This study presents a qualitative analysis of endangered species occurrences in conservation units of Rio de Janeiro, one of the largest Brazilian municipalities in population size. Increasing human activities trigger changes in biodiversity, promote fragmentation, and reduce species distribution ranges, which can ultimately lead to declines in population sizes. One of the main goals of protected areas (PAs), such as conservation units, is to protect and conserve biodiversity. Here, we compiled all vascular plant species recorded within Rio de Janeiro PAs by consulting the Reference Center for Environmental Information (SpeciesLink), Flora do Brasil (2020), and primary data records contained in management plans. We compared this compilation with the list of Brazilian endangered plant species, verifying whether the management plans presented specific programs for these species. Of the 60 surveyed PAs, 24 had records of endangered species and only 17 had management plans, 14 of which had a specific program that contemplated the monitoring and/or conservation of endangered species. A total of 70 endangered species were recorded. The highest numbers of endangered species were found in the Tijuca National Park (41) and the Pedra Branca State Park (17), the two largest PAs with the two largest forest fragments. Despite the high number of endangered species and the number of protected areas that harbor them, few internal programs address endangered species conservation and management. Thus, efforts to maintain endangered species in protected areas can be aided by field data collections that confirm their occurrence and maintenance in these PAs.(AU)
Flora , Biodiversidade , Política Ambiental , Brasil , Áreas ProtegidasResumo
Abstract The recent edition of the Red Book of Endangered Brazilian Fauna brings 1,173 threatened species, 86% of them in terrestrial or freshwater environments. For these species, the main threat vector is agricultural activities that affect 519 species (51%). This information brought by the Red Book is examined in-depth and its consistency is discussed in search of an objective view on the impacts of agriculture, its importance, how they affect the different groups of animals, the different biomes of the country, and the different types of habitats continental. Birds, fish, and invertebrates are the groups with the highest number of species threatened by agricultural activity, accounting for more than 70% of the species. Habitat loss is by far the biggest impact caused by the activity, affecting almost 90% of the species. However, there is a difference between the impact of agriculture and livestock. The work seeks to understand why livestock threatens a smaller number of species, although pastures occupy more than twice the area occupied by crops and forestry. The work brings an objective debate on the relationship between agricultural activities and the conservation of wild fauna in Brazil, without falling into the trap of the useless demonization of human activities, highlighting, instead, the need to define and implement strategies for the conservation of biodiversity in the midst the land use matrix itself, complementary to the conservation units, based on the best available information on the vulnerability of fauna to the impacts of this vector.
Abstract The recent edition of the Red Book of Endangered Brazilian Fauna brings 1,173 threatened species, 86% of them in terrestrial or freshwater environments. For these species, the main threat vector is agricultural activities that affect 519 species (51%). This information brought by the Red Book is examined in-depth and its consistency is discussed in search of an objective view on the impacts of agriculture, its importance, how they affect the different groups of animals, the different biomes of the country, and the different types of habitats continental. Birds, fish, and invertebrates are the groups with the highest number of species threatened by agricultural activity, accounting for more than 70% of the species. Habitat loss is by far the biggest impact caused by the activity, affecting almost 90% of the species. However, there is a difference between the impact of agriculture and livestock. The work seeks to understand why livestock threatens a smaller number of species, although pastures occupy more than twice the area occupied by crops and forestry. The work brings an objective debate on the relationship between agricultural activities and the conservation of wild fauna in Brazil, without falling into the trap of the useless demonization of human activities, highlighting, instead, the need to define and implement strategies for the conservation of biodiversity in the midst the land use matrix itself, complementary to the conservation units, based on the best available information on the vulnerability of fauna to the impacts of this vector.
The recent edition of the Red Book of Endangered Brazilian Fauna brings 1,173 threatened species, 86% of them in terrestrial or freshwater environments. For these species, the main threat vector is agricultural activities that affect 519 species (51%). This information brought by the Red Book is examined in-depth and its consistency is discussed in search of an objective view on the impacts of agriculture, its importance, how they affect the different groups of animals, the different biomes of the country, and the different types of habitats continental. Birds, fish, and invertebrates are the groups with the highest number of species threatened by agricultural activity, accounting for more than 70% of the species. Habitat loss is by far the biggest impact caused by the activity, affecting almost 90% of the species. However, there is a difference between the impact of agriculture and livestock. The work seeks to understand why livestock threatens a smaller number of species, although pastures occupy more than twice the area occupied by crops and forestry. The work brings an objective debate on the relationship between agricultural activities and the conservation of wild fauna in Brazil, without falling into the trap of the useless demonization of human activities, highlighting, instead, the need to define and implement strategies for the conservation of biodiversity in the midst the land use matrix itself, complementary to the conservation units, based on the best available information on the vulnerability of fauna to the impacts of this vector.(AU)
24444 , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Biodiversidade , EcossistemaResumo
Uma primeira etapa básica e essencial para a aplicação de biotécnicas da reprodução é a coleta eavaliação do sêmen, seguida da sua criopreservação. Apresentamos aqui alguns protocolos, com base emresultados publicados e observações pessoais, para as diferentes espécies de felídeos selvagens. Para felídeosdomésticos e selvagens, a eletroejaculação é o método mais frequentemente utilizado para coleta de sêmen. Acoleta por vagina artificial, algumas vezes empregada em gatos domésticos e já descrita para guepardos, exige ocondicionamento do animal e a habituação ao coletor. A cateterização uretral, associada a fármacos quepromovem a ejaculação, surge também como uma outra opção para coleta de sêmen.(AU)
A basic and essential first step in the application of reproduction biotechniques is the semen collectionand evaluation, followed by its cryopreservation. We present here some protocols, based on published resultsand personal observations, for the different species of wild felids. For domestic and wild felids,electroejaculation is the most frequently used method for collecting semen. Collection by artificial vagina,sometimes used in domestic cats and already described for cheetahs, requires the conditioning of the animal andhabituation to the collector. Urethral catheterization, associated with drugs that promote ejaculation, alsoappears as another option for semen collection.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Andrologia/métodos , Criopreservação , Criopreservação/veterinária , Felidae/genética , BiodiversidadeResumo
Uma primeira etapa básica e essencial para a aplicação de biotécnicas da reprodução é a coleta eavaliação do sêmen, seguida da sua criopreservação. Apresentamos aqui alguns protocolos, com base emresultados publicados e observações pessoais, para as diferentes espécies de felídeos selvagens. Para felídeosdomésticos e selvagens, a eletroejaculação é o método mais frequentemente utilizado para coleta de sêmen. Acoleta por vagina artificial, algumas vezes empregada em gatos domésticos e já descrita para guepardos, exige ocondicionamento do animal e a habituação ao coletor. A cateterização uretral, associada a fármacos quepromovem a ejaculação, surge também como uma outra opção para coleta de sêmen.
A basic and essential first step in the application of reproduction biotechniques is the semen collectionand evaluation, followed by its cryopreservation. We present here some protocols, based on published resultsand personal observations, for the different species of wild felids. For domestic and wild felids,electroejaculation is the most frequently used method for collecting semen. Collection by artificial vagina,sometimes used in domestic cats and already described for cheetahs, requires the conditioning of the animal andhabituation to the collector. Urethral catheterization, associated with drugs that promote ejaculation, alsoappears as another option for semen collection.
Masculino , Animais , Gatos , Andrologia/métodos , Criopreservação , Criopreservação/veterinária , Felidae/genética , BiodiversidadeResumo
The lesser grison (Galictis cuja) is one of the least-known mustelids in the Neotropics, despite its broad range across South America. This study aimed to explore current knowledge of the distribution of the species to identify gaps in knowledge and anticipate its full geographic distribution. Eighty-nine articles have mentioned G. cuja since 1969, but only 13 focused on the species. We generated a detailed model of the species potential distribution that validated previous maps, but with improved detail, supporting previous southernmost records, and providing a means of identifying priority sites for conservation and management of the species.(AU)
El hurón menor (Galictis cuja) es uno de los mustélidos menos conocidos en el Neotrópico, a pesar de su amplia área de distribución a través de América del Sur. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la información actual de ocurrencias de la especie para identificar vacíos sobre su conocimiento y anticipar su distribución geográfica. Ochenta y nueve artículos han hecho referencia a G. cuja desde el año 1969, pero sólo 13 se enfocaron en la especie. Se generó un modelo detallado de la distribución potencial de la especie que validó mapas anteriores, pero con mayor detalle, apoyando previos registros australes, y proporcionando una herramienta para la identificación de sitios prioritarios para la conservación y manejo de la especie.(AU)
Animais , Biodiversidade , Mustelidae/anatomia & histologia , EcologiaResumo
The lesser grison (Galictis cuja) is one of the least-known mustelids in the Neotropics, despite its broad range across South America. This study aimed to explore current knowledge of the distribution of the species to identify gaps in knowledge and anticipate its full geographic distribution. Eighty-nine articles have mentioned G. cuja since 1969, but only 13 focused on the species. We generated a detailed model of the species potential distribution that validated previous maps, but with improved detail, supporting previous southernmost records, and providing a means of identifying priority sites for conservation and management of the species.
El hurón menor (Galictis cuja) es uno de los mustélidos menos conocidos en el Neotrópico, a pesar de su amplia área de distribución a través de América del Sur. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la información actual de ocurrencias de la especie para identificar vacíos sobre su conocimiento y anticipar su distribución geográfica. Ochenta y nueve artículos han hecho referencia a G. cuja desde el año 1969, pero sólo 13 se enfocaron en la especie. Se generó un modelo detallado de la distribución potencial de la especie que validó mapas anteriores, pero con mayor detalle, apoyando previos registros australes, y proporcionando una herramienta para la identificación de sitios prioritarios para la conservación y manejo de la especie.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecologia , Mustelidae/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Phoridae é uma família relativamente pouco conhecida de pequenos dípteros com aproximadamente 4000 espécies descritas e uma estimativa de diversidade total que varia de 25 a 50 mil espécies. Grande parte dessa diversidade desconhecida encontra-se principalmente na região Neotropical. Atualmente, existem cerca de 700 espécies de forídeos registrados para o país, embora estimativas sugiram uma diversidade de até 5.000 espécies. Levantamentos taxonômicos de Diptera são escassos no Rio Grande do Sul e a família nunca foi amostrada. Este trabalho, registra 41 novas espécies de Phoridae para o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, quintuplicando a fauna conhecida da família, que agora soma 51 espécies. Além disso, cinco espécies são registradas pela primeira vez no Brasil. Uma nova espécie do gênero Megaselia Rondani é descrita para a região de Pelotas. Por fim, os padrões de diversidade e abundância de forídeos são descritos. Um total de 7.901 indivíduos foram coletados, destes, 5.885 indivíduos do sexo masculino distribuídos em 27 gêneros e 118 unidades taxonômicas foram registrados para as regiões coletadas. Este é o primeiro trabalho sobre diversidade de Phoridae realizado no Rio Grande do Sul.
Phoridae is a relatively little known small Diptera family with approximately 4,000 described species and an estimated total diversity of the range 25 to 50 thousand species. Much of this unknown diversity is found mainly in the Neotropics. Currently, there are about 700 species of phorid registered for the country, although estimates suggest a range of up to 5,000 species. Taxonomic surveys of Diptera are scarce in Rio Grande do Sul and the family was never properly sampled. This work presents 41 new species records of Phoridae for the state of Rio Grande do Sul, fivefold the previously known fauna of the family, which now has 51 species registered. In addition, five species are recorded for the first time in Brazil. A new species of the genus Megaselia Rondani is described for the Pelotas region. Finally, diversity and abundance patterns of phorid are described. A total of 7,901 individuals were collected, of these, 5,885 males distributed in 27 genera and 118 taxonomic units were recorded for the collected regions. This is the first work on the diversity of Phoridae held in Rio Grande do Sul.
Rapid Ecological Assessment protocols are important tools for the training of postgraduate students, as well as the collection of data on poorly-known and protected areas with the potential for the preservation of water supplies for urban areas. The objective of this study was to perform a survey of water quality and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in two sub-basins at the Mata do Junco Wildlife Refuge in the Brazilian state of Sergipe. The collection of data in the field, laboratory processing, and the interpretation and discussion of data were conducted in groups by students from two postgraduate programmes in Ecology and Conservation (UFMG and UFS), personnel of the state environment agency (SEMARH), school teachers from the local town of Capela, and members of the reserve's voluntary fire brigade. The results of the assessment were organised, analysed, and presented at the reserve headquarters in the form of posters, for the development of environmental education activities with pupils from local schools, as well as contributing to a SEMARH seminar. Samples were characterised by distinct taxonomic compositions and diversity, as confirmed by MDS and additive partitioning of diversity analyses. The gravel substrate presented the lower mean taxonomic richness in each sampling unit (a1 = 28%), while the average difference among samples (b1 diversity) was elevated for both substrates (39% for leaf litter, 41% for gravel), reflecting the pronounced variation among samples, even adjacent ones within the same stream. Diversity between streams was lower in the case of leaf litter in comparison with gravel (b2 = 21 and 31%, respectively). A total of 57 fish specimens were collected with a predominance of individuals of the orders Characiformes (62%) and Perciformes (21%). This rapid ecological assessment confirmed the importance of the conservation unit and emphasised the need for its continuation, given its importance for the maintenance of water quality and its other ecological services, such as the conservation of the region's aquatic biodiversity and providing the local town of Capela (circa 20,000 inhabitants) with its water supply, the Mata do Junco being its only source.
Protocolos de avaliação ecológica rápida são ferramentas importantes para treinamento de pós-graduandos e levantamento de informações em áreas pouco conhecidas. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um levantamento de qualidade de água e diversidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos em duas sub-bacias em uma área protegida. Atividades de campo, processamento em laboratório, interpretação e discussão de dados foram realizados em grupos com a participação de representantes dos Programas de Pós-graduação em Ecologia da UFMG e da UFS, SEMARH, professores do município de Capela e "brigada voluntária de incêndio" do Refúgio de Vida Silvestre (RVS) Mata do Junco em Sergipe. Os resultados foram sintetizados, analisados e disponibilizados na Unidade de Conservação (UC) RVS Mata do Junco na forma de banners de divulgação, atividades de educação ambiental com alunos de escolas locais e em um seminário de recursos hídricos no estado de Sergipe. As amostras de fundo apresentaram composições taxonômicas e diversidade diferentes, como mostraram as análises de ordenação MDS e de partição aditiva da diversidade. O substrato cascalho apresentou menor riqueza taxonômica média em cada unidade amostral (a1 = 28%) e a diferença média entre amostragens (diversidade b1) foi elevada nos dois casos (39% em folhiço, 41% em cascalho), indicando a alta variação que há entre amostras espacialmente próximas em um mesmo riacho. A diversidade entre riachos foi menor em folhiço do que em cascalho (b2 = 21 e 31%, respectivamente). Foram capturados 57 peixes, com predomínio de Characiformes (62%) e Perciformes (21%). Esta avaliação ecológica rápida corrobora a importância da criação e manutenção desta unidade de conservação, a fim de manter a boa qualidade de suas águas e serviços ecológicos, destacando-se a conservação da biodiversidade aquática e o abastecimento do município de Capela, com cerca de 20 mil habitantes que têm no RVS Mata do Junco seu único manancial de abastecimento de água.
Rapid Ecological Assessment protocols are important tools for the training of postgraduate students, as well as the collection of data on poorly-known and protected areas with the potential for the preservation of water supplies for urban areas. The objective of this study was to perform a survey of water quality and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in two sub-basins at the Mata do Junco Wildlife Refuge in the Brazilian state of Sergipe. The collection of data in the field, laboratory processing, and the interpretation and discussion of data were conducted in groups by students from two postgraduate programmes in Ecology and Conservation (UFMG and UFS), personnel of the state environment agency (SEMARH), school teachers from the local town of Capela, and members of the reserve's voluntary fire brigade. The results of the assessment were organised, analysed, and presented at the reserve headquarters in the form of posters, for the development of environmental education activities with pupils from local schools, as well as contributing to a SEMARH seminar. Samples were characterised by distinct taxonomic compositions and diversity, as confirmed by MDS and additive partitioning of diversity analyses. The gravel substrate presented the lower mean taxonomic richness in each sampling unit (α1 = 28%), while the average difference among samples (ß1 diversity) was elevated for both substrates (39% for leaf litter, 41% for gravel), reflecting the pronounced variation among samples, even adjacent ones within the same stream. Diversity between streams was lower in the case of leaf litter in comparison with gravel (ß2 = 21 and 31%, respectively). A total of 57 fish specimens were collected with a predominance of individuals of the orders Characiformes (62%) and Perciformes (21%). This rapid ecological assessment confirmed the importance of the conservation unit and emphasised the need for its continuation, given its importance for the maintenance of water quality and its other ecological services, such as the conservation of the region's aquatic biodiversity and providing the local town of Capela (circa 20,000 inhabitants) with its water supply, the Mata do Junco being its only source.
Protocolos de avaliação ecológica rápida são ferramentas importantes para treinamento de pós-graduandos e levantamento de informações em áreas pouco conhecidas. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um levantamento de qualidade de água e diversidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos em duas sub-bacias em uma área protegida. Atividades de campo, processamento em laboratório, interpretação e discussão de dados foram realizados em grupos com a participação de representantes dos Programas de Pós-graduação em Ecologia da UFMG e da UFS, SEMARH, professores do município de Capela e "brigada voluntária de incêndio" do Refúgio de Vida Silvestre (RVS) Mata do Junco em Sergipe. Os resultados foram sintetizados, analisados e disponibilizados na Unidade de Conservação (UC) RVS Mata do Junco na forma de banners de divulgação, atividades de educação ambiental com alunos de escolas locais e em um seminário de recursos hídricos no estado de Sergipe. As amostras de fundo apresentaram composições taxonômicas e diversidade diferentes, como mostraram as análises de ordenação MDS e de partição aditiva da diversidade. O substrato cascalho apresentou menor riqueza taxonômica média em cada unidade amostral (α1 = 28%) e a diferença média entre amostragens (diversidade ß1) foi elevada nos dois casos (39% em folhiço, 41% em cascalho), indicando a alta variação que há entre amostras espacialmente próximas em um mesmo riacho. A diversidade entre riachos foi menor em folhiço do que em cascalho (ß2 = 21 e 31%, respectivamente). Foram capturados 57 peixes, com predomínio de Characiformes (62%) e Perciformes (21%). Esta avaliação ecológica rápida corrobora a importância da criação e manutenção desta unidade de conservação, a fim de manter a boa qualidade de suas águas e serviços ecológicos, destacando-se a conservação da biodiversidade aquática e o abastecimento do município de Capela, com cerca de 20 mil habitantes que têm no RVS Mata do Junco seu único manancial de abastecimento de água.