Management systems to improve soil quality are essential for agricultural and environmental sustainability. We assessed the quality of soil management systems applied to a subtropical Acrisol in terms of the carbon management index (CMI), the stratification ratio for total organic carbon (SR-TOC) and light fraction of organic matter (SR-LF). In addition, we examined their relationship to chemical, physical and biological soil quality indicators, as well as to maize yield. The study was conducted on a long-term experiment (18 years) in southern Brazil involving two different systems [no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)], two cropping systems [black oat/maize (O/M) and black oat + vetch/maize + cowpea (OV/MC)] and two nitrogen fertilizer rates for maize (0 and 180 kg ha1). Based on the three indices, the best managements for soil quality comprised NT (50-212 % better than CT), legume cover crops (10-47 % better than O/M) and N fertilization (8-33 % better than no fertilizer). All three indices proved accurate to assess the impact of soil management systems, especially SR-LF, which showed increased sensitivity and close relationships with chemical, physical and biological soil quality indicators. On the other hand, a poor relationship was observed between soil C indices and maize yield, which was improved only by legume cover crops and N fertilization. The results showed that the association of no-till system to an abundant supply of crop residues is key to ensure high soil quality and crop yields in humid subtropical regions.
Critérios de Qualidade do Solo , 24444 , Qualidade do Solo , Química do Solo , Conservação de Terras/métodosResumo
Management systems to improve soil quality are essential for agricultural and environmental sustainability. We assessed the quality of soil management systems applied to a subtropical Acrisol in terms of the carbon management index (CMI), the stratification ratio for total organic carbon (SR-TOC) and light fraction of organic matter (SR-LF). In addition, we examined their relationship to chemical, physical and biological soil quality indicators, as well as to maize yield. The study was conducted on a long-term experiment (18 years) in southern Brazil involving two different systems [no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)], two cropping systems [black oat/maize (O/M) and black oat + vetch/maize + cowpea (OV/MC)] and two nitrogen fertilizer rates for maize (0 and 180 kg ha1). Based on the three indices, the best managements for soil quality comprised NT (50-212 % better than CT), legume cover crops (10-47 % better than O/M) and N fertilization (8-33 % better than no fertilizer). All three indices proved accurate to assess the impact of soil management systems, especially SR-LF, which showed increased sensitivity and close relationships with chemical, physical and biological soil quality indicators. On the other hand, a poor relationship was observed between soil C indices and maize yield, which was improved only by legume cover crops and N fertilization. The results showed that the association of no-till system to an abundant supply of crop residues is key to ensure high soil quality and crop yields in humid subtropical regions.(AU)
Química do Solo , Qualidade do Solo , Critérios de Qualidade do Solo , 24444 , Conservação de Terras/métodosResumo
O trabalho objetivou identificar os principais atributos químicos de solo que limitam o crescimento do Eucalyptus saligna em plantios sem calagem na região Sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul, bem como determinar os valores críticos de cada fator. O estudo foi realizado em povoamentos florestais de dois Latossolos Vermelhos e um Neossolo Quartzarênico da região. Foram realizadas análises químicas do solo e, através de correlações (P 0,05) entre estes e variáveis de crescimento das plantas, verificou-se que os atributos que mais limitaram o crescimento das plantas foram a saturação por Al, a saturação por bases e o teor de Mg trocável, com decréscimo de até 50% nos parâmetros de crescimento. As correlações com os atributos químicos da camada subsuperficial de solo (20-40cm) foram mais significativas do que na camada superficial (0-20cm). Os níveis críticos médios para obtenção de 80% do rendimento relativo no crescimento em diâmetro e em volume de plantas foram de 79% para saturação por Al, 8,3% para saturação por bases e 0,3 cmolc dm-3 para o teor de Mg trocável. Os resultados indicam que a calagem não deve ser suprimida dos plantios de eucalipto em solos ácidos do Pampa gaúcho, mas a quantidade necessária de calagem para esta cultura parece ser menor do que a atualmente recomendada.(AU)
The study aimed to identify the main soil chemical attributes that constrains the Eucalyptus saligna growth in no-limed plantations at the southwestern region of Rio Grande do Sul state, as well as to determine the threshold values of each attribute. Forest plantations from two Oxisols and one Quartzipsamment were evaluated. Correlation analysis (P 0.05) between soil chemical attributes and plant growth variables indicated that the most constraining soil attributes were the Al saturation, bases saturation and exchangeable Mg content, whose decrease in plant growth was up to 50%. Subsurface soil attributes (20-40cm depth) had closer relation with plant growth than surface soil ones (0-20cm). The average threshold values for achieving 80% of the relative yield capacity in diameter growth of trunks and in volume were 79% for Al saturation, 8.3% for bases saturation and 0.3 cmolc dm-3 for exchangeable Mg. The results evidenced that liming should not be suppressed in eucalypt plantations on acid soils at south Brazilian Pampa and that the required amount of lime seem to be smaller than that currently recommended.(AU)
Eucalyptus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Solos Arenosos , Química do Solo , PradariaResumo
O trabalho objetivou identificar os principais atributos químicos de solo que limitam o crescimento do Eucalyptus saligna em plantios sem calagem na região Sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul, bem como determinar os valores críticos de cada fator. O estudo foi realizado em povoamentos florestais de dois Latossolos Vermelhos e um Neossolo Quartzarênico da região. Foram realizadas análises químicas do solo e, através de correlações (P 0,05) entre estes e variáveis de crescimento das plantas, verificou-se que os atributos que mais limitaram o crescimento das plantas foram a saturação por Al, a saturação por bases e o teor de Mg trocável, com decréscimo de até 50% nos parâmetros de crescimento. As correlações com os atributos químicos da camada subsuperficial de solo (20-40cm) foram mais significativas do que na camada superficial (0-20cm). Os níveis críticos médios para obtenção de 80% do rendimento relativo no crescimento em diâmetro e em volume de plantas foram de 79% para saturação por Al, 8,3% para saturação por bases e 0,3 cmolc dm-3 para o teor de Mg trocável. Os resultados indicam que a calagem não deve ser suprimida dos plantios de eucalipto em solos ácidos do Pampa gaúcho, mas a quantidade necessária de calagem para esta cultura parece ser menor do que a atualmente recomendada.
The study aimed to identify the main soil chemical attributes that constrains the Eucalyptus saligna growth in no-limed plantations at the southwestern region of Rio Grande do Sul state, as well as to determine the threshold values of each attribute. Forest plantations from two Oxisols and one Quartzipsamment were evaluated. Correlation analysis (P 0.05) between soil chemical attributes and plant growth variables indicated that the most constraining soil attributes were the Al saturation, bases saturation and exchangeable Mg content, whose decrease in plant growth was up to 50%. Subsurface soil attributes (20-40cm depth) had closer relation with plant growth than surface soil ones (0-20cm). The average threshold values for achieving 80% of the relative yield capacity in diameter growth of trunks and in volume were 79% for Al saturation, 8.3% for bases saturation and 0.3 cmolc dm-3 for exchangeable Mg. The results evidenced that liming should not be suppressed in eucalypt plantations on acid soils at south Brazilian Pampa and that the required amount of lime seem to be smaller than that currently recommended.