Background: Poisoning cases are a challenge for the veterinary practitioner, since many agents can be involved. The incomplete patient history associated with advanced poisoning stage often leads to death. Since lacking information is common, it is essential to be aware of principal poisoning agents and their associated symptomatology. The aim of this study is to describe the major agents involved in small animal poisoning, the causative agent, poisoning route, time to search veterinary care, clinical signs and ancillary tests of canine and feline patients treated at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from January 2010 to June 2016.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-four medical records with poisoning history were found and reviewed, but only 30 medical records had complete data to be evaluated. There were 24 dogs and 6 cats, 17 female and 13 male. Six females were spayed. Poisoning agent identification was possible in 29 cases and was food, molluscicide, cleaning product, ornamental plants, medication, rodenticide and antiparasitic drugs. Fourteen poisonings were caused by the owner and 16 were accidental. There was a higher poisoning incidence in dogs than cats. Most of the patients were young and unneutered/unspayed.Discussion: In this study there was a higher poisoning prevalence in dogs than cats, as occurred in other studies published in Europe, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Austria and other Brazilian regions. Most of the patients were young, which is in agreement with previous studies in which young animals were more affected. Domestic antiparasitic drugs were the most common poisoning agents (33%), as reported in studies from France and Spain. In southern Brazil, the most common poisoning agent was medication, whereas in southeast Brazil, organophosphates were the most prevalent poisoning agent. Considering this, the geographic localisation seems to influence the poisoning agent.[...]
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Intoxicação/diagnóstico , Intoxicação/etiologia , Intoxicação/veterinária , Medicina de Emergência , Estudos RetrospectivosResumo
Background: Poisoning cases are a challenge for the veterinary practitioner, since many agents can be involved. The incomplete patient history associated with advanced poisoning stage often leads to death. Since lacking information is common, it is essential to be aware of principal poisoning agents and their associated symptomatology. The aim of this study is to describe the major agents involved in small animal poisoning, the causative agent, poisoning route, time to search veterinary care, clinical signs and ancillary tests of canine and feline patients treated at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from January 2010 to June 2016.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-four medical records with poisoning history were found and reviewed, but only 30 medical records had complete data to be evaluated. There were 24 dogs and 6 cats, 17 female and 13 male. Six females were spayed. Poisoning agent identification was possible in 29 cases and was food, molluscicide, cleaning product, ornamental plants, medication, rodenticide and antiparasitic drugs. Fourteen poisonings were caused by the owner and 16 were accidental. There was a higher poisoning incidence in dogs than cats. Most of the patients were young and unneutered/unspayed.Discussion: In this study there was a higher poisoning prevalence in dogs than cats, as occurred in other studies published in Europe, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Austria and other Brazilian regions. Most of the patients were young, which is in agreement with previous studies in which young animals were more affected. Domestic antiparasitic drugs were the most common poisoning agents (33%), as reported in studies from France and Spain. In southern Brazil, the most common poisoning agent was medication, whereas in southeast Brazil, organophosphates were the most prevalent poisoning agent. Considering this, the geographic localisation seems to influence the poisoning agent.[...](AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Intoxicação/diagnóstico , Intoxicação/etiologia , Intoxicação/veterinária , Medicina de Emergência , Estudos RetrospectivosResumo
Background: The tarsal joint is the third most commonly joint affected by osteochondrosis in dogs. This joint is affected in 4 to 9% of the cases, and in 50% of these cases the disease is bilateral. Radiological signs include defect in the subchondral bone, sclerotic margin, and fragment of mineralized cartilage. Dorsoplantar in flexion and oblique radiologic images are necessary to show tarsal osteochondrosis. Computed tomography avoid overlap of bone structures and allows better visualization of subchondral lesions, showing the exact location, size and number of fragments. The objective of this study is to report a case of bilateral osteochondrosis dissecans in tarsal joint in Rottweiler. Case: A female Rottweiler was examined and presented a history of pain and difficulty in raising the pelvic limbs. There was pain in the right tibiotarsal joint (RTJ) with evident joint cracking and, after three months, the left pelvic limb started to show the same signs. Radiographic examination of the RTJ showed a small osteochondral fragment in the distal medial border of the medial malleolus of the tibia, subchondral sclerosis with radiolucent area in the medial malleolus of the tibia, and a small lateral periarticular osteophyte in the intertarsal joint. The left tibiotarsal joint (LTJ) showed mild articular incongruity and minor increase in radiological interlinear space, diffuse sclerosis in the medial malleolus and in the subchondral surface of the trochlear crest. This exam also showed a small radiolucent area in the medial malleolus of the tibia, a small fragment of radiopaque adjacent bone, and minor subchondral bone irregularity in the medial margin of the medial trochlea. The radiographic examination of the RTJ was inconclusive. Computed tomography was requested and suggested the diagnosis of medial osteochondritis dissecans in the distal talus...
Animais , Cães , Osteocondrose/diagnóstico por imagem , Osteocondrose/veterinária , Tarso Animal , Radiografia/veterinária , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterináriaResumo
Background: The tarsal joint is the third most commonly joint affected by osteochondrosis in dogs. This joint is affected in 4 to 9% of the cases, and in 50% of these cases the disease is bilateral. Radiological signs include defect in the subchondral bone, sclerotic margin, and fragment of mineralized cartilage. Dorsoplantar in flexion and oblique radiologic images are necessary to show tarsal osteochondrosis. Computed tomography avoid overlap of bone structures and allows better visualization of subchondral lesions, showing the exact location, size and number of fragments. The objective of this study is to report a case of bilateral osteochondrosis dissecans in tarsal joint in Rottweiler. Case: A female Rottweiler was examined and presented a history of pain and difficulty in raising the pelvic limbs. There was pain in the right tibiotarsal joint (RTJ) with evident joint cracking and, after three months, the left pelvic limb started to show the same signs. Radiographic examination of the RTJ showed a small osteochondral fragment in the distal medial border of the medial malleolus of the tibia, subchondral sclerosis with radiolucent area in the medial malleolus of the tibia, and a small lateral periarticular osteophyte in the intertarsal joint. The left tibiotarsal joint (LTJ) showed mild articular incongruity and minor increase in radiological interlinear space, diffuse sclerosis in the medial malleolus and in the subchondral surface of the trochlear crest. This exam also showed a small radiolucent area in the medial malleolus of the tibia, a small fragment of radiopaque adjacent bone, and minor subchondral bone irregularity in the medial margin of the medial trochlea. The radiographic examination of the RTJ was inconclusive. Computed tomography was requested and suggested the diagnosis of medial osteochondritis dissecans in the distal talus...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Osteocondrose/diagnóstico por imagem , Osteocondrose/veterinária , Tarso Animal , Radiografia/veterinária , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterináriaResumo
Background: The goal of anesthesia in patients with neurological diseases is to maintain the homeostasis of the central nervous system, focusing on intracranial pressure and pain during the intraoperative period. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anesthesia performed between January 2010 and January 2016 at the Veterinary Clinical Hospital at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and correlate the types of surgeries, drugs used in the pre-anesthetic medication, induction, pain control, and the development of complications during the procedure. Materials, Methods & Results: The medical records of 242 patients, who presented with neurological signs of spinal cord compression or traumatic brain injury, were assessed. Only 70 patients who underwent surgery had properly documented and detailed anesthesia records. Of these 70, there were 32 male and 38 female animals, with one feline and 69 canines. Their weights on the day of surgery ranged between 1.5 kg and 38 kg and their ages ranged from six months up to 13 years. We evaluated 74 surgeries because four patients underwent two separate surgeries. There were 38 hemilaminectomies, 14 ventral slots, seven vertebral stabilizations (one atlantoaxial instability and six vertebral fractures), six dorsal laminectomies, four pediculectomies, two fenestrations with hemilaminectomy, one durotomy with hemilaminectomy, on [...](AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Anestesia/métodos , Anestesia/veterinária , Medicação Pré-Anestésica/veterinária , Procedimentos Neurocirúrgicos/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Central , Medição da Dor/veterináriaResumo
Background: The goal of anesthesia in patients with neurological diseases is to maintain the homeostasis of the central nervous system, focusing on intracranial pressure and pain during the intraoperative period. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anesthesia performed between January 2010 and January 2016 at the Veterinary Clinical Hospital at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and correlate the types of surgeries, drugs used in the pre-anesthetic medication, induction, pain control, and the development of complications during the procedure. Materials, Methods & Results: The medical records of 242 patients, who presented with neurological signs of spinal cord compression or traumatic brain injury, were assessed. Only 70 patients who underwent surgery had properly documented and detailed anesthesia records. Of these 70, there were 32 male and 38 female animals, with one feline and 69 canines. Their weights on the day of surgery ranged between 1.5 kg and 38 kg and their ages ranged from six months up to 13 years. We evaluated 74 surgeries because four patients underwent two separate surgeries. There were 38 hemilaminectomies, 14 ventral slots, seven vertebral stabilizations (one atlantoaxial instability and six vertebral fractures), six dorsal laminectomies, four pediculectomies, two fenestrations with hemilaminectomy, one durotomy with hemilaminectomy, on [...]
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Anestesia/métodos , Anestesia/veterinária , Medicação Pré-Anestésica/veterinária , Medição da Dor/veterinária , Procedimentos Neurocirúrgicos/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso CentralResumo
Background: Narcolepsy is a neurologic sleep disorder, in humans characterized by excessive and recurrent daytime sleepiness, rapid eye movement in the beginning of the sleep, in association with hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis, with or without cataplexy. In dogs, the characteristic symptom is cataplexy and narcolepsy exists in two forms, one genetic and one acquired. This article describes one case of narcolepsy as a symptom due to an adenohypophysis tumor. Case: Dog presenting progressive signs of appetite loss, incoordination and constant falling. At clinical evaluation, the dog presented cachexia, hipocolored mucosae and compulsively walking in circles to the right, the four limbs collapsed from physical exhaustion, remaining in a narcoleptic state. Complementary exams, like x-ray, ultrasonography, hemogram and biochemical examination did not show significant alterations. The patient was hospitalized for recovery of general status and corticoid treatment was initiated, but after two days it died. Necropsy reported that the cause of death was 180º gastric torsion and adrenals presented diffuse and marked enlargement of the cortical layer, 1.5 cm diameter neoplasia at the base of the brain and 0.5 cm diameter cavitation in the cerebral parenchyma. In the microscopic examination, adrenals were hyperplastic at the cortical region and there was round cell proliferation, with some basophilic cytoplasm and others more eosinophilic at the hypophysis with parenchyma nervous tissue invasion, reaching the diagnosis of macroadenoma of adenohypophysis chromophil cells. Discussion: secondary or symptomatic narcolepsy is not commonly described in animals, with just one case report being found in the literature, in which the patient presented narcolepsy-cataplexy secondary to post-vaccination encephalitis. In humans, it has been reported in cases of hypothalamic pathologies, like Niemann-Pick type C disease, neoplasia, trauma, vascular issues, post-encephalitis, agenesis of the corpus callosum, sarcoidosis, neurocysticercosis and limbic encephalitis. In the described case, probably, there was an infi ltration from the hypophysis macroadenoma to the adjacent tissues, causing destruction and compression of hypothalamic neurons. The hypophisary macroadenomas, with nervous symptoms, occur due to tumor dorsal extention, dorso-caudal direction, comprising and invading the hypothalamus and the third ventricle. The most common signs are apathy, ataxy, behavioral changes, sight reduction and facial paralysis, being some of these symptoms observed in the present case. According to several reports in humans, the hypocretin levels (neurotransmitter which presents the function of sleep regulation, alertness and food intake) is used to diagnose narcolepsy, however, in case of secondary narcolepsy, the neurotransmitter can or not be decreased. Cases in which it had normal amount, the authors based on clinical signs concluded that the hypocretinergic system (hypocretin-1 and 2, and its respective receptors) would be compromised. The patient died before the hypocretin dosage was performed to confirm secondary narcolepsy. For that, it would be necessary to collect cephalorachidian fluid, under sedation, but the dog was not in adequate physical condition to go under such procedure. Because of that, it was concluded that, by symptomatology, its hypocretinergic system was affected, because the location of the tumor lesion is similar to other cases reported in humans.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias Hipofisárias/veterinária , Adenoma/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Narcolepsia/complicações , Narcolepsia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Narcolepsy is a neurologic sleep disorder, in humans characterized by excessive and recurrent daytime sleepiness, rapid eye movement in the beginning of the sleep, in association with hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis, with or without cataplexy. In dogs, the characteristic symptom is cataplexy and narcolepsy exists in two forms, one genetic and one acquired. This article describes one case of narcolepsy as a symptom due to an adenohypophysis tumor.Case: Dog presenting progressive signs of appetite loss, incoordination and constant falling. At clinical evaluation, the dog presented cachexia, hipocolored mucosae and compulsively walking in circles to the right, the four limbs collapsed from physical exhaustion, remaining in a narcoleptic state. Complementary exams, like x-ray, ultrasonography, hemogram and biochemical examination did not show signifi cant alterations. The patient was hospitalized for recovery of general status and corticoid treatment was initiated, but after two days it died. Necropsy reported that the cause of death was 180º gastric torsion and adrenals presented diffuse and marked enlargement of the cortical layer, 1.5 cm diameter neoplasia at the base of the brain and 0.5 cm diameter cavitation in the cerebral parenchyma. In the microscopic examination, adrenals were hyperplastic at the cortical region and there was round cell prolifera
Background: Narcolepsy is a neurologic sleep disorder, in humans characterized by excessive and recurrent daytime sleepiness, rapid eye movement in the beginning of the sleep, in association with hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis, with or without cataplexy. In dogs, the characteristic symptom is cataplexy and narcolepsy exists in two forms, one genetic and one acquired. This article describes one case of narcolepsy as a symptom due to an adenohypophysis tumor.Case: Dog presenting progressive signs of appetite loss, incoordination and constant falling. At clinical evaluation, the dog presented cachexia, hipocolored mucosae and compulsively walking in circles to the right, the four limbs collapsed from physical exhaustion, remaining in a narcoleptic state. Complementary exams, like x-ray, ultrasonography, hemogram and biochemical examination did not show signifi cant alterations. The patient was hospitalized for recovery of general status and corticoid treatment was initiated, but after two days it died. Necropsy reported that the cause of death was 180º gastric torsion and adrenals presented diffuse and marked enlargement of the cortical layer, 1.5 cm diameter neoplasia at the base of the brain and 0.5 cm diameter cavitation in the cerebral parenchyma. In the microscopic examination, adrenals were hyperplastic at the cortical region and there was round cell prolifera
The presence of canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2), 2a and 2b has been described in Brazil, however, the type 2c had not been reported until now. In the current study, seven out of nine samples from dogs with diarrhea were characterized as CPV-2c, indicating that this virus is already circulating in the Brazilian canine population.
No Brasil, a presença do parvovírus canino do tipo 2 (CPV-2), 2a e 2b já havia sido descrita, contudo, ainda não havia sido verificada a presença do tipo 2c. No presente trabalho, sete de nove amostras de cães com diarréia foram caracterizadas como CPV-2c, indicando que este vírus já está circulando na população canina no Brasil.
Background: Narcolepsy is a neurologic sleep disorder, in humans characterized by excessive and recurrent daytime sleepiness, rapid eye movement in the beginning of the sleep, in association with hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis, with or without cataplexy. In dogs, the characteristic symptom is cataplexy and narcolepsy exists in two forms, one genetic and one acquired. This article describes one case of narcolepsy as a symptom due to an adenohypophysis tumor.Case: Dog presenting progressive signs of appetite loss, incoordination and constant falling. At clinical evaluation, the dog presented cachexia, hipocolored mucosae and compulsively walking in circles to the right, the four limbs collapsed from physical exhaustion, remaining in a narcoleptic state. Complementary exams, like x-ray, ultrasonography, hemogram and biochemical examination did not show signifi cant alterations. The patient was hospitalized for recovery of general status and corticoid treatment was initiated, but after two days it died. Necropsy reported that the cause of death was 180º gastric torsion and adrenals presented diffuse and marked enlargement of the cortical layer, 1.5 cm diameter neoplasia at the base of the brain and 0.5 cm diameter cavitation in the cerebral parenchyma. In the microscopic examination, adrenals were hyperplastic at the cortical region and there was round cell prolifera
Background: Narcolepsy is a neurologic sleep disorder, in humans characterized by excessive and recurrent daytime sleepiness, rapid eye movement in the beginning of the sleep, in association with hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis, with or without cataplexy. In dogs, the characteristic symptom is cataplexy and narcolepsy exists in two forms, one genetic and one acquired. This article describes one case of narcolepsy as a symptom due to an adenohypophysis tumor.Case: Dog presenting progressive signs of appetite loss, incoordination and constant falling. At clinical evaluation, the dog presented cachexia, hipocolored mucosae and compulsively walking in circles to the right, the four limbs collapsed from physical exhaustion, remaining in a narcoleptic state. Complementary exams, like x-ray, ultrasonography, hemogram and biochemical examination did not show signifi cant alterations. The patient was hospitalized for recovery of general status and corticoid treatment was initiated, but after two days it died. Necropsy reported that the cause of death was 180º gastric torsion and adrenals presented diffuse and marked enlargement of the cortical layer, 1.5 cm diameter neoplasia at the base of the brain and 0.5 cm diameter cavitation in the cerebral parenchyma. In the microscopic examination, adrenals were hyperplastic at the cortical region and there was round cell prolifera