In this paper are presented notes on the primary types of some species of the oil-collecting bees of the genus Centris Fabricius, 1804 described by Alpheus Packard, Arturo Roig-Alsina, Charles Michener, Flamínio Ruiz, Haroldo Toro, James Crawford, Jesus Santiago Moure, Philip Timberlake, and Roy Snelling. Information on the type status, type locality and depository are provided.(AU)
Neste artigo são apresentadas notas sobre os tipos primários de algumas espécies de abelhas coletoras de óleo do gênero Centris Fabricius, 1804 descritas por Alpheus Packard, Arturo Roig-Alsina, Charles Michener, Flamínio Ruiz, Haroldo Toro, James Crawford, Jesus Santiago Moure, Philip Timberlake e Roy Snelling. São fornecidas informações sobre o status dos tipos, localidade tipo e depositário.(AU)
Animais , Abelhas/classificação , Biodiversidade , Especificidade da Espécie , AméricaResumo
One nest of Megachile (Moureapis) benigna Mitchell, 1930 (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) was collected using trap-nests in a forest fragment (Atlantic Forest biome) into an urban matrix in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in October/2017. The nest architecture and larval food are presented providing initial data for management and conservation of this species in cities.
Um ninho de Megachile (Moureapis) benigna Mitchell, 1930 (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) foi coletado usando ninhos-armadilha em um fragmento de floresta (bioma Mata Atlântica) em uma área urbana no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, em outubro/2017. A arquitetura do ninho e o alimento larval são apresentados fornecendo dados iniciais para o manejo e conservação desta espécie nas cidades.
Animais , Abelhas , Himenópteros , Comportamento de Nidação , PólenResumo
ABSTRACT One nest of Megachile (Moureapis) benigna Mitchell, 1930 (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) was collected using trap-nests in a forest fragment (Atlantic Forest biome) into an urban matrix in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in October/2017. The nest architecture and larval food are presented providing initial data for management and conservation of this species in cities.
RESUMO Um ninho de Megachile (Moureapis) benigna Mitchell, 1930 (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) foi coletado usando ninhos-armadilha em um fragmento de floresta (bioma Mata Atlântica) em uma área urbana no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, em outubro/2017. A arquitetura do ninho e o alimento larval são apresentados fornecendo dados iniciais para o manejo e conservação desta espécie nas cidades.
In this article are described two new species of oil-collecting bees of Centris (Melanocentris) from Colombia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. occurs in the northeast, César Department, while C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. occurs in the southeast, in the Caquetá, Meta and Vaupés Departments, as well as in the Amazonas State in northwestern Brazil. Photographs of both new species and a distribution map are also presented.(AU)
Duas espécies novas de abelhas coletoras de óleo de Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Neste artigo são descritas duas novas espécies de abelhas coletoras de óleo do subgênero Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. ocorre no nordeste do país, no Departamento de César, enquanto C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. ocorre no sudeste, nos Departamentos de Caquetá, Meta e Vaupés, assim como também no Estado do Amazonas, no noroeste do Brasil. Fotografias das duas novas espécies e um mapa de distribuição também são apresentados.(AU)
Animais , Abelhas/classificação , Óleos/análise , Óleos/química , BiodiversidadeResumo
In this article are described two new species of oil-collecting bees of Centris (Melanocentris) from Colombia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. occurs in the northeast, César Department, while C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. occurs in the southeast, in the Caquetá, Meta and Vaupés Departments, as well as in the Amazonas State in northwestern Brazil. Photographs of both new species and a distribution map are also presented.
Duas espécies novas de abelhas coletoras de óleo de Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Neste artigo são descritas duas novas espécies de abelhas coletoras de óleo do subgênero Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. ocorre no nordeste do país, no Departamento de César, enquanto C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. ocorre no sudeste, nos Departamentos de Caquetá, Meta e Vaupés, assim como também no Estado do Amazonas, no noroeste do Brasil. Fotografias das duas novas espécies e um mapa de distribuição também são apresentados.
Animais , Abelhas/classificação , Biodiversidade , Óleos/análise , Óleos/químicaResumo
ABSTRACT In this article are described two new species of oil-collecting bees of Centris (Melanocentris) from Colombia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. occurs in the northeast, César Department, while C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. occurs in the southeast, in the Caquetá, Meta and Vaupés Departments, as well as in the Amazonas State in northwestern Brazil. Photographs of both new species and a distribution map are also presented.
RESUMO Duas espécies novas de abelhas coletoras de óleo de Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Neste artigo são descritas duas novas espécies de abelhas coletoras de óleo do subgênero Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. ocorre no nordeste do país, no Departamento de César, enquanto C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. ocorre no sudeste, nos Departamentos de Caquetá, Meta e Vaupés, assim como também no Estado do Amazonas, no noroeste do Brasil. Fotografias das duas novas espécies e um mapa de distribuição também são apresentados.
In this paper the primary types of Centris bees described by the German entomologist Curt Schrottky were studied. The type specimens of C. anisitsi, C. brethesi, C. ehrhardti, C. garleppi, C. garleppi var. unifasciata, C. pectoralis var. flava, C. pocograndensis, and C. xanthocnemis var. perflava were analyzed, providing notes on their current status and depository. To stabilize the application of the name C. ehrhardti a lectotype was designated. Notes and photographs of selected types are also provided.
Animais , Abelhas/anatomia & histologia , Abelhas/classificação , ClassificaçãoResumo
Abstract In this paper the primary types of Centris bees described by the German entomologist Curt Schrottky were studied. The type specimens of C. anisitsi, C. brethesi, C. ehrhardti, C. garleppi, C. garleppi var. unifasciata, C. pectoralis var. flava, C. pocograndensis, and C. xanthocnemis var. perflava were analyzed, providing notes on their current status and depository. To stabilize the application of the name C. ehrhardti a lectotype was designated. Notes and photographs of selected types are also provided.
In this paper the primary types of Centris bees described by the German entomologist Curt Schrottky were studied. The type specimens of C. anisitsi, C. brethesi, C. ehrhardti, C. garleppi, C. garleppi var. unifasciata, C. pectoralis var. flava, C. pocograndensis, and C. xanthocnemis var. perflava were analyzed, providing notes on their current status and depository. To stabilize the application of the name C. ehrhardti a lectotype was designated. Notes and photographs of selected types are also provided.(AU)
Animais , Abelhas/classificação , Abelhas/anatomia & histologia , ClassificaçãoResumo
Nests of the oil-collecting bee Epicharis (Hoplepicharis) fasciata Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 were studied at the Jardim Botânico of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The females constructed their nests in an area of 609 m2 of mostly sandy flat soil. The nest architecture was relatively simple, with a main tunnel of approximately 30 cm in depth with one or two lateral tunnels ending in a single brood cell. Adult activity lasted approximately 45 days. The females dug the tunnels, constructed the brood cells, collected provisions and laid the eggs in approximately two days. Diapause occurred in the post defecating larval stage, and there was no cocoon. Nest architecture and the morphology of the brood cells are described and illustrated.(AU)
Ninhos da abelha coletora de óleo Epicharis (Hoplepicharis) fasciata Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 foram estudados no Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. As fêmeas construíram seus ninhos em uma área de 609 m2 de solo plano principalmente arenoso. A arquitetura do ninho é relativamente simples, com um túnel principal de aproximadamente 30 cm de profundidade, com um ou dois túneis laterais terminando em uma única célula de cria. A atividade dos adultos se estendeu por cerca de 45 dias. As fêmeas cavam os túneis, constroem as células de cria, coletam as provisões e depositam os ovos em aproximadamente dois dias. A diapausa ocorreu no estágio de larva pós-defecante e não houve casulo. A arquitetura dos ninhos e a morfologia das células de cria são descritas e ilustradas.(AU)
Animais , Himenópteros/química , Himenópteros/fisiologia , EcologiaResumo
In this paper the primary types of bees of the genus Centris Fabricius, 1804 described by the American hymenopterologist Ezra Townsend Cresson were studied. The type specimens of C. aethiops, C. fulviventris, C. lanosa, C. montezuma, C. otomita, and C. totonaca were examined, providing notes on their current status and depository. Photographs of selected types are also provided.(AU)
Neste artigo foram estudados os tipos primários das abelhas do gênero Centris Fabricius, 1804 descritas pelo himenopterólogo americano Ezra Townsend Cresson. Os espécimes-tipo de C. aethiops, C. fulviventris, C. lanosa, C. montezuma, C. otomita e C. totonaca foram analisados, fornecendo notas sobre seu status atual e local de depósito. Fotografias de alguns tipos selecionados também são proporcionadas.(AU)
Animais , Abelhas/classificação , ZoologiaResumo
In this paper the primary types of bees of the genus Centris Fabricius, 1804 described by the American hymenopterologist Ezra Townsend Cresson were studied. The type specimens of C. aethiops, C. fulviventris, C. lanosa, C. montezuma, C. otomita, and C. totonaca were examined, providing notes on their current status and depository. Photographs of selected types are also provided.
Neste artigo foram estudados os tipos primários das abelhas do gênero Centris Fabricius, 1804 descritas pelo himenopterólogo americano Ezra Townsend Cresson. Os espécimes-tipo de C. aethiops, C. fulviventris, C. lanosa, C. montezuma, C. otomita e C. totonaca foram analisados, fornecendo notas sobre seu status atual e local de depósito. Fotografias de alguns tipos selecionados também são proporcionadas.
Animais , Abelhas/classificação , ZoologiaResumo
Nests of the oil-collecting bee Epicharis (Hoplepicharis) fasciata Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 were studied at the Jardim Botânico of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The females constructed their nests in an area of 609 m2 of mostly sandy flat soil. The nest architecture was relatively simple, with a main tunnel of approximately 30 cm in depth with one or two lateral tunnels ending in a single brood cell. Adult activity lasted approximately 45 days. The females dug the tunnels, constructed the brood cells, collected provisions and laid the eggs in approximately two days. Diapause occurred in the post defecating larval stage, and there was no cocoon. Nest architecture and the morphology of the brood cells are described and illustrated.
Ninhos da abelha coletora de óleo Epicharis (Hoplepicharis) fasciata Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 foram estudados no Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. As fêmeas construíram seus ninhos em uma área de 609 m2 de solo plano principalmente arenoso. A arquitetura do ninho é relativamente simples, com um túnel principal de aproximadamente 30 cm de profundidade, com um ou dois túneis laterais terminando em uma única célula de cria. A atividade dos adultos se estendeu por cerca de 45 dias. As fêmeas cavam os túneis, constroem as células de cria, coletam as provisões e depositam os ovos em aproximadamente dois dias. A diapausa ocorreu no estágio de larva pós-defecante e não houve casulo. A arquitetura dos ninhos e a morfologia das células de cria são descritas e ilustradas.
Animais , Ecologia , Himenópteros/fisiologia , Himenópteros/químicaResumo
ABSTRACT In this paper the primary types of bees of the genus Centris Fabricius, 1804 described by the American hymenopterologist Ezra Townsend Cresson were studied. The type specimens of C. aethiops, C. fulviventris, C. lanosa, C. montezuma, C. otomita, and C. totonaca were examined, providing notes on their current status and depository. Photographs of selected types are also provided.
RESUMO Neste artigo foram estudados os tipos primários das abelhas do gênero Centris Fabricius, 1804 descritas pelo himenopterólogo americano Ezra Townsend Cresson. Os espécimes-tipo de C. aethiops, C. fulviventris, C. lanosa, C. montezuma, C. otomita e C. totonaca foram analisados, fornecendo notas sobre seu status atual e local de depósito. Fotografias de alguns tipos selecionados também são proporcionadas.
ABSTRACT Nests of the oil-collecting bee Epicharis (Hoplepicharis) fasciata Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 were studied at the Jardim Botânico of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The females constructed their nests in an area of 609 m2 of mostly sandy flat soil. The nest architecture was relatively simple, with a main tunnel of approximately 30 cm in depth with one or two lateral tunnels ending in a single brood cell. Adult activity lasted approximately 45 days. The females dug the tunnels, constructed the brood cells, collected provisions and laid the eggs in approximately two days. Diapause occurred in the post defecating larval stage, and there was no cocoon. Nest architecture and the morphology of the brood cells are described and illustrated.
RESUMO Ninhos da abelha coletora de óleo Epicharis (Hoplepicharis) fasciata Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 foram estudados no Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. As fêmeas construíram seus ninhos em uma área de 609 m2 de solo plano principalmente arenoso. A arquitetura do ninho é relativamente simples, com um túnel principal de aproximadamente 30 cm de profundidade, com um ou dois túneis laterais terminando em uma única célula de cria. A atividade dos adultos se estendeu por cerca de 45 dias. As fêmeas cavam os túneis, constroem as células de cria, coletam as provisões e depositam os ovos em aproximadamente dois dias. A diapausa ocorreu no estágio de larva pós-defecante e não houve casulo. A arquitetura dos ninhos e a morfologia das células de cria são descritas e ilustradas.
Urban areas, as cities, are frequently overlooked as refuges for the native fauna. However, these places may support several species and house relevant biodiversity contributing to important ecosystemic functions. Wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Apocrita) are important faunistic elements acting as predators/parasitoids and pollinators, respectively. Therefore, they must be surveyed and inventoried for conservation purposes, especially in cities located in the Atlantic Forest domain, a ravaged Brazilian biome. Accordingly, this study presents a species list of trap-nesting bees and wasps that occurs at the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. The survey was conducted using the trap-nest method. Three types of trap-nests were offered totalizing 1,038 traps: rubber hose, bamboo cane and plastic straw. The plastic straw traps were the most effective followed by the bamboo cane ones at attracting nesting wasps and bees. Between April/2017 and February/2019, 12 foundress species built nests: Tetrapedia curvitarsis (Apidae) (33 nests), Hylaeus sp. (Colletidae) (6), Auplopus cf. rufipes (Pompilidae) (5), Trypoxylon sp. (Crabronidae) (4), Pachodynerus nasidens (Vespidae) (3), Auplopus cf. brasiliensis (Pompilidae), Megachile benigna and Megachile sp. (Megachilidae), Euglossa pleosticta, Euglossa sp., and Eufriesea sp. (Apidae) and Penepodium sp...
Animais , Abelhas/anatomia & histologia , Abelhas/classificação , Fauna/análise , Vespas/anatomia & histologia , Vespas/classificação , BrasilResumo
There are few studies dedicated to the natural history of Neotropical spider wasps (Pompilidae). When it comes to urban areas, the knowledge on these wasps is even scarcer. This study sheds light on the natural history of Auplopus cf. rufipes and A. cf. brasiliensis (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae: Ageniellini) from an urban Atlantic Forest fragment in the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil. Auplopus cf. rufipes displays a multivoltine pattern and frequently nests in bamboo canes scattered in the open areas, whereas A. cf. brasiliensis is a rare sight, with only a single nest collected from a hose trap-nest. Females of the former species show aggressive behaviour, which suggests a solitary lifestyle. Their nests were partly enveloped in a complex structure, similar to other species that build free-standing, unconcealed nests and display some degree of sociality. Such behaviour could not be observed for A. cf. brasiliensis. Despite that, nests of both species were built using mud pellets, though the brood cells differed regarding arrangement and position in the trap. Two parasites were found attacking the cells: Caenochrysis crotonis (Chrysididae) in a cell of A. cf. rufipes, and Chaenotetrastichus neotropicalis (Eulophidae) in two cells of A. cf. brasiliensis, both recorded for the first time. Auplopus cf. rufipes was found to prey on Frigga cf. quintensis (Salticidae), the first record of this genus as a host of Auplopus.
Animais , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais , Vespas/anatomia & histologia , Vespas/classificação , BrasilResumo
Abstract Urban areas, as cities, are frequently overlooked as refuges for the native fauna. However, these places may support several species and house relevant biodiversity contributing to important ecosystemic functions. Wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Apocrita) are important faunistic elements acting as predators/parasitoids and pollinators, respectively. Therefore, they must be surveyed and inventoried for conservation purposes, especially in cities located in the Atlantic Forest domain, a ravaged Brazilian biome. Accordingly, this study presents a species list of trap-nesting bees and wasps that occurs at the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. The survey was conducted using the trap-nest method. Three types of trap-nests were offered totalizing 1,038 traps: rubber hose, bamboo cane and plastic straw. The plastic straw traps were the most effective followed by the bamboo cane ones at attracting nesting wasps and bees. Between April/2017 and February/2019, 12 foundress species built nests: Tetrapedia curvitarsis (Apidae) (33 nests), Hylaeus sp. (Colletidae) (6), Auplopus cf. rufipes (Pompilidae) (5), Trypoxylon sp. (Crabronidae) (4), Pachodynerus nasidens (Vespidae) (3), Auplopus cf. brasiliensis (Pompilidae), Megachile benigna and Megachile sp. (Megachilidae), Euglossa pleosticta, Euglossa sp., and Eufriesea sp. (Apidae) and Penepodium sp. (Sphecidae) all with one nest. Also, four natural enemies were recorded: Chaenotetrastichus neotropicalis (Eulophidae), Gasteruption brachychaetum (Gasteruptiidae), Caenochrysis crotonis (Chrysididae) and Amobia sp. (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Most bee nests were restrained to the matrix forest and nearby areas, whereas wasps built their nests predominantly in open areas. Regarding seasonality, bees tended to nest in the summer and early autumn influenced by mean temperature, in contrast of wasps that nested in late autumn, winter and spring, influenced by pluviosity. Besides many rare species, which suggests environmental disturbance, the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro showed a fairly diverse fauna and shows how forest fragment in cities may harbour important representatives of the native fauna.
Abstract There are few studies dedicated to the natural history of Neotropical spider wasps (Pompilidae). When it comes to urban areas, the knowledge on these wasps is even scarcer. This study sheds light on the natural history of Auplopus cf. rufipes and A. cf. brasiliensis (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae: Ageniellini) from an urban Atlantic Forest fragment in the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil. Auplopus cf. rufipes displays a multivoltine pattern and frequently nests in bamboo canes scattered in the open areas, whereas A. cf. brasiliensis is a rare sight, with only a single nest collected from a hose trap-nest. Females of the former species show aggressive behaviour, which suggests a solitary lifestyle. Their nests were partly enveloped in a complex structure, similar to other species that build free-standing, unconcealed nests and display some degree of sociality. Such behaviour could not be observed for A. cf. brasiliensis. Despite that, nests of both species were built using mud pellets, though the brood cells differed regarding arrangement and position in the trap. Two parasites were found attacking the cells: Caenochrysis crotonis (Chrysididae) in a cell of A. cf. rufipes, and Chaenotetrastichus neotropicalis (Eulophidae) in two cells of A. cf. brasiliensis, both recorded for the first time. Auplopus cf. rufipes was found to prey on Frigga cf. quintensis (Salticidae), the first record of this genus as a host of Auplopus.
Urban areas, as cities, are frequently overlooked as refuges for the native fauna. However, these places may support several species and house relevant biodiversity contributing to important ecosystemic functions. Wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Apocrita) are important faunistic elements acting as predators/parasitoids and pollinators, respectively. Therefore, they must be surveyed and inventoried for conservation purposes, especially in cities located in the Atlantic Forest domain, a ravaged Brazilian biome. Accordingly, this study presents a species list of trap-nesting bees and wasps that occurs at the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. The survey was conducted using the trap-nest method. Three types of trap-nests were offered totalizing 1,038 traps: rubber hose, bamboo cane and plastic straw. The plastic straw traps were the most effective followed by the bamboo cane ones at attracting nesting wasps and bees. Between April/2017 and February/2019, 12 foundress species built nests: Tetrapedia curvitarsis (Apidae) (33 nests), Hylaeus sp. (Colletidae) (6), Auplopus cf. rufipes (Pompilidae) (5), Trypoxylon sp. (Crabronidae) (4), Pachodynerus nasidens (Vespidae) (3), Auplopus cf. brasiliensis (Pompilidae), Megachile benigna and Megachile sp. (Megachilidae), Euglossa pleosticta, Euglossa sp., and Eufriesea sp. (Apidae) and Penepodium sp...(AU)