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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(10): 818-823, Oct. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143409


Avipoxvirus is the etiological agent of the avian pox, a well-known disease of captive and wild birds, and it has been associated with tumor-like lesions in some avian species. A white-faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata) raised in captivity was referred to a Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Northeast due to cutaneous nodules present in both wings. A few days after the clinical examination, the animal died naturally. Once submitted to necropsy, histopathological evaluation of the lesions revealed clusters of proliferating epithelial cells expanding toward the dermis. Some of these cells had round, well-defined, intracytoplasmic eosinophilic material suggestive of poxvirus inclusion (Bollinger bodies). PCR performed on the DNA extracted from tissue samples amplified a fragment of the 4b core protein gene (fpv167), which was purified and sequenced. This fragment of Avipoxvirus DNA present in these tumor-like lesions showed high genetic homology (100.0%) with other poxviruses detected in different avian species in several countries, but none of them were related to tumor-like lesions or squamous cell carcinoma. This is the first report of Avipoxvirus detected in tumor-like lesions of a white-faced whistling duck with phylogenetic analysis of the virus.(AU)

Avipoxvirus é o agente etiológico da varíola (bouba) aviária, uma doença bem descrita em aves de cativeiro e selvagens, tendo sido associada a lesões semelhantes a tumores em algumas dessas espécies. Uma marreca piadeira (Dendrocygna viduata), criada em cativeiro, foi atendida em um Hospital Veterinário na região nordeste devido à presença de nódulos cutâneos em ambas as asas. Alguns dias após o exame clínico, o animal veio a óbito naturalmente. A ave foi submetida à necropsia e coletados fragmentos das lesões para análise histopatológica, que revelou proliferação de células epiteliais expandindo para a derme. Algumas dessas células possuíam material eosinofílico intracitoplasmático e bem definido, sugestivo de inclusão de poxvírus (corpúsculos de Bollinger). A PCR realizada a partir do DNA extraído de amostras das lesões amplificou um fragmento do gene da proteína do núcleo 4b (fpv 167), que foi purificado e sequenciado. Esse fragmento de DNA de Avipoxvirus presente nas lesões relevou alta homologia genética (100,0%) com outros poxvírus detectados em diferentes espécies de aves em vários países, mas nenhum deles estava relacionado a lesões tumorais ou carcinoma espinocelular. Este é o primeiro relato de Avipoxvirus detectado em lesões semelhantes a tumores em uma marreca piadeira com caracterização molecular do vírus.(AU)

Animais , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Avipoxvirus/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Poxviridae/veterinária , Anseriformes/virologia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Dermatopatias Virais/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(10): 818-823, Oct. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31682


Avipoxvirus is the etiological agent of the avian pox, a well-known disease of captive and wild birds, and it has been associated with tumor-like lesions in some avian species. A white-faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata) raised in captivity was referred to a Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Northeast due to cutaneous nodules present in both wings. A few days after the clinical examination, the animal died naturally. Once submitted to necropsy, histopathological evaluation of the lesions revealed clusters of proliferating epithelial cells expanding toward the dermis. Some of these cells had round, well-defined, intracytoplasmic eosinophilic material suggestive of poxvirus inclusion (Bollinger bodies). PCR performed on the DNA extracted from tissue samples amplified a fragment of the 4b core protein gene (fpv167), which was purified and sequenced. This fragment of Avipoxvirus DNA present in these tumor-like lesions showed high genetic homology (100.0%) with other poxviruses detected in different avian species in several countries, but none of them were related to tumor-like lesions or squamous cell carcinoma. This is the first report of Avipoxvirus detected in tumor-like lesions of a white-faced whistling duck with phylogenetic analysis of the virus.(AU)

Avipoxvirus é o agente etiológico da varíola (bouba) aviária, uma doença bem descrita em aves de cativeiro e selvagens, tendo sido associada a lesões semelhantes a tumores em algumas dessas espécies. Uma marreca piadeira (Dendrocygna viduata), criada em cativeiro, foi atendida em um Hospital Veterinário na região nordeste devido à presença de nódulos cutâneos em ambas as asas. Alguns dias após o exame clínico, o animal veio a óbito naturalmente. A ave foi submetida à necropsia e coletados fragmentos das lesões para análise histopatológica, que revelou proliferação de células epiteliais expandindo para a derme. Algumas dessas células possuíam material eosinofílico intracitoplasmático e bem definido, sugestivo de inclusão de poxvírus (corpúsculos de Bollinger). A PCR realizada a partir do DNA extraído de amostras das lesões amplificou um fragmento do gene da proteína do núcleo 4b (fpv 167), que foi purificado e sequenciado. Esse fragmento de DNA de Avipoxvirus presente nas lesões relevou alta homologia genética (100,0%) com outros poxvírus detectados em diferentes espécies de aves em vários países, mas nenhum deles estava relacionado a lesões tumorais ou carcinoma espinocelular. Este é o primeiro relato de Avipoxvirus detectado em lesões semelhantes a tumores em uma marreca piadeira com caracterização molecular do vírus.(AU)

Animais , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Avipoxvirus/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Poxviridae/veterinária , Anseriformes/virologia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Dermatopatias Virais/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 45(suppl.1): 01-04, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457745


Background: Foreign bodies are most commonly diagnosed in stomach (proventriculus and gizzard) of galliformes birds and waterfowl. Endoscopyis routinely used to assess birds respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Endosurgeryis also used for sex determination and intra-coelomaticorgan biopsy. Benefits of endoscopic approaches are widely reported in birds. Conventional surgical approaches are far more invasive and risky for those patients. Thus, the purpose of this study was to describe a successful case of gizzard foreign body removal in a greylag goose (Anseranser), using a rigid endoscopic approach through a minimally invasive percutaneous access.Case: A 2-year-old female greylag goose, weighting 3,116 g, was referred to a Veterinary Teaching Hospital presenting apathy and anorexia for at least 24 h. The results on hematologic assessment were within normal range for the species. Radiographic examination indicated presence of radiopaque content, resembling gizzard sediment. Thus, the patient undergone to endoscopy for examination and aspiration of the content. The goose was fasted for 6 h. Anesthesia was induced by face mask and maintained by endotracheal tube, using isoflurane vaporized in 100% oxygen. The patient was positioned in the lateral recumbence. The patients neck was longer than the working length of the rigid endoscope. Thus, the telescope was [...]

Animais , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Gansos , Moela das Aves , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos do Sistema Digestório/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 45(suppl.1): 01-04, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-686497


Background: Foreign bodies are most commonly diagnosed in stomach (proventriculus and gizzard) of galliformes birds and waterfowl. Endoscopyis routinely used to assess birds respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Endosurgeryis also used for sex determination and intra-coelomaticorgan biopsy. Benefits of endoscopic approaches are widely reported in birds. Conventional surgical approaches are far more invasive and risky for those patients. Thus, the purpose of this study was to describe a successful case of gizzard foreign body removal in a greylag goose (Anseranser), using a rigid endoscopic approach through a minimally invasive percutaneous access.Case: A 2-year-old female greylag goose, weighting 3,116 g, was referred to a Veterinary Teaching Hospital presenting apathy and anorexia for at least 24 h. The results on hematologic assessment were within normal range for the species. Radiographic examination indicated presence of radiopaque content, resembling gizzard sediment. Thus, the patient undergone to endoscopy for examination and aspiration of the content. The goose was fasted for 6 h. Anesthesia was induced by face mask and maintained by endotracheal tube, using isoflurane vaporized in 100% oxygen. The patient was positioned in the lateral recumbence. The patients neck was longer than the working length of the rigid endoscope. Thus, the telescope was [...](AU)

Animais , Gansos , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Moela das Aves , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos do Sistema Digestório/veterinária
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-208364


O cisne-do-pescoço-preto (Cygnus melanocoryphus), é endêmico da América do sul, e no extremo sul Brasil é encontrado na Lagoa Mangueira que está inserida parcialmente na Estação Ecológica do Taim (ESEC Taim). Essa região é caracterizada pela prática da rizicultura e seus efluentes gerados com contaminantes, são liberados na lagoa podendo afetar a vida dos organismos. Apesar disso, não há trabalhos que avaliem a contaminação por metais pesados por meio deste organismo e há poucos estudos sobre a contaminação ambiental deste local. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as concentrações dos metais Cobre (Cu), Cádmio (Cd), Cromo (Cr), Níquel (Ni), Chumbo (Pb) e Zinco (Zn) presentes nas duas vias de excreção (fezes e penas) e uma via de circulação (sangue) de C. melanocoryphus comparando sazonalmente, entre os sexos e idades e ver se há relação entre o tamanho da 9ª rêmige da asa dessa espécie com as concentrações desses metais. Foram capturados 88 indivíduos no total, onde 61 indivíduos foram amostrados no verão, 12 no outono e 15 no inverno. Amostras de penas, sangues e fezes, foram coletadas e levadas a digestão ácida para posterior análise dos metais Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb e Zn, por espectrometria de absorção atômica. Foram feitas regressões simples para avaliar a relação entre as concentrações de metais encontrados nas origens (fezes, sangue e penas) com o comprimento da nona rêmige primária da asa de C. melancoryphus (que indica quanto tempo o indivíduo está no local). Foram feitas análises de covariância, para avaliar se as concentrações de metais nas origens diferem de acordo com a idade e o sexo dos indivíduos. Por fim, foram realizadas Anovas fatoriais, para comparar se as concentrações de metais nas penas, sangue e fezes, diferem ao longo das estações do ano. Foram observadas relações positivas entre as concentrações de Cu e Pb nas fezes, Cu e Zn nas penas e Zn no sangue (p<0,05), para os demais não foi encontrada nenhuma relação. Apenas a concentração de Zn para sexo e idade apresentou diferença significativa. E para as estações do ano, apenas Zn e Cu mostraram diferenças significativas positivas. Desta forma, as concentrações de Cd e Pb encontradas nas fezes, foram superiores a outros trabalhos que utilizam espécies de cisne, podendo assim, considerar que o C. melanocoryphus pode estar sofrendo uma contaminação local. Já para os outros metais Cu e Zn, nas penas fezes e sangue, são inferiores ou iguais a outros trabalhos, e como são metais essenciais não apresentam toxicidade para o organismo.

The black-necked swan (Cygnus melanocoryphus) is endemic to South America, and in the extreme south Brazil is found in Lagoa Mangueira, which is part of the Taim Ecological Station (ESEC Taim). This region is characterized by the practice of rhiziculture and its effluents generated with contaminants, are released inside the lagoon, and can affect the life of C. melanocoryphus. Despite this, there are not many papers evaluating the environmental contamination by heavy metals in this place and there are no works in relation to the contamination with this species of swan. The objective of this study, was to evaluate the concentrations of copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and Zn (Zn) present in the two excretion pathways (faeces and feathers) and a blood circulation pathway of C. melanocoryphus, comparing seasonally, between the sexes and ages and to see if there is relation between the size of the ninth feather of the wing of this species with the concentrations of these metals. A total of 88 individuals were captured, where 61 individuals were sampled in the summer, 12 in the autumn and 15 in the winter. Samples of feathers, blood and feces were collected and taken to acid digestion for further analysis of the Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn metals by atomic absorption spectrometry. Simple regressions were made to evaluate the relationship between the concentrations of metals found in the origins (faeces, blood and feathers) with the length of the ninth primary wing of the wing of C. melancoryphus (indicating how long the individual is in place). Covariance analyzes (covariance: 9th primary ridge) were performed to assess whether the concentrations of metals at the origins differ according to the age and sex of the individuals. Finally, Factorial Anovas were performed to compare the concentrations of metals in feathers, blood and feces, differing throughout the seasons. Positive relationships were observed between Cu and Pb concentrations in faeces, Cu and Zn in feathers and Zn in blood (p <0.05), for the others no relation was found. Only the concentration of Zn for sex and age presented a significant difference. And for the seasons, only Zn and Cu showed significant positive differences. In this way, the concentrations of Cd and Pb found in feces were superior to other studies using swan species, so that C. melanocoryphus may be suffering from local contamination. For the other metals Cu and Zn, in feces feathers and blood, are inferior or equal to other works, and as they are essential metals they do not present toxicity to the organism.