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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(11): e20220565, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427344


Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive bacterium commonly reported in soils and plants that occupy various ecological habitats, and the main source of contamination for cattle is silage. This report described a case of fetal loss associated with B. cereus infection in a cow. An 8-month-old, Nelore female bovine fetus from a beef farm was submitted for necropsy. A gross examination revealed fibrinous pleuropneumonia and fibrin exudation on the liver surface. The morphological diagnosis was restricted to the lungs and liver. In the lungs there was fibrinosuppurative pleuropneumonia associated with numerous aggregates of rod-shaped bacteria. In the liver there was moderate focally extensive fibrinous peri hepatitis.The lungs, liver, thoracic, and abomasal fluid cultures yielded pure cultures of B. cereus, indicating that these bacteria should be recognized as a cause of bovine abortion in fetuses that macroscopically present fibrin in the abdominal and thoracic cavity.

Bacillus cereus é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, comumente encontrada em solos e plantas que ocupam diversos habitats ecológicos sendo a silagem a principal fonte de contaminação para bovinos. Este relato descreve um caso de perda fetal associada à infecção por B. cereus em uma vaca. Um feto bovino fêmea da raça Nelore, de oito meses de idade, procedente de uma fazenda de corte, foi submetido à necropsia. Ao exame macroscópico observou-se pleuropneumonia fibrinosa e exsudação de fibrina na superfície do fígado. Histologicamente, as lesões estavam restritas aos pulmões e fígado. Nos pulmões havia pleuropneumonia fibrinosupurativa associado a numerosos agregados de bactérias em forma de bastonete. No fígado haviaperi hepatitefibrinosa focalmente extensa moderada. As culturas de pulmão, fígado, líquido torácico e abomasal produziram cultura pura de B. cereus indicando que esta bactéria deve ser reconhecida como causa de aborto bovino em fetos que apresentem macroscopicamente fibrina nas cavidades abdominal e torácica.

Animais , Bovinos , Bacillus cereus/patogenicidade , Doenças dos Bovinos , Aborto Animal , Mortalidade Fetal
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.457-2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458221


Background: The Green iguana (Iguana iguana) is a reptile belonging to the Iguanidae family. It is an ectothermic animalwith arboreal habits and a daytime activity pattern. Leaves, fruits, and eggs are part of their diet. These animals can be foundin the South, North and Central America. Free-living Green iguanas may suffer stress during environmental changes, whichcan lead to a homeostatic imbalance. There is a correlation between stress and anorexia which results in an increase in theoccurrence of fractures. Reptile fractures are generally treated by providing rigid stabilization and alignment maintenance.The present study reports the use of locking-plate osteosynthesis in one iguana.Case: One female green iguana, weighing 1.690 kg, was assisted at the Hospital Veterinário (Hovet) - Federal da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT). During anamnesis, it was observed that this iguana was a non-captive animal,which had fallen from a tree. The animal was unable to perform physical movements with the forearm displaying bonecrepitation. It was also observed apathy and dehydration. The iguana was subjected to a range of supplementary examinations and on the x-ray image, it was detected that there was a complete right humerus fracture. Following examination,the animal underwent surgery for fracture stabilization. Humerus osteosynthesis was performed with compression in a 1.5mm 6-hole locking-plate. During the osteosynthesis procedure a morphogenetic graft was inserted. Immediate post-surgeryradiographic evaluation was performed, and that confirmed fracture reduction and bone alignment. The animal displayedclinical improvement after the second post-operative day once it returned to regular ingestion of diet. On the 30th postoperative day, the radiographic evaluation showed evidence of bone consolidation. On the 40th post-operative day, theanimal displayed satisfactory gait and voluntary ingestion of food, thus enabling its return to...

Feminino , Animais , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Fraturas do Úmero/cirurgia , Fraturas do Úmero/veterinária , Iguanas/fisiologia , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Proteína Morfogenética Óssea 1
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 457, 13 dez. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25687


Background: The Green iguana (Iguana iguana) is a reptile belonging to the Iguanidae family. It is an ectothermic animalwith arboreal habits and a daytime activity pattern. Leaves, fruits, and eggs are part of their diet. These animals can be foundin the South, North and Central America. Free-living Green iguanas may suffer stress during environmental changes, whichcan lead to a homeostatic imbalance. There is a correlation between stress and anorexia which results in an increase in theoccurrence of fractures. Reptile fractures are generally treated by providing rigid stabilization and alignment maintenance.The present study reports the use of locking-plate osteosynthesis in one iguana.Case: One female green iguana, weighing 1.690 kg, was assisted at the Hospital Veterinário (Hovet) - Federal da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT). During anamnesis, it was observed that this iguana was a non-captive animal,which had fallen from a tree. The animal was unable to perform physical movements with the forearm displaying bonecrepitation. It was also observed apathy and dehydration. The iguana was subjected to a range of supplementary examinations and on the x-ray image, it was detected that there was a complete right humerus fracture. Following examination,the animal underwent surgery for fracture stabilization. Humerus osteosynthesis was performed with compression in a 1.5mm 6-hole locking-plate. During the osteosynthesis procedure a morphogenetic graft was inserted. Immediate post-surgeryradiographic evaluation was performed, and that confirmed fracture reduction and bone alignment. The animal displayedclinical improvement after the second post-operative day once it returned to regular ingestion of diet. On the 30th postoperative day, the radiographic evaluation showed evidence of bone consolidation. On the 40th post-operative day, theanimal displayed satisfactory gait and voluntary ingestion of food, thus enabling its return to...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Iguanas/fisiologia , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Fraturas do Úmero/cirurgia , Fraturas do Úmero/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Proteína Morfogenética Óssea 1
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46: 1-5, 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457876


Background: Breast tumors are common and require surgical treatment. A mastectomy causes edema, inflammation, and moderate to severe pain; therefore, analgesics should be used efficiently during the trans and postoperative periods. Tumescence anesthesia has been studied in veterinary medicine; however, there is limited literature on the comparison of the constituents of the different solutions and the most suitable protocol. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual postoperative analgesia of two solutions through the Melbourne, Modified Glasgow for dogs (EGM), and Visual Analogue (EVA) scales in bitches who underwent a unilateral mastectomy.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve bitches, weighing between 5 and 15 kg and aged between 5 and 13 years old, were included in the study. To determine if the animals were medically fit to undergo the procedure, they were evaluated by clinical examination, laboratory testing (complete blood count, serum biochemistry [urea, creatinine and alanine aminotransferase/ALT], and imaging (thorax x-ray and abdominal ultrasonography). Patients were randomly divided into two groups. One group received a lidocaine-containing tumescent solution (GTL) that consisted of 210 mL of lactated Ringer’s solution (at a temperature between 8 and 12°C), 40 mL of 2% lidocaine hydrochloride without vasoconstrictor, and 0.5 mL of adrenaline (1 mg/mL). The other group received ropivacaine (GTR) with 233.3 mL of lactated Ringer’s solution (at the same temperature as the previous group’s), 16.7 mL of ropivacaine (7.5 mg/mL), and 0.5 mL of adrenaline (1 mg/mL). Both groups received a combination of acepromazine (0.04 mg/kg) and meperidine (2 mg/kg) as preanesthetic medication (MPA), followed by induction using propofol (to effect) and maintenance using isoflurane. The solutions were infused subcutaneously (SC) 5 min after stabilization of the anesthetic plane.[...]

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Analgesia/veterinária , Anestésicos Locais/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos Locais/análise , Período Pós-Operatório , Mastectomia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46: 1-5, 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19143


Background: Breast tumors are common and require surgical treatment. A mastectomy causes edema, inflammation, and moderate to severe pain; therefore, analgesics should be used efficiently during the trans and postoperative periods. Tumescence anesthesia has been studied in veterinary medicine; however, there is limited literature on the comparison of the constituents of the different solutions and the most suitable protocol. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual postoperative analgesia of two solutions through the Melbourne, Modified Glasgow for dogs (EGM), and Visual Analogue (EVA) scales in bitches who underwent a unilateral mastectomy.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve bitches, weighing between 5 and 15 kg and aged between 5 and 13 years old, were included in the study. To determine if the animals were medically fit to undergo the procedure, they were evaluated by clinical examination, laboratory testing (complete blood count, serum biochemistry [urea, creatinine and alanine aminotransferase/ALT], and imaging (thorax x-ray and abdominal ultrasonography). Patients were randomly divided into two groups. One group received a lidocaine-containing tumescent solution (GTL) that consisted of 210 mL of lactated Ringers solution (at a temperature between 8 and 12°C), 40 mL of 2% lidocaine hydrochloride without vasoconstrictor, and 0.5 mL of adrenaline (1 mg/mL). The other group received ropivacaine (GTR) with 233.3 mL of lactated Ringers solution (at the same temperature as the previous groups), 16.7 mL of ropivacaine (7.5 mg/mL), and 0.5 mL of adrenaline (1 mg/mL). Both groups received a combination of acepromazine (0.04 mg/kg) and meperidine (2 mg/kg) as preanesthetic medication (MPA), followed by induction using propofol (to effect) and maintenance using isoflurane. The solutions were infused subcutaneously (SC) 5 min after stabilization of the anesthetic plane.[...](AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Analgesia/veterinária , Período Pós-Operatório , Anestésicos Locais/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos Locais/análise , Mastectomia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41(supl.1): Pub. 2, 2013. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1372958


Background: Wild and captivity monkeys are infested by several parasites species, mainly, Strongyloides sp. and Acanthocephala sp, which has been identifi ed as the major causes of illness and death. However, Molineus torulosus is a pathogenic nematode found in Neotropical New World Primates and causes severe illness in small primates due to severe gastrointestinal injury. In South America, the parasite was described in Cebus apella and C. olivecaeus from French Guyana and were verified the occurrence in tropical forests. Thus, it is the first report about M. torulosus infestation in capitivity capuchin monkeys in Brazil. Case: Two capuchin monkeys were presented for necropsy. According to veterinarian the monkeys had about fi ve years old and weighed 0.9 kg and lived in a particular park in urban with 20 to 30 capuchin monkeys group. The veterinarian described that six capuchin monkeys were found dead in two months period. One of the monkeys were found dead and another one had respiratory disturbance, apathy, prostration, cyanotic mucosa, feces with green coloration and death after four days in observation and isolation of the group. Necropsy confirmed emaciation and moderate splenomegaly, great amount of fibrin on the intestine and presence of multifocal 1 to 2 cm nodules in small intestine with numerous parasites mainly initial portion. In the small intestine, were found several free helminthes in the feces. No parasite was attached in the gut wall. The parasites in the nodules were submitted to a standard nematode key identification, confirming the infestation by M. torulosus. The parasites were small, slender, pale red, of 4 to 6 mm length. There were no significant macroscopic findings in the other organ systems. The histological examination of nodules sections revealed an intense granulomatous inflammatory response surrounded by proliferating fibrous connective tissue and the central portion contained a mass of nematode parasites and their eggs surrounded by eosinophilic debris. The small intestine revealed the presence of eggs and larvae at the villi, epithelium and crypts necrosis areas, villi atrophy and congestion, mononuclear inflammatory reaction. Discussion: There are no reports of Molineus torulosus parasitism in captivity capuchin monkeys in Brazil. The clinical signs described in the present case were unspecific and the parasite identification was a necropsy found. However, the infestation with M. torulosus was associated with enteritis and diarrhea. The parasite causes hemorrhagic or ulcerative enteritis, sometimes associated with diverticula of the intestinal wall. Furthermore, the capuchin monkeys death in the present case was assigned with a fibrinous peritonitis and septicemia because a gut wall necrosis caused by M. torulosus infestation. Thus, the high density of M. torulosus in the small intestine is believed to be responsible for the death of these capuchin monkeys. The present report identifies the nematode M. torulosus and associated with capuchin monkey mortality. Thus, the present case also highlights the importance of performing a complete necropsy on monkeys, including thorough examination of the gastrointestinal system, and stresses the value of saving fresh tissues for diagnostic procedures including parasite recovery and identification.

Animais , Masculino , Infecções por Strongylida/mortalidade , Fezes/parasitologia , Molineoidae/parasitologia , Sapajus apella/parasitologia , Doenças dos Macacos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 39(1): 01-06, 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456839


Porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE) is an infectious enteric disease that often affects pigs during the growing and finishing stages. Its etiological agent is the obligate intracellular bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis. This study evaluates PPE frequency and geographic distribution in Mato Grosso state, Brazil, based on PPE diagnosis and epidemiology data from pig herds. Materials, Methods & Results: An amount of 735 small intestine samples were collected from the ileum of finishing pigs and culling sows in three slaughterhouses that received animals from 14 breeding farms adopting very similar husbandry systems located in 11 municipalities in Mato Grosso state, Brazil, between August 2006 and July 2007. All samples were processed in the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Federal University of Mato Grosso, according to standard laboratory routines for histological analyses. These samples were stained using the hematoxilin-eosin (HE) procedures. Those sections that presented at least one of the characteristic histopathological lesions of EPS were evaluated by HE, Alcian blue and Warthin-Starry combined stain (CST) to detect Lawsonia intracellularis-like structures, inside enterocytes and also by immunohistochemistry (IHC) based on a polyclonal antibody. Upon initial histological examination, 124 samples (16.87%) presented histopathological lesions that met the L. intracellularis infection criteria. These 124 samples were analyzed using the CST and IHC protocols, which revealed 2 and 3 positive results, respectively. PPE prevalence in Mato Grosso state was 0.41% in slaughtered pigs, based on the original number of 735 samples analyzed. [...]

Animais , Enteropatias/patologia , Lawsonia (Bactéria)/classificação , Suínos/classificação , Ileíte/complicações , Imuno-Histoquímica/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 39(1): 01-06, 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-381307


Porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE) is an infectious enteric disease that often affects pigs during the growing and finishing stages. Its etiological agent is the obligate intracellular bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis. This study evaluates PPE frequency and geographic distribution in Mato Grosso state, Brazil, based on PPE diagnosis and epidemiology data from pig herds. Materials, Methods & Results: An amount of 735 small intestine samples were collected from the ileum of finishing pigs and culling sows in three slaughterhouses that received animals from 14 breeding farms adopting very similar husbandry systems located in 11 municipalities in Mato Grosso state, Brazil, between August 2006 and July 2007. All samples were processed in the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Federal University of Mato Grosso, according to standard laboratory routines for histological analyses. These samples were stained using the hematoxilin-eosin (HE) procedures. Those sections that presented at least one of the characteristic histopathological lesions of EPS were evaluated by HE, Alcian blue and Warthin-Starry combined stain (CST) to detect Lawsonia intracellularis-like structures, inside enterocytes and also by immunohistochemistry (IHC) based on a polyclonal antibody. Upon initial histological examination, 124 samples (16.87%) presented histopathological lesions that met the L. intracellularis infection criteria. These 124 samples were analyzed using the CST and IHC protocols, which revealed 2 and 3 positive results, respectively. PPE prevalence in Mato Grosso state was 0.41% in slaughtered pigs, based on the original number of 735 samples analyzed. [...](AU)

Animais , Enteropatias/patologia , Suínos/classificação , Lawsonia (Bactéria)/classificação , Ileíte/complicações , Imuno-Histoquímica/métodos
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-7268


Os leitões recém-nascidos possuem oito dentes extremamente pontiagudos. Esses dentes permitem que provoquem lesões na matriz e em outros leitões durante as disputas numa mesma leitegada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a influência da manutenção da integridade dos dentes dos leitões recém-nascidos, do corte rente à gengiva dos dentes incisivos e caninos e o desgaste do ápice da coroa dos dentes incisivos e caninos sobre o seu estado de saúde e desempenho até o desmame. As matrizes foram examinadas e selecionadas antes do parto, baseando-se em critérios de saúde individual. Foram selecionadas 21 entre 70 matrizes, pertencentes à quinta ordem parto e apresentando-se clinicamente com saúde. As leitegadas foram uniformizadas após o parto, permanecendo cada matriz com cinco leitões machos e cinco fêmeas. Após uniformização, os leitões foram identificados e pesados e aos oito e dezesseis dias de idade e as matrizes distribuídas aleatoriamente em três tratamentos: T1 ? manutenção dos dentes intactos, T2 ? corte dos dentes rente a gengiva e T3 ? desgaste do ápice da coroa dos dentes. Durante o período experimental, tanto as matrizes quanto os leitões foram examinados clinicamente todos os dias. Nos dias da pesagem foram necropsiados 10 leitões por tratamento; foram colhidas amostras dos dentes para exame histológico. Durante a fase experimental não foram registradas lesões na cavidade bucal, na pele da região facial e/ ou na pele dos leitões submetidos aos três tratamentos, assim como, não foram observadas alterações ou lesões nas glândulas mamárias. Dos 70 leitões examinados clinicamente, observou-se no T2 64 (91,42%) apresentaram pulpite em diferentes graus de severidade, enquanto que no T3 somente quatro (5,71%) leitões apresentaram pulpite, ausente no T1. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos com relação ao ganho de peso do nascimento até o momento do desmame. Os valores médios foram para os animais com dentes intactos (5,71 Kg), corte dos dentes (5,56 Kg) e o desgaste dos dentes (5,63 Kg), ou seja, os tratamentos não interferem no desempenho animal com relação ao ganho de peso dos leitões.No exame histológico de 19 (31,66%) amostras de total de 60 apresentaram lesões. O procedimento de corte dos dentes (T2) mostrou ser prejudicial ao estado de saúde dos leitões sem, no entanto, prejudicar sua capacidade de ganho de peso. A manutenção da integridade dos dentes e o desgaste dos dentes não causaram maiores problemas à saúde dos leitões, podendo ser empregados considerando as características de cada sistema de produção de suínos