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R. bras. Reprod. Anim. ; 42(3-4): 196-201, jul.-dez. 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20918


Após a ejaculação o sêmen de primatas pode coagular em consistência variável, dependendo da espécie. Tanto em termos biológicos quanto em aspectos relacionados à manipulação in vitro para fins de desenvolvimento de biotécnicas reprodutivas, a coagulação seminal é tratada por muitos pesquisadores como um evento intrigante, no qual muitas questões básicas que envolvem a constituição e função do coágulo seminal na reprodução neste grupo de mamíferos, incluindo os primatas neotropicais, ainda permanece em aberto. A fim de reunir informações até hoje divulgadas sobre conceito, mecanismos fisiológicos, grupamentos moleculares e aspectos evolutivos relacionados à coagulação seminal, este texto-base busca destacar o progresso e as lacunas nas pesquisas a esse respeito, bem como as particularidades relacionadas aos símios da Amazônia.(AU)

After ejaculation, the semen of primates can coagulate in variable consistency, depending on the species. Both in biological terms and in aspects related to in vitro manipulation for the purpose of developing reproductive biotechniques, seminal coagulation is treated by many researchers as an intriguing event in which many basic issues involving the constitution and function of the seminal coagulum in reproduction in this group of mammals, including the neotropical primates, still remains open. In order to gather information to date on concepts, physiological mechanisms, molecular clusters and evolutionary aspects related to seminal coagulation, this basic text seeks to highlight progress and gaps in research in this regard, as well as the particularities related to Amazonian monkeys.(AU)

Animais , Primatas , Análise do Sêmen , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Saimiri
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 42(3-4): 196-201, jul.-dez. 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492537


Após a ejaculação o sêmen de primatas pode coagular em consistência variável, dependendo da espécie. Tanto em termos biológicos quanto em aspectos relacionados à manipulação in vitro para fins de desenvolvimento de biotécnicas reprodutivas, a coagulação seminal é tratada por muitos pesquisadores como um evento intrigante, no qual muitas questões básicas que envolvem a constituição e função do coágulo seminal na reprodução neste grupo de mamíferos, incluindo os primatas neotropicais, ainda permanece em aberto. A fim de reunir informações até hoje divulgadas sobre conceito, mecanismos fisiológicos, grupamentos moleculares e aspectos evolutivos relacionados à coagulação seminal, este texto-base busca destacar o progresso e as lacunas nas pesquisas a esse respeito, bem como as particularidades relacionadas aos símios da Amazônia.

After ejaculation, the semen of primates can coagulate in variable consistency, depending on the species. Both in biological terms and in aspects related to in vitro manipulation for the purpose of developing reproductive biotechniques, seminal coagulation is treated by many researchers as an intriguing event in which many basic issues involving the constitution and function of the seminal coagulum in reproduction in this group of mammals, including the neotropical primates, still remains open. In order to gather information to date on concepts, physiological mechanisms, molecular clusters and evolutionary aspects related to seminal coagulation, this basic text seeks to highlight progress and gaps in research in this regard, as well as the particularities related to Amazonian monkeys.

Animais , Análise do Sêmen , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Primatas , Saimiri
Ci. Rural ; 46(8): 1491-1497, ago. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22507


The interactions between biological macromolecules have been important for biotechnology, but further understanding is needed to maximize the utility of these interactions. Calorimetric techniques provide information regarding these interactions through the thermal energy that is produced or consumed during interactions. Notable techniques include differential scanning calorimetry, which generates a thermodynamic profile from temperature scanning, and isothermal titration calorimetry that provide the thermodynamic parameters directly related to the interaction. This review described how calorimetric techniques can be used to study interactions between proteins and polysaccharides, and provided valuable insight into the thermodynamics of their interaction.(AU)

As interações entre macromoléculas biológicas têm tido importante aplicação na biotecnologia, mas, para sua devida utilização, estudos mais detalhados são necessários. As técnicas calorimétricas permitem estudá-las ao serem capazes de fornecer informações referentes a essas interações através da energia térmica que é gerada ou absorvida durante o processo de interação. Dentre as técnicas que mais se destacam estão a Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial, que é capaz de fornecer um perfil termodinâmico a partir de uma varredura de temperatura, e a Calorimetria de Titulação Isotérmica, que fornece parâmetros termodinâmicos diretamente relacionados ao processo de interação. Nesta revisão, descrevemos como essas técnicas calorimétricas podem ser efetivamente aplicadas no estudo das interações entre proteínas e polissacarídeos, com o propósito de obter informações valiosas sobre a termodinâmica da interação.(AU)

Biotecnologia , Calorimetria/métodos , Termodinâmica , Polissacarídeos/análise , Proteínas/análise
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-217302


As biotécnicas aplicadas à reprodução de bovinos ainda possuem limitações e muitas estão ligadas a falta de conhecimento sobre a atuação de macromoléculas adicionadas ao meio de maturação ovocitária in vitro (MIV), ao processo de desenvolvimento embrionário e diferenciação celular, bem como as alterações de genes relacionados à pluripotência na produção in vitro nesta espécie. O hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH) está presente na maioria dos protocolos de MIV, devido a sua importância na expansão das células do cumulus, síntese de estradiol e maturação citoplasmática e nuclear do ovócito. Porém, poucos estudos relatam a influência do FSH na atividade gênica durante a maturação. Visto que a identificação e elucidação das modificações bioquímicas do meio e dos mecanismos de ação desses genes contribuiriam para melhorias nas diversas biotécnicas aplicadas à reprodução e para o aumento da produção de animais de alto valor genético, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influencia do FSH em células do cumulus durante a maturação de ovócitos bovinos. Foram feitas análises hormonal e bioquímicas do meio de maturação in vitro antes e após a MIV, com e sem FSH (G-FSH, G-FSHIN, G-CTL, G-CTLIN) bem como a análise da expressão de genes relacionados à pluripotência em células do cumulus de bovinos maturados com e sem FSH (G-FSH e G-CTL) coletados em abatedouros da região da Zona da Mata e Agreste de Pernambuco. Foi observada a concentração de estradiol por imunoensaio e concentração de proteína, glicogênio, açúcar e lipídeo (análise bioquímica) através de espectofotômetro na análise de expressão relativa por PCR em tempo real (RT-qPCR). Para análise estatística avaliou-se a normalidade pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk para serem então submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA), Teste F e, posteriormente o teste de Tukey HSD, nível de significância de 5,0%. Foi observada maior expansão das células do cumulus durante a maturação em meio contendo FSH, quando comparado ao meio sem FSH. Além disso, o FSH influenciou o consumo de glicogênio pelas células, diminuindo sua concentração no meio, sugerindo grande demanda de energia para o processo. Observou-se influência do FSH sobre a expressão de RONIN e CMYC, nos quais o hormônio estimula a atividade de RONIN e reprime CMYC. Dessa forma, o FSH influencia a maturação de ovócitos bovinos, além de atuar também na atividade energética do complexo cumulus-ovócito de nos níveis celulares e moleculares.

Biotechniques applied to bovine reproduction still have limitations and many are linked to a lack of knowledge about an update of macromolecules added to the medium of in vitro oocyte maturation (IVM), embryonic development process and cell difference, as well as genes of inhibitors related to pluripotency in in vitro production in this species. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is present in most IVM protocols because of its importance in large cumulus cells, estradiol synthesis and cytoplasmic and nuclear maturation of the oocyte. However, few studies report an influence of FSH on gene activity during maturation. Considering the identification and modification of the biochemistry of the medium and mechanisms of action of the genes contributed to improvements in the various biotechniques applied to the reproduction to increase the production of animals of high genetic value, this work had the objective of evaluating an influence of FSH in cumulus during maturation of bovine oocytes. Hormonal and biochemical analyzes of the in vitro maturation medium before and MAB, with and FSH (G-FSH, G-FSHIN, G-CTL, G-CTLIN), as well as an analysis of the expression of pluripotency related genes in cumulus of cattle matured with and without FSH (G-FSH and G-CTL) collected in slaughterhouses of the Zona da Mata and Agreste of Pernambuco. A concentration of estradiol was observed by immunoassay and concentration of protein, glycogen, sugar and lipid (biochemical analysis) through a spectrophotometer in the analysis of real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). For statistical analysis, normality was assessed by Shapiro-Wilk test to be submitted to analysis of variance (Test F) and, or Tukey HSD test, level of significance of 5.0%. Increased cumulus cell amplitudes were observed during maturation in the FSH medium when compared to the non-FSH medium. In addition, FSH influences glycogen consumption by cells, decreasing their concentration not medium, due to the need for high energy demand for the process. Influence was observed in the expression of RONIN and CMYC, in which the hormone stimulates RONIN activity and represses CMYC. Thus, FSH influences a maturation of oocytes, besides also acting in the energetic activity of the cumulus-oocyte complex of bovine without cellular and molecular physics.

Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-217296


Nos últimos anos, diversas áreas relacionadas às ciências da saúde têm intensificado a busca e a validação de ferramentas analíticas eficazes para a identificação de biomarcadoresquímicos e moleculares, que auxiliem no diagnóstico e prognósticode diversas doenças, entre elas o câncer. Com este projeto objetiva-se determinar a concentração sérica de proteínas da fase aguda, a atividade sérica e as concentrações teciduais das enzimas gama glutamiltransferase (GGT), da acetilcolinesterase (AChE) e da butirilcolinesterase (BuChE), bem como determinar aplicabilidade das enzimas como biomarcadores em cadelas com tumores mamários. E a importância da avaliação da haptoglobina e da proteína C reativa no processo de doença. Objetiva também, avaliar se por meio de detecções químicas, pela espectrometria de massas (MS-MALDI),a possibilidade deidentificar estes e outrosbiomarcadores, para a situação clínica estudada. A pesquisa será desenvolvida com 20 pacientes portadores de neoplasia mamária oriundos do serviço de oncologia do Hospital Veterinário da Escola de Veterinária e Zootecnia da UFG e outras 20 fêmeas que vierem a óbito neste hospital, cujos casos não tenham ligação com o câncer e apresentem cadeia mamária livre de lesões. Os pacientes oncológicos serão triados e aceitos de acordo com os critérios de inclusão. Serão realizados exames colheitas de amostras antes e durante o processo de tratamento quimioterápico, para a realização de ensaios hematológicos, bioquímicos e proteômicos. E assim, os resultados deste estudo produzirão novas informações importantes para prognóstico na área de oncologia.

In recent years, several areas related to health sciences have intensified the search for and validation of effective analytical tools for the identification of chemical and molecular biomarkers, which aid in the diagnosis and prognosis of various diseases, including cancer. The objective of this project is to determine the serum concentration of proteins of the acute phase, serum activity and tissue concentrations of the gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) enzymes, as well as to determine the applicability of enzymes as biomarkers in bitches with breast tumors. And the importance of the evaluation of haptoglobin and C-reactive protein in the disease process. It also aims to evaluate the possibility of identifying these and other biomarkers by means of chemical detections, by mass spectrometry (MS-MALDI), for the clinical situation studied. The research will be carried out with 20 patients with breast cancer from the oncology service of the Veterinary Hospital of the Veterinary and Zootechnical School of the UFG and another 20 females that died in this hospital, whose cases are not related to the cancer and have a mammary chain free from injury. Cancer patients will be screened and accepted according to the inclusion criteria. Samples will be sampled before and during the chemotherapy treatment process, for hematological, biochemical and proteomic assays. And so, the results of this study will produce new important information for prognosis in the area of oncology.

Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-208764


O desenvolvimento da aquicultura intensiva tem gerado impactos ambientais quando seus efluentes ricos em matéria orgânica são descartados sem tratamento prévio nos ecossistemas aquáticos. A fitorremediação por microalgas é uma alternativa promissora no tratamento de efluentes da aquicultura, pois além de melhorar qualidade da água, a biomassa algal produzida pode ser utilizada para variadas finalidades. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: cultivar a espécie de microalga marinha Chaetoceros muelleri, totalmente e parcialmente, em um efluente de carcinicultura; e avaliar a taxa de redução de amônia, nitrito, nitrato e fosfato, bem como, o rendimento de lipídeos e de exopolissacarideos liberados no meio de cultivo. Três tratamentos com diferentes meios de cultura, e três repetições cada um, foram avaliados: efluente de carcinicultura (100% E); meio Guillard f/2 (100% G); e mistura de efluente de carcinicultura com Guillard f/2 (50%G+50%E). O crescimento das culturas da microalga foi acompanhado diariamente através da contagem da densidade celular. A remoção de nutrientes foi avaliada através de análises de água iniciais e finais nos meios de cultura e as extrações de lipídeos e exopolissacarídeos foram realizadas ao final do experimento. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as diferentes culturas apresentaram crescimentos celulares similares. Quanto à remoção de nutrientes nos meios de cultura, o meio (50%G+50%E) removeu significativamente mais amônia, nitrato e fosfato, apresentando consequentemente a maior eficácia no tratamento de água. A produção de lipídeos não foi influenciada pelos meios de cultura, entretanto, para a produção de exopolissacarídeos, os meios (50%G+50%E) e (100% G) obtiveram quantidades significativamente maiores. Como conclusão, pode-se propor que o cultivo da microalga C. muelleri utilizando efluente de carcinicultura é uma ótima opção de fitorremediação, substituição de meio de cultura para produção de biomassa algal e de biomoléculas.

he development of intensive aquaculture has generated environmental impacts as its effluents rich in organic matter are disposed off without prior treatment in aquatic ecosystems. Phytoremediation by microalgae is a promising alternative for treatment of aquaculture effluents, since in addition to improving water quality, the algal biomass produced can be used for a variety of purposes. This study has as objectives: to cultivate a marine microalgae species Chaetoceros muelleri, totally and partially, in a shrimp effluent; and to evaluate the rate of reduction of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate, as well as, the yield of lipids and polysaccharides released (exopolysaccharides) in culture medium. Three treatments with different culture media, and three replicates each one, were evaluated: shrimp effluent (100% E), Guillard f /2 medium (100% G) and shrimp effluent mixture with Guillard f / 2 (50% G + 50% E). Growth of microalgae cultures was monitored daily by counting the cell density. The nutrient removal was evaluated through initial and final water analyzes in the culture media and the extractions of lipids and exopolysaccharides were performed at the end of the experiment. As a result, the different cultures showed similar cell growth. As for the nutrient removal in the culture media, the medium (50% G + 50% E) significantly removed more ammonia, nitrate and phosphate, and consequently has the greater efficacy in water treatment. The production of lipids was not influenced by the culture media, however, the media (50% G + 50% E) and (100% G) obtained significantly higher amounts. As conclusion, the cultivation of the C. muelleri using shrimp effluent is an excellent choice of phytoremediation, replacement of culture medium for the production of algal biomass and biomolecules.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 40(1): 1010, 2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1373405


Background: The hard tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an hematophagous ectoparasite that causes important economic losses in the cattle raising. The control of the parasite is usually accomplished through the use of acaricides. Even though these chemicals substances present effectiveness, their continuous use can lead to the selection of resistant parasites. When not used properly acaricides can cause environmental damages in addition to risks for animal and human health. Because of these drawbacks there are efforts to the development of alternatives control methods. The immunological control is a promissing method due to target specifi city, which increases the environmental and animal safety. The development of such approach relies on the discovery and characterization of molecules involved in the metabolism of the parasite different life stages. The embryogenesis is the stage where the metabolites of maternal origin are mobilized through catabolic and anabolic pathways necessary for the development of the embryo. The study of the substrates and enzymes involved in metabolic pathways of the embryogenesis allows the directed search to potential antigens to the development of an anti-R. microplus vaccine. Review: The embryo, during its development, passes through the stages of a sincicial blastoderm, celular blastoderm and segmentation, and both morfological changes and energy sources mobilization are related. Lipids are the major energetic source to the cellular blastoderm formation. Up to cellularization stage and after embryo segmentation, sugars are the main metabolite required. It supports that tick embryogenesis occurs with two distinct phases regarding glucose utilization by the embryo. In the initial phase, until the formation of the celular blastoderm, there is the utilization of the maternal energetic source stored in oocytes, like glycogen. After segmentation, until larval hatching, the embryo performs gluconeogenesis through non-glucidic compounds to obtain the energy input required for its metabolism. Therewith occurs the activation of the glycolytic and gluconeogenic pathways to provide glucose to the developing embryo. Due to the high levels of glucose available, it is suggested that the insulin pathway is active and be conserved in R. microplus, as previously described for other organisms. Glycogen accumulation observed throughout tick embryogenesis could be a response to an endogenous insulin-like signal. During gluconeogenesi's amino acids stored in the storage proteins of the yolk granules are enzymatically mobilized to supply the metabolic energy required for the embryo development. In this context, three peptidases involved in the degradation of yolk proteins in eggs and one peptidase in larvae were characterized, and demonstrate the importance of the use of amino acids in this phase of the tick's life. Another metabolite involved in the development of the embryo is water, whose homeostasis must be mantained in the parasitic and environmental stages of the R. microplus's life. The function of water maintenance in eggs is particularly important for embryo development. Conclusion: The study of the energetic pathways important to the metabolism of R. microplus's embryo is a promissing way for development of control methods. In this context different enzymes involved in providing energetic substrates for the embryogenesis have been indentified, characterized and can be used as targets in the immunological control of the tick.Proteinases characterized from R. microplus eggs, BYC and VTDCE, were tested as antigens to immunize bovines and provided to be immunoprotective against the parasite. Other enzymes also showed a potential to be used as targets in an anti-R.microplus vaccine.

Animais , Rhipicephalus/embriologia , Rhipicephalus/metabolismo , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Vacinas
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 40(1): 01-12, 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456967


Background: The hard tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an hematophagous ectoparasite that causes important economic losses in the cattle raising. The control of the parasite is usually accomplished through the use of acaricides. Even though these chemicals substances present effectiveness, their continuous use can lead to the selection of resistant parasites. When not used properly acaricides can cause environmental damages in addition to risks for animal and human health. Because of these drawbacks there are efforts to the development of alternatives control methods. The immunological control is a promissing method due to target specifi city, which increases the environmental and animal safety. The development of such approach relies on the discovery and characterization of molecules involved in the metabolism of the parasite different life stages. The embryogenesis is the stage where the metabolites of maternal origin are mobilized through catabolic and anabolic pathways necessary for the development of the embryo. The study of the substrates and enzymes involved in metabolic pathways of the embryogenesis allows the directed search to potential antigens to the development of an anti-R. microplus vaccine.Review: The embryo, during its development, passes through the stages of a sincicial blastoderm, celular blastoderm and segmentation, and both morfological changes a

Background: The hard tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an hematophagous ectoparasite that causes important economic losses in the cattle raising. The control of the parasite is usually accomplished through the use of acaricides. Even though these chemicals substances present effectiveness, their continuous use can lead to the selection of resistant parasites. When not used properly acaricides can cause environmental damages in addition to risks for animal and human health. Because of these drawbacks there are efforts to the development of alternatives control methods. The immunological control is a promissing method due to target specifi city, which increases the environmental and animal safety. The development of such approach relies on the discovery and characterization of molecules involved in the metabolism of the parasite different life stages. The embryogenesis is the stage where the metabolites of maternal origin are mobilized through catabolic and anabolic pathways necessary for the development of the embryo. The study of the substrates and enzymes involved in metabolic pathways of the embryogenesis allows the directed search to potential antigens to the development of an anti-R. microplus vaccine.Review: The embryo, during its development, passes through the stages of a sincicial blastoderm, celular blastoderm and segmentation, and both morfological changes a

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 72(4): 445-453, out.-dez. 2005. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383671


RESUMO O presente estudo foi realizado na Unidade de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Gália, Pólo Regional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico dos Agronegócios do Centro Oeste, em 2004, com o objetivo de avaliar a biologia e produção do bicho-da-seda quando exposto ao extrato de Mirabilis jalapa (família: Nyctaginaceae). Esse trabalho foi baseado em estudos prévios, em condições de laboratório, que mostraram a ação do extrato aquoso de Mirabilis jalapa, na concentração de 10%, sobre o controle do vírus da poliedrose (NPVBm), conferindo 100% de proteção ao inseto. Em condições de criação comercial, o extrato foi empregado nas diferentes fases larvais do inseto. Tanto em condições de laboratório como em condições de criação comercial o extrato não causou alterações na biologia e produção do bicho-da-seda, quando comparado com grupos não tratados. Embora os insetos estivessem infectados com NPVBm, não foram observados sintomas de infecção, sugerindo que a população viral, apesar de presente, foi mantida em níveis reduzidos não afetando o desempenho produtivo. Não foi observada uma ação anticontaminante do extrato contra outros patógenos oportunistas, uma vez que foram boas as condições sanitárias de criação, ocorrendo poucas mortes, provavelmente relacionadas mais com fatores naturais do que com a ocorrência de doenças.

ABSTRACT The present study was conducted at the Unidade de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Gália, Pólo Regional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico dos Agronegócios do Centro Oeste, in 2004 with the aim to evaluate the biology and production of silkworms when exposed to Mirabilis jalapa extracts (Family: Nyctaginaceae). This work was based on previous studies in laboratory conditions that showed that the aqueous extract of Mirabilis jalapa at 10% of concentration provided a 100% of protection for the insect against infection by polyhedrose virus (BmNPV). In commercial rearing conditions, the extract was used in different larval stages. Both in laboratory conditions as well as in commercial rearing the extract did not cause decrease effects in the biology and production of silkworms when compared with nontreated groups. Although the insects were infected by BmNPV, there were not observed symptoms of the infection, suggesting that the viral population, although present, was maintained at reduced levels, not causing a decrease of productivity performance. There was not observed an anticontaminant action of the extract against other opportunist pathogens since the rearing sanitary conditions were good, there occurring a few deaths probably related more with natural factors than to the occurrence of diseases.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 40(1): 01-12, 2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-475658


Background: The hard tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an hematophagous ectoparasite that causes important economic losses in the cattle raising. The control of the parasite is usually accomplished through the use of acaricides. Even though these chemicals substances present effectiveness, their continuous use can lead to the selection of resistant parasites. When not used properly acaricides can cause environmental damages in addition to risks for animal and human health. Because of these drawbacks there are efforts to the development of alternatives control methods. The immunological control is a promissing method due to target specifi city, which increases the environmental and animal safety. The development of such approach relies on the discovery and characterization of molecules involved in the metabolism of the parasite different life stages. The embryogenesis is the stage where the metabolites of maternal origin are mobilized through catabolic and anabolic pathways necessary for the development of the embryo. The study of the substrates and enzymes involved in metabolic pathways of the embryogenesis allows the directed search to potential antigens to the development of an anti-R. microplus vaccine.Review: The embryo, during its development, passes through the stages of a sincicial blastoderm, celular blastoderm and segmentation, and both morfological changes a

Background: The hard tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an hematophagous ectoparasite that causes important economic losses in the cattle raising. The control of the parasite is usually accomplished through the use of acaricides. Even though these chemicals substances present effectiveness, their continuous use can lead to the selection of resistant parasites. When not used properly acaricides can cause environmental damages in addition to risks for animal and human health. Because of these drawbacks there are efforts to the development of alternatives control methods. The immunological control is a promissing method due to target specifi city, which increases the environmental and animal safety. The development of such approach relies on the discovery and characterization of molecules involved in the metabolism of the parasite different life stages. The embryogenesis is the stage where the metabolites of maternal origin are mobilized through catabolic and anabolic pathways necessary for the development of the embryo. The study of the substrates and enzymes involved in metabolic pathways of the embryogenesis allows the directed search to potential antigens to the development of an anti-R. microplus vaccine.Review: The embryo, during its development, passes through the stages of a sincicial blastoderm, celular blastoderm and segmentation, and both morfological changes a