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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 38(3): 281-284, jul.-set. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459670


This study evaluated the effect of using lipid sources of plant and animal origin in diets for Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on production performance and internal egg quality. Japanese quails (n = 160) were distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and eight replications of five birds each. Lipid sources evaluated were: soybean oil, from poultry slaughterhouse, fish waste and grape seed. The characteristics of performance and internal egg quality were measured every 21 days for a total period of 84 days. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukeys test. There was no effect of treatments on the production performance of birds, except for feed intake, which was higher for birds fed grape seed oil in the diet. Lipid sources evaluated had no influence on the internal egg quality. It can be concluded that the lipid sources evaluated here in can be used as alternative energy in feed for laying quails, without affecting the performance and internal egg quality.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de fontes lipídicas de origem animal e vegetal nas rações para codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica), em relação ao desempenho zootécnico e à qualidade interna do ovo. Foram utilizadas 160 codornas japonesas, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e oito repetições por tratamento, com cinco aves por repetição. As fontes lipídicas avaliadas foram: óleo de soja, de abatedouro avícola, de resíduo de peixe e de semente de uva. As características de desempenho e qualidade interna dos ovos foram mensurados a cada 21 dias, em um período total de 84 dias. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre o desempenho produtivo das aves, exceto para o consumo de ração, que foi maior para aves alimentadas com óleo de semente de uva nas rações. As fontes energéticas avaliadas não influenciaram a qualidade interna dos ovos. Diante disso, conclui-se que as fontes lipídicas avaliadas neste estudo podem ser utilizadas como ingredientes energéticos nas rações para codornas em postura, sem afetar o desempenho e a qualidade interna dos ovos.

Animais , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Coturnix/metabolismo , Óvulo/química , Lipídeos , Óleo de Soja
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 38(3): 281-284, jul.-set. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-481073


This study evaluated the effect of using lipid sources of plant and animal origin in diets for Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on production performance and internal egg quality. Japanese quails (n = 160) were distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and eight replications of five birds each. Lipid sources evaluated were: soybean oil, from poultry slaughterhouse, fish waste and grape seed. The characteristics of performance and internal egg quality were measured every 21 days for a total period of 84 days. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukeys test. There was no effect of treatments on the production performance of birds, except for feed intake, which was higher for birds fed grape seed oil in the diet. Lipid sources evaluated had no influence on the internal egg quality. It can be concluded that the lipid sources evaluated here in can be used as alternative energy in feed for laying quails, without affecting the performance and internal egg quality.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de fontes lipídicas de origem animal e vegetal nas rações para codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica), em relação ao desempenho zootécnico e à qualidade interna do ovo. Foram utilizadas 160 codornas japonesas, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e oito repetições por tratamento, com cinco aves por repetição. As fontes lipídicas avaliadas foram: óleo de soja, de abatedouro avícola, de resíduo de peixe e de semente de uva. As características de desempenho e qualidade interna dos ovos foram mensurados a cada 21 dias, em um período total de 84 dias. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre o desempenho produtivo das aves, exceto para o consumo de ração, que foi maior para aves alimentadas com óleo de semente de uva nas rações. As fontes energéticas avaliadas não influenciaram a qualidade interna dos ovos. Diante disso, conclui-se que as fontes lipídicas avaliadas neste estudo podem ser utilizadas como ingredientes energéticos nas rações para codornas em postura, sem afetar o desempenho e a qualidade interna dos ovos.(AU)

Animais , Coturnix/metabolismo , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Óvulo/química , Óleo de Soja , Lipídeos
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 42: Pub. 1197, 23 jun. 2014. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31108


Background: Salmonella spp. is recognized as being one of the most common bacterial causes of food-borne illness spreadon poultry production due to easy adaptation to environment and diffi cult to eradicate. In poultry production system antimicrobials are added in feed as growth promoters in continuous and sub-therapeutic doses, inducing a selective pressure andconsequent antimicrobial resistance. This management causes public health problems to disseminate resistant pathogensthrough food chain and reduce the options of treatment of bacterial infections.Materials, Methods & Results: The samples were isolated in a poultry slaughterhouse under Federal Inspection in amonitoring, research and quantifi cation project of Salmonella spp in critical control points in slaughterhouse. Adaptedmethodology was used for quantifi cation of Salmonella as follows: swabs and cages were placed in 50 mL of peptonewater buffered 1% (PW 1%) and incubated at 37ºC for 12 h; for the analysis of water 100 mL were inoculated in 50 mL ofpeptone water buffered in triple concentration and incubated at 37ºC for 12 h; the chickens and carcasses were packed insterile bags with a capacity of 4000 mL, added 150 mL of peptone water buffered 1%, agitated manually for one minuteand the rinsing broth incubated by 12 h at 37ºC. After hatching were made decimal dilutions Rapapport Vassiliadis broth(RV), inoculated 1 mL in 9 mL of RV broth until 10-3 dilution and incubation for 12 h at 41°C in a water bath with agitation. After this period 100 µL of RV broth were seeded in Agar Rambach and Agar XLD and the plates incubated at 37ºCfor 12 h. Salmonella-like growth were placed in Agar Rambach and confi rmed as Salmonella to biochemical tests (TSI,LIA, urea broth) and assayed for polyvalent antiserum to Salmonella. The fi nal identifi cation of the samples was carriedout by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR, Premi® Test Salmonella DSM). Were selected 20 samples of Salmonella...(AU)

Animais , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/microbiologia , Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Matadouros
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 42: Pub.1197-Dec. 12, 2014. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457242


Background: Salmonella spp. is recognized as being one of the most common bacterial causes of food-borne illness spreadon poultry production due to easy adaptation to environment and diffi cult to eradicate. In poultry production system antimicrobials are added in feed as growth promoters in continuous and sub-therapeutic doses, inducing a selective pressure andconsequent antimicrobial resistance. This management causes public health problems to disseminate resistant pathogensthrough food chain and reduce the options of treatment of bacterial infections.Materials, Methods & Results: The samples were isolated in a poultry slaughterhouse under Federal Inspection in amonitoring, research and quantifi cation project of Salmonella spp in critical control points in slaughterhouse. Adaptedmethodology was used for quantifi cation of Salmonella as follows: swabs and cages were placed in 50 mL of peptonewater buffered 1% (PW 1%) and incubated at 37ºC for 12 h; for the analysis of water 100 mL were inoculated in 50 mL ofpeptone water buffered in triple concentration and incubated at 37ºC for 12 h; the chickens and carcasses were packed insterile bags with a capacity of 4000 mL, added 150 mL of peptone water buffered 1%, agitated manually for one minuteand the rinsing broth incubated by 12 h at 37ºC. After hatching were made decimal dilutions Rapapport Vassiliadis broth(RV), inoculated 1 mL in 9 mL of RV broth until 10-3 dilution and incubation for 12 h at 41°C in a water bath with agitation. After this period 100 µL of RV broth were seeded in Agar Rambach and Agar XLD and the plates incubated at 37ºCfor 12 h. Salmonella-like growth were placed in Agar Rambach and confi rmed as Salmonella to biochemical tests (TSI,LIA, urea broth) and assayed for polyvalent antiserum to Salmonella. The fi nal identifi cation of the samples was carriedout by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR, Premi® Test Salmonella DSM). Were selected 20 samples of Salmonella...

Animais , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Galinhas/microbiologia , Matadouros
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41: Pub. 1164, 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1371087


Background: The cleaning process in poultry slaughterhouses consists basically on the use of hot water, detergents and disinfectants. The disinfection, which is the last stage of the cleaning process, seeks to reduce the number of total microorganisms and eliminating pathogen, so that levels are kept safe for good quality products. Pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella and Listeria are of utmost importance since they may cause foodborne diseases and consequently result in public health and economic losses in the domestic and in exporting markets. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted in the cutting room of a poultry slaughterhouse with capacity to process 20.000 animals per hour in the Southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples were collected during preoperational cleaning: before the surfaces were washed (without the removal of residues); after washing with hot water at 45 to 50°C and 22.5 bar pressure; and after washing with 2% sodium hydroxide detergent. Three disinfectants were tested: 0.5% peracetic acid, 2% quaternary ammonium and 1% biguanide, all of them for 15 min, followed by rinsing with hot water. Evaluations were made in three processing lines for cutting chicken legs at the same time and on fully randomized sites of three surfaces: stainless steel tables, polyurethane conveyors, and polyethylene cutting boards. The pre-enrichment method used 100 mL of 1% peptone water added to a bag with the sponge. After 1 min in a stomacher blender, an aliquot of 50 mL was transferred to a sterilized container and incubated at 30 ± 1°C for 18-24 h to isolate Listeria while the remaining 100 mL was incubated at 36 ± 1°C for 16-20 h for the isolation of Salmonella. Selective enrichment for Salmonella was conducted in Rappaport-Vassiliadis medium and selenite cystine broth, for 24 to 30 h at 41 ± 0.5°C in a water bath. Isolation was conducted in chromogenic agar for Salmonella and brilliant-green phenol-red lactose sucrose agar, incubated at 36 ± 1°C for 18-24 h. Colonies compatible with Salmonella were confi rmed using biochemical and serological tests. For Listeria isolation, selective enrichment was performed in Fraser broth for 18-24 h at 30 ± 1°C, Listeria agar and Modifi ed Oxford - MOX agar, incubated at 35 ± 2°C for 24-48 h. Colonies compatible with Listeria spp. were confi rmed for L. monocytogenes and other species by using biochemical tests. Results were described as presence or absence of Salmonella or Listeria. Discussion: Salmonella was not found on the surfaces studied, which may be due to the fact that the batch of slaughtered broilers was free of this microorganism or that good production practices and hazard analysis and critical control points procedures in this industry were adequately applied. Listeria welshmeri was isolated from the polyurethane conveyor and Listeria monocytogenes from the stainless steel table, both when the surfaces had food residues, before washing. The isolation of different Listeria species on the same surface (polyurethane conveyor) may be explained by the fact that four different sites were examined for sample collection, and that there might have been different species simultaneously contaminating the surfaces on random sites. After washing with hot water, Listeria monocytogenes was still isolated from the polyurethane conveyor, but it was not isolated after disinfection with 2% quaternary ammonium. After this stage of disinfection, Listeria was no longer isolated, which indicates that the use of a detergent and posterior use of quaternary ammonium was effi cacious in removing the microorganisms from this surface.

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Salmonella/patogenicidade , Matadouros , Saneantes , Listeria/patogenicidade
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41: 01-07, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457095


Background: The cleaning process in poultry slaughterhouses consists basically on the use of hot water, detergents and disinfectants. The disinfection, which is the last stage of the cleaning process, seeks to reduce the number of total microorganisms and eliminating pathogen, so that levels are kept safe for good quality products. Pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella and Listeria are of utmost importance since they may cause foodborne diseases and consequently result in public health and economic losses in the domestic and in exporting markets. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted in the cutting room of a poultry slaughterhouse with capacity to process 20.000 animals per hour in the Southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples were collected during preoperational cleaning: before the surfaces were washed (without the removal of residues); after washing with hot water at 45 to 50C and 22.5 bar pressure; and after washing with 2% sodium hydroxide detergent. Three disinfectants were tested: 0.5% peracetic acid, 2% quaternary ammonium and 1% biguanide, all of them for 15 min, followed by rinsing with hot water. Evaluations were made in three processing lines for cutting chicken legs at the same time and on fully randomized sites of three surfaces: stainless steel tables, polyurethane conveyors, and polyethylene cutting boards. The pre-enrichm

Background: The cleaning process in poultry slaughterhouses consists basically on the use of hot water, detergents and disinfectants. The disinfection, which is the last stage of the cleaning process, seeks to reduce the number of total microorganisms and eliminating pathogen, so that levels are kept safe for good quality products. Pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella and Listeria are of utmost importance since they may cause foodborne diseases and consequently result in public health and economic losses in the domestic and in exporting markets. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted in the cutting room of a poultry slaughterhouse with capacity to process 20.000 animals per hour in the Southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples were collected during preoperational cleaning: before the surfaces were washed (without the removal of residues); after washing with hot water at 45 to 50C and 22.5 bar pressure; and after washing with 2% sodium hydroxide detergent. Three disinfectants were tested: 0.5% peracetic acid, 2% quaternary ammonium and 1% biguanide, all of them for 15 min, followed by rinsing with hot water. Evaluations were made in three processing lines for cutting chicken legs at the same time and on fully randomized sites of three surfaces: stainless steel tables, polyurethane conveyors, and polyethylene cutting boards. The pre-enrichm

Hig. aliment ; 32(286/287): 76-81, nov.-dez. 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20017


O Brasil possui legislação sanitária rigorosa na produção de alimentos, entretanto questões culturais frequentemente conflitam com as normas, como o abate clandestino de aves. Mesmo com toda a tecnologia empregada e rigor do sistema de inspeção brasileiro ainda verifica-se o consumo de aves provenientes desses abates. O presente estudo objetivou fazer uma análise crítica sobre a existência e funcionamento das "Avícolas" no município de São Paulo, identificar fatores facilitadores e discutir ações para mitigar os riscos sanitários dessa atividade. Utilizou-se abordagem qualitativa para análise de documentos e relatórios gerados nas rotinas de trabalho da Coordenação de Vigilância em Saúde da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo e legislação vigente acerca do assunto. Estima-se aproximadamente 3900 estabelecimentos com condições estruturais e sanitárias irregulares, porém não há levantamentos e/ou registros. As aves não possuem procedência determinada ou certificações sanitárias. O ambiente é promíscuo e insalubre, situação agravada pela falta de cuidados dos colaboradores. Há eliminação irregular de resíduos do abate, ausência de programas de autocontrole e/ou boas práticas de fabricação. Concluiu-se que as Avícolas são informais, ilegais e clandestinas, impactam negativamente a Saúde Pública pela atividade desenvolvida em desacordo com as normas sanitárias, ambientais e trabalhistas.(AU)

Brazil has strict sanitary laws in food production. However, cultural issues often conflict with the rules, such as clandestine slaughter of birds. Even with all the technology employed and the rigor of the Brazilian inspection system, we still observe the consumption of poultry from these slaughters. This study aimed to critically analyze the existence and functioning of poultry in the city of São Paulo, to identify facilitating factors and to discuss actions to mitigate the health risks of this activity. A qualitative approach used to analyze documents and reports generated in the work routines of the Health Surveillance Coordination Oflice of the Municipality of São Paulo and current legislation on the subject. There are approximately 3900 establishments without structural and sanitary conditions are estimated, but there are no surveys and / or records. The birds have no specific provenance or sanitary certifications. The environment is promiscuous and unhealthy, a situation aggravated by the lack of care of employees. There is irregular disposal of slaughter residues, absence of self-control programs and / or good manufacturing practices. It was concluded that Poultry are informal, illegal and clandestine, negatively impact Public Health by the activity developed in disagreement with sanitary, environmental and labor standards.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Matadouros/legislação & jurisprudência , Abate de Animais/legislação & jurisprudência , Instalações Clandestinas/análise , Vigilância Sanitária
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-217635


Os objetivos desse trabalho foram verificar a presença de Salmonella spp. e promover a caracterização microbiológica em piso de caixas de transporte de frangos de corte da região do Distrito Federal e Entorno, ainda analisar o perfil de resistência antimicrobiana por meio do teste de antibiograma nos microrganismos isolados e identificados. 62 amostras de swabs de piso das caixas de transporte de frangos das granjas para os abatedouros foi analisado, coletadas ao longo de 4 visitas em 2 abatedouros frigoríficos da região. A pesquisa de Salmonella spp. e a caracterização microbiológica foram realizadas segundo metodologia descrita por Baron et al. (1994) e Koneman et al. (2001); o teste de susceptibilidade antimicrobiana nos microrganismos isolados foi executado por meio da técnica de disco-difusão de Kirby-Bauer (Bauer et al., 1966) em ágar Mueller-Hinton, conforme recomendações do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, 2016) com 19 bases químicas distintas. Nas 62 amostras de swabs de piso de caixas de transporte, não foram encontradas Salmonella spp. Na caracterização microbiológica das 62 amostras de swabs, foi encontrado um total de 160 cepas bacterianas, sendo 65/160 de Escherichia coli (40,62%), 48/160 de Staphylococcus Coagulase Negativo (30%), 18/160 de Streptococcus sp. (11,25%), 6/160 de Proteus mirabilis (3,75%), 4/160 de Morganella morganii (2,50%), 3/160 de Hafnia alvei (1,87%), 2/160 de Bacillus sp. (1,25%), 2/160 de Citrobacter farmeri (1,25%), 1/160 de Shigella sonnei (0,62%), 1/160 de Citrobacter koseri (0,62%), 1/160 de Micrococcus sp. (0,62%), 1/160 de Shigella fleneri (0,62%), 1/160 de Providencia stuartii (0,62%), 1/160 de Shigella Grupos A, B, C (0,62%), 1/160 de Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (0,62%), 1/160 de Escherichia fergusonii (0,62%), 1/160 de Citrobacter diversus (0,62%), 1/160 de Citrobacter sedlaki (0,62%), 1/160 de Shigella dysenteriae (0,62%), 1/160 de Enterobacter agglomerans (0,62%). Todos os microrganismos isolados nessa pesquisa mostraram um fenótipo de resistência múltipla a antimicrobianos, sendo a Escherichia coli a única a apresentar resistência a todas as 19 bases químicas testadas.

The objectives of this study were to verify the presence of Salmonella spp. and to promote the microbiological characterization in the floor of transport crates of broilers of the Federal District and Entorno, to analyze the profile of antimicrobial resistance by means of the antibiogram test in the microorganisms isolated and identified. 62 samples of transport crates floor swabs from the farms to the slaughterhouses were analyzed, collected during 4 visits to 2 slaughterhouses in the region. The Salmonella spp. Research and microbiological characterization were performed according to a methodology described by Baron et al. (1994) and Koneman et al. (2001); the antimicrobial susceptibility test in the isolated microorganisms was performed using the Kirby-Bauer disk-diffusion technique (Bauer et al., 1966) on Mueller-Hinton agar, according to the recommendations of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, 2016 ) with 19 different chemical bases. In the 62 samples of transport crates floor swabs, Salmonella spp. were not found. In the microbiological characterization of the 62 swab samples, a total of 160 bacterial strains was found, 65/160 of Escherichia coli (40,62%), 48/160 of Staphylococcus coagulase-negative (30%), 18/160 of Streptococcus sp. (11,25%), 6/160 of Proteus mirabilis (3,75%), 4/160 of Morganella morganii (2,50%), 3/160 of Hafnia alvei (1,87%), 2/160 of Bacillus sp. (1,25%), 2/160 of Citrobacter farmeri (1,25%), 1/160 of Shigella sonnei (0,62%), 1/160 of Citrobacter koseri (0,62%), 1/160 of Micrococcus sp. (0,62%), 1/160 of Shigella fleneri (0,62%), 1/160 of Providencia stuartii (0,62%), 1/160 of Shigella Grupos A, B, C (0,62%), 1/160 of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (0,62%), 1/160 of Escherichia fergusonii (0,62%), 1/160 of Citrobacter diversus (0,62%), 1/160 of Citrobacter sedlaki (0,62%), 1/160 of Shigella dysenteriae (0,62%), 1/160 of Enterobacter agglomerans (0,62%). All the microorganisms isolated in this study showed a phenotype of multiple antimicrobial resistance, with Escherichia coli being the only one to present resistance to all 19 chemical bases tested.

Hig. aliment ; 32(286/287): 76-81, dez. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481874


O Brasil possui legislação sanitária rigorosa na produção de alimentos, entretanto questões culturais frequentemente conflitam com as normas, como o abate clandestino de aves. Mesmo com toda a tecnologia empregada e rigor do sistema de inspeção brasileiro ainda verifica-se o consumo de aves provenientes desses abates. O presente estudo objetivou fazer uma análise crítica sobre a existência e funcionamento das "Avícolas" no município de São Paulo, identificar fatores facilitadores e discutir ações para mitigar os riscos sanitários dessa atividade. Utilizou-se abordagem qualitativa para análise de documentos e relatórios gerados nas rotinas de trabalho da Coordenação de Vigilância em Saúde da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo e legislação vigente acerca do assunto. Estima-se aproximadamente 3900 estabelecimentos com condições estruturais e sanitárias irregulares, porém não há levantamentos e/ou registros. As aves não possuem procedência determinada ou certificações sanitárias. O ambiente é promíscuo e insalubre, situação agravada pela falta de cuidados dos colaboradores. Há eliminação irregular de resíduos do abate, ausência de programas de autocontrole e/ou boas práticas de fabricação. Concluiu-se que as Avícolas são informais, ilegais e clandestinas, impactam negativamente a Saúde Pública pela atividade desenvolvida em desacordo com as normas sanitárias, ambientais e trabalhistas.

Brazil has strict sanitary laws in food production. However, cultural issues often conflict with the rules, such as clandestine slaughter of birds. Even with all the technology employed and the rigor of the Brazilian inspection system, we still observe the consumption of poultry from these slaughters. This study aimed to critically analyze the existence and functioning of poultry in the city of São Paulo, to identify facilitating factors and to discuss actions to mitigate the health risks of this activity. A qualitative approach used to analyze documents and reports generated in the work routines of the Health Surveillance Coordination Oflice of the Municipality of São Paulo and current legislation on the subject. There are approximately 3900 establishments without structural and sanitary conditions are estimated, but there are no surveys and / or records. The birds have no specific provenance or sanitary certifications. The environment is promiscuous and unhealthy, a situation aggravated by the lack of care of employees. There is irregular disposal of slaughter residues, absence of self-control programs and / or good manufacturing practices. It was concluded that Poultry are informal, illegal and clandestine, negatively impact Public Health by the activity developed in disagreement with sanitary, environmental and labor standards.

Animais , Abate de Animais/legislação & jurisprudência , Aves Domésticas , Matadouros/legislação & jurisprudência , Instalações Clandestinas/análise , Vigilância Sanitária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 32(4): 289-292, abr. 2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-1735


Objetivou-se avaliar a ação de três princípios ativos rotineiramente utilizados na higienização de abatedouros avícolas frente a amostras de Salmonella Heidelberg isoladas em diferentes pontos da tecnologia de abate de um mesmo frigorífico. Foram testadas 20 amostras de S. Heidelberg (14 isoladas em 2005 e seis em 2009) frente a clorexidina (0,5%), amônia quaternária (0,5%) e ácido peracético (1%) nos tempos de contato de 5, 10, 15 e 20 minutos. Todas as amostras foram sensíveis ao ácido peracético 1% em todos os tempos testados. Observou-se que 100% das amostras isoladas em 2005 foram sensíveis a amônia quaternária enquanto que as isoladas em 2009 apresentaram 33% de resistência com 5 minutos de contato e 16,6% com 10 minutos de contato. Com relação à clorexidina, 25% dos isolados em 2005 mostraram-se resistentes após 5 minutos de contato enquanto que 33% das amostras isoladas em 2009 foram resistentes neste tempo e 17% no tempo de 10 minutos de contato. Pode-se concluir que o ácido peracético teve ação in vitro sobre as amostras isoladas em 2005 e 2009, enquanto que a clorexidina e a amônia quaternária tiveram sua ação reduzida frente às amostras de 2009, indicando a progressão da resistência bacteriana frente a estes sanitizantes e a necessidade de testes periódicos e rotação de princípios ativos nos programas de higienização dos frigoríficos.(AU)

The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the in vitro sensibility of Salmonella Heidelberg to three commercially available disinfectants used for sanitization in poultry slaughterhouses. A total of 20 S. Heidelberg were tested (14 isolated in 2005 and six in 2009), and as active ingredients were used chlorhexidine (0.5%), quaternary ammonium (0.5 %) and peracetic acid (1%) at contact intervals of 5, 10, 15 e 20 minutes. All isolates were found to be sensitive to peracetic acid at four specific contact intervals. One hundred percent of S. Heidelberg isolated in 2005 was found to be sensitive to quaternary ammonium, while 33% of 2009 isolates were resistant at a 5-minute contact interval and 16.6% at 10-minutes. With respect to chlorhexidine, 25% of the 2005 isolates were resistant at a 5-minute contact interval, 33% of the 2009 isolates were resistant with the same time, and 17% at a 10-minute contact interval. It can be concluded that the highest disinfectant activity in vitro was found to be with peracetic acid for S. Heidelberg isolates in 2005 and 2009, whereas chlorhexidine and quaternary ammonium had a reduced action against 2009 isolates, indicating the progression of bacterial resistance against these sanitizers and the need for periodic evaluation and rotation of active principles for sanitization.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Aves Domésticas/métodos , Matadouros/normas , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Clorexidina , Amônia , Ácido Peracético , Desinfetantes , Desinfecção
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-201390


Com o objetivo de caracterizar as possíveis variações na composição química das farinhas de vísceras foi realizado este trabalho para estudar as possíveis variáveis que podem provocar variações e afetar a qualidade final da farinha de vísceras de aves tendo como foco a sua utilização na indústria de rações para frangos de corte. Para tal experimento foi escolhido um abatedouro avícola comercial de grande porte que processa as vísceras imediatamente após o abate das aves em uma planta processadora de farinha de vísceras, unidade esta localizada na região central do estado de Goiás. As amostras foram coletadas e analisadas semanalmente durante um período de doze meses compreendido entre junho de 2014 e junho de 2015. Para caracterizar as possíveis variações na composição química das farinhas de vísceras foram estudas o efeito da temperatura, pressão, umidade, peso e tempo de processamento e para avaliar as farinhas obtidas os parâmetros utilizados foram os testes qualitativos (índice de acidez, índice de peróxido e teste de Éber), a avaliação proximal (extrato etéreo, proteína bruta, umidade, cálcio e fósforo), além deste foram realizados testes de granulometria, cor textura e odor. Para tal avaliação adotou-se o programa estatístico R utilizando-se o método estatístico de correlações de Pearson.

In order to characterize the possible variations in the chemical composition of the viscera meal was carried out this work to study the possible variables that can cause variations and affect the final quality of poultry by products focusing on their use in the feed industry broilers. For this experiment was chosen a large commercial poultry abattoir processing viscera immediately after slaughter of birds in a processing plant poultry meal, unit is located in central Goiás state. The samples were collected and analyzed weekly for a period of twelve months between June 2014 and June 2015. in order to characterize the possible variations in the chemical composition of the viscera flour were studied the effect of temperature, pressure, humidity, weight and processing time and to assess the flours obtained the parameters were qualitative tests (acidity index, peroxide index and Eber test), the proximal evaluation (ether extract, crude protein, moisture, calcium and phosphorus), and this grading tests were performed, color texture and odor. For such an assessment adopted the statistical program R using the statistical method of Pearson correlations.

Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-202084


FONTES LIPÍDICAS NAS DIETAS PARA CODORNAS JAPONESAS EM POSTURA RESUMO De acordo com o perfil do consumidor de produtos de origem animal e para atender a sua demanda, atualmente, a produção animal está se adequando tanto ao tipo de animal, quanto ao sistema de criação e a alimentação. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da utilização de fontes lipídicas de origem animal e vegetal em rações para codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica), sobre o desempenho zootécnico, qualidade interna e lipídeos totais do ovo. Foram utilizadas 160 codornas japonesas, com 16 semanas de idade, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos, oito repetições por tratamento, com cinco aves por repetição. As fontes lipídicas avaliadas foram: óleo de soja, de abatedouro avícola, de resíduo de peixe e de semente de uva. Foram avaliadas as características de desempenho produtivo, qualidade interna dos ovos e lipídeos totais dos ovos, a cada 21 dias, em um total de 84 dias do período experimental. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre o desempenho produtivo das aves, exceto para o consumo de ração, que foi maior para aves alimentadas com óleo de semente de uva nas rações. Para o teor de lipídeos totais na gema de ovos, não houve alteração entre as fontes lipídicas avaliadas. Conclui-se que as fontes lipídicas avaliadas neste estudo podem ser utilizadas como ingredientes energéticos nas rações para codornas em postura, sem afetar o desempenho e a qualidade interna dos ovos.

LIPID SOURCES IN DIETS FOR JAPANESE QUAIL IN PRODUCTION ABSTRACT According to the consumer of animal products profile and to meet their demand, livestock production is currently adapting both the kind of animal, as the system of breeding and feeding. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of lipid sources of plant and animal origin in feed for Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), on performance, internal quality of eggs and yolk total lipid. One hundred sixty Japanese quail were used, 16 weeks old, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and eight replicates of five birds per cage. Lipid sources evaluated were: soybean oil, poultry slaughterhouse, fish waste and grape seed. The eggs total lipid were measured at each production cycle, of 21 days, as well as the features of productive performance and eggs internal quality. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and averages compared by Tukey test. There was no effect of the treatments on the productive performance of birds, except for feed intake, which was higher for birds fed with grape seed oil in feed. For the total lipid content in the egg yolk, there was no change among the evaluated lipid sources. We conclude that the lipid sources evaluated in this study can be used as energy ingredients in feed for quails, without affecting the performance and internal egg quality.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 41: 01-07, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-475621


Background: The cleaning process in poultry slaughterhouses consists basically on the use of hot water, detergents and disinfectants. The disinfection, which is the last stage of the cleaning process, seeks to reduce the number of total microorganisms and eliminating pathogen, so that levels are kept safe for good quality products. Pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella and Listeria are of utmost importance since they may cause foodborne diseases and consequently result in public health and economic losses in the domestic and in exporting markets. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted in the cutting room of a poultry slaughterhouse with capacity to process 20.000 animals per hour in the Southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples were collected during preoperational cleaning: before the surfaces were washed (without the removal of residues); after washing with hot water at 45 to 50C and 22.5 bar pressure; and after washing with 2% sodium hydroxide detergent. Three disinfectants were tested: 0.5% peracetic acid, 2% quaternary ammonium and 1% biguanide, all of them for 15 min, followed by rinsing with hot water. Evaluations were made in three processing lines for cutting chicken legs at the same time and on fully randomized sites of three surfaces: stainless steel tables, polyurethane conveyors, and polyethylene cutting boards. The pre-enrichm

Background: The cleaning process in poultry slaughterhouses consists basically on the use of hot water, detergents and disinfectants. The disinfection, which is the last stage of the cleaning process, seeks to reduce the number of total microorganisms and eliminating pathogen, so that levels are kept safe for good quality products. Pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella and Listeria are of utmost importance since they may cause foodborne diseases and consequently result in public health and economic losses in the domestic and in exporting markets. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted in the cutting room of a poultry slaughterhouse with capacity to process 20.000 animals per hour in the Southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples were collected during preoperational cleaning: before the surfaces were washed (without the removal of residues); after washing with hot water at 45 to 50C and 22.5 bar pressure; and after washing with 2% sodium hydroxide detergent. Three disinfectants were tested: 0.5% peracetic acid, 2% quaternary ammonium and 1% biguanide, all of them for 15 min, followed by rinsing with hot water. Evaluations were made in three processing lines for cutting chicken legs at the same time and on fully randomized sites of three surfaces: stainless steel tables, polyurethane conveyors, and polyethylene cutting boards. The pre-enrichm