This study mapped cattle carcass lesions and associated the isoline maps with the occurrence factors of these lesions. Isoline maps were drawn by common kriging. The associated occurrence factors were the layout of the boards in the crowding tub (CT), characteristics of the hauling truck (general state and the presence of loose and/or sharp boards), broken boards in the corral (BBC), type of road covered (TRC), and animal falls upon unloading at the slaughterhouse (FAUS). The BBC showed a higher number of carcass lesions in the rib region. The data on FAUS and deterioration of hauling trucks fit an exponential model, with more carcass lesions in the rib and hindquarters, and plate regions, respectively. The data on spaced boards in the CT and TRC (mixed) showed greater carcass lesions in the rib region. Therefore, this method provides important information about the spatial distribution of lesions in bovine carcasses, and the drawing sheet used is adequate to represent such lesions.(AU)
Bovinos/lesões , Carne/análise , Abate de Animais/métodosResumo
To gain insights into the forage morphological and anatomical characteristics in a silvopastoral system (SPS) with Bolsa de Pastor (Zeyheria tuberculosa) and palisadegrass 'Marandu' (Urochloa brizantha) monoculture (MONO). The SPS was established through natural regeneration of the tree species. Treatments were a SPS and MONO distributed in a completely randomized design with six replicates and repeated measures were the harvest periods. Response variables were morpho-physiological and anatomical characteristicss: green: dead material ratio, leaf blade: stem+sheath ratio, leaf area index, chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations, proportions of non-lignified and achlorophyllous areas, lignified areas in stems, proportions of non-lignified and achlorophyllous areas, lignified and chlorophyllous areas in leaves, as well as cell length in longitudinal section of stem. Morpho-physiological patterns were altered (p < 0.05) under natural shading conditions due to higher photosynthetic efficiency in the SPS. There was no effect (p > 0.05) of the systems on anatomical patterns, proportions of non-lignified and achlorophyllous, lignified and chlorophyllous tissues, these proportions were influenced only by the periods of the year, both for stems and leaves. Cells of the internodes of the grasses of the studied systems had the same length. The SPS alters morpho-physiological characteristics of palisadegrass and increases the concentration of chlorophyll a and b.(AU)
Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Poaceae/anatomia & histologia , PastagensResumo
The objective was to evaluate the performance and ingestivebehavior of grazing sheep in the finishing stage, with supplementation in the period of water restriction. Fifteen male crossbred sheep were used in continuous pasture in Massai grass and supplied supplement formulated with 18% of crude protein in three levels (0.0; 0.3 and 0.6% of body weight), individually. Bromatological and fodder production analyses were performed, as well as foliar mass production, stem mass and senescent material mass. The performance and ingestive behavior of the animals were evaluated. The design was in four randomized blocks for the variables measured in the fodder. For the biometry, weight gain and behavior variables measured in the animals, the design was entirely randomized with five repetitions. The total forage mass production was 5512.41 kg ha-1, with 6.58% of crude protein, 79 38% of neutral detergent fiber and with 65% of foliar mass. The total weight gain and daily weight gain were higher in animals that received a supplement of 0.6% of body weight. In general, the animalsgrazed more in the morning period and the supplemented ones destined more time for rumination and leisure than the ones not supplemented.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Aumento de Peso , Pastagens , Ração Animal , Peso CorporalResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding exogenous enzymes to the diet on nutrient intake and digestibility, nitrogen balance, ingestive behavior and rumen movement of ewe lambs. Five ewe lambs, Dorper x Santa Inês crossbred, with an average age of 7 ± 1 months, average weight of 36.40 ± 2.36 kg were assigned in a 5x5 Latin square design. The treatments consisted of adding exogenous enzymes to the concentrate: Allzyme, Fibrozyme®, Amaize®, Mix and Control. Analyses of variance were applied and means were compared by the SNK test, and non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test at 5% significance. The dry matter intake in relation to body weight, crude protein intake and nitrogen intake were higher with the use of amylolytic enzyme compared to the other treatments (p <0.05). Nitrogen balance was higher with the use of amylolytic enzymes and the Allzyme® enzyme complex (p <0.05). A longer time spent in total chewing was observed with the inclusion of fibrolytic and amylolytic enzymes without changes in rumen movement. The use of exogenous enzymes promotes better use of nutrients, with high digestibility of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber and crude protein.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Alimentos Fortificados , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Ruminação Digestiva/fisiologia , Valor NutritivoResumo
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of extruded roughage Foragge® with different additives on intake, digestibility nutrients and nitrogen balance of sheep. Twenty adults, non-pregnant ewes with average weight 68 kg were used. The treatments were extruded roughage with additives (essential oil, virginiamycin, unpurified inactive yeast, tannin and purified inactive yeast). The design was in randomized blocks. The means were contrasted by SNK test, and the fecal score was tested by the Kruskal Wallis test (1952), at 5% significance. There was no difference in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen, water, water in relation to dry matter, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (p > 0.05). As well as the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber, the fecal weight, fecal nitrogen, retained nitrogen and nitrogen retained in relation to nitrogen ingested (p > 0.05). However, dry matter intake as a function of body weight and metabolic weight, urinary nitrogen, hemicellulose intake, and hemicellulose as a function of NDF, were higher in the Foragge Factor® treatment (p < 0.05). The inclusion of different additives in the extruded roughage improved nutritional parameters, without causing disturbances.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Aditivos Alimentares/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Taninos/efeitos adversos , Leveduras , Óleos Voláteis/efeitos adversos , Virginiamicina/efeitos adversos , Ionóforos/efeitos adversosResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the dry matter digestibility, intake and metabolic profile of ewe lambs fed active or inactive yeasts in the diet containing fibrolytic enzyme. Twenty crossbred animals with an average weight of 33.4kg and an average age of six months were distributed in a completely randomized design. The treatments consisted of yeasts: Control (no yeast), Milk Sacc X® (active yeast), Active Flora®(active yeast + inactive yeast) and Rumen Yeast®(inactive yeast). Analysis of variance and SNK test were applied with a significance level of 5% for type I error. There was no difference for dry matter intake between treatments (P>0.05). There was a significant trend (P=0.0596) for dry matter digestibility, with higher values for the control treatment. There was a significant trend for blood metabolites (P=0.0705), in which the diet containing Milk Sacc® was superior to the other treatments for total protein concentration. In addition, there was a statistical difference (P<0.05) for urea concentration, in which control and Active Flora® treatments were superior to the others. The inclusion of active or inactive yeasts in the diet for ewe lambs containing fibrolytic enzyme reduces dietary digestibility, without affecting the dry matter intake, in addition, it increases urea and total protein levels without causing liver or kidney damage in ewe lambs.
Objetivou-se avaliar a digestibilidade da matéria seca, consumo e perfil metabólico de borregas alimentadas com leveduras vivas e inativadas na ração contendo enzima fibrolítica. Foram utilizados vinte animais mestiços com peso médio de 33,4kg e idade média de seis meses, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os tratamentos consistiram nas leveduras: Controle (sem levedura), Milk Sacc X® (levedura ativa), Active Flora®(levedura viva mais levedura inativada) e Rúmen Yeast® (levedura inativa). Foi realizada à análise variância e teste SNK com nível de significância de 5% para o erro tipo I. Não houve diferença entre tratamentos para consumo de matéria seca com uso ou não de levedura na dieta (P>0,05). Houve tendência significativa (P=0,0596) para a digestibilidade da matéria seca sendo superior para com o tratamento sem inclusão de leveduras. Para os metabólitos sanguíneos houve tendência significativa (P=0,0705) sendo o Milk Sacc® superior aos demais tratamentos para concentração de proteínas totais. Além disso, houve diferença estatística (P<0,05) para concentração de ureia cujos tratamentos controle e Active Flora® foram superiores aos demais. A inclusão de leveduras vivas ou inativadas na dieta para borregas contendo enzima fibrolítica diminui a digestibilidade da dieta, sem afetar o consumo de matéria seca, além disso, aumenta teores de ureia e proteínas totais sem causar prejuízos hepáticos ou renais as borregas.
Animais , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Leveduras , Ovinos/metabolismo , Digestão , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
The objective was to estimate the reference intervals of biochemical parameters of lactating ewes in the tropics. Information on up to 290 lactating ewes was compiled from 2006 to 2017. All animals were healthy and were not subjected to forced malnutrition. Animals were raised in different management systems (pasture, total confinement, partial confinement, collective and/or individual confinement). The biochemical profile consisted of information on cholesterol, triglycerides, fructosamine, HDL (high density lipoprotein), VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein), total protein (TP), uric acid, urea, albumin, creatinine, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, AST (aspartate aminotransferase), GGT (gamma-glutamyl transferase) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Reference values were estimated using the Dixon test, when parametric, and by boostrap, when non-parametric, with a 95% confidence interval. Estimated intervals were 36.3 - 94; 262.22 - 450.66; 7 - 43; 18.6 - 69.4; 1.4 - 8.4; 0.61 - 1.66; 5.4 - 11; 0 - 1.4; 8.4 - 61.5; 1.9 - 3.57 for cholesterol, fructosamine, triglycerides, HDL, VLDL, creatinine, TP, uric acid, urea and albumin, respectively. For enzymes and mineral profile, 59 - 160; 37.9 - 127.8; 30 - 190; 8.23 - 12.45; 3.7 - 8.5; 1.7 - 3.8 for AST, GGT, ALP, Ca, P, and Mg, respectively. It can be concluded that the biochemical parameters of lactating ewes in the tropics are different from those determined in the literature.
Objetivou-se estimar os intervalos de referência dos parâmetros bioquímicos de ovelhas lactantes nos trópicos. Foram compiladas informações de até 290 ovelhas lactantes no período de 2006 a 2017. Todos os animais eram saudáveis e não passaram por condições de desnutrição forçada. Os animais foram criados em diferentes sistemas de manejo (pasto, confinamento total, semiconfinamento, confinamento coletivo e/ou individual). O perfil bioquímico constituiu informações de colesterol, triglicerídeos, frutosamina, HDL (lipoproteína de alta densidade), VLDL (lipoproteína de muito baixa densidade), proteínas totais, ácido úrico, ureia, albumina, creatinina, cálcio, fósforo e magnésio, AST (aspartato aminotransferase), GGT (gama glutamil transferase) e fosfatase alcalina (FA). Os valores de referência foram estimados através do teste de Dixon, quando paramétrico e por boostrap quando não paramétrico, sendo o intervalo de confiança a 95% de probabilidade. Os intervalos estimados foram 36,3 - 94; 262,22 - 450,66; 7 - 43; 18,6 - 69,4; 1,4 - 8,4; 0,61 - 1,66; 5,4 - 11; 0 - 1,4; 8,4 - 61,5; 1,9 - 3,57 para colesterol, frutosanima, trigligeríceos, HDL, VLDL, creatinina, PT, ácido úrico, ureia e albumina, respectivamente. Para as enzimas e o perfil mineral foram 59 - 160; 37,9 - 127,8; 30 - 190; 8,23 - 12,45; 3,7 - 8,5; 1,7 - 3,8 para AST, GGT, FA, Ca, P, e Mg, respectivamente. Conclui-se que os parâmetros bioquímicos das ovelhas lactantes nos trópicos são discrepantes aos determinados na literatura.
Animais , Padrões de Referência , Bioquímica , Ovinos , Ecossistema TropicalResumo
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of extruded roughage Foragge®with different additives onintake, digestibility nutrients and nitrogen balance of sheep. Twenty adults, non-pregnant ewes with average weight 68 kg were used. The treatments were extruded roughage with additives (essential oil, virginiamycin, unpurified inactive yeast, tannin and purified inactive yeast). The design was in randomized blocks. The means were contrasted by SNK test, and the fecal score was tested by the Kruskal Wallis test (1952), at 5% significance.There was no difference in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen, water, water in relation to dry matter, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (p>0.05).As well as the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber, the fecal weight, fecal nitrogen, retained nitrogenand nitrogen retained in relation to nitrogen ingested (p>0.05).However, dry matter intake as a function of body weight and metabolic weight, urinary nitrogen, hemicellulose intake, and hemicellulose as a function of NDF, were higher in the Foragge Factor®treatment (p<0.05). The inclusion of different additives in the extruded roughage improved nutritional parameters, without causing disturbances.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/metabolismo , Aditivos Alimentares , Ração Animal/análise , Óleos VoláteisResumo
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of extruded roughage Foragge® with different additives on intake, digestibility nutrients and nitrogen balance of sheep. Twenty adults, non-pregnant ewes with average weight 68 kg were used. The treatments were extruded roughage with additives (essential oil, virginiamycin, unpurified inactive yeast, tannin and purified inactive yeast). The design was in randomized blocks. The means were contrasted by SNK test, and the fecal score was tested by the Kruskal Wallis test (1952), at 5% significance. There was no difference in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen, water, water in relation to dry matter, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (p > 0.05). As well as the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber, the fecal weight, fecal nitrogen, retained nitrogen and nitrogen retained in relation to nitrogen ingested (p > 0.05). However, dry matter intake as a function of body weight and metabolic weight, urinary nitrogen, hemicellulose intake, and hemicellulose as a function of NDF, were higher in the Foragge Factor® treatment (p < 0.05). The inclusion of different additives in the extruded roughage improved nutritional parameters, without causing disturbances.
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of extruded roughage Foragge® with different additives on intake, digestibility nutrients and nitrogen balance of sheep. Twenty adults, non-pregnant ewes with average weight 68 kg were used. The treatments were extruded roughage with additives (essential oil, virginiamycin, unpurified inactive yeast, tannin and purified inactive yeast). The design was in randomized blocks. The means were contrasted by SNK test, and the fecal score was tested by the Kruskal Wallis test (1952), at 5% significance. There was no difference in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen, water, water in relation to dry matter, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (p > 0.05). As well as the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber, the fecal weight, fecal nitrogen, retained nitrogen and nitrogen retained in relation to nitrogen ingested (p > 0.05). However, dry matter intake as a function of body weight and metabolic weight, urinary nitrogen, hemicellulose intake, and hemicellulose as a function of NDF, were higher in the Foragge Factor® treatment (p < 0.05). The inclusion of different additives in the extruded roughage improved nutritional parameters, without causing disturbances.
The objective was to evaluate the effect of replacing common urea with protected urea in the supplement on the nutrient intake and digestibility and metabolic profile of sheep. Five adult sheep, with an average age of 4 years and an initial average body weight of 50 ± 4.03 kg, were used. The diet consisted of sorghum silage, supplemented with a multiple mixture of corn bran, soybean meal, white salt, mineral salt, common urea (CU) or protected urea (PU). The experimental design was a 5x5 Latin square. Treatments consisted of: control or 100% CU, 75% CU and 25% PU, 50% CU and 50% PU, 25% CU and 75% PU and 100% PU. Collections and analysis of feed, feces, urine and blood were carried out to assess intake, digestibility and blood metabolites. Analysis of variance and SNK test were applied considering 5% significance. Nonparametric data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis at a significance level of 5%. The replacement of common urea with protected urea did not (P> 0.05) alter the intake of dry matter, crude protein and water, and the dry matter digestibility. The production of urine and feces, and the density of urine also did not (P> 0.05) show statistical difference with the replacement of common urea with protected urea. As for protein and energy metabolites, only glycemia showed variation (P <0.05), with the proportion of 75% CU and 25% PU, indicating the highest concentration of glucose in relation to the replacement of 0, 50 and 100% PU in the supplement. There are no benefits from partial or total replacement of common urea with protected urea in sheep supplementation.
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da substituição da ureia comum por ureia protegida no suplemento sob o consumo de nutrientes e digestibilidade da matéria seca e perfil metabólico de ovelhas. Foram utilizadas 5 ovelhas adultas, com idade média de 4 anos e peso corporal médio inicial de 50 ± 4,03 kg. A dieta foi composta por silagem de sorgo, sendo suplementada por mistura múltipla composta de milho moído, farelo de soja, sal branco, sal mineral, ureia comum (UC) ou ureia protegida (UP). O delineamento experimental foi em quadrado latino 5x5. Os tratamentos consistiram em: controle ou 100% UC, 75% UC e 25% UP, 50% UC e 50% UP, 25% UC e 75% UP e 100% UP. Foram realizadas coletas e análise de alimentos, fezes, urina e sangue para avaliação do consumo, digestibilidade e metabolitos sanguíneos. Foi realizado análise de variância e teste SNK considerando 5 % de significância. Os dados não paramétricos foram analisados por Kruskal-Wallis ao nível de significância de 5%. A substituição da ureia comum por ureia protegida não alterou o consumo de matéria seca, de proteína bruta e água e a digestibilidade da matéria seca (P>0,05). A produção de urina e fezes, e a densidade da urina também não apresentaram diferença estatística com a substituição da ureia comum pela protegida (P>0,05). Quanto aos metabólitos proteicos e energéticos somente a glicemia demonstrou variação (P<0,05), sendo que a proporção de 75%UC e 25%UP apresentou a maior concentração de glicose em relação a substituição de 0, 50 e 100% de UP no suplemento. Conclui-se que não há benefícios na substituição parcial ou total da ureia comum pela ureia protegida na suplementação de ovinos.
Animais , Compostos de Nitrogênio , Ovinos/metabolismo , Ração Animal , Silagem , Ureia/administração & dosagem , Suplementos NutricionaisResumo
The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the in vitro fermentation (IVRF) and apparent in vivo digestibility (AIVD) of diets formulated with four inclusion levels of babassu mesocarp meal (BMM) (0.0; 7.5; 15.0 and 22.5%) in ewe lambs. The IVRF test was performed through the "Hohenheim Gas Test" technique, following a randomized complete block design, with four blocks (rumen fluids from four different bovines). Gas production was measured at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after incubation. For the AIVD trial, 20 ewe lambs were used in a completely randomized design with five replicates. The animals were housed in metabolic cages during the digestibility test. Diets with BMM showed lower fermentation levels than those without BMM. The BMM reduced the gas production per incubation time and dry matter effective degradability (DMED), possibly due to its chemical characteristics, or even to the influence of other factors, such as physical properties. The BMM negatively influenced the AIVD of DM. Thus, it can be stated that, despite being a starch source, BMM reduces ruminal fermentation parameters when included in ruminant diets, negatively interfering with diet digestibility. Therefore, its use should be cautious.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/metabolismo , Magnoliopsida/química , Ruminação DigestivaResumo
The objective was to evaluate the effect of replacing common urea with protected urea in the supplement on the nutrient intake and digestibility and metabolic profile of sheep. Five adult sheep, with an average age of 4 years and an initial average body weight of 50 ± 4.03 kg, were used. The diet consisted of sorghum silage, supplemented with a multiple mixture of corn bran, soybean meal, white salt, mineral salt, common urea (CU) or protected urea (PU). The experimental design was a 5x5 Latin square. Treatments consisted of: control or 100% CU, 75% CU and 25% PU, 50% CU and 50% PU, 25% CU and 75% PU and 100% PU. Collections and analysis of feed, feces, urine and blood were carried out to assess intake, digestibility and blood metabolites. Analysis of variance and SNK test were applied considering 5% significance. Nonparametric data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis at a significance level of 5%. The replacement of common urea with protected urea did not (P> 0.05) alter the intake of dry matter, crude protein and water, and the dry matter digestibility. The production of urine and feces, and the density of urine also did not (P> 0.05) show statistical difference with the replacement of common urea with protected urea. As for protein and energy metabolites, only glycemia showed variation (P <0.05), with the proportion of 75% CU and 25% PU, indicating the highest concentration of glucose in relation to the replacement of 0, 50 and 100% PU in the supplement. There are no benefits from partial or total replacement of common urea with protected urea in sheep supplementation.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da substituição da ureia comum por ureia protegida no suplemento sob o consumo de nutrientes e digestibilidade da matéria seca e perfil metabólico de ovelhas. Foram utilizadas 5 ovelhas adultas, com idade média de 4 anos e peso corporal médio inicial de 50 ± 4,03 kg. A dieta foi composta por silagem de sorgo, sendo suplementada por mistura múltipla composta de milho moído, farelo de soja, sal branco, sal mineral, ureia comum (UC) ou ureia protegida (UP). O delineamento experimental foi em quadrado latino 5x5. Os tratamentos consistiram em: controle ou 100% UC, 75% UC e 25% UP, 50% UC e 50% UP, 25% UC e 75% UP e 100% UP. Foram realizadas coletas e análise de alimentos, fezes, urina e sangue para avaliação do consumo, digestibilidade e metabolitos sanguíneos. Foi realizado análise de variância e teste SNK considerando 5 % de significância. Os dados não paramétricos foram analisados por Kruskal-Wallis ao nível de significância de 5%. A substituição da ureia comum por ureia protegida não alterou o consumo de matéria seca, de proteína bruta e água e a digestibilidade da matéria seca (P>0,05). A produção de urina e fezes, e a densidade da urina também não apresentaram diferença estatística com a substituição da ureia comum pela protegida (P>0,05). Quanto aos metabólitos proteicos e energéticos somente a glicemia demonstrou variação (P<0,05), sendo que a proporção de 75%UC e 25%UP apresentou a maior concentração de glicose em relação a substituição de 0, 50 e 100% de UP no suplemento. Conclui-se que não há benefícios na substituição parcial ou total da ureia comum pela ureia protegida na suplementação de ovinos.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/metabolismo , Ureia/administração & dosagem , Ração Animal , Silagem , Compostos de Nitrogênio , Suplementos NutricionaisResumo
The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the in vitro fermentation (IVRF) and apparent in vivo digestibility (AIVD) of diets formulated with four inclusion levels of babassu mesocarp meal (BMM) (0.0; 7.5; 15.0 and 22.5%) in ewe lambs. The IVRF test was performed through the "Hohenheim Gas Test" technique, following a randomized complete block design, with four blocks (rumen fluids from four different bovines). Gas production was measured at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after incubation. For the AIVD trial, 20 ewe lambs were used in a completely randomized design with five replicates. The animals were housed in metabolic cages during the digestibility test. Diets with BMM showed lower fermentation levels than those without BMM. The BMM reduced the gas production per incubation time and dry matter effective degradability (DMED), possibly due to its chemical characteristics, or even to the influence of other factors, such as physical properties. The BMM negatively influenced the AIVD of DM. Thus, it can be stated that, despite being a starch source, BMM reduces ruminal fermentation parameters when included in ruminant diets, negatively interfering with diet digestibility. Therefore, its use should be cautious.
Animais , Magnoliopsida/química , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/metabolismo , Ruminação DigestivaResumo
The study aimed to determine the biochemical reference ranges for lambs from birth to 1 year of age in the tropics. Data were obtained from experiments performed in several institutions and commercial farms using Santa Inês, Dorper, Lacaune, Morada Nova, Bergamacia and Suffolk lambs reared under different conditions (grazing, feedlot, semi-feedlot) from 2006 to 2017. Serum energy-, protein-, mineral-, and enzyme-related metabolites were evaluated. The metabolic energy profile included data from glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, fructosamine, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; the metabolic protein profile included total protein, uric acid, urea, albumin, and creatinine; the metabolic mineral profile included data on calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium; and the metabolic enzymatic profile included the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, and creatine kinase. The reference ranges were estimated using confidence intervals with a 95% confidence level, and percentiles were estimated or bootstrapped nonparametrically when the data were not normally distributed. The serum biochemical reference ranges determined for lambs are strongly divergent from those established by one of the most cited books on the topic, especially considering the high serum urea and cholesterol concentrations and low levels of blood glucose observed. Therefore, the serum biochemical reference ranges for lambs from birth to 1 year of age in the tropics differ from international data, which consider adult sheep in temperate climate zones.
Objetivou-se determinar as faixas de referência dos parâmetros bioquímicos para cordeiros desde o nascimento até a idade de um ano nos trópicos. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de experimentos realizados em diversas instituições e fazendas comerciais, utilizando cordeiros Santa Inês, Dorper, Lacaune, Morada Nova, Bergamacia e Suffolk criados em diferentes condições (pastejo, confinamento, semi-confinamento) de 2006 a 2017. Foram avaliados os metabólitos séricos relacionados à energia, proteína, minerais e vitaminas. O perfil metabólico incluiu dados de glicose, colesterol, triglicerídeos, frutosamina, lipoproteína de alta densidade, lipoproteína de baixa densidade e lipoproteína de densidade muito baixa; o perfil metabólico proteico incluiu proteína total, ácido úrico, ureia, albumina e creatinina; o perfil mineral os dados sobre cálcio, fósforo e magnésio; e o perfil enzimático as enzimas aspartato aminotransferase, gama glutamil transferase, fosfatase alcalina e creatina quinase. As faixas de referência foram estimadas usando intervalos de confiança com nível de confiança de 95%, e os percentis foram estimados por métodos não paramétricos de reamostragem quando não apresentavam distribuição normal. Os intervalos bioquímicos séricos de referência para cordeiros determinados são fortemente divergentes dos estabelecidos por um dos livros mais citados sobre o tema, principalmente considerando as altas concentrações séricas de ureia e colesterol e baixos níveis de glicose observados no sangue. Portanto, as faixas bioquímicas séricas de referência para cordeiros do nascimento a um ano nos trópicos diferem dos dados internacionais, que contemplam ovelhas adultas em países temperados.
Animais , Biomarcadores/análise , Ovinos/sangueResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of phosphate fertilization on morphogenic and structural characteristics of Mombasa grass under conditions of implantation of silvopastoral system with eucalyptus and monoculture in the Amazon/Cerrado ecotone. The experiment was conducted at UFT-EMVZ during the rainy seasons of the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 agricultural years. The experimental area was subdivided into two cultivation systems, Mombaça grass monoculture, with 0.25 hectare and silvopastoral system, intercropping eucalyptus with Mombaça grass, with 0.75 hectare area. The design used was a 4 x 2 factorial IHD with four doses of phosphorus (0; 50; 100; 200 kg.ha -1 P2O5 year-1) and two cultivation systems (monoculture and silvopastoral) with three repetitions. Three cycles were evaluated for an average rest period of 21 days. Weekly measurements were taken to evaluate structural and morphogenic characteristics of plants. In general, factors tested such as phosphorus fertilization, cultivation system and year (implantation and following year) showed influence, altering the development of Mombaça grass, reflecting on the morphogenic and structural characteristics. Tiller population density, crop growth rate, leaf area index showed interactions between phosphorus fertilization and the cultivation systems analyzed (P <0.05). Phosphorus fertilization used in the implantation, moment of greatest requirement of the plant, influenced forage development by increasing the crop growth rate, leaf appearance, as well as leaf and stem elongation in the two evaluated systems.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da adubação fosfatada nas características morfogênicas e estruturais do capim Mombaça sob condições de implantação de sistema silvipastoril com eucaliptos e monocultivo no ecótono Amazônia/Cerrado. O experimento foi conduzido na UFT-EMVZ, nas estações chuvosas dos anos agrícolas de 2016/2017 e 2017/2018. Área experimental foi subdividida em dois sistemas de cultivo, Monocultivo de capim Mombaça, com 0,25 hectare e Silvipastoril com consórcio de eucalipto e capim Mombaça com área de 0,75 hectare. O delineamento utilizado foi um Delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 a 2 sendo quatro doses de fósforo (0; 50; 100; 200 kg. ha-1 de P2O5. ano-1) e dois sistemas de cultivo (monocultivo e silvipastoril), com três repetições. Foram avaliados três ciclos por período de descanso médio de 21 dias. Semanalmente foram realizadas as medições para avaliação das características estruturais e morfogênicas das plantas. De forma geral, fatores testados como adubação fosfatada, sistema de cultivo e ano de condução (implantação e ano seguinte) apresentaram influência, alterando o desenvolvimento do capim Mombaça, refletindo nas características morfogênicas e estruturais. As variáveis: densidade populacional de perfilhos, taxa de crescimento cultural, índice de área foliar, obtiveram interações entre a adubação fosfatada e os sistemas de cultivos analisados (P<0,05). A adubação fosfatada utilizada na implantação momento este de a de maior requerimento da planta, refletiu no desenvolvimento da forrageira aumentando a taxa de crescimento cultural, aparecimento foliar, bem como alongamento de folhas e colmo nos dois sistemas avaliados.(AU)
Fósforo/efeitos adversos , Compostagem , Poaceae/fisiologia , PastagensResumo
The study aimed to determine the biochemical reference ranges for lambs from birth to 1 year of age in the tropics. Data were obtained from experiments performed in several institutions and commercial farms using Santa Inês, Dorper, Lacaune, Morada Nova, Bergamacia and Suffolk lambs reared under different conditions (grazing, feedlot, semi-feedlot) from 2006 to 2017. Serum energy-, protein-, mineral-, and enzyme-related metabolites were evaluated. The metabolic energy profile included data from glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, fructosamine, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; the metabolic protein profile included total protein, uric acid, urea, albumin, and creatinine; the metabolic mineral profile included data on calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium; and the metabolic enzymatic profile included the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, and creatine kinase. The reference ranges were estimated using confidence intervals with a 95% confidence level, and percentiles were estimated or bootstrapped nonparametrically when the data were not normally distributed. The serum biochemical reference ranges determined for lambs are strongly divergent from those established by one of the most cited books on the topic, especially considering the high serum urea and cholesterol concentrations and low levels of blood glucose observed. Therefore, the serum biochemical reference ranges for lambs from birth to 1 year of age in the tropics differ from international data, which consider adult sheep in temperate climate zones.(AU)
Objetivou-se determinar as faixas de referência dos parâmetros bioquímicos para cordeiros desde o nascimento até a idade de um ano nos trópicos. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de experimentos realizados em diversas instituições e fazendas comerciais, utilizando cordeiros Santa Inês, Dorper, Lacaune, Morada Nova, Bergamacia e Suffolk criados em diferentes condições (pastejo, confinamento, semi-confinamento) de 2006 a 2017. Foram avaliados os metabólitos séricos relacionados à energia, proteína, minerais e vitaminas. O perfil metabólico incluiu dados de glicose, colesterol, triglicerídeos, frutosamina, lipoproteína de alta densidade, lipoproteína de baixa densidade e lipoproteína de densidade muito baixa; o perfil metabólico proteico incluiu proteína total, ácido úrico, ureia, albumina e creatinina; o perfil mineral os dados sobre cálcio, fósforo e magnésio; e o perfil enzimático as enzimas aspartato aminotransferase, gama glutamil transferase, fosfatase alcalina e creatina quinase. As faixas de referência foram estimadas usando intervalos de confiança com nível de confiança de 95%, e os percentis foram estimados por métodos não paramétricos de reamostragem quando não apresentavam distribuição normal. Os intervalos bioquímicos séricos de referência para cordeiros determinados são fortemente divergentes dos estabelecidos por um dos livros mais citados sobre o tema, principalmente considerando as altas concentrações séricas de ureia e colesterol e baixos níveis de glicose observados no sangue. Portanto, as faixas bioquímicas séricas de referência para cordeiros do nascimento a um ano nos trópicos diferem dos dados internacionais, que contemplam ovelhas adultas em países temperados.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/sangue , Biomarcadores/análiseResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of phosphate fertilization on morphogenic and structural characteristics of Mombasa grass under conditions of implantation of silvopastoral system with eucalyptus and monoculture in the Amazon/Cerrado ecotone. The experiment was conducted at UFT-EMVZ during the rainy seasons of the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 agricultural years. The experimental area was subdivided into two cultivation systems, Mombaça grass monoculture, with 0.25 hectare and silvopastoral system, intercropping eucalyptus with Mombaça grass, with 0.75 hectare area. The design used was a 4 x 2 factorial IHD with four doses of phosphorus (0; 50; 100; 200 kg.ha -1 P2O5 year-1) and two cultivation systems (monoculture and silvopastoral) with three repetitions. Three cycles were evaluated for an average rest period of 21 days. Weekly measurements were taken to evaluate structural and morphogenic characteristics of plants. In general, factors tested such as phosphorus fertilization, cultivation system and year (implantation and following year) showed influence, altering the development of Mombaça grass, reflecting on the morphogenic and structural characteristics. Tiller population density, crop growth rate, leaf area index showed interactions between phosphorus fertilization and the cultivation systems analyzed (P 0.05). Phosphorus fertilization used in the implantation, moment of greatest requirement of the plant, influenced forage development by increasing the crop growth rate, leaf appearance, as well as leaf and stem elongation in the two evaluated systems.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da adubação fosfatada nas características morfogênicas e estruturais do capim Mombaça sob condições de implantação de sistema silvipastoril com eucaliptos e monocultivo no ecótono Amazônia/Cerrado. O experimento foi conduzido na UFT-EMVZ, nas estações chuvosas dos anos agrícolas de 2016/2017 e 2017/2018. Área experimental foi subdividida em dois sistemas de cultivo, Monocultivo de capim Mombaça, com 0,25 hectare e Silvipastoril com consórcio de eucalipto e capim Mombaça com área de 0,75 hectare. O delineamento utilizado foi um Delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 a 2 sendo quatro doses de fósforo (0; 50; 100; 200 kg. ha-1 de P2O5. ano-1) e dois sistemas de cultivo (monocultivo e silvipastoril), com três repetições. Foram avaliados três ciclos por período de descanso médio de 21 dias. Semanalmente foram realizadas as medições para avaliação das características estruturais e morfogênicas das plantas. De forma geral, fatores testados como adubação fosfatada, sistema de cultivo e ano de condução (implantação e ano seguinte) apresentaram influência, alterando o desenvolvimento do capim Mombaça, refletindo nas características morfogênicas e estruturais. As variáveis: densidade populacional de perfilhos, taxa de crescimento cultural, índice de área foliar, obtiveram interações entre a adubação fosfatada e os sistemas de cultivos analisados (P 0,05). A adubação fosfatada utilizada na implantação momento este de a de maior requerimento da planta, refletiu no desenvolvimento da forrageira aumentando a taxa de crescimento cultural, aparecimento foliar, bem como alongamento de folhas e colmo nos dois sistemas avaliados.(AU)
Panicum/química , Panicum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Eucalyptus/química , Eucalyptus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fosfatos/administração & dosagem , CompostagemResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the dry matter intake and metabolic parameters of 30 lambs fed with extruded ration with different roughage to concentrate ratios. It was carried out at the Federal University of Uberlândia from 7 December 2016 to 22 March 2017. The treatments were extruded rations, at 30% roughage and 70% concentrate (30R:70C) and 70% roughage and 30% concentrate (70R:30C) ratios, distributed completely randomly with two treatments and 15 animals per treatment. The treatment means were evaluated by the Tukey test and a regression study with a significance level of 5%. The dry matter intake (DMI) was evaluated. Blood was collected via jugular venipuncture to determine the concentration of energy-related, protein and mineral metabolites as well as enzymes indicative of hepatic and muscular activity. There was lower DMI for the 30R:70C treatment, as well as reduction in DMI in relation to body weight at the end of the experiment. The treatments influenced urea: animals with higher urea concentrations consumed the ration with higher concentrate content. Further, animals fed with more roughage had a higher concentration of phosphorus. In conclusion, the roughage to concentrate ratio of the extruded ration influenced the dry matter intake without triggering metabolic disorders in the animals.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o consumo de matéria seca e parâmetros metabólicos de 30 borregas alimentadas com ração extrusada em diferentes relações volumoso (V): concentrado (C). O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, de 07 de dezembro de 2016 a 22 de março de 2017. Os tratamentos consistiam de ração extrusada nas relações 30V:70C e 70V:30C, distribuídas inteiramente ao acaso com dois tratamentos e 15 repetições. As médias dos tratamentos foram avaliadas pelo teste de Tukey e os períodos de coleta por estudo de regressão ao nível de significância de 5%. Foram avaliados o consumo de matéria seca (CMS), concentração sanguínea dos metabólitos energéticos, proteicos e minerais e concentração sanguínea de enzimas indicadoras de atividade hepática e muscular através de coleta de sangue por venopunção da jugular. Houve menor CMS para o tratamento 30V:70C, e redução do CMS em relação ao peso corporal no final do experimento. Houve influência dos tratamentos para a ureia com maior concentração nos animais consumindo a ração com maior teor de concentrado, enquanto houve maior concentração do fósforo nos animais alimentados com ração com maior teor de volumoso. A relação volumoso: concentrado da ração extrusada exerce influencia sobre o consumo de matéria seca, sem desencadear transtornos metabólicos nos animais.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análise , Fósforo/químicaResumo
Voluntary consumption (VolC) and ingestive behaviour (IB) of lambs fed diets containing different percentages (0.0; 7.5; 15.0 and 22.5%) of babassu mesocarp bran (I-BMB) were evaluated. The trial was at the Federal University of Tocantins, Campus de Araguaína-TO. Twenty lambs were evaluated using a completely randomized design, and five replications were performed. VolC data was obtainedby measuring total volumes of both food supplied and food remaining after feeding. IB was evaluated throughout two, non-consecutive 24-h periods, with observations were recorded every five minutes that described the following behavioural variables: resting (REST), rumination (RUM), intake (INT) and chewing (CHEW). The particle size was also measured using a Penn State particle separator. All VolC parameters (dry matter intake, DMI; crude protein intake, CPI; neutral detergent fibre intake, NDFI; and acid detergent fibre intake, ADFI) increased linearly with I-BMB intake. I-BMB consumption did not interfere with water intake, nor did it affect I-BMB did not affect the duration of DMI, NDFI and ADFI. However, linear increases of rumination and chewing activities associated with DMI, NDFI and ADFI were observed as I-BMB levels increased. In summary, effects of inclusion I-BMB in diets of lambs included increased voluntary consumption, and reduced rumination and chewing, but not ingestion, efficiency. When economically favorable, these data suggest that inclusion of up to 22.5% I-BMB within balanced diets should be applied.
Avaliou-se o consumo voluntário (CVol) e o comportamento ingestivo (CI) de borregas alimentadas com rações contendo diferentes inclusões de farelo do mesocarpo do babaçu (I-FMB) (0,0; 7,5; 15,0 e 22,5%). O local do ensaio foi a ovinocaprinocultura da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Campus de Araguaína-TO. Foram utilizadas 20 borregas distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualisado, com cinco repetições. O CVol foi realizado pela mensuração do total de alimento fornecido e das sobras. Já o CI foi avaliado em dois períodos de 24 horas em dias não consecutivos, com observações de cinco em cinco minutos sendo as variáveis comportamentais: ócio (O), ruminação (R), ingestão (I)e mastigação (M). Mensurou-se também o tamanho de partícula com separador de partículas modelo Penn State. Foi observado aumento linear crescente com a I-FMB para todos os parâmetros de CVol estudados (consumo de matéria seca - CMS, consumo de proteína bruta - CPB, consumo de fibra em detergente neutro - CFND e consumo de fibra em detergente ácido - CFDA) em todas as unidades (gdia-1 animal-1, % do peso vivo (PV), g kg-0,75). A I-FMB não interferiu na ingestão de água de borregas. A I-FMB não afetou o tempo em ingestão por CMS, CFDN e CFDA. No entanto, a I-FMB aumentou linearmente as atividades ruminação e mastigação em função do CMS, CFDN e CFDA. A I-FMB na dieta de borregas aumenta o consumo voluntário de ovinos e influência de forma negativa na eficiência de ruminação e mastigação, sem prejudicar eficiência de ingestão. Quando economicamente favorável recomenda-se a inclusão de até 22,5 % de FMB em dietas balanceadas.
Animais , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/efeitos dos fármacos , Ovinos/metabolismo , Ração Animal/efeitos adversosResumo
Animal performance is directly related to the food quality and intake. Analyzing feeding behavior is an important tool to evaluate diet efficiency. This study aims to evaluate the intake of dry matter, feeding behavior and ruminal movement amongst lambs fed with extruded feed in different roughage (R) : concentrate (C) ratios. An experiment was carried out in the Experimental Farm Capim Branco, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, from December 7, 2016 to March 22, 2017. It involved 30 3-month-old crossbred lambs (Santa Ines x Dorper) with a mean weight of 20.67 ± 4.57 kg allocated in collective stalls equipped with feeder, water fountain, salt shaker, and wooden slatted floor. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete design with 2 treatments and 15 replicates per treatment. The treatments consisted of roughage and concentrate extruded and mixed in the following ratio 30R:70C and 70R:30C. The dry matter intake (DMI), 24-hour feeding behavior and 5-minute ruminal movement were evaluated. The findings pointed to reduced DMI in relation to body weight for 30R:70C at the end of the experiment. Reduced rumination time, total chewing and ruminal movement were found for both ratios. However, shorter rumination time and total chewing had been recorded for 30R:70C at the beginning of the experiment. Extruded feed with 70R:30C increased rumination and total chewing and, consequently, ruminal movement.
Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o consumo de matéria seca comportamento ingestivo e movimentação ruminal de cordeiros alimentados com ração extrusada em diferentes relações volumoso(V):concentrado(C). O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Fazenda Experimental Capim Branco, no período de 07 de dezembro de 2016 a 22 de março de 2017. Foram utilizados 30 borregas, mestiças (Santa Inês x Dorper), com idade de três meses, e peso médio de 20,67 ± 4,57 kg. Os animais foram alocados em baias coletivas providas de comedouro, bebedouro, saleiro e piso ripado de madeira. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos e quinze repetições por tratamento totalizando 30 unidades experimentais. Os tratamentos consistiam de volumosos e concentrado extrusados e misturados na seguinte proporção 30V:70C e 70V:30C. Foram avaliados o consumo de matéria seca (CMS), comportamento ingestivo durante 24 horas e movimentação ruminal durante 5 minutos. Houve menor CMS para o tratamento 30V:70C, e redução do CMS em relação ao peso corporal no final do experimento. Os animais apresentaram redução no tempo gasto com ruminação e mastigação total e, também menor movimentação ruminal para as duas rações analisadas. Porém, no início de experimento houve menor tempo gasto com ruminação e mastigação total para o tratamento 30V:70C. O uso de ração extrusada com 70V:30C promove maior tempo dispendido em atividades de ruminação e mastigação total, e, consequentemente maior movimentação ruminal nos animais.