The species Pinus taeda is largely used in intensive silviculture worldwide. This species has propagation through seeds, which requires determining seeds viability for their commercialization. The germination test recommended for this species usually requires up to 63 days to provide results on the quality of freshly harvested seeds, delaying commercialization and favoring contamination during the conduction of the test. The authors of this study aimed to establish the developmental stages of P. taeda seedlings to determine a criterion for interpreting the germination test with greater speed and efficiency to obtain results. The seeds were sown in transparent plastic boxes on two sheets of blotting paper and placed in a germinator at 22 °C with constant lighting. Five morphological stages of seedling development were defined with daily counts of the number of normal seedlings for each criterion, distribution in time, and the accumulated percentage of normal seedlings adjusted to time-to-event nonlinear regression. The new interpretation criterion proposed in this study is efficient, and P. taeda seedlings can be considered normal when cotyledon leaves differ by approximately 3 mm between the integument and hypocotyl, reducing the time to conduct the germination test by up to ten days compared to the criterion usually used in the routine analysis of seed laboratories.
Germinação/fisiologia , Pinus taeda/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Eucalyptus cloeziana is one of the highest-density wood species offering significant added value, frequently used in the construction and furniture industries. Despite its suitability, it may be overlooked on account of its propagation difficulties due either to its low rooting cutting capacity or to its seeds having a low germination rate perhaps attributable to the high proportion of indistinguishable impurities within the seed lots. This study aimed to develop an efficient technique for Eucalyptus cloeziana seed processing to increase the physical purity and, consequently, the physiological quality of the seed lot. Three seed lots, separated by size in sieves with 1.18, 1.00, and 0.84 mm square openings, were used. X-ray analyses were carried out, the number of normal seedlings and germination rate identified and the percentage and speed of seedling emergence under greenhouse conditions ascertained. The greenhouse evaluation showed that the seed retained in the 1.18 mm sieve presented viability and vigor twice that of the control. Therefore, the processing technique by size classification is efficient in terms of improving the physical and physiological performance of Eucalyptus cloeziana seed lots.(AU)
Eucalyptus/classificação , Eucalyptus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Eucalyptus/fisiologiaResumo
Eucalyptus cloeziana is one of the highest-density wood species offering significant added value, frequently used in the construction and furniture industries. Despite its suitability, it may be overlooked on account of its propagation difficulties due either to its low rooting cutting capacity or to its seeds having a low germination rate perhaps attributable to the high proportion of indistinguishable impurities within the seed lots. This study aimed to develop an efficient technique for Eucalyptus cloeziana seed processing to increase the physical purity and, consequently, the physiological quality of the seed lot. Three seed lots, separated by size in sieves with 1.18, 1.00, and 0.84 mm square openings, were used. X-ray analyses were carried out, the number of normal seedlings and germination rate identified and the percentage and speed of seedling emergence under greenhouse conditions ascertained. The greenhouse evaluation showed that the seed retained in the 1.18 mm sieve presented viability and vigor twice that of the control. Therefore, the processing technique by size classification is efficient in terms of improving the physical and physiological performance of Eucalyptus cloeziana seed lots.
Eucalyptus/classificação , Eucalyptus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Eucalyptus/fisiologiaResumo
Fusarium wilt is a major disease which affects peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth.var gasipaes Henderson). This study aimed to evaluate inoculation methods and aggressiveness of isolates of five Fusarium species on peach palm. Fusarium proliferatum can infect the leaves, stem, and roots of peach palm. F. proliferatum, F. oxysporum species complex (FOSC), F. verticillioides, F. solani species complex (FSSC), and Gibberella fujikuroi species complex (GFSC) are pathogenic to peach palm. The use of Fusarium-colonized ground corn for root inoculation was effective and reduced the level of damage to plants.(AU)
A fusariose é uma das principais doenças da pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes Kunth.var gasipaes Henderson). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar métodos de inoculação e a agressividade de isolados de cinco espécies de Fusarium à pupunheira. Demonstrou-se que Fusarium proliferatum pode infectar folhas, caule e raízes de pupunheira. Verificou-se que as espécies F. proliferatum, F. oxysporum species complex (FOSC), F. verticillioides, F. solani species complex (FSSC) e Gibberella. fujikuroi species complex (GFSC) são patogênicas à pupunheira e, que o uso da quirera colonizada por Fusarium para inoculação de raízes foi efetivo e reduziu o nível de injúrias às plantas.(AU)
Fusarium/patogenicidade , Arecaceae , Fusariose/patologia , Doenças das PlantasResumo
Fusarium wilt is a major disease which affects peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth.var gasipaes Henderson). This study aimed to evaluate inoculation methods and aggressiveness of isolates of five Fusarium species on peach palm. Fusarium proliferatum can infect the leaves, stem, and roots of peach palm. F. proliferatum, F. oxysporum species complex (FOSC), F. verticillioides, F. solani species complex (FSSC), and Gibberella fujikuroi species complex (GFSC) are pathogenic to peach palm. The use of Fusarium-colonized ground corn for root inoculation was effective and reduced the level of damage to plants.
A fusariose é uma das principais doenças da pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes Kunth.var gasipaes Henderson). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar métodos de inoculação e a agressividade de isolados de cinco espécies de Fusarium à pupunheira. Demonstrou-se que Fusarium proliferatum pode infectar folhas, caule e raízes de pupunheira. Verificou-se que as espécies F. proliferatum, F. oxysporum species complex (FOSC), F. verticillioides, F. solani species complex (FSSC) e Gibberella. fujikuroi species complex (GFSC) são patogênicas à pupunheira e, que o uso da quirera colonizada por Fusarium para inoculação de raízes foi efetivo e reduziu o nível de injúrias às plantas.
Arecaceae , Fusariose/patologia , Fusarium/patogenicidade , Doenças das PlantasResumo
Basidiomicetos têm sido amplamente utilizados como produtores de enzimas, no entanto são pouco explorados quanto a sua capacidade de produção de proteases. Estes fungos são reconhecidos pelas suas propriedades antitumorais, hipocolesterolêmicas, antimutagênicas, antioxidantes entre outras. Assim, a associação destas propriedades aos derivados do leite pode potencializar estes produtos como alimentos funcionais. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar basidiomicetos produtores de proteases, com potencial uso no processo de fabricação de derivados do leite. Foram utilizadas 27 linhagens de fungos crescidas em meio mínimo adicionado de 0,2% de caseína. A atividade proteolítica foi verificada pela formação de halo pela adição de uma solução saturada de (NH4)2SO4. Concluiu-se que a produção de proteases não apresenta relação com o crescimento micelial. O melhor produtor de proteases é a linhagem Lentinula edodes U8/1, seguida por Pleurotus sp (U2/9, U6/10 e U2/11). Os basidiomicetos Agaricus blazei (U4/3), Agaricus sp (U5/1), Flamulina sp (U5/4), Lycoperdon sp (U8/8), Agaricus blazei (U2/7), Agaricus blazei (U7/2), Agaricus blazei (U7/4) e Agaricus blazei (U7/5) não produzem proteases suficientes para serem medidas pela metodologia. Desta forma, estes resultados embasam o uso de Lentinula edodes e Pleurotus sp para o desenvolvimento de potenciais aplicações na hidrólise de proteínas em alimentos.(AU)
Basidiomycetes have been widely used as enzyme producers, but are poorly explored about their ability to produce protease. These fungi are known as antitumor, cholesterol-lowering, antimutagenic, antioxidant among other biological activities. Thus, the combination of basidiomycete properties to dairy products can improve them as functional foods. Therefore, the objective of this work was to screen basidiomycete protease producers to prospect the use of these fungi on dairy products. 27 basidiomycete strains grown on minimal medium supplemented with 0.2% casein were used. The proteolytic activity was verified by halo formation after a (NH4)2SO4 saturated solution addition on the culture medium. The production of proteases is not associated with mycelial growth. The best producers of proteases is Lentinula edodes U8/1 and after Pleurotus sp (U2/9, U6/10 e U2/11). The basidiomycetes of Agaricus blazei (U4/3), Agaricus sp (U5/1), Flamulina sp (U5/4), Lycoperdon sp (U8/8), Agaricus blazei (U2/7), Agaricus blazei (U7/2), Agaricus blazei (U7/4) and Agaricus blazei (U7/5) do not produce enough proteases to be measured by the methodology. Thus, these results support the use of Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus sp as potencial basidiomycetes for protein hydrolysis on food.(AU)
Basidiomicetos han sido ampliamente utilizados como productores de enzimas, pero poco exploradas en su capacidad de producción de proteasa. Estos hongos son reconocidos por sus propiedades antitumorales, reductor de colesterol, antimutagénicos, antioxidantes entre otras. Así, la asociación de estas propiedades a los derivados de la leche puede potencializar estos productos como alimentos funcionales. En este sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo fue seleccionar basidiomicetos productores de proteasas, con potencial uso en el proceso de fabricación de productos lácteos. Se utilizó 27 cepas de hongos crecidos en medio mínimo adicionado de 0,2% de caseína. La actividad proteolítica fue verificada por formación de halo por la adición de solución saturada de (NH4)2SO4. Se concluyó que la producción de proteasas no presenta relación con el crecimiento del micelio. El mejor productor de proteasas es la cepa de Lentinula edodes U8/1, seguida por Pleurotus sp (U2/9, U6/10 y U2/11). Los basidiomicetos Agaricus blazei (U4/3), Agaricus sp (U5/1), Flamulina sp (U5/4), Lycoperdon sp (U8/8), Agaricus blazei (U2/7), Agaricus blazei (U7/2), Agaricus blazei (U7/4) y Agaricus blazei (U7/5) no producen proteasas suficientes para que sean medidos por la metodología. Por lo tanto, estos resultados apoyan el uso de Lentinula edodes y Pleurotus sp para el desarrollo de potenciales aplicaciones en hidrólisis de proteínas en alimentos.(AU)