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Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(3): 160-171, jul.-set. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402642


A anestesia locorregional, em pequenos animais, está em crescente utilização como forma de promover analgesia para procedimentos cirúrgicos, através do bloqueio reversível da condução do impulso nervoso. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o uso do bloqueio locorregional do plano serrátil (SP block) associado ao bloqueio locorregional do plano transverso do abdômen (TAP block) em uma cadela da raça Lhasa Apso. A associação de tais bloqueios visou à insensibilização da musculatura na região da cadeia mamária para um procedimento cirúrgico de mastectomia unilateral total. A cadela castrada, foi encaminhada para a mastectomia unilateral total direita, apresentando nódulos nas glândulas mamárias torácica caudal e inguinal. Os bloqueios foram realizados com a paciente em decúbito dorsal, utilizando-se bupivacaína a 0,25%. Em seguida, a paciente foi liberada para o procedimento, o qual foi monitorado. Os parâmetros de eletrocardiografia, frequência respiratória, frequência cardíaca, oximetria de pulso, pressão arterial oscilométrica (composta por pressão arterial sistólica, pressão arterial diastólica e pressão arterial média), capnografia e temperatura esofágica foram anotados a cada dez minutos em uma ficha de avaliação anestésica. Durante a recuperação pós-operatória, foi realizada a avaliação de dor aguda por meio da escala de dor da Universidade de Melbourne. Os resultados demonstram que a associação do TAP block com o SP block foi eficiente em promover analgesia para uma mastectomia total unilateral de cadela.

Locoregional anesthesia in small animals is increasingly used as a way to promote analgesia for surgical procedures, through a reversible block of nerve impulse conduction. Thus, the objective of this study was to report the use of locoregional block of the serratus plane (SP block) associated with the locoregional block of the transverse abdominis plane (TAP block) in a bitch of the Lhasa Apso breed. The association of such blocks aimed to desensitize the musculature in the region of the mammary chain for a surgical procedure of total unilateral mastectomy. The castrated bitch was referred for total right unilateral mastectomy, showing nodules in the caudal thoracic and inguinal mammary glands. The blocks were performed with the patient in dorsal decubitus, using 0.25% bupivacaine. Then, the patient was released for the procedure, which was monitored. The parameters of electrocardiography, respiratory rate, heart rate, pulse oximetry, oscillometric blood pressure (composed of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and mean blood pressure), capnography, and esophageal temperature were recorded every 10 minutes in an anesthetic evaluation form. During the postoperative recovery, acute pain was evaluated using the pain scale of the University of Melbourne. The results demonstrate that the association of TAP block with SP block was efficient in promoting analgesia for a total unilateral mastectomy in a bitch.

Animais , Cães , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/cirurgia , Mastectomia/métodos , Mastectomia/veterinária , Bloqueio Nervoso/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-8, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734042


Background: Melanomas are typically malignant neoplasms commonly observed in the oral cavity of dogs. The classical presentation of melanomas with characteristic melanin pigmentation is easy to diagnose; however, in some cases, the lack of melanin production in the amelanotic oral tumors cause a delay in establishing the precocious diagnosis and consequent treatment. The aim of this report was to evaluate the histopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of an oral amelanotic melanoma with osteocartilaginous formation and metastasis in a dog, in a temporal way.Case: A 10-year-old male German Shepherd dog, presenting mouth bleeding with an amelanotic melanoma located between the upper incisors was received at the Veterinary Hospital of the Catholic University Dom Bosco (UCDB), Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. The animal was clinically evaluated and radiography was performed. The tumor was surgically removed and a sample was collected for histopathological examination that revealed spindloid and some epithelioid morphological cell types surrounded by a fibromatous matrix with moderate amounts of fibrovascular stroma. Approximately 1 month after surgical removal, recovery of the tumor was observed, and a second clinical analysis and collection of sample were performed. These procedures were repeated three times showing the same histopathological characteristics added by myxoid, chondroid, fibromatous tissue, and small groups of chondrocytes as well as central areas of irregular mineralized spicules. X-ray examination revealed proliferative and lytic bone infiltration in the jaw. Immunohistochemical analysis for melanocytic differentiation markers was performed showing positivity to Melan-A, tyrosinase and HMB-45 immunoreactivity, while no S100 reactivity was detected. After 11 months of the first biopsy, pleural effusion and radiopaque disseminated nodules of 1cm in the lungs were detected by X-ray. The animal died and necropsy was conducted.[...](AU)

Animais , Masculino , Adulto , Cães , Melanoma Amelanótico/veterinária , Neoplasias Bucais/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica/diagnóstico por imagem , Pulmão/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-8, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457981


Background: Melanomas are typically malignant neoplasms commonly observed in the oral cavity of dogs. The classical presentation of melanomas with characteristic melanin pigmentation is easy to diagnose; however, in some cases, the lack of melanin production in the amelanotic oral tumors cause a delay in establishing the precocious diagnosis and consequent treatment. The aim of this report was to evaluate the histopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of an oral amelanotic melanoma with osteocartilaginous formation and metastasis in a dog, in a temporal way.Case: A 10-year-old male German Shepherd dog, presenting mouth bleeding with an amelanotic melanoma located between the upper incisors was received at the Veterinary Hospital of the Catholic University Dom Bosco (UCDB), Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. The animal was clinically evaluated and radiography was performed. The tumor was surgically removed and a sample was collected for histopathological examination that revealed spindloid and some epithelioid morphological cell types surrounded by a fibromatous matrix with moderate amounts of fibrovascular stroma. Approximately 1 month after surgical removal, recovery of the tumor was observed, and a second clinical analysis and collection of sample were performed. These procedures were repeated three times showing the same histopathological characteristics added by myxoid, chondroid, fibromatous tissue, and small groups of chondrocytes as well as central areas of irregular mineralized spicules. X-ray examination revealed proliferative and lytic bone infiltration in the jaw. Immunohistochemical analysis for melanocytic differentiation markers was performed showing positivity to Melan-A, tyrosinase and HMB-45 immunoreactivity, while no S100 reactivity was detected. After 11 months of the first biopsy, pleural effusion and radiopaque disseminated nodules of 1cm in the lungs were detected by X-ray. The animal died and necropsy was conducted.[...]

Masculino , Animais , Adulto , Cães , Melanoma Amelanótico/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Bucais/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/métodos , Pulmão/patologia
Botucatu; s.n; 03/2005. 58 p.
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-4196


O tamanho adulto influencia a eficiência do sistema de produção, bem como as doenças metabólicas, que prejudicam e atrasam o desenvolvimento do animal. Maturidade precoce pode ser buscada para as fêmeas, que são mais eficientes que animais de maior porte em condições de escassez e/ou limitação de alimentos, e para macho, que atingem o acabamento de gordura na carcaça mais rapidamente. A avaliação do grau de maturidade óssea correlacionada com a densidade mineral óssea pode ser uma ferramenta para seleção desses animais. O grau de maturidade óssea reflete a maturidade do esqueleto como um todo. O padrão geral de crescimento pode ser descrito como disto-proximal com amadurecimento mais rápido dos ossos na extremidade. O experimento tem por objetivo, estabelecer a curva de maturidade óssea, correlacionando peso, altura, densidade mineral óssea e adaptando metodologia desenvolvida por Oishi, Hamada e Sakamoto (1996) em bovinos Nelore, com o intuito de utilização no diagnóstico preventivo de doenças metabólicas ósseas que acometem animais em desenvolvimento, proporcionando uma forma de monitorar as alterações ósseas destes animais criados em sistema extensivo. Dez machos e dez fêmeas foram analisados, mensalmente, através de radiografias, pesagem e altura de cernelha até os 24 meses ou até o fechamento do disco epifisário dos ossos estudados. Foram feitas radiografias da porção distal do metacarpo e de falange proximal (desenvolvimento rápido e de fácil acesso), utilizando as vistas látero-medial esquerda e dorsopalmar. As radiografias foram escaneadas e lidas através de um programa computacional específico. O grau de maturação óssea foi avaliado através da escala de mudanças morfológicas da epífise dos ossos longos, em escala de zero (epífise ausente) e dez (fechamento completo do disco epifisário) desenvolvida por Oishi, Hamada e Sakamoto (1996)...

The adult size influences the efficiency of the production system, like the metabolics disease that prejudices and retard the animal desenvolviment. Precocity maturity may be obtained to females that are more efficient that biggest animals in conditions of lack or food limitations, and for males that attain carcass fat faster. The evaluation of the maturity degree correlated with bone mineral density can be the key to select these animals. The bone maturity degree reflects the all-skeletal maturity. The general standard of bone growth may be descript like disto-proximal with faster bone maturation in extremities. The experiment has like objective to stabilize the curve of bone maturity, correlating weight, height, bone mineral density and to adapting OISHI, Hamada and Sakamoto (1996) bovine Nelore methodology with the finality of utilization in the prevent diagnostic of bone metabolic disease that occur in growth animals, giving a way to monitore the bone alteration of these animal living in extensive system. Ten males and ten females were studied, monthly, througth radiographies, weight, and height until 24 months old or until the epiphyseal disc closure of studied bones. Were taken radiographies of distal metacarpal and distal left falangeal extremity (fast growth and easy access) utilizing mediolateral and dorsopalmar view. Those radiographic images were scanned and read througth computer program. The bone maturity degree was available througth morphologic changes scale of epiphysis long bones, zero scale (absent epiphysis) and ten (completely closure) development by Oishi, Hamada and Sakamoto (1996). Was establish for radiographics exams like the prevent of bones metabolics disease