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Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 109-122, mar. 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426380


O dejeto de suíno (DLS) é usado como fertilizante cujos nutrientes são perdidos por erosão e contaminam o ambiente se o dejeto é usado inadequadamente. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de DLS nosolo e na erosão, num Nitossolo Bruno. Os tratamentos, 0; 50; 100; e 200 m³ ha-1de DLS foram aplicados superficialmente após a semeadura uma vez em cada um dos cinco cultivos, e na palhada do último cultivo, totalizando 0, 250, 500 e 1000 m³ ha-1, na aveia (Avena strigosa), milho (Zea mays), nabo (Raphanus sativus L.) e soja (Glycine max), e nos resíduos de aveia. A chuva simulada (65 mm h-1e 75 minutos) foi aplicada três vezes no milho e quatro vezes no nabo, na soja, e nos resíduos, com um simulador debraços rotativos. Antes e depois da pesquisa, determinou-se o teor de K, Ca e Mg no solo. As chuvas aplicadas em cada momento compuseram um teste (T). O T1 ocorreu após a aplicação do DLS e os demais testes em intervalos que variaram entre 14 e 70 dias, em função do clima. Durante o escoamento, em intervalos de cincominutos coletaram-se amostras de enxurrada para determinar as perdas de água e o teor de K, Ca e Mg na água. O DLS não influenciou o teor dos nutrientes no solo. O teore as perdas totais dos nutrientes foram maiores com 1000 m3ha-1de DLS do que na ausência do dejeto. Com o aumento de escoamento, diminuiu o teor na enxurrada e aumentou a perda total, a qual aumentou também com o aumento de teor dos nutrientes na enxurrada. Recomenda-se aplicar menos do que 500 m3ha-1de DLS total no solo, mesmo em aplicações intervalares, devido à elevada perda de K, Ca e Mg pela erosão hídrica.(AU)

Pigg slurry (PS) is used as a fertilizer whose nutrients are lost through erosion and contaminate the environment if the manure is used inappropriately. The objective was to evaluate the effect of PS on soil and erosion, in a Alfisol soil. The treatments, 0; 50; 100; and 200 m³ ha-1of PS were applied superficially after sowing once in each of the five crops, and in the straw of the last crop, totaling 0, 250, 500 and 1000 m³ ha-1, in oat (Avena strigosa), corn (Zea mays), turnip (Raphanus sativusL.) and soybean (Glycine max), and in oat residues. The simulated rain (65 mm h-1and 75 minutes) was applied three times to corn and four times to turnip, soybeans, and residues, with a rotating arms simulator. Before and after the research, the content of K, Ca and Mg in thesoil was determined. The rainfall applied at each moment made up a test (T). T1 occurred after the application of the PS and the other tests at intervals that varied between 14 and 70 days, depending on the weather. During the runoff, at five-minute intervals, runoff samples were collected to determine water losses and the content of K, Ca and Mg in the water. The PS did not influence the nutrient content in the soil. The content and total losses of nutrients were higher with 1000 m3ha-1of PS than in theabsence of manure. With the increase in runoff, the content inthe runoff decreased and the total loss increased, which also increased with the increase in the nutrient content in the runoff. It is recommended to apply less than 500 m3ha-1of total PS inthe soil, even in interval applications, due to the high loss of K, Ca and Mg by water erosion.(AU)

24444 , Análise do Solo , Gerenciamento de Resíduos/métodos , Potássio/análise , Suínos/fisiologia , Erosão Hídrica , Cálcio/análise , Magnésio/análise
Sci. agric. ; 78(4): 1-9, 2021. ilus, tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31350


The method used to sample the runoff collected from soil erosion plots can be a significant source of error. In this study, we performed a laboratory experiment to evaluate the efficiency of the runoff sampling method most commonly used in Brazil. It is based on the manual homogenization and sampling of the collected runoff. Using soil material with 583 g kg-¹ of sand and 89 g kg-¹ of clay, the manual sampling method was tested for its ability to produce representative samples of artificial suspensions with a concentration of 2, 10 and 50 g L-¹ of total solids. An underestimation of 30 % or more of the concentration of total solids was observed, with a variation of the same magnitude (CV between 20 and 45 %). We then developed a prototype sample splitter to replace the manual sampling method and tested it using the same artificial suspensions. The splitter was efficient in producing samples representative of the artificial suspensions, even without altering the particle size distribution of the total solids. Both absolute percentage errors (|< 5 %|) and the variation between five replicates (CV < 3 %) were small. The problems with the manual method are due to the inefficient homogenization that facilitates the differential sedimentation of particles of different sizes. If these problems are also found in other areas, then the prototype that we developed is a reasonable alternative.(AU)

Monitoramento do Solo , Erosão do Solo/análise , Erosão do Solo/métodos
Sci. agric ; 78(4): 1-9, 2021. ilus, tab, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497963


The method used to sample the runoff collected from soil erosion plots can be a significant source of error. In this study, we performed a laboratory experiment to evaluate the efficiency of the runoff sampling method most commonly used in Brazil. It is based on the manual homogenization and sampling of the collected runoff. Using soil material with 583 g kg-¹ of sand and 89 g kg-¹ of clay, the manual sampling method was tested for its ability to produce representative samples of artificial suspensions with a concentration of 2, 10 and 50 g L-¹ of total solids. An underestimation of 30 % or more of the concentration of total solids was observed, with a variation of the same magnitude (CV between 20 and 45 %). We then developed a prototype sample splitter to replace the manual sampling method and tested it using the same artificial suspensions. The splitter was efficient in producing samples representative of the artificial suspensions, even without altering the particle size distribution of the total solids. Both absolute percentage errors (-< 5 %-) and the variation between five replicates (CV < 3 %) were small. The problems with the manual method are due to the inefficient homogenization that facilitates the differential sedimentation of particles of different sizes. If these problems are also found in other areas, then the prototype that we developed is a reasonable alternative.

Erosão do Solo/análise , Erosão do Solo/métodos , Monitoramento do Solo
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 20(3): 222-230, 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488467


This study aims to evaluate the influence of the ground cover rate bycrop residues and the rain time elapsed after the application of liquid swine slurry (LSS) under losses of water, sediments, and phosphorus (P). The study was carried out under a Humic Cambisols. Two areas were delimited: with and without the applicationof LSS. Each area was subdivided intofour levels of crop residues: 5%, 35%, 65%, and 95%. Vegetable residues present in the area, from corn and black oat, were used. Three collecting gutters of 0.60 m² were installed in each subplot. Simulated rain was carried out on these, and the runoff volume collected for quantification and determination of losses. With LSS application, increase in the cover rate by crop residues reduces 0.3 mm h-1the runoff volume and 1.67 mg m-2reactive soluble P (H2O-P). The sediment lossesin the first collection after the beginning of the rain were 23 times lower in the soil with 95% ground cover than in the soil with 5% ground cover. The loss of total P (total-P) decreases with the increase of the ground cover of the soil and increases inthe same way with the increase of the time.

Este trabalho objetivouavaliar a influência da taxa de cobertura do solo por resíduos culturais e o tempo de chuvadecorrido após a aplicação de dejetoslíquidos de suínos (LSS) sob perdas de água, sedimentos e fósforo (P). O estudo foi realizado sob um Cambissolo Húmico. Duas áreas foram delimitadas: com e sem aplicação de LSS. Cada área foi subdividida em quatro níveis de resíduos culturais: 5%, 35%, 65% e 95%. Foram utilizados resíduos vegetais presentes na área, provenientes de milho e aveia preta. Em cada subparcela foram instaladas três calhas coletoras de 0,60 m². Sobre estes foi realizada chuva simulada, sendo ovolume deenxurrada coletado para quantificação e determinação das perdas. Com a aplicação de LSS, o aumento da taxa de cobertura por resíduos culturais reduziuem 0,3 mm h-1o volume do escoamento e em 1,67 mg m-2de P solúvel reativo (H2O-P). As perdasde sedimento na primeira coleta após o início da chuva foram 23 vezes menores no solo com 95% de cobertura do que no solo com 5% de cobertura. A perda de P total (P total) diminui com o aumento da cobertura do solo e aumenta da mesma forma com o aumento do tempo.

Análise do Solo , Erosão/análise , Estado de Hidratação do Organismo , Fósforo
R. Ci. agrovet. ; 20(3): 222-230, 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765249


This study aims to evaluate the influence of the ground cover rate bycrop residues and the rain time elapsed after the application of liquid swine slurry (LSS) under losses of water, sediments, and phosphorus (P). The study was carried out under a Humic Cambisols. Two areas were delimited: with and without the applicationof LSS. Each area was subdivided intofour levels of crop residues: 5%, 35%, 65%, and 95%. Vegetable residues present in the area, from corn and black oat, were used. Three collecting gutters of 0.60 m² were installed in each subplot. Simulated rain was carried out on these, and the runoff volume collected for quantification and determination of losses. With LSS application, increase in the cover rate by crop residues reduces 0.3 mm h-1the runoff volume and 1.67 mg m-2reactive soluble P (H2O-P). The sediment lossesin the first collection after the beginning of the rain were 23 times lower in the soil with 95% ground cover than in the soil with 5% ground cover. The loss of total P (total-P) decreases with the increase of the ground cover of the soil and increases inthe same way with the increase of the time.(AU)

Este trabalho objetivouavaliar a influência da taxa de cobertura do solo por resíduos culturais e o tempo de chuvadecorrido após a aplicação de dejetoslíquidos de suínos (LSS) sob perdas de água, sedimentos e fósforo (P). O estudo foi realizado sob um Cambissolo Húmico. Duas áreas foram delimitadas: com e sem aplicação de LSS. Cada área foi subdividida em quatro níveis de resíduos culturais: 5%, 35%, 65% e 95%. Foram utilizados resíduos vegetais presentes na área, provenientes de milho e aveia preta. Em cada subparcela foram instaladas três calhas coletoras de 0,60 m². Sobre estes foi realizada chuva simulada, sendo ovolume deenxurrada coletado para quantificação e determinação das perdas. Com a aplicação de LSS, o aumento da taxa de cobertura por resíduos culturais reduziuem 0,3 mm h-1o volume do escoamento e em 1,67 mg m-2de P solúvel reativo (H2O-P). As perdasde sedimento na primeira coleta após o início da chuva foram 23 vezes menores no solo com 95% de cobertura do que no solo com 5% de cobertura. A perda de P total (P total) diminui com o aumento da cobertura do solo e aumenta da mesma forma com o aumento do tempo.(AU)

Análise do Solo , Estado de Hidratação do Organismo , Fósforo , Erosão/análise
Ci. Rural ; 51(5)2021. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31416


In the state of Rondônia, deforestation, and inadequate soil use and management have intensified the water erosion process, causing degradation of agricultural land. Modeling is a tool that can assist in the adoption of targeted and effective measures for soil and water conservation in the region. In this context, the objective of the research was to model soil losses due to water erosion in the state of Rondônia using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). The parameters related to rain erosivity, relief, erodibility, and soil cover, as well as the conservation practices of the state of Rondônia, were considered. The modeling steps were performed with the aid of the Geographic Information System. Results were validated with data of total sediments transported with water discharge. The estimated total soil loss was about 605 million tons per year, corresponding to an average loss of 22.50 Mg ha-1 year-1. In 19% of the state, the erosion rate was higher than the soil loss tolerance(T), and these areas should be prioritized for adopting measures to mitigate the erosion process. The RUSLE underestimated the generation of sediments at 0.56 Mg ha-1 year-1, which corresponds to an error of 18.60%. Results obtained can assist in the development of different soil use and management scenarios and provide options for policymakers to encourage soil conservation in the state of Rondônia.(AU)

No Estado de Rondônia, o desmatamento, o uso e o manejo inadequado dos solos têm intensificado o processo de erosão hídrica, gerando a degradação de terras agrícolas. Nesse cenário, a modelagem é uma ferramenta que pode auxiliar na adoção de medidas direcionadas e eficazes de conservação do solo e da água na região. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi modelar as perdas de solo por erosão hídrica no Estado de Rondônia utilizando a Equação Universal de Perda de Solo Revisada (RUSLE). Foram considerados os parâmetros referentes a erosividade da chuva, relevo, erodibilidade e cobertura do solo e as práticas conservacionistas do Estado de Rondônia. As etapas da modelagem foram realizadas com auxílio de Sistema de Informações Geográficas. Os resultados foram validados com dados de coleta de sedimentos totais transportados com a descarga dágua. A perda de solo total estimada foi cerca de 605 milhões de toneladas ao ano, correspondente a uma perda média de 22,50 Mg ha-1 ano-1. Em 19% do Estado a taxa erosiva foi superior aos limites de tolerância de perda de solo (TPS), sendo que essas áreas devem ser priorizadas para adoção de medidas de mitigação do processo erosivo. A RUSLE subestimou a geração de sedimentos em 0,56 Mg ha-1 ano-1, o que corresponde a um erro de 18,60%. Os resultados obtidos podem contribuir para elaborar distintos cenários de manejo e uso do solo e fornecer alternativas aos formuladores de políticas agrícolas e ambientais, com o intuito de incentivo a conservação do solo no Estado de Rondônia.(AU)

Erosão do Solo/análise , Erosão do Solo/prevenção & controle , Conservação de Terras/análise , Conservação de Terras/prevenção & controle , Erosão Hídrica/prevenção & controle
Acta amaz. ; 51(2): 102-112, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus, tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31398


Soil, water, and nutrient loss by water erosion are among the main factors leading to land degradation, decreasing soil productivity and the provision of ecosystem services. The Cerrado-Amazon ecotone in western Brazil has suffered rapid land-use cover changes with impacts on soil erosion and land degradation. Despite the importance of the region for Brazilian agriculture and environmental conservation, studies on soil, water, and nutrient loss are still scarce. We tested integrated crop-livestockforestry (ICLF) as a sustainable agriculture management system for the Cerrado-Amazon ecotone region. A field experiment was established in the north of Mato Grosso state to quantify total soil, water, carbon and nitrogen loss during the rainy season in 2012-2013 in plots of integrated crop-forestry (ICF), pasture (PAST), eucalyptus plantation (EUC), no-tillage crop succession (CS) and bare soil (BS). Total soil, water, carbon and nitrogen losses in BS were, on average, 96.7% higher than in ICF, EUC, PAST, and CS. ICF had significantly lower water loss than CS, EUC and PAST. Total loss of carbon (4.3 - 428.2 kg ha-1) and nitrogen (0.3 - 29.2 kg ha-1) differed significantly among treatments. The production systems with tree components (EUC and ICF) and PAST showed reduced soil and nutrients loss compared to CS. Our results demonstrated that ICLF can avoid soil quality loss and thus improve agriculture sustainability in the Cerrado-Amazon ecotone.(AU)

A erosão hídrica é um dos principais fatores da degradação dos solos, impactando seu potencial produtivo e capacidade de provisão de serviços ecossistêmicos. O ecótono Cerrado-Amazônia, no norte de Mato Grosso, Brasil, tem sofrido intensas modificações em seu uso e cobertura com impacto na erosão e degradação do solo. Apesar da importância ambiental e agropecuária da região, estudos sobre as perdas de água, solo e nutrientes são escassos. Neste trabalho, testamos a utilidade da integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta (ICLF) para a produção agrícola sustentável no ecótono Cerrado-Amazônia. Foi implantado um experimento de campo no norte de Mato Grosso para quantificar as perdas de solo, água, carbono e nitrogênio durante o período chuvoso de 2012-2013 em parcelas de integração lavoura-floresta (ICF), pastagem (PAST), plantação de eucalipto (EUC), plantio direto com sucessão de culturas (CS) e solo descoberto (BS). As perdas totais de água, solo, carbono e nitrogênio foram, em média, 96,7% maiores em BS, quando comparadas a ICF, EUC, PAST e CS. As perdas de água e solo foram significativamente menores na ICF comparado a CS. As perdas totais de carbono (4.3 - 428.2 kg ha-1) e nitrogênio (1.05 - 10.4 kg ha-1) diferiram significativamente. Os sistemas com um componente arbóreo (EUC e ICF) e PAST tiveram menores perdas de solo e nutrientes em comparação com CS. Nossos resultados demonstraram que ICLF pode evitar a perda de qualidade de solo, melhorando a sustentabilidade da agricultura no ecótono Cerrado-Amazônia.(AU)

Análise do Solo , Água , Nutrientes , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Erosão
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(3): e210033, 2021. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340231


Biological invasions are leading several species to extinction and are projected as a main driver of biodiversity changes in lakes for this century. However, the knowledge of their impacts on the Neotropical ichthyofauna over time remains largely incipient, especially when considering the functional diversity of native communities. Here we aim to identify the effects of non-native species, especially the non-native piscivorous Cichla kelberi and Pygocentrus nattereri, on the functional diversity of the native ichthyofauna of the Carioca Lake, Middle Rio Doce basin, state of Minas Gerais. Using fish occurrence data for eight years from 1983 to 2010 combined with an ecomorphological-trait analysis, we found that while the native species richness dropped to 56%, the functional richness is only 27% of that found before introductions. In other words, more than species, the ichthyofauna suffered an impressive decline in the range of functional traits, which can further have severe impacts on ecological processes within that system. When considering all the components of the current ichthyofauna (native and non-native species), neither taxonomic nor functional richness have changed over time. However, even keeping biodiversity levels, non-native species are not able to fully compensate for the extinct native ones in terms of functions.(AU)

Invasões biológicas vêm levando várias espécies à extinção, sendo projetado como o principal causador de mudanças na biodiversidade em lagos neste século. Entretanto, o conhecimento dos impactos sobre a ictiofauna Neotropical ao longo do tempo permanece bastante incipiente, especialmente quando se considera a diversidade funcional de comunidades nativas. Neste estudo, nós procuramos identificar os efeitos das espécies não nativas, especialmente os piscívoros não nativos Cichla kelberi and Pygocentrus nattereri, sobre a diversidade funcional da ictiofauna da Lagoa Carioca, bacia do médio rio Doce, Minas Gerais. Utilizando dados de ocorrência de oito anos entre 1983 e 2010, combinados a uma análise de atributos ecomorfológicos, observamos que a riqueza de espécies decaiu a 56%, enquanto a riqueza funcional é de apenas 27% da encontrada antes das introduções. Ou seja, mais do que espécies, a ictiofauna sofreu um declínio significativo na amplitude de atributos funcionais, o que pode levar a impactos severos em processos ecológicos neste sistema. Ao considerar todos os componentes da ictiofauna atual (espécies nativas e não nativas), as métricas de riqueza não sofreram alterações ao longo do tempo. Entretanto, mesmo mantendo os níveis de biodiversidade, espécies não nativas não são capazes de compensar totalmente as espécies nativas extintas em termos funcionais.(AU)

Animais , Variação Genética , Peixes/microbiologia , Erosão , Biodiversidade
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(3): e210033, 2021. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32517


Biological invasions are leading several species to extinction and are projected as a main driver of biodiversity changes in lakes for this century. However, the knowledge of their impacts on the Neotropical ichthyofauna over time remains largely incipient, especially when considering the functional diversity of native communities. Here we aim to identify the effects of non-native species, especially the non-native piscivorous Cichla kelberi and Pygocentrus nattereri, on the functional diversity of the native ichthyofauna of the Carioca Lake, Middle Rio Doce basin, state of Minas Gerais. Using fish occurrence data for eight years from 1983 to 2010 combined with an ecomorphological-trait analysis, we found that while the native species richness dropped to 56%, the functional richness is only 27% of that found before introductions. In other words, more than species, the ichthyofauna suffered an impressive decline in the range of functional traits, which can further have severe impacts on ecological processes within that system. When considering all the components of the current ichthyofauna (native and non-native species), neither taxonomic nor functional richness have changed over time. However, even keeping biodiversity levels, non-native species are not able to fully compensate for the extinct native ones in terms of functions.(AU)

Invasões biológicas vêm levando várias espécies à extinção, sendo projetado como o principal causador de mudanças na biodiversidade em lagos neste século. Entretanto, o conhecimento dos impactos sobre a ictiofauna Neotropical ao longo do tempo permanece bastante incipiente, especialmente quando se considera a diversidade funcional de comunidades nativas. Neste estudo, nós procuramos identificar os efeitos das espécies não nativas, especialmente os piscívoros não nativos Cichla kelberi and Pygocentrus nattereri, sobre a diversidade funcional da ictiofauna da Lagoa Carioca, bacia do médio rio Doce, Minas Gerais. Utilizando dados de ocorrência de oito anos entre 1983 e 2010, combinados a uma análise de atributos ecomorfológicos, observamos que a riqueza de espécies decaiu a 56%, enquanto a riqueza funcional é de apenas 27% da encontrada antes das introduções. Ou seja, mais do que espécies, a ictiofauna sofreu um declínio significativo na amplitude de atributos funcionais, o que pode levar a impactos severos em processos ecológicos neste sistema. Ao considerar todos os componentes da ictiofauna atual (espécies nativas e não nativas), as métricas de riqueza não sofreram alterações ao longo do tempo. Entretanto, mesmo mantendo os níveis de biodiversidade, espécies não nativas não são capazes de compensar totalmente as espécies nativas extintas em termos funcionais.(AU)

Animais , Variação Genética , Peixes/microbiologia , Erosão , Biodiversidade
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(3): 847-864, May-June 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501787


Determining the origin of eroded soil is essential to design effective soil erosion control strategies which preserve the soil resource, enhance agricultural productivity, and reduce the negative impacts of soil erosion, in-field and off-field. Magnetic properties have been widely used in temperate environments to identify sediment sources, pathways and links, but there have been very few applications in tropical and subtropical environments. Therefore, in this paper we investigated reservoir sediment sources in the Upper Grande River Basin, Southeastern Brazil, using sediment tracing techniques based on magnetic parameters (low and high frequency magnetic susceptibility, frequency dependent susceptibility). The different parent materials and subtropical weathering conditions resulted in soils having different Fe oxide minerals and Fe oxide contents, promoting magnetic variability that allowed comparison and identification of possible sources of reservoir sediments in order to reduce water erosion impacts. The results indicate the suitability of magnetic properties as a tracer for soil erosion studies in tropical environments.

Determinar a origem de solos erodidos é essencial para projetar estratégias efetivas de controle da erosão do solo que preservem os recursos do solo, aumentem a produtividade agrícola e reduzam os impactos negativos da erosão do solo, em campo e fora dele. As propriedades magnéticas têm sido amplamente utilizadas em ambientes temperados para identificar fontes, vias e elos de sedimentos, mas existem pouquíssimas aplicações em ambientes tropicais. Portanto, neste trabalho investigamos fontes de sedimentos de reservatórios na Bacia do Alto Rio Grande, Sudeste do Brasil, utilizando técnicas de rastreamento de sedimentos baseadas em parâmetros magnéticos (suscetibilidade magnética de baixa e alta freqüência, susceptibilidade dependente da freqüência). Os diferentes materiais de origem e condições de intemperismo tropical resultaram em solos com diferentes minerais de óxido de Fe e teores de óxidos de Fe, promovendo variabilidade magnética que permitiu a comparação e identificação de possíveis fontes de sedimentos de reservatórios para reduzir os impactos da erosão hídrica. Os resultados indicam a adequação das propriedades magnéticas como um traçador para estudos de erosão do solo em ambientes tropicais.

Erosão do Solo/análise , Erosão do Solo/economia , Erosão do Solo/prevenção & controle , Reservatórios de Água , Sedimentos/análise , Tratamento do Solo
Acta amaz. ; 50(1): 80-89, 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15551


In this study, the erosion of the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) was analyzed in the central Amazon during the dry season of 2014, using data from the GoAmazon 2014/5 Project and high-resolution model outputs (PArallelized Les Model - PALM). The dataset consisted of in situ (radiosonde) and remote sensing instruments measurements (Ceilometer, Lidar, Wind Profiler, microwave radiometer, and SODAR). The results showed that the NBL erosion occurred, on average, two hours after sunrise (06:00 local time), and the sensible heat flux provided more than 50% of the sensible heating necessary for the erosion process to occur. After the erosion, the convective phase developed quickly (175.2 m h-1). The measurements of the remote sensors showed that the Ceilometer, in general, presented satisfactory results in relation to the radiosondes for measuring the height of the planetary boundary layer. The PALM simulations represented well the NBL erosion, with a small underestimation ( 20 m) at the beginning of this phase. In the final phase of NBL erosion and in the initial stage of the development of the convective boundary layer (CBL), the model presented satisfactory results, with heights of CBL ranging from 800 m to 1,650 m, respectively.(AU)

Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a erosão da camada limite noturna (CLN) na Amazônia central durante a estação seca de 2014, usando dados do Projeto GoAmazon 2014/5 e saídas do modelo de alta resolução (PArallelized Les Model - PALM). O conjunto de dados consistiu de medidas por instrumentos in situ (radiossonda) e sensoriamento remoto (Ceilometer, Lidar, Wind Profiler, radiômetro de microondas e SODAR). Os resultados mostraram que a erosão da CLN ocorreu, em média, duas horas após o nascer do sol (06:00 hora local), e o fluxo de calor sensível forneceu mais de 50% do aquecimento necessário para o processo de erosão ocorrer. Após a erosão, a fase convectiva se desenvolveu rapidamente (175,2 m h-1). As medidas dos sensores remotos mostraram que o Ceilometer, em geral, apresentou resultados satisfatórios em relação às radiossondas para medidas da altura da camada limite planetária. As simulações PALM representaram bem a erosão da CLN, com uma pequena subestimação ( 20 m) no início desta fase. Na fase final da erosão da CLN e no estágio inicial do desenvolvimento da camada limite convectiva (CLC), o modelo apresentou resultados satisfatórios, com alturas variando de 800 m a 1.650 m, respectivamente.(AU)

Erosão/análise , Erosão/métodos , Estação Seca
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(3): 847-864, May-June 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-746025


Determining the origin of eroded soil is essential to design effective soil erosion control strategies which preserve the soil resource, enhance agricultural productivity, and reduce the negative impacts of soil erosion, in-field and off-field. Magnetic properties have been widely used in temperate environments to identify sediment sources, pathways and links, but there have been very few applications in tropical and subtropical environments. Therefore, in this paper we investigated reservoir sediment sources in the Upper Grande River Basin, Southeastern Brazil, using sediment tracing techniques based on magnetic parameters (low and high frequency magnetic susceptibility, frequency dependent susceptibility). The different parent materials and subtropical weathering conditions resulted in soils having different Fe oxide minerals and Fe oxide contents, promoting magnetic variability that allowed comparison and identification of possible sources of reservoir sediments in order to reduce water erosion impacts. The results indicate the suitability of magnetic properties as a tracer for soil erosion studies in tropical environments.(AU)

Determinar a origem de solos erodidos é essencial para projetar estratégias efetivas de controle da erosão do solo que preservem os recursos do solo, aumentem a produtividade agrícola e reduzam os impactos negativos da erosão do solo, em campo e fora dele. As propriedades magnéticas têm sido amplamente utilizadas em ambientes temperados para identificar fontes, vias e elos de sedimentos, mas existem pouquíssimas aplicações em ambientes tropicais. Portanto, neste trabalho investigamos fontes de sedimentos de reservatórios na Bacia do Alto Rio Grande, Sudeste do Brasil, utilizando técnicas de rastreamento de sedimentos baseadas em parâmetros magnéticos (suscetibilidade magnética de baixa e alta freqüência, susceptibilidade dependente da freqüência). Os diferentes materiais de origem e condições de intemperismo tropical resultaram em solos com diferentes minerais de óxido de Fe e teores de óxidos de Fe, promovendo variabilidade magnética que permitiu a comparação e identificação de possíveis fontes de sedimentos de reservatórios para reduzir os impactos da erosão hídrica. Os resultados indicam a adequação das propriedades magnéticas como um traçador para estudos de erosão do solo em ambientes tropicais.(AU)

Sedimentos/análise , Reservatórios de Água , Erosão do Solo/análise , Erosão do Solo/economia , Erosão do Solo/prevenção & controle , Tratamento do Solo
Colloq. Agrar ; 15(3): 79-93, maio-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481487


A formação de selo e crosta superficial no solo tem consequências diretas para o desenvolvimento das culturas e qualidade ambiental, alterando sua estrutura, diminuindo a disponibilidade de água para as plantas e potencializando os efeitos da erosão. Diante disto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações causadas por sucessivos eventos de precipitação na superfície dos solos. Foram avaliadas quatro classes de solos: Latossolo Amarelo (LA); Argissolo Vermelho (PV); Neossolo Litólico (RL); Luvissolo Háplico (TX). O critério de seleção teve como base o grau de desenvolvimento pedogenético. O experimento foi conduzido sob chuva simulada, em parcelas experimentais com área útil de 0,3481 m², com solo descoberto e declividade de 0,10 mm-1. Os testes foram realizados com intensidade média da precipitação ajustada em 85 mm h-1 durante 75 minutos, aplicadas em três eventos consecutivos com intervalos de 7 dias, para determinar os efeitos da formação do selamento superficial durante a chuva e a formação de crosta após o período de secagem do solo. Foram avaliadas as variáveis hidráulicas do escoamento, a perda de solo (PSi), taxa de desagregação do solo em entressulcos (Di) e o fator de erodibilidade em entressulcos (Ki). A formação de selamento e de crostas superficiais foram observadas com aumento da velocidade de escoamento e da descarga liquida, e a diminuição da altura da lâmina de água, assim como alterações em PSi, Di e Ki, sendo no primeiro evento de chuva simulada a maior contribuição para formação do encrostamento superficial. O TC se mostrou o mais estável após os eventos sucessivos de chuva simulada, mesmo tendo a rugosidade superficial modificada, não apresentou alterações significativas nas perdas de solo, taxa de desagregação e erodibilidade do solo em entresulco.

The formation of seal and surface crust in the soil has direct consequences for the development of the crops and environmental quality, altering the soil structure, reducing the availability of water to the plants and favoring the erosion. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes caused by successive rainfall events on the soil surface. Four soils were evaluated: Ferralsol; Acrisol; Leptsol; Luvisol. The selection criterion was based on pedogenetic development. The experiment was conducted under simulated rainfall, in experimental plots with a useful area of 0,3481 m², uncovered soil and slope of 0.10 mm-1. The tests were performed with mean precipitation intensity of 85 mm h-1 for 75 min, applied in three consecutive events at 7 day intervals, to determine the effects of surface sealing during rainfall and crust formation after the soil drying period. The hydraulic flow variables, the soil losses (PSi), soil disaggregation rate in interrill (Di) and the interrill erodibility factor (Ki) were evaluated. The formation of sealing and surface crusts were observed with increase of the flow velocity and liquid discharge, and the decrease of water sheet height, as well as in the changes in PSi, Di and Ki, being in the first event of simulated rainfall the greater contribution to formation of superficial crusting. LV showed the most stable after the successive events of simulated rainfall, even though the surface roughness was modified, did not present significant changes in the soil losses, disaggregation rate and soil interrill erodibility.

Análise do Solo , Características do Solo/análise , Características do Solo/métodos , Escoamento Superficial/efeitos adversos , Solos Impermeáveis/efeitos adversos , Transporte de Sedimentos/análise , Transporte de Sedimentos/efeitos adversos , Umidade do Solo
Colloq. agrar. ; 15(3): 79-93, maio-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22448


A formação de selo e crosta superficial no solo tem consequências diretas para o desenvolvimento das culturas e qualidade ambiental, alterando sua estrutura, diminuindo a disponibilidade de água para as plantas e potencializando os efeitos da erosão. Diante disto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações causadas por sucessivos eventos de precipitação na superfície dos solos. Foram avaliadas quatro classes de solos: Latossolo Amarelo (LA); Argissolo Vermelho (PV); Neossolo Litólico (RL); Luvissolo Háplico (TX). O critério de seleção teve como base o grau de desenvolvimento pedogenético. O experimento foi conduzido sob chuva simulada, em parcelas experimentais com área útil de 0,3481 m², com solo descoberto e declividade de 0,10 mm-1. Os testes foram realizados com intensidade média da precipitação ajustada em 85 mm h-1 durante 75 minutos, aplicadas em três eventos consecutivos com intervalos de 7 dias, para determinar os efeitos da formação do selamento superficial durante a chuva e a formação de crosta após o período de secagem do solo. Foram avaliadas as variáveis hidráulicas do escoamento, a perda de solo (PSi), taxa de desagregação do solo em entressulcos (Di) e o fator de erodibilidade em entressulcos (Ki). A formação de selamento e de crostas superficiais foram observadas com aumento da velocidade de escoamento e da descarga liquida, e a diminuição da altura da lâmina de água, assim como alterações em PSi, Di e Ki, sendo no primeiro evento de chuva simulada a maior contribuição para formação do encrostamento superficial. O TC se mostrou o mais estável após os eventos sucessivos de chuva simulada, mesmo tendo a rugosidade superficial modificada, não apresentou alterações significativas nas perdas de solo, taxa de desagregação e erodibilidade do solo em entresulco.(AU)

The formation of seal and surface crust in the soil has direct consequences for the development of the crops and environmental quality, altering the soil structure, reducing the availability of water to the plants and favoring the erosion. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes caused by successive rainfall events on the soil surface. Four soils were evaluated: Ferralsol; Acrisol; Leptsol; Luvisol. The selection criterion was based on pedogenetic development. The experiment was conducted under simulated rainfall, in experimental plots with a useful area of 0,3481 m², uncovered soil and slope of 0.10 mm-1. The tests were performed with mean precipitation intensity of 85 mm h-1 for 75 min, applied in three consecutive events at 7 day intervals, to determine the effects of surface sealing during rainfall and crust formation after the soil drying period. The hydraulic flow variables, the soil losses (PSi), soil disaggregation rate in interrill (Di) and the interrill erodibility factor (Ki) were evaluated. The formation of sealing and surface crusts were observed with increase of the flow velocity and liquid discharge, and the decrease of water sheet height, as well as in the changes in PSi, Di and Ki, being in the first event of simulated rainfall the greater contribution to formation of superficial crusting. LV showed the most stable after the successive events of simulated rainfall, even though the surface roughness was modified, did not present significant changes in the soil losses, disaggregation rate and soil interrill erodibility.(AU)

Análise do Solo , Características do Solo/análise , Características do Solo/métodos , Umidade do Solo , Solos Impermeáveis/efeitos adversos , Transporte de Sedimentos/efeitos adversos , Transporte de Sedimentos/análise , Escoamento Superficial/efeitos adversos
Sci. agric ; 75(1): 60-69, Jan.-Feb.2018. ilus, map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497683


The Mantiqueira Range region is one of the most important headwaters in southeastern Brazil. In this context, the relationship between pedology and hydrology has been debated and analyzed in recent years, contributing to the creation of a multidisciplinary science call hydropedology. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the hydropedological properties of a mountainous Clayey Humic Dystrudept in the Mantiqueira Range region, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, comparing two land-uses, native forest and pasture. The hydraulic conductivity results demonstrated that native forest (MFO) has a strong influence on this parameter, offering conditions for movement of water in the soil that are more adequate in this profile than in pasture. These results were supported by pore size distribution analyses which showed that soil from native forest has a greater amount of macropores than soil from pasture as well as greater connectivity between the macropores. In general, the MFO site had greater S index values than the micro-catchment taken from pasture, offering favorable physical conditions for the formation of preferential flowpaths in the soil profile and, therefore, better conditions for groundwater recharge. Soil erosion and water quality results confirmed the importance of native forest areas in the interaction between interception of the direct impact of intense precipitation on the soil surface, and hydropedological attributes, such as saturated hydraulic conductivity and porosity.

Condições do Solo , Erosão do Solo
Sci. agric. ; 75(1): 60-69, Jan.-Feb.2018. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17439


The Mantiqueira Range region is one of the most important headwaters in southeastern Brazil. In this context, the relationship between pedology and hydrology has been debated and analyzed in recent years, contributing to the creation of a multidisciplinary science call hydropedology. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the hydropedological properties of a mountainous Clayey Humic Dystrudept in the Mantiqueira Range region, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, comparing two land-uses, native forest and pasture. The hydraulic conductivity results demonstrated that native forest (MFO) has a strong influence on this parameter, offering conditions for movement of water in the soil that are more adequate in this profile than in pasture. These results were supported by pore size distribution analyses which showed that soil from native forest has a greater amount of macropores than soil from pasture as well as greater connectivity between the macropores. In general, the MFO site had greater S index values than the micro-catchment taken from pasture, offering favorable physical conditions for the formation of preferential flowpaths in the soil profile and, therefore, better conditions for groundwater recharge. Soil erosion and water quality results confirmed the importance of native forest areas in the interaction between interception of the direct impact of intense precipitation on the soil surface, and hydropedological attributes, such as saturated hydraulic conductivity and porosity.(AU)

Condições do Solo , Recursos Hídricos , Erosão do Solo
Sci. agric ; 73(1): 1-8, Jan.-Feb.2016. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497543


Eutrophication of surface waters remains a major use-impairment in many countries, which, in fresh waters, is accelerated by phosphorus (P) inputs from both point (e.g., municipal waste water treatment plants) and nonpoint sources (e.g., urban and agricultural runoff). As point sources tend to be easier to identify and control, greater attention has recently focused on reducing nonpoint sources of P. In Brazil, agricultural productivity has increased tremendously over the last decade as a consequence, to a large extent, of increases in the use of fertilizer and improved land management. For instance, adoption of the 4R approach (i.e., right rate, right time, right source, and right placement of P) to fertilizer management can decrease P runoff. Additionally, practices that lessen the risk of runoff and erosion, such as reduced tillage and cover crops will also lessen P runoff. Despite these measures P can still be released from soil and fluvial sediment stores as a result of the prior 10 to 20 years management. These legacy sources can mask the water quality benefits of present-day conservation efforts. Future remedial efforts should focus on developing risk assessment indices and nonpoint source models to identify and target conservation measures and to estimate their relative effectiveness. New fertilizer formulations may more closely tailor the timing of nutrient release to plant needs and potentially decrease P runoff. Even so, it must be remembered that appropriate and timely inputs of fertilizers are needed to maintain agricultural productivity and in some cases, financial support might also be required to help offset the costs of expensive conservation measures.

Compostos de Fósforo/administração & dosagem , Compostos de Fósforo/análise , Meio Ambiente/análise , Qualidade da Água
Sci. agric ; 73(3): 286-293, 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497560


Water erosion and contamination of water resources are influenced by concentration and diameter of sediments in runoff. This study aimed to quantify runoff velocity and concentration and the D50 index of sediments in runoff under different soil surface managements, in the following treatments: i) cropped systems: no-tilled soil covered by ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) residue, with high soil cover and minimal roughness (HCR); no tilled soil covered by vetch (Vicia sativa L.) residue, with high soil cover and minimal roughness (HCV); chiseled soil after ryegrass crop removing the above-ground residues and keeping only the root system, with high roughness (HRR); chiseled soil after vetch crop removing the above-ground residues and keeping only the root system, with high roughness (HRV); ii) bare and chiseled soil, with high roughness (BHR). The research was conducted on a Humic Dystrupept under simulated rainfall. The design was completely randomized and each treatment was replicated twice. Eight rainfall events of controlled intensity (65 mm h1) were applied to each treatment for 90 minutes. The D50 index, runoff velocity and sediment concentration were influenced by crop and soil management. Runoff velocity was more intensely reduced by cover crop residues than by surface roughness. Regardless of surface condition, the D50 index and concentration of sediment in runoff were lower under ryegrass than vetch crop. Runoff velocity and the D50 index were exponentially and inversely correlated with soil cover by residues and with surface roughness, while the D50 index was positively and exponentially correlated with runoff velocity.

Erosão do Solo , Escoamento Superficial , Sedimentos
Sci. Agric. ; 73(1): 1-8, Jan.-Feb.2016. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16164


Eutrophication of surface waters remains a major use-impairment in many countries, which, in fresh waters, is accelerated by phosphorus (P) inputs from both point (e.g., municipal waste water treatment plants) and nonpoint sources (e.g., urban and agricultural runoff). As point sources tend to be easier to identify and control, greater attention has recently focused on reducing nonpoint sources of P. In Brazil, agricultural productivity has increased tremendously over the last decade as a consequence, to a large extent, of increases in the use of fertilizer and improved land management. For instance, adoption of the 4R approach (i.e., right rate, right time, right source, and right placement of P) to fertilizer management can decrease P runoff. Additionally, practices that lessen the risk of runoff and erosion, such as reduced tillage and cover crops will also lessen P runoff. Despite these measures P can still be released from soil and fluvial sediment stores as a result of the prior 10 to 20 years management. These legacy sources can mask the water quality benefits of present-day conservation efforts. Future remedial efforts should focus on developing risk assessment indices and nonpoint source models to identify and target conservation measures and to estimate their relative effectiveness. New fertilizer formulations may more closely tailor the timing of nutrient release to plant needs and potentially decrease P runoff. Even so, it must be remembered that appropriate and timely inputs of fertilizers are needed to maintain agricultural productivity and in some cases, financial support might also be required to help offset the costs of expensive conservation measures.(AU)

Qualidade da Água , Compostos de Fósforo/administração & dosagem , Compostos de Fósforo/análise , Meio Ambiente/análise
Sci. agric. ; 73(3): 286-293, 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15339


Water erosion and contamination of water resources are influenced by concentration and diameter of sediments in runoff. This study aimed to quantify runoff velocity and concentration and the D50 index of sediments in runoff under different soil surface managements, in the following treatments: i) cropped systems: no-tilled soil covered by ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) residue, with high soil cover and minimal roughness (HCR); no tilled soil covered by vetch (Vicia sativa L.) residue, with high soil cover and minimal roughness (HCV); chiseled soil after ryegrass crop removing the above-ground residues and keeping only the root system, with high roughness (HRR); chiseled soil after vetch crop removing the above-ground residues and keeping only the root system, with high roughness (HRV); ii) bare and chiseled soil, with high roughness (BHR). The research was conducted on a Humic Dystrupept under simulated rainfall. The design was completely randomized and each treatment was replicated twice. Eight rainfall events of controlled intensity (65 mm h1) were applied to each treatment for 90 minutes. The D50 index, runoff velocity and sediment concentration were influenced by crop and soil management. Runoff velocity was more intensely reduced by cover crop residues than by surface roughness. Regardless of surface condition, the D50 index and concentration of sediment in runoff were lower under ryegrass than vetch crop. Runoff velocity and the D50 index were exponentially and inversely correlated with soil cover by residues and with surface roughness, while the D50 index was positively and exponentially correlated with runoff velocity.(AU)

Erosão do Solo , Escoamento Superficial , Sedimentos