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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54128, 2022. mapas, ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366563


This study aimed to observe the attractiveness efficiency of trap boxes installed in collective shelters of stingless bee colonies (Melipona flavolineata, Melipona fasciculataand Scaptotrigona aff.depilis), as an alternative method for non-chemical control of tracuá carpenter ants (Camponotus atriceps). The study was conducted at Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, in Belém, Pará, Brazil, from March to August 2015. The results showed that the efficiency of this technique depended on the presence of bee colonies and on the bee species in the collective shelter. Overall, an efficiency of 40.6% was found in the capture of C. atricepsindividuals, which rose to 75% considering only collective shelters ofM. fasciculata colonies, and to 87.5% for collective shelters ofM. flavolineata. Trap boxes installed in collective shelters of S. depilisdid not attract any C. atricepsgroup or individuals. The use of trap boxes in collective shelters of stingless bee colonies of the genus Melipona (M. flavolineataand M. fasciculata) is an efficient alternative method of non-chemical control of tracuá carpenter ants (C. atriceps).(AU)

Formigas , Abelhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262058, 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396267


Gynandromorphs are individuals that display both male and female features throughout the body and are rarely found in nature. We document and describe two new gynandromorphs of the large carpenter bee Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) augusti reared from a trap-nest in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In addition, based on a literature review, we assessed the frequency of the different types of gynandromorphs, and the body part affected, among large carpenter bees. Both gynandromorphs were assigned to the mixed category, the most common category reported in the literature (22 of 25 specimens). The remaining three specimens exhibit a bilateral pattern in all tagmata. The presence of both sexes' secondary sexual characteristics occurred more frequently on the mesosoma than on the head or metasoma. Trap nests used in bee hotels promote the conservation and study of wild bees and might facilitate the discovery of rare cases of gynandromorphs that would remain unknown otherwise under normal nesting conditions in the wild.(AU)

Animais , Diferenciação Sexual/fisiologia , Abelhas/classificação , Argentina
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 21(4): 468-480, dez. 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413543


Bees are responsible for pollination, which is an important ecosystem service. They also provide the production of honey, pollen or saburá, propolis, among other products. The breeding of native bees has been growing, because of the particular characteristics of each species and its products. Therefore, the objective was to know the profile of this breeder, called meliponicultor. Then, a semi-structured questionnaire was used, widely publicized on social networks, in April and May 2020. This was attended by 718 Brazilian and foreign breeders of native bees, of which 80.3% practice the activity as a hobby, most beginners in the activity, with the main objective of leisure and family consumption of honey. Over 80% keep bees in meliponaries in urban areas. Among the products, the swarm is the most commercialized, with species that are easy to handle, less defensive and adapted to the region being preferred. Swarms are also acquired through bait, rescue and division. The bees are created in boxes of different materials, the main one being wood and the tools are easily found in the commerce, as well as easy to improvise. Beekeepers reported concerns about deforestation, increasing urban areas, fires, global warming, pesticides, pest attacks and theft. Digital media was cited as the main source of information, followed by books and close people. The creators also stated that they do not trust 100% the information that reaches them, regardless of the source.(AU)

As abelhas são responsáveis por um valioso serviço ecossistêmico, a polinização, fornecendo ainda a produção de mel, pólen ou saburá, própolis, entre outros. A criação de abelhas nativas vem crescendo, impulsionada pelas características particulares de cada espécie e de seus produtos. Logo, objetivou-se conhecer o perfil deste criador, chamado de meliponicultor seus interesses e motivações, bem como suas fontes de informação e sobre a dinâmica econômica dessa atividade na atualidade. Para isso utilizou-se um questionário semiestruturado, amplamente divulgado nas redes sociais, nos meses de abril e maio de 2020. Este contou com a participação de 718 criadores brasileiros e estrangeiros, dos quais 80,3% praticam a atividade por hobby, maioria iniciantes na atividade, tendo como principal objetivo o lazer e o consumo familiar do mel. Mais de 80% mantém as abelhas em meliponários em áreas urbanas. Dentre os produtos, o enxame é o mais comercializado, sendo preferidas espécies de fácil manejo, pouco defensivas e adaptadas à região, sendo os enxames também adquiridos através de iscas, resgate e divisão. A criação é realizada em caixas de diversos materiais, sendo o principal a madeira e as ferramentas são facilmente encontradas no comércio, bem como, de fácil improvisação. Os criadores citaram preocupações com desmatamento, aumento das áreas urbanas, queimadas, aquecimento global, agrotóxicos, ataque de pragas e furtos. Os meios digitas foi citado como a principal fonte de informações, seguidos por livros e pessoas próximas. Os criadores apontaram ainda que não confiam 100% nas informações que chegam até eles, independente da fonte.(AU)

Abelhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Criação de Abelhas/classificação , Brasil , Biodiversidade
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 112: e2022010, 2022. mapa, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370046


In this study, through a rapid assessment, we evaluated differences in richness, abundance, species composition and beta diversity of Euglossini bees in preserved areas and areas altered by riverine human populations in the Caxiuanã National Forest (northern Amazon). Our hypotheses were: i) the species richness, diversity, abundance and composition of Euglossini bees differ between the preserved and altered areas because many species are intolerant to small anthropic disturbances; and ii) areas altered by riverine populations have higher values ​​of beta diversity (species dissimilarity between sites) than preserved areas, due to local changes in habitat and increased heterogeneity between sites. We sampled two areas (preserved and altered) and, in each area, four transects were sampled with odorous baits. We used a Student's t test to evaluate differences in richness, abundance, and Shannon-Wiener diversity index. We also evaluated differences in composition and differences in beta diversity between areas. We collected 102 specimens, identified in 18 species and three genera, 63 individuals (61.8% of the total) in preserved areas and 39 individuals (38.2%) in altered areas. Euglossa liopoda (Dressler, 1982) was the most abundant in altered areas and Euglossa imperialis (Cockerell, 1922) the most abundant in preserved areas. Species richness was 2.5 times greater in the transects of preserved areas, and species composition also differed between the sampled areas. In contrast, species abundance did not differ between transects of both areas. Despite our small sample size, this study demonstrated that the richness, composition and beta diversity of Euglossini bees can be potentially affected by local changes in habitat caused by small-scale activities provided by traditional Amazonian groups. Our results indicate the urgency for more comprehensive studies aimed to investigate these relationships.

Neste estudo, por meio de uma avaliação rápida, investigamos diferenças na riqueza, abundância, composição de espécies e diversidade beta de abelhas Euglossini em áreas preservadas e áreas alteradas por populações ribeirinhas na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã (norte da Amazônia). Nossas hipóteses foram: i) a riqueza de espécies, diversidade, abundância e composição das abelhas Euglossini diferem entre as áreas preservadas e alteradas, uma vez que muitas espécies são intolerantes a pequenos distúrbios antrópicos; e ii) áreas alteradas por populações ribeirinhas apresentam maiores valores de diversidade beta (dissimilaridade de espécies entre locais) do que áreas preservadas, devido às mudanças locais no habitat e aumento da heterogeneidade entre locais. Amostramos duas áreas (preservadas e alteradas) e, em cada área, foram amostrados quatro transectos com iscas odoríferas. Nós utilizamos testes t de Student, para avaliar diferenças de riqueza, abundância e índice de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener. Também avaliamos as diferenças na composição e as diferenças na diversidade beta entre as áreas. Foram coletados 102 espécimes, em 18 espécies e três gêneros, 63 deles (61,8%) em áreas preservadas e 39 (38,2%) em áreas alteradas. Euglossa liopoda (Dressler, 1982) foi a mais abundante nas áreas alteradas e Euglossa imperialis (Cockerell, 1922) nas áreas preservadas. A riqueza foi 2,5 vezes maior nos transectos de áreas preservadas, e a composição de espécies também diferiu entre as áreas amostradas. Em contraste, a abundância de espécies não foi diferente entre os transectos das duas áreas. Apesar de nosso esforço amostral reduzido, nossos resultados demonstram que a riqueza, composição e diversidade beta das abelhas Euglossini podem potencialmente ser afetadas por mudanças locais no habitat causadas por atividades de pequena escala fornecidas por grupos tradicionais da Amazônia. Esses resultados indicam a urgência por estudos mais extensos no sentido de investigar as relações aqui estudadas.

Animais , Abelhas/classificação , Alteração Ambiental , Meio Ambiente
Acta amaz ; 52(4): 315-322, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414092


Obtaining colonies of stingless bees in the wild for the formation or expansion of meliponaries and other purposes is permitted by law in Brazil using bait containers or trap nests, and other non-destructive methods. We tested the efficiency of trap nests made from plastic bottles for attraction and nesting of stingless bees in the central Brazilian Amazon. We used 2-L and 5-L bottles and three types of attractants (cerumen and geopropolis from Melipona seminigra, M. interrupta and a mix of the two). We used 216 trap nests distributed in three experimental areas during 13 months. Visitation by six species of stingless bees in 58 (26.9%) trap nests, and nesting by three species in 12 (5.6%) trap nests in two areas near meliponaries was recorded. There was no significant difference between trap-nest size, nor among attractants for visitation or nesting, suggesting that the availability of cavities or hollows is more important than odor for nesting. Monthly pooled visitation and nesting events were not correlated with monthly rainfall. Based on our results, we can conclude that, despite the low capture rate, the acquisition of swarms through nest traps is a viable alternative to obtain new colonies of stingless bees for meliponaries.(AU)

A obtenção de colônias de abelhas sem ferrão na natureza, para a formação ou ampliação de meliponários e outras finalidades, é permitida por lei no Brasil usando recipientes-isca ou ninho-isca, ou outros métodos não destrutivos. Nós testamos a eficiência do ninho-isca feito de garrafa plástica para atração e nidificação de abelhas sem ferrão na região da Amazônia central brasileira. Foram utilizadas garrafas de 2 L e 5 L e três tipos de atrativos (cerume e geoprópolis de Melipona seminigra, M. interrupta e uma mistura dos dois). Foram utilizados 216 ninhos-isca distribuídos em três áreas experimentais durante 13 meses. Foi registrada a visitação de seis espécies de abelhas sem ferrão em 58 (26,9%) dos ninhos-isca e a nidificação de três espécies em 12 (5,6%) dos ninhos-isca em duas áreas próximas a meliponários. Não houve diferença significativa entre o tamanho do ninho-isca, nem entre os atrativos na visitação ou nidificação, sugerindo que a disponibilidade de cavidades ou ocos é mais importante do que o odor para nidificação. Os dados mensais conjuntos de eventos de visitação e nidificação não foram correlacionados com a precipitação mensal. Baseados nos nossos resultados podemos concluir que, apesar da baixa taxa de captura, a aquisição de enxames por meio de ninho-isca é uma alternativa viável para obtenção de novas colônias de abelhas sem ferrão para meliponários.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Cerume/química , Brasil , Ecossistema Amazônico , Caça
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 2138, out. 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438249


The study aimed to identify the relationship between pollen collection, nectar, and seasonal dynamics of the brood of the bee colonies of the Ukrainian bee breed to study their active activity when changing the period of the active season. We compared the collection of nectar and pollen from honey plants of the garden, white acacia, and sunflower. The number of bees bringing pollen and nectar to the hive was recorded. The active work of bees to collect pollen is associated with the work of the uterus to lay eggs and the number of broods in the hives. Bee colonies increase their flight activity by collecting pollen in early spring and summer. By the beginning of the main honey harvest, pollination work is minimized, especially during the flowering of white acacia, and they switch to collecting nectar. Analysis of the results allows us to conclude that bees' daily dynamics that produce pollen increase in the spring to May and June.(AU)

Animais , Pólen/química , Abelhas/anatomia & histologia , Voo Animal/fisiologia , Moringa oleifera/química
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 1-5, out. 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484366


The study aimed to identify the relationship between pollen collection, nectar, and seasonal dynamics of the brood of the bee colonies of the Ukrainian bee breed to study their active activity when changing the period of the active season. We compared the collection of nectar and pollen from honey plants of the garden, white acacia, and sunflower. The number of bees bringing pollen and nectar to the hive was recorded. The active work of bees to collect pollen is associated with the work of the uterus to lay eggs and the number of broods in the hives. Bee colonies increase their flight activity by collecting pollen in early spring and summer. By the beginning of the main honey harvest, pollination work is minimized, especially during the flowering of white acacia, and they switch to collecting nectar. Analysis of the results allows us to conclude that bees' daily dynamics that produce pollen increase in the spring to May and June.

Animais , Abelhas , Acacia , Estações do Ano , Helianthus , Néctar de Plantas , Pólen , Voo Animal
Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 111: e2021019, 2021. ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32634


In this article are described two new species of oil-collecting bees of Centris (Melanocentris) from Colombia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. occurs in the northeast, César Department, while C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. occurs in the southeast, in the Caquetá, Meta and Vaupés Departments, as well as in the Amazonas State in northwestern Brazil. Photographs of both new species and a distribution map are also presented.(AU)

Duas espécies novas de abelhas coletoras de óleo de Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Neste artigo são descritas duas novas espécies de abelhas coletoras de óleo do subgênero Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. ocorre no nordeste do país, no Departamento de César, enquanto C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. ocorre no sudeste, nos Departamentos de Caquetá, Meta e Vaupés, assim como também no Estado do Amazonas, no noroeste do Brasil. Fotografias das duas novas espécies e um mapa de distribuição também são apresentados.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/classificação , Óleos/análise , Óleos/química , Biodiversidade
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 111: e2021019, 2021. ilus, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483424


In this article are described two new species of oil-collecting bees of Centris (Melanocentris) from Colombia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. occurs in the northeast, César Department, while C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. occurs in the southeast, in the Caquetá, Meta and Vaupés Departments, as well as in the Amazonas State in northwestern Brazil. Photographs of both new species and a distribution map are also presented.

Duas espécies novas de abelhas coletoras de óleo de Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Neste artigo são descritas duas novas espécies de abelhas coletoras de óleo do subgênero Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. ocorre no nordeste do país, no Departamento de César, enquanto C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. ocorre no sudeste, nos Departamentos de Caquetá, Meta e Vaupés, assim como também no Estado do Amazonas, no noroeste do Brasil. Fotografias das duas novas espécies e um mapa de distribuição também são apresentados.

Animais , Abelhas/classificação , Biodiversidade , Óleos/análise , Óleos/química
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483456


ABSTRACT In this article are described two new species of oil-collecting bees of Centris (Melanocentris) from Colombia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. occurs in the northeast, César Department, while C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. occurs in the southeast, in the Caquetá, Meta and Vaupés Departments, as well as in the Amazonas State in northwestern Brazil. Photographs of both new species and a distribution map are also presented.

RESUMO Duas espécies novas de abelhas coletoras de óleo de Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Neste artigo são descritas duas novas espécies de abelhas coletoras de óleo do subgênero Centris (Melanocentris) da Colômbia. Centris (Melanocentris) marinae sp. nov. ocorre no nordeste do país, no Departamento de César, enquanto C. (Melanocentris) germani sp. nov. ocorre no sudeste, nos Departamentos de Caquetá, Meta e Vaupés, assim como também no Estado do Amazonas, no noroeste do Brasil. Fotografias das duas novas espécies e um mapa de distribuição também são apresentados.

Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 42out. 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26686


The objectives were to evaluate the biodiversity of bees, forage behavior and their effect on fruit production in the gherkin crop (Cucumis anguria L.) in the campus of the University Center Moura Lacerda in two years. The frequency and type of collection of the insects in the flowers was observed by counting from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., in the first 10 minutes of each time, for three distinct days in each year. The percentage of fruiting was quantified in 25 female flowers covered with nylon compared to the 25 female flowers uncovered in the two years. The flowers were visited by the Africanized honey bees Apis mellifera and the native bees Plebeia sp., Exomalopsis sp. and Melissodes sp., and the Africanized honey bees presented higher frequency and constancy with a higher number of visits in the male flowers compared to the female ones and these visits occurred between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Without the visitation of the bees there was no fruit production, and both the Africanized honey bee and the native ones when collecting nectar and pollen, visited both female and male flowers, carrying pollen in their body, being considered important pollinators of this culture.(AU)

Animais , Biodiversidade , Abelhas , Frutas/embriologia , Cucumis
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 42out. 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459913


The objectives were to evaluate the biodiversity of bees, forage behavior and their effect on fruit production in the gherkin crop (Cucumis anguria L.) in the campus of the University Center Moura Lacerda in two years. The frequency and type of collection of the insects in the flowers was observed by counting from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., in the first 10 minutes of each time, for three distinct days in each year. The percentage of fruiting was quantified in 25 female flowers covered with nylon compared to the 25 female flowers uncovered in the two years. The flowers were visited by the Africanized honey bees Apis mellifera and the native bees Plebeia sp., Exomalopsis sp. and Melissodes sp., and the Africanized honey bees presented higher frequency and constancy with a higher number of visits in the male flowers compared to the female ones and these visits occurred between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Without the visitation of the bees there was no fruit production, and both the Africanized honey bee and the native ones when collecting nectar and pollen, visited both female and male flowers, carrying pollen in their body, being considered important pollinators of this culture.

Animais , Abelhas , Biodiversidade , Cucumis , Frutas/embriologia
Pap. avulsos zool ; 60: e20206031, Feb. 14, 2020. ilus, map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487249


Bee populations are declining because of various synergistic threats, and therefore bee survey and monitoring programs are needed. Several techniques have been developed to survey bees, but the most cost-effective and suitable methods to sample bees in several sites at the same time are passive approaches, such as methods involving colored pan traps (also known as Moericke or bowl traps). Several bee surveys using pan traps have been conducted in North America, Europe, and Australia, but only a few such surveys have been done in tropical regions. We used colored pan traps (blue, yellow, and white) to assess the bee community in the Brazilian savanna ecosystem in Rio Preto State Park. Sampling was conducted in October 2013 and March 2014 along permanent trails. We also characterized the local habitat of each trail, and then we compared bee abundance with habitat complexity. In total, 187 individual bees (n = 15 species) were collected, mainly using blue and white traps. Although we were not able to sample most species that were previously recorded in this park, the pan trap method can be used to survey and monitor bee assemblages in combination with another sampling method. Habitat complexity also affected the numbers of bees sampled using the pan traps, and more bees were collected at open sites.

Animais , Abelhas , Biodiversidade , Coleta de Dados/métodos , Ecossistema , Brasil , Pradaria
Pap. avulsos zool ; 60: e20206033, Feb. 14, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487251


In this paper the primary types of Centris bees described by the German entomologist Curt Schrottky were studied. The type specimens of C. anisitsi, C. brethesi, C. ehrhardti, C. garleppi, C. garleppi var. unifasciata, C. pectoralis var. flava, C. pocograndensis, and C. xanthocnemis var. perflava were analyzed, providing notes on their current status and depository. To stabilize the application of the name C. ehrhardti a lectotype was designated. Notes and photographs of selected types are also provided.

Animais , Abelhas/anatomia & histologia , Abelhas/classificação , Classificação
Pap. avulsos zool ; 60Feb. 14, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487297


Abstract Bee populations are declining because of various synergistic threats, and therefore bee survey and monitoring programs are needed. Several techniques have been developed to survey bees, but the most cost-effective and suitable methods to sample bees in several sites at the same time are passive approaches, such as methods involving colored pan traps (also known as Moericke or bowl traps). Several bee surveys using pan traps have been conducted in North America, Europe, and Australia, but only a few such surveys have been done in tropical regions. We used colored pan traps (blue, yellow, and white) to assess the bee community in the Brazilian savanna ecosystem in Rio Preto State Park. Sampling was conducted in October 2013 and March 2014 along permanent trails. We also characterized the local habitat of each trail, and then we compared bee abundance with habitat complexity. In total, 187 individual bees (n = 15 species) were collected, mainly using blue and white traps. Although we were not able to sample most species that were previously recorded in this park, the pan trap method can be used to survey and monitor bee assemblages in combination with another sampling method. Habitat complexity also affected the numbers of bees sampled using the pan traps, and more bees were collected at open sites.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 60Feb. 14, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487299


Abstract In this paper the primary types of Centris bees described by the German entomologist Curt Schrottky were studied. The type specimens of C. anisitsi, C. brethesi, C. ehrhardti, C. garleppi, C. garleppi var. unifasciata, C. pectoralis var. flava, C. pocograndensis, and C. xanthocnemis var. perflava were analyzed, providing notes on their current status and depository. To stabilize the application of the name C. ehrhardti a lectotype was designated. Notes and photographs of selected types are also provided.

Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 60: e20206031, July 16, 2020. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33355


Bee populations are declining because of various synergistic threats, and therefore bee survey and monitoring programs are needed. Several techniques have been developed to survey bees, but the most cost-effective and suitable methods to sample bees in several sites at the same time are passive approaches, such as methods involving colored pan traps (also known as Moericke or bowl traps). Several bee surveys using pan traps have been conducted in North America, Europe, and Australia, but only a few such surveys have been done in tropical regions. We used colored pan traps (blue, yellow, and white) to assess the bee community in the Brazilian savanna ecosystem in Rio Preto State Park. Sampling was conducted in October 2013 and March 2014 along permanent trails. We also characterized the local habitat of each trail, and then we compared bee abundance with habitat complexity. In total, 187 individual bees (n = 15 species) were collected, mainly using blue and white traps. Although we were not able to sample most species that were previously recorded in this park, the pan trap method can be used to survey and monitor bee assemblages in combination with another sampling method. Habitat complexity also affected the numbers of bees sampled using the pan traps, and more bees were collected at open sites.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Coleta de Dados/métodos , Pradaria , Brasil
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 60: e20206033, July 16, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31784


In this paper the primary types of Centris bees described by the German entomologist Curt Schrottky were studied. The type specimens of C. anisitsi, C. brethesi, C. ehrhardti, C. garleppi, C. garleppi var. unifasciata, C. pectoralis var. flava, C. pocograndensis, and C. xanthocnemis var. perflava were analyzed, providing notes on their current status and depository. To stabilize the application of the name C. ehrhardti a lectotype was designated. Notes and photographs of selected types are also provided.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/classificação , Abelhas/anatomia & histologia , Classificação
Hig. aliment ; 34(291): e1030, jul-.dez. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30555


O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a qualidade de méis do comércio informal da cidade de Irati PR, Brasil e avaliar os riscos deste produto aos consumidores. As 12 amostras foram coletadas durante o verão de 2019 e avaliadas para aspectos físico-químicos de acidez total, pH, sólidos insolúveis, hidroximetilfurfural, atividade diastásica, umidade, reações de Fiehe, Lugol e Lund. E microbiológicas para verificar a presença de bolores e leveduras. A maioria das amostras (91,66%) apresentou alguma inconformidade com relação as características físico-químicas. Nas análises de umidade e Lugol nenhuma das amostras apresentou valores fora dos padrões exigidos pela legislação. Porém, 83,33% das amostras apresentaram valores acima dos estabelecidos para hidroximetilfurfural. Apesar dos resultados, recomenda-se mais atenção no que se refere às boas práticas de fabricação, desde o manejo com as abelhas até o beneficiamento do mel. E por apresentar elevado valor comercial está sujeito a adulterações, por isso é tão importante a inspeção deste produto. Trabalhos desta natureza auxiliam os profissionais a implementar e o monitorar continuamente todo processo de produção; os apicultores a garantir a permanência no mercado; os consumidores a ter informações; e a comunidade científica com dados de diferentes regiões.(AU)

The present work aimed to analyze the quality of honeys from the informal trade in the city of Irati PR, Brazil and to evaluate the risks of this product to consumers. Twelve samples were obtained during the summer of 2019 and those evaluated for physical-chemical aspects of: total acidity, pH, insoluble solids, hydroxymethylfurfural, moisture, diastatic activity, Fiehe, Lugol and Lund reactions. Microbiological analysis was made to check presence of mold and yeast. Most samples (91.66%) presented some non-conformity regarding the physical-chemical characteristics. In the moisture and Lugol analyzes none of the samples presented values outside the standards required by the legislation. However, 83.33% of the samples showed values above those established for hydroxymethylfurfural. Despite the results, more attention is recommended with regard to good manufacturing practices, from handling with bees to the processing of honey. And because of its high commercial value, thats why inspection of this product is so important. Researches like this helps professionals to implement and continuously monitor the entire production process; beekeepers to guarantee their permanence in the market; consumers to have information; and the scientific community with data from different regions.(AU)

Mel/análise , Mel/microbiologia , Criação de Abelhas , Alimentos de Origem Animal
Hig. aliment ; 34(291): e1030, Julho/Dezembro 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482551


O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a qualidade de méis do comércio informal da cidade de Irati – PR, Brasil e avaliar os riscos deste produto aos consumidores. As 12 amostras foram coletadas durante o verão de 2019 e avaliadas para aspectos físico-químicos de acidez total, pH, sólidos insolúveis, hidroximetilfurfural, atividade diastásica, umidade, reações de Fiehe, Lugol e Lund. E microbiológicas para verificar a presença de bolores e leveduras. A maioria das amostras (91,66%) apresentou alguma inconformidade com relação as características físico-químicas. Nas análises de umidade e Lugol nenhuma das amostras apresentou valores fora dos padrões exigidos pela legislação. Porém, 83,33% das amostras apresentaram valores acima dos estabelecidos para hidroximetilfurfural. Apesar dos resultados, recomenda-se mais atenção no que se refere às boas práticas de fabricação, desde o manejo com as abelhas até o beneficiamento do mel. E por apresentar elevado valor comercial está sujeito a adulterações, por isso é tão importante a inspeção deste produto. Trabalhos desta natureza auxiliam os profissionais a implementar e o monitorar continuamente todo processo de produção; os apicultores a garantir a permanência no mercado; os consumidores a ter informações; e a comunidade científica com dados de diferentes regiões.

The present work aimed to analyze the quality of honeys from the informal trade in the city of Irati – PR, Brazil and to evaluate the risks of this product to consumers. Twelve samples were obtained during the summer of 2019 and those evaluated for physical-chemical aspects of: total acidity, pH, insoluble solids, hydroxymethylfurfural, moisture, diastatic activity, Fiehe, Lugol and Lund reactions. Microbiological analysis was made to check presence of mold and yeast. Most samples (91.66%) presented some non-conformity regarding the physical-chemical characteristics. In the moisture and Lugol analyzes none of the samples presented values outside the standards required by the legislation. However, 83.33% of the samples showed values above those established for hydroxymethylfurfural. Despite the results, more attention is recommended with regard to good manufacturing practices, from handling with bees to the processing of honey. And because of its high commercial value, that’s why inspection of this product is so important. Researches like this helps professionals to implement and continuously monitor the entire production process; beekeepers to guarantee their permanence in the market; consumers to have information; and the scientific community with data from different regions.

Alimentos de Origem Animal , Criação de Abelhas , Mel/análise , Mel/microbiologia