PURPOSE: To evaluate the interference of radiographic factors in the appearance of sensory deficit related to inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) after third molars (3Ms) removal. METHODS: A prospective, double-blind, observational, unicentric study was performed with 126 patients submitted to a surgical procedure of lower 3Ms removal in the period from March to October/2011. Collected data included gender, age, eruption stage of 3Ms, position/angle of 3Ms (Pell-Gregory and Winter classifications, respectively), presence/absence of radiographic signs of 3Ms proximity with the inferior alveolar canal and surgical technique. Occurrence evaluation of the IAN injury was performed on the seventh postoperative day through pin-prick, two-point discrimination and brush directional stroke tests. RESULTS: Predominant radiographic signs were: narrowing of the inferior alveolar canal (68.25%), darkening of root (46.82%) and diversion of the canal (31%). None of the patients presented sensory loss. Sixty-one (48.41%) of the cases had at least one or two radiographic signs of proximity with NAI. Forty-seven (37.3%) had 3 or more signs, and 18 (14.29%) did not have any radiographic signs of proximity to mandibular canal. CONCLUSION: There was not a positive correlation between presence of radiographic signs of 3Ms with IAN proximity and postoperative neurosensory disorders occurrence.(AU)
Animais , Dente Molar/anatomia & histologia , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologia , Dente/anatomia & histologia , RadiografiaResumo
PURPOSE: To conduct a systematized review of the literature about the main local hemostatic measures to control postoperative bleeding in anticoagulated patients. METHODS: A systematized review of literature was performed in the electronic database Medline (PubMed) without restriction of the publication date. The eligibility criteria were studies involving maintenance of the anticoagulant therapy, prospective studies, retrospective studies, randomized clinical trials, controlled clinical studies, comparative studies, multicentric studies or case-control studies. Studies discontinuing anticoagulant therapy, case reports, literature reviews, in vitro studies, animal experiments and articles written in language not compatible with the search strategy adopted in this work were excluded. RESULTS: Twenty-four articles that met the adopted eligibility criteria were selected, enrolling 3891 subjects under anticoagulant therapy. A total of 171 cases of hemorrhage was observed. Tranexamic acid was the main local hemostatic measure used to controlling of postoperative bleeding. CONCLUSION: The local hemostatic measures proved to be effective according to previously published studies. Nevertheless, further clinical studies should be conducted to confirm this effectiveness.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Anticoagulantes , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios , Cirurgia BucalResumo
PURPOSE: To conduct a systematized review of the literature about the main methodologies used to evaluate the biomechanical fixation systems with titanium plates in fractures of the mandibular condyle. METHODS: A systematized review of literature was performed in the electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS and MEDLINE without restriction of the publication date. The eligibility criteria were laboratory studies involving mandibular condyle fractures, studies using titanium plates, biomechanical studies, in vitro and computational studies involving the finite element method (FEM). RESULTS: Eleven articles that met the eligibility criteria were selected, including seven articles involving in vitro studies and four studies with biomechanical analysis by using FEM. CONCLUSION: Although few articles have used the finite element method, the results of in vitro studies were similar to those found in computational studies, regarding to the stable use of two titanium miniplates.(AU)
OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão sistematizada da literatura sobre as principais metodologias empregadas na avaliação biomecânica de sistemas de fixação com placas de titânio em fraturas de côndilo mandibular. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma revisão sistematizada da literatura nas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS e MEDLINE sem restrição quanto à data de publicação. Os critérios de elegibilidade foram estudos laboratoriais envolvendo fraturas de côndilo mandibular, estudos utilizando placas de titânio, estudos biomecânicos, estudos in vitro e estudos computacionais envolvendo o método de elementos finitos (MEF). RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 11 artigos que se enquadraram nos critérios de elegibilidade, incluindo sete artigos envolvendo estudos in vitro e quatro utilizando análise biomecânica através do MEF. CONCLUSÃO: Embora poucos artigos tenham utilizado o método de elementos finitos, os resultados das pesquisas in vitro assemelham-se aos encontrados nos estudos computacionais, com relação ao uso estável de duas miniplacas de titânio.(AU)
Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Titânio/uso terapêutico , Côndilo Mandibular/anatomia & histologia , Fixação de FraturaResumo
PURPOSE: To study the main effects of local use of liquid nitrogen on bone marrow tissue in rats. METHODS: The femoral diaphyses of 42 Wistar rats were exposed to three local and sequential applications of liquid nitrogen for one or two minutes, intercalated with periods of five minutes of passive thawing. The animals were sacrificed after one, two, four and 12 weeks and the specimens obtained were analyzed histomorphologically. RESULTS: In the second experimental week of one-minute protocol, histological degree of inflammation obtained a mean score of one (mild), ranging from 0 (absent or scarce) and two (moderate) (Kruskal-Wallis test p=0.01). In the second experimental week of two-minute protocol, degree of inflammation to the medullar tissue obtained an average score of two (Kruskal-Wallis test p=0.01). CONCLUSION: The degree of inflammation of the bone marrow tissue was higher in protocol of three applications of two minutes compared to protocol of three applications of one minute.(AU)
OBJETIVO: Investigar os principais efeitos do uso local de nitrogênio líquido sobre o tecido medular ósseo em ratos. MÉTODOS: As diáfises femorais de 42 ratos Wistar foram expostas a três aplicações sequenciais locais de nitrogênio líquido por um ou dois minutos, intercaladas por períodos de cinco minutos de degelo espontâneo. Os animais foram sacrificados após uma, duas, quatro e 12 semanas e os espécimes obtidos foram analisados histomorfologicamente. RESULTADOS: Na segunda semana experimental do protocolo de um minuto, o grau histológico de inflamação obteve um escore médio de um (leve) variando entre 0 (ausente ou escarço) a dois (moderado) (Teste de Kruskal-Wallis p=0.01). Na segunda semana experimental do protocolo de dois minutos, o grau histológico de inflamação do tecido medular obteve um escore máximo de dois (moderado) (Teste de Kruskal-Wallis p=0.01). CONCLUSÃO: O grau de inflamação do tecido medular ósseo foi maior no protocolo de três aplicações de dois minutos comparado ao protocolo de três aplicações de um minuto.(AU)