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Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(2): 573-584, mar.-abr. 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368837


In pig farming, measurements of production parameters play a fundamental role in the success of the activity. Minimal differences in fertility between breeders can lead to less reproductive efficiency and, less productivity. However, assessing the fertility of each male and the early identification of subfertile males is a difficult task to be performed. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of in vitro and in vivo parameters in the identification of subfertile males of the Landrace breed, aiming to collaborate with genetic improvement programs, routine optimization in the Genetic Diffusion Units (GDUs) and the results of performance. In experiment 1, an approach to identify males with subfertility was evaluated based on retrospective data. For this, the results (averages of birth rates, number of total births and average percentages of female and male piglets per litter) were evaluated for a total of 996 matings and 847 parturitions. The inseminations came from ejaculates of 32 males, who had at least 19 females inseminated with homospermic doses in the concentration of 2.5 x 109 total sperm from the same male. As for the birth rate (BR), an average of 85.47% ± 6.05 was observed with a group of median males, seven males that stood out and one individual (M32) with a performance of 58.06% ± 9.0. For the total number of piglets born (PB) the average was 13.41 ± 0.56, with three males with better performance and one (M32) with very poor performance (8.62 ± 0.59). In experiment 2, it was verified whether evaluations of inseminating doses (ID) of semen in vitro (motility and sperm morphology) after 96 hours of storage had correlations with fertility in vivo, which can be used to identify subfertile males. The evaluations were performed on 30 ejaculates regarding the means of BR and PB, considering only those who had at least 7 females inseminated. There were no correlations between the motility assessments and semen morphological changes and the reproductive parameters evaluated. The results obtained in vivo, referring to BR and PB, demonstrated that it was possible to identify differences between males, the individual (M32) had the worst results for the percentages of BR and PB. It is concluded that there are males of high and low fertility and that only the in vitro analyzes carried out in this study are not enough to categorize them, however, the evaluation of retrospective data was efficient for this purpose.(AU)

Na suinocultura moderna, as mensurações de parâmetros de produção têm papel fundamental para o sucesso da atividade. No entanto, a avaliação da fertilidade de cada macho e a identificação precoce de machos subférteis é uma tarefa difícil de ser realizada. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a utilização de parâmetros in vivo e in vitro na identificação de machos subférteis da raça Landrace, visando colaborar com os programas de melhoramento genético, otimização da rotina nas Unidade de Difusão Genética (UDGs) e dos resultados a campo. No experimento 1, foi proposta uma abordagem de identificação dos machos subférteis tendo como base dados retrospectivos. Para isso, foram avaliados os resultados (médias das taxas de parto, número de nascidos totais e média das porcentagens de leitões fêmeas e machos por leitegada) de um total de 996 coberturas e 847 partos. As inseminações foram oriundas de ejaculados de 32 machos, que tiveram ao menos 19 fêmeas cobertas com doses homospérmicas na concentração de 2,5 x 109 de espermatozoides totais e obrigatoriamente do mesmo macho. Quanto a taxa de parto (TP) obtivemos uma média de 85,47% ± 6,05 e observou-se um grupo de machos medianos, sete machos que se destacaram positivamente e um indivíduo (M32) com um desempenho 58,06 ± 9,0. Para número de leitões nascidos totais (NT) obtivemos uma média de 13,41 ± 0,56 e notou-se três machos com melhor desempenho e um (M32) com péssimo desempenho (8,62 ± 0,59). No experimento 2, foi verificado se as avaliações das doses inseminantes (DI) de sêmen in vitro (motilidade e morfologia espermática) após 96 horas de armazenamento apresentaram correlação com a fertilidade in vivo. As avaliações foram realizadas em 30 ejaculados quanto às médias de TP e NT, considerando apenas ejaculados que tiveram ao menos 7 fêmeas inseminadas. Não foram verificadas correlações entre as avaliações de motilidade e alterações morfológicas do sêmen com os parâmetros produtivos avaliados. Os resultados obtidos in vivo, referentes a TP e NT, mostrou que foi possível identificar diferença entre os machos, onde o indivíduo (M32) apresentou os piores resultados para as porcentagens de TP e NT. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que existem machos de alta e baixa fertilidade e que somente as análises in vitro realizadas neste estudo não são suficientes para categorizá-los, no entanto, a avaliação de dados retrospectivos foi eficiente para esta finalidade.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Suínos , Técnicas In Vitro , Melhoramento Genético , Fertilidade , Inseminação
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210106, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442689


The objective of this study was to characterize and understand the investment profile towards technologies for control and automation of climate control on swine farms, focused on integrated producers on the same integration system. A structured questionnaire including open, dichotomic, or multiple-choice questions was responded by 190 integrated producers classified as nursery (28,300 swines), wean-to-finish (WTF; 144,388 swines), or finishing unit (FU; 164,185 swines) farms. Data were described and categorized according to the type of integrated producer (nursery, WTF, and FU) and income history during a 24-month interval. The most predominant farmer profile was of a 44.5-year-old man, with incomplete secondary education. Furthermore, the majority of the farms had family-based labor with an average area of 43.6±65.5 ha and ~2.4 economic activities developed. Overall, a reduced labor availability was observed, although the integrated producers declared to be satisfied with the activities. Interestingly, integrated producers with a better income history declared a longer working (high = 37; average = 31; regular = 31; low = 28 min). The investment profile in automation technologies is conservative; however, potential improvements in pig performance were the most popular justification for potential investments. Furthermore, high costs, knowledge in technologies, interest rates, and quality of the available material are the limiting factors for investing in environment control. A total of 74% of the integrated producers considered the activity as economically profitable. Lastly, the uptake of environmental control technologies is strongly associated with the average income received by farmers.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Tecnologia , Enquete Socioeconômica