Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.
Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais.
Animais , Anatomia Transversal , Bexiga Urinária/anatomia & histologia , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Tela Subcutânea/anatomia & histologia , Trichechus , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Vesícula Biliar/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Abstract Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.
Resumo Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais
Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.(AU)
Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais.(AU)
Animais , Trichechus , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Anatomia Transversal , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Vesícula Biliar/anatomia & histologia , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Bexiga Urinária/anatomia & histologia , Tela Subcutânea/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The aim of the study was to describe location, sonographic characteristics and measures of the stomach and small intestine of equines at different ages. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed on 88 healthy equines of either sex, aged 1, 7 and 15 days, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 months and 1, 3 and 5 years, with 20 animals per group. Location, characteristics and measurements of stomach, duodenum and jejunum were evaluated. Descriptive statistics were performed for each measurement and the percentile for each age was analyzed. The work showed the growth and characteristics of the organs evaluated over time. Adult animals showed a minimum of 4 duodenal movements per minute. It was possible to locate the organs evaluated in all animals. The detailed ultrasound examination of these organs allowed gathering information that could be used to assist in the care of future patients.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever localização topográfica, características e medidas ultrassonográficas de estômago e intestino delgado de equinos em diferentes idades. Foi realizado um exame ultrassonográfico abdominal em 20 equinos saudáveis de ambos os sexos, com idades de um, sete e 15 dias, um, dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, 10 e 11 meses e um, três e cinco anos. A localização, as características e as medidas de estômago, duodeno e jejuno foram avaliadas. Foi realizada a estatística descritiva para cada medida e analisado o percentil para cada idade. O trabalho mostrou o crescimento e as características dos órgãos avaliados ao longo do tempo. Animais adultos apresentaram um mínimo de quatro movimentos por minuto de duodeno. Foi possível localizar os órgãos avaliados em todos os animais. O exame ultrassonográfico detalhado desses órgãos permitiu agrupar informações que poderão ser usadas para auxiliar no atendimento a futuros pacientes.
Animais , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Intestino Delgado/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Background: Despite being rare in domestic animals, pancreatic adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of the feline pancreas. Due non-specificity of clinical signs in cats and the late diagnosis of the neoplasm, it is necessary to understand this disease better, to contribute for the knowledge of its early recognition and treatment. Thus, this study aims to report a case of metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in a cat, focusing on the main clinical aspects, diagnosis, and prognosis of this disease, in addition to the description of the presentation of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Case: A 14-year-old male neutered mixed breed cat, was referred to the Feline Medicine Service (MedFel) of the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias (HCV) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, with a history of hyporexia, constipation and increased abdominal volume for 3 days, besides mild difficulty in locomotion and progressive weight loss in the last 6 months. On the physical examination, the patient was alert, with a body condition score of 6/9; muscle condition score 1/4 and moderate dehydration of 7%. Popliteal lymph nodes were enlarged, and abdominal distension was evident. Around 200 mL of a slightly cloudy, straw-yellow liquid were drained from the abdominal cavity. After draining the fluid, a new abdominal palpation was performed, and there were fecal retention and a palpable mass in the right hypogastric region. The result of the cytological analysis of the fluid was consistent with a protein-rich transudate, suggesting neoplastic effusion of epithelial origin. Hematological and biochemical changes included leukocytosis due to neutrophilia, monocytosis, lymphopenia, thrombocytosis and azotemia. On abdominal ultrasound, the patient had free fluid in the abdominal cavity, and the gallbladder had discreet of biliary sludge. The intestines showed some corrugated segments with other segments lacking definition of its layers, and without peristaltic movements, suggesting intestinal neoplasia. Pancreas and adrenals were not visualized. On the chest X-ray, moderate opacification of lung fields with a diffuse interstitial pattern was observed, suggesting lung metastasis. The patient presented an acute worsening of the clinical condition and the owner requested euthanasia. The patient was referred for necropsy and based on the macroscopic and microscopic changes, the post-mortem diagnosis was metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with peritoneal carcinomatosis. Discussion: The clinical presentation of cats with exocrine pancreatic neoplasia is nonspecific, as clinical signs are common to several diseases, such as anorexia, vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss with normal appetite, jaundice, depression, and lethargy. Complementary blood tests also do not provide data that could lead to the suspicion of pancreatic neoplastic disease. In the present case, the diagnosis of metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with peritoneal carcinomatosis was only possible post mortem. The pancreas is a difficult organ to assess adequately using most diagnostic imaging methods, so histopathology is still the method of choice for differentiating pancreatic tissue comorbidities. Therefore, exploratory laparotomy should be instituted to provide tissue samples from the pancreas and its metastases for histopathological diagnosis, whenever ultrasound or other imaging methods indicate suspicious abdominal changes. The literature reports that less than 10% of affected cats treated with complete surgical removal of the mass and chemotherapy alone will survive more than a year, and the average time for untreated cats is only 6 days. The prognosis of this disease is bad and most cats are euthanized, due to rapid clinical worsening. Therefore, diagnosis is essential to determine an adequate prognosis in advanced cases and to support therapeutic decisions or euthanasia.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/veterinária , Carcinoma Ductal Pancreático/veterinária , Neoplasias Abdominais/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Intra-abdominal or intrascrotal testicular torsion in dogs occurs due to spermatic cord rotation. Dogs with testicular torsion commonly present severe pain and require surgical intervention. Torsion of intra-abdominal retained testicles in cryptorchid adult dogs is often associated with the presence of testicular neoplasia. Herein, we reported the case of a 5-year-old male poodle with uncommon intra-abdominal testicular torsion (ITT) of a non-neoplastic testicle. The dog was referred to the veterinary hospital with acute abdominal pain in the hypogastric region. An intra-abdominal gonad and alterations compatible with testicular torsion were visualized during ultrasound examination. Orchiectomy and histopathological analysis of the testes confirmed the diagnosis of ITT in the absence of neoplasia. The patient recovered uneventfully from the situation. This report showed that ITT can occur in adult dogs in the absence of testicular neoplasia and reinforce the message that it should be included as a differential diagnosis in cases of acute abdominal pain in cryptorchid dogs. Furthermore, the ultrasound examination in this case of pain in the hypogastric region was decisive for the diagnosis of ITT.
A torção testicular intra-abdominal ou intra-escrotal em cães ocorre devido à rotação do cordão espermático. Os cães com torção testicular apresentam comumente dor intensa e necessitam de intervenção cirúrgica. Em cães adultos, a torção de testículos retidos no abdômen está geralmente associada à presença de neoplasia testicular. Este relato descreve um caso incomum de cão macho, de cinco anos de idade, da raça Poodle, encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário com dor abdominal aguda na região hipogástrica. Durante o exame ecográfico, foi possível evidenciar um testículo e alterações compatíveis com torção testicular. A orquiectomia intra-abdominal e posterior análise histopatológica confirmaram a ITT sem neoplasia associada. O paciente apresentou evolução clínica satisfatória. Este relato mostra que a ITT na ausência de neoplasia pode ocorrer em cães adultos, reforçando a mensagem de que deve ser considerada como um diferencial diagnóstico em casos de dor abdominal aguda. Além disso, o exame ultrassonográfico realizado neste caso de dor na região hipogástrica foi decisivo para o diagnóstico de ITT.
Animais , Cães , Testículo/anormalidades , Dor Abdominal/veterinária , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Doenças do CãoResumo
A female Persian cat arrives for clinical assessment with a 3-month history of weight loss and sporadic vomiting. The clinical and paraclinical findings were hypodynamia cachexia, leukocytosis and presence of a mass in duodenum. Histopathological evaluation revealed a non-neoplastic tumor proliferation, which was organized into dense, sclerotic-like connective tissue trabeculae that anastomosed, with cells of spindle-shaped morphology, elongated and rounded nuclei with prominent nucleoli and fine granular chromatin. These cells were intermingled with abundant eosinophils and in smaller proportion lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells, with transmural distribution. Masson's trichrome differential staining trabeculae of collagen fibers. Based on the clinical and microscopic findings, the diagnosis of feline eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia is established, being this pathology's first documented report in Colombia.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Eosinófilos/patologia , Obstrução Intestinal/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Soluções Esclerosantes , Redução de PesoResumo
Fat deposition is higher in fast growing chickens than in slow growing chickens. The liver is the major organ for lipogenesis and fat deposition in chickens, although genetic background, age, and gender also influence fat deposition. In the present study, we aimed to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying fat deposition in liver and abdominal fat. We determined the expression abundances of the key genes regulating fat metabolism in fast-growing (FG) broilers (Cobb) and slow-growing (SG) broilers (HS1) and found that ACC, FAS, PGC-1α, PPARγ, SREBP-1c and PLIN1genes were expressed in the abdominal fat and liver tissues of FG and SG. ANOVA analysis showed that the breed, age, and tissue factors influenced the expressions of ACC, FAS, PGC-1α, PPARγ, SREBP-1c, and PLIN1 genes in the liver and abdominal fat of FG and SG. Also, the expressions of PPARγ and PLIN1 in the liver of SG were higher than that of FG. The results suggest that the differences in adipocyte development and adipose deposition between breeds are due to genetic factors.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/metabolismo , Adipócitos , Gordura Abdominal , Genes , FígadoResumo
Purpose: To explore the influence of milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein (MFGE8) on blunt abdominal injury in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats through the RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway. Methods: The blunt abdominal injury model was generated in SD rats. A total of 44 rats was randomly assigned into three groups. Rat blunt abdominal injury was assessed by the abbreviated injury scale (AIS). The rats were sacrificed for observing the morphology of the abdominal cavity and intestines. Hematoxylin and eosin staining was performed to visualize the pathological changes of rat intestines. Positive expressions of MFGE8 and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) in rat intestines were examined by immunohistochemical staining. Protein levels were determined by Western blot. Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), IL-1ß, IL-6 and malondialdehyde (MDA) were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: Blunt abdominal injury resulted in inflammatory response of intestinal tissues, increased serum levels of TNF-α, IL-1ß, IL-6 and MDA, upregulation of HMGB1, RhoA and ROCK2, and downregulation of MFGE8 in rats, which were significantly alleviated by intervention of rhMFGE8. Conclusions: MFGE8 protects the intestinal mucosal barrier function after blunt abdominal injury in rats by downregulating HMGB1. Moreover, it alleviates inflammatory response and oxidative stress caused by blunt abdominal injury in rats through downregulating RhoA and ROCK.
Animais , Ratos , Estresse Oxidativo , Cavidade Abdominal , Traumatismos Abdominais , InflamaçãoResumo
Purpose: To describe the technique of sublay correction of incisional hernia in Wistar rats under videomagnification system. Methods: Five male rats of the species Rattus norvegicus, of the Wistar lineage, with body weight between 250350 g and 60 days old were used. Incisional hernia was inducted in all animals. After that, the incisional hernia was immediately corrected by the sublay method. Results: There were no cases of recurrence of the incisional hernia after placement of the polypropylene mesh using the sublay technique. No postoperative complications were observed. Conclusions: The technique is suitable for execution in Wistar rats.
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Peritônio/diagnóstico por imagem , Hérnia Abdominal/diagnóstico por imagem , Hérnia Incisional/cirurgia , Ratos WistarResumo
Chicken abdominal fat (AF) is an economically important trait, and many studies have been conducted on genetic selection for AF. However, previous studies have focused on detecting functional chromosome mutations or regions using gene chips. The present study used the specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) technology to perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on purebred Wengshang Barred chicken. A total of 1,286,715 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected, and 175,211 SNPs were selected as candidate SNPs for genome-wide association analysis using TASSEL general linear models. Two SNPs markers reached genome-wide significance. Of these, rs7943847, rs127627362 were significantly associated with AF at 120 days. These SNPs are close to eight genes (SLC16A6, ARSG, WIPI1, PRKAR1A, FAM20A, ABCA8, ABCA9, CPQ,). These results would enrich the studies on AF and promote the use of Chinese chicken, especially the Wenshang Barred chicken.(AU)
Animais , Seleção Genética/fisiologia , Galinhas/genética , Polimorfismo Genético , Gordura Abdominal/fisiologiaResumo
Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) is the persistent increase of intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) that could be caused by several pathologies. It is capable of promoting organ dysfunction, thereby increasing the mortality rate of human patients. As for cats and dogs, there are still few reports on how this pressure can be monitored and treated as a routine for admitted and hospitalized animals and on its relationship with the mortality of the patients. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to report a case of IAH secondary to chronic diaphragmatic rupture in a dog, which was treated with a temporary abdominal closure (TAC). A bitch was admitted to the veterinary hospital to undergo an elective ovariohysterectomy when it was diagnosed with a diaphragmatic rupture and displacement of the liver and intestinal loops in the chest. After repositioning these structures in the abdominal cavity, tension was observed in the abdomen. A temporary abdominal closure was then performed with a Bogota bag. Immediately after the surgery, the IAP was measured, presenting a value of 15 mmHg, indicating that there was an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. The animal was hospitalized, and IAP was monitored. After 24 hours, IAP was 5.8 mmHg when the Bogota bag was removed, and definitive celiorraphy was performed. The patient showed satisfactory clinical progress and was discharged 72 hours after the surgical procedure. The treatment used for IAH proved to be effective and contributed to the quick and satisfactory recovery of the patient.
A hipertensão intra-abdominal (HIA) é o aumento persistente da pressão intra-abdominal (PIA), podendo ser causada por diversas afecções e caraterizada por promover disfunções orgânicas, aumentando a taxa de mortalidade no homem. Em cães e gatos, ainda há poucos relatos da monitoração dessa pressão e do seu tratamento na rotina dos animais admitidos e internados, e sua relação com a mortalidade dos pacientes. Assim, objetivou-se relatar um caso de HIA secundária à ruptura diafragmática crônica em cão, a qual foi tratada com o fechamento abdominal temporário (FAT). Uma cadela foi admitida no hospital veterinário para realização de uma cirurgia de ovário-histerectomia eletiva, quando foi diagnosticada com ruptura diafragmática com fígado e alças intestinais deslocadas para o interior do tórax. Após reposicionamento dessas estruturas na cavidade abdominal, observou-se tensão no abdômen. Realizou-se então o fechamento abdominal temporário com bolsa de Bogotá. Imediatamente após o término da cirurgia, a PIA foi aferida e seu valor era de 15 mmHg, indicando aumento da mesma. O animal foi mantido internado e sua PIA monitorada. Após 24 horas seu valor era de 5,8 mmHg, quando a bolsa de Bogotá foi removida e realizada a celiorrafia definitiva. O paciente teve evolução clínica satisfatória e 72h após a cirurgia recebeu alta hospitalar. O tratamento utilizado para a HIA se mostrou eficaz, contribuindo para a rápida e satisfatória recuperação da paciente.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão/cirurgia , Hipertensão Intra-Abdominal/cirurgia , Hipertensão Intra-Abdominal/veterinária , Músculos Abdominais/lesões , Ruptura/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) is the persistent increase of intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) that could be caused by several pathologies. It is capable of promoting organ dysfunction, thereby increasing the mortality rate of human patients. As for cats and dogs, there are still few reports on how this pressure can be monitored and treated as a routine for admitted and hospitalized animals and on its relationship with the mortality of the patients. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to report a case of IAH secondary to chronic diaphragmatic rupture in a dog, which was treated with a temporary abdominal closure (TAC). A bitch was admitted to the veterinary hospital to undergo an elective ovariohysterectomy when it was diagnosed with a diaphragmatic rupture and displacement of the liver and intestinal loops in the chest. After repositioning these structures in the abdominal cavity, tension was observed in the abdomen. A temporary abdominal closure was then performed with a Bogota bag. Immediately after the surgery, the IAP was measured, presenting a value of 15 mmHg, indicating that there was an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. The animal was hospitalized, and IAP was monitored. After 24 hours, IAP was 5.8 mmHg when the Bogota bag was removed, and definitive celiorraphy was performed. The patient showed satisfactory clinical progress and was discharged 72 hours after the surgical procedure. The treatment used for IAH proved to be effective and contributed to the quick and satisfactory recovery of the patient.
RESUMO: A hipertensão intra-abdominal (HIA) é o aumento persistente da pressão intra-abdominal (PIA), podendo ser causada por diversas afecções e caraterizada por promover disfunções orgânicas, aumentando a taxa de mortalidade no homem. Em cães e gatos, ainda há poucos relatos da monitoração dessa pressão e do seu tratamento na rotina dos animais admitidos e internados, e sua relação com a mortalidade dos pacientes. Assim, objetivou-se relatar um caso de HIA secundária à ruptura diafragmática crônica em cão, a qual foi tratada com o fechamento abdominal temporário (FAT). Uma cadela foi admitida no hospital veterinário para realização de uma cirurgia de ovário-histerectomia eletiva, quando foi diagnosticada com ruptura diafragmática com fígado e alças intestinais deslocadas para o interior do tórax. Após reposicionamento dessas estruturas na cavidade abdominal, observou-se tensão no abdômen. Realizou-se então o fechamento abdominal temporário com bolsa de Bogotá. Imediatamente após o término da cirurgia, a PIA foi aferida e seu valor era de 15 mmHg, indicando aumento da mesma. O animal foi mantido internado e sua PIA monitorada. Após 24 horas seu valor era de 5,8 mmHg, quando a bolsa de Bogotá foi removida e realizada a celiorrafia definitiva. O paciente teve evolução clínica satisfatória e 72h após a cirurgia recebeu alta hospitalar. O tratamento utilizado para a HIA se mostrou eficaz, contribuindo para a rápida e satisfatória recuperação da paciente.
Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) is the persistent increase of intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) that could be caused by several pathologies. It is capable of promoting organ dysfunction, thereby increasing the mortality rate of human patients. As for cats and dogs, there are still few reports on how this pressure can be monitored and treated as a routine for admitted and hospitalized animals and on its relationship with the mortality of the patients. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to report a case of IAH secondary to chronic diaphragmatic rupture in a dog, which was treated with a temporary abdominal closure (TAC). A bitch was admitted to the veterinary hospital to undergo an elective ovariohysterectomy when it was diagnosed with a diaphragmatic rupture and displacement of the liver and intestinal loops in the chest. After repositioning these structures in the abdominal cavity, tension was observed in the abdomen. A temporary abdominal closure was then performed with a Bogota bag. Immediately after the surgery, the IAP was measured, presenting a value of 15 mmHg, indicating that there was an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. The animal was hospitalized, and IAP was monitored. After 24 hours, IAP was 5.8 mmHg when the Bogota bag was removed, and definitive celiorraphy was performed. The patient showed satisfactory clinical progress and was discharged 72 hours after the surgical procedure. The treatment used for IAH proved to be effective and contributed to the quick and satisfactory recovery of the patient.(AU)
A hipertensão intra-abdominal (HIA) é o aumento persistente da pressão intra-abdominal (PIA), podendo ser causada por diversas afecções e caraterizada por promover disfunções orgânicas, aumentando a taxa de mortalidade no homem. Em cães e gatos, ainda há poucos relatos da monitoração dessa pressão e do seu tratamento na rotina dos animais admitidos e internados, e sua relação com a mortalidade dos pacientes. Assim, objetivou-se relatar um caso de HIA secundária à ruptura diafragmática crônica em cão, a qual foi tratada com o fechamento abdominal temporário (FAT). Uma cadela foi admitida no hospital veterinário para realização de uma cirurgia de ovário-histerectomia eletiva, quando foi diagnosticada com ruptura diafragmática com fígado e alças intestinais deslocadas para o interior do tórax. Após reposicionamento dessas estruturas na cavidade abdominal, observou-se tensão no abdômen. Realizou-se então o fechamento abdominal temporário com bolsa de Bogotá. Imediatamente após o término da cirurgia, a PIA foi aferida e seu valor era de 15 mmHg, indicando aumento da mesma. O animal foi mantido internado e sua PIA monitorada. Após 24 horas seu valor era de 5,8 mmHg, quando a bolsa de Bogotá foi removida e realizada a celiorrafia definitiva. O paciente teve evolução clínica satisfatória e 72h após a cirurgia recebeu alta hospitalar. O tratamento utilizado para a HIA se mostrou eficaz, contribuindo para a rápida e satisfatória recuperação da paciente.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Doenças do Cão/cirurgia , Hipertensão Intra-Abdominal/cirurgia , Hipertensão Intra-Abdominal/veterinária , Ruptura/veterinária , Músculos Abdominais/lesõesResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the use of barbed sutures over the surgical time, the leukogram, the tissue thickness in which the sutures were employed (ultrasonography), the costs, and the possible complications in bitches with pyometra submitted to ovariohysterectomy (OH). Methods Convectional 2.0 polyglyconate suture was used in the control group (CG n = 10) and 2.0 barbed polyglyconate suture in the barbed group (BG n = 10) to perform celiorrhaphy (simple continuous pattern) and subcutaneous closure (continuous intradermal pattern). Data were assessed using paired (leukogram between 24 and 48 h within the same group) and unpaired (leukogram, surgical time, tissue thickness, and costs) Student's t-test. The Fisher exact test was used to assess the occurrence of seroma between groups (p < 0.05). Results are shown as mean ± standard error of mean. Results The time spent to perform the celiorrhaphy (195.30 ± 17.37 s vs. 204 ± 16.00 s), subcutaneous closure (174.0 ± 15.86 s vs. 198.0 ± 15.62 s), and the total surgical time (24.30 ± 1.44 min vs. 23.00 ± 1.30 min) did not differ between BG and CG, respectively (p > 0.05). Leukogram at 48 h post-surgery did not differ between groups (p = 0.20). No differences were observed in the subcutaneous and the abdominal wall thickness (cm) assessed by ultrasonography at 48 h in BG (0.31 ± 0.04, 0.80 ± 0.05) and CG (0.34 ± 0.03, 0.72 ± 0.06), respectively. Similarly, 15 days post-surgery the same structures did not differ between BG (0.26 ± 0.02, 0.74 ± 0.08) and CG (0.26 ± 0.03, 0.64 ± 0.05) (p > 0.05). In one bitch from each group, a mild seroma was observed on one side of the surgical wound 48 h after surgery (p = 1.00). The procedures in which barbed sutures were used had an average additional cost of R$ 200.00 ± 11.66 (p < 0.0001). Conclusions Barbed suture has proven to be efficient and safe for abdominal and subcutaneous closure. However, considering its current high cost in addition thatthe surgical time of bitches with pyometra undergone OH was not reduced, no advantages were observed with theuse of barbed sutures for this type of surgery.
Humanos , Feminino , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Piometra , Suturas , Técnicas de Sutura , Duração da CirurgiaResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose: To develop a reproducible training program model covering the steps of the extended totally extraperitoneal approach (e-tep) technique for correction of ventral or incisional hernia repair. Methods: Training sessions with surgeons in the laboratory using both porcine specimens and a new ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) model simulating the operative steps of the e-tep technique. Students were interviewed and asked to answer a questionnaire pre and post the sessions to assess their performance and evaluated the course and model. Results: A total of 25 trained abdominal wall surgeons was evaluated at the end of the course. It was obtained a 100% satisfaction score of the training, as well as increased confidence levels up to 9 and 10 in all technical aspects of the surgery, having 96% of the surgeons performed a surgery under supervision of the proctors after the course. Conclusions: This training model is simple, effective, low cost, and replicable in guidance on the beginning of e-tep technique adoption, and performance. As a result, surgeons can get more confident and more able to perform surgeries employing this technique.
Humanos , Animais , Laparoscopia , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Hérnia Inguinal/cirurgia , Hérnia Ventral/cirurgia , Peritônio/cirurgia , Telas Cirúrgicas , Suínos , Resultado do Tratamento , Endoscopia , HerniorrafiaResumo
Background: The rupture of the suture in the abdominal wall, but with integrity of the cutaneous suture, results in a condition known as incisional hernia. It is characterized by the protrusion of the abdominal viscera through orifices or areas ofthe abdominal wall. In most of the cases these defects in the abdominal wall are iatrogenic. The incisional hernia occursin an intact wall that is weakened by surgical incisions. The available literature on the incidence of incisional herniasin animals is scarce. With the aim to contribute to the information about incisional hernia in animals, it was decided todescribe the case of incisional hernia in a female dog after performing ovariohysterectomy (OH).Case: An adult mongrel shelter bitch, of unknown age, weighing 9.5 kg was admitted for OH in a practical class of theveterinary surgical technical discipline. Once the anesthetic condition was established, a retro-umbilical cutaneous incisionwas made. After opening the abdominal cavity, the bitch was castrated routinely. The abdominal wall was sutured including peritoneum, muscle fascia, and rectus abdominis muscle with nylon thread and U-stitches. The subcutaneous tissuewas then sutured with the same thread using Cushing suture. Ten days after the surgery, when the stitches were removed,the bitch revealed an increase in volume at the region of the surgical scar. Incisional hernia was diagnosed after carefulpalpation. For correction of the hernia, the bitch was submitted to surgical procedure. After the skin opening, an intenseinflammatory reaction was observed in the subcutaneous tissue. The inflamed skin and subcutaneous tissue were removed.The abdominal cavity was closed with nylon thread by means of U-stitches. The subcutaneous and skin...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Hérnia Incisional/veterinária , Cirurgia Veterinária/educação , Histerectomia/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The rupture of the suture in the abdominal wall, but with integrity of the cutaneous suture, results in a condition known as incisional hernia. It is characterized by the protrusion of the abdominal viscera through orifices or areas ofthe abdominal wall. In most of the cases these defects in the abdominal wall are iatrogenic. The incisional hernia occursin an intact wall that is weakened by surgical incisions. The available literature on the incidence of incisional herniasin animals is scarce. With the aim to contribute to the information about incisional hernia in animals, it was decided todescribe the case of incisional hernia in a female dog after performing ovariohysterectomy (OH).Case: An adult mongrel shelter bitch, of unknown age, weighing 9.5 kg was admitted for OH in a practical class of theveterinary surgical technical discipline. Once the anesthetic condition was established, a retro-umbilical cutaneous incisionwas made. After opening the abdominal cavity, the bitch was castrated routinely. The abdominal wall was sutured including peritoneum, muscle fascia, and rectus abdominis muscle with nylon thread and U-stitches. The subcutaneous tissuewas then sutured with the same thread using Cushing suture. Ten days after the surgery, when the stitches were removed,the bitch revealed an increase in volume at the region of the surgical scar. Incisional hernia was diagnosed after carefulpalpation. For correction of the hernia, the bitch was submitted to surgical procedure. After the skin opening, an intenseinflammatory reaction was observed in the subcutaneous tissue. The inflamed skin and subcutaneous tissue were removed.The abdominal cavity was closed with nylon thread by means of U-stitches. The subcutaneous and skin...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Hérnia Incisional/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Histerectomia/veterinária , Cirurgia Veterinária/educação , Ovariectomia/veterináriaResumo
O conhecimento da localização dos órgãos nas diferentes regiões do corpo do animal é essencial para a prática clínica, cirúrgica e para o diagnóstico por imagem. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever a anatomia topográfica abdominal do Didelphisalbiventris. Foram utilizados quatro cadáveres (animais jovens), dois destes destinados para o estudo macroscópico em peças a fresco e os outros fixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. Os cadáveres foram dissecados e as estruturas anatômicas identificadas, analisadas e fotografadas. A maioria dos órgãos localizados na região abdominal dos cadáveres da espécie D. albiventris apresentou posição similar aos dos caninos, porém, alguns órgãos e a localização de determinadas estruturas apresentaram particularidades importantes, como a presença dos ossos epipúbicos, a ausência do lobo hepático quadrado, a presença de um ceco desenvolvido e o cólon dividido em três segmentos.(AU)
The knowledge about localization of organs in different regions of the animals body is essential for clinical, surgical and diagnostic imaging practice. The purpose of this study was to describe the abdominal topographic anatomy of Didelphis albiventris. Was used four dead bodys (young animals), two of these was intended for the macroscopic study of fresh pieces and the others fixed in 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution. The corpses was dissected and the anatomic structures was identified, analyzed and photographed. Most of the organs located in the abdominal region of cadavers from species D. albiventris presented structure and position similar to canines, however some of these organs and localization of structures presented important particularities, like the presence of epipubic bones, absence of square hepatic lobe, presence of an developed cecum and colon divided into three segments.(AU)
Animais , Gambás/anatomia & histologia , Músculos Abdominais/anatomia & histologia , Pontos de Referência AnatômicosResumo
O conhecimento da localização dos órgãos nas diferentes regiões do corpo do animal é essencial para a prática clínica, cirúrgica e para o diagnóstico por imagem. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever a anatomia topográfica abdominal do Didelphisalbiventris. Foram utilizados quatro cadáveres (animais jovens), dois destes destinados para o estudo macroscópico em peças a fresco e os outros fixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. Os cadáveres foram dissecados e as estruturas anatômicas identificadas, analisadas e fotografadas. A maioria dos órgãos localizados na região abdominal dos cadáveres da espécie D. albiventris apresentou posição similar aos dos caninos, porém, alguns órgãos e a localização de determinadas estruturas apresentaram particularidades importantes, como a presença dos ossos epipúbicos, a ausência do lobo hepático quadrado, a presença de um ceco desenvolvido e o cólon dividido em três segmentos.
The knowledge about localization of organs in different regions of the animal's body is essential for clinical, surgical and diagnostic imaging practice. The purpose of this study was to describe the abdominal topographic anatomy of Didelphis albiventris. Was used four dead bodys (young animals), two of these was intended for the macroscopic study of fresh pieces and the others fixed in 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution. The corpses was dissected and the anatomic structures was identified, analyzed and photographed. Most of the organs located in the abdominal region of cadavers from species D. albiventris presented structure and position similar to canines, however some of these organs and localization of structures presented important particularities, like the presence of epipubic bones, absence of square hepatic lobe, presence of an developed cecum and colon divided into three segments.