The Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger) and the Large-billed Tern (Phaetusa simplex) are two migratory waterbirds that breed simultaneously on many river beaches in South America. Both are polytypic taxa with little information about the distribution and nonbreeding ("wintering") areas. Based on data from the literature, citizen science websites, fieldwork, and specimens housed in natural history museums, we revised the distribution of some of the main breeding colonies in South America, comparing it with continental rainy cycles to identify generalities about the role of precipitation seasonality on the defining intratropical migration routes of these species. Our data suggest that the seasonal precipitation cycle of South America directly influences the reproductive timing and distribution of both species, which is largely circumscribed by South America's rivers. After breeding on sandy beaches during the dry season, both species disperse in small groups or even individually not in large flocks as seen in breeding areas making it difficult to find general migration patterns during the rainy season. Nonetheless, individuals of both species tend to follow the course of the largest rivers of the continent and even alternative routes to disperse into several areas throughout South America during the nonbreeding season.(AU)
Migração Animal/fisiologia , Charadriiformes/fisiologia , Filogeografia , América do Sul , Estação ChuvosaResumo
The Northeastern Mata Atlântica freshwater ecoregion (NMAF) is recognized for the high degree of endemism of its ichthyofauna, whose evolutionary and biogeographic histories are still poorly understood. Oligosarcus acutirostris is a freshwater fish species endemic to the NMAF, which is distributed in coastal rivers and streams draining Bahia, Espírito Santo, and part of Minas Gerais states in eastern Brazil. Its widespread distribution in currently isolated river basins along the NMAF prompted this study, which aimed to understand what scenarios would be involved in determining its current distribution pattern, and to contribute to a better understanding of the biogeographic history of the NMAF. For this, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences were analyzed based on samples from different localities along the species distribution, including its type locality. Overall, phylogeographic analyses indicate a strong genetic structure within the species evidenced mainly by the non-sharing of haplotypes between most of the basins analyzed. According to the AMOVA results, the current distribution of haplotypes is better explained by the Pleistocene coastal paleodrainages. The results are also used to test and complement a biogeographic hypothesis previously proposed for the drainages of the NMAF.(AU)
A ecorregião de água doce Mata Atlântica Nordeste (NMAF) é reconhecida pelo alto grau de endemismo da sua ictiofauna, cujas histórias evolutiva e biogeográfica ainda são pouco compreendidas. Oligosarcus acutirostris é uma espécie de peixe de água doce endêmica da NMAF, que está distribuída em rios e riachos costeiros que drenam os estados da Bahia, Espírito Santo e parte de Minas Gerais, no leste do Brasil. Sua ampla distribuição em bacias atualmente isoladas ao longo da NMAF motivou este estudo, que teve como objetivos entender quais cenários estariam envolvidos na determinação do seu padrão atual de distribuição e contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da história biogeográfica da NMAF. Para isto, foram analisadas sequências de DNA nuclear e mitocondrial, a partir de amostras de diferentes localidades ao longo da distribuição da espécie, incluindo sua localidade tipo. No geral, as análises filogeográficas indicam forte estruturação genética na espécie, evidenciada principalmente pelo não compartilhamento de haplótipos entre a maioria das bacias analisadas. De acordo com os resultados da AMOVA, a distribuição atual dos haplótipos é melhor explicada pelas paleodrenagens costeiras do Pleistoceno. Os resultados obtidos também são utilizados para testar e complementar hipótese biogeográfica previamente proposta para as drenagens da NMAF.(AU)
Animais , Filogeografia/métodos , Characidae/classificação , BrasilResumo
Nineteen species of Anguilla Schrank, 1798 are globally distributed in the world, however knowledge on the biogeography, species diversity and ecology of the 13 species of tropical anguillids in the Indo-Pacific region is highly limited. This study examined the diversity of tropical anguillids found in North Maluku of East Indonesia, which is known to have unique and highly heterogeneous habitats, complex oceanography, high biodiversity, and representativeness of Asian and Australian fauna. By means of molecular identification, two tropical anguillid eels, A. marmorata Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 and A. interioris Whitely, 1938, were confirmed to be distributed in North Maluku. This study also examined the mitochondrial DNA haplotype diversity of A. interioris, as it could contribute to our understanding of the biogeography and life history of this eel species. Our molecular analyses showed the presence of the same haplotypes along the different locations in the Indo-Pacific region. Although more samples and DNA markers are required to provide more support, the results suggest that the larvae of A. interioris from potentially different spawning sites in the Indian and Pacific oceans could be mixed together due to the complexity of oceanic currents, and when these migrating larvae reach maturity, they would likely spawn with the local eels.
Animais , Haplótipos , DNA Mitocondrial/análise , Anguilla/genética , Filogeografia , IndonésiaResumo
Birds are considered bioindicators of environmental quality because they are sensitive to environmental changes. The eared dove (Zenaida auriculata) is associated with open areas, has low sensitivity to environmental changes and is widely distributed in Brazil, although it is not typically found in the Amazon region. We analyzed the biogeographic expansion of this species in the Brazilian Amazon through searches carried out on digital citizen science platforms. The records of Z. auriculata were related with the area of accumulated deforestation in the biome. We identified 804 records of Z. auriculata in the Brazilian Amazon, of which 259 were in areas where its occurrence had been previously unknown. We show that the species has been expanding its geographic distribution, clearly overlapping with deforested areas.(AU)
As aves são consideradas bioindicadores de qualidade ambiental por serem sensíveis às mudanças ambientais. A avoante (Zenaida auriculata) é associada a áreas abertas, possui baixa sensibilidade às mudanças ambientais e é amplamente distribuída no Brasil, apesar de não ser tipicamente encontrada na Amazônia. Nós analisamos a expansão biogeográfica desta espécie na Amazônia brasileira por meio de buscas em plataformas digitais de ciência cidadã. Os registros obtidos de Z. auriculata foram relacionados com a área de desmatamento acumulado no bioma. Identificamos 804 registros de Z. auriculata na Amazônia brasileira, dos quais 259 em regiões onde sua ocorrência era desconhecida. Nós mostramos que a espécie vem ampliando sua distribuição geográfica em nítida sobreposição com áreas desmatadas.(AU)
Animais , Columbidae , Biomarcadores Ambientais , Distribuição Animal , Brasil , Ecossistema Amazônico , Conservação dos Recursos NaturaisResumo
The family Characidae is the most diverse group of fishes in the Neotropics with challenging systematics. The three genera Carlana, Parastremma, and Rhoadsia, formerly considered the subfamily Rhoadsiinae, are now included in the subfamily Stethaprioninae. Previous phylogenetic analyses did not include all genera of Rhoadsiinae, specifically Parastremma. Here, we estimated the phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of the genera of Rhoadsiinae (the Rhoadsia clade) relative to the most representative genera of the Characidae. We used six molecular markers from the mitochondrial and nuclear genome to estimate the phylogeny and divergence times. We confirmed the monophyly of the Rhoadsia clade. Furthermore, we estimated that the Central American genus Carlana and the western Colombian genus Parastremma diverged approximately 13 Mya (95% HPD 8.3618.11), consistent with the early-closure estimates of the Isthmus of Panama (~15 Mya). The genus Rhoadsia, endemic to Western Ecuador and Northern Peru, was estimated to originate at around 20 Mya (95% HPD 14.3525.43), consistent with the Andean uplift (~20 Mya).(AU)
La familia Characidae es el grupo más diverso de peces en el Neotrópico con una sistemática compleja. Los tres géneros Carlana, Parastremma y Rhoadsia, antes considerados en la subfamilia Rhoadsiinae, ahora se consideran dentro de la subfamilia Stethaprioninae. Los análisis filogenéticos publicados no incluyen todos los géneros de Rhoadsiinae, específicamente Parastremma. Aquí, estimamos las relaciones filogenéticas y los tiempos de divergencia de los géneros de Rhoadsiinae (el clado Rhoadsia) en relación con los géneros más representativos de Characidae. Utilizamos seis marcadores moleculares del genoma mitocondrial y nuclear para estimar la filogenia y el tiempo de divergencia. Confirmamos la monofilia del clado Rhoadsia. Además, estimamos que el género centroamericano Carlana y el género colombiano occidental Parastremma divergieron aproximadamente hace 13 millones de años (95% HPD 8.3618.11), lo que es consistente con recientes estimaciones del cierre del Istmo de Panamá (~15 millones de años). Se estimó que el género Rhoadsia, endémico del oeste de Ecuador y el norte de Perú, se originó hace alrededor de 20 millones de años (95% HPD 14.3525.43), consistente con el levantamiento de los Andes (~20 millones de años).(AU)
Animais , Filogeografia , Characidae/genética , Biologia Molecular/métodos , Peru , Equador , Genoma MitocondrialResumo
Harvestmen are arachnids that play an important role in organic matter breakdown. However, there are many ecosystems in Brazil, including Conservation Units, which lack information about these organisms or are sub-sampled. Even in areas of Atlantic forest, a biome that hosts the greatest diversity and endemic rates of these arthropods in the world. In this perspective, the purpose of this study was to survey the harvestmen fauna in areas of Semideciduous Seasonal Forest in the Ilha Grande National Park, Paraná, southern Brazil, from February to November 2019, totaling 15 days and 60 hours, on six islands in the Paraná River. A total of 170 specimens was collected, distributed in five genera, comprising two species and three morphotypes. The low species richness may reflect the isolation of populations imposed by the island effect, however the study expanded the geographic distribution of Parapachyloides uncinatus and Discocyrtus invalidus, for which until then there was no record of occurrence in the Paraná State.
Aracnídeos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , FlorestasResumo
Harvestmen are arachnids that play an important role in organic matter breakdown. However, there are many ecosystems in Brazil, including Conservation Units, which lack information about these organisms or are sub-sampled. Even in areas of Atlantic forest, a biome that hosts the greatest diversity and endemic rates of these arthropods in the world. In this perspective, the purpose of this study was to survey the harvestmen fauna in areas of Semideciduous Seasonal Forest in the Ilha Grande National Park, Paraná, southern Brazil, from February to November 2019, totaling 15 days and 60 hours, on six islands in the Paraná River. A total of 170 specimens was collected, distributed in five genera, comprising two species and three morphotypes. The low species richness may reflect the isolation of populations imposed by the island effect, however the study expanded the geographic distribution of Parapachyloides uncinatus and Discocyrtus invalidus, for which until then there was no record of occurrence in the Paraná State.(AU)
Aracnídeos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Florestas , FilogeografiaResumo
Abstract Two new species of particular biogeographic significance are described from the upper rio Paraguay basin, one of the genus Paracanthopoma (Trichomycteridae, Vandelliinae) and the other of the genus Ernstichthys (Aspredinidae, Hoplomyzontinae). The two species occur sympatrically in the Rio Taquarizinho, tributary of the Rio Taquari, in the upper Paraguay system. Paracanthopoma saci is distinguished from its only congener, P. parva, by a spatulate caudal peduncle; a minuscule premaxillary dentition (reduced to three delicate teeth); the supraorbital latero-sensory canals opening as two separate s6 pores; the caudal fin slightly convex or truncate with round edges; the skull roof entirely open, unossified; the origins of dorsal and anal fins approximately at same vertical; and the pelvic fin with three rays. Ernstichthys taquari is diagnosed among congeners by the narrow bony shields on dorsal and ventral series, not overlapping or contacting each other; by the presence of seven or eight serrations on the posterior margin of the pectoral spine; and by the pectoral-fin spine only slightly larger than subsequent soft rays. Both Paracanthopoma and Ernstichthys were previously unknown outside of the Greater Amazonian river systems (Amazon, Orinoco, Essequibo and smaller surrounding drainages). Their presence restricted to the Rio Taquari is unexpected and suggests a peculiar biogeographical history. Ancestral geographic distributions were reconstructed using S-DIVA and BBM methods in RASP. A majority of resulting hypotheses support that the two species reached the Paraguay from the Amazon. The alternative explanation accounts for their presence in the Paraguay by vicariant events. In no case, their presence in the Paraguay is an ancestral distribution with subsequent Amazonian dispersal. Though unusual, this pattern is also seen in a few other fish taxa, showing that the Rio Taquari is biogeographically hybrid, combining elements from both the Paraguay and Amazon drainages.
Abstract Two new species of particular biogeographic significance are described from the upper rio Paraguay basin, one of the genus Paracanthopoma (Trichomycteridae, Vandelliinae) and the other of the genus Ernstichthys (Aspredinidae, Hoplomyzontinae). The two species occur sympatrically in the Rio Taquarizinho, tributary of the Rio Taquari, in the upper Paraguay system. Paracanthopoma saci is distinguished from its only congener, P. parva, by a spatulate caudal peduncle; a minuscule premaxillary dentition (reduced to three delicate teeth); the supraorbital latero-sensory canals opening as two separate s6 pores; the caudal fin slightly convex or truncate with round edges; the skull roof entirely open, unossified; the origins of dorsal and anal fins approximately at same vertical; and the pelvic fin with three rays. Ernstichthys taquari is diagnosed among congeners by the narrow bony shields on dorsal and ventral series, not overlapping or contacting each other; by the presence of seven or eight serrations on the posterior margin of the pectoral spine; and by the pectoral-fin spine only slightly larger than subsequent soft rays. Both Paracanthopoma and Ernstichthys were previously unknown outside of the Greater Amazonian river systems (Amazon, Orinoco, Essequibo and smaller surrounding drainages). Their presence restricted to the Rio Taquari is unexpected and suggests a peculiar biogeographical history. Ancestral geographic distributions were reconstructed using S-DIVA and BBM methods in RASP. A majority of resulting hypotheses support that the two species reached the Paraguay from the Amazon. The alternative explanation accounts for their presence in the Paraguay by vicariant events. In no case, their presence in the Paraguay is an ancestral distribution with subsequent Amazonian dispersal. Though unusual, this pattern is also seen in a few other fish taxa, showing that the Rio Taquari is biogeographically hybrid, combining elements from both the Paraguay and Amazon drainages.
Two new species of particular biogeographic significance are described from the upper rio Paraguay basin, one of the genus Paracanthopoma (Trichomycteridae, Vandelliinae) and the other of the genus Ernstichthys (Aspredinidae, Hoplomyzontinae). The two species occur sympatrically in the Rio Taquarizinho, tributary of the Rio Taquari, in the upper Paraguay system. Paracanthopoma saci is distinguished from its only congener, P. parva, by a spatulate caudal peduncle; a minuscule premaxillary dentition (reduced to three delicate teeth); the supraorbital latero-sensory canals opening as two separate s6 pores; the caudal fin slightly convex or truncate with round edges; the skull roof entirely open, unossified; the origins of dorsal and anal fins approximately at same vertical; and the pelvic fin with three rays. Ernstichthys taquari is diagnosed among congeners by the narrow bony shields on dorsal and ventral series, not overlapping or contacting each other; by the presence of seven or eight serrations on the posterior margin of the pectoral spine; and by the pectoral-fin spine only slightly larger than subsequent soft rays. Both Paracanthopoma and Ernstichthys were previously unknown outside of the Greater Amazonian river systems (Amazon, Orinoco, Essequibo and smaller surrounding drainages). Their presence restricted to the Rio Taquari is unexpected and suggests a peculiar biogeographical history. Ancestral geographic distributions were reconstructed using S-DIVA and BBM methods in RASP. A majority of resulting hypotheses support that the two species reached the Paraguay from the Amazon. The alternative explanation accounts for their presence in the Paraguay by vicariant events. In no case, their presence in the Paraguay is an ancestral distribution with subsequent Amazonian dispersal. Though unusual, this pattern is also seen in a few other fish taxa, showing that the Rio Taquari is biogeographically hybrid, combining elements from both the Paraguay and Amazon drainages.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , FilogeografiaResumo
We propose a revised classification of Doradidae based on phylogenetic analyses of sequence data for one nuclear (rag1) and two mitochondrial (co1, 16s) genes, and corroborated by caudal-fin morphology. The molecular dataset comprises 174 doradid specimens representing all 31 valid genera, 83 of the 96 valid extant species and 17 species-level taxa that remain undescribed or nominally unassigned. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of molecular data support six major lineages of doradids assigned here to three nominal subfamilies (Astrodoradinae, Doradinae, Wertheimerinae) and three new ones (Acanthodoradinae, Agamyxinae, Rhinodoradinae). The maximum parsimony topology of Doradidae was sensitive to ingroup density and outgroup age. With the exceptions of Astrodoradinae and Doradinae, each subfamily is diagnosed by caudal-fin characteristics. The highest degree of fusion among skeletal elements supporting the caudal fin is observed in Acanthodoradinae and Aspredinidae, lineages that are sister to the remaining doradids and aspredinoids (i.e., Auchenipteridae + Doradidae), respectively. Fusion among caudal-fin elements tends to be higher in taxa with rounded, truncate or emarginate tails and such taxa typically occupy shallow, lentic habitats with ample structure. Caudal-fin elements are more separated in taxa with moderately to deeply forked tails that occupy lotic habitats in medium to large river channels.(AU)
Propomos uma classificação revisada de Doradidae baseada na análise filogenética de dados moleculares dos genes rag1, co1 e 16s, e suportada pela morfologia da nadadeira caudal. A matriz molecular inclui 174 espécimes de doradídeos representando os 31 gêneros válidos, 83 das 96 espécies viventes e 17 táxons não descritos ou nominalmente não designados. As análises de parcimônia e bayesiana suportam seis linhagens principais de doradídeos atribuídas a três subfamílias nominais (Astrodoradinae, Doradinae, Wertheimerinae) e três novas subfamílias (Acanthodoradinae, Agamyxinae, Rhinodoradinae). A árvore de máxima parcimônia de Doradidae é sensível à densidade de grupo interno e a idade do grupo externo. Com exceção de Astrodoradinae e Doradinae, cada subfamília é diagnosticada por características da nadadeira caudal. Dentro da família Doradidae e da superfamília Aspredinioidea (Aspredinidae, Auchenipteridae e Doradidae), o maior grau de fusão entre os elementos da nadadeira caudal é observado nas linhagens mais antigas, Acanthodoradinae e Aspredinidae, respectivamente. A fusão entre os elementos da nadadeira caudal é maior em táxons com a caudal arredondada, truncada ou emarginada e esses táxons normalmente ocupam habitats lênticos rasos. Os elementos da nadadeira caudal são mais separados em táxons com a cauda bifurcada ocupando habitats lóticos em canais de rios médios a grandes.(AU)
Animais , Filogenia , Peixes-Gato/genética , Ecossistema , Osteologia/métodosResumo
We propose a revised classification of Doradidae based on phylogenetic analyses of sequence data for one nuclear (rag1) and two mitochondrial (co1, 16s) genes, and corroborated by caudal-fin morphology. The molecular dataset comprises 174 doradid specimens representing all 31 valid genera, 83 of the 96 valid extant species and 17 species-level taxa that remain undescribed or nominally unassigned. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of molecular data support six major lineages of doradids assigned here to three nominal subfamilies (Astrodoradinae, Doradinae, Wertheimerinae) and three new ones (Acanthodoradinae, Agamyxinae, Rhinodoradinae). The maximum parsimony topology of Doradidae was sensitive to ingroup density and outgroup age. With the exceptions of Astrodoradinae and Doradinae, each subfamily is diagnosed by caudal-fin characteristics. The highest degree of fusion among skeletal elements supporting the caudal fin is observed in Acanthodoradinae and Aspredinidae, lineages that are sister to the remaining doradids and aspredinoids (i.e., Auchenipteridae + Doradidae), respectively. Fusion among caudal-fin elements tends to be higher in taxa with rounded, truncate or emarginate tails and such taxa typically occupy shallow, lentic habitats with ample structure. Caudal-fin elements are more separated in taxa with moderately to deeply forked tails that occupy lotic habitats in medium to large river channels.(AU)
Propomos uma classificação revisada de Doradidae baseada na análise filogenética de dados moleculares dos genes rag1, co1 e 16s, e suportada pela morfologia da nadadeira caudal. A matriz molecular inclui 174 espécimes de doradídeos representando os 31 gêneros válidos, 83 das 96 espécies viventes e 17 táxons não descritos ou nominalmente não designados. As análises de parcimônia e bayesiana suportam seis linhagens principais de doradídeos atribuídas a três subfamílias nominais (Astrodoradinae, Doradinae, Wertheimerinae) e três novas subfamílias (Acanthodoradinae, Agamyxinae, Rhinodoradinae). A árvore de máxima parcimônia de Doradidae é sensível à densidade de grupo interno e a idade do grupo externo. Com exceção de Astrodoradinae e Doradinae, cada subfamília é diagnosticada por características da nadadeira caudal. Dentro da família Doradidae e da superfamília Aspredinioidea (Aspredinidae, Auchenipteridae e Doradidae), o maior grau de fusão entre os elementos da nadadeira caudal é observado nas linhagens mais antigas, Acanthodoradinae e Aspredinidae, respectivamente. A fusão entre os elementos da nadadeira caudal é maior em táxons com a caudal arredondada, truncada ou emarginada e esses táxons normalmente ocupam habitats lênticos rasos. Os elementos da nadadeira caudal são mais separados em táxons com a cauda bifurcada ocupando habitats lóticos em canais de rios médios a grandes.(AU)
Animais , Filogenia , Peixes-Gato/genética , Ecossistema , Osteologia/métodosResumo
The coastal basins of southeastern Brazil are influenced by climatic changes that caused sea-level oscillations during the Pleistocene. These marine transgressions and regressions can generate isolation and connection among coastal rivers. In this region, freshwater fishes are excellent models for phylogeographic studies because their distributions may have been affected by geographical and ecological changes resulting from these processes. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Pleistocene sea-level changes on the genetic structure of the loricariid Hisonotus leucofrenatus throughout its area of occurrence. Two genes were sequenced: Cytochrome Oxidase subunit 1 (mitochondrial gene) and rpS7 ribosomal protein gene intron 1 (nuclear gene) from specimens representing 14 river drainages. The genetic data corroborate a divide for freshwater fish by the Serra do Tabuleiro mountain in Santa Catarina State. This divide determines two main genetic groups in H. leucofrenatus: one group to the south and one to the north of this mountain range. The genetic structure observed coincide with the limits of estimated paleodrainage systems for the region, supporting that marine transgressions and regressions during the Pleistocene influenced the biogeographical history of H. leucofrenatus.(AU)
As bacias costeiras do sul do Brasil são influenciadas pelas mudanças climáticas que causaram oscilações no nível do mar durante o Pleistoceno. Essas transgressões e regressões marinhas geraram isolamento e conexão entre os rios. Nessa região, as espécies de peixe são excelentes modelos para estudos filogeográficos, pois suas distribuições podem ter sido afetadas por mudanças históricas e ecológicas decorrentes desses processos. Portanto, o objetivo principal deste estudo foi testar os efeitos das alterações do nível do mar durante o Pleistoceno na estrutura genética das populações do loricarídeo Hisonotus leucofrenatus ao longo de sua área de ocorrência. Dois genes foram sequenciados: Citocromo Oxidase subunidade 1 (gene mitocondrial) e o intron 1 da proteína ribossomal rpS7 (gene nuclear) de espécimes representando 14 bacias de drenagens. A estrutura genética observada corrobora uma divisão para peixes de água doce separada pela Serra do Tabuleiro, em Santa Catarina. Essa divisória determina dois grupos principais genéticos em H. leucofrenatus: um grupo ao sul e outro ao norte desse divisor. A estrutura genética também coincide com os limites dos sistemas de paleodrenagens estimados para a região, sustentando que as transgressões e regressões marinhas durante o Pleistoceno influenciaram a história biogeográfica de H. leucofrenatus.(AU)
Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/genética , Estruturas Genéticas , Filogeografia , Peixes , Mudança Climática , Nível do MarResumo
The coastal basins of southeastern Brazil are influenced by climatic changes that caused sea-level oscillations during the Pleistocene. These marine transgressions and regressions can generate isolation and connection among coastal rivers. In this region, freshwater fishes are excellent models for phylogeographic studies because their distributions may have been affected by geographical and ecological changes resulting from these processes. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Pleistocene sea-level changes on the genetic structure of the loricariid Hisonotus leucofrenatus throughout its area of occurrence. Two genes were sequenced: Cytochrome Oxidase subunit 1 (mitochondrial gene) and rpS7 ribosomal protein gene intron 1 (nuclear gene) from specimens representing 14 river drainages. The genetic data corroborate a divide for freshwater fish by the Serra do Tabuleiro mountain in Santa Catarina State. This divide determines two main genetic groups in H. leucofrenatus: one group to the south and one to the north of this mountain range. The genetic structure observed coincide with the limits of estimated paleodrainage systems for the region, supporting that marine transgressions and regressions during the Pleistocene influenced the biogeographical history of H. leucofrenatus.(AU)
As bacias costeiras do sul do Brasil são influenciadas pelas mudanças climáticas que causaram oscilações no nível do mar durante o Pleistoceno. Essas transgressões e regressões marinhas geraram isolamento e conexão entre os rios. Nessa região, as espécies de peixe são excelentes modelos para estudos filogeográficos, pois suas distribuições podem ter sido afetadas por mudanças históricas e ecológicas decorrentes desses processos. Portanto, o objetivo principal deste estudo foi testar os efeitos das alterações do nível do mar durante o Pleistoceno na estrutura genética das populações do loricarídeo Hisonotus leucofrenatus ao longo de sua área de ocorrência. Dois genes foram sequenciados: Citocromo Oxidase subunidade 1 (gene mitocondrial) e o intron 1 da proteína ribossomal rpS7 (gene nuclear) de espécimes representando 14 bacias de drenagens. A estrutura genética observada corrobora uma divisão para peixes de água doce separada pela Serra do Tabuleiro, em Santa Catarina. Essa divisória determina dois grupos principais genéticos em H. leucofrenatus: um grupo ao sul e outro ao norte desse divisor. A estrutura genética também coincide com os limites dos sistemas de paleodrenagens estimados para a região, sustentando que as transgressões e regressões marinhas durante o Pleistoceno influenciaram a história biogeográfica de H. leucofrenatus.(AU)
Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/genética , Estruturas Genéticas , Filogeografia , Peixes , Mudança Climática , Nível do MarResumo
Specimens of the rare amphi-Atlantic epitoniid Opaliopsis atlantis have been recorded in the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean) from a hydrozoan stylasterid-rich habitat. The record, which adds a new site to the sporadic occurrences of this prevalently deep-water species, may be considered the first contextualized report from Mediterranean Sea. Opaliopsis atlantis displays a planktotrophic larval development functional for long-range colonization of favorable habitats. Its discontinuous distribution all over its broad geographic range highlights the potential role of Atlantic seamounts as stepping-stones for transoceanic dispersal. Although no conclusive information is yet available upon the feeding requirements of O. atlantis all over its range, we suggest that this cnidarian-ectoparasitic prosobranch could adapt to different hosts, as a strategy that may enhance its wide biogeographic distribution.
Animais , Cnidários , Distribuição Animal/classificação , Gastrópodes , Hidrozoários/parasitologia , Mar MediterrâneoResumo
Abstract Specimens of the rare amphi-Atlantic epitoniid Opaliopsis atlantis have been recorded in the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean) from a hydrozoan stylasterid-rich habitat. The record, which adds a new site to the sporadic occurrences of this prevalently deep-water species, may be considered the first contextualized report from Mediterranean Sea. Opaliopsis atlantis displays a planktotrophic larval development functional for long-range colonization of favorable habitats. Its discontinuous distribution all over its broad geographic range highlights the potential role of Atlantic seamounts as stepping-stones for transoceanic dispersal. Although no conclusive information is yet available upon the feeding requirements of O. atlantis all over its range, we suggest that this cnidarian-ectoparasitic prosobranch could adapt to different hosts, as a strategy that may enhance its wide biogeographic distribution.
Specimens of the rare amphi-Atlantic epitoniid Opaliopsis atlantis have been recorded in the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean) from a hydrozoan stylasterid-rich habitat. The record, which adds a new site to the sporadic occurrences of this prevalently deep-water species, may be considered the first contextualized report from Mediterranean Sea. Opaliopsis atlantis displays a planktotrophic larval development functional for long-range colonization of favorable habitats. Its discontinuous distribution all over its broad geographic range highlights the potential role of Atlantic seamounts as stepping-stones for transoceanic dispersal. Although no conclusive information is yet available upon the feeding requirements of O. atlantis all over its range, we suggest that this cnidarian-ectoparasitic prosobranch could adapt to different hosts, as a strategy that may enhance its wide biogeographic distribution.(AU)
Animais , Gastrópodes , Distribuição Animal/classificação , Hidrozoários/parasitologia , Cnidários , Filogeografia , Mar MediterrâneoResumo
A perereca Scinax crospedospilus foi descrita com base em síntipos coletados no vale do rio Paraíba do Sul e posteriormente foi registrada em várias localidades na Mata Atlântica dos estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Apresenta-se um amplo mapeamento da espécie, baseado em revisão bibliográfica, análise de coleções científicas e amostragens em campo, incluindo novos registros na Mata Atlântica de Minas Gerais. Scinax crospedospilus foi coletado em algumas localidades de Mariana, na borda oriental do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, mostrando-se raro na região. Com a análise de coleções, foram localizados exemplares procedentes de 13 municípios localizados em diversas unidades de relevo. Em campo se observou que S. crospedospilus possui certa tolerância a perturbações do hábitat, realiza reprodução em pequenas represas na borda de floresta alterada e os machos vocalizam à noite sobre árvores e arbustos na margem dágua e, em período vespertino, no dossel de árvores baixas, inclusive dentro de bromélias. Os dados levantados permitiram concluir que S. crospedospilus é endêmico da Mata Atlântica e possui uma ampla distribuição pelo bioma no Sudeste do Brasil.
The tree frog Scinax crospedospilus was described based on syntypes collected from the Paraíba do Sul River valley and later was recorded in various localities in the Atlantic Forest of the Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais states. We present a wide mapping of the species, based on bibliographic review, analysis of scientific collections and field samplings, including new records in the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais. Scinax crospedospilus was collected in some localities of Mariana, on the eastern edge of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, showing itself to be rare in the region. With the analysis of collections, we found specimens of S. crospedospilus from 13 municipalities located in several relief units. In the field, we observed that S. crospedospilus has a certain tolerance to habitat disturbances, breeds in small dams on the edge of altered forest, and the males vocalize over trees and shrubs on the water's edge at night, and in the canopy of low trees, including inside bromeliads, in the afternoon. The data collected allowed us to conclude that S. crospedospilus is endemic to the Atlantic Forest and has a wide distribution in the biome in Southeastern Brazil.
Animais , Anuros , Distribuição Animal , EcossistemaResumo
Here we explore the use of community phylogenetics as a tool to document patterns of biodiversity in the Fitzcarrald region, a remote area in Southwestern Amazonia. For these analyses, we subdivide the region into basin-wide assemblages encompassing the headwaters of four Amazonian tributaries (Urubamba, Yuruá, Purús and Las Piedras basins), and habitat types: river channels, terra firme (non-floodplain) streams, and floodplain lakes. We present a robust, well-documented collection of fishes from the region including 272 species collected from 132 field sites over 63 field days and four years, comprising the most extensive collection of fishes from this region to date. We conduct a preliminary community phylogenetic analysis based on this collection and recover results largely statistically indistinguishable from the random expectation, with only a few instances of phylogenetic structure. Based on these results, and of those published in other recent biogeographic studies, we conclude that the Fitzcarrald fish species pool accumulated over a period of several million years, plausibly as a result of dispersal from the larger species pool of Greater Amazonia.(AU)
Aquí exploramos el uso de la filogenética de comunidades como herramienta para documentar patrones de biodiversidad en la región de Fitzcarrald, un área remota en el suroeste de la Amazonía. Para estos análisis subdividimos la región en grupos de toda la cuenca que abarcan las cabeceras de cuatro tributarios del Amazonas (cuencas Urubamba, Yuruá, Purús y Las Piedras) y en los tipos de hábitat: canales fluviales, arroyos de tierra firme (sin planicie aluvial) y lagos de planicie aluvial. Presentamos una colección de peces robusta y bien documentada que incluye 272 especies, colectadas a lo largo de cuatro años y 63 días de campo, en 132 puntos de monitoreo. Convirtiéndose en la colección más extensa de peces de esta región hasta la fecha. Realizamos un análisis filogenético preliminar de la comunidad basado en esta recopilación y recuperamos resultados en gran medida estadísticamente indistinguibles de la expectativa aleatoria, con sólo unos pocos casos de estructura filogenética. Basándonos en estos resultados y los publicados en otros estudios biogeográficos recientes, concluimos que el grupo de especies de peces de Fitzcarrald acumulado durante un período de varios millones de años, se debe posiblemente al resultado de la dispersión del mayor grupo de especies de la Gran Amazonia.(AU)
Animais , Filogenia , Ecossistema , Ecossistema Amazônico , Biodiversidade , Filogeografia , RiosResumo
RESUMEN Aquí exploramos el uso de la filogenética de comunidades como herramienta para documentar patrones de biodiversidad en la región de Fitzcarrald, un área remota en el suroeste de la Amazonía. Para estos análisis subdividimos la región en grupos de toda la cuenca que abarcan las cabeceras de cuatro tributarios del Amazonas (cuencas Urubamba, Yuruá, Purús y Las Piedras) y en los tipos de hábitat: canales fluviales, arroyos de tierra firme (sin planicie aluvial) y lagos de planicie aluvial. Presentamos una colección de peces robusta y bien documentada que incluye 272 especies, colectadas a lo largo de cuatro años y 63 días de campo, en 132 puntos de monitoreo. Convirtiéndose en la colección más extensa de peces de esta región hasta la fecha. Realizamos un análisis filogenético preliminar de la comunidad basado en esta recopilación y recuperamos resultados en gran medida estadísticamente indistinguibles de la expectativa aleatoria, con sólo unos pocos casos de estructura filogenética. Basándonos en estos resultados y los publicados en otros estudios biogeográficos recientes, concluimos que el grupo de especies de peces de Fitzcarrald acumulado durante un período de varios millones de años, se debe posiblemente al resultado de la dispersión del mayor grupo de especies de la Gran Amazonia.
ABSTRACT Here we explore the use of community phylogenetics as a tool to document patterns of biodiversity in the Fitzcarrald region, a remote area in Southwestern Amazonia. For these analyses, we subdivide the region into basin-wide assemblages encompassing the headwaters of four Amazonian tributaries (Urubamba, Yuruá, Purús and Las Piedras basins), and habitat types: river channels, terra firme (non-floodplain) streams, and floodplain lakes. We present a robust, well-documented collection of fishes from the region including 272 species collected from 132 field sites over 63 field days and four years, comprising the most extensive collection of fishes from this region to date. We conduct a preliminary community phylogenetic analysis based on this collection and recover results largely statistically indistinguishable from the random expectation, with only a few instances of phylogenetic structure. Based on these results, and of those published in other recent biogeographic studies, we conclude that the Fitzcarrald fish species pool accumulated over a period of several million years, plausibly as a result of dispersal from the larger species pool of Greater Amazonia.