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Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(1): e016821, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360927


Abstract This study aimed to verify the occurrence of Dioctophyme renale in stray dogs in the city of Pelotas, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas received 146 wandering dogs for necropsy, sent by the City Hall of Pelotas from March 2012 to January 2020. Among the necropsied animals, seventeen dogs (11.64%) were diagnosed with dioctophymosis. Among these dogs, 11 were parasitized with one specimen in the right kidney, two dogs presented two specimens in the right kidney, and in other two dogs, the parasites were in the abdominal cavity. In one dog, two parasites were found in the left kidney; in another dog, both kidneys were parasitized, with two parasites in the right kidney and one in the left kidney. The data obtained in this study showed that the occurrence of D. renale in stray dogs in the city of Pelotas is high, and D. renale mainly parasitizes the right kidney.

Resumo Este trabalho possui como objetivo verificar a ocorrência de D. renale em cães errantes do município de Pelotas, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Universidade Federal de Pelotas recebeu 146 cães errantes para necropsia, encaminhados pela Prefeitura Municipal de Pelotas, no período de março de 2012 a janeiro de 2020. Dentre os cães necropsiados, 17 animais foram diagnosticados com dioctofimose, determinando uma ocorrência de 11,64%. Desses animais, onze estavam parasitados com um exemplar no rim direito, dois animais possuíam dois exemplares no rim direito. Em dois animais, os parasitas estavam na cavidade abdominal; em um animal havia, dois parasitas no rim esquerdo e noutro animal os dois rins estavam parasitados, tendo dois exemplares no rim direito e um exemplar no rim esquerdo. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho permitem concluir que é elevada a ocorrência de D. renale nos cães errantes do município de Pelotas, parasitando principalmente o rim direito.

Animais , Cães , Infecções por Enoplida/veterinária , Infecções por Enoplida/epidemiologia , Dioctophymatoidea , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Rim/parasitologia , Animais Selvagens
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): 772, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363814


Background: Penile fracture is a pathology of young cattle that perform precocious and disordered breeding. The incompatibility of height between males and females and sodomy between males cause a great pressure on the sigmoid flexure and retractor muscle of the penis, which are the main causes and sites of organ injury. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological aspects of penile fractures observed in young bulls raised in pre-export feedlots (PEFs) in southern Brazil. Cases: In 2 PEFs located in the municipalities of Pelotas (property 1) and Capão do Leão (property 2), 3 male cattle [1 from property 1 and 2 from property 2] presented subcutaneous edema in the foreskin and perineum, associated with dysuria. The evolution of the clinical picture was approximately 20 days in all cases, with evolution to death. The bovine necropsied on property 1 had an increased volume and inguinal edema, involving the penis and scrotal sac. Necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue and local musculature was also observed. The testicles were surrounded by the necrotic tissue, and the right testis was swollen, with flaccid parenchyma adhering to the tunica albuginea. In the necropsy of 1 bull from property 2, an increase in the inguinal volume was observed, with an extensive area of necrosis and edema extending from the prepuce to the caudal musculature of the scrotal sac. There were also marked varicosis in the sigmoid flexure and necrosis of the adjacent region, without the involvement of the corpus cavernosum. During the necropsy of the 2 young bulls, fragments of organs from the abdominal, thoracic, and brain cavities were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. From the bull of the property 2, an anatomical piece consisting of the penis, prepuce, and testicles was also collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the tissue samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, cut into 3-µm-thick sections, and stained using hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A histological evaluation of the penile lesions in both cattle revealed intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum. In addition to areas of dystrophic calcification, neutrophil and macrophage infiltration was also observed. In the bull from the property 1, an intense edema and proliferation of fibrous tissue surrounding the urethra were noted. There were also marked tubular degeneration and intense infiltration of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages in the inner portion of the tunica albuginea. Discussion: In the present cases, the diagnosis was based on epidemiological data associated with clinical signs and pathology. The macroscopic lesions observed were probably due to the involvement of blood vessels adjacent to the penis, which suffered trauma during sodomy mating among cattle. These lesions have been described in other reports of this pathology and in diseases, such as acropostitis-phimosis, fibropapilloma of the glans, preputial abscess, and urolithiasis, and the differential diagnosis of these diseases must be carried out, as they have different etiologies. In the bulls of the present study, no lesions were observed in the corpus cavernosum, and this condition was attributed to the presence of varicosis and accumulation of urine in the prepuce, due to the difficulty in exposing the penis. Histologically, there were intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum, with the infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages, and areas of dystrophic calcification. The presence of necrotic lesions in tissues adjacent to the penis may be related to hypoxia, vascular lesions, or the action of chemical elements present in the urine. In both cases, vascular lesions were present, which were attributed to the main triggering factor for the disease.

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Pênis/lesões , Ruptura/veterinária , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Brasil
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.738-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458546


Background: A listeriosis outbreak in a sheep fattening feedlot in the Southern Region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazilis described. This disease is caused by Listeria monocytogenes and represents a risk to public health since it affects notonly ruminants but also humans. This agent is widely spread in the environment, such as in the soil and water. It is alsofound in decaying vegetable matter and the feces and fluids of domestic animals. The aim of this study was to describe alisteriosis outbreak in sheep raised in feedlots, its epidemiology, and to establish the importance of this disease in this typeof sheep management system, evaluate the possible sources of infection, and suggest ways to control it.Cases: Sheep were kept in a 2-sector shed, one with east solar orientation and the other with west solar orientation, thelatter with free access to domestic birds. Sheep were fed silage and concentrate. Seven sheep were affected, 5 died and 2recovered. Clinically, the sheep displayed loss of balance, excessive drooling, and tremors; one exhibited circling, headdeviation, apathy, nystagmus, lateral recumbency, paddling, and labored breathing. At necropsy, macroscopic lesions werenot found, and histologically several micro-abscesses and perivascular cuffs with lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils were present in the brain stem. Listeria monocytogenes suspected colonies were observed in the microbiologicalculture, and the bacteria was identified by biochemical analysis. The immunohistochemistry test in brain stem sectionswas positive for the antibody BD DifcoTM Listeria O Antiserum Poly Serotypes 1 and 4.Discussion: A listeriosis outbreak in a feedlot sheep was confirmed through epidemiological findings, histological lesions,bacterial culture, and immunohistochemistry analysis. This infection is frequent...

Animais , Listeria monocytogenes/isolamento & purificação , Listeriose/epidemiologia , Listeriose/veterinária , Ovinos/microbiologia , Silagem/microbiologia , Sistema Nervoso Central/patologia , Brasil , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub. 738, Jan. 16, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32567


Background: A listeriosis outbreak in a sheep fattening feedlot in the Southern Region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazilis described. This disease is caused by Listeria monocytogenes and represents a risk to public health since it affects notonly ruminants but also humans. This agent is widely spread in the environment, such as in the soil and water. It is alsofound in decaying vegetable matter and the feces and fluids of domestic animals. The aim of this study was to describe alisteriosis outbreak in sheep raised in feedlots, its epidemiology, and to establish the importance of this disease in this typeof sheep management system, evaluate the possible sources of infection, and suggest ways to control it.Cases: Sheep were kept in a 2-sector shed, one with east solar orientation and the other with west solar orientation, thelatter with free access to domestic birds. Sheep were fed silage and concentrate. Seven sheep were affected, 5 died and 2recovered. Clinically, the sheep displayed loss of balance, excessive drooling, and tremors; one exhibited circling, headdeviation, apathy, nystagmus, lateral recumbency, paddling, and labored breathing. At necropsy, macroscopic lesions werenot found, and histologically several micro-abscesses and perivascular cuffs with lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils were present in the brain stem. Listeria monocytogenes suspected colonies were observed in the microbiologicalculture, and the bacteria was identified by biochemical analysis. The immunohistochemistry test in brain stem sectionswas positive for the antibody BD DifcoTM Listeria O Antiserum Poly Serotypes 1 and 4.Discussion: A listeriosis outbreak in a feedlot sheep was confirmed through epidemiological findings, histological lesions,bacterial culture, and immunohistochemistry analysis. This infection is frequent...(AU)

Animais , Listeriose/epidemiologia , Listeriose/veterinária , Ovinos/microbiologia , Silagem/microbiologia , Listeria monocytogenes/isolamento & purificação , Sistema Nervoso Central/patologia , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Brasil , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(8): 571-578, Aug. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135670


This review reports the leading causes of death in feedlot beef cattle. It describes economic losses resulting from these deaths and suggests control alternatives. Diseases associated with the respiratory and digestive systems were the most frequently observed. In different geographical areas, the importance of each one might vary. Outbreaks of diseases such as botulism occur occasionally and can cause important economic losses. Cattle tick fever can cause significant losses in zones of enzootic tick instability. Technical assistance and sanitary and food management are critical for the best productivity in feedlot cattle.(AU)

Esta revisão discute as principais causas de morte em bovinos de corte em confinamento. Descreve as perdas econômicas resultantes dessas mortes e sugere alternativas de controle. As doenças associadas aos sistemas respiratório e digestivo foram as mais frequentemente observadas. Em diferentes áreas geográficas, a importância de cada uma pode variar. Surtos de doenças como o botulismo ocorrem ocasionalmente e podem causar importantes perdas econômicas. A tristeza parasitária bovina pode causar perdas significativas em zonas de instabilidade enzoótica do carrapato. A assistência técnica e um bom gerenciamento sanitário e alimentar são essenciais para a melhor produtividade em bovinos de corte confinados.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Pneumonia/mortalidade , Pneumonia/prevenção & controle , Pneumonia/epidemiologia , Acidose Láctica/mortalidade , Acidose Láctica/prevenção & controle , Acidose Láctica/epidemiologia , Botulismo/prevenção & controle , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Bovinos/mortalidade , Flatulência/mortalidade , Flatulência/prevenção & controle , Flatulência/epidemiologia , Causas de Morte
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(8): 571-578, Aug. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31769


This review reports the leading causes of death in feedlot beef cattle. It describes economic losses resulting from these deaths and suggests control alternatives. Diseases associated with the respiratory and digestive systems were the most frequently observed. In different geographical areas, the importance of each one might vary. Outbreaks of diseases such as botulism occur occasionally and can cause important economic losses. Cattle tick fever can cause significant losses in zones of enzootic tick instability. Technical assistance and sanitary and food management are critical for the best productivity in feedlot cattle.(AU)

Esta revisão discute as principais causas de morte em bovinos de corte em confinamento. Descreve as perdas econômicas resultantes dessas mortes e sugere alternativas de controle. As doenças associadas aos sistemas respiratório e digestivo foram as mais frequentemente observadas. Em diferentes áreas geográficas, a importância de cada uma pode variar. Surtos de doenças como o botulismo ocorrem ocasionalmente e podem causar importantes perdas econômicas. A tristeza parasitária bovina pode causar perdas significativas em zonas de instabilidade enzoótica do carrapato. A assistência técnica e um bom gerenciamento sanitário e alimentar são essenciais para a melhor produtividade em bovinos de corte confinados.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Pneumonia/mortalidade , Pneumonia/prevenção & controle , Acidose Láctica/mortalidade , Acidose Láctica/prevenção & controle , Botulismo/prevenção & controle , Flatulência/mortalidade , Flatulência/prevenção & controle , Causas de Morte
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(4): 138-143, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472672


A raiva é uma doença infecciosa, potencialmente zoonótica, de distribuição mundial que afeta mamíferos domésticos, silvestres e humanos. Na América do Sul a raiva paralítica ocorre na forma de surtos cíclicos e é transmitida por morcegos hematófagos, principalmente o Desmodus rotundus. É uma doença responsável por prejuízos econômicos na pecuária, além de apresentar importância para a saúde pública. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de raiva suína diagnosticado no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, da Faculdade de Veterinária, da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. O caso ocorreu em uma propriedade localizada no município do Capão do Leão em um suíno, fêmea, sem raça definida, de dois anos de idade, criada em regime semiextensivo. Segundo o proprietário o animal apresentou apatia, anorexia, paralisia progressiva e decúbito lateral. Devido a evolução do quadro clínico foi realizada a eutanásia. Na necropsia não foram observadas lesões significativas. No exame histopatológico do encéfalo observou-se meningoencefalite não supurativa, manguito perivascular de linfócitos e raros eosinófilos, além de satelitose e gliose. Fragmentos do encéfalo e medula foram submetidos ao exame de Imunofluorescência Direta e prova biológica, confirmando o diagnóstico de raiva.

Rabies is a potentially zoonotic infectious disease with worldwide distribution that affects domestic, wild and human mammals. In South America, paralytic rabies occurs in the form of cyclic outbreaks and is transmitted by hematophagous bats, mainly Desmodus rotundus. It is a disease responsible for economic losses in livestock, besides of presenting importance to public health. This paper aims to report a case of swine rabies diagnosed at the Laboratório Regional de Diagnostico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas. The case occurred in a property located in the county of Capão do Leão in a female pig, twoyear-old, undefined breed, raised in a semi-extensive regime. According to the owner, the animal presented apathy, anorexia, progressive paralysis and lateral decubitus. Due to the evolution of the clinical condition, euthanasia was performed. At necropsy no significant lesions were observed. Histopathological examination of the brain showed non-suppurative meningoencephalitis, perivascular cuff of lymphocytes and rare eosinophils, as well as satelitosis and gliosis. Brain and spinal cord fragments were submitted to Direct Immunofluorescence and biological tests, confirming the diagnosis of rabies.

Animais , Doenças dos Suínos , Imunofluorescência/veterinária , Paralisia/veterinária , Raiva/veterinária , Zoonoses
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(2): 77-81, Feb. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1098448


Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is an infectious and zoonotic disease with socioeconomic importance, responsible for economic losses in livestock due to the decrease in animal productivity, mortality, bovine carcass condemnation and restriction on exportations. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the epidemiological aspects of this disease through a descriptive analysis and time series of cases of bovine tuberculosis diagnosed at the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD) of the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) from 2000 to 2015. A survey was carried out in the LRD database of cases diagnosed as tuberculosis in cattle during this period. The incidence rate of BTB ([cases/population] x 100000) was calculated. Qualitative variables (sex, age, race, origin, type of material and presumptive diagnosis) were analyzed in a descriptive way, aiming to establish the profile of affected animals, characterize the municipalities in which the disease is originated and also fix the main referral organs for diagnosis. The time series analysis was performed using the Gretl statistical software 1.9.12 (GNU Regression, Econometric and Time-series Library). To verify the existence of the stationary distribution, the test of Dickey-Fuller was used, considering a value of p<0.05. During this period, 331 cases of BTB were diagnosed in the LRD. The present study identified that the predominant profile of the bovines affected by tuberculosis was female bovine aged more than two years old and crossbreed; the main organ sent for histopathological examination was lymph nodes. The microregion of Pelotas presented the highest incidence of the disease. There was also a tendency of a decrease in the incidence rate of this disease over the years, absence of seasonal influence in the occurrence of the disease and no cases of epidemics occurred from 2002 to 2015 in the area covered by the LRD-UFPel.(AU)

Tuberculose bovina é uma enfermidade infectocontagiosa e zoonótica, de importância socioeconômica, responsável por prejuízos econômicos na pecuária em decorrência da diminuição na produtividade animal, mortalidades, condenações de carcaças e restrições nas exportações. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os aspectos epidemiológicos, por meio de uma análise descritiva e de séries temporais, dos casos de tuberculose bovina diagnosticados no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD-UFPel), no período de 2000 a 2015. Foi realizado um levantamento no banco de dados do LRD dos casos diagnosticados como tuberculose em bovinos, entre os anos de 2000 e 2015. Foi calculada a taxa de incidência da tuberculose bovina ([casos/população] x 100000). As variáveis qualitativas (sexo, idade, raça, procedência, tipo de material e diagnóstico presuntivo) foram analisadas de forma descritiva, tendo como finalidade estabelecer o perfil dos animais acometidos, caracterizar os municípios de origem, e estabelecer os principais órgãos remetidos para diagnóstico. A análise de série temporal foi feita através do software estatístico Gretl 1.9.12 (GNU Regression, Econometricand Time-series Library) e para verificar a existência da estacionariedade utilizou-se o teste de Dickey-Fuller aumentado, considerando um valor de p<0,05. Durante este período foram diagnosticados 331 casos de tuberculose bovina no LRD. O presente estudo permitiu concluir que o perfil predominante dos bovinos acometidos por tuberculose foi de fêmeas, com mais de dois anos de idade e mestiças; o principal órgão encaminhado para exame histopatológico foram linfonodos e a microrregião de Pelotas apresentou a maior incidência da doença. Foi constatada, ainda, uma tendência de queda na taxa de incidência da doença ao longo dos anos analisados, ausência de influência sazonal na ocorrência da enfermidade e, não foram registrados casos de epidemias nos anos de 2002 a 2015, na área de abrangência do LRD-UFPel.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Tuberculose Bovina/patologia , Tuberculose Bovina/epidemiologia , Bovinos , Estudos de Séries Temporais
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(5): 333-339, May 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135638


The causes of death of cattle kept in pre-export feedlots (PEFs) and in feedlot for finishing for slaughter are described. Two studies were conducted: a retrospective study of mortality cases in feedlots from 2000 to 2017 registered at the "Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico" of the "Faculdade de Veterinária" of the "Universidade Federal de Pelotas"; and a prospective study from January 2018 to August 2019, following up 22 feedlots for finishing and six PEFs for the export of live cattle. From January 2000 to August 2019 samples of 150 cases of diseases that affected feedlot cattle were received from 22 feedlots for finishing and 115 of the six PEFs followed. Mortality considering all diagnosed diseases was significantly higher in feedlots for finishing (p<0.05), than in PEFs for the export of live cattle, of 1% and 0.12%, respectively. Diseases of the digestive system were the most important causes, of death in feedlots regardless of its purpose. Acidosis presented the highest mortality rates both in feedlot for finishing (3.33%) as in PEFs for export (0.95%). In all cases the disease occurred due to failure in the adaptation of animals to the ingestion of concentrated foods. Bovine tick fever and pneumonia presented mortality rates of 0.13% and 0.09%, respectively in PEFs. In the feedlot for finishing seneciosis was the second cause of death due to cattle coming from areas with high infestation by the plant. In the present study, it was possible to identify the main diseases that occur in cattle feedlots for finishing or for the export of live animals in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul. These diseases are known in other systems of cattle breeding and can be prevented or controlled through management, chemoprophylaxis or vaccination, minimizing losses due to mortality.(AU)

Descrevem-se as causas de morte de bovinos mantidos confinados em estabelecimentos pré-embarque (EPEs) para exportação de animais vivos e em estabelecimentos de terminação para abate. Foram realizados dois estudos: um retrospectivo dos casos de mortalidade em confinamentos de 2000 a 2017 registrados no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas; e um estudo prospectivo de janeiro de 2018 a agosto de 2019, acompanhando-se 22 confinamentos de terminação e seis EPEs para exportação de bovinos vivos. No total, de janeiro de 2000 a agosto de 2019 foram recebidos no LRD-UFPel amostras de 150 casos de enfermidades que afetaram bovinos confinados, 35 provenientes de 22 confinamentos de terminação e 115 dos seis EPEs acompanhados. A mortalidade considerando-se todas as enfermidades diagnosticadas foi significativamente maior nos confinamentos para terminação (p<0,05), do que nos EPEs para exportação de bovinos vivos, de 1% e 0,12%, respectivamente. As doenças do sistema digestivo foram as causas de morte mais importante nos confinamentos, independente da finalidade. Acidose apresentou as maiores taxas de mortalidade tanto nos confinamentos para terminação (3,33%) como nos EPEs para exportação (0,95%). Em todos os casos a doença ocorreu devido a falha na adaptação dos animais à ingestão de alimentos concentrados. Tristeza parasitária bovina e pneumonias apresentaram taxas de mortalidade de 0,13% e 0,09, respectivamente em EPEs de exportação. Nos confinamentos para terminação a seneciose foi a segunda causa de morte devido aos bovinos serem provenientes de áreas com alta infestação pela planta. Este estudo permitiu identificar as principais enfermidades diagnosticadas em confinamentos para terminação de bovinos ou para exportação de bovinos vivos na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Observou-se que são doenças que ocorrem em outros sistemas de criação de bovinos e que podem ser prevenidas ou controladas por meio de manejo, quimioprofilaxia ou vacinação, minimizando prejuízos por mortalidade de animais.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Pneumonia/veterinária , Gastropatias/veterinária , Estômago de Ruminante , Acidose/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/mortalidade , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Doenças dos Bovinos/epidemiologia , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/veterinária , Quarentena/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(5): 355-359, May 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135631


Actinobacillosis outbreak with clinical manifestation of hippopotamus-like face observed in a property located in the municipality of Capão do Leão, Southern Brazil, in September 2016, is described. The cattle herd remained for most of the year in rice stubble. When these areas were occupied with new crops, they were transferred to areas where there were small native forests. Three cattle were affected. They presented a volume increase in the nasolabial and maxillary region, and there was also regional lymph node swelling. The evolution of the disease occurred in approximately six months. In tissue fragments collected for culture, Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated. The diagnosis was based on clinical findings, histopathological evaluation characterized by the presence of piogranulomas with Splendore Hoepli reaction in its center, bacterial isolation, and identification of A. lignieresii by polymerase chain reaction (PRC) and genetic sequencing.(AU)

Descreve-se um surto de actinobacilose com manifestação clínica de cara de hipopótamo diagnosticado em uma propriedade localizada no município do Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul em setembro de 2016. Os bovinos permaneciam durante a maior parte do ano em restevas de arroz e quando as áreas eram ocupadas com novas lavouras eram transferidos para áreas onde havia pequenas matas nativas. Foram afetados três bovinos adultos que apresentavam aumento de volume na região nasolabial e maxilar e havia, também, tumefação dos linfonodos regionais. A evolução da enfermidade era de aproximadamente seis meses. Nos fragmentos coletados para cultura houve isolamento de Actinobacillus lignieresii. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos achados clínicos, na avaliação histopatológica caracterizada pela presença de piogranulomas com reação de Splendori Hoepli no centro, no isolamento bacteriano, identificação de Actinobacillus lignieresii por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PRC) e sequenciamento genético.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Actinobacilose/diagnóstico , Actinobacilose/patologia , Actinobacilose/epidemiologia , Actinobacillus/isolamento & purificação , Doenças dos Bovinos/microbiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.507-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458334


Background: Xanthium spp., the cockleburs, are invasive plants found on riverbanks, lakeshores, and floodplains. Ingestion of Xanthium sprouts or fruit causes cocklebur toxicosis, which is characterized clinically and pathologically by acuteliver failure. The main lesion observed is an accentuation of the lobular pattern of the liver (nutmeg appearance), whichis microscopically characterized by coagulation necrosis in the centrilobular region, hepatocyte degeneration in otherregions of the hepatic parenchyma, and sinusoidal congestion. The objective of this study was to describe an outbreak ofspontaneous cattle poisoning by ingestion of Xanthium spp. sprouts in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.Case: In September 2018, a beef cattle farm located in Rio Grande county, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, reported significantmortality of cattle in a short period of time. There were 700 cattle on the property, divided by class into three differentherds, all kept under extensive conditions in native wetlands. All fields were heavily infested by cocklebur, with mostplants in the budding stage. Twenty animals developed muscle tremors, salivation, aggression, and recumbency. Theclinical course lasted 24 to 48 h, with a lethal outcome in all cases. An 18-month-old male crossbreed bovine was sent tothe Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) School of Veterinary Medicine fornecropsy. Gross examination revealed ascites and accentuation of the lobular pattern of the liver. Organ fragments wereharvested and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Microscopically, the liver exhibited marked coagulation necrosis in thecentrilobular region and vacuolization of the hepatocyte cytoplasm in the midzonal and periportal regions. In the brain,there was perineuronal edema, cytoplasmic shrinkage and basophilia, gliosis, and satellitosis...

Animais , Bovinos , Doença Hepática Induzida por Substâncias e Drogas/veterinária , Hepatopatias/veterinária , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Xanthium/intoxicação , Magnoliopsida , Plantas Tóxicas , Áreas Alagadas
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.583-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458410


Background: Multiple myelomas (MM) are malignant neoplasms originating in the bone marrow plasmacytes, and are characterized by the presence of persistent hyperglobulinemia. Although they are rarely found in domestic animals, the canine species is most affected. In felines, they represent less than 1% of hematopoietic neoplasms, and mainly occur in older animals aged 10-12 years. The aim of the present study was to report a case of multiple myeloma, with extramedullary plasmocytosis in a feline. Case: A 3-year-old feline, female, mixed breed, with a history of apathy, anorexia, halitosis, and vomiting was referred to the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD) at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). Oral examination revealed a cyanotic oral mucosa and ulcerative lesions on the gingiva. The necropsy showed generalized lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly, and hemorrhagic diathesis. Organ fragments were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, and stained using the routine hematoxylin and eosin technique. Selected sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) using the streptavidin-biotin method. The CD79a, CD138, CD3, and MUM1 antibodies were used. Histopathological evaluation of the bone marrow revealed hypercellularity with predominant round pleomorphic cells (90%), which presented an eccentric basophilic nucleus and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The same neoplastic cells infiltrated the gingival mucosa, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain. The IHC showed positive immunostaining for MUM1 and CD138 antibodies. Discussion: The diagnosis of MM in the present study was based on histopathology and by IHC. According to the literature, the presence of neoplastic plasmocytes in the bone marrow (>20%)...

Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Medula Óssea/patologia , Mieloma Múltiplo/patologia , Mieloma Múltiplo/veterinária , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias da Medula Espinal/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 583, 15 dez. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33448


Background: Multiple myelomas (MM) are malignant neoplasms originating in the bone marrow plasmacytes, and are characterized by the presence of persistent hyperglobulinemia. Although they are rarely found in domestic animals, the canine species is most affected. In felines, they represent less than 1% of hematopoietic neoplasms, and mainly occur in older animals aged 10-12 years. The aim of the present study was to report a case of multiple myeloma, with extramedullary plasmocytosis in a feline. Case: A 3-year-old feline, female, mixed breed, with a history of apathy, anorexia, halitosis, and vomiting was referred to the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD) at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). Oral examination revealed a cyanotic oral mucosa and ulcerative lesions on the gingiva. The necropsy showed generalized lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly, and hemorrhagic diathesis. Organ fragments were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, and stained using the routine hematoxylin and eosin technique. Selected sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) using the streptavidin-biotin method. The CD79a, CD138, CD3, and MUM1 antibodies were used. Histopathological evaluation of the bone marrow revealed hypercellularity with predominant round pleomorphic cells (90%), which presented an eccentric basophilic nucleus and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The same neoplastic cells infiltrated the gingival mucosa, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain. The IHC showed positive immunostaining for MUM1 and CD138 antibodies. Discussion: The diagnosis of MM in the present study was based on histopathology and by IHC. According to the literature, the presence of neoplastic plasmocytes in the bone marrow (>20%)...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Mieloma Múltiplo/patologia , Mieloma Múltiplo/veterinária , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterinária , Medula Óssea/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias da Medula Espinal/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(5): 333-339, mai. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31993


The causes of death of cattle kept in pre-export feedlots (PEFs) and in feedlot for finishing for slaughter are described. Two studies were conducted: a retrospective study of mortality cases in feedlots from 2000 to 2017 registered at the "Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico" of the "Faculdade de Veterinária" of the "Universidade Federal de Pelotas"; and a prospective study from January 2018 to August 2019, following up 22 feedlots for finishing and six PEFs for the export of live cattle. From January 2000 to August 2019 samples of 150 cases of diseases that affected feedlot cattle were received from 22 feedlots for finishing and 115 of the six PEFs followed. Mortality considering all diagnosed diseases was significantly higher in feedlots for finishing (p<0.05), than in PEFs for the export of live cattle, of 1% and 0.12%, respectively. Diseases of the digestive system were the most important causes, of death in feedlots regardless of its purpose. Acidosis presented the highest mortality rates both in feedlot for finishing (3.33%) as in PEFs for export (0.95%). In all cases the disease occurred due to failure in the adaptation of animals to the ingestion of concentrated foods. Bovine tick fever and pneumonia presented mortality rates of 0.13% and 0.09%, respectively in PEFs. In the feedlot for finishing seneciosis was the second cause of death due to cattle coming from areas with high infestation by the plant. In the present study, it was possible to identify the main diseases that occur in cattle feedlots for finishing or for the export of live animals in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul. These diseases are known in other systems of cattle breeding and can be prevented or controlled through management, chemoprophylaxis or vaccination, minimizing losses due to mortality.(AU)

Descrevem-se as causas de morte de bovinos mantidos confinados em estabelecimentos pré-embarque (EPEs) para exportação de animais vivos e em estabelecimentos de terminação para abate. Foram realizados dois estudos: um retrospectivo dos casos de mortalidade em confinamentos de 2000 a 2017 registrados no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas; e um estudo prospectivo de janeiro de 2018 a agosto de 2019, acompanhando-se 22 confinamentos de terminação e seis EPEs para exportação de bovinos vivos. No total, de janeiro de 2000 a agosto de 2019 foram recebidos no LRD-UFPel amostras de 150 casos de enfermidades que afetaram bovinos confinados, 35 provenientes de 22 confinamentos de terminação e 115 dos seis EPEs acompanhados. A mortalidade considerando-se todas as enfermidades diagnosticadas foi significativamente maior nos confinamentos para terminação (p<0,05), do que nos EPEs para exportação de bovinos vivos, de 1% e 0,12%, respectivamente. As doenças do sistema digestivo foram as causas de morte mais importante nos confinamentos, independente da finalidade. Acidose apresentou as maiores taxas de mortalidade tanto nos confinamentos para terminação (3,33%) como nos EPEs para exportação (0,95%). Em todos os casos a doença ocorreu devido a falha na adaptação dos animais à ingestão de alimentos concentrados. Tristeza parasitária bovina e pneumonias apresentaram taxas de mortalidade de 0,13% e 0,09, respectivamente em EPEs de exportação. Nos confinamentos para terminação a seneciose foi a segunda causa de morte devido aos bovinos serem provenientes de áreas com alta infestação pela planta. Este estudo permitiu identificar as principais enfermidades diagnosticadas em confinamentos para terminação de bovinos ou para exportação de bovinos vivos na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Observou-se que são doenças que ocorrem em outros sistemas de criação de bovinos e que podem ser prevenidas ou controladas por meio de manejo, quimioprofilaxia ou vacinação, minimizando prejuízos por mortalidade de animais.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Pneumonia/veterinária , Gastropatias/veterinária , Estômago de Ruminante , Acidose/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/mortalidade , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Doenças dos Bovinos/epidemiologia , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/veterinária , Quarentena/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(5): 355-359, mai 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31970


Actinobacillosis outbreak with clinical manifestation of hippopotamus-like face observed in a property located in the municipality of Capão do Leão, Southern Brazil, in September 2016, is described. The cattle herd remained for most of the year in rice stubble. When these areas were occupied with new crops, they were transferred to areas where there were small native forests. Three cattle were affected. They presented a volume increase in the nasolabial and maxillary region, and there was also regional lymph node swelling. The evolution of the disease occurred in approximately six months. In tissue fragments collected for culture, Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated. The diagnosis was based on clinical findings, histopathological evaluation characterized by the presence of piogranulomas with Splendore Hoepli reaction in its center, bacterial isolation, and identification of A. lignieresii by polymerase chain reaction (PRC) and genetic sequencing.(AU)

Descreve-se um surto de actinobacilose com manifestação clínica de cara de hipopótamo diagnosticado em uma propriedade localizada no município do Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul em setembro de 2016. Os bovinos permaneciam durante a maior parte do ano em restevas de arroz e quando as áreas eram ocupadas com novas lavouras eram transferidos para áreas onde havia pequenas matas nativas. Foram afetados três bovinos adultos que apresentavam aumento de volume na região nasolabial e maxilar e havia, também, tumefação dos linfonodos regionais. A evolução da enfermidade era de aproximadamente seis meses. Nos fragmentos coletados para cultura houve isolamento de Actinobacillus lignieresii. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos achados clínicos, na avaliação histopatológica caracterizada pela presença de piogranulomas com reação de Splendori Hoepli no centro, no isolamento bacteriano, identificação de Actinobacillus lignieresii por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PRC) e sequenciamento genético.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Actinobacilose/diagnóstico , Actinobacilose/patologia , Actinobacilose/epidemiologia , Actinobacillus/isolamento & purificação , Doenças dos Bovinos/microbiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 507, 5 jun. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31759


Background: Xanthium spp., the cockleburs, are invasive plants found on riverbanks, lakeshores, and floodplains. Ingestion of Xanthium sprouts or fruit causes cocklebur toxicosis, which is characterized clinically and pathologically by acuteliver failure. The main lesion observed is an accentuation of the lobular pattern of the liver (nutmeg appearance), whichis microscopically characterized by coagulation necrosis in the centrilobular region, hepatocyte degeneration in otherregions of the hepatic parenchyma, and sinusoidal congestion. The objective of this study was to describe an outbreak ofspontaneous cattle poisoning by ingestion of Xanthium spp. sprouts in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.Case: In September 2018, a beef cattle farm located in Rio Grande county, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, reported significantmortality of cattle in a short period of time. There were 700 cattle on the property, divided by class into three differentherds, all kept under extensive conditions in native wetlands. All fields were heavily infested by cocklebur, with mostplants in the budding stage. Twenty animals developed muscle tremors, salivation, aggression, and recumbency. Theclinical course lasted 24 to 48 h, with a lethal outcome in all cases. An 18-month-old male crossbreed bovine was sent tothe Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) School of Veterinary Medicine fornecropsy. Gross examination revealed ascites and accentuation of the lobular pattern of the liver. Organ fragments wereharvested and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Microscopically, the liver exhibited marked coagulation necrosis in thecentrilobular region and vacuolization of the hepatocyte cytoplasm in the midzonal and periportal regions. In the brain,there was perineuronal edema, cytoplasmic shrinkage and basophilia, gliosis, and satellitosis...(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Xanthium/intoxicação , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Hepatopatias/veterinária , Doença Hepática Induzida por Substâncias e Drogas/veterinária , Plantas Tóxicas , Magnoliopsida , Áreas Alagadas
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(2): 77-81, fev. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30459


Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is an infectious and zoonotic disease with socioeconomic importance, responsible for economic losses in livestock due to the decrease in animal productivity, mortality, bovine carcass condemnation and restriction on exportations. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the epidemiological aspects of this disease through a descriptive analysis and time series of cases of bovine tuberculosis diagnosed at the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD) of the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) from 2000 to 2015. A survey was carried out in the LRD database of cases diagnosed as tuberculosis in cattle during this period. The incidence rate of BTB ([cases/population] x 100000) was calculated. Qualitative variables (sex, age, race, origin, type of material and presumptive diagnosis) were analyzed in a descriptive way, aiming to establish the profile of affected animals, characterize the municipalities in which the disease is originated and also fix the main referral organs for diagnosis. The time series analysis was performed using the Gretl statistical software 1.9.12 (GNU Regression, Econometric and Time-series Library). To verify the existence of the stationary distribution, the test of Dickey-Fuller was used, considering a value of p<0.05. During this period, 331 cases of BTB were diagnosed in the LRD. The present study identified that the predominant profile of the bovines affected by tuberculosis was female bovine aged more than two years old and crossbreed; the main organ sent for histopathological examination was lymph nodes. The microregion of Pelotas presented the highest incidence of the disease. There was also a tendency of a decrease in the incidence rate of this disease over the years, absence of seasonal influence in the occurrence of the disease and no cases of epidemics occurred from 2002 to 2015 in the area covered by the LRD-UFPel.(AU)

Tuberculose bovina é uma enfermidade infectocontagiosa e zoonótica, de importância socioeconômica, responsável por prejuízos econômicos na pecuária em decorrência da diminuição na produtividade animal, mortalidades, condenações de carcaças e restrições nas exportações. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os aspectos epidemiológicos, por meio de uma análise descritiva e de séries temporais, dos casos de tuberculose bovina diagnosticados no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD-UFPel), no período de 2000 a 2015. Foi realizado um levantamento no banco de dados do LRD dos casos diagnosticados como tuberculose em bovinos, entre os anos de 2000 e 2015. Foi calculada a taxa de incidência da tuberculose bovina ([casos/população] x 100000). As variáveis qualitativas (sexo, idade, raça, procedência, tipo de material e diagnóstico presuntivo) foram analisadas de forma descritiva, tendo como finalidade estabelecer o perfil dos animais acometidos, caracterizar os municípios de origem, e estabelecer os principais órgãos remetidos para diagnóstico. A análise de série temporal foi feita através do software estatístico Gretl 1.9.12 (GNU Regression, Econometricand Time-series Library) e para verificar a existência da estacionariedade utilizou-se o teste de Dickey-Fuller aumentado, considerando um valor de p<0,05. Durante este período foram diagnosticados 331 casos de tuberculose bovina no LRD. O presente estudo permitiu concluir que o perfil predominante dos bovinos acometidos por tuberculose foi de fêmeas, com mais de dois anos de idade e mestiças; o principal órgão encaminhado para exame histopatológico foram linfonodos e a microrregião de Pelotas apresentou a maior incidência da doença. Foi constatada, ainda, uma tendência de queda na taxa de incidência da doença ao longo dos anos analisados, ausência de influência sazonal na ocorrência da enfermidade e, não foram registrados casos de epidemias nos anos de 2002 a 2015, na área de abrangência do LRD-UFPel.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Tuberculose Bovina/patologia , Tuberculose Bovina/epidemiologia , Bovinos , Estudos de Séries Temporais
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(4): 138-143, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29993


A raiva é uma doença infecciosa, potencialmente zoonótica, de distribuição mundial que afeta mamíferos domésticos, silvestres e humanos. Na América do Sul a raiva paralítica ocorre na forma de surtos cíclicos e é transmitida por morcegos hematófagos, principalmente o Desmodus rotundus. É uma doença responsável por prejuízos econômicos na pecuária, além de apresentar importância para a saúde pública. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de raiva suína diagnosticado no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, da Faculdade de Veterinária, da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. O caso ocorreu em uma propriedade localizada no município do Capão do Leão em um suíno, fêmea, sem raça definida, de dois anos de idade, criada em regime semiextensivo. Segundo o proprietário o animal apresentou apatia, anorexia, paralisia progressiva e decúbito lateral. Devido a evolução do quadro clínico foi realizada a eutanásia. Na necropsia não foram observadas lesões significativas. No exame histopatológico do encéfalo observou-se meningoencefalite não supurativa, manguito perivascular de linfócitos e raros eosinófilos, além de satelitose e gliose. Fragmentos do encéfalo e medula foram submetidos ao exame de Imunofluorescência Direta e prova biológica, confirmando o diagnóstico de raiva.(AU)

Rabies is a potentially zoonotic infectious disease with worldwide distribution that affects domestic, wild and human mammals. In South America, paralytic rabies occurs in the form of cyclic outbreaks and is transmitted by hematophagous bats, mainly Desmodus rotundus. It is a disease responsible for economic losses in livestock, besides of presenting importance to public health. This paper aims to report a case of swine rabies diagnosed at the Laboratório Regional de Diagnostico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas. The case occurred in a property located in the county of Capão do Leão in a female pig, twoyear-old, undefined breed, raised in a semi-extensive regime. According to the owner, the animal presented apathy, anorexia, progressive paralysis and lateral decubitus. Due to the evolution of the clinical condition, euthanasia was performed. At necropsy no significant lesions were observed. Histopathological examination of the brain showed non-suppurative meningoencephalitis, perivascular cuff of lymphocytes and rare eosinophils, as well as satelitosis and gliosis. Brain and spinal cord fragments were submitted to Direct Immunofluorescence and biological tests, confirming the diagnosis of rabies.(AU)

Animais , Doenças dos Suínos , Raiva/veterinária , Zoonoses , Paralisia/veterinária , Imunofluorescência/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 29(1): 129-134, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472465


Melanomas são neoplasias cutâneas, com origem em melanócitos. Estes neoplasmas são denominados como lesões melanocíticas e são classificados como nevo melanocítico, melanoma anaplásico e melanoma dérmico. Em equinos são mais frequentes em animais de pelagem tordilha. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de melanoma anaplásico, em um equino de pelagem tordilha encaminhado ao Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD), da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). No exame externo do cadáver foram observadas massas enegrecidas, sólidas, multilobuladas na região ventral da cauda, períneo e lábio superior. Na necropsia, foram observadas massas com as mesmas características nos linfonodos, músculos dos membros posteriores e no côndilo do osso occipital. Na avaliação histopatológica, de todos os tecidos, observou-se a proliferação de células com núcleos arredondados e abundante citoplasma, contendo grande quantidade de grânulos de melanina. Mitoses eram frequentes e havia acentuado pleomorfismo celular. Com base nos achados macroscópicos e microscópicos foi diagnosticado melanoma anaplásico.

Melanomas are cutaneous neoplasms, originating in melanocytes. These neoplasms are referred to as melanocytic lesions, and are classified as melanocytic nevus, anaplastic melanoma and dermal melanoma. In equines, they are more frequent in animals of tordilha coat. The objective of this study was to report a case of anaplastic melanoma in a tordilha fur horse referred to the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Veterinary School of the Federal University of Pelotas. In the external examination of the cadaver, blackened, solid masses, multilobulated in the ventral region of the tail, perineum and upper lip were observed. At necropsy, there were masses with the same characteristics in lymph nodes, muscles of the hind limbs and in the condyle of the occipital bone. Histologically it was observed in all tissues, proliferation of cells with rounded nuclei, and abundant cytoplasm, containing large amount of melanin granules. Mitoses were frequent and there was marked cellular pleomorphism. Based on macroscopic and microscopic findings, anaplastic melanoma was diagnosed.

Animais , Cavalos , Melanoma/patologia , Melanoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 29(1): 129-134, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21624


Melanomas são neoplasias cutâneas, com origem em melanócitos. Estes neoplasmas são denominados como lesões melanocíticas e são classificados como nevo melanocítico, melanoma anaplásico e melanoma dérmico. Em equinos são mais frequentes em animais de pelagem tordilha. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de melanoma anaplásico, em um equino de pelagem tordilha encaminhado ao Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD), da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). No exame externo do cadáver foram observadas massas enegrecidas, sólidas, multilobuladas na região ventral da cauda, períneo e lábio superior. Na necropsia, foram observadas massas com as mesmas características nos linfonodos, músculos dos membros posteriores e no côndilo do osso occipital. Na avaliação histopatológica, de todos os tecidos, observou-se a proliferação de células com núcleos arredondados e abundante citoplasma, contendo grande quantidade de grânulos de melanina. Mitoses eram frequentes e havia acentuado pleomorfismo celular. Com base nos achados macroscópicos e microscópicos foi diagnosticado melanoma anaplásico.(AU)

Melanomas are cutaneous neoplasms, originating in melanocytes. These neoplasms are referred to as melanocytic lesions, and are classified as melanocytic nevus, anaplastic melanoma and dermal melanoma. In equines, they are more frequent in animals of tordilha coat. The objective of this study was to report a case of anaplastic melanoma in a tordilha fur horse referred to the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Veterinary School of the Federal University of Pelotas. In the external examination of the cadaver, blackened, solid masses, multilobulated in the ventral region of the tail, perineum and upper lip were observed. At necropsy, there were masses with the same characteristics in lymph nodes, muscles of the hind limbs and in the condyle of the occipital bone. Histologically it was observed in all tissues, proliferation of cells with rounded nuclei, and abundant cytoplasm, containing large amount of melanin granules. Mitoses were frequent and there was marked cellular pleomorphism. Based on macroscopic and microscopic findings, anaplastic melanoma was diagnosed.(AU)

Animais , Melanoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Cavalos , Melanoma/patologia