A total of 1500 day old broiler chicks were grouped into five treatments; each treatment group further consisted of six replicates. Group A was given a control diet having antibiotics. Group B and C were offered essential oil blend at the proportion of 0.1 g/kg and organic acid at the dose rate of 1g/kg. Group D was given both essential oil 0.1 g/kg and organic acid 1g/kg in combination. Group E was offered only a basal diet without antibiotics and considered as a negative control. The trial lasted for 35 days. Results indicated that the body weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) exhibited significant improvement but insignificant in the case of feed consumption. Bodyweight and FCR were better in group B, followed by C. Carcass characteristics like eviscerated weight and giblet weight were also improved in group B while dressed weight showed insignificant results. Total cholesterol and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) were unaffected by the treatments; however, increased blood glucose levels and decreased low-density lipoproteins (LDL) concentration were significantly noticed. Treatment groups have no effect on antibody titer against ND at the end of the trial. In gut morphology, significantly higher villus height was observed in group C, but villus width and crypt depth remained unaffected. In conclusion, essential oil and organic acids have improved performance, carcass parameters, serum biochemistry, gut health, and decreased bacterial count.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/microbiologia , Óleos Voláteis/efeitos adversos , Ácidos Orgânicos/efeitos adversos , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , BioquímicaResumo
A total of 1500 day old broiler chicks were grouped into five treatments; each treatment group further consisted of six replicates. Group A was given a control diet having antibiotics. Group B and C were offered essential oil blend at the proportion of 0.1 g/kg and organic acid at the dose rate of 1g/kg. Group D was given both essential oil 0.1 g/kg and organic acid 1g/kg in combination. Group E was offered only a basal diet without antibiotics and considered as a negative control. The trial lasted for 35 days. Results indicated that the body weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) exhibited significant improvement but insignificant in the case of feed consumption. Bodyweight and FCR were better in group B, followed by C. Carcass characteristics like eviscerated weight and giblet weight were also improved in group B while dressed weight showed insignificant results. Total cholesterol and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) were unaffected by the treatments; however, increased blood glucose levels and decreased low-density lipoproteins (LDL) concentration were significantly noticed. Treatment groups have no effect on antibody titer against ND at the end of the trial. In gut morphology, significantly higher villus height was observed in group C, but villus width and crypt depth remained unaffected. In conclusion, essential oil and organic acids have improved performance, carcass parameters, serum biochemistry, gut health, and decreased bacterial count.
Animais , Bioquímica , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas/microbiologia , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Ácidos Orgânicos/efeitos adversos , Óleos Voláteis/efeitos adversosResumo
Propôs-se com este trabalho avaliar a adição do Líquido da Castanha de Caju técnico (LCCt) e da Quitosana como aditivos naturais para bovinos confinados rebendo dieta de milho grão inteiro. Foram utilizados cinco (5) novilhos mestiços canulados no rúmen com peso médio de 350 kg, distribuídos aleatoriamente em delineamento em quadrado latino 5x5 e mantidos em baias individuais, recebendo uma dieta constituida de 85% de milho grão inteiro e 15% de pellet proteico-mineral-vitaminico. As dietas experimentais foram acrescidas de monensina (25 mg/Kg de MS); quitosana (375 mg/Kg de MS); LCCt(500mg/kg de MS); quitosana + LCCt (375mg + 500mg/kg de MS); além da dieta controle. Os animais alimentados com a associação de LCCt+QUI apresentaram menor consumo de MS (6.60 Kg/dia) e PB (0.872 Kg/dia) e maior coeficiente de digestibilidade em comparação ao tratamento com monensina. A inclusão de LCCt+QUI na dieta levou a uma redução na concentração molar de acetato e uma maior produção de propionato. Não houve efeito para a inclusão dos aditivos, na síntese de nitrogênio, proteína microbiana e nas concentrações de ureia e creatinina no sangue e na urina. A associação dos aditivos LCCt+QUI promoveu redução no consumo de nitrogênio e balanço de nitrogênio em relação ao tratamento com monensina. A associação entre quitosana e líquido da castanha de caju, apresentou os melhores resultados em dietas de milho grão inteiro, podendo substituir a monensina.
The aimed of this work was to evaluate the addition of technical Cashew Nut Liquid (CNLt) and Chitosan as natural additives for confined cattle fed whole grain corn diet. Five (5) rumen-cannulated crossbred steers with an average weight of 350 kg were used, randomly distributed in a 5x5 Latin square design and kept in individual pens, receiving a diet consisting of 85% whole grain corn and 15% protein mineral-vitamin pellet. The xperimental diets were added with monensin (25 mg/kg of DM); chitosan (375 mg/kg MS); CNLt (500mg/kg MS); chitosan + CNLt (375mg + 500mg/kg of MS); in addition to the control diet. The animals fed with the association of CNLt+CHI had lower consumption of DM (6.60 Kg/day) and CP (0.872 Kg/day) and higher coefficient of digestibility compared to the treatment with monensin. The inclusion of CNLt+CHI in the diet led to a reduction in the molar concentration of acetate and a greater production of propionate. There was no effect for the inclusion of additives, on the synthesis of nitrogen, microbial protein and on the concentrations of urea and creatinine in blood and urine. The association of CNLt+CHI additives promoted a reduction in nitrogen consumption and nitrogen balance in relation to the treatment with monensin. The association between technical cashew nut liquid and chitosan showed the best results in whole grain maize diets, being able to replace monensin.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito dos aditivos alimentares, mistura comercial de mano oligossacarídeos e ácidos orgânicos e mistura comercial micro encapsulada de óleo essencial (OE) e ácidos orgânicos (AO), na dieta de leitões pós-desmame sobre as variáveis de desempenho zootécnico, incidência de diarreia, índices de eficiência econômica e índice de custo. Foram realizados dois experimentos, com a utilização de 644 leitões, machos e fêmeas, híbridos e distribuídos em um delineamento experimental de blocos inteiramente casualizados, com 4 tratamentos, 7 repetições por tratamento e 23 animas por unidade experimental em cada experimento. Os tratamentos testados foram: 1-controle negativo (CN), 2-controle positivo com sulfato de colistina (CP), 3-CN com manooligossacarideo e ácidos orgânicos (MOS+OE) e 4-CN com óleo essencial e ácidos orgânicos (MOS+OE). Os dados de desempenho zootécnico e incidência de diarreia, foram submetidos a análise de variância e havendo significância foi aplicado o teste de Tukey no nível de 5% de probabilidade. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas através do programo estatístico SAS Studio®. Para as variáveis avaliadas, índice de eficiência econômica (IEE) e índice custo (IC) no experimento 1, a dieta mais eficiente e com menor custo foi com a inclusão de sulfato de colistina. Para o experimento 2, a dieta mais eficiente e com menor custo foi a dieta sem a inclusão de sulfato de colistina ou aditivos. Os resultados para eficiência econômica e índice de custos foram melhores com o uso do sulfato de colistina, porém, a diferença evidenciada foi mínima em relação a não inclusão de aditivos. Quando não há adição de sulfato de colistina, os resultados de desempenho não foram afetados, bem como os custos também foram pouco afetados. Em relação a inclusão de antibiótico e aditivos, foi observado um acréscimo no preço da ração utilizada nos tratamentos de 0,02 centavos, para o tratamento de sulfato de colistina, 0,03 centavos com o uso do (MOS+OE) e 0,06 centavos com o uso do tratamento (MOS+OE). Dessa forma, pode ser possível a futura redução de antibióticos na produção animal, ou a substituição pelos aditivos melhoradores de desempenho, de forma a não ser prejudicial para o desempenho e saúde dos animais.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feed additives, commercial mixture of mann oligosaccharides and organic acids and micro encapsulated commercial mixture of essential oil (OE) and organic acids (AO), in the diet of post-weaning piglets on performance, diarrhea incidence, economic efficiency indexes and cost index. Two experiments were carried out, with the use of 644 piglets in each experiment, male and female, hybrid and distributed in a completely randomized block design, with 4 treatments, 7 repetitions per treatment and 23 animals per experimental unit. The tested treatments were: 1-negative control (CN), 2-positive control with colistin sulfate (CP), 3-CN with manooligosaccharide and organic acids (MOS + OE) and 4-CN with essential oil and organic acids (MOS + OE). Data on gorwth performance and incidence of diarrhea were subjected to analysis of variance and, if significant, the Tukey test was applied at the 5% probability level. Statistical analyzes were performed using the SAS Studio® statistical program. For the variables evaluated, economic efficiency index (IEE) and cost index (IC) in experiment 1, the most efficient and least cost diet was with the inclusion of colistin. For experiment 2, the most efficient and least cost diet was the diet without the inclusion of colistin sulfate or additives. Through the evaluations, it was demonstrated that, although the results for economic efficiency and cost index were better with the use of colistin sulfate, the difference evidenced was minimal in relation to the non-inclusion of additives. When there is no addition of colistin sulfate, the performance results were not affected, and the costs were also little affected. Regarding the inclusion of antibiotics and additives, there was an increase in the price of the feed used in the treatments of 0.02 cents, for the treatment of colistin sulfate, 0.03 cents with the use of (MOS + OE) and 0, 06 cents with the use of the treatment (MOS + OE). Thus, it may be possible to reduce antibiotics in animal production in the future, or to replace them with performance-enhancing additives, so as not to be detrimental to the performance and health of animals.
Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar a adição do Líquido da Castanha de Caju (LCCC) como aditivo natural para bovinos suplementado a pasto e quais as causas no ambiente ruminal e desempenho do animais. Foram utilizados cinco (5) novilhos mestiços canulados no rúmen com peso médio de 300 kg, distribuídos aleatoriamente em delineamento em quadrado latino 5x5 e mantidos em piquetes individuais de Urochloa brizantha, suplementados na proporção de 0,8% do peso corporal com um suplemento contendo proteína bruta. As dietas experimentais fornecidas foram: 1) Suplementação + 1200mg de LCCC/kgMS ingerida; 2) Suplementação + 900mg de LCCC/kgMS ingerida; 3) Suplementação + 600mg de LCCC/kgMS ingerida; 4) Suplementação + 300mg de LCCC/kgMS ingerida; e 5) Suplementação + 0mg de LCCC/kgMS ingerida. Os animais suplementados com LCCC apresentaram similaridade no consumo de pasto, MS, MO, PB e FDN em relação aos animais controle, sem afetar a sua digestibilidade em relação aos tratamentos com suplementação (P>0,05). Os níveis de LCCC na dieta apresentaram maiores valores de pH de acordo com o aumento das dosagens. Sobre síntese de nitrogênio e proteína microbiana não se teve efeito (P > 0,05) sobre os fatores de acordo com o aumento das doses, ocorreram efeitos quadráticos sobre a produção de alguns AGV (P < 0,05) como o acético, propriônico, isobutírico, butírico e a produção total de AGVs. Concluindo que a inclusão de LCCC na proporção de 600mg/kg de MS proporcionou alterações na fermentação ruminal.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the addition of Cashew Nut Liquid (LCCC) as a natural additive for cattle supplemented on pasture and what are the causes in the rumen environment and animal performance. Five (5) crossbred cannulated steers with an average weight of 300 kg were used, randomly distributed in a 5x5 Latin square design and kept in individual paddocks of Urochloa brizantha, supplemented in the proportion of 0.8% of body weight with a supplement containing crude protein. The experimental diets provided were: 1) Supplementation + 1200mg of LCCC / kgMS ingested; 2) Supplementation + 900mg of LCCC / kgMS ingested; 3) Supplementation + 600mg LCCC / kgMS ingested; 4) Supplementation + 300mg LCCC / kgMS ingested; and 5) Supplementation + 0mg LCCC / kgMS ingested. The animals supplemented with LCCC showed similarity in the consumption of pasture, MS, MO, PB and NDF in relation to the control animals, without affecting their digestibility in relation to the treatments with supplementation (P> 0.05). The levels of LCCC in the diet showed higher pH values according to the increase in dosages. There was no effect on the synthesis of nitrogen and microbial protein (P> 0.05) on the factors according to the increase in doses, there were quadratic effects on the production of some AGV (P <0.05) such as acetic, proprionic , isobutyric, butyric and the total production of AGV's. In conclusion, the inclusion of LCCC in the proportion of 600mg / kg DM led to changes in ruminal fermentation.
This study aimed to evaluate diets supplemented with prebiotic, probiotic and symbiotic as an alternative to antibiotics on the performance and immune response against the virus of Newcastle disease in broiler chickens. 1,400 one-day old male Cobb 500 chicks were raised until 42 days old in a completely randomized design with 2x2+1 factorial scheme with seven replications. The treatments were: diet without supplementation (base diet - BD), BD + prebiotic, BD + probiotic, BD + symbiotic (prebiotic + probiotic), and BD + antibiotic. The parameters evaluated were performance and antibody serum titers against Newcastle disease. No antibiotic effect was observed on performance. The symbiotic provided better results for weight gain and feed:gain ratio until 21 days old than isolated additives. At 28 days old, the broilers fed diets with prebiotic presented better feed: gain ratio. In the same period (28 d-old), there was an antibody production increase against the Newcastle disease virus in the group supplemented with prebiotic. It can be concluded that the utilization of symbiotic in broiler chickens' diets can substitute performance enhancing antibiotics. The inclusion of prebiotic in the diet improves feed: gain ratio at 1-28 days old. The chickens' immune response increases at 28 days against the Newcastle disease virus in the group supplemented with prebiotic.
This study aimed to evaluate diets supplemented with prebiotic, probiotic and symbiotic as an alternative to antibiotics on the performance and immune response against the virus of Newcastle disease in broiler chickens. 1,400 one-day old male Cobb 500 chicks were raised until 42 days old in a completely randomized design with 2x2+1 factorial scheme with seven replications. The treatments were: diet without supplementation (base diet - BD), BD + prebiotic, BD + probiotic, BD + symbiotic (prebiotic + probiotic), and BD + antibiotic. The parameters evaluated were performance and antibody serum titers against Newcastle disease. No antibiotic effect was observed on performance. The symbiotic provided better results for weight gain and feed:gain ratio until 21 days old than isolated additives. At 28 days old, the broilers fed diets with prebiotic presented better feed: gain ratio. In the same period (28 d-old), there was an antibody production increase against the Newcastle disease virus in the group supplemented with prebiotic. It can be concluded that the utilization of symbiotic in broiler chickens' diets can substitute performance enhancing antibiotics. The inclusion of prebiotic in the diet improves feed: gain ratio at 1-28 days old. The chickens' immune response increases at 28 days against the Newcastle disease virus in the group supplemented with prebiotic.(AU)
Animais , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Prebióticos/administração & dosagem , Prebióticos/análise , Probióticos/administração & dosagem , Probióticos/análise , Simbióticos/administração & dosagem , Simbióticos/análise , Antibacterianos/análise , Imunidade nas Mucosas , Vacinas/análiseResumo
This study aimed to evaluate diets supplemented with prebiotic, probiotic and symbiotic as an alternative to antibiotics on the performance and immune response against the virus of Newcastle disease in broiler chickens. 1,400 one-day old male Cobb 500 chicks were raised until 42 days old in a completely randomized design with 2x2+1 factorial scheme with seven replications. The treatments were: diet without supplementation (base diet - BD), BD + prebiotic, BD + probiotic, BD + symbiotic (prebiotic + probiotic), and BD + antibiotic. The parameters evaluated were performance and antibody serum titers against Newcastle disease. No antibiotic effect was observed on performance. The symbiotic provided better results for weight gain and feed:gain ratio until 21 days old than isolated additives. At 28 days old, the broilers fed diets with prebiotic presented better feed: gain ratio. In the same period (28 d-old), there was an antibody production increase against the Newcastle disease virus in the group supplemented with prebiotic. It can be concluded that the utilization of symbiotic in broiler chickens' diets can substitute performance enhancing antibiotics. The inclusion of prebiotic in the diet improves feed: gain ratio at 1-28 days old. The chickens' immune response increases at 28 days against the Newcastle disease virus in the group supplemented with prebiotic.
A pesquisa propôs avaliar a adição do Líquido da Castanha de Caju (LCC) e Quitosana como aditivos naturais para bovinos suplementados a pasto. Foram utilizados cinco (5) novilhos mestiços canulados no rúmen com peso médio de 300 kg, distribuídos aleatoriamente em delineamento em quadrado latino 5x5 e mantidos em piquetes individuais de Urochloa brizantha, suplementados na proporção de 0,4% do peso corporal com um suplemento contendo proteína bruta. As dietas experimentais fornecidas foram: 1) Suplementação mineral (Controle); 2) Suplementação proteica; 3) Suplementação proteica com adição de quitosana na dosagem de 900mg/Kg de MS; 4) Suplementação proteica com adição de LCC, na dosagem de 600mg/kg de MS; e 5) Suplementação proteica, com adição de quitosana mais LCC (900mg + 600mg/ kg de MS). Os animais suplementados com LCCt apresentaram menor consumo de pasto, MS e PB em relação aos animais que receberam apenas suplementação. Os novilhos suplementados com LCCt*QUIT apresentaram maior consumo de suplemento (P = 0,004) e proporcionou maior consumo de PB (1,015 kg/dia). A inclusão de quitosana na dieta levou a uma redução (P<0,05) na concentração molar de acetato e uma maior produção de propionato (P<0,03). Os animais que receberam LCCt em sua dieta apresentaram maiores valores sobre síntese de nitrogênio e proteína microbiana (P = 0,004). A associação dos aditivos nas dosagens de 900mg + 600mg/kg promoveu maior consumo de nitrogênio (P = 0,126) e balanço de nitrogênio (P = 0,201). O líquido da castanha de caju mostrou-se eficiente sobre a digestibilidade e síntese de proteína microbiana dos animais. A associação dos aditivos promoveu maior consumo de suplemento e balanço de nitrogênio. A inclusão de quitosana na dieta le
The research proposed to evaluate the addition of Cashew Nut Liquid (LCC) and Chitosan as natural additives for pasture supplemented cattle. Five (5) rumen cannulated crossbred steers with an average weight of 300 kg were randomly distributed in a 5x5 Latin square design and kept in individual paddocks of Urochloa brizantha, supplemented with 0.4% of body weight with a supplement containing crude protein. The experimental diets provided were: 1) Mineral supplementation (Control); 2) protein supplementation; 3) Protein supplementation with addition of chitosan in the dosage of 900mg / kg DM; 4) Protein supplementation with the addition of LCC, at a dosage of 600mg / kg DM; and 5) Protein supplementation with the addition of chitosan plus LCC (900mg + 600mg / kg DM). The animals supplemented with CCT presented lower consumption of pasture, DM and CP compared to animals that received only supplementation. The steers supplemented with CCT * QUIT presented higher supplement intake (P = 0.004) and higher CP intake (1.015 kg / day). Inclusion of chitosan in the diet led to a reduction (P <0.05) in the acetate molar concentration and a higher propionate production (P <0.03). The animals that received CCT in their diet had higher values on nitrogen synthesis and microbial protein (P = 0.004). The association of additives at dosages of 900mg + 600mg / kg promoted higher nitrogen consumption (P = 0.126) and nitrogen balance (P = 0.201). The cashew nut liquid was efficient on the digestibility and synthesis of microbial protein of the animals. The association of additives promoted higher supplement intake and nitrogen balance. Inclusion of chitosan in the diet led to a reduction in molar acetate concentration and a higher production of propionate.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the dietary supplementation of phytogenic additives (PAs) and glutamine plus glutamic acid (Gln/Glu), associated or not, in replacement of antibiotic growth promoters and anticoccidials (AGP/AC) on the performance and carcass yield of broilers. Five hundred male Cobb broilers were housed in an experimental house and randomly distributed into five treatments, with four replicates of 25 birds each. Treatments consisted of a control diet (CD); CD+AGP/AC; CD+Gln/Glu; CD+PAs; CD+Gln/ Glu+PAs. Diets were formulated only with plant feedstuffs, i.e., they did not contain any animal byproducts. Performance data were collected for the accumulated periods of 1-7, 1-21, and 1-42 days of age. Carcass yield and parts yield were determined at 42 days of age. Treatments did not influence performance during none of the evaluated periods. The greatest carcass yield (p 0.05) was obtained in birds in the treatments CD+Gln/Glu and CD+Gln/Glu+PAs relative to CD, but not different from birds in the AGP+AC and PAs treatments, which were not different from the CD treatment. Birds fed the CD+Gln/Glu diet presented greater breast yield (p 0.05) compared with those in the CD and AGP/AC treatments, but there was no difference in comparison with the other treatments. Under the conditions of the present experiment, the dietary supplementation with phytogenic additives and with glutamine plus glutamic acid does not affect the performance, but improves carcass yield and breast yield of broilers.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/genética , Galinhas/metabolismo , Antineoplásicos Fitogênicos/administração & dosagem , GlutaminaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the dietary supplementation of phytogenic additives (PAs) and glutamine plus glutamic acid (Gln/Glu), associated or not, in replacement of antibiotic growth promoters and anticoccidials (AGP/AC) on the performance and carcass yield of broilers. Five hundred male Cobb broilers were housed in an experimental house and randomly distributed into five treatments, with four replicates of 25 birds each. Treatments consisted of a control diet (CD); CD+AGP/AC; CD+Gln/Glu; CD+PAs; CD+Gln/ Glu+PAs. Diets were formulated only with plant feedstuffs, i.e., they did not contain any animal byproducts. Performance data were collected for the accumulated periods of 1-7, 1-21, and 1-42 days of age. Carcass yield and parts yield were determined at 42 days of age. Treatments did not influence performance during none of the evaluated periods. The greatest carcass yield (p 0.05) was obtained in birds in the treatments CD+Gln/Glu and CD+Gln/Glu+PAs relative to CD, but not different from birds in the AGP+AC and PAs treatments, which were not different from the CD treatment. Birds fed the CD+Gln/Glu diet presented greater breast yield (p 0.05) compared with those in the CD and AGP/AC treatments, but there was no difference in comparison with the other treatments. Under the conditions of the present experiment, the dietary supplementation with phytogenic additives and with glutamine plus glutamic acid does not affect the performance, but improves carcass yield and breast yield of broilers.
Animais , Antineoplásicos Fitogênicos/administração & dosagem , Galinhas/genética , Galinhas/metabolismo , GlutaminaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the dietary supplementation of phytogenic additives (PAs) and glutamine plus glutamic acid (Gln/Glu), associated or not, in replacement of antibiotic growth promoters and anticoccidials (AGP/AC) on the performance and carcass yield of broilers. Five hundred male Cobb broilers were housed in an experimental house and randomly distributed into five treatments, with four replicates of 25 birds each. Treatments consisted of a control diet (CD); CD+AGP/AC; CD+Gln/Glu; CD+PAs; CD+Gln/ Glu+PAs. Diets were formulated only with plant feedstuffs, i.e., they did not contain any animal byproducts. Performance data were collected for the accumulated periods of 1-7, 1-21, and 1-42 days of age. Carcass yield and parts yield were determined at 42 days of age. Treatments did not influence performance during none of the evaluated periods. The greatest carcass yield (p 0.05) was obtained in birds in the treatments CD+Gln/Glu and CD+Gln/Glu+PAs relative to CD, but not different from birds in the AGP+AC and PAs treatments, which were not different from the CD treatment. Birds fed the CD+Gln/Glu diet presented greater breast yield (p 0.05) compared with those in the CD and AGP/AC treatments, but there was no difference in comparison with the other treatments. Under the conditions of the present experiment, the dietary supplementation with phytogenic additives and with glutamine plus glutamic acid does not affect the performance, but improves carcass yield and breast yield of broilers.
O uso de antibióticos como promotores de crescimento pode ser benéfico sob o ponto de vista produtivo para a criação de frangos de corte, mas as restrições e o risco do uso destes produtos levaram à busca de novas alternativas, seguras e eficientes, como, por exemplo, a homeopatia. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a adição de produto homeopático composto por Aconitum napellus, Arnica montana, Hypericum perforatum, Matricaria chamomilla e Peumus boldus na ração de frangos de corte da linhagem Cobb, e verificar seus efeitos sobre o desempenho, características de carcaça, qualidade de carne e morfologia intestinal. Foi adotado um delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 6 tratamentos, 6 repetições e 26 aves por unidade experimental, totalizando 936 aves. Os tratamentos constituíram em controle positivo com adição de bacitracina de zinco, controle negativo sem aditivos, tratamento 1 (ração basal com inclusão de produto homeopático de 1 a 7 dias de idade), tratamento 2 (ração basal com inclusão de produto homeopático de 1 a 21 dias de idade), tratamento 3 (ração basal com inclusão de produto homeopático de 1 a 35 dias de idade) e tratamento 4 (ração basal com inclusão de produto homeopático de 1 a 42 dias de idade. Os resultados de desempenho na fase pré-inicial, mostraram que as aves tratadas com homeopáticos obtiveram melhor ganho de peso e conversão alimentar, porém, no período total de criação, os tratamentos não diferiram entre si. Quanto as análises de morfologia intestinal, carcaça e qualidade de carne, não houve alterações com a utilização da homeopatia. Conclui-se que o produto homeopático foi eficiente na fase pré-inicial, e a sua utilização não alterou as características de morfologia intestinal, carcaça e qualidade de carne. Os resultados sugerem que o produto homeopático pode ser um substituto ao uso dos antibióticos promotores de crescimento quando utilizado na fase pré-inicial.
Considering productive aspects, the use of antibiotics as growth promoters brings various benefits to the breeding of broilers, but the restrictions and risk of using these products have led to the search of new, safe and efficient alternatives, such as homeopathy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the addition of an homeopathic product composed by Aconitum napellus, Arnica montana, Hypericum perforatum, Matricaria chamomilla and Peumus boldus in the Cobb lineage broilers diet, and to verify its effects on performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and intestinal morphology. A randomized block design with 6 treatments, 6 replicates and 26 birds per experimental unit was adopted, totaling 936 birds. The treatments were based in a positive control with addition of bacitracin, a negative control without additives, treatment 1 (basic diet with homeopathic product from the age of 1 to 7 days old), treatment 2 (basic diet with homeopathic product from the age of 1 to 21 days old), treatment 3 (basic diet with homeopathic product from the age of 1 to 35 days old) and treatment 4 (basic diet with homeopathic product from the age of 1 to 42 days old). The results of performance in the initial stage showed that the birds treated with the homeopathic product had better weight gain and feed conversion, but in the total period of breeding, the treatments did not differ. Regarding the intestinal morphology analyzes, carcass and meat quality, there were no changes with the use of homeopathy. It was concluded that the homeopathic product was efficient in the pre-initial phase, and its use did not alter the characteristics of intestinal morphology, carcass and meat quality. The results suggest that the homeopathic product is a good substitute for growth promoting antibiotics when used in the pre-initial phase.
Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da adição de extrato hidroalcoólico de própolis em rações com dois níveis de proteína bruta, no desempenho produtivo e qualidade de ovos de poedeiras Isa Label criadas em ambiente de alta temperatura. Foram utilizadas 104 aves, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, esquema fatorial 2x2 (proteína bruta e extrato hidroalcoólico de própolis), sendo uma ração controle e outra com redução de 5% da proteína bruta, cada uma com e sem a adição de 0,70% de extrato hidroalcoólico de própolis, com 13 repetições e 2 aves por unidade experimental. Foram avaliados: taxa de postura, conversão alimentar, peso absoluto e relativo de gema, albúmen e casca, altura e largura do ovo, gravidade específica, coloração da gema, espessura de casca, unidade Haugh, índice de albúmen e de gema. O extrato hidroalcoólico (0,70%) proporcionou aumento da taxa de postura e melhora da conversão alimentar, ao nível de proteína de 17,70%, além de promover coloração mais acentuada da gema. Portanto, o nível de 0,70% de extrato hidroalcoólico de própolis pode ser usado em rações para poedeiras Isa Label, já que melhora características desejáveis como taxa de postura, conversão alimentar e coloração da gema, quando as rações têm nível de proteína de 17,7%. E o nível de proteína de 16,82% pode ser usado para poedeiras Isa Label, sem prejuízo no desempenho.
The objective was to evaluate the influence of the addition of propolis extract in diets with different levels of crude protein on growth performance and quality of laying eggs Isa Label created in high temperature environment. For this, we used 104 birds distributed in a completely randomized design in a 2x2 factorial design (CP level and propolis extract) being four diets, one control and another with 5% reduction of crude protein, each with and without the addition of 0.70% of propolis extract with 13 repetitions and two birds each. Were evaluated: egg production rate, feed conversion, absolute and relative weight of yolk, albumen and shell, height and width of the egg, specific gravity, yolk color, eggshell thickness, Haugh unit, albumen and yolk index. Propolis extract (0.70%) provided increase of egg production rate and improves feed conversion, to the crude protein level of 17.70%, and promote coloring sharper yolk. Therefore, the level of 0.70% hydroalcoholic extract of propolis can be used in diets for laying hens Isa label as it improves desirable characteristics such as egg production rate, feed conversion and yolk color when the feed has protein level of 17 7%. And the protein level of 16.82% can be used for laying Isa Label without prejudice to on broiler performance. Index terms: phytogenic additives, crude protein, isa label.