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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.741-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458549


Background: Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a rare genetic disease characterized by a deficiency in collagen synthesis,which can result in joint laxity. Patellar luxation is one of the main orthopedic conditions that affect the canine knee joint,with limited descriptions of its association with EDS in dogs. The purpose of this report is to describe the surgical management and postoperative evolution of a 1-year-old Chow Chow dog with grade II patellar luxation, tibial valgus and EDS.Case: A 1-year-old Chow Chow dog was referred to the University Veterinary Hospital due to lameness of the left pelvicfor 3 months. At the orthopedic examination were verified severe lameness and lateral deviation of the left stifle joint during the ambulation of the animal. Additionally, it was verified bilateral hyperextension of the tibiotarsal joint and grade IIpatellar luxation of both pelvic limbs with painful hyperextension of the left stifle joint. Radiographic evaluation showedlateral displacement of the patella from both femoral trochlear groove, and a valgus deviation of the proximal left tibialshaft. In addition, it was verified cutaneous hyperextensibility and an extensibility index suggestive of EDS. The animalwas submitted to trochlear block resection technique and medial imbrication, followed by corrective tibial osteotomy.Furthermore, skin biopsies of the scapular and lumbar folds were performed during the corrective tibial osteotomy. Thesamples were sent for histopathological examination, which revealed fragmented and unorganized collagen fibers in thedermis. Histopathological findings were compatible with EDS. The absence of lameness and correct positioning of thepatella in the trochlear sulcus were verified in the post-surgical follow-up. Complete bone consolidation of the closingwedge osteotomy to correct the tibial...

Animais , Cães , Luxação Patelar/cirurgia , Luxação Patelar/veterinária , Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos/complicações , Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos/veterinária , Doenças do Colágeno/cirurgia , Doenças do Colágeno/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub. 741, Jan. 21, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33351


Background: Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a rare genetic disease characterized by a deficiency in collagen synthesis,which can result in joint laxity. Patellar luxation is one of the main orthopedic conditions that affect the canine knee joint,with limited descriptions of its association with EDS in dogs. The purpose of this report is to describe the surgical management and postoperative evolution of a 1-year-old Chow Chow dog with grade II patellar luxation, tibial valgus and EDS.Case: A 1-year-old Chow Chow dog was referred to the University Veterinary Hospital due to lameness of the left pelvicfor 3 months. At the orthopedic examination were verified severe lameness and lateral deviation of the left stifle joint during the ambulation of the animal. Additionally, it was verified bilateral hyperextension of the tibiotarsal joint and grade IIpatellar luxation of both pelvic limbs with painful hyperextension of the left stifle joint. Radiographic evaluation showedlateral displacement of the patella from both femoral trochlear groove, and a valgus deviation of the proximal left tibialshaft. In addition, it was verified cutaneous hyperextensibility and an extensibility index suggestive of EDS. The animalwas submitted to trochlear block resection technique and medial imbrication, followed by corrective tibial osteotomy.Furthermore, skin biopsies of the scapular and lumbar folds were performed during the corrective tibial osteotomy. Thesamples were sent for histopathological examination, which revealed fragmented and unorganized collagen fibers in thedermis. Histopathological findings were compatible with EDS. The absence of lameness and correct positioning of thepatella in the trochlear sulcus were verified in the post-surgical follow-up. Complete bone consolidation of the closingwedge osteotomy to correct the tibial...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos/complicações , Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos/veterinária , Luxação Patelar/cirurgia , Luxação Patelar/veterinária , Doenças do Colágeno/cirurgia , Doenças do Colágeno/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 99-109, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472353


A fibroplasia esclerosante eosinofílica gastrointestinal felina (FEEGF) é uma condição inflamatória que acomete gatos domésticos, cuja etiologia é desconhecida. A principal forma de apresentação da doença é uma massa intramural, firme e irregular, localizada na região do trato gastrointestinal. Objetivou-se relatar o caso de um gato persa diagnosticado com FEEGF. O animal apresentava histórico de vômito e diarreia. No exame físico foi verificado espessamento de alças intestinais, confirmado com o exame ultrassonográfico. Optou-se por uma celiotomia exploratória e remoção do tecido intestinal afetado, que incluiu pilorectomia associada à gastroduodenostomia. Fragmentos de intestino e pâncreas foram enviados para histopatológico, sendo os achados compatíveis com FEEGF e pancreatite, respectivamente. Observou-se também extensão focal do processo inflamatório para tecido adiposo mesogástrico. O envolvimento pancreático e hepático pode ter contribuído para a piora do animal, que veio a óbito algumas semanas após cirurgia. Com o presente trabalho, pudemos contribuir para um maior entendimento da FEEGF, principalmente, em suas características clínicas, diagnósticas, histopatológicas e terapêuticas.

Feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia (FEEGF) is an inflammatory condition affecting domestic cats, the etiology of which is unknown. The main form of presentation of the disease is anintramural, firm and irregular mass, located in the region of the gastrointestinal tract. The objective was to report the case of a persian cat diagnosed with FEEGF. The animal has a history of vomiting and diarrhea. Physical examination revealed thickening of intestinal loops, confirmed by ultrasonographic examination. We chose an exploratory celiotomy and removal of affected intestinal tissue, which included pilorectomy associated with gastroduodenostomy. Fragments of intestine and pancreas were sent to histopathological, and the findings were compatible with FEEGF and pancreatitis, respectively. It was also observed focal extension of the inflammatory process to mesogastric adipose tissue. Pancreatic and hepatic involvement may have contributed to a worsening animal, which died a few weeks after surgery. With the present study we could contribute to a greater understanding of FEEGF, mainly in its clinical, diagnostic, histopathological and therapeutic characteristics.

Animais , Gatos , Eosinofilia/veterinária , Gastrectomia/veterinária , Obstrução Intestinal/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 99-109, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-735149


A fibroplasia esclerosante eosinofílica gastrointestinal felina (FEEGF) é uma condição inflamatória que acomete gatos domésticos, cuja etiologia é desconhecida. A principal forma de apresentação da doença é uma massa intramural, firme e irregular, localizada na região do trato gastrointestinal. Objetivou-se relatar o caso de um gato persa diagnosticado com FEEGF. O animal apresentava histórico de vômito e diarreia. No exame físico foi verificado espessamento de alças intestinais, confirmado com o exame ultrassonográfico. Optou-se por uma celiotomia exploratória e remoção do tecido intestinal afetado, que incluiu pilorectomia associada à gastroduodenostomia. Fragmentos de intestino e pâncreas foram enviados para histopatológico, sendo os achados compatíveis com FEEGF e pancreatite, respectivamente. Observou-se também extensão focal do processo inflamatório para tecido adiposo mesogástrico. O envolvimento pancreático e hepático pode ter contribuído para a piora do animal, que veio a óbito algumas semanas após cirurgia. Com o presente trabalho, pudemos contribuir para um maior entendimento da FEEGF, principalmente, em suas características clínicas, diagnósticas, histopatológicas e terapêuticas.(AU)

Feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia (FEEGF) is an inflammatory condition affecting domestic cats, the etiology of which is unknown. The main form of presentation of the disease is anintramural, firm and irregular mass, located in the region of the gastrointestinal tract. The objective was to report the case of a persian cat diagnosed with FEEGF. The animal has a history of vomiting and diarrhea. Physical examination revealed thickening of intestinal loops, confirmed by ultrasonographic examination. We chose an exploratory celiotomy and removal of affected intestinal tissue, which included pilorectomy associated with gastroduodenostomy. Fragments of intestine and pancreas were sent to histopathological, and the findings were compatible with FEEGF and pancreatitis, respectively. It was also observed focal extension of the inflammatory process to mesogastric adipose tissue. Pancreatic and hepatic involvement may have contributed to a worsening animal, which died a few weeks after surgery. With the present study we could contribute to a greater understanding of FEEGF, mainly in its clinical, diagnostic, histopathological and therapeutic characteristics.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Obstrução Intestinal/veterinária , Gastrectomia/veterinária , Eosinofilia/veterinária