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Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 58(n.esp): e175282, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1348273


This case report presents the importance of articulation between legal professionals with the expertise of those who work in different areas of animal science and the activists of animal cause. The report is based on the experience that took place in the interior of the State of Bahia, with a donkey herd, the target of foreign groups interested in donkey hide exploration. The animals were rescued from mistreatment and slaughter, thanks to efficient legal work, aided by several areas of the veterinary sciences, and supported politically by the movement of animal activists. The union between activism and technical knowledge in the areas of health, breeding, nutrition, animal welfare, and legal knowledge is a tool that should not be overlooked. On the contrary, it has proved effective, confirming a strong and innovative link capable of saving animals, promoting their welfare, generating technical knowledge, and new and promising proposals for intersectoral action.(AU)

Este caso relata a experiência da articulação entre profissionais da área jurídica com a expertise daqueles que atuam nas diversas áreas da ciência animal e os militantes do ativismo da causa animal. O relato de caso toma por base a experiência ocorrida no interior do estado da Bahia, no Brasil, com um rebanho de jumentos, alvo de grupos estrangeiros interessados na exploração de pele. Os animais foram salvos de maus-tratos e do abate graças ao eficiente trabalho jurídico, auxiliado por várias áreas da ciência animal e apoiado politicamente pelo movimento de ativistas da causa animal. A união entre o ativismo e o conhecimento técnico é poderosa ferramenta capaz de estabelecer relações, conexões e promover a divulgação do conhecimento na comunidade e, principalmente, salvar a vida de animais humanos e animais não humanos.(AU)

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Equidae , Relatório de Pesquisa
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 58(n.esp): e175282, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764842


This case report presents the importance of articulation between legal professionals with the expertise of those who work in different areas of animal science and the activists of animal cause. The report is based on the experience that took place in the interior of the State of Bahia, with a donkey herd, the target of foreign groups interested in donkey hide exploration. The animals were rescued from mistreatment and slaughter, thanks to efficient legal work, aided by several areas of the veterinary sciences, and supported politically by the movement of animal activists. The union between activism and technical knowledge in the areas of health, breeding, nutrition, animal welfare, and legal knowledge is a tool that should not be overlooked. On the contrary, it has proved effective, confirming a strong and innovative link capable of saving animals, promoting their welfare, generating technical knowledge, and new and promising proposals for intersectoral action.(AU)

Este caso relata a experiência da articulação entre profissionais da área jurídica com a expertise daqueles que atuam nas diversas áreas da ciência animal e os militantes do ativismo da causa animal. O relato de caso toma por base a experiência ocorrida no interior do estado da Bahia, no Brasil, com um rebanho de jumentos, alvo de grupos estrangeiros interessados na exploração de pele. Os animais foram salvos de maus-tratos e do abate graças ao eficiente trabalho jurídico, auxiliado por várias áreas da ciência animal e apoiado politicamente pelo movimento de ativistas da causa animal. A união entre o ativismo e o conhecimento técnico é poderosa ferramenta capaz de estabelecer relações, conexões e promover a divulgação do conhecimento na comunidade e, principalmente, salvar a vida de animais humanos e animais não humanos.(AU)

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Equidae , Fatores de Proteção , Relatório de Pesquisa
Acta cir. bras. ; 35(4)2020.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-759334


Abstract Medicine can be broadly divided into two fields: clinical medicine that aims to save existing patients and basic medical research that aims to save the lives of future patients. In terms of disseminating basic medical research, medical journals play a vital role for physicians and scientists, as they enable them to share experiences. The author, who has been serving as an Associate Editor of the Brazilian journal Acta Cirurgica Brasileira over a long period of time, wishes to encourage physicians and researchers to submit their papers to medical journals. As we currently face the difficult battle against COVID-19 pandemic, physicians worldwide must team up and fight the virus for the safety of our future generations.

Acta amaz. ; 47(3): 247-258, jul.-set. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16813


In the 1990s, scientific cooperation at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA), one of the oldest research institutions in Amazonia with the highest regional international cooperation, was dominated by research conducted by INPAs foreign partners. In this article, the evolution of this situation is evaluated, with the hypothesis that, as the internal and the external environments have changed over the past decade, this should be reflected in more symmetrical research cooperation. The analysis was based on a 2004 to 2014 Web of Science search of scientific production at INPA, from which 786 papers were recovered. The results indicated an increase in scientific production but without a corresponding increase in symmetrical cooperation. The level of symmetry varied according to the type of cooperation; it increased when Brazilian institutions were exclusively involved, although these papers tended to be published in journals with a low impact factor. However, the scientific relationships remained relatively asymmetrical when only foreign institutions were involved, although these papers were published in journals with high impact factors. Network analyses indicated that most international scientific cooperation was concentrated in just two INPA research departments: Biodiversity and Environmental Dynamics. In contrast, INPAs other two research departments, Technology & Innovation and Society, Environment & Health were peripheral, fragmented and benefited little from international cooperation.(AU)

Na década de 1990, a cooperação científica no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Amazônica (INPA), uma das instituições de pesquisa mais antigas da Amazônia e que concentra grande parte da cooperação internacional regional, foi dominada por pesquisas realizadas pelos parceiros estrangeiros do INPA. Neste artigo, a evolução desta situação é avaliada, com a hipótese de que, à medida que os ambientes interno e externo mudaram ao longo da última década, isso deve refletir-se em uma cooperação cientifica mais simétrica. A análise baseou-se em um levantamento da produção científica do INPA na Web of Science de 2004 a 2014, em que foram recuperados 786 documentos. Os resultados indicaram um aumento na produção científica, mas sem um aumento correspondente na simetria da cooperação. O nível de simetria variou de acordo com o tipo de cooperação; aumentou quando estavam envolvidas exclusivamente instituições brasileiras, embora esses artigos tenham sido publicados em revistas com baixo fator de impacto. No entanto, as relações científicas permaneceram relativamente assimétricas quando apenas instituições estrangeiras estavam envolvidas, embora esses trabalhos tenham sido publicados em revistas com fatores de impacto mais altos. As análises de rede indicaram que a maior parte da cooperação científica internacional se concentrou em apenas dois departamentos de pesquisa do INPA: Biodiversidade e Dinâmica Ambiental. Em contraste, os outros dois departamentos de pesquisa do INPA, Tecnologia & Inovação e Sociedade, Ambiente & Saúde foram periféricos, fragmentados e pouco se beneficiaram da cooperação internacional.(AU)

Cooperação Técnica , Cooperação Internacional/história , Atividades Científicas e Tecnológicas
Sci. agric ; 73(6): 505-511, 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497607


Modern agricultural research requires a lot of statistics. Unfortunately, most up-todate statistical methods need advanced knowledge, often out of reach for agricultural researchers. Thus, efficient communication between researchers and statisticians is important for the development of agricultural knowledge. Many agricultural researchers claim that communication with statisticians is difficult. On the other hand, many statisticians claim that communication with agricultural researchers is not easy either. This being true, such poor communication can be a barrier to efficient agricultural research. The aim of this research is to study this phenomenon. Do agricultural researchers and statisticians see problems in their communication? What kinds of problems are they? I will try to answer these questions based on a study among scientists representing both groups.

Ciência , Ciências Agrárias , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Relações Interprofissionais , Comunicação
Sci. agric. ; 73(6): 505-511, 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-684157


Modern agricultural research requires a lot of statistics. Unfortunately, most up-todate statistical methods need advanced knowledge, often out of reach for agricultural researchers. Thus, efficient communication between researchers and statisticians is important for the development of agricultural knowledge. Many agricultural researchers claim that communication with statisticians is difficult. On the other hand, many statisticians claim that communication with agricultural researchers is not easy either. This being true, such poor communication can be a barrier to efficient agricultural research. The aim of this research is to study this phenomenon. Do agricultural researchers and statisticians see problems in their communication? What kinds of problems are they? I will try to answer these questions based on a study among scientists representing both groups.(AU)

Ciências Agrárias , Ciência , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Relações Interprofissionais , Comunicação
Ci. Rural ; 45(11): 2069-2075, Nov. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-760626


An empirical investigation was conducted to study whether dairy farmers involved in horizontal arrangements (HA) have lower information asymmetry than those who do not participate in HA. Our assumption is that greater access to information results in fewer risky decisions in production systems. One hundred and twenty semi-structured questionnaires were applied to dairy farmers located in four different geographical regions in Paraná State, Brazil. Exploratory factor analysis was used to define factors related to information asymmetry in dairy agribusiness system (DAS) and four factors were defined. In a second step, the 120 dairy farmers were split into two groups: the first one involved in HA and the second one not involved in HA. Mean test (t-student) were performed to compare these groups between factors. Significant differences (P 0.05) were observed for factors related to transaction information and for general market information, and dairy farmers participating in HA achieved the greatest values. Finally, it can be concluded that dairy farmers who participate in HA have higher access to information, which can create an environment with lower information asymmetry and, consequently, be subject to lower risks than dairy farmers who do not participate in HA.(AU)

O objetivo definido neste trabalho foi verificar se produtores de leite que participam de arranjos horizontais (AH) possuem menor assimetria de informações, frente àqueles que não participam desses arranjos. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o maior acesso à informação resulta em menor risco para o produtor rural. Foram aplicados 120 questionários semiestruturados junto a produtores rurais de leite, localizados em quatro macrorregiões do Estado do Paraná. Foi realizada a análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) para definição de fatores relacionados à assimetria de informação em Sistemas Produtivos Leiteiros (SPL's). Os 120 produtores entrevistados foram divididos em dois grupos: aqueles que participavam de arranjos horizontais (AH) e aqueles que não participavam. Esses grupos foram confrontados com os fatores gerados na análise anterior. Foi encontrada diferença significativa (P 0,05) para os fatores "Informações relacionadas às transações" e "Informações globais para a atividade", sendo que produtores de leite que participavam de arranjos horizontais obtiveram melhores resultados. Por fim, conclui-se que produtores que participam de AH têm mais acesso à informação, o que pode criar um ambiente de menor assimetria de informações e consequentemente de menor risco, comparativamente a produtores que não participam de AH.(AU)

Indústria de Laticínios , Assimetria de Informação , Inquéritos e Questionários
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-219207


O Brasil é um grande produtor de leite, contudo, com média baixa nos índices de produtividade e tecnificação entre os sistemas produtivos leiteiros (SPL), o sistema agroindustrial do leite ainda se desenvolve muito aquém de seu potencial no país. Na tentativa de reestruturação do setor lácteo, a fim de torná-lo mais competitivo, consideráveis alterações institucionais e de mercado vêm ocorrendo desde o início da década de 1990. Abertura comercial e desregulamentação do setor, e novas legislações sobre padrões de qualidade microbiológica, obrigatoriedade de resfriamento do leite na propriedade e transporte do leite a granel em caminhões com tanques isotérmicos são as principais mudanças. Com isso, a indústria foi impulsionada a exigir dos produtores rurais, cada vez mais, escala de produção e qualidade do leite. Aqueles que conseguem se adaptar ao novo cenário permanecem no mercado, contudo, aqueles que encontram dificuldades para atender às exigências acabam marginalizados e se vêm obrigados a deixar a atividade leiteira ou migrar para o mercado informal. Essa é uma questão relevante porque, assim como em muitos países em desenvolvimento, a produção de leite no Brasil desempenha importante papel social, uma vez que contribui para a subsistência de inúmeras famílias de pequenos agricultores por gerar emprego e renda regular. Diante desta realidade, uma alternativa para esses produtores é a coordenação em arranjos horizontais, como cooperativas e associações. A participação nesses arranjos pode-lhes auxiliar no atendimento às demandas institucionais e mercadológicas e na sustentabilidade da atividade. Levando em consideração que o sistema agroindustrial do leite precisa evoluir, mas é preciso que isso aconteça de forma socialmente equilibrada, esta tese tem como foco os impactos positivos que os arranjos horizontais podem ter sobre os SPL. Para o primeiro artigo, o objetivo definido foi verificar se a participação de produtores de leite em arranjos horizontais, confere aos mesmos maior competitividade em relação aos produtores que não participam de tais arranjos. Com o segundo artigo, objetivou-se analisar se SPL cujos gestores participam de arranjos horizontais fazem maior uso de tecnologias para a produção de leite do que aqueles que não participam desses arranjos. Para tanto, foram aplicados 347 formulários semiestruturados, junto a produtores de leite nos Estados do Paraná e de São Paulo, contendo questões de ordem socioeconômica, estrutural, produtiva, de adequação dos sistemas ao ambiente institucional, entre outras. Foi realizada a caracterização, ou tipologia, dos SPL através de estatística descritiva, e utilizou-se da técnica de Análise Fatorial (AF) para atingir os objetivos propostos em cada um dos artigos. No primeiro artigo, a partir de 14 variáveis foram formados quatro indicadores de competitividade: Capacidade produtiva (CP), Conhecimento do Ambiente Institucional (CAI), Percepção sobre Transações e Incentivos de Mercado (PTIM) e Qualidade do Transporte (QT). Os produtores de leite que participavam de arranjos horizontais se mostraram mais competitivos do que aqueles que não participavam, para os indicadores CP, CAI e PTIM. No segundo artigo, a AF mostrou que os SPL cujos gestores participavam de arranjos horizontais apresentaram maior capacidade produtiva e maior uso de tecnologias, frente aos SPL cujos gestores não participavam de tais arranjos. A adoção foi discrepante entre os dois grupos para tecnologias relacionadas ao padrão racial do rebanho, sistema de ordenha e técnica de reprodução. Assim, conclui-se que a participação de produtores de leite em arranjos horizontais pode ser importante para a manutenção e crescimento na atividade.

Brazil is a major milk producer, however, present low productivity indices and low technification input in dairy production systems (DPS), resulting in competitive problems for the dairy chain. In an attempt to make dairy chain more competitive, considerable institutional and market changes have been taking place in Brazil, since the early 1990s. Commercial opening and deregulation of the sector, and new legislation on microbiological quality standards are the main changes. As a result, the industry has demand improvements in scale and quality of milk. Farmers who manage to adapt to the new scenario, remain in the market, however, those who find it difficult, end up marginalized and were forced to leave the dairy activity or migrate to the informal market. In Brazil dairy production plays an important social role, since it contributes to the livelihood of countless families of small farmers by generating jobs and regular income. In view of this reality, an alternative for these farmers to become more competitive is to participate of horizontal arrangements, such as cooperatives and associations. For the first article, the defined objective was to verify if the participation of dairy farmers in horizontal arrangements, gives to them, greater competitiveness comparing with farmers who do not participate in such arrangements. The second article aimed to analyze whether DPS whose managers participate in horizontal arrangements make greater use of technologies for milk production than those who do not participate in these arrangements. Considering the aim, we applied in DPS located in the States of Paraná and São Paulo 347 semi-structured forms. The forms containing questions of a socioeconomic, structural, productive nature, of the adequacy of the systems to the institutional environment, among others. The typology of the DPS was carried out through descriptive statistics, and the Factor Analysis (FA) technique was used to achieve the objectives proposed in each of the articles. In the first article, four competitiveness indicators were defined: productive capacity (PC), institutional knowledge (IK), perception of market transactions and incentives (PMTI), and quality of milk transportation (QMT). Dairy farmers who participated in horizontal arrangements were more competitive than those who did not, for the PC, IK and PMTI indicators. In the second article, FA showed that DPS whose farmers participated in horizontal arrangements had greater productive capacity and greater use of technologies, compared to DPS whose managers did not participate in such arrangements. Technology input was discrepant between the two groups considering genetic breed, milking system and the technique of reproduction. Thus, it is concluded that the participation of dairy farmers in horizontal arrangements can be important for the maintenance and growth in the milk production.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690403


It is time for an expansion and enrichment of evolutionary theory. The "back to the future" proposal contained herein is based on three postulates: 1) Neo-Darwinism is too impoverished for this task; 2) its predecessor, Darwinism, contained the necessary breadth of vision and metaphor to be the basis for an inclusive and unifying theory of biology; and 3) the necessary framework for this new stage in the evolution of evolutionary theory is largely in place. We make our case through the use of a number of metaphorical dualisms designed to help focus discussions toward a more cooperative and productive approach to the study of living systems. Along the way, we suggest a number of self-induced paradoxes in neo-Darwinian accounts of evolution that are resolved by our perspective.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504116


It is time for an expansion and enrichment of evolutionary theory. The "back to the future" proposal contained herein is based on three postulates: 1) Neo-Darwinism is too impoverished for this task; 2) its predecessor, Darwinism, contained the necessary breadth of vision and metaphor to be the basis for an inclusive and unifying theory of biology; and 3) the necessary framework for this new stage in the evolution of evolutionary theory is largely in place. We make our case through the use of a number of metaphorical dualisms designed to help focus discussions toward a more cooperative and productive approach to the study of living systems. Along the way, we suggest a number of self-induced paradoxes in neo-Darwinian accounts of evolution that are resolved by our perspective.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441395


It is time for an expansion and enrichment of evolutionary theory. The "back to the future" proposal contained herein is based on three postulates: 1) Neo-Darwinism is too impoverished for this task; 2) its predecessor, Darwinism, contained the necessary breadth of vision and metaphor to be the basis for an inclusive and unifying theory of biology; and 3) the necessary framework for this new stage in the evolution of evolutionary theory is largely in place. We make our case through the use of a number of metaphorical dualisms designed to help focus discussions toward a more cooperative and productive approach to the study of living systems. Along the way, we suggest a number of self-induced paradoxes in neo-Darwinian accounts of evolution that are resolved by our perspective.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-717808


A collaborative research initiative was proposed by the Federation of Cooperatives of Ostrich Producers of Southeastern Brazil (FECOAVESTRUZ-Sudeste) and Embrapa Environment to training technicians and to develop environmental management procedures in order to establish criteria for the definition of 'Terms of Reference' for sustainable ostrich production for FECOAVESTRUZ associates. Eight farms with different scales of operation were selected by FECOAVESTRUZ-Sudeste for the application of 'integrated environmental indicator systems', designed to develop Environmental Management Reports and to propose best management practices in the farms. The results showed that, in general, indicators relative to Use of inputs and resources, Use of veterinary inputs and raw-materials, and especially Use of energy tended to generate negative impact, because ostrich production was intensive in these farms. On the other hand, this intensive production was also associated with improvements in Income generation and Management and administration, with positive reflexes on Employment quality and Customer respect. The utilization of the 'integrated environmental indicator systems' provide fast and inexpensive procedures designed to prepare producers for the eco-certification and ensuing sustainable origin denomination for ostrich production.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491174


A collaborative research initiative was proposed by the Federation of Cooperatives of Ostrich Producers of Southeastern Brazil (FECOAVESTRUZ-Sudeste) and Embrapa Environment to training technicians and to develop environmental management procedures in order to establish criteria for the definition of 'Terms of Reference' for sustainable ostrich production for FECOAVESTRUZ associates. Eight farms with different scales of operation were selected by FECOAVESTRUZ-Sudeste for the application of 'integrated environmental indicator systems', designed to develop Environmental Management Reports and to propose best management practices in the farms. The results showed that, in general, indicators relative to Use of inputs and resources, Use of veterinary inputs and raw-materials, and especially Use of energy tended to generate negative impact, because ostrich production was intensive in these farms. On the other hand, this intensive production was also associated with improvements in Income generation and Management and administration, with positive reflexes on Employment quality and Customer respect. The utilization of the 'integrated environmental indicator systems' provide fast and inexpensive procedures designed to prepare producers for the eco-certification and ensuing sustainable origin denomination for ostrich production.