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Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 43(supl): 1-3, Sept. 14, 2015. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-716874


Background: Rectal prolapse is the protrusion of one or more layers of the rectum through the anal sphincter. Some of the possible causes are tenesmus, endoparasitism and large bowel inflammation. Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) consists of advanced techniques to gain access to body cavities through natural openings without skin incision. Different access routes may be used. However, transrectal NOTES has not been often reported. This paper reports a case of rectal prolapse after transrectal NOTES in a porcine model. Case: A healthy, female domestic swine underwent experimental peritoneoscopy through transrectal route. The animal weighed 20 kg and was approximately 90 days old. Under general anesthesia, a pneumoperitoneum was created and, after this, the rectal lining was pulled out and incised so that the endoscope could be introduced into the abdominal cavity. Subsequently, the cavity was deflated and the rectal wall was sutured under direct viewing with single-layer extramucosal sutures closed with 3-0 polyglactin 910 and simple continuous pattern in the muscular region and submucosa. There was edema of the rectal lining with a slight protrusion and was reduced manually. There was prolapse recurrence and a pursestring suture was placed around the anus. The suture ruptured about 72 h after the endoscopic procedure and self-mutilation of the perineal...(AU)

Animais , Suínos , Prolapso Retal/veterinária , Reto/lesões , Cirurgia Endoscópica por Orifício Natural/veterinária , Laparoscopia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 43(supl): 1-3, Aug. 14, 2015. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457369


Background: Rectal prolapse is the protrusion of one or more layers of the rectum through the anal sphincter. Some of the possible causes are tenesmus, endoparasitism and large bowel inflammation. Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) consists of advanced techniques to gain access to body cavities through natural openings without skin incision. Different access routes may be used. However, transrectal NOTES has not been often reported. This paper reports a case of rectal prolapse after transrectal NOTES in a porcine model. Case: A healthy, female domestic swine underwent experimental peritoneoscopy through transrectal route. The animal weighed 20 kg and was approximately 90 days old. Under general anesthesia, a pneumoperitoneum was created and, after this, the rectal lining was pulled out and incised so that the endoscope could be introduced into the abdominal cavity. Subsequently, the cavity was deflated and the rectal wall was sutured under direct viewing with single-layer extramucosal sutures closed with 3-0 polyglactin 910 and simple continuous pattern in the muscular region and submucosa. There was edema of the rectal lining with a slight protrusion and was reduced manually. There was prolapse recurrence and a pursestring suture was placed around the anus. The suture ruptured about 72 h after the endoscopic procedure and self-mutilation of the perineal...

Animais , Prolapso Retal/veterinária , Reto/lesões , Suínos , Cirurgia Endoscópica por Orifício Natural/veterinária , Laparoscopia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 42(suppl.1): Pub. 44, 30 jul. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30162


Background: Anal atresia, a congenital defect that is common in animals, frequently affects calves and piglets. Its occurrence is associated with a defect in the perforation of the membrane that separates the endodermis of the posterior intestine from the ectodermic membrane of the anus. Anorectal congenital anomalies are rare in dogs and cats, with anal atresia being the most common of them. Anal atresia is a deformity that affects the anal opening and the terminal rectum, resulting in closure of the anal outlet. It can be classifi ed into four types. Clinical signs include the passage of feces through the vulva, vulvar dermatitis, tenesmus, cystitis, megacolon, etc. The diagnosis is based on history, clinical signs, physical examination and supplementary tests. The treatment consists of surgical correction of the fistula, reconstruction of the vagina and of the fi nal portion of the rectum. The objective of this study is to report the surgical correction of a bitch with anal atresia associated with retrovaginal fi stula, with satisfactory recovery of the patient. Case: A mongrel bitch with one month of age and body mass of 100 grams was admitted to Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul with a history of feces in the vulva and absence of anal orifi ce. The patient presented tenesmus and was prostrate and underdeveloped in relation...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Anus Imperfurado/cirurgia , Anus Imperfurado/veterinária , Fístula Retovaginal/cirurgia , Fístula Retovaginal/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 42(suppl.1): Pub.44-30 jul. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457251


Background: Anal atresia, a congenital defect that is common in animals, frequently affects calves and piglets. Its occurrence is associated with a defect in the perforation of the membrane that separates the endodermis of the posterior intestine from the ectodermic membrane of the anus. Anorectal congenital anomalies are rare in dogs and cats, with anal atresia being the most common of them. Anal atresia is a deformity that affects the anal opening and the terminal rectum, resulting in closure of the anal outlet. It can be classifi ed into four types. Clinical signs include the passage of feces through the vulva, vulvar dermatitis, tenesmus, cystitis, megacolon, etc. The diagnosis is based on history, clinical signs, physical examination and supplementary tests. The treatment consists of surgical correction of the fistula, reconstruction of the vagina and of the fi nal portion of the rectum. The objective of this study is to report the surgical correction of a bitch with anal atresia associated with retrovaginal fi stula, with satisfactory recovery of the patient. Case: A mongrel bitch with one month of age and body mass of 100 grams was admitted to Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul with a history of feces in the vulva and absence of anal orifi ce. The patient presented tenesmus and was prostrate and underdeveloped in relation...

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Anus Imperfurado/cirurgia , Anus Imperfurado/veterinária , Fístula Retovaginal/cirurgia , Fístula Retovaginal/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41(supl.1): Pub. 1, 2013. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1372971


Background: Ureteral ectopia is a congenital abnormality of the terminal segment of one or both ureters, in which the ureteral orifice is located distal to the trigone of the bladder. Ureteral ectopia results from dysembryogenesis of the ureteral bud due to its abnormal positioning along the mesonephric duct. It is frequently associated with other congenital anomalies of the lower urinary tract as urethral sphincter dysfunction, hydroureter and hydronephrosis. Ectopic ureters are classified into two categories: extramural and intramural. Extramural ectopic ureters completely bypass the urinary bladder without anatomic attachment, opening directly into the urethra, vagina or uterus. Continuous or intermittent urinary incontinence is the most frequently reported clinical symptom associated with ureteral ectopia, and it is far more frequent in young bitches than in male dogs. Repositioning the distal segment of the ureter and ureteral orifice directly into the bladder may restore urinary continence throughout neoureterocistostomy. Case: A 3-month-old female poodle weighting 4 kg was referred to the Teaching Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (HCV-UFRGS), State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, due to urinary incontinence, dysuria and severe vulvar pyodermatitis since it was 9 weeks old. Normal posturing and voiding of urine did occur, although only small volumes of urine were eliminated. Abdominal ultrasound revealed hydronephrosis and hydroureter of both right kidney and ureter. The ureter terminated distal to the urinary bladder, although the exact location of the termination could not be determined, ectopic ureter was suggested. Exploratory celiotomy was performed in order to confirm the diagnosis and obtain surgical correction. During the surgery it was possible to identify the hydroureter attaching on the distal urethra bypassing the bladder. Surgical correction was performed using the standard neoureterocistostomy technique. Recovery was uncomplicated and lasted 4 weeks, certified with weekly ultrasound exams. Discussion: Although ureteral ectopia has been reported in both purebred and mixed breed dogs, it has been documented to occur with greater frequency in specific breeds such as toy poodle, as observed in this case. Urinary incontinence, as observed, is the most frequently reported clinical symptom of patients with ureteral ectopia. Physical examination is often within normal limits with the exception of moist or urine-stained hair in the perivulvar region. Mild to severe perivulvar dermatitis secondary to urine scalding are commonly reported clinical signs, and were present in this case. Ultrasound examination was an efficient method to identify anatomic anomalies of the inferior urinary tract leading correctly to an exploratory celiotomy, in order to both confirm and correct the congenital defect. The neoureterocistostomy was satisfactory to reimplant the ureter on the bladder without complications. The degree of urinary incontinence is variable and cannot be used to determine the specific location of the ureteral orifice, or distinguish between the presence of unilateral or bilateral ectopic ureters and cannot exclude other differential diagnosis. Incontinence in male dogs with this affection may not occur as commonly due to the longer external urethral sphincter that may oppose the passage of urine distally, resulting in retrograde bladder filling. Surgical prognosis and recovery was good considering the patient had no other clinical affections.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ureter/anormalidades , Doenças Ureterais/cirurgia , Incontinência Urinária/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Cães
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 39(4): 1-5, 20110000. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-12358


Background: The external otitis is an inflammatory process that gets at the pinna and the external acoustic meatus of many animals; it can be a pathological process with acute, chronic or still recurrent chronic evolution. In dogs, the external otitis has high clinic importance. This condition could do stenosis or acoustic duct occlusion, inhibiting the ears cleanliness and the application of topical preparations as a way of medical treatment. The vertical acoustic ducts ablation is indicated when all this are ill; however the horizontal duct keeps normal. This employments goal is report a case of ablation at vertical acoustic duct in a male dog, Husky Siberiano race, seven years old which showed chronic and recurrent external otitis. Case: A dog with chronic and recurrent otitis historic and some bids of medicated treatments, without success therapeutic, it was rescued at Hospital of Clínicas Veterinárias at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. The owner also reported that the acoustic duct was completely closed and the canine was prostrate and aggressive. In the physical exam was observed stenosis of the right acoustic canal, where had a small orifice, approximately 2 mm, whereby purulent secretion was drained. The patient was submitted to screenings exams like: complete CBC and skull radiography. In the presence of the historic and alterations observed in the clinical exam, it was routed to make an ablation of the vertical acoustic duct. The postoperative consisted of antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and analgesics. External point dehiscence happened, choosing healing it for second intention. At forty-fifth day postsurgical, the canine had already shown completely wounds healing, without secretion by ostium at horizontal auditory duct and without any sign of pain to handle the ear. Discussion: The acoustic ducts stenosis in the canine reported happened because of the chronicle external otitis that can change permanently the size and the external acoustic ducts characteristics. The surgical proceeding made is an alternative technique that has been used when the entire vertical duct is found, grossly, distorted or filled in with a hyperplastic mucosa. The antibiotic used after surgery until the culture result and susceptibility testing it was amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, once which has already known the effectiveness on external and medium otitis treatment. The dehiscence of some points and the wounds infection happened probably cause of the surgical manipulation of inflamed and septic tissues or still cause of the inappropriate dead space closing or inappropriate drainage. It was chosen the healing for second intention using in it an ointment composed by collagenase and chloramphenicol. It was used an ear solution in locus, containing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anesthetic to minimize the inflammation, infection and pain at external ear, even after surgical treatment. The discomfort and the pain to manipulate and touch at right ear were obvious on clinical treatment and also what it was identified by the owner like an aggressive animals behavior decreased substantially after the surgical proceeding, could be classified as absent at the revaluation in forty-fifth days postoperative. The vertical portions ablation of the acoustic duct is a technique little used and documented in veterinary medicine, once that has really indications points. The surgical proceeding showed to be important, because allow the secretions drainage, the application of topical agents in the horizontal acoustic duct and the pains control caused by chronicle and recurrent otitis in this patient.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Meato Acústico Externo/cirurgia , Constrição Patológica/veterinária , Otite Externa/veterinária , Otopatias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 39(4): 1-5, 20110000. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456893


Background: The external otitis is an inflammatory process that gets at the pinna and the external acoustic meatus of many animals; it can be a pathological process with acute, chronic or still recurrent chronic evolution. In dogs, the external otitis has high clinic importance. This condition could do stenosis or acoustic duct occlusion, inhibiting the ear’s cleanliness and the application of topical preparations as a way of medical treatment. The vertical acoustic duct’s ablation is indicated when all this are ill; however the horizontal duct keeps normal. This employment’s goal is report a case of ablation at vertical acoustic duct in a male dog, Husky Siberiano race, seven years old which showed chronic and recurrent external otitis. Case: A dog with chronic and recurrent otitis historic and some bids of medicated treatments, without success therapeutic, it was rescued at Hospital of Clínicas Veterinárias at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. The owner also reported that the acoustic duct was completely closed and the canine was prostrate and aggressive. In the physical exam was observed stenosis of the right acoustic canal, where had a small orifice, approximately 2 mm, whereby purulent secretion was drained. The patient was submitted to screening’s exams like: complete CBC and skull radiography. In the presence of the historic and alterations observed in the clinical exam, it was routed to make an ablation of the vertical acoustic duct. The postoperative consisted of antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and analgesics. External point dehiscence happened, choosing healing it for second intention. At forty-fifth day postsurgical, the canine had already shown completely wound’s healing, without secretion by ostium at horizontal auditory duct and without any sign of pain to handle the ear. Discussion: The acoustic duct’s stenosis in the canine reported happened because of the chronicle external otitis that can change permanently the size and the external acoustic duct’s characteristics. The surgical proceeding made is an alternative technique that has been used when the entire vertical duct is found, grossly, distorted or filled in with a hyperplastic mucosa. The antibiotic used after surgery until the culture result and susceptibility testing it was amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, once which has already known the effectiveness on external and medium otitis treatment. The dehiscence of some points and the wound’s infection happened probably cause of the surgical manipulation of inflamed and septic tissues or still cause of the inappropriate dead space closing or inappropriate drainage. It was chosen the healing for second intention using in it an ointment composed by collagenase and chloramphenicol. It was used an ear solution in locus, containing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anesthetic to minimize the inflammation, infection and pain at external ear, even after surgical treatment. The discomfort and the pain to manipulate and touch at right ear were obvious on clinical treatment and also what it was identified by the owner like an aggressive animal’s behavior decreased substantially after the surgical proceeding, could be classified as absent at the revaluation in forty-fifth days postoperative. The vertical portion’s ablation of the acoustic duct is a technique little used and documented in veterinary medicine, once that has really indications points. The surgical proceeding showed to be important, because allow the secretions drainage, the application of topical agents in the horizontal acoustic duct and the pain’s control caused by chronicle and recurrent otitis in this patient.

Animais , Cães , Constrição Patológica/veterinária , Meato Acústico Externo/cirurgia , Otite Externa/veterinária , Otopatias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 39(4): 1-5, 20110000. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-12359


Background: Gastric-dilation volvulus complex (GDV) is an acute condition characterized by dilation of the stomach associated with rotation around its mesenteric axis. Cardiac arrhythmias, especially of ventricular origin are frequently found in animals with GDV. Ventricular tachycardia is characterized by three or more ventricular premature complexes in sequence. Atrial flutter is a supraventricular arrhythmia uncommon in dogs, characterized by rapid atrial rate and altered atrial depolarization resulting in bidirectional saw-toothed atrial complexes. The aim of this work is describe the cardiac arrhythmias and electrocardiographic patterns observed in a postoperative period of seven days in a dog with GDV syndrome. Case: A 2-year-old female dog of Fila Brasileiro breed was presented to veterinary hospital due to an acute onset of abdominal distension. Clinical findings included hyperemic mucous membranes, capillary refill time of less than two seconds, normal sounds in cardiac auscultation, heart rate of 160 beats per min, tachypnea, normal femoral pulses and an increased abdominal volume compatible with accumulation of gas. The surgical procedure was the treatment of choice for correction of GDV syndrome. The stomach was dilated, rotated 180 degrees clockwise and possibly with a necrotic area. The spleen was congested and infarcted. During surgery, the patient had a period of low oximetry and two isolated ventricular premature complexes, treated with lidocaine in bolus. In the postoperative period, the electrocardiographic monitoring revealed the presence of two types of arrhythmia. Ventricular tachycardia occurred one day after surgery, being treated with lidocaine in bolus and constant rate infusion. On the third day, the dog developed atrial fl utter, treated with digoxin. On the fourth day, cardiac rhythm returned to normal and showed no further changes up to 7 days after surgery, when the dog was discharged. Discussion: The presence of cardiac arrhythmias in the postoperative period is one of the factors that makes the prognosis worse in dogs with GDV. The etiological mechanism of cardiac arrhythmias in this syndrome has not been elucidated. Among the possibilities are myocardial ischemia, release of myocardial depressant factors, release of catecholamines, electrolyte imbalances and acidosis. Ventricular tachycardia is a relatively common arrhythmia in cases of GDV, which can progress to ventricular fibrillation, the leading cause of deaths from cardiac arrhythmia in dogs with the disease. Among supraventricular arrhythmias, atrial premature complexes were reported, however atrial flutter was not described before in this syndrome. Moreover, the dog developed cardiac arrhythmia until about 72 h after surgery, unlike another reports. An electrocardiographic pattern changed was the size of the P wave, suggesting left atrial enlargement, but thoracic radiography showed a normal-sized cardiac silhouette. Moreover, the animal showed T wave amplitude greater than 25% of the R wave amplitude, which may be related to low oximetry observed at the start of surgery, possible electrolyte imbalances or be physiological. The present case reinforces the importance of electrocardiographic monitoring in the postoperative GDV, including a period of up to 72 h after surgery. Moreover, it is concluded that atrial flutter may be another type of arrhythmia caused by secondary changes of GDV syndrome and confirms the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic therapy with lidocaine in cases of ventricular tachycardia.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Flutter Atrial/veterinária , Taquicardia/veterinária , Lidocaína/metabolismo
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 39(4): 1-5, 20110000. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456894


Background: Gastric-dilation volvulus complex (GDV) is an acute condition characterized by dilation of the stomach associated with rotation around its mesenteric axis. Cardiac arrhythmias, especially of ventricular origin are frequently found in animals with GDV. Ventricular tachycardia is characterized by three or more ventricular premature complexes in sequence. Atrial flutter is a supraventricular arrhythmia uncommon in dogs, characterized by rapid atrial rate and altered atrial depolarization resulting in bidirectional saw-toothed atrial complexes. The aim of this work is describe the cardiac arrhythmias and electrocardiographic patterns observed in a postoperative period of seven days in a dog with GDV syndrome. Case: A 2-year-old female dog of Fila Brasileiro breed was presented to veterinary hospital due to an acute onset of abdominal distension. Clinical findings included hyperemic mucous membranes, capillary refill time of less than two seconds, normal sounds in cardiac auscultation, heart rate of 160 beats per min, tachypnea, normal femoral pulses and an increased abdominal volume compatible with accumulation of gas. The surgical procedure was the treatment of choice for correction of GDV syndrome. The stomach was dilated, rotated 180 degrees clockwise and possibly with a necrotic area. The spleen was congested and infarcted. During surgery, the patient had a period of low oximetry and two isolated ventricular premature complexes, treated with lidocaine in bolus. In the postoperative period, the electrocardiographic monitoring revealed the presence of two types of arrhythmia. Ventricular tachycardia occurred one day after surgery, being treated with lidocaine in bolus and constant rate infusion. On the third day, the dog developed atrial fl utter, treated with digoxin. On the fourth day, cardiac rhythm returned to normal and showed no further changes up to 7 days after surgery, when the dog was discharged. Discussion: The presence of cardiac arrhythmias in the postoperative period is one of the factors that makes the prognosis worse in dogs with GDV. The etiological mechanism of cardiac arrhythmias in this syndrome has not been elucidated. Among the possibilities are myocardial ischemia, release of myocardial depressant factors, release of catecholamines, electrolyte imbalances and acidosis. Ventricular tachycardia is a relatively common arrhythmia in cases of GDV, which can progress to ventricular fibrillation, the leading cause of deaths from cardiac arrhythmia in dogs with the disease. Among supraventricular arrhythmias, atrial premature complexes were reported, however atrial flutter was not described before in this syndrome. Moreover, the dog developed cardiac arrhythmia until about 72 h after surgery, unlike another reports. An electrocardiographic pattern changed was the size of the P wave, suggesting left atrial enlargement, but thoracic radiography showed a normal-sized cardiac silhouette. Moreover, the animal showed T wave amplitude greater than 25% of the R wave amplitude, which may be related to low oximetry observed at the start of surgery, possible electrolyte imbalances or be physiological. The present case reinforces the importance of electrocardiographic monitoring in the postoperative GDV, including a period of up to 72 h after surgery. Moreover, it is concluded that atrial flutter may be another type of arrhythmia caused by secondary changes of GDV syndrome and confirms the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic therapy with lidocaine in cases of ventricular tachycardia.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Flutter Atrial/veterinária , Taquicardia/veterinária , Lidocaína/metabolismo
Nosso Clín. ; 17(101): 10-14, set.-out. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20288


A gestação extrauterina ou ectópica é uma condição patológica na qual o embrião ou feto desenvolve-se ou encontra-se fora da cavidade uterina. Os sinais clínicos desse distúrbio podem ser vagos ou pode não haver qualquer sinal. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso raro de gestação ectópica associada a fetos mumificados e encapsulados na cavidade abdominal de uma cadela. A paciente relatada foi atendida com histórico de aumento de volume na glândula mamária. Os exames complementares de imagem pré-cirúrgicos revelaram a presença de fetos na cavidade abdominal. Durante o procedimento de laparotomia exploratória, foram identificados quatro fetos encapsulados e mumificados envoltos pelo omento e pelo mesentério, os quais foram cuidadosamente divulsionados das estruturas adjacentes. Em seguida, procedeu-se a cirurgia de ovariosalpingohisterectomia, não sendo observada nenhuma alteração macroscópica em útero e ovários. A paciente apresentou excelente recuperação pós-cirúrgica e a terapêutica instituída foi eficaz e de fácil execução, sem apresentar complicações no período trans e pós-operatório.(AU)

The extrauterine ar ectopic pregnancy is a pathological condition in which the embryo or fetus has its development out of the uterine cavity. Clinical signs of this disorder can be vague or they can't be seen. The goal of this work is to report a rare case of ectopic pregnancy associated to mummified and encapsulated fetuses at abdominal cavity in a bitch. The reported patient was rescued with history of swelling in mammary gland. Imaging preoperative exams revealed the presence of fetuses in the abdominal cavity. During laparotomy procedure, four mummified and encapsulated fetuses were identified wrapped by the omentum and mesentery,which were carefully divulsed from the adjacent structures. Then, the ovariosalpingohisterectomy surgery was done and it was not observed any macroscopic alteration in the uterus and ovaries. The patient presented excellent postoperative recovery and the therapy instituted was effective and easy to perform, without presenting complications on the trans period and postoperative.(AU)

La gestación extrauterina o ectópico es una condición patológica en la que el embrión o feto se desarrolla o encuentra fuera de la cavidad uterina. Los signos clínicos de este trastorno pueden ser escasos o de presentación asintomática. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar un caso raro de gestación ectópica asociada a la presencia de fetos momificados y encapsulados en la cavidad abdominal de una perra. La paciente tenía un histórico de aumento de volumen en la glándula mamaria. Los exámenes adicionales de imagen pre quirúrgicos muestran la presencia de fetos en la cavidad abdominal. Durante el procedimiento de laparotomía explorataria, fueron identificados cuatro fetos encapsulados y momificados envueltos por el epiplón y por el mesenterio, los cuales fueron cuidadosamente divulsionados de las estructuras adyacentes. Posteriormente fue realizada la cirugía de ovariosalpingohisterectomia, no fueron observadas alteraciones macroscópicas en útero y ovarios. La paciente presento una excelente recuperación postquirúrgica y la terapia instaurada fue eficaz y de fácil ejecución, sin presentar complicaciones en el período trans y postoperataria.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cães , Gravidez Ectópica/veterinária , Morte Fetal , Útero/patologia , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária
Nosso clínico ; 17(101): 10-14, set.-out. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485809


A gestação extrauterina ou ectópica é uma condição patológica na qual o embrião ou feto desenvolve-se ou encontra-se fora da cavidade uterina. Os sinais clínicos desse distúrbio podem ser vagos ou pode não haver qualquer sinal. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso raro de gestação ectópica associada a fetos mumificados e encapsulados na cavidade abdominal de uma cadela. A paciente relatada foi atendida com histórico de aumento de volume na glândula mamária. Os exames complementares de imagem pré-cirúrgicos revelaram a presença de fetos na cavidade abdominal. Durante o procedimento de laparotomia exploratória, foram identificados quatro fetos encapsulados e mumificados envoltos pelo omento e pelo mesentério, os quais foram cuidadosamente divulsionados das estruturas adjacentes. Em seguida, procedeu-se a cirurgia de ovariosalpingohisterectomia, não sendo observada nenhuma alteração macroscópica em útero e ovários. A paciente apresentou excelente recuperação pós-cirúrgica e a terapêutica instituída foi eficaz e de fácil execução, sem apresentar complicações no período trans e pós-operatório.

The extrauterine ar ectopic pregnancy is a pathological condition in which the embryo or fetus has its development out of the uterine cavity. Clinical signs of this disorder can be vague or they can't be seen. The goal of this work is to report a rare case of ectopic pregnancy associated to mummified and encapsulated fetuses at abdominal cavity in a bitch. The reported patient was rescued with history of swelling in mammary gland. Imaging preoperative exams revealed the presence of fetuses in the abdominal cavity. During laparotomy procedure, four mummified and encapsulated fetuses were identified wrapped by the omentum and mesentery,which were carefully divulsed from the adjacent structures. Then, the ovariosalpingohisterectomy surgery was done and it was not observed any macroscopic alteration in the uterus and ovaries. The patient presented excellent postoperative recovery and the therapy instituted was effective and easy to perform, without presenting complications on the trans period and postoperative.

La gestación extrauterina o ectópico es una condición patológica en la que el embrión o feto se desarrolla o encuentra fuera de la cavidad uterina. Los signos clínicos de este trastorno pueden ser escasos o de presentación asintomática. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar un caso raro de gestación ectópica asociada a la presencia de fetos momificados y encapsulados en la cavidad abdominal de una perra. La paciente tenía un histórico de aumento de volumen en la glándula mamaria. Los exámenes adicionales de imagen pre quirúrgicos muestran la presencia de fetos en la cavidad abdominal. Durante el procedimiento de laparotomía explorataria, fueron identificados cuatro fetos encapsulados y momificados envueltos por el epiplón y por el mesenterio, los cuales fueron cuidadosamente divulsionados de las estructuras adyacentes. Posteriormente fue realizada la cirugía de ovariosalpingohisterectomia, no fueron observadas alteraciones macroscópicas en útero y ovarios. La paciente presento una excelente recuperación postquirúrgica y la terapia instaurada fue eficaz y de fácil ejecución, sin presentar complicaciones en el período trans y postoperataria.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Cães , Gravidez Ectópica/veterinária , Morte Fetal , Útero/patologia , Histerectomia/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária