Capillaria hepatica é um nematódeo hepatotrópico da família Capillariidae, que acomete principalmente roedores, os quais são considerados reservatórios, podendo infectar também, com menor frequência, cães, gatos e o homem, pois possui potencial zoonótico, sendo responsável pela capilariose hepática. A infecção verdadeira ocorre através da ingestão de ovos embrionados infectantes liberados do fígado, após morte e decomposição do hospedeiro, por canibalismo ou por predação. A infecção espúria acorre através da ingestão de ovos não embrionados, encontrados no solo ou pela ingestão de fígado de mamíferos infectados com C. Hepatica, causando um quadro de pseudoparasitismo. Os sinais clínicos nos animais acometidos pela infecção verdadeira, podem ser inespecíficos ou associados a doença hepática como, vômito, diarreia, dor abdominal, icterícia e encefalopatias. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de infecção espúria por C. hepatica em canino doméstico, no município de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, diagnosticado a partir da observação de ovos do parasito em exame coproparasitológico.(AU)
Capillaria hepatica is a hepatotropic nematode of the Capillariidae family, which mainly affects rodents, which are considered reservoirs, and may also infect, less frequently, dogs, cats and humans, as it has zoonotic potential, being responsible for hepatic capillarosis. True infection occurs through ingestion of infective embryonated eggs released from the liver, after death and decomposition of the host, by cannibalism or predation. The spurious infection occurs through the ingestion of non-embryonic eggs, found in the soil or by the consumption of the liver of mammals infected with C. hepatica, causing pseudoparasitism. Clinical signs in animals affected by true infection may be nonspecific or associated with liver disease such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, jaundice and encephalopathies. The objective of this study was to report a case of infection by C. hepatica in a domestic canine, in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, diagnosed from the observation of parasite eggs in a coproparasitological examination.(AU)
Capillaria hepatica es un nematodo hepatotrópico de la familia Capillariidae, que afecta principalmente a los roedores, que se consideran reservorios, pudiendo también infectar, con menor frecuencia, a perros, gatos y humanos, ya que tiene potencial zoonótico, siendo responsable de la capilariosis hepática. La verdadera infección se produce por la ingestión de huevos embrionados infecciosos liberados del hígado, después de la muerte y descomposición del huésped, por canibalismo o depredación. La infección espuria se produce por la ingestión de huevos no embrionarios, que se encuentran en el suelo o por el consumo del hígado de mamíferos infectados con C. hepatica, provocando pseudoparasitismo. Los signos clínicos en animales afectados por una infección verdadera pueden ser inespecíficos o estar asociados con enfermedades hepáticas como vómitos, diarrea, dolor abdominal, ictericia y encefalopatías. El objetivo de este estudio fue reportar un caso de infección espuria por C. hepatica en un canino doméstico, en la ciudad de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, diagnosticado a partir de la observación de huevos de parásitos en un examen coproparasitológico.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Infecções por Enoplida/diagnóstico , Animais de Estimação/parasitologia , Relatos de Casos , CapillariaResumo
Objetivou-se através deste estudo determinar a prevalência de helmintos gastrintestinais em equinos do extremo sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para a realização deste trabalho, foram utilizados resultados de exames coproparasitologicos de amostras analisadas no Laboratório de Doenças Parasitárias (LADOPAR) da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas entre os anos de 2014 e 2016. Neste período, foram analisadas 972 amostras fecais de equinos. Das amostras analisadas, 80,5% apresentaram-se positivas para algum gênero de parasito gastrintestinal. Além disso, os ovos da família Strongylidae foram os mais prevalentes, sendo observados em 78,1% das amostras. Desta forma, conclui-se que a maioria dos animais avaliados estavam parasitados por algum gênero de helminto gastrintestinal, indicando a presença destes agentes nos equinos criados na região sul do estado.
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in horses from the extreme south of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. To carry out this work, results of coproparasitological examinations of samples analyzed at the Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases (LADOPAR) of the Veterinary Faculty of the Federal University of Pelotas between 2014 and 2016 were used. During this period, 972 fecal samples of horses were analyzed. Among the analyzed samples, 80.5% were positive for some genus of gastrointestinal parasite. Moreover, the eggs of the family Strongylidae were the most prevalent, being observed in 78.1% of the samples. In conclusion, most of the animals evaluated were parasitized by some gastrointestinal helminth genus, indicating the presence of these agents in horses raised in the southern region of the state.
Animais , Trato Gastrointestinal/parasitologia , Carga Parasitária/veterinária , Helmintíase Animal/epidemiologia , Cavalos/parasitologia , Brasil/epidemiologiaResumo
Background: The prevalence of intracranial neoplasms in dogs represents 2.1 to 4.0% of the cases. Brain tumors may beprimary or metastatic. The objective of this study was to describe two cases of intra encephalic neoplasia in elderly dogsreceived for necropsy by the Veterinary Oncology Service in the Federal University of Pelotas.Cases: Case 1: A 12-year-old female canine, without breed and medium size, was received for necropsy. The animal hashad behavioral changes. Macroscopic examination of the encephalus revealed asymmetry and congestion. The organs werecollected and fixed in 10% formalin. In the brain cleavage we noticed an extensive brown-gray mass with reddish areas,expansive, moderately demarcated, soft to cut and discrete hydrocephalus. Serial fragments of the brain and fragmentsof the organs were sent for processing. The slides were stained with the hematoxylin and eosin technique for histopathological analysis. At the microscopic examination, cuboidal cells were observed in the encephalus sometimes in acinar arrangements, of extensive and very limited pattern, diagnosed as ependymoma. Case 2: It is a 15-year-old, female Poodledog, with several tumors. During necropsy multiple subcutaneous nodules, mesentery, intestinal serosa, stomach and liverwere noticed. At the cut these were firm and whitish. No macroscopic changes were observed in the other organs. Fragments of organs and brain were collected and a serial section of the encephalus was performed for further processing andhistological analysis. In the histopathological analysis the masses were constituted by proliferation of sometimes roundedcells, elongated, with rounded nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm, allowing the diagnosis of mesothelioma. The samecell pattern was observed in other organs. In the frontal cortex of the encephalus there were small foci of cells similar tothose observed in the mesentery, as well as metastatic...(AU)
Animais , Idoso , Cães , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Mesotelioma/veterinária , Ependimoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: The prevalence of intracranial neoplasms in dogs represents 2.1 to 4.0% of the cases. Brain tumors may beprimary or metastatic. The objective of this study was to describe two cases of intra encephalic neoplasia in elderly dogsreceived for necropsy by the Veterinary Oncology Service in the Federal University of Pelotas.Cases: Case 1: A 12-year-old female canine, without breed and medium size, was received for necropsy. The animal hashad behavioral changes. Macroscopic examination of the encephalus revealed asymmetry and congestion. The organs werecollected and fixed in 10% formalin. In the brain cleavage we noticed an extensive brown-gray mass with reddish areas,expansive, moderately demarcated, soft to cut and discrete hydrocephalus. Serial fragments of the brain and fragmentsof the organs were sent for processing. The slides were stained with the hematoxylin and eosin technique for histopathological analysis. At the microscopic examination, cuboidal cells were observed in the encephalus sometimes in acinar arrangements, of extensive and very limited pattern, diagnosed as ependymoma. Case 2: It is a 15-year-old, female Poodledog, with several tumors. During necropsy multiple subcutaneous nodules, mesentery, intestinal serosa, stomach and liverwere noticed. At the cut these were firm and whitish. No macroscopic changes were observed in the other organs. Fragments of organs and brain were collected and a serial section of the encephalus was performed for further processing andhistological analysis. In the histopathological analysis the masses were constituted by proliferation of sometimes roundedcells, elongated, with rounded nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm, allowing the diagnosis of mesothelioma. The samecell pattern was observed in other organs. In the frontal cortex of the encephalus there were small foci of cells similar tothose observed in the mesentery, as well as metastatic...
Animais , Idoso , Cães , Ependimoma/veterinária , Mesotelioma/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterináriaResumo
This paper to describe a case of dysontogenic urethral metaplasia in a one month old mongrel feline who also had bilateral renal dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in cats are scarce and this change may be associated with renal dysplasia and/or lower urinary tract. The animal had history of abdominal enlargement since birth and dysuria, eliminating urine only dropwise. Due to the poor prognosis we opted for euthanasia. At necropsy was observed enlarged and distended bladder, reduced kidneys and dilated and tortuous ureters. The urethra was thickened, hard to cut, and histologically, was replacing the connective tissue, cartilage and endochondral ossification areas, which features dysontogenic metaplasia. Both kidneys presented primitive appearance featuring dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in urinary tract feline with renal dysplasia, has not been described.(AU)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever um caso de metaplasia disontogênica uretral em um felino sem raça definida de um mês de idade, que também apresentava displasia renal bilateral. Dados sobre metaplasia disontogênica em felinos são escassos e a alteração pode estar associada a displasia renal e/ou do trato urinário inferior. O animal apresentava histórico de aumento abdominal desde o nascimento e disúria, eliminando a urina apenas por gotejamento. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável optou-se pela eutanásia. Na necropsia observou-se bexiga aumentada e dilatada, rins diminuídos e ureteres dilatados e tortuosos. A uretra apresentava-se espessada e firme ao corte, e histologicamente, havia substituição ao tecido conjuntivo, áreas de cartilagem e zonas de ossificação endocondral, o que caracteriza metaplasia disontogênica. Ambos os rins apresentavam aspecto primitivo caracterizando a displasia renal. A metaplasia disontogênica no trato urinário de felinos com displasia renal, não tem sido descrita.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos/anormalidades , Gatos/fisiologia , Metaplasia/veterinária , Nefropatias/diagnóstico , Nefropatias/veterináriaResumo
Dioctophyme renale is a zoonotic nematode that parasites the kidneys of wild and domestic carnivores, and it has been reported frequently in Brazil. The aim here was to register the number of cases of dogs and cats diagnosed with dioctophymosis by necropsy (1981 to 2014) and ultrasound examination (2010 to 2015) in Pelotas-RS. In this context, a survey was conducted on dioctophymosis cases diagnosed at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory (LPV) and Veterinary Clinical Hospital (HCV) of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), and at a specialist veterinary imaging diagnostics clinic. In total, 95 cases were registered. The high series of the disease in dogs can be related to the presence of a large number of stray and semi-domestic dogs in the city, and also due to the ingestion of intermediate hosts of D. renale parasitized with the infective larvae. Thus, it can be concluded that Pelotas is a city with favorable conditions for the occurrence of dioctophymosis with high rate of disease in recent years.(AU)
Dioctophyme renale é um nematódeo zoonótico que parasita principalmente o rim de carnívoros silvestres e domésticos, e tem sido relatado com frequência no Brasil. Objetivou-se registrar o número de casos de cães e gatos diagnosticados com dioctofimatose por necropsia (1981 a 2014) e exame ultrassonográfico (2010 a 2015) em Pelotas-RS. Nesse contexto, foi realizado um inquérito de casos de dioctofimatose em animais de companhia no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) e no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinária (HCV) da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), e em uma clínica veterinária especializada em diagnóstico por imagem, totalizando 95 casos registrados. A elevada casuística da doença em cães pode estar relacionada à presença de um grande número de cães errantes e semi-domiciliados na cidade, e também devido à ingestão dos hospedeiros intermediários de D. renale parasitados com a larva infectante. Assim, conclui-se que Pelotas é uma cidade propícia para a ocorrência de dioctofimatose, com elevada casuística da doença nos últimos anos.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Nematoides/parasitologia , Autopsia/veterinária , Infecções por Enoplida/epidemiologia , Dioctophymatoidea , Parasitos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Parasitos/parasitologia , Brasil , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Dioctophymiasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dioctophyme renale and is a relatively common condition in dogs. The parasite affects the kidney, especially the right, enters the kidney capsule and causes destruction and atrophy of the parenchyma. The lesion severity depends on the amount of parasites affecting the kidney, the duration of the infection, number of kidneys involved and concurrent occurrence of kidney disease. The diseases clinical presentation may be asymptomatic or with nonspecific clinical signs. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound examination and the detection of eggs in urine, however, diagnosis is often reached only through necropsy or histopathology. This study aimed to analyze the dog kidney anatomical and pathological changes when parasitized by Dioctophyme renale. Materials, Methods & Results: The kidneys of 21 dogs diagnosed with dioctophymiasis were nephrectomized, analyzed by ultrasound and forwarded to macro and microscopic analysis. Macroscopically, the kidney size was measured as well as its renal capsule thicknes. The presences of dilatation of the renal pelvis and ureter, as well as changes of the capsule, were also observed. These fragments were collected and submitted for routine analysis and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histopathological examination was performed blindly by three evaluators. The intensity of [...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Rim/parasitologia , Infecções por Enoplida/veterinária , Dioctophymatoidea/parasitologia , Nefropatias/veterinária , MetaplasiaResumo
Background: Dioctophymiasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dioctophyme renale and is a relatively common condition in dogs. The parasite affects the kidney, especially the right, enters the kidney capsule and causes destruction and atrophy of the parenchyma. The lesion severity depends on the amount of parasites affecting the kidney, the duration of the infection, number of kidneys involved and concurrent occurrence of kidney disease. The diseases clinical presentation may be asymptomatic or with nonspecific clinical signs. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound examination and the detection of eggs in urine, however, diagnosis is often reached only through necropsy or histopathology. This study aimed to analyze the dog kidney anatomical and pathological changes when parasitized by Dioctophyme renale. Materials, Methods & Results: The kidneys of 21 dogs diagnosed with dioctophymiasis were nephrectomized, analyzed by ultrasound and forwarded to macro and microscopic analysis. Macroscopically, the kidney size was measured as well as its renal capsule thicknes. The presences of dilatation of the renal pelvis and ureter, as well as changes of the capsule, were also observed. These fragments were collected and submitted for routine analysis and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histopathological examination was performed blindly by three evaluators. The intensity of [...]
Animais , Cães , Dioctophymatoidea/parasitologia , Infecções por Enoplida/veterinária , Rim/parasitologia , Metaplasia , Nefropatias/veterináriaResumo
In dogs, diseases of the urinary tract are common and can be caused by disorders of varied etiology. The objective of this study was to classify qualitatively and quantitatively urinary tract lesions of 363 dogs, which were classified according to its anatomical distribution and etiology. The data was obtained from the revision of 36 years of protocols from the Regional Laboratory of Diagnosis (LRD/UFPel) and it represents 4.0% of diagnoses from a total of 8980 for that period and species. Renal injury accounted for 93.1% of cases, with 309 being primary kidney lesions; from which the main lesions were the tubulointerstitial nephritis (142 cases) often associated with Leptospirosis (47). Injuries of lower urinary tract accounted for 6.9% of the cases where acute cystitis stands out (19). In this study, renal failure, acute or chronic, represented an important cause of death in dogs.(AU)
Em cães, as doenças do trato urinário são frequentes e podem ser causadas por desordens de etiologia variada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi classificar qualitativa e quantitativamente lesões do trato urinário de 363 cães, as quais foram classificadas de acordo com a distribuição anatômica e etiologia. Os dados foram obtidos em uma revisão de protocolos de 36 anos do LRD/UFPel e corresponderam a 4,0% do total de 8980 diagnósticos realizados no período para a espécie. As lesões renais representaram 93,1%, sendo 309 primárias do rim; dentre as principais lesões, está a nefrite tubulo-intersticial (142 casos), geralmente associada à Leptospirose (47). O trato urinário inferior representou 6,9% dos casos, destacando-se cistite aguda (19). Neste estudo, a insuficiência renal, aguda ou crônica, representou importante causa mortis em cães.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Sistema Urinário/lesões , Sistema Urinário/patologia , Rim/lesões , Nefrite/epidemiologia , Nefrite/etiologia , Nefrite/patologia , Nefrite/veterinária , Métodos Epidemiológicos/veterinária , Cistite/veterinária , Leptospirose/veterináriaResumo
La intoxicación de los felinos puede ser accidental o intencional. Muchas sustâncias pueden causar síntomas similares, sin embargo, la literatura sobre el tema es escassa y el tratamiento para cada cuadro clínico es muy diferente. En este contexto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las lesiones patológicas de las intoxicaciones en los gatos en el área cubierta por el Laboratorio Regional de Diagnóstico de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad Federal de Pelotas, mediante la revisión de los archivos de laboratorio y necropsias realizadas. Se estudiaron 24 casos de intoxicación. La historia clínica fue fundamental para establecer el diagnóstico, clínica y signos y lesiones características. Entre las sustancias involucradas estabanlos derivados de lacumarina, la estricnina, etilenglicol, fluoroacetato sódio, goma de moqueta, antipulgas y Lilium sp.
Poisoning in cats can be accidental or intentional. Many substances can cause similar symptoms. And the literature on the subject are scarce. However, the treatment for each clinical features is very different and yet, the literature on the subject are scarce. This study aimed to determine the pathologicallesions of poisoning in cats in the area covered by the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Veterinary School of the Federal University of Pelotas, by reviewing laboratory files and necropsies. 24 cases of poisoning were studied. The clinical history was fundamental to establish the diagnose, clinical signs and characteristic lesions. The substances involved were coumarin derivatives, strychnine, ethylene glycol, sodium fluoroacetate, carpet glue, anti-fleas and Lilium sp.
As intoxicações em felinos podem ser acidentais ou intencionais. Muitas substâncias podem provocar sintomas semelhantes, e os dados da literatura sobre o assunto são escassos. No entanto o tratamento indicado para cada quadro clínico é diferente. Neste contexto este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as lesões anatomopatológicas das intoxicações em gatos na área de abrangência do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal Pelotas, através da revisão de arquivos do laboratório e necropsias realizadas. Foram estudados 24 casos de intoxicação. A história clínica foi fundamental para o estabelecimento do diagnóstico, além de sinais clínicos e lesões características. As substâncias implicadas foram derivadoscumarínicos, estricnina, etilenoglicol, fluoracetato, cola de carpete, antipulgas e Lilium sp.
Animais , Felidae , Intoxicação/diagnóstico , Intoxicação/veterinária , Estricnina/intoxicação , Lilium/intoxicaçãoResumo
This paper to describe a case of dysontogenic urethral metaplasia in a one month old mongrel feline who also had bilateral renal dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in cats are scarce and this change may be associated with renal dysplasia and/or lower urinary tract. The animal had history of abdominal enlargement since birth and dysuria, eliminating urine only dropwise. Due to the poor prognosis we opted for euthanasia. At necropsy was observed enlarged and distended bladder, reduced kidneys and dilated and tortuous ureters. The urethra was thickened, hard to cut, and histologically, was replacing the connective tissue, cartilage and endochondral ossification areas, which features dysontogenic metaplasia. Both kidneys presented primitive appearance featuring dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in urinary tract feline with renal dysplasia, has not been described.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever um caso de metaplasia disontogênica uretral em um felino sem raça definida de um mês de idade, que também apresentava displasia renal bilateral. Dados sobre metaplasia disontogênica em felinos são escassos e a alteração pode estar associada a displasia renal e/ou do trato urinário inferior. O animal apresentava histórico de aumento abdominal desde o nascimento e disúria, eliminando a urina apenas por gotejamento. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável optou-se pela eutanásia. Na necropsia observou-se bexiga aumentada e dilatada, rins diminuídos e ureteres dilatados e tortuosos. A uretra apresentava-se espessada e firme ao corte, e histologicamente, havia substituição ao tecido conjuntivo, áreas de cartilagem e zonas de ossificação endocondral, o que caracteriza metaplasia disontogênica. Ambos os rins apresentavam aspecto primitivo caracterizando a displasia renal. A metaplasia disontogênica no trato urinário de felinos com displasia renal, não tem sido descrita.
This paper to describe a case of dysontogenic urethral metaplasia in a one month old mongrel feline who also had bilateral renal dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in cats are scarce and this change may be associated with renal dysplasia and/or lower urinary tract. The animal had history of abdominal enlargement since birth and dysuria, eliminating urine only dropwise. Due to the poor prognosis we opted for euthanasia. At necropsy was observed enlarged and distended bladder, reduced kidneys and dilated and tortuous ureters. The urethra was thickened, hard to cut, and histologically, was replacing the connective tissue, cartilage and endochondral ossification areas, which features dysontogenic metaplasia. Both kidneys presented primitive appearance featuring dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in urinary tract feline with renal dysplasia, has not been described.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever um caso de metaplasia disontogênica uretral em um felino sem raça definida de um mês de idade, que também apresentava displasia renal bilateral. Dados sobre metaplasia disontogênica em felinos são escassos e a alteração pode estar associada a displasia renal e/ou do trato urinário inferior. O animal apresentava histórico de aumento abdominal desde o nascimento e disúria, eliminando a urina apenas por gotejamento. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável optou-se pela eutanásia. Na necropsia observou-se bexiga aumentada e dilatada, rins diminuÃdos e ureteres dilatados e tortuosos. A uretra apresentava-se espessada e firme ao corte, e histologicamente, havia substituição ao tecido conjuntivo, áreas de cartilagem e zonas de ossificação endocondral, o que caracteriza metaplasia disontogênica. Ambos os rins apresentavam aspecto primitivo caracterizando a displasia renal. A metaplasia disontogênica no trato urinário de felinos com displasia renal, não tem sido descrita.
This paper to describe a case of dysontogenic urethral metaplasia in a one month old mongrel feline who also had bilateral renal dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in cats are scarce and this change may be associated with renal dysplasia and/or lower urinary tract. The animal had history of abdominal enlargement since birth and dysuria, eliminating urine only dropwise. Due to the poor prognosis we opted for euthanasia. At necropsy was observed enlarged and distended bladder, reduced kidneys and dilated and tortuous ureters. The urethra was thickened, hard to cut, and histologically, was replacing the connective tissue, cartilage and endochondral ossification areas, which features dysontogenic metaplasia. Both kidneys presented primitive appearance featuring dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in urinary tract feline with renal dysplasia, has not been described.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever um caso de metaplasia disontogênica uretral em um felino sem raça definida de um mês de idade, que também apresentava displasia renal bilateral. Dados sobre metaplasia disontogênica em felinos são escassos e a alteração pode estar associada a displasia renal e/ou do trato urinário inferior. O animal apresentava histórico de aumento abdominal desde o nascimento e disúria, eliminando a urina apenas por gotejamento. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável optou-se pela eutanásia. Na necropsia observou-se bexiga aumentada e dilatada, rins diminuÃdos e ureteres dilatados e tortuosos. A uretra apresentava-se espessada e firme ao corte, e histologicamente, havia substituição ao tecido conjuntivo, áreas de cartilagem e zonas de ossificação endocondral, o que caracteriza metaplasia disontogênica. Ambos os rins apresentavam aspecto primitivo caracterizando a displasia renal. A metaplasia disontogênica no trato urinário de felinos com displasia renal, não tem sido descrita.