagma hovorei sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Calliini), from Ecuador. A key to species of Xystochroma Schmidt, 1924 is provided and Psyrassa tysoni sp. nov. is included in a previous key. Variation in the pubescent pattern of Rosalba strandi (Breuning, 1943) is reported and the species is newly recorded for Paraguay. Chromatic variation in Cyrtinus umbus Martins & Galileo, 2009 (Lamiinae, Cyrtinini) is provided and the species is redescribed based on a dark specimen; a new province record (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) and a new country record (Panama) are included. Chromatic variation and sexual dimorphism in Phaea quadrimaculata Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2021 (Lamiinae, Tetraopini) is reported, and a new Mexican state record (Oaxaca) is provided.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , BiodiversidadeResumo
Eburodacrys pilicornis Fisher, 1944 is redescribed based on a female from Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul), and new state record for Venezuela and new department record for Colombia are provided. Notes and new state records in Brazil for Tilloglomus spectabile Martins, 1975 are provided. The pronotal shape of Piezocera flavipennis (Zajciw, 1970) is commented on. Piezocera serraticollis Linell, 1897 is synonymized with P. monochroa Bates, 1885 and an updated key to species of Piezocera Audinet-Serville, 1834 is provided. Lepturges (Lepturges) luanae sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Goiás). New geographical records are provided for an additional 17 species belonging to three subfamilies (Cerambycinae, Lamiinae and Lepturinae): Gnomidolon cruciferum (Gounelle, 1909); Microibidion bimaculatum Mehl, Galileo, Martins & Santos-Silva, 2015; Lepturges (Lepturges) centralis Monné, 1978; Lepturges (Lepturges) mattogrossis Gilmour, 1962; Leptostylus perniciosus Monné & Hoffmann, 1981; Urgleptes villiersi Gilmour, 1962; Oreodera bituberculata Bates, 1861; Rosalba smaragdina (Breuning, 1940); Colobothea rubroornata Zajciw, 1962; Aerenea subimpetiginosa Breuning, 1948; Cicuiara nitidula (Bates, 1866); Desmiphora (Desmiphora) crocata Melzer, 1935; Estola acricula Bates, 1866; Gisostola bahiensis Martins & Galileo, 1988; Hypsioma chapadensis Dillon & Dillon, 1945; Lypsimena fuscata Haldeman, 1847; and Strangalia flavocincta (Thomson, 1861).(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , BrasilResumo
Anisopodus subarmatus Melzer, 1931 is synonymized with A. jaculus (Gyllenhal, 1817) and a discussion about the type-locality of the latter is provided. Photographs of the lectotype of the former and of the holotype of the latter are provided.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Fotografação/instrumentaçãoResumo
The validity of two forgotten names, EryphusKlug, 1829 and E. rubricollisKlug, 1829, is discussed. The former is considered a nomen oblitum and synonymized with EriphusAudinet-Serville, 1834, a nomen protectum; the latter is revalidated and Eriphus purpuratus Chevrolat, 1862 is considered a junior synonym of Eriphus rubricollis (Klug, 1829). A lectotype is designated to Eryphus rubricollisKlug, 1829. The date of the work where EriphusAudinet-Serville, 1834 was described is corrected. A new genus is described in Dichophyiini Gistel, 1848 to include the species currently allocated in Eryphus sensuNapp & Martins (2002). The dates of publication of genera and species described by Fairmaire & Germain (Révision des Coléoptères du Chili (suite)) are corrected.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
New records for Eupogonius flavocinctus Bates, 1872, E. boteroi Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020, E. azteca Martins, Santos-Silva & Galileo, 2015, E. subaeneus Bates, 1872, E. guerrerensis Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020, and E. arizonensis Knull, 1954 are provided. Eupogonius sonorensis Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020 is synonymized with E. arizonensis. The synonymy between E. pauper LeConte, 1852 and Eupogonius fraxini Knull, 1918 is commented. Two new species are described: Eupogonius rileyi, from Costa Rica; and E. similis, from Guatemala.(AU)
Animais , Manejo de Espécimes/veterinária , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
Ophtalmibidion gutta sp. nov. is described from French Guiana. The elytral color pattern of Ophtalmibidion luscum Martins, 1971 is commented on. A key to species of Ophtalmibidion is provided as well as photographs of all species.
Abstract Ophtalmibidion gutta sp. nov. is described from French Guiana. The elytral color pattern of Ophtalmibidion luscumMartins, 1971 is commented on. A key to species of Ophtalmibidion is provided as well as photographs of all species.
Abstract Ophtalmibidion gutta sp. nov. is described from French Guiana. The elytral color pattern of Ophtalmibidion luscumMartins, 1971 is commented on. A key to species of Ophtalmibidion is provided as well as photographs of all species.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificaçãoResumo
Three new species and one new genus are described in Apomecynini: Adetaptera setigera sp. nov., from Mexico; Osckayia obrieni sp. nov., from Mexico; and Capaciphrynidius extensus, gen. nov., sp. nov., from Honduras.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/classificação , Sistemas de Identificação Animal , Especificidade da Espécie , América Central , América do NorteResumo
Three new species from Guatemala are described and illustrated: Ectenessa canoi sp. nov. (Ectenessini), from Petén; Oxycoleus schusteri sp. nov. (Oxycoleini), from Izabal; and Odontocera nigroaurantia sp. nov. (Rhinotragini), from Petén. Distinguishing characters from closely related species are provided.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/classificação , Estruturas Animais/anatomia & histologia , GuatemalaResumo
Xenocona Gilmour, 1960 (Acanthocinini) includes seven species distributed through Central America and northern South America. Here we describe two new species from Ecuador: X. audureaui (differing from other species of the genus by the presence of large dark macula on dorsal surface of the basal â of the elytra combined with the absence of narrow white pubescent lines on other areas of the elytra) and X. uniformis (differing from the other species of the genus by the spiniform outer elytral angle).(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , EquadorResumo
Acanthoderes crocostigma Bates, 1880 is transferred to Acakyra Martins & Galileo, 1996. Acanthoderes umbrata Bates, 1885 is synonymized with Acanthoderes purulensis Bates, 1885. Variation of the elytral pubescent pattern in Aegomorphus longitarsis (Bates, 1880) is reported, and the species is recorded for the first time from Colombia (Boyacá) and Brazil (Amazonas). The variation of the elytral pubescent pattern in Aegomorphus doctus (Bates, 1880) is reported, and the species is recorded for the first time from the Mexican state of Jalisco. We comment on the type-locality of Aegomorphus borrei (Dugès, 1885). Two new species are described from Mexico (Jalisco): Aegomorphus cunninghami and A. nogueirai.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/classificação , Distribuição AnimalResumo
Eurysthea vandenberghei, new species from Nicaragua is described, and E. vandenberghei Santos-Silva, Heffern & Botero, 2021 is considered a nomen nudum.(AU)
Animais , Manejo de Espécimes/veterinária , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Coleta de Dados/métodos , Biodiversidade , Terminologia como AssuntoResumo
Abstract Atrypanius jauffreti sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Pará). Nyssodrys grisellaBates, 1864 (currently, Atrypanius grisellus) is synonymized with Lepturges lineatocollisBates, 1863 (currently, Atrypanius lineatocollis), and the species is recorded for the Brazilian states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso.
Abstract Atrypanius jauffreti sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Pará). Nyssodrys grisellaBates, 1864 (currently, Atrypanius grisellus) is synonymized with Lepturges lineatocollisBates, 1863 (currently, Atrypanius lineatocollis), and the species is recorded for the Brazilian states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso.
Atrypanius jauffretisp. nov. is described from Brazil (Pará). Nyssodrys grisella Bates, 1864 (currently, Atrypanius grisellus) is synonymized with Lepturges lineatocollis Bates, 1863 (currently, Atrypanius lineatocollis), and the species is recorded for the Brazilian states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificaçãoResumo
In this study, two new genera of Desmiphorini (Lamiinae) are proposed: Cleidaria gen. nov., to include Cleidaria cleidae sp. nov. from the state of Chiapas in Mexico, and Obscenoides gen. nov. for Desmiphora (D.) compta Martins & Galileo, 2005. The shape of tarsal claws of Cleidaria cleidae sp. nov. (abruptly narrowed from basal half) is so far, not found in any current genera of the tribe. With respect to Obscenoides compta (Martins & Galileo, 2005) comb. nov., the genitalia of males have an unusual shape with non-retractile parameres. The character combination related to this genital structure is unknown to us in other species in the family, and hypotheses about its function are suggested.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Genitália/anatomia & histologia , Classificação/métodosResumo
Taxonomic notes are provided in some Acanthoderini genera. Three new species are described: Scythropopsis intricata Santos-Silva, Botero and Wappes from Mexico, Aegomorphus robustus Santos-Silva, Botero and Wappes and Eupromerella boliviana Santos-Silva, Botero and Wappes from Bolivia. The following synonymies are proposed: PsapharochrusThomson, 1864 as synonym of Aegomorphus Haldeman, 1847; Acanthoderes (Psapharochrus) albomaculatus Fuchs, 1963 and Acanthoderes griseomaculataZajciw, 1971 as synonyms of Symperasmus alboniger (Bates, 1861); Pteridotelus contaminatus Thomson, 1865 as synonym of Scythropopsis melanostictica (White, 1855); Psapharochrus jameswappesi Tavakilian, 2018 as synonym of Aegomorphus wappesi (Galileo, Martins & Santos-Silva, 2015); and Psapharochrus histrio Casey, 1913 and Psapharochrus guatemalensis Casey, 1913 as synonyms of Aegomorphus circumflexus (Jacquelin du Val, 1857). Acanthoderus circumflexus Jacquelin DuVal, 1857 is proposed as nomen protectum and Acanthocinus rusticus Klug, 1829 as nomen oblitum. Aegomorphus contaminatus (Thomson, 1965) is revalidated. Scythropopsis Thomson, 1864 and Symperasmus Thomson, 1864 are herein elevated to genus rank. The geographical distribution of ten species is expanded and a key to differentiate Acanthoderes, Aegomorphus, Scythropopsis, and Symperasmus is provided.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Classificação , Distribuição AnimalResumo
Abstract In this study, two new genera of Desmiphorini (Lamiinae) are proposed: Cleidaria gen. nov., to include Cleidaria cleidae sp. nov. from the state of Chiapas in Mexico, and Obscenoides gen. nov. for Desmiphora (D.) comptaMartins & Galileo, 2005. The shape of tarsal claws of Cleidaria cleidae sp. nov. (abruptly narrowed from basal half) is so far, not found in any current genera of the tribe. With respect to Obscenoides compta (Martins & Galileo, 2005) comb. nov., the genitalia of males have an unusual shape with non-retractile parameres. The character combination related to this genital structure is unknown to us in other species in the family, and hypotheses about its function are suggested.