This study aimed to evaluate the effect of oregano extract added to commercial diets on zootechnical performance parameters, carcass yield, immunological conditions, morphometry, and intestinal pH for free-range broiler chickens raised under sanitary challenge conditions. Three hundred chicks of the strain 'Heavy red' were used and distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with five treatments and six replications, totaling 30 experimental units, each consisting of 10 birds. The treatments were: T1: Basal diet without oregano extract (OE); T2: Basal diet with OE (150 mg/kg); T3: Basal diet with OE (250 mg/kg); T4: Basal diet with OE (350 mg/kg); T5: and Basal diet with OE (450 mg/kg). There was a significant effect on feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion, feed efficiency, heterophil/lymphocyte ratio (H/L), and intestinal morphometry. No significant differences were observed in viability, carcass yield, intestinal pH, lymphoid organs, gizzard, heart, and intestine. Oregano extract influenced the liver yield and abdominal fat of broilers. Overall, the inclusion of oregano extract at the level of 350 mg/kg provided better results.(AU)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do extrato de orégano adicionado à ração comercial, considerando os parâmetros de desempenho zootécnico, rendimento de carcaça, condições imunológicas, morfometria e pH intestinal de frangos de corte de linhagem caipira, criados sob condição de desafio sanitário. Foram utilizados 300 pintos da linhagem vermelho pesadão, que foram distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado - DIC, com cinco tratamentos e seis repetições, totalizando 30 unidades experimentais, constituídas por 10 aves cada. Os tratamentos foram: T1: Ração basal, sem Extrato de Orégano (EO); T2: Ração basal com EO (150 mg/Kg); T3: Ração basal com EO (250 mg/Kg); T4: Ração basal com EO(350 mg/Kg); T5: Ração basal com EO (450 mg/Kg). Houve efeito significativo no consumo de ração, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, eficiência alimentar, relação heterofilo/linfócito (H/L) e morfometria intestinal. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na viabilidade, no rendimento de carcaça, no pH intestinal, nos órgãos linfoides, moela, coração e intestino. Promoveu influência no rendimento de fígado e gordura abdominal dos frangos. A inclusão no nível de 350mg/kg proporciona melhores resultados.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Extratos Vegetais/química , Galinhas/genética , Ração Animal/análise , Origanum/químicaResumo
Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a group of non-lymphoid hematological tumors characterized by aberrant proliferation and/or decreased apoptosis of a clone of non-mature cells, resulting in the accumulation of immature blast cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. It is considered rare, as it represents 10% of neoplasms of hematopoietic origin. However, it is known that felines seroreactive for FIV and FeLV are more predisposed and reports of this type of leukemia in cats in the literature are scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the blood and bone marrow of a cat seroreactive for FeLV that presented with myelodysplastic syndrome that progressed to acute myeloid leukemia. Case: A 6-year-old male mixed-breed cat, neutered, seroreactive for FeLV, showed apathy, weight loss, and pale mucous membranes. Initial peripheral blood smear evaluation revealed hypochromic normocytic anemia, leukopenia, neutropenia, lymphopenia, and thrombocytosis with many macropackets and giant platelets. Based on this blood picture, a long-spectrum antimicrobial therapy with amoxicillin and clavulanate [Clavulin® BD - 25 mg/kg, every 12 h] was started. Granulocyte colony stimulating factor used filgrastim (rHu G-CSF) [Fiprina® - 5 µg/kg, SC, every 48 h] and appetite stimulant mirtazapine [Mirtz® - 2 mg/cat, orally, every 48 h] were used to correct leukopenia and nutritional status, respectively. Follow-up blood smear evaluation on the 30th day showed persistence of the hematological changes noticed earlier. A bone marrow puncture was performed, and immunosuppressive therapy with prednisolone [Predsim® - 4 mg/kg, orally, every 24 h] was initiated. The aspirated material showed increased cellularity for age, decreased myeloid:erythroid ratio, and 39.8% of blasts of myeloid origin. An average of 17.7 megakaryocytes were observed per field (10x magnification). Bone marrow cytological evaluation suggested acute myeloid leukemia with dysmegakaryocytopoiesis. After the diagnosis, the examinations were repeated monthly, and there was still intense leukopenia. However, in view of the stable clinical status and leukopenia with neutropenia, treatment for leukemia was not instituted and only supportive treatment was administered when necessary. Eight months after the diagnosis, clinical status had worsened, and unlike the earlier hemograms, global leukocyte count had increased with predominant lymphocytosis (95% of the total leukocytes) with atypical lymphocytes. The cat died a few days later. Discussion: Bone marrow evaluation is indicated when peripheral blood cell abnormalities are present and cannot be explained in the context of the clinical history. In the present report, the bone marrow aspirate was hypercellular (cellularity above 75%); however, intense leukopenia was observed in the peripheral blood. In myelodysplastic syndromes, it is common for the bone marrow to be normal to hypercellular, which occurs when there is a greater production of myeloid or erythroid cell lines in response to the loss, destruction, or consumption of cells. Despite this, cytopenias may be present in the peripheral blood, since the defective cells undergo apoptosis and die before being released into the circulation, characterizing inefficient hematopoiesis. The diagnosis of acute leukemia comprises a variety of hematopoietic neoplasms that are complex and unique. Each acute leukemia subtype has defining characteristics that affect the prognosis and treatment of each animal.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Medula Óssea/ultraestrutura , Leucemia Mieloide/veterinária , Leucemia Felina/complicações , Deficiência de GATA2/veterinária , Vírus da Leucemia FelinaResumo
Background: Automated hematology analyzers have been developed to optimize the time between analyses and havepromising precision and accuracy. Complete blood count (CBC) is often requested as part of veterinary clinical examination. Automated analyzers are often used to determine CBCs, since processing as well as container-related errors mayoccur owing to variable sizes, aggregates, white or red blood cell fragments, and effects of EDTA on cell morphology.Platelet aggregates frequently occur in felines, with studies reporting a prevalence of approximately 71%. The aim of thepresent study was to evaluate the influence of exercise aggregates on the global white blood cell count of domestic catsusing automated hematological counters with the impedance method.Materials, Methods & Results: Blood samples of 140 cats, irrespective of age, sex, and breed, were collected into EDTAcontaining tubes. The samples were obtained via routine clinical examinations at the Veterinary Hospital of the FederalRural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and processed at the Veterinary Parasitology Experimental ChemotherapyLaboratory (LQEPV), belonging to the same institution. All the samples were processed on the Sysmex pocH-100iVDiff automated hematology apparatus according to the manufacturers recommendations. Leukocyte counts were alsomanually determined using a duplicate Neubauer chamber. Standard dilutions were prepared immediately after theautomated analysis. To identify the occurrence of platelet aggregates, a blood smear was made and visualized undera brightfield microscope at a magnification of 10× and scored 0 to 3 (G1, G2, G3, and G4) based on the aggregationintensity. In case of changes, the groups were subdivided according to the intensity of occurrence. Of the 140 samples...
Animais , Gatos , Contagem de Leucócitos/métodos , Contagem de Leucócitos/veterinária , Gatos , Agregação Plaquetária , Impedância Elétrica , PlaquetasResumo
Background: Automated hematology analyzers have been developed to optimize the time between analyses and havepromising precision and accuracy. Complete blood count (CBC) is often requested as part of veterinary clinical examination. Automated analyzers are often used to determine CBCs, since processing as well as container-related errors mayoccur owing to variable sizes, aggregates, white or red blood cell fragments, and effects of EDTA on cell morphology.Platelet aggregates frequently occur in felines, with studies reporting a prevalence of approximately 71%. The aim of thepresent study was to evaluate the influence of exercise aggregates on the global white blood cell count of domestic catsusing automated hematological counters with the impedance method.Materials, Methods & Results: Blood samples of 140 cats, irrespective of age, sex, and breed, were collected into EDTAcontaining tubes. The samples were obtained via routine clinical examinations at the Veterinary Hospital of the FederalRural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and processed at the Veterinary Parasitology Experimental ChemotherapyLaboratory (LQEPV), belonging to the same institution. All the samples were processed on the Sysmex pocH-100iVDiff automated hematology apparatus according to the manufacturers recommendations. Leukocyte counts were alsomanually determined using a duplicate Neubauer chamber. Standard dilutions were prepared immediately after theautomated analysis. To identify the occurrence of platelet aggregates, a blood smear was made and visualized undera brightfield microscope at a magnification of 10× and scored 0 to 3 (G1, G2, G3, and G4) based on the aggregationintensity. In case of changes, the groups were subdivided according to the intensity of occurrence. Of the 140 samples...(AU)