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Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-218574


Durante o estudo foi avaliada a efeciencia da termografia infravermelha para identificação de problemas locomotores e a utilização do enriquecimento ambiental na diminuição destes problemas e melhoria da produtividade com efeito positivo na qualidade óssea e da carne dos animais. Para isto foram utilizadas 4000 aves da linhagem Cobb® Slow, machos de um dia de idade, alojados em aviário climatizado em sistema totalmente automatizado com ventilação em pressão negativa. Para o estudo foram utilizados dois tratamentos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado: T1 - Sem Enriquecimento Ambiental (SEA) - ambiente semelhante ao encontrado em aviários comerciais (2000 aves); T2 - Com Enriquecimento Ambiental (CEA) - ambiente semelhante ao encontrado em aviários comerciais, enriquecido com fardos de feno, escadas e globo de luz giratório (2000 aves). As seguintes características foram avaliadas: para qualidade óssea, teor de matéria seca, resistência a quebra e síndrome do osso negro; para parâmetros de bem-estar, termografia, pododermatite, gait score; para miopatias, miopatias peitoral profunda, peito amadeirado e peito espaguete, e; para qualidade da carne, umidade, cinzas, perda de peso por cocção, perda de peso por pressão, pH, driploss e coloração. Para o parâmetro de gait score só foram encontradas diferenças aos 42 dias, ocorrendo menor incidência de score 1 para animais do tratamento CEA. Em relação à qualidade da carne, os animais SEA resultaram em maior índice de peito amadeirado em score 1 e para a qualidade óssea, o uso de enriquecimento ambiental diminuiu o índice Seedor e aumentou a circunferência da tíbia, mas reduziu a resistência da tíbia e do fêmur dos animais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar por meio da termografia infravermelha, se o enriquecimento ambiental viabiliza a diminuição de problemas locomotores e melhora a produtividade com efeito positivo na qualidade óssea e da carne dos animais.

During the study, the efficiency of infrared thermography was assessed to identify locomotor problems and the use of environmental enrichment to reduce locomotor problems and improve productivity with a positive effect on bone and meat quality of animals. For the use of 4000 day-old male Cobb® Slow birds, housed in an air-conditioned aviary in a fully automated system based on negative pressure, and two longitudinal boxes delimited. Two treatments were used in a completely randomized design: T1 - Without Environmental Enrichment (SEA) - an environment similar to that found in commercial aviaries (2000 birds); T2 - With Environmental Enrichment (CEA) - an environment similar to that found in commercial aviaries, enriched with bales of hay, stairs and a rotating globe (2000 birds). The following characteristics were evaluated: for bone quality, dry matter content, resistance to breaking and black bone syndrome; for well-being parameters, thermography, pododermatitis, gait score; for myopathies, deep pectoral myopathies, woody chest and spaghetti chest, and; for meat quality, moisture, ash, cooking weight loss, pressure weight loss, pH, driploss and coloring. For the gait score parameter, differences were only found at 42 days, with less impact of score 1 for CEA treatment animals. Regarding the quality of the meat, the SEA animals resulted in a higher index of woody breast in score 1 and for bone quality, the use of environmental enrichment decreased the Seedor index and increased the circumference of the tibia, but reduced the resistance of the tibia and the animal femur. The objective of the study was to evaluate, by means of infrared thermography, whether environmental enrichment enables the reduction of locomotor problems and improves productivity with a positive effect on bone and meat quality of animals.

R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 17(3): 325-332, jul.-set. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17095


Vitamin D is added to broiler diets to supply its physiological requirement for bone formation. The fast growth rate of modern broilers is often associated with poor bone formation. Increasing vitamin D supplementation levels and the use of more available sources have applied to try to prevent leg problems, to increase carcass yield, and to improve the performance of broilers. The present study evaluated three vitamin D supplementation levels (1) 3,500 IU (control); (2) control + 1,954 IU of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol; and (3) control + 3,500 IU of vitamin D in broiler diets supplied up to 21 days of age. The objective was to investigate if the vitamin D levels above the recommendations could reduce leg problems in broilers. In this experiment, a total of 1,296 one-day-old male and female Cobb(r) 500 broilers were used. A 2 x 3 factorial arrangement was applied, consisting of two sexes and three vitamin D levels. No difference was found between the levels of vitamin D (p > 0.05), the performance of males or females, the gait score, the valgus and varus incidence, the tibial dyschondroplasia incidence, the occurance of femoral degeneration, the bone colorimetric, and the carcass yield. Parts yield differences were found (p > 0.05), except for liver and intestine yields. We concluded that the lowest tested vitamin D level (3,500 IU per kilogram of feed) added to the diet was the best choice in terms of cost/benefit to help minimizing leg problems in broilers.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/classificação , Galinhas/metabolismo , Vitamina D/administração & dosagem , Vitamina D/análise , Vitamina D/classificação
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 17(3): 325-332, jul.-set. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490172


Vitamin D is added to broiler diets to supply its physiological requirement for bone formation. The fast growth rate of modern broilers is often associated with poor bone formation. Increasing vitamin D supplementation levels and the use of more available sources have applied to try to prevent leg problems, to increase carcass yield, and to improve the performance of broilers. The present study evaluated three vitamin D supplementation levels (1) 3,500 IU (control); (2) control + 1,954 IU of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol; and (3) control + 3,500 IU of vitamin D in broiler diets supplied up to 21 days of age. The objective was to investigate if the vitamin D levels above the recommendations could reduce leg problems in broilers. In this experiment, a total of 1,296 one-day-old male and female Cobb(r) 500 broilers were used. A 2 x 3 factorial arrangement was applied, consisting of two sexes and three vitamin D levels. No difference was found between the levels of vitamin D (p > 0.05), the performance of males or females, the gait score, the valgus and varus incidence, the tibial dyschondroplasia incidence, the occurance of femoral degeneration, the bone colorimetric, and the carcass yield. Parts yield differences were found (p > 0.05), except for liver and intestine yields. We concluded that the lowest tested vitamin D level (3,500 IU per kilogram of feed) added to the diet was the best choice in terms of cost/benefit to help minimizing leg problems in broilers.

Animais , Galinhas/classificação , Galinhas/metabolismo , Vitamina D/administração & dosagem , Vitamina D/análise , Vitamina D/classificação
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-217956


O presente estudo foi conduzido para examinar a ocorrência e desenvolvimento de lesões no sistema locomotor de frangos de corte criados sobre diferentes materiais de cama com diferentes níveis de inclusão de gramíneas da espécie Esmeralda (Zoysia Japonica), e seu impacto no bem-estar dessas aves. O experimento foi conduzido no aviário experimental de frango de corte da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados. Foram alojados 1080 pintos machos de um dia, da linhagem Cobb 500®. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado,em arranjo fatorial 3 x 2: três níveis de inclusão gramínea e dois materiais de cama, com seis repetições cada, totalizando 36 boxes, com 30 aves cada. Foram avaliados os tratamentos: tratamento 1: 100% maravalha, tratamento 2: 100% casca de arroz,tratamento 3: 25% de gramínea e 75% de maravalha, tratamento 4: 25% de gramínea e 75% de casca de arroz, tratamento 5: 50% de gramínea e 50% de maravalha, tratamento 6: 50% de gramínea e 50% casca de arroz. Aos 21, 28, 35 e 42 dias de idade todas as aves foram pesadas e avaliadas em ambas as patas para pododermatite. Dez aves de cada repetição foram selecionadas, identificadas e avaliadas semanalmente a partir dos 21 dias,por meio das metodologias de Gait Score e latency to lie, bem como avaliada angulação de patas (valgus e varus). Após abate aos 43 dias foi realizada avaliação macroscópica de degeneração femoral e discondroplasia tibial de ambas as patas. As carcaças foram serradas para avaliação de espondilolistese. As diferentes composições de cama não afetaram o bem-estar das aves, nem a ocorrência ou desenvolvimento das patologias discondroplasia tibial e espondilolistese. Os resultados apresentados nas avaliações de pododermatite sugerem que, com maiores inclusões de gramínea, maiores são os escores das lesões podais. A inclusão do material alternativo, gramínea Zoysia Japonica, a maravalha como material de cama é recomendada para frango precoce, por um lote.

The present study was conducted to examine and develop lesions in the broilers locomotor system on different bedding materials with different levels of inclusion of Esmeralda grasses (Zoysia Japonica) and their impact on bird welfare. The experiment was conducted in the experimental poultry aviary at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Federal University of Grande Dourados. 1080 day-old chicks of the Cobb 500® strain were allocated. The design used was the randomized, in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement: three levels of grammatical inclusion and two bedding materials, with six repetitions each, totaling 36 boxes, with 30 birds each. The following treatments were applied: treatment 1: 100% shavings, treatment 2: 100% rice husk, treatment 3: 25% grass and 75% shavings, treatment 4: 25% grass and 75% rice husk, treatment 5: 50% grass and 50% shavings, treatment 6: 50% grass and 50% rice husk. At 21, 28, 35 and 42 days of age, all birds were weighed and evaluated on both feet for pododermatite. Ten birds from each repetition were selected, identified and evaluated weekly after 21 days, using Gait Score and latency to lie methodologies, as well as angular paw evaluation (valgus and varus). After a 43-day slaughter, a macroscopic assessment of femoral degeneration and tibial dyschondroplasia of both paws was performed. As carcasses were sawn for the evaluation of spondylolisthesis. As different compositions of unaffected litter or bird welfare, neither the occurrence nor the development of pathologies of tibial and spondylolisthesis disconnection. The results presented in the analysis of pododermatitis suggest, with greater grammatical inclusions, the higher the scores of the foot lesions. An inclusion of the alternative material, Japanese grammar Zoysia, a wonder how the bedding material is recommended for early chicken, by a lot.

Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-212741


A avicultura de corte é caracterizada pelos ciclos de produção muito curtos, com rápido crescimento dos frangos. Em contrapartida, essa característica se reflete na composição mineral dos ossos e cartilagens, estando inaptos para sustentar seu peso, resultando em queda no desempenho e na produtividade, além de prejudicar o bem-estar animal. A hipótese dessa pesquisa foi de que os distúrbios ósseos causam prejuízo ao desenvolvimento do frango de corte e a qualidade de sua carcaça, e esses problemas começam a surgir com o aumento exponencial do ganho de peso. O objetivo desse trabalho foi correlacionar as metodologias de avaliação de bem-estar em frangos de corte por meio da capacidade de manter-se em pé em caixas plásticas (versão adaptada do latency to lie) e caminhar no trajeto em um metro linear (gait score), delineando a idade e o peso que se iniciam os distúrbios locomotores. Somado a isso, foi verificado a incidência de miopatia dorsal cranial, pododermatite e distúrbios locomotores nas aves. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 1000 aves da linhagem Cobb® Slow, adquiridas de um incubatório comercial, com 1 dia de idade, e alojadas em um sistema totalmente automatizado com ventilação em pressão negativa, utilização de exaustores e painéis evaporativos de celulose. Para este estudo, não houve tratamento, delineamento e repetição, assim, avaliou-se os animais em condições semelhantes às comerciais de criação. O bem-estar foi avaliado por dois métodos distintos, o gait score e o latency to lie e, posteriormente, estes métodos foram comparados e correlacionados. As aves foram pesadas semanalmente, para verificação da curva de ganho de peso e posterior correlação com as avaliações de bem-estar. Verificou-se que a dificuldade de locomoção teve início aos 14 dias de idade dos frangos de corte, e estes, tiveram menor ganho de peso. Enquanto as aves que ganharam mais peso no decorrer das semanas, desenvolveram distúrbios locomotores na fase final de produção. Quanto ao gait score e latency to lie, notou-se que são métodos que podem ser usados concomitantemente ou independentes para avaliação do bem-estar. A avaliação do caminhar permitiu concluir que o estímulo sonoro melhorou a velocidade das aves e que o medo causado por esse estímulo se sobressai ao desconforto causado pelos distúrbios locomotores. E em relação às demais características avaliadas houve correlações entre si, porém, pode-se inferir a redução da incidência de discondroplasia tibial e degeneração femoral.

Poultry farming is characterized by very short production cycles, with rapid growth of chickens. In contrast, this characteristic is reflect in the mineral composition of bones and cartilage, being unable to sustain their weight, resulting in a drop in performance and productivity, as well as impairing animal welfare. The hypothesis of this research was that the bone problems cause damage to the development of the broiler chicken and the quality of its carcass, and these problems begin to appear with the exponential increase of the weight gain. The objective of this study was to correlate welfare methodologies in broiler chickens through the ability to stand in plastic boxes (adapted version of latency to lie) and walk on a linear meter (gait score), delineating the age and weight that locomotion problems begin. In addition, the incidence of dorsal cranial myopathy, pododermatitis and locomotion problems in birds was verified. For this purpose, 1000 birds of the Cobb® Slow lineage were used, acquired from a commercial hatchery, at 1 day of age, housed in a fully automated system with negative pressure ventilation, use of hoods and evaporative cellulose panels. For this study, there was no treatment, delineation and repetition, thus, the animals were evaluated under conditions similar to commercial ones. The welfare was evaluated by two distinct methods, gait score and latency to lie, and later these methods were compared and correlated. The birds were weighed weekly, in order to verify the weight gain curve and later correlation with the welfare assessments. It was verified that the difficulty of locomotion began at the 14 days of age of the broilers, and these, had lower weight gain. While the birds that gained more weight over the weeks, they developed locomotion disorders in the final stage of production. As for gait score and latency to lie, it has been noted that these are methods that can be used concomitantly or independently for well-being assessment. The evaluation of the walking allowed to conclude that the sound stimulus improved the speed of the birds and that the fear caused by this stimulus excels to the discomfort caused by the locomotive problems. In relation to the other characteristics evaluated there were correlations between them, however, it can be inferred the reduction of the incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia and femoral degeneration.

Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-201368


O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a incidência de gait score e espondilolistese, temperatura superficial do peito de frangos de corte criados em camas reutilizadas em dois tipos de aviários de pressão negativa (dark house e túnel). O experimento foi conduzido em dois aviários comerciais na região de Itaquiraí MS, durante os meses de maio a junho. As aves foram alojadas em lotes mistos, em densidade média de 14 aves/m2, em cama de maravalha de sétima utilização. Foram avaliados o ambiente térmico, a qualidade da cama, o gait score, a temperatura superficial do peito e a espondilolistese aos 42 dias de idade de aves mistas. Para a análise do ambiente térmico (temperatura do ar e umidade relativa do ar) foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com duas instalações de pressão negativa: dark house e túnel x 12 repetições, totalizando 24 unidades experimentais. Para a avaliação da qualidade de cama foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com dois tipos de instalações de pressão negativa (dark house e tipo túnel) x 12 repetições, totalizando 24 unidades experimentais. Para a avaliação da temperatura superficial do peito das aves e do gait score foram utilizados o delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial duplo 2x2 (duas instalações de pressão negativa: dark house e túnel x sexo: macho e fêmea) com 24 retições, totalizando 96 unidades experimentais. Com objetivo de verificar se o tipo de instalação e o sexo estão associados à ocorrência de lesões nas aves (gait score e espondilolistese) na ultima fase de criação foram analisadas por regressão logística: razão de chance (odds ratio) e risco relativo (risk ratio). As comparações de médias entre os fatores foram realizadas por Teste de Tukey com nível de 5% de significância. E 95% de confiança para as incidências de lesão nas aves (gait score e espondilolistese). Os resultados do ambiente térmico diferiram (p<0,05) entre as instalações dark house e o tipo túnel, as médias de temperatura (TA 26,70 °C) e da umidade relativa do ar (UR 81,94 %) foram maiores para o sistema tipo túnel comparados ao sistema dark house. As médias da temperatura e umidade relativa da cama não diferiram (p>0,05) para o dark house e o tipo túnel, mas o pH foi superior (p<0,05) para o sistema dark house com 8,59 comparado ao sistema tipo túnel com 7,93. No aviário tipo túnel, comparando macho x fêmea, obteve-se efeito significativo (p<0.05) da incapacidade de locomoção das aves associada ao tipo de instalação que as aves foram criadas. A razão de chances (3,80) de as aves apresentarem incapacidade de locomoção foi de 280% maior para os machos em relação as fêmeas e o risco relativo (1,58) foi de 58% maior, isto significa que há forte associação entre o sexo das aves e a incapacidade locomotora no sistema tipo túnel na ultima fase de criação. Para o fator instalações, o sistema tipo túnel apresentou médias de temperatura superficial de 36, 61°C comparado ao sistema dark house que apresentou média de 35,80°C indicando diferença (p<0,05) com temperatura superior para o dark house. Os resultados de Odds Ratio (OR = 1,0) e Risk Ratio (RR = 1.0) para as avaliações de espondilolistese por meio da análise da integridade das vértebras não foram significativas (p>0,05) indicando que não há associação ao sexo das aves ou tipo de instalações. O ambiente térmico e a qualidade da cama apresentaram maiores médias de temperatura do ar e ph da cama para o sistema tipo túnel. Os resultados indicam evidências significativas de associação entre as aves macho, o sistema tipo túnel e a incapacidade de locomoção, com gait score entre 1 e 5 nos frangos aos 42 dias de idade. A média da temperatura superficial do peito foi superior nas aves do sistema tipo túnel.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the gait score and spondylolisthesis incidences, as well as the surface temperature of broiler breast created in re-build litter in two types of negative pressure facilities (dark house and tunnel). The experiment was conducted in two commercial broiler houses in Itaquiraí MS county in may and june. The birds were housed in mixed batches in litter rebuild (seven uses) made by shavings wood, with birds density of 14 birds m-2. The study evaluated the thermal environment conditions, the litter quality, the gait score of birds, the surface temperature of the breast and spondylolisthesis at birds with 42 days old. The analysis of the thermal environment conditions (temperature and relative humidity) and the litter quality was performed by completely randomized design with two facilities: dark house and tunnel x 12 repetitions. The analysis of the surface temperature of the birds breast and the gait score were performed by completely randomized design in double factorial 2x2 (two facilities - dark house and tunnel x sex - male and female) with 24 repetitions. In order to verify that the ventilation system type and sex are associated with the occurrence of injuries in birds in the last building phase were analyzed by logistic regression: odds ratio and risk ratio. The mean comparisons were performed by Tukey test with 5% level of significance, and 95% confidence for the injury incidence in birds (gait score and spondylolisthesis). The values of thermal environment were higher in tunnel ventilation facility (p <0.05). The thermal conditions showed similar in the both facilities (p> 0.05), while the litter pH was most basic for the dark house (p <0.05). Tunnel ventilation facility presented interaction between the sex of birds and locomotor disability (p <0.05). The surface temperature of the breast of the birds was higher in dark house facility (p <0.05). There is a strong association between sex of birds and locomotor disability type in the tunnel ventilation system. The results of Odds Ratio and Risk Ratio indicated that there is no association with sex of birds or type of facilities (p> 0.05). The thermal environment and the litter quality presents higher average air temperature and litter pH for the system type tunnel. In short, the facilities type and sex affected the walking ability of birds.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489916


Two experiments were carried out at the Poultry Sector of the School of Agrarian Sciences of the Federal University of Grande Dourados to evaluate the incidence of leg problems in broilers reared on two distinct types of bedding material: rice husks or wood shavings, both new and reused. In both trials, a randomized experimental design was applied in factorial arrangement (2 x 2 x 2) using two genetic strains (Cobb® or Ross®); two sexes (male or female), and two litter materials (rice husks or wood shavings). In each trial 1080 one day pullets were reared equally divided in the treatments. The birds were placed in 4.5 m² boxes at a density of 10 birds m-2. All birds were fed diets with equal nutritional density, and water was offered ad libitum. Feeds were divided in three phases: starter diet (1 - 21 days), grower diet (22 - 35 days), and finisher diet (36 - 45 days). On day 45, fifty birds were randomly selected in each experiment to evaluate flock leg problems. The following parameters were analyzed: gait score, incidence of valgus and varus disorder, footpad dermatitis, femoral degeneration, tibial dyschondroplasia, and spondylolisthesis. Ambient temperature during rearing and litter caking and moisture content were recorded in four boxes per treatment. The analytical hierarchy process was used to organize the data into specific criteria. Several criteria, related to the attributes that were determinant according to the statistical analysis, were chosen in order to provide the best input to the process. Results indicated that new wood-shavings bedding was the most appropriate bedding to prevent locomotion problems, followed by new rice husks, reused wood shavings, and reused rice husks. However, when leg problems were associated to sex and genetic strain, male Ross birds strain presented less problems when reared on new rice husks, followed by new wood shavings

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-717924


Two experiments were carried out at the Poultry Sector of the School of Agrarian Sciences of the Federal University of Grande Dourados to evaluate the incidence of leg problems in broilers reared on two distinct types of bedding material: rice husks or wood shavings, both new and reused. In both trials, a randomized experimental design was applied in factorial arrangement (2 x 2 x 2) using two genetic strains (Cobb® or Ross®); two sexes (male or female), and two litter materials (rice husks or wood shavings). In each trial 1080 one day pullets were reared equally divided in the treatments. The birds were placed in 4.5 m² boxes at a density of 10 birds m-2. All birds were fed diets with equal nutritional density, and water was offered ad libitum. Feeds were divided in three phases: starter diet (1 - 21 days), grower diet (22 - 35 days), and finisher diet (36 - 45 days). On day 45, fifty birds were randomly selected in each experiment to evaluate flock leg problems. The following parameters were analyzed: gait score, incidence of valgus and varus disorder, footpad dermatitis, femoral degeneration, tibial dyschondroplasia, and spondylolisthesis. Ambient temperature during rearing and litter caking and moisture content were recorded in four boxes per treatment. The analytical hierarchy process was used to organize the data into specific criteria. Several criteria, related to the attributes that were determinant according to the statistical analysis, were chosen in order to provide the best input to the process. Results indicated that new wood-shavings bedding was the most appropriate bedding to prevent locomotion problems, followed by new rice husks, reused wood shavings, and reused rice husks. However, when leg problems were associated to sex and genetic strain, male Ross birds strain presented less problems when reared on new rice husks, followed by new wood shavings