Infrared thermographic images were used to evaluate the effect of the exposure of layers to cold. In this trial, 540 Isa Brown® layers with an average age of 69 weeks were housed in a conventional layer house typically used in Brazil during a period of cold environmental temperatures. Environmental and heat-transference data were recorded between July 13-16, 2010. It was verified that layers under cold stress conditions lost four times more energy that the recommendations trying to maintain their body temperature. Due to their reduced feed intake capacity, hens are not capable of increasing the availability of the metabolic energy required to maintain their body temperature and egg production, consequently resulting in economic losses.(AU)
Animais , Termografia/veterinária , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/efeitos da radiação , Resposta ao Choque Frio/fisiologia , Temperatura Corporal/efeitos da radiação , Ovos/análise , Raios InfravermelhosResumo
Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação protéico-energética em dois níveis de ingestão diária, 0,17 e 0,37% do peso vivo médio, sobre o no desempenho e consumo de matéria seca por bovinos, em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. Para avaliação do desempenho foram utilizados 42 novilhos (Holandês x Gir - HG), com média de 211kg de peso vivo inicial (PVI) e para a avaliação do consumo de matéria seca total (CMST) e de forragem (CMSF) foram usados 15 novilhos inteiros HG, com 239kg de PVI. Os tratamentos foram: SM controle; SUP1 suplementação protéico-energética com ingestão média diária de 0,17% do peso vivo e SUP2 - suplementação protéico-energética com ingestão média diária de 0,37% do peso vivo (PV). Os valores do CMSF foram de 2,6, 2,4 e 2,3% PV, e os de CMST 2,6, 2,6 e 2,6% PV, para SM, SUP1 e SUP2, respectivamente. Esses valores não diferiram entre si (P>0,05). A suplementação protéico-energética proporcionou maior ganho de peso, 0,54, 0,66 e 0,75kg/cabeça/dia para SM, SUP1 e SUP2, respectivamente.(AU)
The effect of two levels of daily intake (0.17% and 0.37% of live weight) of protein and energy supplementation on weight gain and on dry matter intake of bulls grazing Brachiaria Brizantha cv. Marandu grass was evaluated. Forty two bulls (Holstein x Gir HG), averaging 211kg initial LW, were used in the performance trial, and 15 HG steers, averaging 239kg initial LW, for evaluation of total dry matter intake (TDMI) and forage dry matter intake (FDMI). The treatments were: MS mineral supplementation, SUP1 protein and energy supplementation with an average daily intake of 0.17% of the live body weight, and SUP2 protein and energy supplementation with an average daily intake of 0.37% of the live body weight. The average FDMI intakes were 2.6, 2.4, and 2.3% of the LW, for MS, SUP1 and SUP2, respectively. The average TDMI intakes were 2.6, 2.6, and 2.6% for MS, SUP1, and SUP2, respectively. Protein and energy supplementation increased weight gain from 0.54kg/day in the MS treatment to 0.66 and 0.75kg/day for SUP1 and SUP2, respectively.(AU)