The present study aimed to investigate the effect of milk liquid and powder supplements on piglets' performance, drinking behavior, and sow back-fat thickness change during the lactation period. There were four experimental groups (n = 24), and in the control group (n = 6), the piglets were suckled from the sow. For the supplemental groups (n = 18), milk powder (MP), milk liquid by feeding trough (MLFT), and milk liquid feeding by the bucket (MLFB). Data were collected with the weight of a total of 252 piglets measured at birth, at 14 days and at weaning (28 days), respectively. Sow back-fat thickness was measured 3 days before farrowing, 14 days after farrowing and at weaning. There were significant differences in average daily weight gain between day 14 and weaning age for the MP and MLFT (P < 0.05) but not in MLFB (P > 0.05). For approaches to the feeder, there were significantly higher in MP and MLFT groups (P < 0.05). Based on the examination of sow back-fat thickness, the back-fat loss was minimal (P < 0.05) in the MP and MLFT compared to the MLFB and the control. Giving the milk supplement as powder and liquid by feeding trough has increased the piglets' average daily gain and body weight on day 14th and the weaning day. Moreover, the back-fat thickness reduction of sows in the supplemental groups is lower compared to the control group.
Animais , Suínos , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta/veterinária , Comportamento Alimentar , Animais LactentesResumo
Litter size is one of the crucial factors in livestock production and is of high economic value, which is affected by ovulation rate, hormones, and growth factors.Growth factors play a multifaceted role in reproductive physiology. This review aims to investigate the association of bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9)with litter size in livestock.The transforming growth factor ß(TGF-ß) superfamily includes more than 34 members; GDF9 and BMP15 are among the most significantfactors for regulating fertility and litter size in most livestock species. Ovarian follicles release BMP15 and GDF9 that are involved in the maturation of primary follicles into the basal form, proliferation of granulosa and theca cells, steroidogenesis, ovulation, and formation of the corpus luteum. Besides, these factors are highly expressed in oocytes and are necessary for female fertility and multiple ovulation in several livestock species. Animals with two inactive copies of these factors are sterile, while those with one inactive copy are fertile. Thus, the present reviewprovides valuable information on the association of BMP15 and GDF9with litter size in livestock that can be used as biological markers of multiple ovulation or for improving fertility in livestock.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Proteína Morfogenética Óssea 15/análise , Fator 9 de Diferenciação de Crescimento/análise , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta/análise , Folículo Ovariano/fisiologia , Tamanho da Ninhada de Vivíparos/fisiologiaResumo
Most genetic diseases affect purebred animals and are inherited as recessive genes. Cranioschisis refers to dysraphism, which occurs in the midline of the skull due to failure to close the cranial symphysis, which can lead to herniation of the meninges filled with cerebrospinal fluid (meningocele), where there is usually a projection of the meningeal tissue. Diagnosis is performed based on clinical examination, characteristic anatomopathological data, and complementary imaging tests. The surgical approach for correction of cranioschisis is the only described as a therapeutic solution and is indicated in cases in which the cranial synthesis defect does not allow for brain protrusion and there is only the occurrence of meningocele, in addition to the absence of severe signs of neurological alteration. This paper reports a case of the use of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plaque to treat cranioschisis associated with meningocele in a Girolando heifer. The surgical opening of the frontonasal sacculation allowed draining a total liquid content of 488 mL, inspection, and suture of the envelope membrane. APMMA plaque, molded to the bone surface and anchored in the adjacent soft tissue, was used to cover the evidenced frontonasal bone opening. Despite the unfavorable prognosis of the disease, the cranioplasty surgery for the treatment of cranioschisis associated with meningocele using PMMA plaque obtained satisfactory results relative to the quality and maintenance of this animal's life, evaluated at 19 months postoperatively.(AU)
A maioria das doenças genéticas acometem animais de raça pura e herdados como genes recessivos.Acraniosquise refere-se à disrafia, que acontece na linha média do crânio pelo não fechamento da sínfise craniana, podendo levar a herniação das meninges repletas de líquido cefalorraquidiano (meningocele), onde geralmente existe projeção do tecido meningeal. O diagnóstico é realizado a partir do exame clínico, dados anatomopatológicos característicos e através da realização de exames complementares de imagem. Como solução terapêutica, a abordagem cirúrgica para correção das craniosquises é a única descrita, e é indicada em casos em que o defeito de síntese craniana não permita a protrusão encefálica e exista a ocorrência apenas da meningocele, além da inexistência de sinais graves de alteração neurológica. O artigo relata um caso de uso de placa de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) no tratamento de craniosquise associada à meningocele em uma bezerra Girolando. Instituiu-se a abertura cirúrgica da saculação fronto-nasal, permitindo a drenagem de conteúdo líquido total de 488 mL, inspeção e rafia de membrana envoltória. Para recobrimento da abertura óssea fronto-nasal evidenciada, utilizou-se uma placa de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA), moldada à superfície óssea e ancorada em tecido mole adjacente. Concluiu-se que, apesar do prognóstico desfavorável da enfermidade, a cirurgia de cranioplastia para tratamento de craniosquise associada à meningocele, com a utilização de placa de PMMA, neste caso, obteve resultados satisfatórios em relação a qualidade e manutenção da vida deste animal, avaliando-se em 19 meses pós-operatório.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Disrafismo Espinal/tratamento farmacológico , Polimetil Metacrilato/uso terapêutico , Meningocele/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças Genéticas Inatas/veterináriaResumo
The study aimed to determine the relationship between reproductive performance, kidding distribution, and birth weight of French Alpine goats and meteorological variables in the northwestern part of Croatia throughout six consecutive years (from 2013 until 2018). During the study, French Alpine goats (n=948) on the 6 dairy goat farms, birthed 1025 goat kids after 893 successful matings (55 matings were unsuccessful) during six consecutive years. The average birth weight was 3.46±0.48 kg for females (n=478) and 3.71±0.51 kg for male kids (n=547). French Alpine does with single kids accounted for 85.89% (n=767), with twins 13.44% (n=120) and triplets 0.67% (n=6). The average litter size was 1.15, and the average parity was 2.95. The birth weight of goat kids in primiparous and pluriparous goats was not significantly different. Survival rate (until 1 month of age) was 93.66 % (n=960). French Alpine does fertility in northwestern Croatia, through six years was 94.18%. Seasonal kidding of French Alpine was distributed mostly on two seasons: winter (73.57%) and spring (24.52%) in the northwestern part of Croatia during six consecutive years 2013-2018. Observed differences in the kidding distribution per month during the years of observation were statistically significant (P = 0.018). The highest number of kidding was recorded in February in all years of observation. It can be concluded that there was not any relationship between monthly air temperature and precipitation amounts with tested reproductive performances in French Alpine dairy goats in the NW part of Croatia during the observed period.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cabras , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Peso ao Nascer , Conceitos Meteorológicos , Precipitação AtmosféricaResumo
The study aimed to determine the relationship between reproductive performance, kidding distribution, and birth weight of French Alpine goats and meteorological variables in the northwestern part of Croatia throughout six consecutive years (from 2013 until 2018). During the study, French Alpine goats (n=948) on the 6 dairy goat farms, birthed 1025 goat kids after 893 successful matings (55 matings were unsuccessful) during six consecutive years. The average birth weight was 3.46±0.48 kg for females (n=478) and 3.71±0.51 kg for male kids (n=547). French Alpine does with single kids accounted for 85.89% (n=767), with twins 13.44% (n=120) and triplets 0.67% (n=6). The average litter size was 1.15, and the average parity was 2.95. The birth weight of goat kids in primiparous and pluriparous goats was not significantly different. Survival rate (until 1 month of age) was 93.66 % (n=960). French Alpine does fertility in northwestern Croatia, through six years was 94.18%. Seasonal kidding of French Alpine was distributed mostly on two seasons: winter (73.57%) and spring (24.52%) in the northwestern part of Croatia during six consecutive years 2013-2018. Observed differences in the kidding distribution per month during the years of observation were statistically significant (P = 0.018). The highest number of kidding was recorded in February in all years of observation. It can be concluded that there was not any relationship between monthly air temperature and precipitation amounts with tested reproductive performances in French Alpine dairy goats in the NW part of Croatia during the observed period.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Cabras , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Conceitos Meteorológicos , Peso ao Nascer , Precipitação AtmosféricaResumo
The objective of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the effects of weight loss or weight gain of beef cows during the second and/or third trimester of gestation on the postnatal performance of the progeny. The variation in cow weight during the gestational period was calculated to standardize the treatments, being them: severe loss (SL = cows that lost more than 10% of weight); moderate loss (ML = cows that lost from 0 to 10% of weight) and weight gain (WG = cows that gained weight). The intensity of the cow weight variation effect was calculated as the mean difference (MD) with a 95% confidence interval and heterogeneity determined using the Q test and the I2 statistic. A meta-analysis of random effects was conducted for each indicator separately with the means of the control and experimental groups. Calves from WG cows were higher for birth weight (P = 0.0094); weight adjusted to 205 days (P = 0.0127) and average daily gain during pre-weaning (P < 0.0001) in relation to calves from ML cows. The W205 of calves from SL cows was 11.6 kg lower than the progeny from ML cows. The post-weaning performance of the progeny tended (P = 0.0868) to be higher in the progeny of WG cows than ML ones. The weight gain of beef cows during gestation improves the pre- and post-weaning performance of the progeny, with more evident effects in the early months of life of the offspring.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar nesta meta-análise os efeitos da perda ou ganho de peso de vacas de corte durante o 2º e/ou 3º trimestre de gestação sobre o desempenho pós-natal da progênie. A variação de peso da vaca no período gestacional foi calculada para padronização dos tratamentos, sendo: perda severa (PS = vacas que perderam mais de 10% de peso); perda moderada (PM = vacas que perderam de 0 a 10% do peso) e ganho de peso (GA = vacas que ganharam peso). A intensidade do efeito da variação de peso da vaca foi calculada como diferença média (MD) com um intervalo de confiança de 95% e a heterogeneidade determinada usando o teste Q e a estatística I2. Uma meta-análise de efeitos aleatórios foi conduzida para cada indicador separadamente com as médias do grupo controle e experimental. Bezerros de vacas GA foram superiores para peso ao nascer (P = 0.0094); peso ajustado aos 205 (P = 0.0127) e para o GMD pré-desmame (P < 0.0001) em relação aos bezerros de vacas PM. O P205 dos bezerros filhos de vacas PS foi 11,6 kg menor que a progênie de vacas PM. O desempenho pós-desmame da progênie tendeu (P = 0.0868) a ser maior na progênie de vacas GA em relação às vacas PM. O ganho de peso de vacas de corte durante a gestação melhora o desempenho pré e pós-desmame da progênie, com efeitos mais evidentes nos meses inicias de vida dos descendentes.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Desmame , Aumento de Peso , Prenhez , Desenvolvimento FetalResumo
This study aimed to assess the impact of climatic variability on the growth performance of the Fogera cattle at Metekel Ranch. About 15-years of meteorological data were collected from National Meteorological Agency. Then, the heat stress (HS) condition of the ranch location was calculated by the temperature-humidity index (THI). Moreover, all animals born and calves that were weaned from 2005 to 2019 were included in this study. Seasons and years of birth were fitted as predictors, while growth parameters were fitted as response variables. Data were analyzed by least-squares means analysis of variance using R software version 3.5.2 program. Moreover, a multiple linear regression model was also used. The trends in BW and WW of calves were significantly decreasing along the study period. The result also indicated that the relative humidity and ambient temperature regression coefficient was negative for BW and WW. The Pearson correlation coefficient also indicated there was a negative relationship between growth parameters and climatic variables. When THI increases from 67 to 72, the BW and WW of the calves were decreased by 3.5 and 25 kg, respectively. However, the optimum THI for higher BW and WW was less than or equal to 67. The lower BW and WW of calves observed in this study is due to the cumulative effect of the climate conditions of the study area and herd management practices. Therefore, in any improvement to be made in the ranch, environmental factors should be considered along with necessary amelioration activities.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Mudança Climática , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Gado/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Desmame , EtiópiaResumo
This study aimed to assess the impact of climatic variability on the growth performance of the Fogera cattle at Metekel cattle breeding and multiplication ranch. About 15-years of meteorological data were collected from National Meteorological Agency. Then, the heat stress (HS) condition of the ranch location was calculated by the temperature humidity index (THI). Moreover, all animals born and calves that were weaned from 2005 to 2019 were included in this study. Seasons and years of birth were fitted as predictors, while growth parameters were fitted as response variables. Data were analyzed by least-squares means analysis of variance using R software version 3.5.2 program. Moreover, a multiple linear regression model was also used. The trends in birth weight (BW) and weaning weight (WW) of calves were significantly decreasing along the study period. The result also indicated that the relative humidity and ambient temperature regression coefficient was negative for BW and WW. The Pearson correlation coefficient also indicated there was a negative relationship between growth parameters and climatic variables. When THI increases from 67 to 72, the BW and WW of the calves were decreased by 3.5 and 25 kg, respectively. However, the optimum THI for higher BW and WW was less than or equal to 67. The lower BW and WW of calves observed in this study is due to the cumulative effect of the climate conditions of the study area and herd management practices. Therefore, in any improvement to be made in the ranch, environmental factors should be considered along with necessary amelioration activities.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/fisiologia , Efeitos do Clima/análise , Mudança Climática/estatística & dados numéricos , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologiaResumo
Colostrum is the main CT:source of immunoglobulins for piglets and several studies have shown that colostrum intake by piglets have a significant influence on their immunity as well as their future performance. The aim of this study was to ascertain the correlation between colostrum intake in the first 24 hours and the serum immunoglobulin concentration determined by immunocrit (IR), determine if the birth order of piglets interfered in colostrum intake and the IR, and measure their weight gain up to 42 days of age. One hundred and three piglets were included in the study and divided into two groups according to colostrum intake in the first 24 hours: > 230 g and 230 g. Piglets with an intake of (230 g colostrum at birth had a mean weight of 1.412 ± 0.156 kg (mean ± SEM) while animals with a colostrum intake 230 g weighed 1.317 ± 0.162 kg (P>0.05). The mean IR between colostrum intake groups was 0.075 ( 230 g) and 0.096 ((230 g) (p 0.05). The IR differed between the order of birth of the piglets; where piglets born up to 7 had an IR=0.096 while those born from >7 presented with an IR=0.079 (p 0.05). Piglets that consumed more colostrum (>230 g) in the first 24 hours after birth had a greater immunocrit and greater weight gain from 7 to 42 days of age (p 0.05). We concluded that the order of birth does not affect the colostrum intake, but the IR has a negative correlation (CORR= -0.3101; p 0,05) with the order of birth. Piglets with intake of more than 230 g of colostrum show greater weight gain up to 42 days of age.(AU)
O colostro é uma das principais fontes de imunoglobulinas para leitões neonatos e vários estudos têm demonstrado que a quantidade ingerida pelo leitão tem influência na sua condição imunológica, bem como no seu desempenho futuro. O trabalho teve como objetivo correlacionar o consumo de colostro com a concentração sérica de imunoglobulinas nas primeiras 24 horas, determinada pelo imunócrito (IR), determinar se a ordem de nascimento interfere no consumo de colostro e IR, e o desempenho de ganho de peso até os 42 dias de vida do leitão. Foram utilizados 103 leitões categorizados em dois grupos conforme consumo de colostro nas primeiras 24 horas de vida em (230g e 230g. Leitões que ingeriram (230g de colostro ao nascimento apresentaram peso médio de 1,412±0,156 kg (média±EPM), enquanto que animais que tiveram um consumo de colostro 230g o peso foi 1,317±0,162 kg (P>0,05). O IR médio entre os grupos de ingestão de colostro foi de 0,075 ( 230g) e 0,096 ((230g) de colostro (P 0,05). O IR diferiu entre os grupos de ordem de nascimento dos leitões, onde o grupo de leitões nascidos, até 7, apresentaram IR 0,096, enquanto os nascidos, a partir >7, apresentaram IR 0,079 (p 0,05). Leitões que consumiram mais colostro ((230 g) nas primeiras 24 horas de vida tiveram um maior imunócrito e maior ganho de peso dos 7 aos 42 dias de vida (p 0,05). Conclui-se que a ordem de nascimento não prejudica o consumo de colostro, porém a taxa de IR possui uma correlação negativa (CORR= -0,3101; p 0,05) em relação à ordem de nascimento. Leitões que consomem uma quantidade superior a 230 g de colostro apresentam maior ganho de peso até os 42 dias de vida.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Animais Recém-Nascidos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Colostro/químicaResumo
A reprodução descontrolada de animais semi-domiciliados está envolvida com abandono e riscos à saúde pública devido às possíveis zoonoses veiculadas. Projetos de extensão de controle da natalidade de cães e gatos proporcionam aprendizagem e treinamento dos alunos sob a supervisão, bem como a orientação de tutores sobre o manejo adequado de seus animais e a guarda responsável. O objetivo do projeto foi promover o treinamento clínico, cirúrgico e aproximação dos estudantes com os tutores de animais de companhia. Alunos do curso de medicina veterinária realizaram, sob supervisão dos docentes e pós graduandos, atendimento clínico e cirurgias eletivas de castração de cães e gatos de tutores desafiados financeiramente. Após seis meses de treinamento foi aplicado um questionário aos discentes, o objetivo foi avaliar a evolução dos conhecimentos adquiridos. Trinta alunos responderam aos questionários, sendo que 47% demonstraram ter adquirido maior conhecimento na prática cirúrgica; 23% nas habilidades anestésicas; 20% em outros procedimentos e 10% no trabalho em equipe. Estes resultados confirmam a necessidade de treinamento dos graduandos em ações extra sala de aula, para que seja possível a formação de um profissional capacitado e seguro para exercer a profissão, estimulando e fortalecendo o trabalho em equipe(AU)
The concern with semi-domiciled animals is involved with the uncontrolled reproduction, abandonment and risk to the public health due to the possible zoonoses transmitted. Cat and dog birth control extension projects provide learning and training for students, under the supervision of professors as well as tutors are advised on the proper management of their animals by encouraging responsible custody. The objective was to promote student training on clinical, surgical and access with the reality of pet owners. Veterinary medicine students underwent clinical and surgical care, under the supervision of the professors, in order to carry out elective castration of patients of financially challenged tutors. After six months of training, a questionnaire was developed in order to identify if there was evolution in relation to the acquired knowledge. Thirty students answered the questionnaires, 47% of whom demonstrated greater knowledge in the surgical practice; 23% in anesthetic skills; 20% in other procedures and 10% in teamwork. These results demonstrate the need for training of undergraduates, with participation in extra-classroom actions, so that it is possible to train a qualified and safe professional to practice the profession, stimulating and strengthening teamwork.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Cães , Gatos , Avaliação Educacional , Educação em Veterinária/métodos , Educação em Veterinária/organização & administraçãoResumo
A reprodução descontrolada de animais semi-domiciliados está envolvida com abandono e riscos à saúde pública devido às possíveis zoonoses veiculadas. Projetos de extensão de controle da natalidade de cães e gatos proporcionam aprendizagem e treinamento dos alunos sob a supervisão, bem como a orientação de tutores sobre o manejo adequado de seus animais e a guarda responsável. O objetivo do projeto foi promover o treinamento clínico, cirúrgico e aproximação dos estudantes com os tutores de animais de companhia. Alunos do curso de medicina veterinária realizaram, sob supervisão dos docentes e pós graduandos, atendimento clínico e cirurgias eletivas de castração de cães e gatos de tutores desafiados financeiramente. Após seis meses de treinamento foi aplicado um questionário aos discentes, o objetivo foi avaliar a evolução dos conhecimentos adquiridos. Trinta alunos responderam aos questionários, sendo que 47% demonstraram ter adquirido maior conhecimento na prática cirúrgica; 23% nas habilidades anestésicas; 20% em outros procedimentos e 10% no trabalho em equipe. Estes resultados confirmam a necessidade de treinamento dos graduandos em ações extra sala de aula, para que seja possível a formação de um profissional capacitado e seguro para exercer a profissão, estimulando e fortalecendo o trabalho em equipe
The concern with semi-domiciled animals is involved with the uncontrolled reproduction, abandonment and risk to the public health due to the possible zoonoses transmitted. Cat and dog birth control extension projects provide learning and training for students, under the supervision of professors as well as tutors are advised on the proper management of their animals by encouraging responsible custody. The objective was to promote student training on clinical, surgical and access with the reality of pet owners. Veterinary medicine students underwent clinical and surgical care, under the supervision of the professors, in order to carry out elective castration of patients of financially challenged tutors. After six months of training, a questionnaire was developed in order to identify if there was evolution in relation to the acquired knowledge. Thirty students answered the questionnaires, 47% of whom demonstrated greater knowledge in the surgical practice; 23% in anesthetic skills; 20% in other procedures and 10% in teamwork. These results demonstrate the need for training of undergraduates, with participation in extra-classroom actions, so that it is possible to train a qualified and safe professional to practice the profession, stimulating and strengthening teamwork.
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Avaliação Educacional , Cães , Educação em Veterinária/métodos , Educação em Veterinária/organização & administração , GatosResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de manejo de uniformização, ordem de nascimento (ON), peso ao nascimento (PN) e suas interações no desempenho de leitões na fase de maternidade. Porcas (n = 25) e suas leitegadas (n = 388 leitões) foram distribuídas em dois tratamentos: UNIF - uniformização de leitões entre leitegadas distintas logo após o nascimento; MBIO - leitões mantidos até 12 horas pós-parto com a mãe biológica. Nos dois tratamentos o efeito da ON foi avaliado em três grupos caracterizados pela ON de 1-6, 7-12 e ≥ 13; o efeito de PN foi avaliado em quatro grupos definidos como Muito leve, Leve, Médio e Pesado. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 × 3 × 4, totalizando 24 tratamentos com 16 leitões/tratamento, em média. O ganho de peso do nascimento até 72 horas de vida (GP72h) foi maior em MBIO. A quantidade de colostro ingerida (QCI) foi menor em leitões de ON ≥ 13. Em geral, o desempenho dos leitões aumentou em resposta ao aumento do PN. Houve interação entre manejo de uniformização e PN para QCI em relação ao peso corporal (QCIPC), que foi maior em leitões Muito leves em UNIF (27,48% PC) e menor em leitões Pesados em MBIO (16,82% PC). É possível obter bom desempenho de leitões mantendo a leitegada com a mãe biológica até 12 horas pós-parto. A quantidade de colostro ingerida em base absoluta (g) é maior, mas relativa ao peso corporal (% PC) é menor em leitões pesados.
The goal of this study was to assess the effects of uniformization management, birth order (BO), birth weight (BiW) and their interactions on the performance of piglets in the maternity phase. Sows (n = 25) and their litters (n = 388 piglets) were distributed into two treatments, namely: UNIF - uniformization of piglets between different litters right after birth; and BIOM - piglets kept up to 12 hours after birth with their biological mothers. In both treatments, the effect of BO was assessed in three groups characterised by BO of 1-6, 7-12, and ≥13. The effect of BiW was assessed in four groups defined as very light, light, medium, and heavy. The design was completely randomised in a 2×3×4 factorial scheme, totalling 24 treatments with 16 piglets/treatment, on average. Weight gain from birth to 72 hours after birth (WG72h) was greater in the BIOM treatment. The colostrum intake (CI) was lower in piglets with BO ≥13. In general, piglet performance increased in response to the increase in BiW. There was interaction between uniformization management and BiW with respect to CI related to body weight (CIBW), which was greater in very light piglets in the UNIF treatment (27.48% BW), and lower in heavy piglets in the BIOM treatment (16.82% BW). It was possible to obtain satisfactory piglet performance by keeping the litters with their biological mothers until 12 hours after birth. The CI expressed on an absolute basis (g) was greater; however, CI expressed on relative basis with respect to body weight (% BW) was lower in heavy piglets.
Feminino , Animais , Colostro , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different non-genetic effects on indicator traits for maternal ability in Santa Inês ewes. Data included performance records of 100 lambs (males and females) born from 59 dams, from 2009 to 2012. The analyzed traits were birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), average daily gain from birth until weaning (ADGBW), total litter weight at birth (TLWB), and total litter weight at weaning (TLWW). The effects analyzed were the year of birth of the lamb, birth season, dam age at lambing, dam weight at lambing, sex of the lamb, lamb birth type, interaction between sex and birth type, and interaction between sex and birth season. SAS® software (SAS University Edition, USA) was used for calculation of the analysis of variance, means, and Pearson correlation coefficients. With the exception of the birth season, all the other environmental effects evaluated had a significant influence on at least one of the studied traits. The correlation estimates ranged from low to high and were either positive or negative. Birth weight was negatively correlated with the birth type and influenced positively all the other performance traits evaluated. The maternal ability of Santa Inês ewes was more clearly influenced by the age and weight of the dam at lambing, and the lamb birth type.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes efeitos não-genéticos sobre características indicadoras de habilidade materna em ovelhas da raça Santa Inês. Os dados utilizados incluíram registros de desempenho de 100 cordeiros (machos e fêmeas) filhos de 59 ovelhas, nascidos de 2009 a 2012. As características analisadas foram peso ao nascimento (PN), peso ao desmame (PD), ganho médio diário do nascimento ao desmame (GMND), peso total das crias ao nascer (PTCN) e peso total das crias ao desmame (PTCD). Os efeitos analisados foram ano de nascimento da cria, estação de nascimento, idade da mãe ao parto, peso da mãe ao parto, sexo da cria, tipo de nascimento da cria, interação entre sexo e tipo de nascimento, e interação entre sexo e estação de nascimento. O programa SAS (SAS University Edition, EUA) foi utilizado para o cálculo de análise de variância, médias e coeficientes de correlação de Pearson. Com exceção da estação de nascimento, os demais efeitos avaliados exerceram influência significativa sobre pelo menos uma das características estudadas. As estimativas de correlação variaram de baixa a alta magnitude e foram tanto positivas quanto negativas. O peso da cria ao nascimento foi negativamente correlacionado com o tipo de nascimento e influenciou positivamente todas as outras características de desempenho avaliadas. A habilidade materna de ovelhas Santa Inês foi mais claramente influenciada pela idade e peso da mãe ao parto e pelo tipo de nascimento da cria.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different non-genetic effects on indicator traits for maternal ability in Santa Inês ewes. Data included performance records of 100 lambs (males and females) born from 59 dams, from 2009 to 2012. The analyzed traits were birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), average daily gain from birth until weaning (ADGBW), total litter weight at birth (TLWB), and total litter weight at weaning (TLWW). The effects analyzed were the year of birth of the lamb, birth season, dam age at lambing, dam weight at lambing, sex of the lamb, lamb birth type, interaction between sex and birth type, and interaction between sex and birth season. SAS® software (SAS University Edition, USA) was used for calculation of the analysis of variance, means, and Pearson correlation coefficients. With the exception of the birth season, all the other environmental effects evaluated had a significant influence on at least one of the studied traits. The correlation estimates ranged from low to high and were either positive or negative. Birth weight was negatively correlated with the birth type and influenced positively all the other performance traits evaluated. The maternal ability of Santa Inês ewes was more clearly influenced by the age and weight of the dam at lambing, and the lamb birth type.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes efeitos não-genéticos sobre características indicadoras de habilidade materna em ovelhas da raça Santa Inês. Os dados utilizados incluíram registros de desempenho de 100 cordeiros (machos e fêmeas) filhos de 59 ovelhas, nascidos de 2009 a 2012. As características analisadas foram peso ao nascimento (PN), peso ao desmame (PD), ganho médio diário do nascimento ao desmame (GMND), peso total das crias ao nascer (PTCN) e peso total das crias ao desmame (PTCD). Os efeitos analisados foram ano de nascimento da cria, estação de nascimento, idade da mãe ao parto, peso da mãe ao parto, sexo da cria, tipo de nascimento da cria, interação entre sexo e tipo de nascimento, e interação entre sexo e estação de nascimento. O programa SAS (SAS University Edition, EUA) foi utilizado para o cálculo de análise de variância, médias e coeficientes de correlação de Pearson. Com exceção da estação de nascimento, os demais efeitos avaliados exerceram influência significativa sobre pelo menos uma das características estudadas. As estimativas de correlação variaram de baixa a alta magnitude e foram tanto positivas quanto negativas. O peso da cria ao nascimento foi negativamente correlacionado com o tipo de nascimento e influenciou positivamente todas as outras características de desempenho avaliadas. A habilidade materna de ovelhas Santa Inês foi mais claramente influenciada pela idade e peso da mãe ao parto e pelo tipo de nascimento da cria.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Scorpionism is one of the most important health problems in tropical regions, which unfortunately results in thousands of deaths annually. Pregnant women are potential victims in areas with high scorpion-sting prevalence. Limited medical data are available on the effects of scorpion envenomation in pregnant women. This study aimed to examine the effect of scorpion envenomation on pregnancy outcomes in 66 cases. Methods: The present descriptive/analytical cross-sectional study was performed on 66 scorpion-envenomed pregnant women referred to the clinical toxicology unit of Ahvaz Razi Hospital in Iran during 2015-2017. The variables assessed in all cases, via questionnaire and hospital medical records, were: age, patient residency, gestational week, status of the fetus, laboratory anomalies, clinical severity of envenomation, sting site and scorpion species. Pregnancy outcome (miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, normal delivery) and status of the newborns were also evaluated. Data were analyzed using SPSS ® software (version 24.0). Results: The following pregnancy outcomes were recorded from envenomed pregnant women: miscarriage = 1.5% (n = 1), stillbirth = 4.5% (n = 3), preterm birth = 10.6% (n = 7), normal birth = 83% (n = 55). Among participants whose pregnancy led to birth, 11(17.7%) cases had prenatal-neonatal complications. Neonatal complications, including Apgar score less than 8 points at 5 min, were found in 7 (11.3%) preterm birth cases and in 4 (6.4%) normal birth cases, along with birth weight below 2500 g in normal births. A significant relationship was found between adverse pregnancy outcomes and bite location, as well as scorpion species, but no relationship was found with other variables. Conclusion: Envenomation significantly contributes to preterm birth. Moreover, the location of bites and the type of scorpion species have a decisive role in the pregnancy outcome of scorpion-envenomed pregnant women.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Pacientes , Escorpiões , Mordeduras e Picadas , Resultado da Gravidez , Gestantes , Nascimento Prematuro , Picadas de Escorpião , Intoxicação , ToxicologiaResumo
Twin birth is a complex condition observed in most livestock animals, when the female gives birth to two or more offspring, generally out of the same mating. In cattle, it is a rare condition (3 to 5%) and depends on the genetic background and environmental factors. Twin birth is a result of multiple ovulations, being more common in dairy rather than in beef cattle. Calves could be monozygous or dizygous, with the same or of different sexes. When twins are born with different sexes, a sexual condition called Freemartinism occurs in between 90 to 97% of pregnancies, causing infertility in the female calf. Knowing that the twin rate is rare in commercial beef cattle, here we present an even rarer case of twin birth from two different sires after natural mating, also called heteropaternal superfecundation.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Bovinos/embriologia , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Gêmeos , PrenhezResumo
Twin birth is a complex condition observed in most livestock animals, when the female gives birth to two or more offspring, generally out of the same mating. In cattle, it is a rare condition (3 to 5%) and depends on the genetic background and environmental factors. Twin birth is a result of multiple ovulations, being more common in dairy rather than in beef cattle. Calves could be monozygous or dizygous, with the same or of different sexes. When twins are born with different sexes, a sexual condition called Freemartinism occurs in between 90 to 97% of pregnancies, causing infertility in the female calf. Knowing that the twin rate is rare in commercial beef cattle, here we present an even rarer case of twin birth from two different sires after natural mating, also called heteropaternal superfecundation.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Gêmeos , PrenhezResumo
Background: Scorpionism is one of the most important health problems in tropical regions, which unfortunately results in thousands of deaths annually. Pregnant women are potential victims in areas with high scorpion-sting prevalence. Limited medical data are available on the effects of scorpion envenomation in pregnant women. This study aimed to examine the effect of scorpion envenomation on pregnancy outcomes in 66 cases. Methods: The present descriptive/analytical cross-sectional study was performed on 66 scorpion-envenomed pregnant women referred to the clinical toxicology unit of Ahvaz Razi Hospital in Iran during 2015-2017. The variables assessed in all cases, via questionnaire and hospital medical records, were: age, patient residency, gestational week, status of the fetus, laboratory anomalies, clinical severity of envenomation, sting site and scorpion species. Pregnancy outcome (miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, normal delivery) and status of the newborns were also evaluated. Data were analyzed using SPSS ® software (version 24.0). Results: The following pregnancy outcomes were recorded from envenomed pregnant women: miscarriage = 1.5% (n = 1), stillbirth = 4.5% (n = 3), preterm birth = 10.6% (n = 7), normal birth = 83% (n = 55). Among participants whose pregnancy led to birth, 11(17.7%) cases had prenatal-neonatal complications. Neonatal complications, including Apgar score less than 8 points at 5 min, were found in 7 (11.3%) preterm birth cases and in 4 (6.4%) normal birth cases, along with birth weight below 2500 g in normal births. A significant relationship was found between adverse pregnancy outcomes and bite location, as well as scorpion species, but no relationship was found with other variables. Conclusion: Envenomation significantly contributes to preterm birth. Moreover, the location of bites and the type of scorpion species have a decisive role in the pregnancy outcome of scorpion-envenomed pregnant women.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Picadas de Escorpião/complicações , Picadas de Escorpião/fisiopatologia , Natimorto , Recém-Nascido Prematuro , Escorpiões/patogenicidade , Irã (Geográfico)Resumo
Background: Anal atresia is a congenital defect and is related to the flaw of an opening in the membrane that separates the endoderm of the posterior intestine from the ectodermic anal membrane. This anomaly can cause debilitating disease, death, or abnormal development of the animal. Clinical presentation of urethrorectal fistula in domestic animals differs between males and females, as in the former there is passage of the urine through the anus, whereas in females there is elimination of the feces through the vulva. The absence of description of this disease in horses stimulated describing a case of surgical resolution of anal atresia, rectal bulb agenesis, and pneumovagina of an adult mare. Case: Mare with a history of defecating through the vagina. In the anamnesis, it was determined that the owner noticed the problem after observing the animal during a walk. Clinical examination verified absence of the anus with stool evacuation through the vagina, pneumovagina, and signs of cystitis, as the animal frequently urinated small volumes. Complementary laboratory tests of blood and urine were carried out for the diagnosis of cystitis, serum biochemistry, hemogram, and urinalysis being evaluated. The operation was scheduled for 8 days after clinical tests and sodium ceftiofur was prescribed, at a dose of 4.4 mg/kg, administered intramuscularly for 7 days. On the date chosen for surgical intervention, the animal was fasted for the previous 12 h; procedures began with the containment of the animal in a stock, followed by pre-anesthesia with detomidine, at a dose of 20 µg/kg, administered intravenously in solution at 1%. Anesthesia was a low peridural with 2% lidocaine at a total dose of 15 mL, to be able to work in the quadruped position. After containment of the tail and taking antiseptic and aseptic care, sutures were made in the skin...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Anus Imperfurado/cirurgia , Anus Imperfurado/veterinária , Cavalos , Períneo/anormalidades , Canal Anal/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
The determination of the period of parturition and identification of nursery areas are fundamental for the management and conservation of a fishing resource. Through combination of monthly abundance, length measurements, and development time of embryos we inferred about parturition time of the Blacktip sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus, from Southwestern Atlantic. Specimens of C. limbatus were caught from 2002 and 2008 by artisanal fleets from three different locations along the Brazilian coast using gillnets (mesh width ranging between 30 and 120 mm between opposite knots and operating from 9 to 120 m in depth), handlines (19 to 140 m depth) and longlines (6 to 90 m depth). Through a comparative analysis of fisheries landing data collected, we have verified neonatal (< 90 cm) catch peaks at specific times of the year in different locations and, matching with birth prediction of embryos, propose that C. limbatuspresents a well-defined parturition time in late spring-early summer in Southwestern Atlantic. Moreover, we indicate supposed nursery grounds for the species along the Brazilian coast. This information will be crucial for stock assessments of the species and may serve as a basis for determining fisheries management measures.(AU)
A determinação do período de parto e identificação de áreas de berçário são fundamentais para o manejo e conservação da espécie. Através da combinação de abundância mensal, comprimentos e tempo de desenvolvimento de embriões nós inferimos sobre a época de parto do tubarão galha preta, Carcharhinus limbatus, no Sudoeste Atlântico. Espécimes de C. limbatus foram capturados entre 2002 e 2008 por frotas artesanais de três locais diferentes ao longo da costa brasileira usando redes de emalhar (largura de malha variando entre 30 e 120 mm entre nós opostos e operando de 9 a 120 m de profundidade), linhas de mão (19 a 140 m de profundidade) e espinhel (6 a 90 m de profundidade). Através de análise comparativa de dados de desembarque pesqueiro, verificamos picos de captura de neonatos (< 90 cm) em períodos específicos do ano em diferentes localidades e, combinando com a previsão de nascimento de embriões, propomos que C. limbatus apresenta um período de parto bem definido no final da primavera e início do verão no Sudoeste do Atlântico. Além disto, nós indicamos prováveis áreas de berçário ao longo da costa brasileira. Estas informações serão cruciais para avaliações de estoque da espécie e poderão servir de base para determinação de medidas de manejo de pescarias.(AU)