Biomonitoring is a cheap and effective tool for evaluation of water quality, and infer on the balance of aquatic ecosystems. The benthic macroinvertebrates are bioindicators sensitive to environmental changes, and can assist in detecting and preventing impacts such as organic enrichment and imbalance in the food chain. We compared the structure of benthic communities on artificial substrate samplers located in places near and far from net cages for production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Samplers were manufactured with nylon net, using substrates such as crushed stone, gravel, loofah and cattail leaves. Samples were collected after 30 days of colonization, rinsed and then the specimens were identified and quantified. The following metrics were calculated: richness of Operational Taxonomic Units, Margalef richness, abundance of individuals, Shannon index and evenness index. The macrobenthic community structure was strongly modified according to the proximity of the net cages. Metrics showed significant differences (p 0.05) between near and distant sites, for both periods (dry and rainy seasons). The position of the samplers significantly affected the structure of macroinvertebrate community, as near sites showed higher values for the community metrics, such as richness and diversity. Near sites presented a larger number of individuals, observed both in the dry and rainy seasons, with a predominance of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the dry season and Tubificidae (Oligochaeta) in the rainy season.(AU)
O biomonitoramento é uma ferramenta com custo relativamente baixo e eficaz para avaliação da qualidade da água, além de inferir sobre o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Os macroinvertebrados bentônicos são bioindicadores sensíveis às mudanças ambientais, e podem auxiliar na detecção e prevenção de impactos como o enriquecimento orgânico e o desequilíbrio da cadeia alimentar. Como objetivo, foi comparada a estrutura das comunidades bentônicas em coletores com substrato artificial situados em locais próximos e distantes de tanques rede para produção de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Os coletores foram fabricados com rede de náilon, utilizando os substratos brita, cascalho, bucha vegetal e folhas de taboa. Foram realizadas coletas após 30 dias de colonização. As amostras foram lavadas e os espécimes identificados e quantificados. As métricas calculadas foram: riqueza de Unidades Taxonômicas Operacionais, riqueza de Margalef, abundância de indivíduos, índice de Shannon e índice de Pielou. A estrutura da comunidade macrobentônica foi fortemente modificada de acordo com a proximidade dos tanques-rede. As métricas apresentaram diferenças significativas (p 0,05) entre os locais próximos e distantes, em ambos os períodos (estações seca e chuvosa). A posição dos amostradores afetou significativamente a estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados, na medida em que locais próximos dos tanques rede apresentaram valores mais elevados para as métricas de comunidade, como riqueza e diversidade. Amostras próximas aos tanques rede apresentaram um maior número de indivíduos em ambas as estações do ano, com predomínio de Chironomidae (Diptera) na estação seca e Tubificidae (Oligochaeta) na estação chuvosa.(AU)
Animais , Ciclídeos/anatomia & histologia , Ciclídeos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ciclídeos/metabolismo , Fauna Bentônica/análise , Aquicultura , Coletores/métodos , Substratos para Tratamento BiológicoResumo
Abstract Biomonitoring is a cheap and effective tool for evaluation of water quality, and infer on the balance of aquatic ecosystems. The benthic macroinvertebrates are bioindicators sensitive to environmental changes, and can assist in detecting and preventing impacts such as organic enrichment and imbalance in the food chain. We compared the structure of benthic communities on artificial substrate samplers located in places near and far from net cages for production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Samplers were manufactured with nylon net, using substrates such as crushed stone, gravel, loofah and cattail leaves. Samples were collected after 30 days of colonization, rinsed and then the specimens were identified and quantified. The following metrics were calculated: richness of Operational Taxonomic Units, Margalef richness, abundance of individuals, Shannon index and evenness index. The macrobenthic community structure was strongly modified according to the proximity of the net cages. Metrics showed significant differences (p 0.05) between near and distant sites, for both periods (dry and rainy seasons). The position of the samplers significantly affected the structure of macroinvertebrate community, as near sites showed higher values for the community metrics, such as richness and diversity. Near sites presented a larger number of individuals, observed both in the dry and rainy seasons, with a predominance of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the dry season and Tubificidae (Oligochaeta) in the rainy season.
Resumo O biomonitoramento é uma ferramenta com custo relativamente baixo e eficaz para avaliação da qualidade da água, além de inferir sobre o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Os macroinvertebrados bentônicos são bioindicadores sensíveis às mudanças ambientais, e podem auxiliar na detecção e prevenção de impactos como o enriquecimento orgânico e o desequilíbrio da cadeia alimentar. Como objetivo, foi comparada a estrutura das comunidades bentônicas em coletores com substrato artificial situados em locais próximos e distantes de tanques rede para produção de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Os coletores foram fabricados com rede de náilon, utilizando os substratos brita, cascalho, bucha vegetal e folhas de taboa. Foram realizadas coletas após 30 dias de colonização. As amostras foram lavadas e os espécimes identificados e quantificados. As métricas calculadas foram: riqueza de Unidades Taxonômicas Operacionais, riqueza de Margalef, abundância de indivíduos, índice de Shannon e índice de Pielou. A estrutura da comunidade macrobentônica foi fortemente modificada de acordo com a proximidade dos tanques-rede. As métricas apresentaram diferenças significativas (p 0,05) entre os locais próximos e distantes, em ambos os períodos (estações seca e chuvosa). A posição dos amostradores afetou significativamente a estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados, na medida em que locais próximos dos tanques rede apresentaram valores mais elevados para as métricas de comunidade, como riqueza e diversidade. Amostras próximas aos tanques rede apresentaram um maior número de indivíduos em ambas as estações do ano, com predomínio de Chironomidae (Diptera) na estação seca e Tubificidae (Oligochaeta) na estação chuvosa.
Considering that in previous studies, the surface roughness (micrometric dimension) showed a weak effect on the colonization of stream macroalgae, we investigated the effects of different crevice sizes (milimetric dimension, a scale slightly higher than previous investigations) on the macroalgal abundance in three streams exposed to full sunlight in southern Brazil. We used smooth sterile glass plates with different shapes: P plane surface without crevices; S sinuous surface (depth of crevices with 0.159 mm ± 0.03); N non-unifom surface (0.498 mm ± 0.09); C surfaces with convex structures (1.190 mm ± 0.12); and three additional surface types with different patterns of heterogeneity with combinations of glass pieces: P + S (H1); P + S + N (H2) and P + S + N + C (H3). The plates were placed into the streams and after 105 days the percent cover of macroalgal community was measured. No significant differences among treatments were recorded. However, we observed a trend of macroalgae occurs within the crevices in all treatments and this suggests that, for stream macroalgae, the crevice sizes used in this study was still not enough to provide an expressive algal growth, even in the treatment with bigger crevices.(AU)
Considerando que em estudos anteriores a rugosidade da superfície (dimensão micrométrica) mostrou um fraco efeito sobre a colonização de macroalgas lóticas, nós investigamos os efeitos de tamanhos diferentes (em dimensões milimétricas, uma escala ligeiramente maior do que as investigações anteriores) sobre a abundância de macroalgas em três riachos expostos a pleno sol no sul do Brasil. Utilizamos placas lisas de vidro estéreis com formas diferentes: P superficie plana sem fendas; S - superfície sinuosa (profundidade de fendas com 0.159 mm ± 0.03), N - superfície não-unifome (0.498 mm ± 0.09), C superficie com estruturas convexas (1.190 mm ± 0.12), e três tipos de superfície adicionais com diferentes padrões de heterogeneidade construídas apartir da combinação de peças de vidro: P + S (H1), P + S + N (H2) e P + S + N + C (H3). As placas foram instaladas nos riachos e após 105 dias a cobertura percentual da comunidade de macroalgas foi medida. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. Porém, observamos uma tendência das macroalgas ocorrerem dentro das fendas em todos os tratamentos e, isso sugere que, para macroalgas lóticas, os tamanhos das fendas utilizadas neste estudo ainda não foram suficientes para proporcionar um expressivo crescimento de algas, mesmo no tratamento com fendas maiores.(AU)
Sedimentos Geológicos , Rios , Alga Marinha/fisiologia , Brasil , Ecossistema , Densidade Demográfica , Clima TropicalResumo
This study offers a description of a fish aggregating technique known as moita, which is a traditional fishing method practiced by riverine communities in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. Fishermen place natural materials (branches, twigs and leaves) from the riparian vegetation into the river, which attract different species of fish. After several months, a barrier is created around the moita, the branches are removed and the fishes that have colonized the structure are caught with a net.(AU)
O presente trabalho descreve a pesca de moita, praticada tradicionalmente por comunidades ribeirinhas no estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Os pescadores colocam materiais naturais (troncos, galhos e ramos) da mata ciliar dentro dos rios, atraindo diferentes espécies de peixes. Alguns meses depois, um cercado é construído ao redor da moita, todos os ramos são removidos e os peixes que colonizaram a estrutura são capturados com uma rede de pesca.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Métodos , Pesqueiros , Substratos para Tratamento Biológico , Peixes , BrasilResumo
This study offers a description of a fish aggregating technique known as moita, which is a traditional fishing method practiced by riverine communities in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. Fishermen place natural materials (branches, twigs and leaves) from the riparian vegetation into the river, which attract different species of fish. After several months, a barrier is created around the moita, the branches are removed and the fishes that have colonized the structure are caught with a net.
O presente trabalho descreve a pesca de moita, praticada tradicionalmente por comunidades ribeirinhas no estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Os pescadores colocam materiais naturais (troncos, galhos e ramos) da mata ciliar dentro dos rios, atraindo diferentes espécies de peixes. Alguns meses depois, um cercado é construído ao redor da moita, todos os ramos são removidos e os peixes que colonizaram a estrutura são capturados com uma rede de pesca.
Humanos , Animais , Métodos , Peixes , Pesqueiros , Substratos para Tratamento Biológico , BrasilResumo
The Itaqui reservoir in Paraná state, southern Brazil, is dominated by the floating macrophyte Pistia stratiotes L. and is used for recreation and irrigation. The reservoir's excessive plant cover suggests an extreme trophic state and interferes with multiple uses. The aims of this study were to determine the trophic state of the reservoir water and to document the limnological conditions and the composition of the periphytic diatom community before and after the mechanical removal of macrophytes. As each diatom species has certain autoecological requirements in a given geographic area, another objective of the study was to identify diatoms that can be considered tolerant of the reservoir's trophic state in a substropical environment. Local water samples collected for physical and chemical analyses, including estimates of chlorophyll a, showed the hypereutrophic status of the reservoir before and after macrophyte removal. Environmental conditions exceeded acceptable values for fishing and irrigation, providing a clear example of how the inadequate management of water resources can directly reduce their usefulness. Trimestral sampling was carried out between May 2008 and February 2009. For quantitative analyses, biofilms were scrubbed off glass slides submerged for 30 days at a depth of approximately 40 cm. Diatom samples were cleaned with potassium permanganate and hydrochloric acid and mounted on permanent slides with Naphrax. All individuals found in random transects under three replicates were identified and counted up to a minimum of 600 valves. Thirteen species tolerant of eutrophication were selected. Four species mostly known from low-nutrient sites may be considered tolerant of eutrophic conditions. The composition of the diatom community was influenced by seasonal changes in temperature and rainfall. Canonical Correspondence Analyses confirmed a correlation between higher diatom densities and the increased photic zone following macrophyte removal.
A represa Itaqui, localizada no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil, é dominada pela macrófita flutuante Pistia stratiotes L. e utilizada para recreação e irrigação. Esta excessiva massa vegetal sugere um elevado estado de trofía e interfere nos múltiplos usos do corpo d'água. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar o estado trófico da represa e documentar suas condições limnológicas e a composição da comunidade de diatomáceas perifíticas antes e após a remoção mecânica da massa de macrófitas. As espécies apresentam autoecologias específicas em diferentes áreas geográficas, desta forma outro objetivo foi identificar diatomáceas em ambiente subtropical que possam ser consideradas tolerantes ao estado trófico da represa. Amostras de água foram coletadas para analises físicas e químicas, incluindo estimativas de clorofila-a que evidenciou o estado hipereutrófico da represa antes e depois da remoção das macrófitas. As condições ambientais excederam os valores aceitáveis para pesca e irrigação evidenciando como o manejo inadequado dos recursos hídricos pode diretamente reduzir sua utilidade. Amostragem trimestral foi realizada entre maio de 2008 e fevereiro de 2009. O biofilme desenvolvido sobre lâminas de vidro submersas foram raspados para análise quantitativa, contando-se 600 valvas em triplicatas de material oxidado. Treze espécies tolerantes a eutrofização foram selecionadas. Quatro espécies comumente identificadas em ambientes com baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes mostraram-se tolerantes às condições eutróficas. As diatomáceas responderam qualitativamente à sazonalidade como temperatura e pluviosidade. Análise de Corresponência Canônica confirmou que densidades mais elevadas coincidiram com o aumento da zona fótica oriunda da remoção das macrófitas.
Araceae , Diatomáceas , Eutrofização , Reservatórios de Água , BrasilResumo
The Itaqui reservoir in Paraná state, southern Brazil, is dominated by the floating macrophyte Pistia stratiotes L. and is used for recreation and irrigation. The reservoir's excessive plant cover suggests an extreme trophic state and interferes with multiple uses. The aims of this study were to determine the trophic state of the reservoir water and to document the limnological conditions and the composition of the periphytic diatom community before and after the mechanical removal of macrophytes. As each diatom species has certain autoecological requirements in a given geographic area, another objective of the study was to identify diatoms that can be considered tolerant of the reservoir's trophic state in a substropical environment. Local water samples collected for physical and chemical analyses, including estimates of chlorophyll a, showed the hypereutrophic status of the reservoir before and after macrophyte removal. Environmental conditions exceeded acceptable values for fishing and irrigation, providing a clear example of how the inadequate management of water resources can directly reduce their usefulness. Trimestral sampling was carried out between May 2008 and February 2009. For quantitative analyses, biofilms were scrubbed off glass slides submerged for 30 days at a depth of approximately 40 cm. Diatom samples were cleaned with potassium permanganate and hydrochloric acid and mounted on permanent slides with Naphrax. All individuals found in random transects under three replicates were identified and counted up to a minimum of 600 valves. Thirteen species tolerant of eutrophication were selected. Four species mostly known from low-nutrient sites may be considered tolerant of eutrophic conditions. The composition of the diatom community was influenced by seasonal changes in temperature and rainfall. Canonical Correspondence Analyses confirmed a correlation between higher diatom densities and the increased photic zone following macrophyte removal.(AU)
A represa Itaqui, localizada no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil, é dominada pela macrófita flutuante Pistia stratiotes L. e utilizada para recreação e irrigação. Esta excessiva massa vegetal sugere um elevado estado de trofía e interfere nos múltiplos usos do corpo d'água. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar o estado trófico da represa e documentar suas condições limnológicas e a composição da comunidade de diatomáceas perifíticas antes e após a remoção mecânica da massa de macrófitas. As espécies apresentam autoecologias específicas em diferentes áreas geográficas, desta forma outro objetivo foi identificar diatomáceas em ambiente subtropical que possam ser consideradas tolerantes ao estado trófico da represa. Amostras de água foram coletadas para analises físicas e químicas, incluindo estimativas de clorofila-a que evidenciou o estado hipereutrófico da represa antes e depois da remoção das macrófitas. As condições ambientais excederam os valores aceitáveis para pesca e irrigação evidenciando como o manejo inadequado dos recursos hídricos pode diretamente reduzir sua utilidade. Amostragem trimestral foi realizada entre maio de 2008 e fevereiro de 2009. O biofilme desenvolvido sobre lâminas de vidro submersas foram raspados para análise quantitativa, contando-se 600 valvas em triplicatas de material oxidado. Treze espécies tolerantes a eutrofização foram selecionadas. Quatro espécies comumente identificadas em ambientes com baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes mostraram-se tolerantes às condições eutróficas. As diatomáceas responderam qualitativamente à sazonalidade como temperatura e pluviosidade. Análise de Corresponência Canônica confirmou que densidades mais elevadas coincidiram com o aumento da zona fótica oriunda da remoção das macrófitas.(AU)
Diatomáceas , Araceae , Reservatórios de Água , Eutrofização , BrasilResumo
This study aimed at evaluating the effects of the intensive fish-farming and the domestic wastewater on the structure of the phycoperiphyton community. Three experimental supports containing artificial substrate were assembled in two sampling sites: IF region with intensive fish-farming and DW near the domestic wastewater discharge. Samplings were carried out after the 21st, 26th and 31st day of colonization. The abiotic variables evaluated were: transparency, electrical conductivity, pH, turbidity, total suspended solids, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, water temperature and nutrients. Phycoperiphyton was examined with regard to density, richness, abundance, dominance, diversity and eveness. Nutrients (total nitrogen, nitrate, ammonia nitrogen, orthophosphate and silicate) were different among the sampling sites. Although the total density, richness, diversity and evenness of phycoperiphyton were not affected by the different impacts, the density by class had differences between the sampling sites, with Bacillariophyceae presenting higher density at IF and Cyanophyceae and Coscinodiscophyceae at DW. Four taxa have been associated with the impact by domestic wastewater, and four, to the intensive fish-farming. The density by class of phycoperiphyton was the best attribute to evaluate the effects of human activity.(AU)
A presente pesquisa visou avaliar o efeito da piscicultura intensiva e de esgoto doméstico na estrutura da comunidade ficoperifítica. Foram implantados três suportes experimentais contendo substratos artificiais em duas estações amostrais da lagoa Juara: IF - região de piscicultura intensiva e DW - próxima ao lançamento de efluentes domésticos. As coletas foram realizadas após 21, 26 e 31 dias de colonização. As variáveis abióticas avaliadas foram transparência, condutividade elétrica, pH, turbidez, sólidos totais em suspensão, alcalinidade, oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura da água e nutrientes. As algas perifíticas foram analisadas pelos atributos: densidade, riqueza, abundância, dominância, diversidade e equitabilidade. As concentrações de nutrientes (nitrogênio total, nitrato, nitrogênio amoniacal, ortofosfato e silicato) diferiram entre as duas estações amostrais. Apesar da densidade total, riqueza, diversidade e equitabilidade não diferirem em relação às estações amostrais, a densidade por classes apresentou diferenças com Bacillariophyceae, tendo maior densidade em IF e Cyanophyceae e Coscinodiscophyceae em DW. Quatro táxons estiveram relacionados com o impacto por efluente doméstico e quatro com a piscicultura intensiva. A densidade por classes do ficoperifíton mostrou ser o melhor atributo quando se deseja avaliar o efeito das atividades antrópicas.(AU)
Animais , Pesqueiros , Águas Residuárias/análiseResumo
Invasion by marine species, often considered a grave threat to marine ecosystems, occurs throughout the world as a consequence of many anthropogenic activities. In coastal Paraná, many factors including shipping, aquaculture and the use of artificial substrates provide suitable environments for the establishment and rapid spread of introduced marine species. To better understand this process, the encrusting community was studied on polyethylene plates (n = 120, 10 x 10 cm) that were placed seasonally at fixed locations on the inner continental shelf to detect non-native species. Of the 62 taxa found, 40 were identified to species, 14 of which were native, 9 introduced and 17 cryptogenic. We found a new introduction while most introduced species were previously reported at a nearby estuary with an international port. Possible complementary explanations for these detections are 1) estuaries influence ecological processes on the inner continental shelf, 2) the study area is near the route of cargo and other ships entering the port, 3) other local vectors, such as hulls of fishing and recreational boats, and artificial reefs link the estuary to the offshore areas. Thus, not only are estuaries invaded by exotic species, but also non-indigenous marine species may be present in the open sea where they are likely to colonize artificial substrates.
Invasion by marine species, often considered a grave threat to marine ecosystems, occurs throughout the world as a consequence of many anthropogenic activities. In coastal Paraná, many factors including shipping, aquaculture and the use of artificial substrates provide suitable environments for the establishment and rapid spread of introduced marine species. To better understand this process, the encrusting community was studied on polyethylene plates (n = 120, 10 x 10 cm) that were placed seasonally at fixed locations on the inner continental shelf to detect non-native species. Of the 62 taxa found, 40 were identified to species, 14 of which were native, 9 introduced and 17 cryptogenic. We found a new introduction while most introduced species were previously reported at a nearby estuary with an international port. Possible complementary explanations for these detections are 1) estuaries influence ecological processes on the inner continental shelf, 2) the study area is near the route of cargo and other ships entering the port, 3) other local vectors, such as hulls of fishing and recreational boats, and artificial reefs link the estuary to the offshore areas. Thus, not only are estuaries invaded by exotic species, but also non-indigenous marine species may be present in the open sea where they are likely to colonize artificial substrates.
Invasion by marine species, often considered a grave threat to marine ecosystems, occurs throughout the world as a consequence of many anthropogenic activities. In coastal Paraná, many factors including shipping, aquaculture and the use of artificial substrates provide suitable environments for the establishment and rapid spread of introduced marine species. To better understand this process, the encrusting community was studied on polyethylene plates (n = 120, 10 x 10 cm) that were placed seasonally at fixed locations on the inner continental shelf to detect non-native species. Of the 62 taxa found, 40 were identified to species, 14 of which were native, 9 introduced and 17 cryptogenic. We found a new introduction while most introduced species were previously reported at a nearby estuary with an international port. Possible complementary explanations for these detections are 1) estuaries influence ecological processes on the inner continental shelf, 2) the study area is near the route of cargo and other ships entering the port, 3) other local vectors, such as hulls of fishing and recreational boats, and artificial reefs link the estuary to the offshore areas. Thus, not only are estuaries invaded by exotic species, but also non-indigenous marine species may be present in the open sea where they are likely to colonize artificial substrates.
Experimental studies in rivers and streams are extremely difficult to run due to the fact that the conditions of these environments are very complex and provide a high level of heterogeneity, which hinders the precise control and standardization of variables. In this study, we present a practical sampler that was designed to make it easier to conduct research projects involving benthic communities of lotic environments, as well as a new nondestructive technique for quantification of the macroalgal communities typically found in these habitats. The sampler consists of an acrylic square tube in which water flows normally inside. This structure carries a removable glass plaque with a known area and can simulate various ecological situations by changing both biotic and abiotic conditions. Thus, it can mitigate the differences between environmental characteristics where each sampler is exposed. The new technique involves capturing digital images that can monitor a unique macroalgal community in development throughout time and a more precise quantification when compared with other techniques that are widely applied. The sampler is easy to build and the images simple to quantify, allowing the detection of spatial and temporal variations in richness and abundance of investigated communities.
Os estudos experimentais em rios e riachos são extremamente difíceis de serem executados, visto que as condições desses ambientes são muito complexas e proporcionam um alto nível de heterogeneidade, o que dificulta o controle e a padronização precisa das variáveis. Nesse contexto, um prático amostrador foi desenvolvido para facilitar a execução de projetos de pesquisas envolvendo comunidades bentônicas de ambientes lóticos, além de constituir uma nova técnica não destrutiva para quantificação das macroalgas tipicamente encontradas nesses habitats. O amostrador consiste de um tubo de acrílico de seção quadrada, pelo qual a água corrente flui normalmente em seu interior. Tal estrutura porta uma placa de vidro removível com área conhecida e permite simular diversas situações ecológicas, variando tanto as condições abióticas como as bióticas, além de amenizar as diferenças entre as características ambientais a que está submetido cada um dos amostradores. Diversamente, a nova técnica consiste na captura de imagens digitais que permitem o acompanhamento temporal de uma mesma comunidade de macroalgas em desenvolvimento e uma quantificação mais precisa quando comparada com técnicas amplamente aplicadas na área. O amostrador é fácil de construir e as imagens são simples para quantificar, permitindo a detecção de variações espaço-temporais na riqueza e abundância das comunidades investigadas.
Despite limited natural dispersal, some species of ascidians can be transported vast distances via oceanic petroleum platforms, ship hulls and ballast water and therefore may be good indicators of bioinvasion. Usually non indigenous species (NIS) are abundant in harbors. This is caused in part because of the higher propagule delivery rate in these areas. An alternative explanation of why invasion is enhanced in harbor and marinas is that environmental degradation commonly found in these habitats favors the establishment of NIS. Most surveys for introduced species were not comprehensive and targeted mainly ports and marinas. Angra dos Reis is an excellent system that provides an opportunity to compare the potential distribution of introduced and native species of Ascidiacea between port and natural environments. Here, we compared the colonization of experimental subtidal plates placed in harbors and marinas with the colonization of plates placed in nearby natural areas. With 27 taxa (15 identified to species), species richness was greater in port environments (25 versus 8). Six taxa were common to both environments while 19 taxa were exclusively found in ports. Among the identified species in ports, three were introduced, five were cryptogenic and only one was native. Only three species were found exclusively in the natural sites and all were cryptogenic. The presence of introduced species only in the port areas of Angra dos Reis reinforces the need for continued, periodic monitoring in the region for early detection of new, potentially invasive, species as well as for better understanding of abnormal population growth of the already known species. Management to reduce the transfer of exotics to natural habitats must be implemented.
Despite limited natural dispersal, some species of ascidians can be transported vast distances via oceanic petroleum platforms, ship hulls and ballast water and therefore may be good indicators of bioinvasion. Usually non indigenous species (NIS) are abundant in harbors. This is caused in part because of the higher propagule delivery rate in these areas. An alternative explanation of why invasion is enhanced in harbor and marinas is that environmental degradation commonly found in these habitats favors the establishment of NIS. Most surveys for introduced species were not comprehensive and targeted mainly ports and marinas. Angra dos Reis is an excellent system that provides an opportunity to compare the potential distribution of introduced and native species of Ascidiacea between port and natural environments. Here, we compared the colonization of experimental subtidal plates placed in harbors and marinas with the colonization of plates placed in nearby natural areas. With 27 taxa (15 identified to species), species richness was greater in port environments (25 versus 8). Six taxa were common to both environments while 19 taxa were exclusively found in ports. Among the identified species in ports, three were introduced, five were cryptogenic and only one was native. Only three species were found exclusively in the natural sites and all were cryptogenic. The presence of introduced species only in the port areas of Angra dos Reis reinforces the need for continued, periodic monitoring in the region for early detection of new, potentially invasive, species as well as for better understanding of abnormal population growth of the already known species. Management to reduce the transfer of exotics to natural habitats must be implemented.
Despite limited natural dispersal, some species of ascidians can be transported vast distances via oceanic petroleum platforms, ship hulls and ballast water and therefore may be good indicators of bioinvasion. Usually non indigenous species (NIS) are abundant in harbors. This is caused in part because of the higher propagule delivery rate in these areas. An alternative explanation of why invasion is enhanced in harbor and marinas is that environmental degradation commonly found in these habitats favors the establishment of NIS. Most surveys for introduced species were not comprehensive and targeted mainly ports and marinas. Angra dos Reis is an excellent system that provides an opportunity to compare the potential distribution of introduced and native species of Ascidiacea between port and natural environments. Here, we compared the colonization of experimental subtidal plates placed in harbors and marinas with the colonization of plates placed in nearby natural areas. With 27 taxa (15 identified to species), species richness was greater in port environments (25 versus 8). Six taxa were common to both environments while 19 taxa were exclusively found in ports. Among the identified species in ports, three were introduced, five were cryptogenic and only one was native. Only three species were found exclusively in the natural sites and all were cryptogenic. The presence of introduced species only in the port areas of Angra dos Reis reinforces the need for continued, periodic monitoring in the region for early detection of new, potentially invasive, species as well as for better understanding of abnormal population growth of the already known species. Management to reduce the transfer of exotics to natural habitats must be implemented.
Biological indices based on the biomass (dry weight, ash content, and chlorophyll-a) of the periphyton in a natural (submersed leaves of Typha domingensis Pers) and in an artificial (plastic hoses) substrate were compared, in experiments performed in summer and winter, in two sampling stations of Imboassica Lagoon, Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. The periphytic community exhibited low biomass at the beginning and end of the experiments, and moderate biomass in the intermediate period of the experiment, whatever the kind of substrate, sampling station, and season. In both seasons, there was a spatial variation regarding the degree of trophy of the periphyton, due to the difference of nutrient availability among the sampling stations. The alternation of inorganic and organic periphyton, as well as of their heterotrophic, hetero-autotrophic, auto-heterotrophic and, autotrophic character was due to changes in the abiotic factors of the sampling periods. The Lakatos index proved more sensitive than the Autotrophic Index to variations in the composition of the periphytic community.
Índices biológicos baseados na biomassa (peso seco, conteúdo de cinzas e clorofila a) do perifíton em substrato natural (folhas submersas de Typha domingensis Pers) e artificial (mangueiras plásticas) foram comparados, em experimentos realizados durante o verão e o inverno, em duas estações de amostragem da lagoa Imboassica, Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. A comunidade perifítica apresentou baixa biomassa nas fases iniciais e finais dos experimentos e biomassa média nas fases intermediárias, independente do tipo de substrato, estação de amostragem e período estudado. Em ambos os períodos, houve variação espacial com relação ao grau de trofia do perifíton em razão da diferença de disponibilidade de nutrientes entre as estações de amostragem. As alternâncias do perifíton inorgânico e orgânico, heterotrófico, hetero-autotrófico, auto-heterotrófico e autotrófico se deveram a mudanças nos fatores abióticos nas estações de amostragem nos períodos estudados. O índice de Lakatos mostrou-se mais sensível às variações na composição da comunidade perifítica do que o Indíce Autotrófico.