t Livestock body weight (BW) and average daily weight gain (ADG) are primary indicators of beef cattle productivity. The conventional method of weighing involves moving the cattle to a weighing location, which is labor-intensive, stressful for the animals and has a negative impact on their growth. An alternative approach is to use special weighing platforms attached to the drinkers to weigh the animals. This method enables daily monitoring of BW and ADG without incurring additional labor costs or stress. In this study, an experimental weighing platform, previously developed at KazATU and named after S. Seifullin, was employed to measure livestock's partial body weight (PBW). The weighing platform recorded the weights of the animals on the front legs at one-second intervals, allowing for subsequent calculation of the animals' total weight. However, due to significant weight fluctuations observed when the animals were on the platform, the accuracy of calculating the weight based on a simple average of the one-second measurements was questionable. Hence, an algorithm was developed to determine live weight by analyzing the primary data from the scales and identifying moments of animal immobility during drinking. The calculated results were compared with both mean and median values and data from Kazakhstan's information base of selection and breeding work (IBSBW). The experimental method exhibited a stronger correlation (r = 0.925) with the actual IBSBW data compared to the mean method (r = 0.887) or the median method (r = 0.921).(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Peso Corporal/fisiologia , Pastagens , CazaquistãoResumo
Litter size is one of the crucial factors in livestock production and is of high economic value, which is affected by ovulation rate, hormones, and growth factors.Growth factors play a multifaceted role in reproductive physiology. This review aims to investigate the association of bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9)with litter size in livestock.The transforming growth factor ß(TGF-ß) superfamily includes more than 34 members; GDF9 and BMP15 are among the most significantfactors for regulating fertility and litter size in most livestock species. Ovarian follicles release BMP15 and GDF9 that are involved in the maturation of primary follicles into the basal form, proliferation of granulosa and theca cells, steroidogenesis, ovulation, and formation of the corpus luteum. Besides, these factors are highly expressed in oocytes and are necessary for female fertility and multiple ovulation in several livestock species. Animals with two inactive copies of these factors are sterile, while those with one inactive copy are fertile. Thus, the present reviewprovides valuable information on the association of BMP15 and GDF9with litter size in livestock that can be used as biological markers of multiple ovulation or for improving fertility in livestock.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Proteína Morfogenética Óssea 15/análise , Fator 9 de Diferenciação de Crescimento/análise , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta/análise , Folículo Ovariano/fisiologia , Tamanho da Ninhada de Vivíparos/fisiologiaResumo
ABSTRACT: A variety of laboratory techniques are used in parasitological diagnosis. However, studies that analyze their laboratory efficiency are very scarce, especially with regard to biological samples from wild animals that are little known, with little popular attachment, such as artiodactyls. These can be infected by different parasites, including protozoa of the phylum Ciliophora, which includes the parasites Balantioides coli and Buxtonella sulcata. In this light, the aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of five coproparasitological techniques for diagnosing protozoan cysts of the phylum Ciliophora in the feces of free-living artiodactyls. To this end, 101 fecal samples were collected from trails in Pedra Selada State Park, Rio de Janeiro state, from 2020 to 2021. All the samples were analyzed using the qualitative techniques of modified Sheather floatation, modified Ritchie sedimentation and Lutz, as well as the quantitative techniques of Mini-FLOTAC and McMaster. Cyst recovery was best achieved using the modified Ritchie technique, in which 62.5% positivity was detected, followed by Lutz (47.5%), modified Sheather (37.5%) and the quantitative techniques of Mini-FLOTAC (30%) and McMaster (17.5%). In most of the comparisons between the techniques, reasonable agreement regarding the diagnosis was observed (Kappa 0.21 to 0.40), which was statistically significant (p≤0.05). McMaster showed higher mean and standard deviation values for counts of cysts per gram of feces than Mini-FLOTAC. However, there was no significant difference in the estimates for cyst counts (Wilcoxon p>0.05). Sedimentation qualitative techniques were more indicated for diagnosing cysts of protozoa of the phylum Ciliophora in the feces of free-living wild artiodactyls. These techniques can therefore be used as laboratory tools for environmental parasite monitoring. In addition, between the two quantitative techniques, Mini-FLOTAC presented better performance, thus showing its potential as a tool for estimating the abundance of cystic forms of the phylum Ciliophora in environmental samples.
RESUMO: Diversas são as técnicas laboratoriais utilizadas no diagnóstico parasitológico. No entanto, estudos que analisam a eficiência laboratorial das mesmas são muito escassos, principalmente quando se trata de amostras biológicas de animais silvestres, que possuem pouca divulgação e apego popular, como os artiodáctilos. Estes podem se infectar por diferentes parasitos, incluindo os protozoários do Filo Ciliophora, no qual se inclui Balantioides coli, bem como Buxtonella sulcata. Mediante o exposto, este estudo objetivou comparar a eficiência entre cinco técnicas coproparasitológicas para o diagnóstico de cistos de protozoário do Filo Ciliophora em fezes de artiodáctilos em vida livre. Entre 2020 e 2021 foram coletadas 101 amostras fecais em trilhas do Parque Estadual da Pedra Selada localizado no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Todas as amostras foram analisadas pelas técnicas qualitativas de flutuação de Sheather modificada, sedimentação de Ritchie modificada e Lutz, bem como por meio das técnicas quantitativas de Mini-FLOTAC e McMaster. Pode-se verificar uma superioridade na recuperação dos cistos por meio da técnica de Ritchie modificada, no qual foi detectado 62,5% de positividade, seguida pelo Lutz (47,5%), Sheather modificada (37,5%) e pelas técnicas quantitativas de Mini-FLOTAC (30%) e McMaster (17,5%). Na maioria das comparações entre as técnicas foi possível verificar uma concordância razoável (Kappa 0,21 a 0,40) em relação ao diagnóstico entre as mesmas, sendo este estatisticamente significativo (p≤0,05). McMaster em comparação com o Mini-FLOTAC foi a que apresentou os maiores valores médio e de desvio padrão na contagem dos cistos por grama de fezes. No entanto, não foi evidenciado diferença significativa na estimativa de contagem dos cistos (Wilcoxon=p>0,05). Pode-se verificar que as técnicas qualitativas de sedimentação foram consideradas as mais indicadas para o diagnóstico de cistos do protozoário do Filo Ciliophora em fezes de artiodáctilos silvestres em vida livre, podendo ser utilizadas como ferramentas laboratoriais de monitoramento parasitário ambiental. Além disso, dentre as técnicas quantitativas, o Mini-FLOTAC foi a que apresentou a melhor performance, denotando o seu potencial como uma ferramenta para se estimar a abundância de formas císticas do Filo Ciliophora em amostra ambiental.
Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (NSH) is a metabolic disorder that mainly affects young animals. This disease causes imbalance between the levels of calcium and phosphorus, culminating in bone changes. Wild animals raised in captivity can develop the disease when they are given an inadequate diet. The aim of this study is to report the clinical findings, the complementary exams and the therapeutics utilized in a Leopardus geoffroyi (Geoffroy's cat) cub originated from captivity with NSH. The animal went through complementary imaging exams and biochemical evaluation that respectively revealed generalized osteopenia and pathological fracture of the right femur, reduction of serum calcium level and elevation of serum phosphorus level. The diagnosis of NSH was established by associating the history, clinical signs, and findings of ancillary exams. The treatment was based on diet correction, mineral and vitaminic supplementation and sun exposure. The NSH diagnosis was stablished by associating history, clinical signs, imaging exams findings and serum biochemicals. The early identification of this disease is of paramount importance, because in this way corrections can be made in food management, in order to provide successful clinical recovery and promote quality of life for wild captive animals.(AU)
O hiperparatireoidismo secundário nutricional (HSN) é uma desordem metabólica que acomete principalmente animais jovens. Essa doença cursa com desequilíbrio entre os níveis de cálcio e fósforo, culminando com alterações ósseas. Animais silvestres quando criados em cativeiro podem desenvolver a doença quando recebem uma dieta inadequada. O obje-tivo deste estudo é relatar os achados clínicos, os exames complementares e a terapêutica utilizada em um filhote de Leopardus geoffroyi (gato-do-mato-grande)proveniente de cativeiro com HSN. O animal passou por exames complementares de imagem e avaliação bioquímica que revelaram respectivamente osteopenia generalizada e fratura patológica de fêmur direito, redução dos níveis séricos de cálcio e elevação do fósforo. O diagnóstico de HSN foi estabelecido associando o histórico, sinais clínicos e achados dos exames complementares. O tratamento foi baseado na correção da dieta, suplementação mineral e vitamínica e exposição solar. A identificação precoce dessa doença é de suma importância, pois dessa forma podem ser feitas correções no manejo alimentar, afim de proporcionar a recuperação clínica com êxito e promover qualidade de vida para os animais selva-gens de cativeiro.(AU)
Animais , Doenças Ósseas Metabólicas/diagnóstico , Felidae/fisiologia , Hiperparatireoidismo Secundário/veterinária , Animais Selvagens/fisiologiaResumo
Na prática, compreender a anatomia reprodutiva, a fisiologia e o comportamento do macho, da espécie selvagem com a qual se está trabalhando, é essencial para a avaliação andrológica e para a reprodução bem sucedida. Neste artigo damos especial ênfase à andrologia de felídeos selvagens. O profissional pode ser chamado para solucionar problemas quando a espécie apresenta dificuldade de reprodução em cativeiro e/ou encontra-se ameaçada de extinção. Baixas taxas de fertilidade e de prenhez podem estar associadas ao macho, com influências do estresse pelo cativeiro, nutrição inadequada e erros de manejo reprodutivo. E também, as instituições que mantêm essas espécies sob cuidado humano poderão ser auxiliadas no manejo reprodutivo com o exame andrológico periódico, que pode ser acompanhado de criopreservação de sêmen para formação ou manutenção de um banco de reserva genômica. Como componente de um programa holístico de conservação, incluindo os estudos de ecologia de campo, esta estratégia fortalece ainda mais o vínculo entre as populações ex situ e in situ.(AU)
In practice, understanding the male reproductive anatomy, physiology and the behavior, of the wild species that you are working, is essential for andrological assessment and successful reproduction. In this article we give special emphasis to the andrology of wild felids. The professional can be called to solve problems when the species has difficulty reproducing in captivity and/or is threatened with extinction. Low fertility and pregnancy rates may be associated with the male, with influences from stress in captivity, inadequate nutrition and reproductive management errors. Also, the institutions that keep these species under human care can be assisted in reproductive management with periodic andrological examination, which can be accompanied by semen cryopreservation for the formation or maintenance of a genome resource bank. As a component of a holistic conservation program, including field ecology studies, this strategy further strengthens the link between ex situ and in situ populations.(AU)
Animais , Felidae/embriologia , Animais Selvagens/embriologia , Andrologia/tendênciasResumo
Biomateriaistem diversas indicações como auxiliares no processo de reparação óssea, além de terem função de substituto ósseo em perdas extensas. Diversas são as vantagens de sua utilização, como por exemplo, auxílio na osteocondutividade, estímulo de neovascularização, potencial antimicrobiano, entre outros. Falhas ósseas foram realizadas nas tíbias de seis ovinos da raça Santa Inês e preenchidas com biomaterial à base de quitosana, colágeno e hidroxiapatita. Um membro foi considerado controle e outro membro tratado segundo estudo randomizado. Foram realizadas avaliações termográficas e por ultrassonografia Power Dopplerem todos os animais do estudo, semanalmente, nos dias D0, D7, D14, D21, D28, D35, D42 e D56. Não houve diferenças significativas com relação à temperatura mínima, máxima e média entre os grupos com biomaterial e controle nas imagens termográficas. Houveram variações com relação ao tempo dentro de ambos os grupos. Com relação à presença de vasos na ultrassonografia Power Dopplernão houve diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos, exceto no dia 21 (P=0,031). Dentro das possibilidades de avaliação que os exames de imagem fornecem, a termografia e a ultrassonografia Power Dopplermostraram-se ferramentas não invasivas de avaliação pós-operatória de processo inflamatório e neovascularização, sendo realizadas semanalmente, permitindo acompanhamento fidedigno e detalhado ao longo do experimento, sem gerar desconforto ou estresse aos animais. Não houve indícios de complicações relacionadas ao biomaterial.(AU)
Biomaterials have several indications supporting the bone repair process, besides having bone substitute function in extensive losses. There are several advantages of its use, such as contribution in osteoconductivity, stimulation of neovascularization, antimicrobial potential, among others.Tibial bone defects was performed in six Santa Inês breed ewes and implanted with chitosan, collagen and hydroxyapatite biomaterial. One limb was considered the control limb and the other one the biomateriallimb, chosenrandomly. Thermographic and Power Dopplersonography was performed in all animals, weekly for 56 days. The thermography showed no significant differences related to low, high and mean temperature between the control and the biomaterial groups. Statisticalvariations were found between time in both groups. The visualization of neovascularization with the Power Dopplersonography did not present statistical differences, except for day 21 (P=0,031). Within the possibilities provided by imaging exams, thermography and Power Doppler sonography demonstrate to be non-invasive methods for post-operative evaluation of inflammatory process and neovascularization. The weekly management allowed reliable and detailed monitoring throughout the experiment, without causingdiscomfort or stress to the animals. There was no evidence of biomaterial complications.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Fraturas Ósseas/diagnóstico , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Inibidores da AngiogêneseResumo
Atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) is a rare congenital deformity of variable clinical relevance, often reported in association with patent foramen ovale (PFO). Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTE) is the first choice for diagnosis, but complementary techniques, such as microbubble contrast, should be used. Despite its importance, in Veterinary Medicine, there is little information related to the subject, and the present study is the second report of this condition in dogs. The objective was to report a case of ASA type IV LR associated with PFO in a Shar Pei bitch, diagnosed by a combined approach of transthoracic echocardiography backed by agitated saline solution (microbubbles). During clinical care, the owners reported episodes of seizures as their main complaint. Echocardiographic examination revealed a type 4 LR atrial septal aneurysm and left ventricular systolic dysfunction. The use of microbubble contrast showed right-to-left shunt, confirming PFO. The recommended treatment was medication. It was concluded that the rarity of ASA in dogs may be due to incomplete diagnoses and the transthoracic echocardiographic examination allows its analysis and classification. Furthermore, ASA can be found in animals with or without evidence of heart disease and it should be investigated in patients with neurological alterations.
O aneurisma do septo atrial (ASA) é uma rara deformidade congênita, de relevância clínica variável, frequentemente relatado em associação a forame oval patente (PFO). O ecodopplercardiograma transtorácico (TTE) é a primeira escolha para o diagnóstico, mas técnicas complementares, como o contraste por microbolhas, devem ser utilizadas. Apesar da importância, em medicina veterinária existe uma carência de informações relacionadas ao tema, sendo esse o segundo relato dessa condição em cão. Objetivou-se relatar um caso de ASA tipo IV LR, associado a PFO, em uma cadela Shar Pei, diagnosticado por uma abordagem combinada por ecodopplercardiograma transtorácico e costrastado com solução salina agitada (microbolhas). Ao atendimento clínico, os proprietários relataram, como queixa principal, episódios de crises convulsivas. O exame ecocardiográfico revelou aneurisma de septo atrial tipo 4 LR e disfunção sistólica em ventriculo esquerdo. A utilização de contraste por microbolhas constatou shunt direita-esquerda, confirmando PFO. O tratamento recomendado foi medicamentoso. Concluiu-se que a raridade do ASA em cães pode ser devido a diagnósticos incompletos, e o exame ecocardiográfico transtorácico permite sua análise e classificação. Ainda, ASA pode ser encontrado em animais com ou sem evidências de cardiopatia e sua investigação deve ser feita em pacientes com alterações neurológicas.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Forame Oval Patente/veterinária , Aneurisma Cardíaco/veterinária , Cardiopatias Congênitas/veterinária , Comunicação Interatrial/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of common antibiotics against different microorganisms in apparently healthy cattle in Shandong province and its suburb. A total of 220 nasal swab samples were collected and cultured for bacteriological evaluation. All the bacteria isolates after preliminary identification were subjected to antibiogram studies following disc diffusion method. It was found in the study that E. coli is the most commonly associated isolate (21%), followed by Klebsiella spp. (18%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%), Salmonella spp. (15%), Shigella spp (12%), and Proteus spp (11%). While the antibiogram studies reveled that highest number of bacterial isolates showed resistance to Ampicillin (95%), followed by Augmentin (91%), Cefuroxime (85%) and Tetracycline (95%) of (Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp). In the case of pseudomonas spp. and Salmonella the highest resistance was showed by Ampicillin (90%) followed by Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid (80%), Cefixime (90%), and Erythromycin (80%). In Shigella spp and Salmonella spp highest resistance was showed by Amoxicillin, Ceftazidime, Augmentin (60%), and Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid (50%). It is concluded that in vitro antibiogram studies of bacterial isolates revealed higher resistance for Ampicillin, Augmentin, Cefuroxime, Cefixime, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, and Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid. The high multiple Antibiotics resistance indexes (MARI) observed in all the isolates in this study ranging from 0.6 to 0.9. MARI value of >0.2 is suggests multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria and indicate presence of highly resistant bacteria.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia dos antibióticos comuns contra diferentes microrganismos em bovinos aparentemente saudáveis na província de Shandong e seus subúrbios. Um total de 220 amostras de esfregaço nasal foi coletado e cultivado para avaliação bacteriológica. Todos os isolados de bactérias após identificação preliminar foram submetidos a estudos de antibiograma seguindo o método de difusão em disco. Verificou-se no estudo que E. coli é o isolado mais comumente associado (21%), seguido por Klebsiella spp. (18%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%), Salmonella spp. (15%), Shigella spp (12%) e Proteus spp (11%). Enquanto os estudos de antibiograma revelaram que o maior número de isolados bacterianos apresentou resistência à Ampicilina (95%), seguido por Augmentin (91%), Cefuroxima (85%) e Tetraciclina (95%) de (Escherichia coli e Klebsiella spp). No caso de Pseudomonas spp. e Salmonella, a maior resistência foi apresentada pela Ampicilina (90%) seguida pela Amoxicilina + Ácido Clavulânico (80%), Cefixima (90%) e Eritromicina (80%). Em Shigella spp e Salmonella spp, a maior resistência foi demonstrada por Amoxicilina, Ceftazidima, Augmentina (60%) e Amoxicilina + Ácido Clavulânico (50%). Conclui-se que estudos de antibiograma in vitro de isolados bacterianos revelaram maior resistência para Ampicilina, Augmentina, Cefuroxima, Cefixima, Tetraciclina, Eritromicina e Amoxicilina + Ácido Clavulânico. Os altos índices de resistência a antibióticos múltiplos (MARI) observados em todos os isolados neste estudo variaram de 0,6 a 0,9. O valor MARI de > 0,2 sugere várias bactérias resistentes a antibióticos e indica a presença de bactérias altamente resistentes.
Animais , Bovinos , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Resistência a Múltiplos Medicamentos , Resistência beta-Lactâmica/efeitos dos fármacosResumo
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of common antibiotics against different microorganisms in apparently healthy cattle in Shandong province and its suburb. A total of 220 nasal swab samples were collected and cultured for bacteriological evaluation. All the bacteria isolates after preliminary identification were subjected to antibiogram studies following disc diffusion method. It was found in the study that E. coli is the most commonly associated isolate (21%), followed by Klebsiella spp. (18%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%), Salmonella spp. (15%), Shigella spp (12%), and Proteus spp (11%). While the antibiogram studies reveled that highest number of bacterial isolates showed resistance to Ampicillin (95%), followed by Augmentin (91%), Cefuroxime (85%) and Tetracycline (95%) of (Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp). In the case of pseudomonas spp. and Salmonella the highest resistance was showed by Ampicillin (90%) followed by Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid (80%), Cefixime (90%), and Erythromycin (80%). In Shigella spp and Salmonella spp highest resistance was showed by Amoxicillin, Ceftazidime, Augmentin (60%), and Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid (50%). It is concluded that in vitro antibiogram studies of bacterial isolates revealed higher resistance for Ampicillin, Augmentin, Cefuroxime, Cefixime, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, and Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid. The high multiple Antibiotics resistance indexes (MARI) observed in all the isolates in this study ranging from 0.6 to 0.9. MARI value of >0.2 is suggests multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria and indicate presence of highly resistant bacteria.
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia dos antibióticos comuns contra diferentes microrganismos em bovinos aparentemente saudáveis na província de Shandong e seus subúrbios. Um total de 220 amostras de esfregaço nasal foi coletado e cultivado para avaliação bacteriológica. Todos os isolados de bactérias após identificação preliminar foram submetidos a estudos de antibiograma seguindo o método de difusão em disco. Verificou-se no estudo que E. coli é o isolado mais comumente associado (21%), seguido por Klebsiella spp. (18%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%), Salmonella spp. (15%), Shigella spp (12%) e Proteus spp (11%). Enquanto os estudos de antibiograma revelaram que o maior número de isolados bacterianos apresentou resistência à Ampicilina (95%), seguido por Augmentin (91%), Cefuroxima (85%) e Tetraciclina (95%) de (Escherichia coli e Klebsiella spp). No caso de Pseudomonas spp. e Salmonella, a maior resistência foi apresentada pela Ampicilina (90%) seguida pela Amoxicilina + Ácido Clavulânico (80%), Cefixima (90%) e Eritromicina (80%). Em Shigella spp e Salmonella spp, a maior resistência foi demonstrada por Amoxicilina, Ceftazidima, Augmentina (60%) e Amoxicilina + Ácido Clavulânico (50%). Conclui-se que estudos de antibiograma in vitro de isolados bacterianos revelaram maior resistência para Ampicilina, Augmentina, Cefuroxima, Cefixima, Tetraciclina, Eritromicina e Amoxicilina + Ácido Clavulânico. Os altos índices de resistência a antibióticos múltiplos (MARI) observados em todos os isolados neste estudo variaram de 0,6 a 0,9. O valor MARI de > 0,2 sugere várias bactérias resistentes a antibióticos e indica a presença de bactérias altamente resistentes.
Sendo parte integrante do arsenal de opções terapêuticas na nefrologia veterinária, a hemodiálise aplicada aos animais se popularizou e avançou consideravelmente nos últimos anos, não só no mundo como no Brasil. Neste contexto, visando apresentar as características principais da hemodiálise,o Colégio Brasileiro de Nefrologia e Urologia Veterinárias (CBNUV), em nome da sua subcomissão de Técnicas Dialíticas, traz, neste documento, as informações necessárias para embasar os conhecimentos sobre o tema.(AU)
Being an integral part of the arsenal of therapeutic options in veterinary nephrology, hemodialysis applied to animals has become popular and has advanced considerably in recent years, not only in the world but in Brazil. In this context, intending to present the main characteristics of hemodialysis, the Colégio Brasileiro de Nephrologiae Urologia Veterinárias (CBNUV), on behalf of its subcommittee on Dialytic Techniques, brings, in this document, the necessary information to base knowledge on the subject.(AU)
Siendo parte integral del arsenal de opciones terapéuticas en nefrología veterinaria, la hemodiálisis aplicada a animales se popularizó y avanzó considerablemente en los últimos años, no solo en el mundo sino también en Brasil. En ese contexto, con el fin de presentar las principales características de la hemodiálisis, el Colégio Brasileiro de Nephrologia e Urologia Veterinárias (CBNUV), en representación de su subcomité de Técnicas Dialíticas, trae, en este documento, las informaciones necesarias para fundamentar el conocimiento sobre el tema.(AU)
Animais , Urologia/métodos , Diálise Renal/veterinária , Nefrologia/métodos , BrasilResumo
Background: Ozone therapy (OT) is a type of treatment that uses ozone gas, which has high oxidizing power. OT has been utilized for various diseases and to accelerate the wound healing process and reduce inflammation. Additionally, OT is a low-cost treatment recommended for patients that can be easily restrained. There are several methods of ozone administration, including topical use through bagging, cupping, or rectal insufflation, in addition to ozonated autohemotherapy. Based on the benefits of OT and the scarcity of reports describing its effects on white-eared opossums (Didelphis albiventris), we report on the use of ozone in the treatment of a severe facial wound in a white-eared opossum. Case: An adult female white-eared opossum weighing 1.6 kg was rescued from a fire. The patient was pregnant, dehydrated, hypothermic and had an extensive burn wound in the facial region. Due to the stress of captivity and its aggressive behavior, the animal needed to be chemically restrained with dexmedetomidine and butorphanol. Following sedation, the cephalic vein was catheterized and intravenous fluid therapy with ringer lactate was started to treat dehydration. Next, enrofloxacin, meloxicam, and tramadol hydrochloride were administered. Body rewarming was performed with thermal bags. The microbial load of the wound was reduced with chlorhexidine degerming solution followed by washing with saline solution. A thin layer of silver sulfadiazine cream was applied to the wound area. Over the following days the patient was treated with OT using the cupping technique combined with ozonated sunflower oil. After the first applications there was an improvement in the appearance of the wound, which initially had a purulent aspect. After 20 days of treatment the wound showed good granulation and there were no signs of infection, and at 45 days of treatment it was completely healed. The patient was then released with her baby. Discussion: Ozone therapy was included in the patient's treatment plan to enhance the tissue repair process in order to reintroduce the animal to the wild in the shortest possible time. The strategy was successful in improving healing and reducing tissue inflammation and infection. Ozone is known to cause the inactivation of microorganisms as a result of the oxidation of phospholipids and lipoproteins present in the cell membrane of bacteria and to interrupt viral replication. Ozone helps in the perfusion of injured tissues, contributing to the entry of humoral components, which control inflammation. Moreover, ozone contributes to increase supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to stimulate increased production of fibrinogen and formation of granulation tissue. Ozone increases the enzymatic antioxidant response, while also playing a role in immunoregulation. Ozone can be used in several ways and via various methods with potential routes including intravenous, urethral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intra-articular, in addition to rectal and intramammary insufflation. Immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic effects can be achieved with different doses and concentrations, which enables its application in different types of pathologies. Because of the aggressive behavior of the animal, in the current case we opted for the cupping technique combined with ozonated oil, both techniques which can be administered easily with only physical restraint of the patient. Cupping allows for the provision of a higher concentration of ozone gas locally whereas the ozonated oil maintains the effect of the gas for slightly longer, enhancing its effect and promoting tissue repair. The present report showed that OT is an effective alternative for the treatment of burn wounds in opossums, without causing adverse effects to the patient or her baby.
Animais , Feminino , Cicatrização , Didelphis/lesões , Traumatismos Faciais/veterinária , Ozonioterapia , Animais Selvagens/lesõesResumo
ABSTRACT: Animal hoarding disorder, especially dogs and cats, is a complex issue that occurs in almost all communities, and it is necessary to collect data that contribute to the understanding of leptospirosis within the One Health initiative. In order to determine the seroprevalence of Leptospirasp., 71 dogs and 39 cats from 33 people with animal hoarding profile in the municipality of Patos, state of Paraíba, semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil were evaluated by using the microscopic serum agglutination test (MAT) as diagnostic test. Thirty-eight animals (34.5%; 95% CI = 25.7 - 43.4%) were seroreactive, with 46.5% in dogs and 12.8% in cats (P < 0.01), with the highest frequency of the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup in both species. The high seroprevalence reported suggests the need for public policies for this vulnerable population in order to prevent the transmission of zoonoses.
RESUMO: O transtorno de acumulação de animais, principalmente de cães e gatos, é uma questão complexa que ocorre em quase todas as comunidades, sendo necessário o levantamento de dados que contribuam para a compreensão da leptospirose dentro da iniciativa Saúde Única. Com o objetivo de determinar a soroprevalência deLeptospirasp. em cães e gatos provenientes de acumuladores de animais foram utilizados 71 cães e 39 gatos de 33 acumuladores do município de Patos, estado da Paraíba, semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro, utilizando-se o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) como teste de diagnóstico. Trinta e oito animais (34,5%; IC 95% = 25,7 - 43,4%) foram sororreativos, sendo 46,5% em cães e 12,8% em gatos (P < 0,01), com maior frequência do sorogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae em ambas as espécies. A alta soroprevalência encontrada sugere a necessidade de políticas públicas para esta população vulnerável no sentido de prevenir a transmissão de zoonoses.
O herpesvírus da espécie Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1), é o responsável pela doença aviária altamente infecciosa e aguda, descrita como "Doença de Pacheco" (DP). Diversas espécies de psitacídeos (papagaios da Amazônia, seguido por papagaios cinzentos africanos, papagaios comuns, araras, cacatuas e algumas espécies de periquitos), são suscetíveis à doença, principalmente àquelas oriundas de criadouros que deram entrada em centros de reabilitações em quaisquer regiões geográficas. Objetivou- se com o presente estudo avaliar e discutir as ocorrências da "Doença de Pacheco" em psitaciformes descritas no Brasil e em outros países, pretendendo-se discernir sobre as causas da infecção, discorrendo sobre as causas de contágio e disseminação, descrevendo brevemente a sintomatologia, possíveis lesões, diagnósticos, profilaxia e tratamento, a fim de evitar o contágio, minimizando a morbidade e mortalidade das aves. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica, a qual foi realizada por meio de consultas à periódicos e livros mais recentes. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica, em que foram utilizadas as bases de dados da SciELO, portal Capes e Google Acadêmico para realizar a revisão em artigos, monografias, teses e dissertações de vários autores e livros. Pouco se conhece, e nenhum registro ainda foi reportado para a doença no Brasil, apesar de sua ocorrência ser amplamente divulgada em diversos países. Os principais sinais clínicos são anorexia, sonolência, letargia, penas eriçadas, diarreia amarelada, regurgitação, inatividade e, às vezes, sinais nervosos, chegando, por fim, à morte súbita e rápida. Na necropsia, podem ser achados hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia e necrose. A profilaxia se concentra no controle da superpopulação e protocolo adequado de quarentena das aves. O tratamento indicado para o herpesvírus é o uso de nucleosídeo sintético, com atividade inibitória, o aciclovir, que tem apresentado bons resultados na redução das taxas de mortalidade.(AU)
The herpesvirus of the species Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1), is responsible for the highly infectious and acute avian disease, described as "Pacheco's Disease" (PD). Several species of parrots (Amazon parrots, followed by African gray parrots, common parrots, macaws, cockatoos and some species of parakeets) are susceptible to the disease, especially those originating from breeding sites that have entered rehabilitation centers in any region. geographic. The aim of the present study was to evaluate and discuss the occurrences of "Pacheco's Disease" in parrots described in Brazil and in other countries, intending to discern the causes of the infection, discussing the causes of contagion and dissemination, briefly describing the symptomatology, possible lesions, diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment, in order to avoid contagion, minimizing the morbidity and mortality of the birds. This is a bibliographic review, which was carried out through consultations with the most recent journals and books. This is a bibliographic review, in which the SciELO databases, Capes portal and Google Scholar were used to review articles, monographs, theses and dissertations by various authors and books. Little is known, and no record has yet been reported for the disease in Brazil, despite its occurrence being widely publicized in several countries. The main clinical signs are anorexia, drowsiness, lethargy, ruffled feathers, yellowish diarrhea, regurgitation, inactivity and, sometimes, nervous signs, finally leading to sudden and rapid death. At necropsy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and necrosis may be found. Prophylaxis focuses on overpopulation control and proper bird quarantine protocol. The treatment indicated for herpesvirus is the use of a synthetic nucleoside, with inhibitory activity, acyclovir, which has shown good results in reducing mortality rates.(AU)
El herpesvirus de la especie Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1), es responsable de la enfermedad aviar aguda y altamente infecciosa, descrita como "Enfermedad de Pacheco" (EP). Varias especies de loros (loros amazónicos, seguidos de loros grises africanos, loros comunes, guacamayos, cacatúas y algunas especies de periquitos) son susceptibles a la enfermedad, en especial los que se originan en criaderos que han ingresado a centros de rehabilitación en cualquier región geográfica. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar y discutir las ocurrencias de la "Enfermedad de Pacheco" en loros descritas en Brasil y en otros países, con la intención de discernir las causas de la infección, discutiendo las causas de contagio y diseminación, describiendo brevemente la sintomatología, posibles lesiones, diagnóstico, profilaxis y tratamiento, con el fin de evitar el contagio, minimizando la morbimortalidad de las aves. Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica, que se realizó mediante consultas a las revistas y libros más recientes. Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica, en la que se utilizaron las bases de datos SciELO, el portal Capes y Google Scholar para revisar artículos, monografías, tesis y disertaciones de diversos autores y libros. Se sabe poco y aún no se ha informado de ningún registro de la enfermedad en Brasil, a pesar de que su aparición es ampliamente publicitada en varios países. Los principales signos clínicos son anorexia, somnolencia, letargo, plumas erizadas, diarrea amarillenta, regurgitación, inactividad y, en ocasiones, signos nerviosos, que finalmente conducen a la muerte súbita y rápida. En la necropsia, se pueden encontrar hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia y necrosis. La profilaxis se centra en el control de la sobrepoblación y el protocolo adecuado de cuarentena de aves. El tratamiento indicado para el herpesvirus es el uso de un nucleósido sintético, con actividad inhibidora, el aciclovir, que ha mostrado buenos resultados en la reducción de la mortalidad.(AU)
Animais , Papagaios/virologia , Doenças das Aves/virologia , Alphaherpesvirinae/classificação , Infecções por Herpesviridae/virologiaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of common antibiotics against different microorganisms in apparently healthy cattle in Shandong province and its suburb. A total of 220 nasal swab samples were collected and cultured for bacteriological evaluation. All the bacteria isolates after preliminary identification were subjected to antibiogram studies following disc diffusion method. It was found in the study that E. coli is the most commonly associated isolate (21%), followed by Klebsiella spp. (18%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%), Salmonella spp. (15%), Shigella spp (12%), and Proteus spp (11%). While the antibiogram studies reveled that highest number of bacterial isolates showed resistance to Ampicillin (95%), followed by Augmentin (91%), Cefuroxime (85%) and Tetracycline (95%) of (Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp). In the case of pseudomonas spp. and Salmonella the highest resistance was showed by Ampicillin (90%) followed by Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid (80%), Cefixime (90%), and Erythromycin (80%). In Shigella spp and Salmonella spp highest resistance was showed by Amoxicillin, Ceftazidime, Augmentin (60%), and Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid (50%). It is concluded that in vitro antibiogram studies of bacterial isolates revealed higher resistance for Ampicillin, Augmentin, Cefuroxime, Cefixime, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, and Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid. The high multiple Antibiotics resistance indexes (MARI) observed in all the isolates in this study ranging from 0.6 to 0.9. MARI value of >0.2 is suggests multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria and indicate presence of highly resistant bacteria.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia dos antibióticos comuns contra diferentes microrganismos em bovinos aparentemente saudáveis na província de Shandong e seus subúrbios. Um total de 220 amostras de esfregaço nasal foi coletado e cultivado para avaliação bacteriológica. Todos os isolados de bactérias após identificação preliminar foram submetidos a estudos de antibiograma seguindo o método de difusão em disco. Verificou-se no estudo que E. coli é o isolado mais comumente associado (21%), seguido por Klebsiella spp. (18%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%), Salmonella spp. (15%), Shigella spp (12%) e Proteus spp (11%). Enquanto os estudos de antibiograma revelaram que o maior número de isolados bacterianos apresentou resistência à Ampicilina (95%), seguido por Augmentin (91%), Cefuroxima (85%) e Tetraciclina (95%) de (Escherichia coli e Klebsiella spp). No caso de Pseudomonas spp. e Salmonella, a maior resistência foi apresentada pela Ampicilina (90%) seguida pela Amoxicilina + Ácido Clavulânico (80%), Cefixima (90%) e Eritromicina (80%). Em Shigella spp e Salmonella spp, a maior resistência foi demonstrada por Amoxicilina, Ceftazidima, Augmentina (60%) e Amoxicilina + Ácido Clavulânico (50%). Conclui-se que estudos de antibiograma in vitro de isolados bacterianos revelaram maior resistência para Ampicilina, Augmentina, Cefuroxima, Cefixima, Tetraciclina, Eritromicina e Amoxicilina + Ácido Clavulânico. Os altos índices de resistência a antibióticos múltiplos (MARI) observados em todos os isolados neste estudo variaram de 0,6 a 0,9. O valor MARI de > 0,2 sugere várias bactérias resistentes a antibióticos e indica a presença de bactérias altamente resistentes.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Resistência a Múltiplos Medicamentos , Resistência beta-Lactâmica/efeitos dos fármacos , Farmacorresistência BacterianaResumo
Foi realizada análise da documentação de animais silvestres recebidos pelo Cetras/IEF de Patos de Minas, MG, durante o ano de 2020, obtendo-se dados da origem dos animais, dos índices de soltura e óbito, da permanência em cativeiro e de condições clínicas na época do recebimento. No período foram recebidos 1.306 animais, sendo 86,9% de aves. A forma de recebimento mais comum foi apreensão por autoridade competente (36,1%), seguida de entrega voluntária (33,2%) e recolhimento em zona urbana/rural (30,8%). Do total, 44,3% dos animais foram reintroduzidos, 39% vieram a óbito, 10% permaneceram no Cetras até o fim do período analisado e 6,7% foram destinados a outras instituições. Animais feridos e filhotes apresentaram taxa de mortalidade de aproximadamente 50%. Observa-se que a entrega voluntária tem crescido, praticamente equiparando-se às apreensões. A taxa de reintrodução é considerada satisfatória em relação à de instituições semelhantes.(AU)
An analysis of the documentation of wild animals received by Cetras/IEF from Patos de Minas, MG, Brazil, during the year 2020 was carried out, obtaining data on the origin of animals, release and death rates, permanence in captivity and data on clinical conditions at the arrival. During the period, 1,306 animals were received, 86.9% of which were birds. The most common form of admission was apprehension by competent authority (36.1%), followed by voluntary delivery (33.2%) and collection. in urban/rural areas (30.8%). Of the total, 44.3% animals were reintroduced, 39% died, 10% remained at Cetras until the end of the period and 6.7% were destined to other institutions. Injured animals and offspring had a mortality rate of approximately 50%. It is observed that the voluntary delivery has increased and almost equaled the apprehensions. The reintroduction rate is considered satisfactory in relation to similar institutions.(AU)
Se realizó un análisis de la documentación de animales silvestres recibidos por el Cetras/IEF de Patos de Minas, MG, Brasil, durante el año 2020, obteniendo datos sobre el origen de los animales, tasas de liberación y muerte, permanencia en cautiverio y datos sobre condiciones clínicas al ingreso. Durante ese período se recibieron 1.306 animales, de los cuales el 86,9% eran aves. La forma de ingreso más común fue aprehensión por autoridad competente (36,1%), seguida de entrega voluntaria (33,2%) y recogida en zona urbana/rural (30,8%). Del total, 44,3% hasta el final del período analizado y 6,7% fueron destinados a otras instituciones. animales fueron reintroducidos, 39% murieron, 10% permanecieron en el Cetras Los animales heridos y jóvenes presentaron tasa de mortalidad de aproximadamente 50%. Se observa que la entrega voluntaria ha crecido y es casi equivalente a las aprehensiones. La tasa de reintroducción se considera satisfactoria comparada a instituciones semejantes.(AU)
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Animais Selvagens , Brasil , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , PradariaResumo
ABSTRACT: In this retrospective study, the clinical and anatomopathological findings of fungal diseases in dogs and cats in Northeastern Brazil are described. During the study period, 6,827 histopathological examinations (4,090 necropsies and 2,737 biopsies) of companion animals were reviewed, and fungal infections were diagnosed in 54 cases. Of these, 32 cases were diagnosed in cats and 22 in dogs. Sporotrichosis was the most prevalent mycosis (19/54), followed by dermatophytosis (9/54), cryptococcosis (8/54), candidiasis (7/54), and phaeohyphomycosis (4/54). Other diseases had two cases each, including aspergillosis, mucormycosis, and histoplasmosis, whereas coccidioidomycosis occurred once. Mycoses were diagnosed through microscopic lesions associated with the histomorphological characteristics of the agent, as evidenced by routine and special histochemical stains. They were occasionally confirmed by immunohistochemistry and microbiological cultivation. This retrospective study showed that despite being uncommon, fungal diseases are important causes of death in dogs and cats in the region, with cats being the most affected species and sporotrichosis being the most prevalent mycosis. Clinical signs were correlated with the portal of entry of the infection associated with localized or disseminated superficial and deep skin lesions or affecting parenchymal organs, especially in systemic infections. Microscopic lesions were mainly characterized by pyogranulomatous inflammation associated with fungal structures. In dogs, mycoses occurred mainly owing to an immunological impairment secondary to canine distemper virus co-infection.
RESUMO: Neste estudo retrospectivo, são descritos os achados clínicos e anatomopatológicos das doenças fúngicas em cães e gatos no Nordeste do Brasil. Durante o período de estudo, foram revisados 6.827 exames histopatológicos (4.090 necropsias e 2.737 biópsias) de animais de companhia e diagnosticados 54 casos de infecções fúngicas. Destes, 32 casos foram diagnosticados em gatos e 22 em cães. A esporotricose foi a micose mais prevalente (19/54), seguida pela dermatofitose (9/54), criptococose (8/54), candidíase (7/54) e feo-hifomicose (4/54). Outras doenças tiveram dois casos cada, incluindo aspergilose, mucormicose e histoplasmose, enquanto a coccidioidomicose ocorreu uma vez. As micoses foram diagnosticadas por meio das lesões microscópicas associadas às características histomorfológicas do agente, evidenciadas pelas colorações de rotina e histoquímicas especiais, e ocasionalmente confirmadas pela imuno-histoquímica e cultivo microbiológico. Esse estudo retrospectivo demonstrou que apesar de incomuns, as doenças fúngicas são importantes causas de morte em cães e gatos da região, sendo os gatos a espécie mais afetada e a esporotricose, a micose mais prevalente. Os sinais clínicos estavam correlacionados com a porta de entrada da infecção, associados a lesões cutâneas localizadas ou disseminadas superficiais e profundas ou afetando órgãos parenquimatosos, especialmente em infecções sistêmicas. As lesões microscópicas eram caracterizadas principalmente por inflamação piogranulomatosa associada a estruturas fúngicas. Nos cães, as micoses ocorreram principalmente devido ao comprometimento imunológico secundária a coinfecção pelo vírus da cinomose canina.
Background: The Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), considered the largest land mammal in South America, is a vulnerable species in terms of its degree of conservation. In captivity, its health is evaluated through behavioral and physical observation and laboratory exams, and in some cases, chemical restraint, to reduce stress. Dissociative anesthetics and sedatives are used for the sedation of these animals, and few studies have reported the use of dexmedetomidine and its effects when associated with other drugs in chemical containment protocols; therefore, this work reports its use, in conjunction with ketamine and midazolam, in a young Brazilian tapir. Case: A male Brazilian tapir, male, weighing 89 kg, 1 and a half year old, housed at CETAS in Rio Branco, Acre, was chemically restrained with dexmedetomidine (7 µg/kg), ketamine (1.5 mg/kg), and midazolam (0.2 mg/kg) for venous blood collection, oral and rectal mucosal swabs, and microchipping. The protocol was administered intramuscularly to the right triceps brachii, after physical restraint. After 5 min of application, the animal assumed sternal recumbency and presented reflux. After 15 min, the patient was placed in the right lateral decubitus position. During collection, heart rate (48 ± 10 bpm), respiratory frequency (29 ± 1 mpm), rectal temperature (38.1 ± 0.18°C), oxyhemoglobin saturation (97 ± 1%), and electrocardiographic tracing were recorded. The tapir showed deep sedation, immobility, good muscle relaxation, discreet medial palpebral reflex, and bilateral rotation of the eyeball. After 40 min of protocol administration, sedative reversal was performed intramuscularly with 14 µg/kg atipamezole. Five min after administration, the tapir showed signs of mild sedation. After 10 min, he assumed the quadrupedal position, remained in this position for 8 min, and gently resumed the sternal decubitus. After only 20 min, he resumed the quadrupedal position, with mild ataxia and good muscular and conscious tone. After 50 min, the patient was discharged from anesthesia. Discussion: Domestic horses are phylogenetically close to tapirs, so the choice of drugs and doses of the protocol used was based on their use in horses, and on studies carried out with tapirs as well. Despite being docile and passive, the tapir was not conditioned and did not allow the manipulation and collection of samples collaboratively; therefore, it was chemically contained. The physical restraint performed did not generate satisfactory immobilization of the tapir, resulting in agitation and stress and causing the needle to break. The reflux presented by the tapir minutes after sedation and at recovery was induced by dexmedetomidine, and only the undigested banana pieces were offered to the animal. Reflux plus stress from extensive fasting and suboptimal physical restraint was responsible for the change in the tapir's eating behavior, with possible stress gastritis 24 h after chemical restraint. Only one study reported the use of dexmedetomidine in tapirs, associated with continuous infusions of ketamine, midazolam and guaiacol glyceryl ether for moderate to long-term field procedures. Sedative reversal of dexmedetomidine by atipamezole reduced the recovery time and the risk of death from cardiorespiratory depression. The anesthetic combination used was effective, promoting immobility, muscle relaxation, and stability of the physical parameters evaluated, with rapid and gentle induction and an adequate level of sedation for the objective, good sedative reversal, and anesthetic recovery.
Animais , Masculino , Perissodáctilos/fisiologia , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/análise , Animais Selvagens/fisiologiaResumo
O Schistosomus reflexus (SR) é uma anomalia congênita fatal de baixa incidência observada principalmente em ruminantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar a ocorrência de SRem uma vaca com um quadro de distocia, multípara e de partos anteriores normais, atendida em uma propriedade localizada em Irati, região Centro-Sul do Paraná, Brasil. Durante a anamnese, foi relatado que o trabalho de parto ocorreu normalmente, com dilatação cervical e rompimento da bolsa alantoidiana e amniótica. Contudo, não ouve exteriorização do feto. Devido à inviabilidade da tração forçada observada no exame físico, optou-se pela cesariana. O feto extraído era disforme, apresentando dorsoflexão da coluna vertebral, órgãos abdominais expostos, anquilose de membros e face deformada, as quais são alterações anatômicas compatíveis com as características de Schistosomus reflexusdescritas na literatura. O caso apresentado contribui de forma relevante para o aprimoramento da compreensão e estudos sobre esse distúrbio, uma vez que sua ocorrência é rara.
Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a fatal congenital anomaly of low incidence mainly observed in ruminants. This study aimed to report the occurrence of SR in a cow with dystocia, multiparous, and normal previous deliveries, treated in a property located in Irati, south-central region of Paraná, Brazil. During anamnesis, it was reported that labor occurred normally, with cervical dilation and disruption of the allantoic and amniotic stalk. However, there was no externalization of the fetus. Due to the infeasibility of the forced traction observed in the physical examination, a cesarean was performed. The extracted fetus was misshaped, presenting dorsiflexion of the spine, exposed abdominal organs, ankylosis of limbs, and deformed face, which are anatomical alterations compatible with the characteristics of Schistosomus reflexus described in the literature. The case reported contributes significantly to the improvement of understanding and studies on this disorder, since its occurrence is rare.
Animais , Bovinos , Anormalidades Múltiplas/veterinária , Vísceras/anormalidades , Distocia/veterinária , Anquilose/veterinária , Natimorto/veterináriaResumo
This study describes an outbreak of alopecia in laboratory rats caused by the saprophytic fungi Scopulariopsis brevicaulis in a Brazilian lab animal facility. Initially, lesions were identified only in females during the lactation period, which showed circumscribed areas with alopecia without pruritus extensively at the abdomen and the medial side of the thighs. Later during the course of the infection, skin lesions affected both genders reaching about 10% of the colony. Skin scrapings, hair, and environmental samples from the facility were sent for analysis. The cultures were carried out in Sabouraud agar and over seven days fast-growing colonies varying in color from white to brown were observed. Micromorphology showed mycelium and characteristic ringworms of the fungus S. brevicaulis. There is a similar report of an outbreak of this fungus in Turkey. To date, this is the first report in the literature of the fungus S. brevicaulis causing disease in laboratory rats in Brazil.
Animais , Ratos , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Alopecia/veterinária , Alopecia/epidemiologia , Scopulariopsis , Animais de Laboratório/microbiologia , Ratos Wistar , AbdomeResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the morphometric, macroscopic and microscopic aspects of experimentally induced partial-thickness burns in rats treated with different silver-based dressings. Methods: Wistar rats were used, divided into six treatments: saline (NaCl 0.9%); silver sulfadiazine 1%; Silvercel; Mepilex Ag; Aquacel Ag and Acticoat. The animals were monitored daily and euthanized at 7, 14 and 30 days after injury induction (DAI). Results: At 7 DAI, necrosis/crust was greater in control, silver sulfadiazine and Mepilex Ag treatments, granulation tissue was induced by Aquacel Ag, polymorphonuclear infiltrate (PMN) infiltration was intensified by Mepilex Ag; mononuclear infiltrate (MN) infiltration and angiogenesis were increased by Silvercel. At 14 DAI, hemorrhage was decreased by Silvercel and Mepilex Ag, PMN infiltration increased by Acticoat. At 30 DAI, angiogenesis was greater in the Acticoat treatment and fibroblasts were increased by Acticoat and Mepilex Ag. Collagen was induced at 14 DAI by silver sulfadiazine and Aquacel Ag and, at 30 DAI, by silver sulfadiazine and Silvercel treatments. Conclusions: Silvercel and Acticoat presented better results than the other products. However, all the dressings were better than the control at some point during the process, and may contribute to the healing of partial thickness burns. Silvercel and Aquacel Ag treatments induced better cosmetic outcomes regarding wound closure and scarring.