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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.647-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458507


Background: Anophthalmia is a rare, congenital condition, defined as the complete absence of the eye bulb due to inadequate growth of the vesicle or optic dome. The malformation can be primary (in the absence of complete), secondary (inthe presence of only residual tissue), or degenerative (in which the eye begins to form, but for some reason, it begins todegenerate). This condition is rare in dogs, cats, cattle, and sheep. Microscopic evaluation of orbital tissue for identificationis always recommended. The aim of this study was to report a case of bilateral anophthalmia in a domestic cat.Case: A feline male, healthy, Maine Coon breed with 60 days of life was attended at the one veterinary private clinic.The cat, negative for FIV and FeLV, was born in a commercial cattery, belonging to his mother’s third litter, healthy litterwith the exception of this feline. He arrived with a complaint of not opening his eyelids, like the rest of the litter. In theclinical examination, it was found the normality of vital signs, absence of other visible anatomical abnormalities, only theocular region was observed with closed eyelids. The initial suspicions were anophthalmia and microphthalmia. The patientwas referred for an ocular ultrasound, which showed the complete absence of the right and left eye bulbs. The right andleft orbital cavities had only a volume of soft, amorphous, and predominantly homogeneous tissue. After the ultrasoundreport, the patient underwent a surgical procedure to remove a fragment of tissue from the eye socket, which was sent forhistopathological examination to confirm anophthalmia and discard the differential diagnosis of microphthalmia. Microscopy revealed immature, epithelial, and glandular tissue in the middle of discrete and moderate connective tissue, looselyarranged. In some fragments, cartilaginous tissue was also revealed. Thus, the histological findings are...

Masculino , Animais , Gatos , Anoftalmia/veterinária , Gatos/anormalidades , Microftalmia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 647, May 29, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764705


Background: Anophthalmia is a rare, congenital condition, defined as the complete absence of the eye bulb due to inadequate growth of the vesicle or optic dome. The malformation can be primary (in the absence of complete), secondary (inthe presence of only residual tissue), or degenerative (in which the eye begins to form, but for some reason, it begins todegenerate). This condition is rare in dogs, cats, cattle, and sheep. Microscopic evaluation of orbital tissue for identificationis always recommended. The aim of this study was to report a case of bilateral anophthalmia in a domestic cat.Case: A feline male, healthy, Maine Coon breed with 60 days of life was attended at the one veterinary private clinic.The cat, negative for FIV and FeLV, was born in a commercial cattery, belonging to his mothers third litter, healthy litterwith the exception of this feline. He arrived with a complaint of not opening his eyelids, like the rest of the litter. In theclinical examination, it was found the normality of vital signs, absence of other visible anatomical abnormalities, only theocular region was observed with closed eyelids. The initial suspicions were anophthalmia and microphthalmia. The patientwas referred for an ocular ultrasound, which showed the complete absence of the right and left eye bulbs. The right andleft orbital cavities had only a volume of soft, amorphous, and predominantly homogeneous tissue. After the ultrasoundreport, the patient underwent a surgical procedure to remove a fragment of tissue from the eye socket, which was sent forhistopathological examination to confirm anophthalmia and discard the differential diagnosis of microphthalmia. Microscopy revealed immature, epithelial, and glandular tissue in the middle of discrete and moderate connective tissue, looselyarranged. In some fragments, cartilaginous tissue was also revealed. Thus, the histological findings are...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Gatos/anormalidades , Anoftalmia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Microftalmia/veterinária
MEDVEP. Rev. cient. Med. Vet. ; 10(35): 42-45, out.-mar. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-8540


O termo anoftalmia é definido como ausência completa do bulbo ocular, sendo decorrente do crescimentoinadequado da vesícula ou cúpula óptica, em estágio precoce da gestação, ou por falha posterior da expansãodesse elemento óptico. Esta afecção é rara em cães e gatos, e geralmente está associada a outras anormalidadescongênitas. Várias raças podem ser afetadas pela doença. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar um casode anoftalmia bilateral em um cão sem alterações congênitas associadas. Foi atendido um cão de seis mesesde idade apresentando cegueira e deformidade facial. Ao exame clínico, ultrassonográfico e histopatológicocomprovou-se a ausência bilateral ocular e a presença de anexos anômalos intraorbitários, concluindo-se entãose tratar de um caso de anoftalmia bilateral em um cão sem alterações congênitas associadas.(AU)

The term anophthalmia is defined as the complete ocular bulb`s absence. It happens as a resultof the wrong growth of vesicular or optic dome in the early stage of pregnancy, or when there isa fail in the expansion of this optical element. This is an unusual illness in dogs and cats and itoccurs usually associated to other congenital anomalies among several breeds of dogs. The aimof this study was to report a case bilateral anophthalmia in a dog without congenital alterationsassociations. It was seen a six-month-old dog which showed blindness and facial deformity. It wasproved through clinical, ultrasonography and histopatologic examinations, the bilateral ocularabsence and the presence of abnormal intraorbital tisue. So we concluded to be a case of bilateralanophthalmia in a dog without congenital alterations associations.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães , Olho , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484955


O termo anoftalmia é definido como ausência completa do bulbo ocular, sendo decorrente do crescimentoinadequado da vesícula ou cúpula óptica, em estágio precoce da gestação, ou por falha posterior da expansãodesse elemento óptico. Esta afecção é rara em cães e gatos, e geralmente está associada a outras anormalidadescongênitas. Várias raças podem ser afetadas pela doença. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar um casode anoftalmia bilateral em um cão sem alterações congênitas associadas. Foi atendido um cão de seis mesesde idade apresentando cegueira e deformidade facial. Ao exame clínico, ultrassonográfico e histopatológicocomprovou-se a ausência bilateral ocular e a presença de anexos anômalos intraorbitários, concluindo-se entãose tratar de um caso de anoftalmia bilateral em um cão sem alterações congênitas associadas.

The term anophthalmia is defined as the complete ocular bulb`s absence. It happens as a resultof the wrong growth of vesicular or optic dome in the early stage of pregnancy, or when there isa fail in the expansion of this optical element. This is an unusual illness in dogs and cats and itoccurs usually associated to other congenital anomalies among several breeds of dogs. The aimof this study was to report a case bilateral anophthalmia in a dog without congenital alterationsassociations. It was seen a six-month-old dog which showed blindness and facial deformity. It wasproved through clinical, ultrasonography and histopatologic examinations, the bilateral ocularabsence and the presence of abnormal intraorbital tisue. So we concluded to be a case of bilateralanophthalmia in a dog without congenital alterations associations.

Animais , Cães , Cães , Olho , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária