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Neotrop. ichthyol ; 16(4): e180013, out. 2018. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976292


We analyzed growth and reproduction of captive-born smallnose fanskates Sympterygia bonapartii. Egg cases were obtained from oviposition of two females caught in the wild and held at Temaikèn Aquarium. Following hatching, growth was analyzed in 13 females and 21 males until sexual maturity. Pattern of oviposition activity and reproductive performance were evaluated in six of the captive-reared females. Four models were fitted to growth data, among which the logistic function was the one attaining the best fit. The highest growth rate for both sexes was recorded during the first year of life, whereas growth was significantly higher in females than in males during the second year. Size at first oviposition was 61.7 ± 3.5 cm TL, similar to wild specimens. However, captive-reared females reached maturity before two years of age, i.e. much earlier than wild skates, implying a significant phenotypic plasticity in this species. The similarity in size at maturity and the difference in age at maturity between captive and wild specimens indicate that there is a decoupling of both parameters mediated through growth rates. Captive-born skates reproduced successfully and yielded viable offspring, indicating that the environment at Temaikèn Aquarium is suitable for S. bonapartii to attain its full life cycle.(AU)

Analizamos el crecimiento y la reproducción de ejemplares de raya marmorada, Sympterygia bonapartii nacidas en cautiverio. Se obtuvieron ovicápsulas a partir de la oviposición de dos hembras capturadas en la naturaleza y mantenidas en el Acuario Temaikèn. Posteriormente a la eclosión, se analizó el crecimiento en 13 hembras y 21 machos hasta la madurez sexual. Se evaluó el patrón de oviposición y la performance reproductiva en seis de las hembras criadas en cautiverio. Se ajustaron cuatro modelos a los datos de crecimiento, entre los cuales la función logística fue la que logró el mejor ajuste. Para ambos sexos, la mayor tasa de crecimiento se registró durante el primer año de vida. Durante el segundo año, la tasa de crecimiento fue significativamente mayor en hembras que en machos. La talla de primera oviposición fue de 61,7 ± 3,5 cm LT, similar a la estimada en rayas silvestres. Sin embargo, las hembras criadas en cautiverio alcanzaron la madurez antes de los dos años de vida, es decir mucho antes que en el ambiente natural, lo que implica una plasticidad fenotípica significativa en esta especie. La similitud en la talla de madurez y la diferencia en la edad de madurez entre individuos cautivos y silvestres indican que hay un desacople de ambos parámetros mediado por la tasa de crecimiento. Los individuos nacidos en cautiverio se reprodujeron exitosamente y dejaron descendencia viable, lo que indica que el ambiente del Acuario Temaikèn es adecuado para que S. bonapartii complete su ciclo de vida.(AU)

Animais , Maturidade Sexual , Rajidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Rajidae/fisiologia
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 16(4): e180013, out. 2018. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20612


We analyzed growth and reproduction of captive-born smallnose fanskates Sympterygia bonapartii. Egg cases were obtained from oviposition of two females caught in the wild and held at Temaikèn Aquarium. Following hatching, growth was analyzed in 13 females and 21 males until sexual maturity. Pattern of oviposition activity and reproductive performance were evaluated in six of the captive-reared females. Four models were fitted to growth data, among which the logistic function was the one attaining the best fit. The highest growth rate for both sexes was recorded during the first year of life, whereas growth was significantly higher in females than in males during the second year. Size at first oviposition was 61.7 ± 3.5 cm TL, similar to wild specimens. However, captive-reared females reached maturity before two years of age, i.e. much earlier than wild skates, implying a significant phenotypic plasticity in this species. The similarity in size at maturity and the difference in age at maturity between captive and wild specimens indicate that there is a decoupling of both parameters mediated through growth rates. Captive-born skates reproduced successfully and yielded viable offspring, indicating that the environment at Temaikèn Aquarium is suitable for S. bonapartii to attain its full life cycle.(AU)

Analizamos el crecimiento y la reproducción de ejemplares de raya marmorada, Sympterygia bonapartii nacidas en cautiverio. Se obtuvieron ovicápsulas a partir de la oviposición de dos hembras capturadas en la naturaleza y mantenidas en el Acuario Temaikèn. Posteriormente a la eclosión, se analizó el crecimiento en 13 hembras y 21 machos hasta la madurez sexual. Se evaluó el patrón de oviposición y la performance reproductiva en seis de las hembras criadas en cautiverio. Se ajustaron cuatro modelos a los datos de crecimiento, entre los cuales la función logística fue la que logró el mejor ajuste. Para ambos sexos, la mayor tasa de crecimiento se registró durante el primer año de vida. Durante el segundo año, la tasa de crecimiento fue significativamente mayor en hembras que en machos. La talla de primera oviposición fue de 61,7 ± 3,5 cm LT, similar a la estimada en rayas silvestres. Sin embargo, las hembras criadas en cautiverio alcanzaron la madurez antes de los dos años de vida, es decir mucho antes que en el ambiente natural, lo que implica una plasticidad fenotípica significativa en esta especie. La similitud en la talla de madurez y la diferencia en la edad de madurez entre individuos cautivos y silvestres indican que hay un desacople de ambos parámetros mediado por la tasa de crecimiento. Los individuos nacidos en cautiverio se reprodujeron exitosamente y dejaron descendencia viable, lo que indica que el ambiente del Acuario Temaikèn es adecuado para que S. bonapartii complete su ciclo de vida.(AU)

Animais , Maturidade Sexual , Rajidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Rajidae/fisiologia
B. Inst. Pesca ; 40(3): 377-387, Jul-Set. 2014. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28632


Se analizaron un total de 2.782 individuos de Dipturus chilensis capturados por la flota arrastrera dirigida a la merluza (Merlucius hubbsi) que operó entre 50 y 400 m de profundidad durante los años 2005, 2006 y 2007 en la Zona Común de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya. Las hembras presentaron un tamaño medio y mediano mayor que los machos y mayores proporciones en las capturas. Las relaciones entre la longitud total y el ancho del disco y entre la longitud total y el peso total de los individuos no presentaron diferencias significativas entre sexos. En los tres años analizados, no se encontraron variaciones significativas de la talla media y mediana. La talla a la cual fue retenido por la red de arrastre el 50% de los individuos, fue menor a la talla que madura el 50% de los individuos en la mayoría de las épocas. Las mayores capturas de individuos inmaduros como de hembras demuestran que la operación de pesca dirigida a la merluza afecta el potencial reproductivo de una especie categorizada como vulnerable por la UICN.(AU)

A total of 2,782 individuals of Dipturus chilensis captured by the Uruguayan industrial fleet whose target species is the hake (Merlucius hubbsi), that operated between 50 to 400 m of depth during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007 in the Argentinean-Uruguayan Common Fishing zone were analyzed. Females showed a higher mean and median size than males and a highest proportion in the catches. The relationships between the total length and width of the disc and between total length and total weight did not differ significantly between sexes. For the three years analyzed, no significant decrease was found for mean length and median length. The length at which 50% of individuals were retained by the trawl net was smaller than the 50% mature estimated total lengths. Higher catches of immature individuals demonstrate that the fishing operation targeting hake affect the reproductive potential of a species categorized as vulnerable for IUCN.(AU)

Analisaram-se um total de 2.782 indivíduos da Dipturus chilensis capturados pela frota de arrasto dirigida à pesca da merluza (Merlucius hubbsi) que operou entre 50 e 400 m de profundidade durante os anos 2005, 2006 e 2007 na Zona Comum de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaia. As fêmeas apresentaram um tamanho médio e mediano maior do que os machos e tiveram uma maior proporção nas capturas. As relações entre o comprimento total e a largura do disco e entre o comprimento total e o peso dos indivíduos não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os sexos. Para os três anos analisados, não se encontrou uma diminuição significativa no tamanho médio e mediano. A mediana foi menor do que o tamanho em que 50% dos indivíduos estiveram maduros. A maior captura de indivíduos imaturos demonstra que a operação de pesca dirigida à merluza afeta o potencial reprodutivo de uma espécie categorizada vulnerável pela IUCN.(AU)

Animais , Rajidae/anatomia & histologia , Biometria , Demografia , Oceano Atlântico , Argentina , Uruguai
Bol. Inst. Pesca (Impr.) ; 40(3): 377-387, Jul-Set. 2014. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1465007


Se analizaron un total de 2.782 individuos de Dipturus chilensis capturados por la flota arrastrera dirigida a la merluza (Merlucius hubbsi) que operó entre 50 y 400 m de profundidad durante los años 2005, 2006 y 2007 en la Zona Común de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya. Las hembras presentaron un tamaño medio y mediano mayor que los machos y mayores proporciones en las capturas. Las relaciones entre la longitud total y el ancho del disco y entre la longitud total y el peso total de los individuos no presentaron diferencias significativas entre sexos. En los tres años analizados, no se encontraron variaciones significativas de la talla media y mediana. La talla a la cual fue retenido por la red de arrastre el 50% de los individuos, fue menor a la talla que madura el 50% de los individuos en la mayoría de las épocas. Las mayores capturas de individuos inmaduros como de hembras demuestran que la operación de pesca dirigida a la merluza afecta el potencial reproductivo de una especie categorizada como vulnerable por la UICN.

A total of 2,782 individuals of Dipturus chilensis captured by the Uruguayan industrial fleet whose target species is the hake (Merlucius hubbsi), that operated between 50 to 400 m of depth during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007 in the Argentinean-Uruguayan Common Fishing zone were analyzed. Females showed a higher mean and median size than males and a highest proportion in the catches. The relationships between the total length and width of the disc and between total length and total weight did not differ significantly between sexes. For the three years analyzed, no significant decrease was found for mean length and median length. The length at which 50% of individuals were retained by the trawl net was smaller than the 50% mature estimated total lengths. Higher catches of immature individuals demonstrate that the fishing operation targeting hake affect the reproductive potential of a species categorized as vulnerable for IUCN.

Analisaram-se um total de 2.782 indivíduos da Dipturus chilensis capturados pela frota de arrasto dirigida à pesca da merluza (Merlucius hubbsi) que operou entre 50 e 400 m de profundidade durante os anos 2005, 2006 e 2007 na Zona Comum de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaia. As fêmeas apresentaram um tamanho médio e mediano maior do que os machos e tiveram uma maior proporção nas capturas. As relações entre o comprimento total e a largura do disco e entre o comprimento total e o peso dos indivíduos não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os sexos. Para os três anos analisados, não se encontrou uma diminuição significativa no tamanho médio e mediano. A mediana foi menor do que o tamanho em que 50% dos indivíduos estiveram maduros. A maior captura de indivíduos imaturos demonstra que a operação de pesca dirigida à merluza afeta o potencial reprodutivo de uma espécie categorizada vulnerável pela IUCN.

Animais , Biometria , Demografia , Rajidae/anatomia & histologia , Argentina , Oceano Atlântico , Uruguai
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690239


Squamation patterns and skeletal anatomy (neurocranium, visceral arches, synarcual cartilage, scapulocoracoid, puboischiadic bar, and mixopterigium) of Dipturus mennii Gomes & Paragó, 2001 are described as a contribution to our limited knowledge of the anatomy of species of Dipturus Rafinesque, 1810. The hyoid and branchial arches, as well as the synarcual cartilage, are described for the first time in this species. We provide morphological comparisons of this species with Dipturus trachyderma (Krefft & Stehmann, 1975), a species that may be confused with D. mennii; we further corroborate, through anatomical features, that these species warrant separate taxonomic recognition. The main differences between D. mennii and D. trachyderma were found in squamation of the nuchal and middisc region, neurocranium, pectoral girdle, and principally the clasper skeleton. The morphology of the pelvic girdle is similar in both species. Dipturus is characterized by having the ventral terminal cartilage J-shaped (as opposed to the Z-shaped ventral terminal cartilage in Zearaja, whose species were, until recently, placed in Dipturus). Additional characters that may be derived for Dipturus include the anterior rostral groove and elevated rostral proportions

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503938


Squamation patterns and skeletal anatomy (neurocranium, visceral arches, synarcual cartilage, scapulocoracoid, puboischiadic bar, and mixopterigium) of Dipturus mennii Gomes & Paragó, 2001 are described as a contribution to our limited knowledge of the anatomy of species of Dipturus Rafinesque, 1810. The hyoid and branchial arches, as well as the synarcual cartilage, are described for the first time in this species. We provide morphological comparisons of this species with Dipturus trachyderma (Krefft & Stehmann, 1975), a species that may be confused with D. mennii; we further corroborate, through anatomical features, that these species warrant separate taxonomic recognition. The main differences between D. mennii and D. trachyderma were found in squamation of the nuchal and middisc region, neurocranium, pectoral girdle, and principally the clasper skeleton. The morphology of the pelvic girdle is similar in both species. Dipturus is characterized by having the ventral terminal cartilage J-shaped (as opposed to the Z-shaped ventral terminal cartilage in Zearaja, whose species were, until recently, placed in Dipturus). Additional characters that may be derived for Dipturus include the anterior rostral groove and elevated rostral proportions

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441231


Squamation patterns and skeletal anatomy (neurocranium, visceral arches, synarcual cartilage, scapulocoracoid, puboischiadic bar, and mixopterigium) of Dipturus mennii Gomes & Paragó, 2001 are described as a contribution to our limited knowledge of the anatomy of species of Dipturus Rafinesque, 1810. The hyoid and branchial arches, as well as the synarcual cartilage, are described for the first time in this species. We provide morphological comparisons of this species with Dipturus trachyderma (Krefft & Stehmann, 1975), a species that may be confused with D. mennii; we further corroborate, through anatomical features, that these species warrant separate taxonomic recognition. The main differences between D. mennii and D. trachyderma were found in squamation of the nuchal and middisc region, neurocranium, pectoral girdle, and principally the clasper skeleton. The morphology of the pelvic girdle is similar in both species. Dipturus is characterized by having the ventral terminal cartilage J-shaped (as opposed to the Z-shaped ventral terminal cartilage in Zearaja, whose species were, until recently, placed in Dipturus). Additional characters that may be derived for Dipturus include the anterior rostral groove and elevated rostral proportions