Retaining the mineral N in the form of NH4+ in the soil for a lengthy period is desirable for reducing losses. Furthermore, there is evidence that sugarcane prefers NH4+-N in place of NO3-N. This study aimed firstly, to evaluate the potential of root extracts of Bracchiaria humidicola andSaccharum spontaneum, in contrast with the DCD (Dicyandiamide) inhibitor, to increase absorption of N by plants fertilized with ammonium sulfate, and secondly, to quantify the emission of N2O fluxes with the use of this inhibitor. The experiment was developed in a glasshouse in an entirely randomized design where four treatments were applied: AS) ammonium sulfate (control); AS+DCD) ammonium sulfate associated with dicyandiamide; AS+BCH) ammonium sulfate associated with root extracts ofBrachiaria humidicola; and AS+SCS) ammonium sulfate associated with root extracts of Saccharum spontaneum. Differences were observed in biomass production in plants 45 and 60 days after fertilization (DAF) and 15 and 60 days in biomass accumulation of roots. The application of AS associated with DCD synthetic inhibitor kept NO3-N values low throughout the evaluation period, while in other treatments the concentration increased right up to the second evaluation 15 DAF. Sugarcane plants did not benefit from the increased presence of ammoniacal N promoted by DCD. The use of DCD reduced the average flux of N2O during the evaluation period compared to plants receiving AS treatments only, which was not observed when root extracts of B. humidicola and S. spontaneum were used.
Nitrificação , Poaceae/toxicidade , Saccharum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Saccharum/efeitos adversos , Óxido Nitroso/análiseResumo
Retaining the mineral N in the form of NH4+ in the soil for a lengthy period is desirable for reducing losses. Furthermore, there is evidence that sugarcane prefers NH4+-N in place of NO3-N. This study aimed firstly, to evaluate the potential of root extracts of Bracchiaria humidicola andSaccharum spontaneum, in contrast with the DCD (Dicyandiamide) inhibitor, to increase absorption of N by plants fertilized with ammonium sulfate, and secondly, to quantify the emission of N2O fluxes with the use of this inhibitor. The experiment was developed in a glasshouse in an entirely randomized design where four treatments were applied: AS) ammonium sulfate (control); AS+DCD) ammonium sulfate associated with dicyandiamide; AS+BCH) ammonium sulfate associated with root extracts ofBrachiaria humidicola; and AS+SCS) ammonium sulfate associated with root extracts of Saccharum spontaneum. Differences were observed in biomass production in plants 45 and 60 days after fertilization (DAF) and 15 and 60 days in biomass accumulation of roots. The application of AS associated with DCD synthetic inhibitor kept NO3-N values low throughout the evaluation period, while in other treatments the concentration increased right up to the second evaluation 15 DAF. Sugarcane plants did not benefit from the increased presence of ammoniacal N promoted by DCD. The use of DCD reduced the average flux of N2O during the evaluation period compared to plants receiving AS treatments only, which was not observed when root extracts of B. humidicola and S. spontaneum were used.(AU)
Poaceae/toxicidade , Saccharum/efeitos adversos , Saccharum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Nitrificação , Óxido Nitroso/análiseResumo
Nitrogen can mitigate damages caused by leaf area reduction due to its influence on cell division. This work was carried out aiming to evaluate the efficiency of side-dressing different rates of nitrogen as a management strategy to maize stem defoliation at different growth stages. The experiment was set in Lages, during the 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 growing seasons. The experimental design was a randomized block with split plots. Three defoliation times were tested in the main plot: eight expanded leaves (V8), fifteen expanded leaves (V15) and tasseling (VT), plus a control without defoliation. Four nitrogen rates were assessed in the split-plots: 0, 50, 100 and 200 kg ha-1 of N. Nitrogen was side-dressed at the defoliation day of each growth stage and at V8 in the control. Defoliations performed at V8 did not reduce grain yield, in comparison to the control, regardless of N rate. Side-dressing N rates at V15 increased grain yield, mitigating damages caused by defoliation. Defoliation carried out at VT promoted great grain yield reduction that could not be alleviated with subsequent nitrogen fertilization. The success of nitrogen side-dress as a strategy to minimize maize grain yield losses caused by defoliation depends on the growth stage leaf area reduction occurs.(AU)
O nitrogênio pode mitigar os danos ocasionados pela redução de área foliar por influenciar a divisão celular. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência da aplicação de doses de nitrogênio em cobertura como estratégia de manejo da desfolha do colmo em diferentes estádios fenológicos do milho. O experimento foi instalado em Lages, SC, nos anos agrícolas de 2008/2009 e 2009/2010. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso dispostos em parcelas subdivididas. Na parcela principal testaram-se as épocas de desfolha: sem desfolha; desfolha em V8 (oito folhas expandidas); desfolha em V15(quinze folhas expandidas) e desfolha em VT (pendoamento). Nas subparcelas avaliaram-se quatro doses de nitrogênio: 0, 50, 100 e 200 kg ha-1, aplicadas no dia da desfolha em cada estádio fenológico e em V8 na testemunha não desfolhada. A desfolha realizada em V8 não reduziu o rendimento de grãos do milho, em relação à testemunha não desfolhada, independentemente da dose de N aplicada. A aplicação de nitrogênio em V15 aumentou o rendimento de grãos, reduzindo os prejuízos ocasionados pela desfolha. As desfolhas realizadas em VT causaram grandes prejuízos à produtividade do milho, onde não houve recuperação pela aplicação subseqüente de nitrogênio em cobertura. O sucesso da aplicação de N como estratégia para atenuar os prejuízos ocasionados pela desfolha depende do estádio em que a perda de área foliar ocorre e da dose de N aplicada.(AU)
Zea mays/fisiologia , Compostos de Nitrogênio , Folhas de Planta , Grão ComestívelResumo
Nitrogen can mitigate damages caused by leaf area reduction due to its influence on cell division. This work was carried out aiming to evaluate the efficiency of side-dressing different rates of nitrogen as a management strategy to maize stem defoliation at different growth stages. The experiment was set in Lages, during the 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 growing seasons. The experimental design was a randomized block with split plots. Three defoliation times were tested in the main plot: eight expanded leaves (V8), fifteen expanded leaves (V15) and tasseling (VT), plus a control without defoliation. Four nitrogen rates were assessed in the split-plots: 0, 50, 100 and 200 kg ha-1 of N. Nitrogen was side-dressed at the defoliation day of each growth stage and at V8 in the control. Defoliations performed at V8 did not reduce grain yield, in comparison to the control, regardless of N rate. Side-dressing N rates at V15 increased grain yield, mitigating damages caused by defoliation. Defoliation carried out at VT promoted great grain yield reduction that could not be alleviated with subsequent nitrogen fertilization. The success of nitrogen side-dress as a strategy to minimize maize grain yield losses caused by defoliation depends on the growth stage leaf area reduction occurs.
O nitrogênio pode mitigar os danos ocasionados pela redução de área foliar por influenciar a divisão celular. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência da aplicação de doses de nitrogênio em cobertura como estratégia de manejo da desfolha do colmo em diferentes estádios fenológicos do milho. O experimento foi instalado em Lages, SC, nos anos agrícolas de 2008/2009 e 2009/2010. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso dispostos em parcelas subdivididas. Na parcela principal testaram-se as épocas de desfolha: sem desfolha; desfolha em V8 (oito folhas expandidas); desfolha em V15(quinze folhas expandidas) e desfolha em VT (pendoamento). Nas subparcelas avaliaram-se quatro doses de nitrogênio: 0, 50, 100 e 200 kg ha-1, aplicadas no dia da desfolha em cada estádio fenológico e em V8 na testemunha não desfolhada. A desfolha realizada em V8 não reduziu o rendimento de grãos do milho, em relação à testemunha não desfolhada, independentemente da dose de N aplicada. A aplicação de nitrogênio em V15 aumentou o rendimento de grãos, reduzindo os prejuízos ocasionados pela desfolha. As desfolhas realizadas em VT causaram grandes prejuízos à produtividade do milho, onde não houve recuperação pela aplicação subseqüente de nitrogênio em cobertura. O sucesso da aplicação de N como estratégia para atenuar os prejuízos ocasionados pela desfolha depende do estádio em que a perda de área foliar ocorre e da dose de N aplicada.