The essential oils are extracted from plant compounds and can present activities antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The goals of the present study were: (a) to determine the chemical composition of the essential oil of Guarea kunthiana A. Juss using the method of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS); (b) to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of this oil using the broth microdilution method against different microorganisms: five Gram-negative bacteria, four Gram-positive bacteria and a yeast and (c) to determine the antioxidant activity of the oil using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free radical assay. The GC-MS analyses allowed identifying 13 constituents, representing 96.52% of the essencial oil composition. The main compounds identified were -zingiberene (34.48%), -sesquiphellandrene (22.90%), and -curcumene (16.17%). With respect to the antimicrobial activity, the essential oil was effective against all the microorganisms tested, except for the bacteria E. coli and K. pneumoniae, which were resistant to the action of the oil. From a general point of view, Gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible to the action of the essential oil than Gram-negative bacteria. The essential oil exhibited antioxidant potential.(AU)
Os óleos essenciais são compostos extraídos de plantas e podem apresentar propriedades antimicrobianas e antioxidantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi (a) determinar a composição química do óleo essencial de Guarea kunthiana A. Juss pelo método de cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM); (b) avaliar o potencial antimicrobiano deste óleo pelo método de microdiluição em caldo frente a diferentes micro-organismos, sendo cinco bactérias Gram-negativas, quatro Gram-positivas uma levedura e (c) por fim, determinar a atividade antioxidante do óleo pelo método de captura do radical livre 2,2-difenil-1-picril hidrazil (DPPH). As análises de CG-EM resultaram na identificação de 13 constituintes, representando 96,52% da composição do óleo essencial. Os principais compostos identificados foram -Zingibereno (34,48%), -Sesquifelandreno (22,90%) e -Curcumeno (16,17%). Em relação à atividade antimicrobiana, o óleo essencial foi efetivo frente a todos os micro-organismos testados exceto para as bactérias E. coli e K. pneumoniae, as quais se apresentaram resistentes à ação do óleo. Em geral, as bactérias Gram-positivas foram mais suscetíveis à ação do óleo essencial em relação às Gram-negativas. O óleo essencial apresentou potencial.(AU)
Meliaceae/química , Meliaceae/imunologia , Antioxidantes/análise , Anti-Infecciosos/análise , Óleos VoláteisResumo
Abstract The essential oils are extracted from plant compounds and can present activities antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The goals of the present study were: (a) to determine the chemical composition of the essential oil of Guarea kunthiana A. Juss using the method of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS); (b) to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of this oil using the broth microdilution method against different microorganisms: five Gram-negative bacteria, four Gram-positive bacteria and a yeast and (c) to determine the antioxidant activity of the oil using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free radical assay. The GC-MS analyses allowed identifying 13 constituents, representing 96.52% of the essencial oil composition. The main compounds identified were -zingiberene (34.48%), -sesquiphellandrene (22.90%), and -curcumene (16.17%). With respect to the antimicrobial activity, the essential oil was effective against all the microorganisms tested, except for the bacteria E. coli and K. pneumoniae, which were resistant to the action of the oil. From a general point of view, Gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible to the action of the essential oil than Gram-negative bacteria. The essential oil exhibited antioxidant potential.
Resumo Os óleos essenciais são compostos extraídos de plantas e podem apresentar propriedades antimicrobianas e antioxidantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi (a) determinar a composição química do óleo essencial de Guarea kunthiana A. Juss pelo método de cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM); (b) avaliar o potencial antimicrobiano deste óleo pelo método de microdiluição em caldo frente a diferentes micro-organismos, sendo cinco bactérias Gram-negativas, quatro Gram-positivas uma levedura e (c) por fim, determinar a atividade antioxidante do óleo pelo método de captura do radical livre 2,2-difenil-1-picril hidrazil (DPPH). As análises de CG-EM resultaram na identificação de 13 constituintes, representando 96,52% da composição do óleo essencial. Os principais compostos identificados foram -Zingibereno (34,48%), -Sesquifelandreno (22,90%) e -Curcumeno (16,17%). Em relação à atividade antimicrobiana, o óleo essencial foi efetivo frente a todos os micro-organismos testados exceto para as bactérias E. coli e K. pneumoniae, as quais se apresentaram resistentes à ação do óleo. Em geral, as bactérias Gram-positivas foram mais suscetíveis à ação do óleo essencial em relação às Gram-negativas. O óleo essencial apresentou potencial.
Abstract The essential oils are extracted from plant compounds and can present activities antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The goals of the present study were: (a) to determine the chemical composition of the essential oil of Guarea kunthiana A. Juss using the method of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS); (b) to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of this oil using the broth microdilution method against different microorganisms: five Gram-negative bacteria, four Gram-positive bacteria and a yeast and (c) to determine the antioxidant activity of the oil using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free radical assay. The GC-MS analyses allowed identifying 13 constituents, representing 96.52% of the essencial oil composition. The main compounds identified were -zingiberene (34.48%), -sesquiphellandrene (22.90%), and -curcumene (16.17%). With respect to the antimicrobial activity, the essential oil was effective against all the microorganisms tested, except for the bacteria E. coli and K. pneumoniae, which were resistant to the action of the oil. From a general point of view, Gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible to the action of the essential oil than Gram-negative bacteria. The essential oil exhibited antioxidant potential.
Resumo Os óleos essenciais são compostos extraídos de plantas e podem apresentar propriedades antimicrobianas e antioxidantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi (a) determinar a composição química do óleo essencial de Guarea kunthiana A. Juss pelo método de cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM); (b) avaliar o potencial antimicrobiano deste óleo pelo método de microdiluição em caldo frente a diferentes micro-organismos, sendo cinco bactérias Gram-negativas, quatro Gram-positivas uma levedura e (c) por fim, determinar a atividade antioxidante do óleo pelo método de captura do radical livre 2,2-difenil-1-picril hidrazil (DPPH). As análises de CG-EM resultaram na identificação de 13 constituintes, representando 96,52% da composição do óleo essencial. Os principais compostos identificados foram -Zingibereno (34,48%), -Sesquifelandreno (22,90%) e -Curcumeno (16,17%). Em relação à atividade antimicrobiana, o óleo essencial foi efetivo frente a todos os micro-organismos testados exceto para as bactérias E. coli e K. pneumoniae, as quais se apresentaram resistentes à ação do óleo. Em geral, as bactérias Gram-positivas foram mais suscetíveis à ação do óleo essencial em relação às Gram-negativas. O óleo essencial apresentou potencial.
Abstract The goals of the study were to determinethe antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oil and plant extracts aqueous and ethanolic of Psidium cattleianum Sabine; the chemical composition of the essential oil of P. cattleianum; and the phytochemical screening of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the same plant. Regarding the antimicrobial activity, the ethanolic extract exhibited moderate antimicrobial activity with respect to bacteria K. pneumoniae and S. epidermidis, whereas, regarding other microorganisms, it showed activity considered weak. The aqueous extract and the essential oil showed activity considered weak, although they inhibited the growth of microorganisms. About the antioxidant potential, the ethanolic and aqueous extracts exhibited a scavenging index exceeding 90%, while the essential oil didn´t show significant antioxidant activity. Regarding the phytochemical composition, the largest class of volatile compounds identified in the essential oil of P. cattleianum included the following terpenic hydrocarbons: -copaene (22%); eucalyptol (15%), -cadinene (9.63%) and -selinene (6.5%). The phytochemical screening of extracts showed the presence of tannins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids for aqueous and ethanolic extracts. The extracts and essential oils inhibit the growth of microrganisms and plant extracts showed significant antioxidant activity. Also, the phytochemical characterization of the essential oil showed the presence of compounds interest commercial, as well as extracts showed the presence of important classes and compounds with biological activities.(AU)
Resumo Os objetivos do trabalho foram determinar as atividades antimicrobiana e antioxidante do óleo essencial e dos extratos vegetais aquoso e etanólico de Psidium cattleianum Sabine; a composição química do óleo essencial P. cattleianum e a triagem fitoquímica dos extratos vegetais aquoso e etanólico da mesma planta. Quanto à atividade antimicrobiana, o extrato etanólico apresentou atividade antimicrobiana moderada frente as bactérias K. pneumonieae e S. epidermidis, enquanto frente aos demais micro-organismos apresentou atividade considerada fraca. O extrato aquoso e o óleo essencial apresentaram atividade considerada fraca, embora tenham inibido o crescimento dos micro-organismos. Em relação ao potencial antioxidante, os extratos etanólico e aquoso apresentaram índice de sequestro superior a 90%, enquanto o óleo essencial não apresentou atividade antioxidante significativa. Para a composição fitoquímica, a maior classe de compostos voláteis identificados no óleo essencial de P. cattleianum foram os hidrocarbonetos terpênicos, sendo eles: -copaeno (22%), eucaliptol (15%), -cadineno (9,63%) e -selineno (6,5%). Na triagem fitoquímica dos extratos verificou-se a presença de taninos, flavonóides e triterpenóides tanto para o extrato aquoso quanto etanólico. Os extratos e óleo essencial inibiram o crescimento dos micro-organismos e os extratos vegetais apresentaram atividade antioxidante significativa. Também, a caracterização fitoquímica do óleo essencial mostrou a presença de compostos de interesse comercial, assim como os extratos apresentaram a presença de classes e compostos com importantes atividades biológicas.(AU)
Psidium/imunologia , Psidium/microbiologia , Antioxidantes/análise , Anti-Infecciosos , Óleos VoláteisResumo
Abstract The goals of the study were to determinethe antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oil and plant extracts aqueous and ethanolic of Psidium cattleianum Sabine; the chemical composition of the essential oil of P. cattleianum; and the phytochemical screening of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the same plant. Regarding the antimicrobial activity, the ethanolic extract exhibited moderate antimicrobial activity with respect to bacteria K. pneumoniae and S. epidermidis, whereas, regarding other microorganisms, it showed activity considered weak. The aqueous extract and the essential oil showed activity considered weak, although they inhibited the growth of microorganisms. About the antioxidant potential, the ethanolic and aqueous extracts exhibited a scavenging index exceeding 90%, while the essential oil didn´t show significant antioxidant activity. Regarding the phytochemical composition, the largest class of volatile compounds identified in the essential oil of P. cattleianum included the following terpenic hydrocarbons: -copaene (22%); eucalyptol (15%), -cadinene (9.63%) and -selinene (6.5%). The phytochemical screening of extracts showed the presence of tannins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids for aqueous and ethanolic extracts. The extracts and essential oils inhibit the growth of microrganisms and plant extracts showed significant antioxidant activity. Also, the phytochemical characterization of the essential oil showed the presence of compounds interest commercial, as well as extracts showed the presence of important classes and compounds with biological activities.
Resumo Os objetivos do trabalho foram determinar as atividades antimicrobiana e antioxidante do óleo essencial e dos extratos vegetais aquoso e etanólico de Psidium cattleianum Sabine; a composição química do óleo essencial P. cattleianum e a triagem fitoquímica dos extratos vegetais aquoso e etanólico da mesma planta. Quanto à atividade antimicrobiana, o extrato etanólico apresentou atividade antimicrobiana moderada frente as bactérias K. pneumonieae e S. epidermidis, enquanto frente aos demais micro-organismos apresentou atividade considerada fraca. O extrato aquoso e o óleo essencial apresentaram atividade considerada fraca, embora tenham inibido o crescimento dos micro-organismos. Em relação ao potencial antioxidante, os extratos etanólico e aquoso apresentaram índice de sequestro superior a 90%, enquanto o óleo essencial não apresentou atividade antioxidante significativa. Para a composição fitoquímica, a maior classe de compostos voláteis identificados no óleo essencial de P. cattleianum foram os hidrocarbonetos terpênicos, sendo eles: -copaeno (22%), eucaliptol (15%), -cadineno (9,63%) e -selineno (6,5%). Na triagem fitoquímica dos extratos verificou-se a presença de taninos, flavonóides e triterpenóides tanto para o extrato aquoso quanto etanólico. Os extratos e óleo essencial inibiram o crescimento dos micro-organismos e os extratos vegetais apresentaram atividade antioxidante significativa. Também, a caracterização fitoquímica do óleo essencial mostrou a presença de compostos de interesse comercial, assim como os extratos apresentaram a presença de classes e compostos com importantes atividades biológicas.
Beauveria bassiana is naturally found in broiler chicken houses, and has been shown to be active against the lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus. The effectiveness of soil application of B. bassiana in emulsifiable oil-type formulation (Unioeste 4 isolate) to control the lesser mealworm in commercial poultry house was evaluated. The fungus was applied to the dirt floor of poultry house at 4.2 × 109 conidia/m2 (treated aviary) and the insect population was assessed before and 96, 146 and 216 days after application (DAA). In the control aviary, no treatment was performed to control those insects. Molecular techniques were used to confirm the presence of the fungus in dead A. diaperinus. Significant treatment effects were observed, with 56% and 73% of insect population reduction on 96 and 146 DAA, respectively. However, on 216 DDA, insect population resumed to values close to those initially observed. In the control aviary, the population grew steadily, reaching almost 110% the initial population on 96 DAA, and close to 200% on 216 DDA. The results demonstrate the potential of the applied control strategy, even with a single application of the fungus; however, reapplications may be required after 3-6 months for more effective control.
Animais , Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Beauveria/classificação , Beauveria/isolamento & purificação , Controle Biológico de VetoresResumo
Beauveria bassiana is naturally found in broiler chicken houses, and has been shown to be active against the lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus. The effectiveness of soil application of B. bassiana in emulsifiable oil-type formulation (Unioeste 4 isolate) to control the lesser mealworm in commercial poultry house was evaluated. The fungus was applied to the dirt floor of poultry house at 4.2 × 109 conidia/m2 (treated aviary) and the insect population was assessed before and 96, 146 and 216 days after application (DAA). In the control aviary, no treatment was performed to control those insects. Molecular techniques were used to confirm the presence of the fungus in dead A. diaperinus. Significant treatment effects were observed, with 56% and 73% of insect population reduction on 96 and 146 DAA, respectively. However, on 216 DDA, insect population resumed to values close to those initially observed. In the control aviary, the population grew steadily, reaching almost 110% the initial population on 96 DAA, and close to 200% on 216 DDA. The results demonstrate the potential of the applied control strategy, even with a single application of the fungus; however, reapplications may be required after 3-6 months for more effective control.(AU)