The present study aimed to analyze large volumes of tympanic temperature (TT) data to identify its use as a physiological indicator of climatic conditions and its relationship with milk production in grazing cows under tropical lowland conditions. Three dairy farms and 21 multiparous early lactation cows were included in the study. Seven animals were equipped with tympanic temperature wireless sensors within each farm, and permanent information was collected hourly for 22 days on average. Ambient temperature (AT), relative humidity (RH), wind speed (WS), precipitation (PP), and THI information were obtained from meteorological stations located close to each farm. Statistical analyses included Spearman correlations and random coefficient regression models (P < 0.05). TT presented moderate and significant correlations with AT (0.35 to 0.49), SR (0.25 to 0.32), THI (0.35 to 0.49), and RH (-0.35 to -0.49). Climatic variables like AT, PP, SR, and WS were the most contributing factors to TT prediction (R2 =0.42 to 0.86). Grazing dairy cows in tropical scenarios accumulate heat during the day and dissipate it at nighttime, although higher producing animals deal with more problems to reach thermal homeostasis. Correlations between TT and daily milk production varied according to animal yield; however, higher TT values were related to the most productive cows. The effect of TT on milk production prediction was not conclusive among farms, possibly by animal management or others characteristics of the systems. TT determination through remote sensors allows a reliable diagnosis of the physiological temperature response to climatic conditions.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Rampa do Tímpano/fisiologia , Temperatura Corporal/efeitos da radiação , Bovinos/fisiologia , Processos Climáticos , PastagensResumo
The present study aimed to analyze large volumes of tympanic temperature (TT) data to identify its use as a physiological indicator of climatic conditions and its relationship with milk production in grazing cows under tropical lowland conditions. Three dairy farms and 21 multiparous early lactation cows were included in the study. Seven animals were equipped with tympanic temperature wireless sensors within each farm, and permanent information was collected hourly for 22 days on average. Ambient temperature (AT), relative humidity (RH), wind speed (WS), precipitation (PP), and THI information were obtained from meteorological stations located close to each farm. Statistical analyses included Spearman correlations and random coefficient regression models (P < 0.05). TT presented moderate and significant correlations with AT (0.35 to 0.49), SR (0.25 to 0.32), THI (0.35 to 0.49), and RH (-0.35 to -0.49). Climatic variables like AT, PP, SR, and WS were the most contributing factors to TT prediction (R2 =0.42 to 0.86). Grazing dairy cows in tropical scenarios accumulate heat during the day and dissipate it at nighttime, although higher producing animals deal with more problems to reach thermal homeostasis. Correlations between TT and daily milk production varied according to animal yield; however, higher TT values were related to the most productive cows. The effect of TT on milk production prediction was not conclusive among farms, possibly by animal management or others characteristics of the systems. TT determination through remote sensors allows a reliable diagnosis of the physiological temperature response to climatic conditions.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Chuva , Leite , Temperatura , Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Umidade , VentoResumo
A termografia infravermelha (TIV) representa um exame de imagem complementar, trata-se de uma ferramenta não ionizante e não invasiva que capta e registra a emissão térmica da superfície da pele. Esta vem sendo utilizada na medicina humana há mais de 50 anos, na avaliação das mudanças da temperatura superficial induzida por enfermidades como: neoplasias mamárias, diabetes, distúrbios vasculares, regiões musculares, doenças articulares, alterações simpáticas e parassimpáticas entre outras utilidades. Em medicina veterinária, as primeiras descrições ocorreram na década de 1960, e desde então passou a crescer tecnologicamente. Esta revisão descreveu sobre a princípios básicos e as principais aplicações da TIV em medicina veterinária. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica possibilitando assim consolidar informações relativas à base teórica e ao tema proposto. Após a revisão foi possível identificar a história tecnológica da TIV, além de descrever princípios físicos básicos relacionados a técnica e as principais aplicações em medicina veterinária, visando destacar a eficácia desta modalidade no auxilio diagnóstico das inúmeras situações descritas.
Infrared thermography (TIV) represents a complementary imaging test. It is a non-ionizing, non-invasive tool that captures and records the thermal emission of the skin surface. This has been used in human medicine for more than 50 years, in the evaluation of changes in surface temperature induced by diseases such as: breast cancer, diabetes, vascular disorders, muscle regions, joint diseases, sympathetic and parasympathetic alterations, among other uses. In veterinary medicine, the first TIV descriptions occurred in the 1960s, and have since grown technologically. This review describes the basic principles and main applications of TIV in veterinary medicine. A bibliographic research was carried out, thus making it possible to consolidate information related to the theoretical basis and the proposed theme. After the review, it was possible to identify the technological history of TIV, in addition to describing basic physical principles related to the technique and the main applications in veterinary medicine, aiming to highlight the effectiveness of this modality in helping to diagnose the numerous situations described.
La termografía infrarroja (TIV) representa un examen de imagen complementario, es una herramienta no ionizante y noinvasiva que captura y registra la emisión térmica de la superficie de la piel. Esto se ha utilizado en medicina humana durante más de 50 años, en la evaluación de cambios en la temperatura de la superficie inducidos por enfermedades como: cáncer de mama, diabetes, trastornos vasculares, regiones musculares, enfermedades articulares, alteraciones simpáticas y parasimpáticas, entre otros. En medicina veterinaria, las primeras descripciones de TIV ocurrieron en la década de 1960 y desde entonces han crecido tecnológicamente. Esta revisión describió los principios básicos y las principales aplicaciones de la TIV en medicina veterinaria. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica que permitió consolidar la información relacionada con la base teórica y el tema propuesto. Después de la revisión, fue posible identificar la historia tecnológica de la TIV, además de describir los principios físicos básicos relacionados con la técnica y las principales aplicaciones en medicina veterinaria, con el objetivo de resaltar la efectividad de esta modalidad para ayudar a diagnosticar las numerosas situaciones descritas.
Animais , Raios Infravermelhos , Temperatura Corporal , Termografia/história , Termografia/métodos , Termografia/veterináriaResumo
A termografia infravermelha (TIV) representa um exame de imagem complementar, trata-se de uma ferramenta não ionizante e não invasiva que capta e registra a emissão térmica da superfície da pele. Esta vem sendo utilizada na medicina humana há mais de 50 anos, na avaliação das mudanças da temperatura superficial induzida por enfermidades como: neoplasias mamárias, diabetes, distúrbios vasculares, regiões musculares, doenças articulares, alterações simpáticas e parassimpáticas entre outras utilidades. Em medicina veterinária, as primeiras descrições ocorreram na década de 1960, e desde então passou a crescer tecnologicamente. Esta revisão descreveu sobre a princípios básicos e as principais aplicações da TIV em medicina veterinária. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica possibilitando assim consolidar informações relativas à base teórica e ao tema proposto. Após a revisão foi possível identificar a história tecnológica da TIV, além de descrever princípios físicos básicos relacionados a técnica e as principais aplicações em medicina veterinária, visando destacar a eficácia desta modalidade no auxilio diagnóstico das inúmeras situações descritas.(AU)
Infrared thermography (TIV) represents a complementary imaging test. It is a non-ionizing, non-invasive tool that captures and records the thermal emission of the skin surface. This has been used in human medicine for more than 50 years, in the evaluation of changes in surface temperature induced by diseases such as: breast cancer, diabetes, vascular disorders, muscle regions, joint diseases, sympathetic and parasympathetic alterations, among other uses. In veterinary medicine, the first TIV descriptions occurred in the 1960s, and have since grown technologically. This review describes the basic principles and main applications of TIV in veterinary medicine. A bibliographic research was carried out, thus making it possible to consolidate information related to the theoretical basis and the proposed theme. After the review, it was possible to identify the technological history of TIV, in addition to describing basic physical principles related to the technique and the main applications in veterinary medicine, aiming to highlight the effectiveness of this modality in helping to diagnose the numerous situations described.(AU)
La termografía infrarroja (TIV) representa un examen de imagen complementario, es una herramienta no ionizante y noinvasiva que captura y registra la emisión térmica de la superficie de la piel. Esto se ha utilizado en medicina humana durante más de 50 años, en la evaluación de cambios en la temperatura de la superficie inducidos por enfermedades como: cáncer de mama, diabetes, trastornos vasculares, regiones musculares, enfermedades articulares, alteraciones simpáticas y parasimpáticas, entre otros. En medicina veterinaria, las primeras descripciones de TIV ocurrieron en la década de 1960 y desde entonces han crecido tecnológicamente. Esta revisión describió los principios básicos y las principales aplicaciones de la TIV en medicina veterinaria. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica que permitió consolidar la información relacionada con la base teórica y el tema propuesto. Después de la revisión, fue posible identificar la historia tecnológica de la TIV, además de describir los principios físicos básicos relacionados con la técnica y las principales aplicaciones en medicina veterinaria, con el objetivo de resaltar la efectividad de esta modalidad para ayudar a diagnosticar las numerosas situaciones descritas.(AU)
Animais , Termografia/história , Termografia/métodos , Termografia/veterinária , Temperatura Corporal , Raios InfravermelhosResumo
O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a viabilidade das vias retal, axilar e oral para aferição da temperatura corporal em cães nas diferentes idades, sexo e conformação de crânio. Foram avaliados 350 cães hígidos, de diferentes sexos, idades, raças, sendo estas separadas em definida e não definida, encaminhados a pet shops pertencentes ou não a clínicas particulares do município de Patos de Minas - MG. Destes foi aferida a temperatura retal introduzido o termômetro no reto, estando o bulbo em contato com a mucosa. Na axilar, o termômetro foi posicionado com o membro em contato com o tórax e, por fim, a oral sendo aferida no lado direito ou esquerdo do bolso posterior sublingual. Foi realizada análise estatística descritiva e o teste de Tukey para comparar as diferentes vias. Do total de 350 cães, 65 não apresentaram temperatura retal dentro dos valores de referência, sendo excluídos do estudo. Observou-se que a média das temperaturas retal, axilar e oral dos 285 cães avaliados foi de 38,71ºC ± 0,32, 38,40ºC ± 0,34 e 38,20ºC ± 0,32, respectivamente. A temperatura retal se mostrou mais elevada, seguida pela axilar e oral, notando-se diferença significativa (p <0 0,00) entre elas. As fêmeas apresentaram 38,43ºC ± 0,32 e os machos 38,38ºC ± 0,34, havendo diferença estatística entre ambas (p<0,01), sendo que as fêmeas apresentaram um valor 0,05°C superior ao dos machos. Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante entre as vias de aferição e as faixas etárias ou os tipos de crânios. Conclui-se que apesar da redução de temperatura obtida entre a via retal, axilar e oral, estas últimas mostraram-se viáveis como métodos alternativos na aferição de temperatura em pacientes em que o uso da via retal se mostre limitado.
The present study aimed to evaluate the viability of the rectal, axillary and oral pathways to measure body temperature in dogs at different ages, sex and cranial conformation. A total of 350 healthy dogs of different sexes, ages and races were evaluated. These dogs were defined and undefined, referred to pet shops belonging to the private clinics of the municipality of Patos de Minas - MG. From these was measured the rectal temperature inserted the thermometer in the rectum, the bulb being in contact with the mucosa. In the axillary, the thermometer was positioned with the limb in contact with the thorax and, finally, the oral one being gauged on the right or left side of the posterior sublingual pocket. Descriptive statistical analysis and the Tukey test were performed to compare the different pathways. Of the total of 350 dogs, 65 had no rectal temperature within the reference values and were excluded from the study. It was observed that the mean rectal, axillary and oral temperatures of the 285 dogs evaluated was 38.71°C ± 0.32, 38.40°C ± 0.34 and 38.20°C ± 0.32, respectively. The rectal temperature was higher, followed by axillary and oral, with a significant difference (p <0.00) between them. The females showed 38.43 ± 0.32 males and 38.38 ± 0.34 males, with a statistical difference between both (p <0.01), with females showing a value of 0.05 ° C higher than that of males. There was no statistically significant difference between the gauging pathways and the age groups or types of skulls. It was concluded that the rectal, axillary and oral pathways presented differences between them, with an average value of 0,5ºC between rectal and axillary, rectal and oral temperatures.
Animais , Cães , Axila , Boca , Reto , Temperatura CorporalResumo
O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a viabilidade das vias retal, axilar e oral para aferição da temperatura corporal em cães nas diferentes idades, sexo e conformação de crânio. Foram avaliados 350 cães hígidos, de diferentes sexos, idades, raças, sendo estas separadas em definida e não definida, encaminhados a pet shops pertencentes ou não a clínicas particulares do município de Patos de Minas - MG. Destes foi aferida a temperatura retal introduzido o termômetro no reto, estando o bulbo em contato com a mucosa. Na axilar, o termômetro foi posicionado com o membro em contato com o tórax e, por fim, a oral sendo aferida no lado direito ou esquerdo do bolso posterior sublingual. Foi realizada análise estatística descritiva e o teste de Tukey para comparar as diferentes vias. Do total de 350 cães, 65 não apresentaram temperatura retal dentro dos valores de referência, sendo excluídos do estudo. Observou-se que a média das temperaturas retal, axilar e oral dos 285 cães avaliados foi de 38,71ºC ± 0,32, 38,40ºC ± 0,34 e 38,20ºC ± 0,32, respectivamente. A temperatura retal se mostrou mais elevada, seguida pela axilar e oral, notando-se diferença significativa (p <0 0,00) entre elas. As fêmeas apresentaram 38,43ºC ± 0,32 e os machos 38,38ºC ± 0,34, havendo diferença estatística entre ambas (p<0,01), sendo que as fêmeas apresentaram um valor 0,05°C superior ao dos machos. Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante entre as vias de aferição e as faixas etárias ou os tipos de crânios. Conclui-se que apesar da redução de temperatura obtida entre a via retal, axilar e oral, estas últimas mostraram-se viáveis como métodos alternativos na aferição de temperatura em pacientes em que o uso da via retal se mostre limitado.(AU)
The present study aimed to evaluate the viability of the rectal, axillary and oral pathways to measure body temperature in dogs at different ages, sex and cranial conformation. A total of 350 healthy dogs of different sexes, ages and races were evaluated. These dogs were defined and undefined, referred to pet shops belonging to the private clinics of the municipality of Patos de Minas - MG. From these was measured the rectal temperature inserted the thermometer in the rectum, the bulb being in contact with the mucosa. In the axillary, the thermometer was positioned with the limb in contact with the thorax and, finally, the oral one being gauged on the right or left side of the posterior sublingual pocket. Descriptive statistical analysis and the Tukey test were performed to compare the different pathways. Of the total of 350 dogs, 65 had no rectal temperature within the reference values and were excluded from the study. It was observed that the mean rectal, axillary and oral temperatures of the 285 dogs evaluated was 38.71°C ± 0.32, 38.40°C ± 0.34 and 38.20°C ± 0.32, respectively. The rectal temperature was higher, followed by axillary and oral, with a significant difference (p <0.00) between them. The females showed 38.43 ± 0.32 males and 38.38 ± 0.34 males, with a statistical difference between both (p <0.01), with females showing a value of 0.05 ° C higher than that of males. There was no statistically significant difference between the gauging pathways and the age groups or types of skulls. It was concluded that the rectal, axillary and oral pathways presented differences between them, with an average value of 0,5ºC between rectal and axillary, rectal and oral temperatures.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Temperatura Corporal , Reto , Axila , BocaResumo
We investigated the daily activity and thermoregulatory body orientation of Mabuya macrorhyncha (Hoge, 1947), a lizard species that occurs in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We conducted this investigation in a sandy coastal dune remnant (restinga ecosystem) in Grussaí, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during the summer. The daily activity cycle of the lizards started around 6:00 am and ended before 7:00 pm. This is longer than observed in other populations of M. macrorhyncha (approximately 7:00 am to 5:00 pm). The activity cycle of the lizards was bimodal, with the first peak between 6:00 and 11:00 am and the second from 2:00 to 7:00 pm. This contrasts with observations on other populations of this species, which revealed an unimodal pattern. The mean body temperature of M. macrorhyncha in Grussaí was 34.2 ± 1.5 °C, which was comparatively higher than observed in other populations of the species. The differences in the daily activity and of body temperature of these lizards between our study and previous studies on this species may reflect environmental thermal conditions. The mean air and mean substrate temperatures when individuals were active were 27.8 and 30.5 °C respectively. Lizard orientation was significantly correlated with the direction of the solar incidence, suggesting that solar radiation, and particularly behavioral adjustments that maximize exposure to the sun, are important for the thermoregulation of M. macrorhyncha. Circular structures at the site, such as bromeliads, offer microhabitats with different orientations to the sunlight, favoring lizard thermoregulatory behaviors.
Animais , Ciclos de Atividade , Lagartos , Orientação Espacial , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Brasil , Comportamento Animal , Áreas AlagadasResumo
We investigated the daily activity and thermoregulatory body orientation of Mabuya macrorhyncha (Hoge, 1947), a lizard species that occurs in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We conducted this investigation in a sandy coastal dune remnant (restinga ecosystem) in Grussaí, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during the summer. The daily activity cycle of the lizards started around 6:00 am and ended before 7:00 pm. This is longer than observed in other populations of M. macrorhyncha (approximately 7:00 am to 5:00 pm). The activity cycle of the lizards was bimodal, with the first peak between 6:00 and 11:00 am and the second from 2:00 to 7:00 pm. This contrasts with observations on other populations of this species, which revealed an unimodal pattern. The mean body temperature of M. macrorhyncha in Grussaí was 34.2 ± 1.5 °C, which was comparatively higher than observed in other populations of the species. The differences in the daily activity and of body temperature of these lizards between our study and previous studies on this species may reflect environmental thermal conditions. The mean air and mean substrate temperatures when individuals were active were 27.8 and 30.5 °C respectively. Lizard orientation was significantly correlated with the direction of the solar incidence, suggesting that solar radiation, and particularly behavioral adjustments that maximize exposure to the sun, are important for the thermoregulation of M. macrorhyncha. Circular structures at the site, such as bromeliads, offer microhabitats with different orientations to the sunlight, favoring lizard thermoregulatory behaviors.(AU)
Animais , Lagartos , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Ciclos de Atividade , Orientação Espacial , Comportamento Animal , Áreas Alagadas , BrasilResumo
Background: In tropical countries like Brazil, air temperature and relative humidity have a significant effect on animal physiology; there is a great impact of solar radiation on physiological parameters, especially on body temperature. This study evaluated the occurrence of heat stress in Brown Swiss cows in a tropical semi-arid climate, and checked for the correlation between internal body temperatures [rectal temperature (RT) and vaginal temperature (VT)] with surface temperature (ST) to determine if these variables are associated.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-eight Brown Swiss cows at three stages of the lactation cycle were used in this study: 10 nonpregant lactating (NPL) cows, 8 dry pregnant (DP) cows, and 10 pregnant lactating (PL) cows. These animals were between the second and third calving, weighed between 346 and 720 kg, and had ages between 2 and 13 years. During the experimental period, air temperature and relative humidity (RH) at the experimental site were measured using a digital thermohygrometer. The temperature and humidity index (THI) was calculated according to methodology described by Thom (1958), and was used as an environmental comfort parameter. For the evaluation of RT and VT, two digital clinical thermometers, one inserted in the vagina and the other in the rectum, were used simultaneously to minimize stress. Surface temperature (ST) was assessed using a digital infrared laser thermometer at a distance of 50 cm from the animal. Surface temperature was measured in the forehead (FST), thorax (TST), flank (FLST), and legs (LST). During the study period, the ambient temperature (AT) was significantly higher outside (in the sun) than inside of the facilities (in the shade) (P < 0.05). RH was inversely proportional to AT, and was significantly higher inside than outside the facilities (P < 0.05).[...]
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversos , Temperatura Corporal , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Zona SemiáridaResumo
Background: In tropical countries like Brazil, air temperature and relative humidity have a significant effect on animal physiology; there is a great impact of solar radiation on physiological parameters, especially on body temperature. This study evaluated the occurrence of heat stress in Brown Swiss cows in a tropical semi-arid climate, and checked for the correlation between internal body temperatures [rectal temperature (RT) and vaginal temperature (VT)] with surface temperature (ST) to determine if these variables are associated.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-eight Brown Swiss cows at three stages of the lactation cycle were used in this study: 10 nonpregant lactating (NPL) cows, 8 dry pregnant (DP) cows, and 10 pregnant lactating (PL) cows. These animals were between the second and third calving, weighed between 346 and 720 kg, and had ages between 2 and 13 years. During the experimental period, air temperature and relative humidity (RH) at the experimental site were measured using a digital thermohygrometer. The temperature and humidity index (THI) was calculated according to methodology described by Thom (1958), and was used as an environmental comfort parameter. For the evaluation of RT and VT, two digital clinical thermometers, one inserted in the vagina and the other in the rectum, were used simultaneously to minimize stress. Surface temperature (ST) was as
Background: In tropical countries like Brazil, air temperature and relative humidity have a significant effect on animal physiology; there is a great impact of solar radiation on physiological parameters, especially on body temperature. This study evaluated the occurrence of heat stress in Brown Swiss cows in a tropical semi-arid climate, and checked for the correlation between internal body temperatures [rectal temperature (RT) and vaginal temperature (VT)] with surface temperature (ST) to determine if these variables are associated.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-eight Brown Swiss cows at three stages of the lactation cycle were used in this study: 10 nonpregant lactating (NPL) cows, 8 dry pregnant (DP) cows, and 10 pregnant lactating (PL) cows. These animals were between the second and third calving, weighed between 346 and 720 kg, and had ages between 2 and 13 years. During the experimental period, air temperature and relative humidity (RH) at the experimental site were measured using a digital thermohygrometer. The temperature and humidity index (THI) was calculated according to methodology described by Thom (1958), and was used as an environmental comfort parameter. For the evaluation of RT and VT, two digital clinical thermometers, one inserted in the vagina and the other in the rectum, were used simultaneously to minimize stress. Surface temperature (ST) was assessed using a digital infrared laser thermometer at a distance of 50 cm from the animal. Surface temperature was measured in the forehead (FST), thorax (TST), flank (FLST), and legs (LST). During the study period, the ambient temperature (AT) was significantly higher outside (in the sun) than inside of the facilities (in the shade) (P < 0.05). RH was inversely proportional to AT, and was significantly higher inside than outside the facilities (P < 0.05).[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Temperatura Corporal , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversos , Zona SemiáridaResumo
Desmama é uma fase crítica na vida do suíno devido a separação materna e a introdução de uma dieta seca. A termografia infravermelha medida na região ocular se mostra como um indicador confiável para a condição de estresse pontual de suínos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre medidas de termografia infravermelha da superfície ocular e de cortisol em situações de estresse em leitões na pós desmama. Foram avaliados 66 leitões, uma vez por semana, durante sete semanas, em dois períodos do dia (7h e 15h) com medidas de temperatura superficial ocular, temperatura superficial do dorso e amostras de saliva para determinação de cortisol salivar. A análise estatística contemplou os efeitos fixos de semana e período do dia e sua interação e correlações de Pearson para relação entre termografia ocular, temperatura superficial e cortisol a 5% de significância. Cortisol salivar não diferiu entre os períodos, mas foi superior nas três primeiras semanas após o desmame (P<0,05). Nas duas primeiras semanas após a desmama o cortisol apresentou correlação alta e positiva (P<0,05) com a temperatura ocular máxima (0,89) e a temperatura superficial do dorso (0,80). As duas temperaturas superficiais apresentaram uma associação moderada positiva (r=0,41; P<0,0001) durante todo o período experimental. Este estudo destaca que a temperatura de superfície ocular obtida por meio da termografia infravermelha pode ser um indicador de temperatura de superfície corporal e estado de bem-estar de leitões em fase de creche, além de ser um método não invasivo e de rápida mensuração. Entretanto, mais pesquisas são necessárias para aprofundar a relação entre temperatura ocular e cortisol durante estresse crônico.(AU)
Weaning is a critical phase in pigs' life due to maternal separation and the introduction of a new diet. Infrared thermography measurement taken in the ocular region appears to be a reliable indicator of the stress condition of the pig. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between ocular surface temperature by infrared thermography and cortisol in piglets post weaning. Sixty-six piglets were evaluated once a week, during 7 weeks, in two periods of the day (7am and 15pm) and ocular surface temperature and dorsal surface temperature were collected using a thermographic camera and a laser surface thermometer, respectively. Saliva was also collected to determine salivary cortisol. Statistical analysis included fixed effects of week and period of the day and their interaction, and relationship between thermography, dorsal surface temperature and cortisol were done by Pearson's correlations with 5% significance level. Salivary cortisol did not differ between periods, but it was higher in the first three weeks after weaning (P<0.05). During the first two weeks after weaning cortisol presented high and positive correlation (P<0.05) between ocular surface temperature (0.89) and dorsal surface temperature (0.80). The two superficial temperatures had a moderate and positive association (r=0.41; P<0.0001) during all experiment. This study highlights that the ocular surface temperature obtained through infrared thermography can be a superficial body temperature indicators, besides being a non-invasive and fast method of measurement. However, more research is needed to deepen the relationship between ocular surface temperature and cortisol during chronic stress.(AU)
Animais , Estresse Mecânico , Suínos/fisiologia , Temperatura Corporal , Hidrocortisona/análise , Termografia/veterinária , Raios Infravermelhos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Oculares , Desmame , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
Desmama é uma fase crítica na vida do suíno devido a separação materna e a introdução de uma dieta seca. A termografia infravermelha medida na região ocular se mostra como um indicador confiável para a condição de estresse pontual de suínos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre medidas de termografia infravermelha da superfície ocular e de cortisol em situações de estresse em leitões na pós desmama. Foram avaliados 66 leitões, uma vez por semana, durante sete semanas, em dois períodos do dia (7h e 15h) com medidas de temperatura superficial ocular, temperatura superficial do dorso e amostras de saliva para determinação de cortisol salivar. A análise estatística contemplou os efeitos fixos de semana e período do dia e sua interação e correlações de Pearson para relação entre termografia ocular, temperatura superficial e cortisol a 5% de significância. Cortisol salivar não diferiu entre os períodos, mas foi superior nas três primeiras semanas após o desmame (P<0,05). Nas duas primeiras semanas após a desmama, o cortisol apresentou correlação alta e positiva (P<0,05) com a temperatura ocular máxima (0,89) e a temperatura superficial do dorso (0,80). As duas temperaturas superficiais apresentaram uma associação moderada positiva (r=0,41; P<0,0001) durante todo o período experimental. Este estudo destaca que a temperatura de superfície ocular obtida por meio da termografia infravermelha pode ser um indicador de temperatura de superfície corporal e estado de bem-estar de leitões em fase de creche, além de ser um método não invasivo e de rápida mensuração. Entretanto, mais pesquisas são necessárias para aprofundar a relação entre temperatura ocular e cortisol durante estresse crônico.(AU)
Weaning is a critical phase in pigs life due to maternal separation and the introduction of a new diet. Infrared thermography measurement taken in the ocular region appears to be a reliable indicator of the stress condition of the pig. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between ocular surface temperature by infrared thermography and cortisol in piglets post weaning. Sixty-six piglets were evaluated once a week, during 7 weeks, in two periods of the day (7am and 15pm) and ocular surface temperature and dorsal surface temperature were collected using a thermographic camera and a laser surface thermometer, respectively. Saliva was also collected to determine salivary cortisol. Statistical analysis included fixed effects of week and period of the day and their interaction, and relationship between thermography, dorsal surface temperature and cortisol were done by Pearsons correlations with 5% significance level. Salivary cortisol did not differ between periods, but it was higher in the first three weeks after weaning (P<0.05). During the first two weeks after weaning cortisol presented high and positive correlation (P<0.05) between ocular surface temperature (0.89) and dorsal surface temperature (0.80). The two superficial temperatures had a moderate and positive association (r=0.41; P<0.0001) during all experiment. This study highlights that the ocular surface temperature obtained through infrared thermography can be a superficial body temperature indicators, besides being a non-invasive and fast method of measurement. However, more research is needed to deepen the relationship between ocular surface temperature and cortisol during chronic stress.(AU)
Animais , Suínos , Termografia/métodos , Termografia/veterinária , Hidrocortisona/análise , Saliva , Olho , Temperatura Cutânea , Bem-Estar do Animal , DesmameResumo
Background: The digital infrared imaging thermography is a non-invasive imaging exam of easy performance accurately to measure temperatures of the areas of the animals body. The objective was to study the physiological variations of the surface temperature of the mammary gland, vulva, pelvis, thorax and abdomen with digital infrared imaging thermography in negative dairy cattle with California mastitis test (CMT) in different seasons, and the influence of climatic factors in these temperatures. Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen Holstein cows, pregnant and non pregnant were used, negative for the California Mastitis Test, grazing on Urochloa decumbens pasture, receiving 2 kg of corn / animal / day, mineral mix and ad libitum water. Infrared thermography was performed every 30 days, for five months: January, February, March, April and May with thermographic camera (E40®, FLIR, Sweden) in the areas of the body: vulva, mammary gland, pelvis, abdomen and thorax. The thermal images (thermograms) were processed using the Flir Tools 2.1® program. The climatic factors: room temperature and relative humidity were monitored with globe thermometer (ITitwtg 2000®, Instrutemp, Brazil). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and the average compared by Tukey test, with level of significance was set at (P 0.05). For room temperature data, relative humidity, rectal temperature [...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Termografia , Termografia/veterinária , Temperatura Corporal , Fenômenos Fisiológicos , Mudança Climática , Glândulas Mamárias Animais , Pelve , Tórax , AbdomeResumo
Background: The digital infrared imaging thermography is a non-invasive imaging exam of easy performance accurately to measure temperatures of the areas of the animals body. The objective was to study the physiological variations of the surface temperature of the mammary gland, vulva, pelvis, thorax and abdomen with digital infrared imaging thermography in negative dairy cattle with California mastitis test (CMT) in different seasons, and the influence of climatic factors in these temperatures. Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen Holstein cows, pregnant and non pregnant were used, negative for the California Mastitis Test, grazing on Urochloa decumbens pasture, receiving 2 kg of corn / animal / day, mineral mix and ad libitum water. Infrared thermography was performed every 30 days, for five months: January, February, March, April and May with thermographic camera (E40®, FLIR, Sweden) in the areas of the body: vulva, mammary gland, pelvis, abdomen and thorax. The thermal images (thermograms) were processed using the Flir Tools 2.1® program. The climatic factors: room temperature and relative humidity were monitored with globe thermometer (ITitwtg 2000®, Instrutemp, Brazil). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and the average compared by Tukey test, with level of significance was set at (P 0.05). For room temperature data, relative humidity, rectal temperature [...]
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos , Mudança Climática , Temperatura Corporal , Termografia , Termografia/veterinária , Abdome , Glândulas Mamárias Animais , Pelve , TóraxResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos e o desempenho de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e cordeiros ½ Dorper - Santa Inês nas estações verão e inverno. Foram utilizadas 160 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e 189 cordeiros ½ Dorper - Santa Inês em delineamento inteiramente casualizado distribuídas em dois tratamentos, verão: 80 ovelhas e 92 cordeiros e no inverno: 80 ovelhas e 97 cordeiros. Registrou-se os parâmetros ambientais, temperatura do ar (TaoC), umidade relativa (UR%), velocidade do vento (Vv m.s-1) e temperatura do globo negro (TgoC) e parâmetros fisiológicos, temperatura retal (TRoC), frequência respiratória (FR mov.min-1) e frequência cardíaca (FC bat.min-1). A condição corporal das ovelhas foi aferida ao parto. No terço final de gestação verificou-se efeito significativo (P<0,05) para a TR, FR e FC dos cordeiros ao nascimento e ao desmame entre o verão e inverno. O peso ao nascer (4,51±2,86) e ao desmame (16,91±3,91) foram superiores para os cordeiros nascidos no verão. Durante o verão, ovelhas da raça Santa Inês foram superiores em escore de condição corporal, favorecendo nascimentos de cordeiros mais pesados e consequentemente peso ao desmame superior, com taxa de sobrevivência acima da encontrada no inverno.(AU)
This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters and performance of sheep Santa Inês and Dorperlambs ½-SantaInes in summer and winter seasons. 160 Santa Inês sheep and 189 ½ Dorper lambs were used - Santa Inês completely randomized in two treatments, summer: 80 sheep and 92 lambs and winter: 80 sheep and 97 lambs.Was recorded environmental the environmental parameters of air temperature (Ta°C), relative humidity (% RH), wind speed (Vvms- 1) and black globe temperature (Tg°C) and physiological parameters of rectal temperature (Tr°C), respiratory rate (RR mov.min-1) and heart rate (HR beat.min - 1). The body condition of the ewes was measured at birth. In the final third of gestation there was a significant effect P < 0.05) for TR, FR and HR on sheep, where in summer the values were 40.63°C, 102.58 (mov.min-1) and 128,34 (beat.min-1) with 46 ICT, and winter was 38.34°C , 35.71 (mov.min-1), 77.96 (beat.min- 1) with ICT of 14. The values of TR, RR and HR at birth and weaning were also significant between the summer and winter seasons. Differences were observed (P < 0.05) for TR, RR and HR of lambs at birth and weaning between summer and winter. The weight at birth (4.51 ± 2.86) and weaning (16.91 ± 3.91) were higher for those born in the summer. During the summer Santa Inês ewes were superior in body condition score, favoring births of heavier lambs and consequently higher weaning weight with higher rate of survival than those found in winter.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
p>This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters and performance of sheep Santa Inês and Dorperlambs ½-SantaInes in summer and winter seasons. 160 Santa Inês sheep and 189 ½ Dorper lambs were used - Santa Inês completely randomized in two treatments, summer: 80 sheep and 92 lambs and winter: 80 sheep and 97 lambs.Was recorded environmental the environmental parameters of air temperature (Ta°C), relative humidity (% RH), wind speed (Vvms- 1) and black globe temperature (Tg°C) and physiological parameters of rectal temperature (Tr°C), respiratory rate (RR mov.min-1) and heart rate (HR beat.min - 1). The body condition of the ewes was measured at birth. In the final third of gestation there was a significant effect P 0.05) for TR, FR and HR on sheep, where in summer the values were 40.63°C, 102.58 (mov.min-1) and 128,34 (beat.min-1) with 46 ICT, and winter was 38.34°C , 35.71 (mov.min-1), 77.96 (beat.min-1) with ICT of 14. The values of TR, RR and HR at birth and weaning were also significant between the summer and winter seasons. Differences were observed (P 0.05) for TR, RR and HR of lambs at birth and weaning between summer and winter. The weight at birth (4.51 ± 2.86) and weaning (16.91 ± 3.91) were higher for those born in the summer. During the summer Santa Inês ewes were superior in body condition score, favoring births of heavier lambs and consequently higher weaning weight with higher rate of survival than those found in winter. /p>
p>Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos e o desempenho de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e cordeiros ½ Dorper - Santa Inês nas estações verão e inverno. Foram utilizadas 160 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e 189 cordeiros ½ Dorper - Santa Inês em delineamento inteiramente casualizado distribuídas em dois tratamentos, verão: 80 ovelhas e 92 cordeiros e no inverno: 80 ovelhas e 97 cordeiros. Registrou-se os parâmetros ambientais, temperatura do ar (Ta sup>o /sup>C), umidade relativa (UR%), velocidade do vento (Vv m.s sup>-1 /sup>) e temperatura do globo negro (Tg sup>o /sup>C) e parâmetros fisiológicos, temperatura retal (TR sup>o /sup>C), frequência respiratória (FR mov.min sup>-1 /sup>) e frequência cardíaca (FC bat.min sup>-1 /sup>). A condição corporal das ovelhas foi aferida ao parto. No terço final de gestação verificou-se efeito significativo (P 0,05) para TR, FR e FC nas ovelhas, em que no verão os valores foram, respectivamente, 40,63 sup>o /sup>C, 102,58 (mov.min sup>-1 /sup>) e 128,34 (bat.min sup>-1 /sup>) com ICT 46, e no inverno foi de 38,34 sup>o /sup>C, 35,71 (mov.min sup>-1 /sup>), 77,96( bat.min sup>-1 /sup>) com ICT de 14. Os valores de TR, FR e FC ao parto e ao desmame também foram significativas entre as estações verão e inverno. Foram verificadas diferenças (P 0,05) para a TR, FR e FC dos cordeiros ao nascimento e ao desmame entre o verão e inverno. O peso ao nascer (4,51±2,86) e ao desmame (16,91±3,91) foram superiores para os cordeiros nascidos no verão. Durante o verão, ovelhas da raça Santa Inês foram superiores em escore de condição corporal, favorecendo nascimentos de cordeiros mais pesados e consequentemente peso ao desmame superior, com taxa de sobrevivência acima da encontrada no inverno. /p>
O trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar as mudanças na temperatura corporal interna, por meio de informações contínuas da temperatura retículo-ruminal (TRR), e na atividade dos animais, associadas ao estro em novilhas Gir Leiteiro e testar a habilidade de diferentes modelos em predizer a ocorrência do estro utilizando essas informações como preditores do evento. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de dispositivos bolus administrados em 45 novilhas e as informações foram registradas a cada 10 minutos. As novilhas foram sincronizadas por meio de implantes intravaginais de progestágeno. As médias de TRR foram comparadas em diferentes intervalos de tempo, sendo consideradas as horas antes e após a primeira observação de receptividade sexual, para detectar mudanças no padrão das TRR no pré-estro e no estro. Foram considerados intervalos de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 12 horas antes e após o primeiro momento de receptividade sexual, sendo comparados com as mesmas horas no dia anterior e no dia seguinte. Para a atividade, os intervalos de tempo foram baseados no momento da retirada dos implantes de progestágeno até 6, 12, 18 e 24 horas após e estes foram comparados com as médias nos mesmos intervalos de horas do dia anterior. A análise de variância para ambas as variáveis foi realizada por meio de modelos mistos. Os efeitos de período, de tempo, de interação período com tempo e grupo foram considerados no modelo. Também foram incluídos como covariáveis no modelo (efeitos lineares) o índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU) por hora e a hora do dia. As médias foram estimadas por quadrados mínimos e comparadas pelo teste Tukey-Kramer ao nível de probabilidade de 5%. Os modelos de predição de regressão logística, floresta aleatória e análise discriminante linear foram testados utilizando informações de TRR, atividade do animal, hora do dia e ITU como preditores e a presença ou ausência do estro como valor a ser predito. Na comparação de médias estimadas de TRR no pré-estro, em todos os períodos de comparação, as TRR que antecedem o estro se assemelham às TRR das mesmas horas do dia anterior (p>0,05), diferindose das TRR nas mesmas horas do dia seguinte nos períodos de 2, 4, 6 e 8 horas (p<0,05). Para as horas após o momento de receptividade sexual, no dia do estro, as médias estimadas foram maiores (p<0,05), para todos os tempos estudados, quando comparadas com as médias do dia anterior e do dia seguinte ao estro. As médias de atividade foram maiores (p<0,05) para todos os períodos após a retirada do implante quando comparadas aos mesmos períodos do dia anterior. O modelo de floresta aleatória apresentou melhor desempenho, em que a capacidade de predizer corretamente os casos de ocorrência de estro foi de 51,70 % e a proporção de predições corretas foi de 0,87. Há mudanças na TRR e na atividade durante os períodos avaliados e estas são variáveis importantes para inclusão nos modelos de predição. O modelo de Floresta Aleatória apresentou melhor desempenho para a predição do estro aplicando essas variáveis como preditores do evento.
The work aimed to evaluate changes in internal body temperature, through continuous information on reticulo-ruminal temperature (RRT), and in the activity of animals, associated with estrus in dairy Gyr heifers and also aimed to evaluate the ability of different models to predict the occurrence of estrus using this information as predictors of the event. The data were obtained using bolus devices administered to 45 heifers and the information was recorded every 10 minutes. Heifers were synchronized using intravaginal progestin implants. The RRT averages were compared at different time intervals, considering the hours before and after the first observation of sexual receptivity, to detect changes in the pattern of RRT in the pre-estrus and during the estrus. Intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hours were considered before and after the first moment of sexual receptivity, being compared with the same hours on the previous day and the following day. For the activity, the time intervals were based on the moment that the progestin implants were removed, considering 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours after that moment and these hours were compared with the activity averages in the same hour intervals as the previous day. The analysis of variance for both variables was performed using mixed models. The effects of period, time, period-time and group interaction were considered in the model. Also, the temperature and humidity index (THI) per hour and the time of day were included as covariables in the model (linear effects). The averages were estimated by minimum squares and compared by the Tukey-Kramer test at a 5% probability level. The logistic regression prediction models, random forest and linear discriminant analysis were tested using information from RRT, animal activity, time of day and THI as predictors and the presence or absence of estrus as the value to be predicted. When comparing the estimated averages of RRT in the pre-estrus, in all periods of comparison, the RRTs that precede estrus were similar to the RRT of the same hours of the previous day (p>0.05), differing from the RRT in the same hours of the following day in the periods of 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours (p<0.05). For the hours after the moment of sexual receptivity, on the day of estrus, the estimated averages were higher (p<0.05), for all times studied, when compared with the averages of the day before and the day after estrus. Activity averages were higher (p<0.05) for all periods after removal of the implant when compared to the same periods of the previous day. The random forest model performed better, in which the ability to correctly predict estrus cases was 51.70% and the proportion of correct predictions was 0.87. There are changes in RRT and activity during the periods evaluated and these are important variables for inclusion in the prediction models. The random forest model performed better for estrus prediction by applying these variables as predictors of the event.
Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos e o desempenho de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e cordeiros ½ Dorper - Santa Inês nas estações verão e inverno. Foram utilizadas 160 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e 189 cordeiros ½ Dorper - Santa Inês em delineamento inteiramente casualizado distribuídas em dois tratamentos, verão: 80 ovelhas e 92 cordeiros e no inverno: 80 ovelhas e 97 cordeiros. Registrou-se os parâmetros ambientais, temperatura do ar (TaoC), umidade relativa (UR%), velocidade do vento (Vv m.s-1) e temperatura do globo negro (TgoC) e parâmetros fisiológicos, temperatura retal (TRoC), frequência respiratória (FR mov.min-1) e frequência cardíaca (FC bat.min-1). A condição corporal das ovelhas foi aferida ao parto. No terço final de gestação verificou-se efeito significativo (P<0,05) para a TR, FR e FC dos cordeiros ao nascimento e ao desmame entre o verão e inverno. O peso ao nascer (4,51±2,86) e ao desmame (16,91±3,91) foram superiores para os cordeiros nascidos no verão. Durante o verão, ovelhas da raça Santa Inês foram superiores em escore de condição corporal, favorecendo nascimentos de cordeiros mais pesados e consequentemente peso ao desmame superior, com taxa de sobrevivência acima da encontrada no inverno.
This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters and performance of sheep Santa Inês and Dorperlambs ½-SantaInes in summer and winter seasons. 160 Santa Inês sheep and 189 ½ Dorper lambs were used - Santa Inês completely randomized in two treatments, summer: 80 sheep and 92 lambs and winter: 80 sheep and 97 lambs.Was recorded environmental the environmental parameters of air temperature (Ta°C), relative humidity (% RH), wind speed (Vvms- 1) and black globe temperature (Tg°C) and physiological parameters of rectal temperature (Tr°C), respiratory rate (RR mov.min-1) and heart rate (HR beat.min - 1). The body condition of the ewes was measured at birth. In the final third of gestation there was a significant effect P < 0.05) for TR, FR and HR on sheep, where in summer the values were 40.63°C, 102.58 (mov.min-1) and 128,34 (beat.min-1) with 46 ICT, and winter was 38.34°C , 35.71 (mov.min-1), 77.96 (beat.min- 1) with ICT of 14. The values of TR, RR and HR at birth and weaning were also significant between the summer and winter seasons. Differences were observed (P < 0.05) for TR, RR and HR of lambs at birth and weaning between summer and winter. The weight at birth (4.51 ± 2.86) and weaning (16.91 ± 3.91) were higher for those born in the summer. During the summer Santa Inês ewes were superior in body condition score, favoring births of heavier lambs and consequently higher weaning weight with higher rate of survival than those found in winter.
Animais , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/fisiologiaResumo
p>This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters and performance of sheep Santa Inês and Dorperlambs ½-SantaInes in summer and winter seasons. 160 Santa Inês sheep and 189 ½ Dorper lambs were used - Santa Inês completely randomized in two treatments, summer: 80 sheep and 92 lambs and winter: 80 sheep and 97 lambs.Was recorded environmental the environmental parameters of air temperature (Ta°C), relative humidity (% RH), wind speed (Vvms- 1) and black globe temperature (Tg°C) and physiological parameters of rectal temperature (Tr°C), respiratory rate (RR mov.min-1) and heart rate (HR beat.min - 1). The body condition of the ewes was measured at birth. In the final third of gestation there was a significant effect P 0.05) for TR, FR and HR on sheep, where in summer the values were 40.63°C, 102.58 (mov.min-1) and 128,34 (beat.min-1) with 46 ICT, and winter was 38.34°C , 35.71 (mov.min-1), 77.96 (beat.min-1) with ICT of 14. The values of TR, RR and HR at birth and weaning were also significant between the summer and winter seasons. Differences were observed (P 0.05) for TR, RR and HR of lambs at birth and weaning between summer and winter. The weight at birth (4.51 ± 2.86) and weaning (16.91 ± 3.91) were higher for those born in the summer. During the summer Santa Inês ewes were superior in body condition score, favoring births of heavier lambs and consequently higher weaning weight with higher rate of survival than those found in winter. /p>
p>Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos e o desempenho de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e cordeiros ½ Dorper - Santa Inês nas estações verão e inverno. Foram utilizadas 160 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês e 189 cordeiros ½ Dorper - Santa Inês em delineamento inteiramente casualizado distribuídas em dois tratamentos, verão: 80 ovelhas e 92 cordeiros e no inverno: 80 ovelhas e 97 cordeiros. Registrou-se os parâmetros ambientais, temperatura do ar (Ta sup>o /sup>C), umidade relativa (UR%), velocidade do vento (Vv m.s sup>-1 /sup>) e temperatura do globo negro (Tg sup>o /sup>C) e parâmetros fisiológicos, temperatura retal (TR sup>o /sup>C), frequência respiratória (FR mov.min sup>-1 /sup>) e frequência cardíaca (FC bat.min sup>-1 /sup>). A condição corporal das ovelhas foi aferida ao parto. No terço final de gestação verificou-se efeito significativo (P 0,05) para TR, FR e FC nas ovelhas, em que no verão os valores foram, respectivamente, 40,63 sup>o /sup>C, 102,58 (mov.min sup>-1 /sup>) e 128,34 (bat.min sup>-1 /sup>) com ICT 46, e no inverno foi de 38,34 sup>o /sup>C, 35,71 (mov.min sup>-1 /sup>), 77,96( bat.min sup>-1 /sup>) com ICT de 14. Os valores de TR, FR e FC ao parto e ao desmame também foram significativas entre as estações verão e inverno. Foram verificadas diferenças (P 0,05) para a TR, FR e FC dos cordeiros ao nascimento e ao desmame entre o verão e inverno. O peso ao nascer (4,51±2,86) e ao desmame (16,91±3,91) foram superiores para os cordeiros nascidos no verão. Durante o verão, ovelhas da raça Santa Inês foram superiores em escore de condição corporal, favorecendo nascimentos de cordeiros mais pesados e consequentemente peso ao desmame superior, com taxa de sobrevivência acima da encontrada no inverno. /p>