Background: Laryngeal paralysis is a disorder that affects the movement of the arytenoid cartilages, creating an obstacle to the passage of air during inspiration. The disease is progressive and clinical signs are associated with upper airway obstruction. Diagnosis occurs through observation of laryngeal movements, and it is important to rule out concomitant diseases. In severely affected animals, surgery is recommended to alleviate clinical signs and improve quality of life. The aim of this report is to report a case of idiopathic laryngeal paralysis in a dog submitted to arytenoid unilateralization to clear the upper airways and evaluate the effectiveness of the technique. Case: A 5-year-old male Great Dane dog was referred to the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias (HCV) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) with severe respiratory distress and respiratory stridor. The animal was taken directly to the emergency room, where it was promptly submitted to oxygen therapy with the aid of a mask, was medicated with nalbuphine hydrochloride 0.3 mg/kg intramuscularly and venous access was performed. After stabilization, complete blood count, biochemical profile, blood gas analysis and chest X-ray were requested. In the anamnesis, the tutor reported that the dog showed signs of fatigue with exercise intolerance, coughing similar to choking, breathing difficulties and noisy breathing, especially on hotter days and in situations of exertion, stress or euphoria. He mentioned that the signs were progressive, having started 2 months ago and that they were more frequent and lasting. The patient was diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis through transoral laryngoscopy and referred to surgery. The improvement in the breathing pattern and the absence of post-surgical complications resulted in the patient being discharged 6 days after hospitalization. Discussion: When the origin of laryngeal paralysis (LP) is undefined, the acquired form may be a consequence of generalized polyneuropathy, polymyopathy, neoplasia, endocrinopathy, iatrogenic or idiopathic injury. The patient under study did not present clinical signs or history of disease, therefore, the case was classified as idiopathic in origin. Laryngeal paralysis of unknown cause is the most common and affects mainly middle-aged to elderly males, large or giant breeds. The disease is often described in Labrador Retriever dogs, but it can affect other breeds such as Great Dane. This information corroborates the profile of the patient in this study. Although oral laryngoscopy is the recommended method for confirming the diagnosis in dogs with characteristic signs of LP, the diagnosis can also be obtained by transnasal laryngoscopy or echolaryngography, however, previous studies have shown that the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis through echoaryngography is inferior to transnasal laryngoscopy, suggesting that direct visualization of the larynx is better to indirect visualization. Dogs with signs of moderate to severe respiratory distress or whose quality of life is affected as a result of LP are candidates for surgical treatment, as in this case, in which the patient had exercise intolerance and severe respiratory distress. The arytenoid unilateralization procedure proved to be effective in improving the quality of life of the patient under study, achieving excellent postoperative results and approval by the tutor. In this case, transoral laryngoscopy was essential to determine the diagnosis and establish the treatment. Although the goal of improving quality of life has been achieved without major complications, the animal must receive long-term follow-up due to a possible correlation with generalized polyneuropathy and long-term complications.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Cartilagem Aritenoide/cirurgia , Sons Respiratórios/fisiopatologia , Paralisia das Pregas Vocais/terapia , Paralisia das Pregas Vocais/veterinária , Pneumonia Aspirativa/veterinária , Laringoscopia/veterináriaResumo
Alternative protocols for the treatment of skin lesions have been developed with the use of techniques such as photobiomodulation and phytotherapy, aiming to optimize this process. To evaluate the effectiveness of copaiba (Copaiferalangsdorffii) oil-resin and low-level laser therapy for treating cutaneous wounds, 15 Wistar rats (Rattusnorvergicus) were used, in whom five 8-mm lesions were produced. The following protocols were applied: negative control group (T1); positive control group (T2); laser therapy with AsGa (904 nm), continuous, focal mode for 10 s, dosage of 4 J/cm² (T3); copaiba oil-resin (T4); and association group (copaiba and low-level laser) (T5). The efficacy of each technique was evaluated based on macroscopic aspects of the lesion, wound healing rate, and histopathological analysis (inflammatory infiltrate and collagen expression). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical analyses (P> 0.05). Copaiba treatment showed an advantage in type III collagen expression, whereas laser therapy demonstrated an enhanced capacity for tissue regeneration. The significant advantage obtained from the association treatment is the improvement of the macroscopic aspect of the wound, with a reduction in crust formation.
Protocolos alternativos para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas têm sido desenvolvidos com a utilização de técnicas como a fotobiomodulação e fitoterapia, objetivando acelerar esse processo. Com o objetivo de avaliar a efetividade do óleo--resina de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii) e do laser terapêutico no tratamento de feridas cutâneas foram selecionados 15 ratos Wistar (Rattus norvergicus), nos quais foram produzidas cinco lesões cutâneas de 8mm. Os tratamentos empregados foram: controle negativo (T1); controle positivo (T2); laserterapia com AsGa (9,04nm) no modo contínuo, de maneira focal, com duração de 10 segundos e dosimetria de 4 J/cm² (T3); óleo resina de copaiba (T4) e a associação dos tratamentos (copaiba e laserterapia) (T5). A eficácia de cada técnica foi avaliada com base nos aspectos macroscópicos das lesões, taxa de cicatriza-ção e análise histopatológica (infiltrado inflamatório e expressão do colágeno). Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P>0,05). O tratamento com a copaíba mostrou vantagem na expressão do colágeno tipo III, enquanto a laserterapia demonstrou aumento da capacidade de regeneração tecidual. A vantagem significativa obtida pela associação dos tratamentos foi a melhora do aspecto macroscópico da ferida, com redução na formação de crostas.
Animais , Ratos , Fabaceae , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgia , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Resinas Vegetais , Terapia a Laser/métodosResumo
Alternative protocols for the treatment of skin lesions have been developed with the use of techniques such as photobiomodulation and phytotherapy, aiming to optimize this process. To evaluate the effectiveness of copaiba (Copaiferalangsdorffii) oil-resin and low-level laser therapy for treating cutaneous wounds, 15 Wistar rats (Rattusnorvergicus) were used, in whom five 8-mm lesions were produced. The following protocols were applied: negative control group (T1); positive control group (T2); laser therapy with AsGa (904 nm), continuous, focal mode for 10 s, dosage of 4 J/cm² (T3); copaiba oil-resin (T4); and association group (copaiba and low-level laser) (T5). The efficacy of each technique was evaluated based on macroscopic aspects of the lesion, wound healing rate, and histopathological analysis (inflammatory infiltrate and collagen expression). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical analyses (P> 0.05). Copaiba treatment showed an advantage in type III collagen expression, whereas laser therapy demonstrated an enhanced capacity for tissue regeneration. The significant advantage obtained from the association treatment is the improvement of the macroscopic aspect of the wound, with a reduction in crust formation.(AU)
Protocolos alternativos para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas têm sido desenvolvidos com a utilização de técnicas como a fotobiomodulação e fitoterapia, objetivando acelerar esse processo. Com o objetivo de avaliar a efetividade do óleo--resina de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii) e do laser terapêutico no tratamento de feridas cutâneas foram selecionados 15 ratos Wistar (Rattus norvergicus), nos quais foram produzidas cinco lesões cutâneas de 8mm. Os tratamentos empregados foram: controle negativo (T1); controle positivo (T2); laserterapia com AsGa (9,04nm) no modo contínuo, de maneira focal, com duração de 10 segundos e dosimetria de 4 J/cm² (T3); óleo resina de copaiba (T4) e a associação dos tratamentos (copaiba e laserterapia) (T5). A eficácia de cada técnica foi avaliada com base nos aspectos macroscópicos das lesões, taxa de cicatriza-ção e análise histopatológica (infiltrado inflamatório e expressão do colágeno). Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P>0,05). O tratamento com a copaíba mostrou vantagem na expressão do colágeno tipo III, enquanto a laserterapia demonstrou aumento da capacidade de regeneração tecidual. A vantagem significativa obtida pela associação dos tratamentos foi a melhora do aspecto macroscópico da ferida, com redução na formação de crostas.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Fabaceae , Resinas Vegetais , Terapia a Laser/métodos , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Ratos Wistar/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgiaResumo
O uso de técnicas de cirurgia reconstrutiva é de grande importância quando há perda de uma ampla quantidade de tecido cutâneo. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a utilização da técnica de retalho de avanço pediculado em decorrência de extensa ausência de tecido cutâneo resultante da exérese de neoplasia na região peniana de um cão. O presente estudo relata o caso de um cão da raça American Pitbull Terrier, macho castrado, com sete anos de idade, com histórico de neoplasia e aumento de nódulo na região peniana. Após avaliação clínica do animal, achou-se por bem o tratamento por meio da remoção cirúrgica do neoplasma. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico constatou-se que seria necessário o emprego de um retalho de avanço pediculado para fechamento da ferida ocasionada pela remoção da neoplasia. Para diminuir a tensão e os riscos de complicações no retalho, foi realizada uma "walking suture" no subcutâneo, técnicas essas que garantiram uma cicatrização com aspecto estético e funcional satisfatório com o mínimo de tensão.(AU)
The use of reconstructive surgery techniques is of great importance when there is loss of a large amount of cutaneous tissue. The objective of this study is to report the use of pedicle flap technique as a result of extensive absence of cutaneous tissue resulting from the excision of neoplasia in the penile dog region. The present study reports the case of a seven year old male Pitbull Terrier, with a history of neoplasia and nodule enlargement in the penile region. After the clinical evaluation of the animal, the treatment by the surgical removal of the neoplasm was considered good. During the surgical procedure, it was found that a pedicle flap should be used to close the wound caused by removal of the neoplasia. To reduce tension and risk of complications in the flap, a walking suture was performed on the subcutaneous tissue, which ensure healing with aesthetic and functional appearance with minimal tension.(AU)
El uso de técnicas de cirugía reconstructiva es de gran importancia cuando se pierde una gran cantidad de tejido de la piel. El objetivo de este estudio es informar el uso de la técnica de colgajo de avance pediculado debido a la extensa ausencia de tejido de la piel como resultado de la escisión de la neoplasia en la región del pene del perro. El presente estudio informa el caso de un Pitbull Terrier americano de siete años, un hombre castrado, con antecedentes de neoplasia y un nódulo agrandado en la región del pene. Después de la evaluación clínica del animal, se consideró el tratamiento mediante la extirpación quirúrgica de la neoplasia. Durante el procedimiento quirúrgico, se descubrió que el uso de un colgajo de avance pediculado sería necesario para cerrar la herida causada por la extirpación de la neoplasia. Para reducir la tensión y el riesgo de complicaciones en el colgajo, se realizó una sutura ambulante en el tejido subcutáneo, técnicas que aseguraron la curación con un aspecto estético y funcional satisfactorio con una tensión mínima.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica , Cães/lesões , Hemangiossarcoma , NeoplasiasResumo
O uso de técnicas de cirurgia reconstrutiva é de grande importância quando há perda de uma ampla quantidade de tecido cutâneo. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a utilização da técnica de retalho de avanço pediculado em decorrência de extensa ausência de tecido cutâneo resultante da exérese de neoplasia na região peniana de um cão. O presente estudo relata o caso de um cão da raça American Pitbull Terrier, macho castrado, com sete anos de idade, com histórico de neoplasia e aumento de nódulo na região peniana. Após avaliação clínica do animal, achou-se por bem o tratamento por meio da remoção cirúrgica do neoplasma. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico constatou-se que seria necessário o emprego de um retalho de avanço pediculado para fechamento da ferida ocasionada pela remoção da neoplasia. Para diminuir a tensão e os riscos de complicações no retalho, foi realizada uma "walking suture" no subcutâneo, técnicas essas que garantiram uma cicatrização com aspecto estético e funcional satisfatório com o mínimo de tensão.(AU)
The use of reconstructive surgery techniques is of great importance when there is loss of a large amount of cutaneous tissue. The objective of this study is to report the use of pedicle flap technique as a result of extensive absence of cutaneous tissue resulting from the excision of neoplasia in the penile dog region. The present study reports the case of a seven year old male Pitbull Terrier, with a history of neoplasia and nodule enlargement in the penile region. After the clinical evaluation of the animal, the treatment by the surgical removal of the neoplasm was considered good. During the surgical procedure, it was found that a pedicle flap should be used to close the wound caused by removal of the neoplasia. To reduce tension and risk of complications in the flap, a walking suture was performed on the subcutaneous tissue, which ensure healing with aesthetic and functional appearance with minimal tension.(AU)
El uso de técnicas de cirugía reconstructiva es de gran importancia cuando se pierde una gran cantidad de tejido de la piel. El objetivo de este estudio es informar el uso de la técnica de colgajo de avance pediculado debido a la extensa ausencia de tejido de la piel como resultado de la escisión de la neoplasia en la región del pene del perro. El presente estudio informa el caso de un Pitbull Terrier americano de siete años, un hombre castrado, con antecedentes de neoplasia y un nódulo agrandado en la región del pene. Después de la evaluación clínica del animal, se consideró el tratamiento mediante la extirpación quirúrgica de la neoplasia. Durante el procedimiento quirúrgico, se descubrió que el uso de un colgajo de avance pediculado sería necesario para cerrar la herida causada por la extirpación de la neoplasia. Para reducir la tensión y el riesgo de complicaciones en el colgajo, se realizó una sutura ambulante en el tejido subcutáneo, técnicas que aseguraron la curación con un aspecto estético y funcional satisfactorio con una tensión mínima.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica , Cães/lesões , Hemangiossarcoma , NeoplasiasResumo
Background: Botulism is a non-febrile intoxication resulting from the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxinsmanifested by partial or complete flaccid paralysis of the musculature of locomotion, swallowing and respiration. Theobjective of this study was to report the first case of botulinum intoxication associated with osteopathy in the state of Acre,as well as to alert breeders and veterinarians to the incidence of this disease in cattle farming.Case: The present report is an outbreak of botulism in the municipality of Acrelândia, in the state of Acre, which resultedin the death of 16 Nelore beef cattle in approximately 30 days. The affected animals were females in reproductive phasemaintained under extensive breeding system. The main clinical signs presented were weakness in the pelvic limbs, prostration, recumbency and death in less than 48 h. Only one animal, with similar symptomatology, was found alive and submitted to emergency therapeutic measures, but without success. During the necropsy of this bovine, no significant changeswere found, only related to the decubitus and agony time, except for fragments of long bones visualized in the reticulum.Samples of bone particles, ruminal contents, reticulum, rumen and intestine fragments were collected for the detection ofbotulinum toxins by the mouse bioassay method, as well as brain and brain stem for differential diagnosis of rabies andbovine spongiform encephalopathy by direct immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, respectively. The sampleswere sent to the Laboratory of General Bacteriology of the Biological Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, and all the analyzespresented negative results.Discussion: One of the main risk factors for the occurrence of botulinum...
Animais , Bovinos , Botulismo/patologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum , Doenças Ósseas/veterinária , Deficiência de Minerais , Toxina TetânicaResumo
Background: Botulism is a non-febrile intoxication resulting from the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxinsmanifested by partial or complete flaccid paralysis of the musculature of locomotion, swallowing and respiration. Theobjective of this study was to report the first case of botulinum intoxication associated with osteopathy in the state of Acre,as well as to alert breeders and veterinarians to the incidence of this disease in cattle farming.Case: The present report is an outbreak of botulism in the municipality of Acrelândia, in the state of Acre, which resultedin the death of 16 Nelore beef cattle in approximately 30 days. The affected animals were females in reproductive phasemaintained under extensive breeding system. The main clinical signs presented were weakness in the pelvic limbs, prostration, recumbency and death in less than 48 h. Only one animal, with similar symptomatology, was found alive and submitted to emergency therapeutic measures, but without success. During the necropsy of this bovine, no significant changeswere found, only related to the decubitus and agony time, except for fragments of long bones visualized in the reticulum.Samples of bone particles, ruminal contents, reticulum, rumen and intestine fragments were collected for the detection ofbotulinum toxins by the mouse bioassay method, as well as brain and brain stem for differential diagnosis of rabies andbovine spongiform encephalopathy by direct immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, respectively. The sampleswere sent to the Laboratory of General Bacteriology of the Biological Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, and all the analyzespresented negative results.Discussion: One of the main risk factors for the occurrence of botulinum...(AU)