This study aimed to investigate the effects of the systemic administration of acepromazine, tramadol and the association of both on intraocular pressure (IOP) and pupil diameter (PD) in young healthy cats. Cats were randomly allocated into three groups (n=10/each) and intramuscular acepromazine (AG), tramadol (TG) or acepromazine combined with tramadol (ATG) were injected. PD (electronic caliper) and IOP (applanation tonometry) were assessed before (baseline) and following 15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes of treatments. It was verified that in AG, PD decreased significantly from time point 30 to 120 (P=0.002), but such reduction did not differ significantly from baseline (P=0.89). In TG, PD increased significantly from the first 15 minutes, until the last time point of evaluation (P 0.001). In ATG, PD increased significantly from time point 30 to 120 when compared to baseline (P 0.001); but significant differences from time point 30 to 120 were not seen (P=0.71). Comparisons among groups showed that PD values of TG and ATG were significantly higher than that of AG (P 0.05). IOP values, on the other hand, did not change significantly among time points and groups (P>0.05). It can be concluded that tramadol alone or in association with acepromazine produced significant mydriasis for up to 120 minutes, without changing IOP values in normal cats. Results of this study suggested that tramadol alone or in association with acepromazine caused significant mydriasis and did not change IOP values in normal cats. Therefore, it may be considered a satisfactory pre-anesthetic combination for ophthalmic surgery in cats. However, further studies are warranted on the use of such protocols in cats with ophthalmic diseases undergoing ocular or intraocular surgery.(AU)
Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos da administração sistêmica da acepromazina, do tramadol e da associação de ambos sobre a pressão intraocular (PIO) e o diâmetro pupilar (DP) em gatos saudáveis jovens. Os gatos foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em três grupos (n=10/cada) e tratados pela via intramuscular com acepromazina (GA), tramadol (GT) ou acepromazina combinada ao tramadol (GAT). O DP (paquimetria eletrônica) e a PIO (tonometria de aplanação) foram mensurados antes (basal) e após 15, 30, 60, e 120 minutos após a administração dos tratamentos. Constatou-se que no GA, o DP reduziu significativamente a partir do 30 até o 120 minuto de avaliação (P=0.02), mas sem diferir significativamente em relação ao basal (P=0,89). No GT, o DP se elevou significativamente desde 15 minuto, até o último período de avaliação (P0.001). No GAT, o DP se elevou de forma significativa do 30 ao 120 minuto em comparação ao basal (P 0,001), mas esse parâmetro não alterou significativamente do 30º ao 120º minuto (P=0.71). Comparações entre os grupos mostraram que o DP do GT e do GAT apresentaram valores significativamente mais elevados que aqueles do GA (P 0,05). A PIO, por sua vez, não se alterou de forma significativa nos períodos e entre os grupos avaliados (P>0,05). Conclui-se que o tramadol, administrado de forma isolada ou em associação à acepromazina, produz midríase de até 120 minutos, sem alterar os valores da PIO em gatos saudáveis. Dessa forma, esse protocolo pré-anestésico pode ser considerado uma alternativa para cirurgia oftálmica em gatos. Todavia, os resultados desse protocolo em gatos com doença oftálmica, que necessitem de cirurgia, devem ser avaliados em estudos futuros.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Tramadol/efeitos adversos , Tramadol/análise , Acepromazina/efeitos adversos , Acepromazina/análise , Pressão Intraocular , Midríase/veterinária , Analgésicos Opioides , FenotiazinasResumo
This study aimed to investigate the effects of the systemic administration of acepromazine, tramadol and the association of both on intraocular pressure (IOP) and pupil diameter (PD) in young healthy cats. Cats were randomly allocated into three groups (n=10/each) and intramuscular acepromazine (AG), tramadol (TG) or acepromazine combined with tramadol (ATG) were injected. PD (electronic caliper) and IOP (applanation tonometry) were assessed before (baseline) and following 15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes of treatments. It was verified that in AG, PD decreased significantly from time point 30 to 120 (P=0.002), but such reduction did not differ significantly from baseline (P=0.89). In TG, PD increased significantly from the first 15 minutes, until the last time point of evaluation (P 0.001). In ATG, PD increased significantly from time point 30 to 120 when compared to baseline (P 0.001); but significant differences from time point 30 to 120 were not seen (P=0.71). Comparisons among groups showed that PD values of TG and ATG were significantly higher than that of AG (P 0.05). IOP values, on the other hand, did not change significantly among time points and groups (P>0.05). It can be concluded that tramadol alone or in association with acepromazine produced significant mydriasis for up to 120 minutes, without changing IOP values in normal cats. Results of this study suggested that tramadol alone or in association with acepromazine caused significant mydriasis and did not change IOP values in normal cats. Therefore, it may be considered a satisfactory pre-anesthetic combination for ophthalmic surgery in cats. However, further studies are warranted on the use of such protocols in cats with ophthalmic diseases undergoing ocular or intraocular surgery.
Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos da administração sistêmica da acepromazina, do tramadol e da associação de ambos sobre a pressão intraocular (PIO) e o diâmetro pupilar (DP) em gatos saudáveis jovens. Os gatos foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em três grupos (n=10/cada) e tratados pela via intramuscular com acepromazina (GA), tramadol (GT) ou acepromazina combinada ao tramadol (GAT). O DP (paquimetria eletrônica) e a PIO (tonometria de aplanação) foram mensurados antes (basal) e após 15, 30, 60, e 120 minutos após a administração dos tratamentos. Constatou-se que no GA, o DP reduziu significativamente a partir do 30 até o 120 minuto de avaliação (P=0.02), mas sem diferir significativamente em relação ao basal (P=0,89). No GT, o DP se elevou significativamente desde 15 minuto, até o último período de avaliação (P0.001). No GAT, o DP se elevou de forma significativa do 30 ao 120 minuto em comparação ao basal (P 0,001), mas esse parâmetro não alterou significativamente do 30º ao 120º minuto (P=0.71). Comparações entre os grupos mostraram que o DP do GT e do GAT apresentaram valores significativamente mais elevados que aqueles do GA (P 0,05). A PIO, por sua vez, não se alterou de forma significativa nos períodos e entre os grupos avaliados (P>0,05). Conclui-se que o tramadol, administrado de forma isolada ou em associação à acepromazina, produz midríase de até 120 minutos, sem alterar os valores da PIO em gatos saudáveis. Dessa forma, esse protocolo pré-anestésico pode ser considerado uma alternativa para cirurgia oftálmica em gatos. Todavia, os resultados desse protocolo em gatos com doença oftálmica, que necessitem de cirurgia, devem ser avaliados em estudos futuros.
Animais , Gatos , Acepromazina/análise , Acepromazina/efeitos adversos , Midríase/veterinária , Pressão Intraocular , Tramadol/análise , Tramadol/efeitos adversos , Analgésicos Opioides , FenotiazinasResumo
Background: The urethral prolapse in dogs is a rare condition known by the protrusion of the urethral mucous membrane and the external orifice of the urethra. It is more frequently seen in young males, especially of brachycephalic breeds, for instance the English bulldog. Despite the pathophysiology of this disorder being little elucidated, it is believed that the cause is related to factors such as genetic susceptibility, excessive sexual behavior, traumas, abnormalities and urinary and prostatic problems. Due to limited reports on the subject, this paper aims to describe the clinical and surgical aspects of a case of urethral prolapse in a dog, surgically corrected.Case: Admitted to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT) a dog, American Pit Bull, 7 months old, with previous history of bleeding in the penile region and pain while urinating. In the physical exam it presented: intermittent bleeding via external ostium of the urethra, increased volume and protrusion of the distal urethral mucous membrane and the external orifice of the urethra, which was presenting a round shape mass, edematous and little congested of red-purplish coloring, evidenced by the passing of urethral probe. The diagnosis of urethral prolapse was confirmed and, after conducting laboratory tests and obtaining normal results for the species, the animal was sent to surgery. It was opted for the technique of resection and anastomosis of the protruded portion of the mucous membrane. After the anesthetic protocol, it was performed the trichotomy and antisepsis of region, the fenestrated drapes were properly positioned and the urethral catheterization was done, afterwards 3 points of support were produced with nylon thread 3-0, involving the urethra and the external portion of the penis.[...]
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Prolapso , Uretra/cirurgia , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterináriaResumo
Background: The urethral prolapse in dogs is a rare condition known by the protrusion of the urethral mucous membrane and the external orifice of the urethra. It is more frequently seen in young males, especially of brachycephalic breeds, for instance the English bulldog. Despite the pathophysiology of this disorder being little elucidated, it is believed that the cause is related to factors such as genetic susceptibility, excessive sexual behavior, traumas, abnormalities and urinary and prostatic problems. Due to limited reports on the subject, this paper aims to describe the clinical and surgical aspects of a case of urethral prolapse in a dog, surgically corrected.Case: Admitted to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT) a dog, American Pit Bull, 7 months old, with previous history of bleeding in the penile region and pain while urinating. In the physical exam it presented: intermittent bleeding via external ostium of the urethra, increased volume and protrusion of the distal urethral mucous membrane and the external orifice of the urethra, which was presenting a round shape mass, edematous and little congested of red-purplish coloring, evidenced by the passing of urethral probe. The diagnosis of urethral prolapse was confirmed and, after conducting laboratory tests and obtaining normal results for the species, the animal was sent to surgery. It was opted for the technique of resection and anastomosis of the protruded portion of the mucous membrane. After the anesthetic protocol, it was performed the trichotomy and antisepsis of region, the fenestrated drapes were properly positioned and the urethral catheterization was done, afterwards 3 points of support were produced with nylon thread 3-0, involving the urethra and the external portion of the penis.[...](AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Prolapso , Uretra/cirurgia , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterináriaResumo
This study evaluated the hematological and biochemical changes, the safety, as well as the change in propofol dose required for anesthesia induction in dogs, pretreated or not, in response to a single dose or continuous use of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) firocoxib. Thirty animals mean weighing 8.1 kg and mean aged 3.38 years were included. The animals were then divided into groups: Group I (GI) did not receive firocoxib, Group II (GII) received a single dose (5 mg/kg) 90 minutes before anesthesia induction, and Group III (GIII) received the same dose (5 mg/kg) for 40 consecutive days before induction of anesthesia with propofol. Hematological and biochemical evaluations were conducted. The times of collection were defined by the mean time of maximum concentration and constant concentration in the blood of the NSAID. All variables remained within the reference range, but averages differed statistically between GII and GIII, according to the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The average doses of propofol were 6.6 mg/kg, 6.1 mg/kg, and 7.8 mg/kg for GI, GII, and GIII, respectively. Hematological and biochemical changes and increased propofol dose for induction of anesthesia in GIII, despite this can be safely used in association with propofol at the time of anesthesic induction; which must be taken into account because it may also change doses of the drug in other anesthetic methods.
Animais , Cães , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/administração & dosagem , /análise , Propofol/administração & dosagem , Propofol/análise , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterináriaResumo
This study evaluated the hematological and biochemical changes, the safety, as well as the change in propofol dose required for anesthesia induction in dogs, pretreated or not, in response to a single dose or continuous use of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) firocoxib. Thirty animals mean weighing 8.1 kg and mean aged 3.38 years were included. The animals were then divided into groups: Group I (GI) did not receive firocoxib, Group II (GII) received a single dose (5 mg/kg) 90 minutes before anesthesia induction, and Group III (GIII) received the same dose (5 mg/kg) for 40 consecutive days before induction of anesthesia with propofol. Hematological and biochemical evaluations were conducted. The times of collection were defined by the mean time of maximum concentration and constant concentration in the blood of the NSAID. All variables remained within the reference range, but averages differed statistically between GII and GIII, according to the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The average doses of propofol were 6.6 mg/kg, 6.1 mg/kg, and 7.8 mg/kg for GI, GII, and GIII, respectively. Hematological and biochemical changes and increased propofol dose for induction of anesthesia in GIII, despite this can be safely used in association with propofol at the time of anesthesic induction; which must be taken into account because it may also change doses of the drug in other anesthetic methods.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Propofol/administração & dosagem , Propofol/análise , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/administração & dosagem , Ciclo-Oxigenase 2/análise , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Análise Química do Sangue/veterináriaResumo
Background: Eyelid coloboma or eyelid agenesis is the most common congenital disease in cats. It can affect both the upper and the lower lids and is commonly bilateral. This congenital defect has been reported in several breeds, such as Persian and Domestic Short-Haired Cat. Generally, this defect results in inversion of the colobomatous eyelid, which can cause trichiasis and inflammatory keratitis and corneal ulceration. The only effective treatment is blepharoplasty. This paper describes the clinical and surgical aspects of four patients treated by lip commissure to eyelid transposition for the repair of eyelid coloboma using the technique described in 2010. Results of this procedure have never been reported in Brazil.Cases: Seven eyes of four cats presenting eyelid coloboma affecting up to two thirds of the eyelid were evaluated in this study. Two of the four cats were males and two were females; their average age was 3 years. All patients were admitted at the same institution, and the main issues were purulent discharge and impaired vision. Diagnosis was based on physical and ophthalmic examination. Non-ulcerative keratitis was present in all cases. Corneal ulcer was diagnosed in three patients by the fluorescein dye test. In two cats, a corneo-conjunctival dermoid was found at the temporal-dorsal region of one eye, and measured approximately 0.3 mm; and the other two [...]
Animais , Gatos , Blefaroplastia/veterinária , Coloboma/cirurgia , Pálpebras/anormalidades , Pálpebras/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Eyelid coloboma or eyelid agenesis is the most common congenital disease in cats. It can affect both the upper and the lower lids and is commonly bilateral. This congenital defect has been reported in several breeds, such as Persian and Domestic Short-Haired Cat. Generally, this defect results in inversion of the colobomatous eyelid, which can cause trichiasis and inflammatory keratitis and corneal ulceration. The only effective treatment is blepharoplasty. This paper describes the clinical and surgical aspects of four patients treated by lip commissure to eyelid transposition for the repair of eyelid coloboma using the technique described in 2010. Results of this procedure have never been reported in Brazil.Cases: Seven eyes of four cats presenting eyelid coloboma affecting up to two thirds of the eyelid were evaluated in this study. Two of the four cats were males and two were females; their average age was 3 years. All patients were admitted at the same institution, and the main issues were purulent discharge and impaired vision. Diagnosis was based on physical and ophthalmic examination. Non-ulcerative keratitis was present in all cases. Corneal ulcer was diagnosed in three patients by the fluorescein dye test. In two cats, a corneo-conjunctival dermoid was found at the temporal-dorsal region of one eye, and measured approximately 0.3 mm; and the other two [...](AU)
Animais , Gatos , Coloboma/cirurgia , Pálpebras/anormalidades , Pálpebras/cirurgia , Blefaroplastia/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of firocoxib for controlling experimentally-induced breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier in healthy and Toxoplasma gondii -seropositive cats. Thirty two cats with no ocular abnormalities were used. Groups (n=8/each) were formed with healthy cats that received 5mg g-1 of oral firocoxib (FH) or no treatment (CH) on day 0; seropositive cats for anti -T. gondii specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) were grouped (n=8/each) and treated in a similar fashion (FT and CT). On day 1, cats of all groups received the same treatment protocol, and 1h later, aqueocentesis was performed under general anesthesia (M0). Following 1h, the same procedure was repeated (M1). Quantitation of aqueous humor total protein and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) were determined. Aqueous samples of seropositive cats were tested for anti- T. gondii specific IgG. In M0, aqueous samples of CT showed a significantly higher concentration of PGE2 in comparison with other groups (P 0.05). In all groups, PGE2 concentration increased significantly from M0 to M1 (P=0.001). PGE2 values did not change significantly between groups in M1 (P=0.17). Anti- T. gondii specific IgG were reported only in samples of M1, and aqueous titers did not change significantly between FT and CT (P=0.11). Although we have observed that aqueous humor PGE2 levels were significantly higher in cats of CT group during M0, such increase was not able to break the blood-aqueous barrier and cause anterior uveitis. Firocoxib did not prevent intraocular inflammation after aqueocentesis, in healthy and toxoplasmosis-seropositive cats.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia do firocoxib no controle da quebra da barreira hematoaquosa experimentalmente induzida em gatos saudáveis e com sorologia positiva para toxoplasmose. Para tanto, utilizaram-se trinta e dois gatos sem alterações oculares, alocados em grupos (n=8/cada) compostos por gatos saudáveis que receberam tratamento prévio com 5mg g-1 de firocoxib oral (HF) ou sem nenhum tratamento (CH) no dia 0, e por gatos com sorologia positiva para toxoplasmose tratados de maneira similar (FT e CT). No dia 1, os gatos de todos os grupos receberam o mesmo protocolo de tratamento do dia anterior e, 1h depois, foram submetidos à paracentese da câmara anterior sob anestesia geral (M0). Após 1h, realizou-se nova paracentese (M1). Mediante a colheita de humor aquoso (M0 e M1), quantificaram-se os valores de proteína total e prostaglandina E2 (PGE2) das amostras. As amostras dos gatos com sorologia positiva para toxoplasmose foram também testadas para anticorpos anti- T. gondii IgG específicos. Em M0, as amostras de humor aquoso de CT apresentaram concentração de PGE2 significativamente superior aos demais grupos (P 0,05). Em todos os grupos, a concentração de PGE2 aumentou significativamente de M0 para M1 (P=0,001), no entanto, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos em M1 (P=0,17). Anticorpos anti -T. gondii IgG específicos foram encontrados somente em amostras de M1, e os títulos não diferiram significativamente entre FT e CT (P=0,11). Valores de PGE2 significativamente superiores no CT durante M0 não foram capazes de induzir a quebra da barreira hematoaquosa e causar uveíte anterior nos gatos deste estudo. O firocoxib, por sua vez, não foi capaz de prevenir a quebra da barreira hematoaquosa após realização de paracente na câmara anterior em gatos saudáveis e com sorologia positiva para toxoplasmose.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato , Dinoprostona , Toxoplasmose Animal , Barreira Hematoaquosa/efeitos dos fármacos , Anti-Inflamatórios , Oftalmopatias/veterináriaResumo
Background: The hip dysplasia (HD) is the abnormal growth or development of the hip joint which usually occurs bilaterally. It is manifested by varying degrees of laxity of the soft tissue, unstable, malformation of the femoral head and the acetabulum, and osteoarthritis. There is a wide variety of conservative and surgical options described in the literature, although none are considered ideal since they must consider all the factors involved and thus define the appropriate conduct. The study aims to report the case of a cat with bilateral hip dysplasia and contribute to the understanding of the disease in this species.Case: A feline male 24-month-old, mongrel, with approximately 4.5 kg was treated at the Veterinary Hospital UFMT - Campus Cuiabá, with a history of coordination problems. In the anamnesis the owner reported that the animal had fallen, which was followed by anorexia and apathy. Physical examination was not possible to identify the pain in the orthopedic tests, since the animal suffered from stress and could not be calmed. A blood-test and biochemical profile (urea, creatinine, alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, and albumin) were performed, which were within normal limits, except for urea and creatinine which showed serum elevation, suggesting an acute renal failure (ARF). The animal was hospitalized to correct the ARF. After 4 days of treatment there was...(AU)
A displasia coxofemoral (DCF) é o desenvolvimento ou crescimento anormal da articulação coxofemoral, em geral ocorre bilateralmente. Manifesta-se por vários graus de frouxidão dos tecidos moles, instabilidade, má formação da cabeça femoral e do acetábulo, e osteoartrite. Esta afecção é mais representativa em cães de grande porte, porém tem sido relatada em cães de raça toy e gatos [6]. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns são apatia, inapetência alimentar, limitação de movimentos e claudicação [7]. Já nos gatos os sinais clínicos são mais brandos, passando muitas vezes despercebidos pelos proprietários [5]. Os sinais radiográficos comuns a todas as espé- cies são o arrasamento acetabular, incongruência entre a cabeça femoral e o acetábulo com graus variáveis de luxação, deformação da cabeça e colo femoral e sinais de artrose nos casos crônicos [3]. Aspectos radiográficos de displasia coxofemoral em felinos são diferentes dos encontrados nos caninos, sendo o acetábulo raso, com remodelação e proliferação envolvendo a margem acetabular crâ- niodorsal e mínima remodelação do colo femoral [2]. Existe grande variedade de opções conservadoras ou cirúrgicas descritas na literatura, no entanto nenhuma é considerada ideal. Deve-se analisar todos os fatores envolvidos (idade, gravidade, achados radiográficos e físicos, presença de outras doenças e condição financeira do proprietário), para assim...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Desenvolvimento Ósseo/veterinária , Luxação do Quadril/veterinária , Cabeça do Fêmur/cirurgia , Dor/veterináriaResumo
Background: The hip dysplasia (HD) is the abnormal growth or development of the hip joint which usually occurs bilaterally. It is manifested by varying degrees of laxity of the soft tissue, unstable, malformation of the femoral head and the acetabulum, and osteoarthritis. There is a wide variety of conservative and surgical options described in the literature, although none are considered ideal since they must consider all the factors involved and thus define the appropriate conduct. The study aims to report the case of a cat with bilateral hip dysplasia and contribute to the understanding of the disease in this species.Case: A feline male 24-month-old, mongrel, with approximately 4.5 kg was treated at the Veterinary Hospital UFMT - Campus Cuiabá, with a history of coordination problems. In the anamnesis the owner reported that the animal had fallen, which was followed by anorexia and apathy. Physical examination was not possible to identify the pain in the orthopedic tests, since the animal suffered from stress and could not be calmed. A blood-test and biochemical profile (urea, creatinine, alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, and albumin) were performed, which were within normal limits, except for urea and creatinine which showed serum elevation, suggesting an acute renal failure (ARF). The animal was hospitalized to correct the ARF. After 4 days of treatment there was...
A displasia coxofemoral (DCF) é o desenvolvimento ou crescimento anormal da articulação coxofemoral, em geral ocorre bilateralmente. Manifesta-se por vários graus de frouxidão dos tecidos moles, instabilidade, má formação da cabeça femoral e do acetábulo, e osteoartrite. Esta afecção é mais representativa em cães de grande porte, porém tem sido relatada em cães de raça toy e gatos [6]. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns são apatia, inapetência alimentar, limitação de movimentos e claudicação [7]. Já nos gatos os sinais clínicos são mais brandos, passando muitas vezes despercebidos pelos proprietários [5]. Os sinais radiográficos comuns a todas as espé- cies são o arrasamento acetabular, incongruência entre a cabeça femoral e o acetábulo com graus variáveis de luxação, deformação da cabeça e colo femoral e sinais de artrose nos casos crônicos [3]. Aspectos radiográficos de displasia coxofemoral em felinos são diferentes dos encontrados nos caninos, sendo o acetábulo raso, com remodelação e proliferação envolvendo a margem acetabular crâ- niodorsal e mínima remodelação do colo femoral [2]. Existe grande variedade de opções conservadoras ou cirúrgicas descritas na literatura, no entanto nenhuma é considerada ideal. Deve-se analisar todos os fatores envolvidos (idade, gravidade, achados radiográficos e físicos, presença de outras doenças e condição financeira do proprietário), para assim...
Animais , Gatos , Cabeça do Fêmur/cirurgia , Doenças do Desenvolvimento Ósseo/veterinária , Luxação do Quadril/veterinária , Dor/veterináriaResumo
Control of oral lesions contributes directly to the health, survival and welfare of captive animals. In order to investigate the occurrence of oral diseases in neotropical wild carnivores kept at the zoo at the Federal University of Mato Grosso Cuiabá, we evaluated 31 oral cavities from three families of carnivores (Felidae, Canidae and Procyonidae) between July 2012 and June 2013. Twelve coatis (Nasua nasua), three raccoons (Procyon cancrivorus), two maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), six crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), one hoary fox (Pseudalopex vetulus), three ocelots (Leopardus pardalis), one cougar (Puma concolor) and three wild cats (Puma yagouaroundi, Leopardus wiedii and Leopardus colocolo) were reviewed. The most frequent lesions were dental absences 21/31 (67.7%), dental fractures 20/31 (64.5%) and tooth wear 19/31 (61.3%), which were suggestive of trauma caused from stress. Of lesser importance, we also observed occurrence of dental calculus grade I in 18/31 (58%), caries 1/31 (3.2%), foreign bodies 2/31 (6.4%), orofacial fistulas 1/31 (3.2%), hyperplasia in the oral mucosa 1/31 (3.2%), dental dimming 3/31 (9.7%) and chafing of the soft tissue 5/31 (16.1%). Therefore, it was concluded that environmental enrichment strategies and oral routine evaluation must be implemented to ensure the welfare of these animals, reducing local and systemic adverse effects of oral lesions. The diet has been successful in preventing periodontal disease, suggesting that this diet for the captive animals in the institution should be maintained.(AU)
O controle de lesões odontoestomatológicas contribui diretamente na saúde, sobrevivência e bem-estar dos animais cativos. Este estudo objetivou investigar a ocorrência de afecções orais em carnívoros selvagens neotropicais mantidos no zoológico da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso Cuiabá. Foram avaliadas 31 cavidades orais de três famílias (Felidae, Canidae e Procyonidae), no período de julho de 2012 a junho de 2013, sendo doze quatis (Nasua nasua), três mãos-peladas (Procyon cancrivorus), dois lobos-guarás (Chrysocyon brachyurus), seis lobinhos (Cerdocyon thous), uma raposa (Pseudalopex vetulus), três jaguatiricas (Leopardus pardalis), uma onça-parda (Puma concolor) e três gatos selvagens (Puma yaguaroundi, Leopardus wiedii e Leopardus colocolo). As lesões mais frequentes foram ausências dentárias 21/31 (67,7%), fraturas dentárias 20/31 (64,5%) e desgastes dentários 19/31 (61,3%), as quais foram sugestivas de traumas, proveniente de estresse. Foram ainda observados com menor expressão, acúmulo de cálculo dentário grau I em 18/31 (58%), cárie 1/31 (3,2%), corpo estranho 2/31 (6,4%), fístula orofacial 1/31 (3,2%), hiperplasia na mucosa oral 1/31 (3,2%), escurecimento dental 3/31 (9,7%) e escoriações em tecidos moles 4/31 (12,9%). Logo, foi possível concluir que estratégias de enriquecimento ambiental e rotina de avaliação odontoestomatológica são importantes para garantir o bem-estar desses animais, reduzindo as consequências negativas locais e sistêmicas das lesões orais. A dieta utilizada mostrou-se eficiente na prevenção de doença periodontal, sugerindo a manutenção da mesma na alimentação dos animais cativos da instituição.(AU)
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Animais de Zoológico , Doenças Estomatognáticas/veterinária , Odontologia/veterináriaResumo
Estudou-se a morfologia do funículo espermático em caprinos com escroto bipartido e não bipartido. Foram formados três grupos de caprinos: I - escroto não bipartido; II - escroto bipartido até 50% do comprimento testicular; e III - escroto bipartido acima de 50% do comprimento testicular. O comprimento do funículo espermático, o músculo cremáster, o segmento da artéria testicular do funículo e histologia do funículo espermático foram avaliados. Em todos os grupos, a artéria testicular mostrou-se única (95%) ou dividida (5%), rodeada por veias sem válvulas e com diâmetros variados e irregulares. No grupo I, o tecido adiposo subcapsular envolvia as veias, fato não observado nos demais grupos. Nos grupos II e III, esse tecido apresentou-se em placas, circundando o funículo, tornando-se mais espesso próximo ao mesoducto, sugerindo isolamento térmico entre os vasos e o ducto deferente. Os caprinos do grupo III apresentaram maior comprimento do funículo (média=10,25cm) e da artéria testicular (média=152,80cm), em comparação com os grupos I (8,06 e 103,25 cm) e II (8,60 e 121,80 cm). Esse fato pode favorecer as trocas térmicas entre sangue arterial e venoso. O comprimento do músculo cremáster não diferiu estatisticamente (P>0,05) entre os grupos I (19,37cm), II (18,61cm) e III (20,06cm). Desse modo, concluiu-se que a bipartição escrotal proporciona variações no funículo espermático de caprinos.
We studied the morphology of the spermatic funicle in goats according to their scrotum conformation. Animals were divided into three experimental groups: I non-bipartite scrotum; II - bipartite scrotum up to 50% of testicular length; and III bipartite scrotum over 50% of testicular length. We evaluated the length of the spermatic funicle, cremaster muscle, the segment of the umbilical artery and spermatic funicle histology. In all groups the testicular artery was found to be single (95%) or divided (5%), surrounded by numerous veins without valves and varied and irregular diameters. In group I, the subcapsular adipose tissue was involving the veins. In groups II and III, this tissue was showed as plates surrounding the funicle, becoming thicker near the mesoductus, suggesting the presence of thermal insulation between the vessels and the vas deferens. We found that goats from group III showed greater length of funiculus (mean=10.25cm) and testicular artery (mean=152.80 cm), in comparison with groups I (8.06 and 103.25 cm) and II (8.60 and 121.80 cm). This may facilitate heat exchange between arterial and venous blood. The length of the cremaster muscle did not differ statistically (P>0.05) between groups I (19.37 cm), II (18.61) and III (20.06 cm).
Masculino , Animais , Escroto/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Estudou-se a morfologia do funículo espermático em caprinos com escroto bipartido e não bipartido. Foram formados três grupos de caprinos: I - escroto não bipartido; II - escroto bipartido até 50% do comprimento testicular; e III - escroto bipartido acima de 50% do comprimento testicular. O comprimento do funículo espermático, o músculo cremáster, o segmento da artéria testicular do funículo e histologia do funículo espermático foram avaliados. Em todos os grupos, a artéria testicular mostrou-se única (95%) ou dividida (5%), rodeada por veias sem válvulas e com diâmetros variados e irregulares. No grupo I, o tecido adiposo subcapsular envolvia as veias, fato não observado nos demais grupos. Nos grupos II e III, esse tecido apresentou-se em placas, circundando o funículo, tornando-se mais espesso próximo ao mesoducto, sugerindo isolamento térmico entre os vasos e o ducto deferente. Os caprinos do grupo III apresentaram maior comprimento do funículo (média=10,25cm) e da artéria testicular (média=152,80cm), em comparação com os grupos I (8,06 e 103,25 cm) e II (8,60 e 121,80 cm). Esse fato pode favorecer as trocas térmicas entre sangue arterial e venoso. O comprimento do músculo cremáster não diferiu estatisticamente (P>0,05) entre os grupos I (19,37cm), II (18,61cm) e III (20,06cm). Desse modo, concluiu-se que a bipartição escrotal proporciona variações no funículo espermático de caprinos.(AU)
We studied the morphology of the spermatic funicle in goats according to their scrotum conformation. Animals were divided into three experimental groups: I non-bipartite scrotum; II - bipartite scrotum up to 50% of testicular length; and III bipartite scrotum over 50% of testicular length. We evaluated the length of the spermatic funicle, cremaster muscle, the segment of the umbilical artery and spermatic funicle histology. In all groups the testicular artery was found to be single (95%) or divided (5%), surrounded by numerous veins without valves and varied and irregular diameters. In group I, the subcapsular adipose tissue was involving the veins. In groups II and III, this tissue was showed as plates surrounding the funicle, becoming thicker near the mesoductus, suggesting the presence of thermal insulation between the vessels and the vas deferens. We found that goats from group III showed greater length of funiculus (mean=10.25cm) and testicular artery (mean=152.80 cm), in comparison with groups I (8.06 and 103.25 cm) and II (8.60 and 121.80 cm). This may facilitate heat exchange between arterial and venous blood. The length of the cremaster muscle did not differ statistically (P>0.05) between groups I (19.37 cm), II (18.61) and III (20.06 cm).(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Escroto/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Control of oral lesions contributes directly to the health, survival and welfare of captive animals. In order to investigate the occurrence of oral diseases in neotropical wild carnivores kept at the zoo at the Federal University of Mato Grosso Cuiabá, we evaluated 31 oral cavities from three families of carnivores (Felidae, Canidae and Procyonidae) between July 2012 and June 2013. Twelve coatis (Nasua nasua), three raccoons (Procyon cancrivorus), two maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), six crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), one hoary fox (Pseudalopex vetulus), three ocelots (Leopardus pardalis), one cougar (Puma concolor) and three wild cats (Puma yagouaroundi, Leopardus wiedii and Leopardus colocolo) were reviewed. The most frequent lesions were dental absences 21/31 (67.7%), dental fractures 20/31 (64.5%) and tooth wear 19/31 (61.3%), which were suggestive of trauma caused from stress. Of lesser importance, we also observed occurrence of dental calculus grade I in 18/31 (58%), caries 1/31 (3.2%), foreign bodies 2/31 (6.4%), orofacial fistulas 1/31 (3.2%), hyperplasia in the oral mucosa 1/31 (3.2%), dental dimming 3/31 (9.7%) and chafing of the soft tissue 5/31 (16.1%). Therefore, it was concluded that environmental enrichment strategies and oral routine evaluation must be implemented to ensure the welfare of these animals, reducing local and systemic adverse effects of oral lesions. The diet has been successful in preventing periodontal disease, suggesting that this diet for the captive animals in the institution should be maintained.
O controle de lesões odontoestomatológicas contribui diretamente na saúde, sobrevivência e bem-estar dos animais cativos. Este estudo objetivou investigar a ocorrência de afecções orais em carnívoros selvagens neotropicais mantidos no zoológico da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso Cuiabá. Foram avaliadas 31 cavidades orais de três famílias (Felidae, Canidae e Procyonidae), no período de julho de 2012 a junho de 2013, sendo doze quatis (Nasua nasua), três mãos-peladas (Procyon cancrivorus), dois lobos-guarás (Chrysocyon brachyurus), seis lobinhos (Cerdocyon thous), uma raposa (Pseudalopex vetulus), três jaguatiricas (Leopardus pardalis), uma onça-parda (Puma concolor) e três gatos selvagens (Puma yaguaroundi, Leopardus wiedii e Leopardus colocolo). As lesões mais frequentes foram ausências dentárias 21/31 (67,7%), fraturas dentárias 20/31 (64,5%) e desgastes dentários 19/31 (61,3%), as quais foram sugestivas de traumas, proveniente de estresse. Foram ainda observados com menor expressão, acúmulo de cálculo dentário grau I em 18/31 (58%), cárie 1/31 (3,2%), corpo estranho 2/31 (6,4%), fístula orofacial 1/31 (3,2%), hiperplasia na mucosa oral 1/31 (3,2%), escurecimento dental 3/31 (9,7%) e escoriações em tecidos moles 4/31 (12,9%). Logo, foi possível concluir que estratégias de enriquecimento ambiental e rotina de avaliação odontoestomatológica são importantes para garantir o bem-estar desses animais, reduzindo as consequências negativas locais e sistêmicas das lesões orais. A dieta utilizada mostrou-se eficiente na prevenção de doença periodontal, sugerindo a manutenção da mesma na alimentação dos animais cativos da instituição.