Purpose: To observe the mechanism of prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali in treating osteoporosis. Methods: Osteoporosis rat model was established by bilateral ovariectomy combined with low-calcium diet feeding. Bone mineral density was measured by bone densitometer. Bone metabolism markers in serum were detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), bone tissue structure was observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining, and the effect of prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali on PI3K-AKT signaling pathway was investigated by immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: Compared with the model group, the bone tissue structure and imbalance of bone metabolism were improved, and the bone mineral density was significantly increased in the prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali groups. After intervention with prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali, the positive expression of PIK3CA and Akt1 in rat bone tissue was enhanced, and the expression levels of Akt1 mRNA were significantly increased. Conclusions: Prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali may treat osteoporosis by activating PI3K/AKT pathway.
Animais , Ratos , Osteoporose/terapia , Plantas Medicinais , Osso e Ossos , Astrágalo , RehmanniaResumo
Purpose: To assess the effect of a collagen matrix (Mucograft®) on the inflammatory process in a semi-critical experimental defect model in rats treated with bisphosphonates. Methods: Eighteen Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups: saline (CG), alendronate (ALD) 5mg/kg (AG) or zoledronic acid (ZA) 0.2mg/kg (ZG). ALD was administered orally for 10 weeks and ZA was administered intravascularly on days 0, 7 and 14 and 49. On day 42, a 2mm defect was created and filled with Mucograft® collagen matrix. The contralateral side was filled with a clot (control side). The animals were euthanized 70 days after the beginning of the experiment and the hemimandibles were radiographically and histologically (counting of empty osteocyte lacunae (%), apoptotic (%) and total osteoclasts, neutrophil and mononuclear inflammatory cells) analyzed. The variables were submitted to ANOVA/Bonferroni and t test (parametric data) (p 0.05, GraphPad Prism 5.0). Results: Significant bone repair occurred in the groups treated with Mucograft®. High number of total inflammatory cells and neutrophils cells were showed in AG (p=0.026 and p=0.035) and AZ groups (p=0.005, p=0.034) on the control sides associated with delayed bone repair and the presence of devitalized bone tissue in AG and ZG on the Mucograft® side. Conclusion: Mucograft® collagen matrix attenuated the inflammatory process in a mandible defect in rats submitted to the use of bisphosphonates (AG and ZG).(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Colágeno/uso terapêutico , Doenças Mandibulares/veterinária , Difosfonatos/uso terapêutico , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to describe the first records of termite activity on non-fossilized human bones in Brazil. The cases reported in this study resulted from forensic analysis of six human skeletons found in northeastern Brazil between 2012 and 2014. Traces of tunnels and nests commonly produced by termites were found on several human bone surfaces as well as the specimens and characteristic signs of osteophagic activity. In four cases, the species were identified: Amitermes amifer Silvestri, 1901, Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky, 1855) (on two skeletons), and Microcerotermes indistinctus Mathews, 1977. In two other cases, the activity of termites on bone surfaces was evidenced by remains of nests and tunnels produced by these insects. At least in the samples of human remains available for this report, the number of termites collected was greater on bones found during autumn, the rainy season in the Northeast of Brazil. The human bones examined showed termites like insects with lots of strength at bone degradation, capable of continuing the process of decomposition of human remains even in completely skeletonized bodies.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os primeiros relatos de atividade de térmitas em ossos humanos não fossilizados, no Brasil. Os casos relatados neste estudo resultaram da análise pericial de seis esqueletos humanos encontrados no Nordeste do Brasil, entre os anos de 2012 e 2014. Vestígios de túneis e ninhos comumente produzidos por cupins foram encontrados em várias superfícies dos ossos humanos, bem como a presença de espécimes e característicos sinais de atividade osteofágica. Em quatro casos, foram identificadas as espécies: Amitermes amifer Silvestri, 1901, Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky, 1855) em duas ossadas, e Microcerotermes indistinctus Mathews, 1977. Em dois outros casos, a atividade de cupins sobre superfícies ósseas foi evidenciada pelos restos de ninhos e túneis produzidos por esses insetos. Pelo menos nas amostras de restos humanos disponíveis para o presente estudo, o número de térmitas recolhido foi maior em ossos encontrados durante o outono, a estação chuvosa no Nordeste do Brasil. Os ossos humanos analisados apresentaram cupins como insetos com muita força na degradação óssea, com capacidade de prosseguir o processo de decomposição de restos humanos, mesmo em corpos completamente esqueletizados.(AU)
Humanos , Osso e Ossos , Restos Mortais , Isópteros , Entomologia/tendências , Antropologia Forense , BrasilResumo
To investigate allometric relationships among body mass (BM), muzzle-tail length (MTL), and tibia length (TL) in Wistar rats and establish their growth rate change parameters. METHODS : Eighteen male and 18 female Wistar rats were studied from the 3rd to the 21st week of age. BM, MTL, and TL were measured daily, and relative growth was compared using allometry. RESULTS : A positive correlation between BM and MTL (p 0.05) and BM and TL (p 0.05) was observed. Males and females showed comparable curves; however, females had turning points at a younger age. The allometric relationship between BM and MTL presented a regular increase until reaching a mass of 351 g (males) and 405 g (females). BM and TL showed an initial increase until 185 g (males) and 182 g (females), and then reached a plateau that finished at 412 g (males) and 334 g (females), to display another increase. CONCLUSIONS : The allometric relationship of body mass with animal length and tibia length was comparable for male and female rats, with female rats maturing earlier. Animal longitudinal growth occurred in a single stage. In contrast, tibia length depicted two stages of accelerated growth with an intermediate period of deceleration.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/métodos , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Ratos Wistar/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ratos Wistar/anatomia & histologia , Tíbia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Crescimento e DesenvolvimentoResumo
PURPOSE: To evaluate experimental cranial vault reconstructions, by combining bone morphogenetic protein type 2 (BMP-2) and different matrices. METHODS: Fourty-nine animals were initially included (seven per group). We designed an experimental, open, prospective and comparative study, divided in seven groups: 1 - BMP-2+calcium phosphate (BT); 2 - BMP-2+acellular dermal matrix (BM); 3 - BMP-2+calcium alginate (BA); 4 - TCP; 5 - MDM; 6 - ALG; 7 - Bone autograft (BAG). A bone failure was created in left parietal bone of adult male mice. At the same procedure reconstruction was performed. After five weeks, animals were sacrificed, and reconstruction area was removed to histological analysis. After exclusion due to death or infection, thirty-eight animals were evaluated (BT=5; BM=6; BA=6; TCP=7; MDM=3; ALG=6; BAG=5). RESULTS: A higher incidence of infection has occurred in MDM group (57%, P=0.037). In cortical fusion, groups BAG, TCP, and BMP-2+TCP (BT) obtained the best scores, comparing to the others (P=0.00846). In new bone formation, groups BT, BAG, and TCP have presented the best scores (P=0.00835). When neovascularization was considered, best groups were BMP-2+MDM (BM), BMP-2+ALG (BA), TCP, and MDM (P=0.001695). BAG group was the best in bone marrow formation, followed by groups BT and TCP (P=0.008317). CONCLUSIONS: Bone morphogenetic protein type 2 increased bone regeneration in experimental skull reconstruction, especially when combined to calcium phosphate. Such association was even comparable to bone autograft, the gold-standard treatment, in some histological criteria. .(AU)
Animais , Proteína Morfogenética Óssea 2/análise , Transplante , Anormalidades CraniofaciaisResumo
PURPOSE: To compare three sterilization methods (autoclave, gamma irradiation and ethylene oxide) over non demineralized lyophilized bone allografts. METHODS: Bone allografts were implanted on paravertebral muscles of 21 rats. After 30 days animals were sacrificed and grafts underwent comparative analysis regarding histomorphometric and macroscopic parameters. RESULTS: Allografts that underwent the three sterilization methods presents similar weight gain, cortical thickness similar to control group, and less fibrosis than the control group. Grafts that underwent sterilization in autoclave presented less presence of multinucleated giant cells, although not statistically significant. There was also no statistically significant difference regarding mineralization on the three groups. CONCLUSION: The three sterilization methods cause similar effects on bone allografts regarding macroscopic and histomorphometric parameters.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Radiação , Osso e Ossos/anatomia & histologia , Esterilização , Transplantes , Ratos/classificaçãoResumo
The present article aimed to assess bone healing of experimental radial fractures, treated or not with autologous PRP (platelet-rich plasma), by means of radiographic and densitometric studies. Eleven dogs were randomly allocated in two experimental groups: control group (CG n=6) and PRP group (PRPG n=5). All dogs underwent radial osteotomy and osteosynthese (external skeletal fixation) of the right forelimb, in which a 2.0 mm defect was created. The gap was filled with PRP in the treated group (PRPG); while CG received no treatment. Radiographic and densitometric studies were performed immediately at the end the procedure and 14, 21, 28, 35, 45 and 60 days after the surgery (M0, M14, M21, M28, M35, M45 e M60). Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance with repeated measures (ANOVA) followed by Tukey test to compare means Friedman and Dunn post hoc tests to compare times within each group; and Mann-Whitney to compare groups at all times (p<0.05). Regarding time, radiographic scores and densitometric values changed significantly from moment 0 to moment 60 within the PRPG. The comparison of the two groups shows that radiographic scores changed significantly from M28 and densitometric values from M45 and M60. It can be concluded that under the conditions of this study; PRP can be used as an adjutant therapy to promote bone healing of experimental radial fractures (gap 2.0 mm) of dogs treated with external skeletal fixation.
O presente artigo teve como objetivo avaliar a cicatrização óssea de fraturas experimentais do radio de cães, tratadas ou não com o PRP autógeno, por meio de estudos radiográfico e densitométrico. Foram utilizados 11 cães, alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais: o grupo controle (G-controle, n=6) e o grupo PRP (G-PRP, n=5). Todos os animais foram submetidos à osteotomia e osteossíntese (fixador esquelético externo) do rádio direito, gerando-se um gap de 2mm, que foi preenchido com PRP apenas no grupo G-PRP. Os estudos radiográficos e densitométricos foram realizados no pós-operatório imediato e aos 14, 21, 28, 35, 45 e 60 dias de pós-operatório (M0, M14, M21, M28, M35, M45 e M60). A análise estatística foi realizada por meio da Análise de Variância com Medidas repetidas (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey para comparação de médias; teste de Friedman seguido do teste de Dunn para comparar os momentos em cada grupo e o teste de Mann-whitney para comparar os grupos em cada momento (p<0,05). Referente à avaliação entre os momentos houve diferença significativa entre MO e M60 nas avaliações radiográficas e densitométricas dentro do grupo G-PRP. Na comparação entre os dois grupos houve diferença estatística na avaliação radiográfica a partir de M28; e na avaliação densitométrica nos momentos M45 e M60. Conclui-se, nas condições deste estudo, que o PRP pode ser utilizado como terapia adjuvante, pois promove cicatrização óssea precoce em fraturas experimentais (gap de 2,0 mm) do radio de cães tratadas com fixador esquelético externo.
Animais , Cães , Rádio (Anatomia)/diagnóstico por imagem , Fraturas do Rádio/veterinária , Fraturas do Rádio/diagnóstico por imagem , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta/análise , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , Radiografia/veterinária , Densidade ÓsseaResumo
PURPOSE: To check the effect of zoledronate in bone remodeling during bone healing. METHODS: Thirty rabbits were divided into two groups of fifteen animals each (control and experimental group respectively). Shaft osteotomy was performed on the cranial portion of the fibula of each animal. In the experimental group, a single dose of 0.04mg/kg of zoledronate was administered. In the control group, the same volume of bi-distilled water was administered. After one, two and four weeks, animals of both groups were killed and histological sections of the fibular metaphyseal area were examined histomorphometrically. The parameters analyzed were tissue volume (TV), fractional trabecular bone volume (BV/TV) and fractional medullary fibrous volume (FbV/TV). RESULTS: Tissue volume increased in the experimental group (237.2mm².10-2) compared to the control (166.62mm².10-2). Trabecular bone volume was significantly larger in the experimental (60.2 percent) than in the control group (34.8 percent).The amount of fibrosis volume decreased in the experimental group (22 percent) compared to the control (49.4 percent). CONCLUSION: The effect of zoledronate is characterized by accentuated stimulus of bone formation in the metaphyseal area, resulting in a larger amount of trabecular bone volume and little fibrosis volume.(AU)
OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos do zoledronato na remodelação óssea durante a reparação óssea. MÉTODOS: Trinta coelhos foram divididos em dois grupos de quinze animais cada (grupos controle e experimento, respectivamente). Realizou-se osteotomia na diáfise proximal da fíbula de cada animal. No grupo experimento, aplicou-se dose única de 0,04mg/Kg de zoledronato. No grupo controle, a mesma quantidade de água bi-destilada foi administrada. Após uma, duas e quatro semanas, os animais de ambos os grupos foram sacrificados e cortes histológicos da metáfise fibular foram examinados histomorfometricamente. Os parâmetros analisados foram volume tecidual (TV), fração do volume ósseo trabecular (BV/TV) e fração do volume fibroso medular (FbV/TV). RESULTADOS: O volume tecidual aumentou no grupo experimento (237.2mm².10-2) em comparação com o controle (166.62mm².10-2). O volume ósseo Trabecular teve aumento significativo no grupo experimento (60.2 por cento) em relação ao grupo controle (34.8 por cento). A quantidade de fibrose medular diminuiu no grupo experimento (22 por cento) em comparação com o controle (49.4 por cento). CONCLUSÃO: O efeito do zoledronato é caracterizado por acentuado estímulo da formação óssea na área metafisária, resultando em grande quantidade de volume ósseo trabecular e pouca fibrose medular.(AU)
Difosfonatos/administração & dosagem , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Osteotomia/métodos , Osteotomia/veterinária , Osso e Ossos/anatomia & histologia , Osso e Ossos/cirurgia , Regeneração Óssea/fisiologia , CoelhosResumo
Os aloenxertos, são retirados de fontes naturais e são utilizados em cirurgias ortopédicas em humanos e em animais há muitos anos. Desde 1952 centenas de cirurgias ortopédicas foram realizadas com sucesso usando-se tecidos e materiais doados de banco de ossos. O propósito do presente estudo é verificar o tempo de absorção, através de exames radiográficos, de parafusos confeccionados com cortical óssea bovina, inserida no tubérculo maior do úmero de sete cães, em comparação com parafusos de aço. Os resultados demonstraram que o parafuso de cortical bovino foi incorporado entre um período de 30 a 60 dias sem reação periostal exuberante.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Cães , Transplante Homólogo/veterinária , Osso e Ossos/cirurgia , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária , CãesResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the use of devitalized bovine bone matrix with Casearia sylvestris decoct treatment to regenerate femoral defect in rats. Methods: Twenty-four adult male Wistar rats were used in this study. Bilateral femoral defects with 2mm diameter were surgically produced and fulfilled with particulate inorganic bovine bone. Casearia sylvestris decoct treatment was realized in the preoperative period. The animals were sacrificed 10, 20 and 30 postoperative days and specimens were submitted to histomorphometric evaluation. The data was submitted a statistical evaluation with Student t-test. Results: The bone formation was reduced in the experimental animals at 10 (p = 0,0000), 20 (p = 0,0049) and 30 (p = 0,0003) postoperative days. Conclusion: The association of Casearia sylvestris decoct treatment and the fulfillment of defect with particulate inorganic bovine bone seemed to decrease bone formation.
Objetivo: Estudar o efeito do decocto 5% de Casearia sylvestris no reparo de defeito femoral preenchido com matriz óssea bovina desvitalizada. Métodos: Vinte e quatro ratos Wistar, machos e adultos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos com 12 animais. Defeitos femorais bilaterais, com 2mm de diâmetro, foram produzidos na diáfise femoral e preenchidos com matriz óssea bovina desvitalizada. O grupo experimento recebeu 1mL de decocto 5% de Casearia sylvestris, por gavagem, durante o período de seguimento; o grupo controle recebeu 1mL de água destilada. Os animais foram sacrificados com 10, 20 ou 30 dias e o tecido ósseo presente na área operatória quantificado. Aplicou-se o teste "t" de Student para comparação das médias de formação óssea obtidas em cada período estudado (10, 20 e 30 dias), em nível de significância de 5% (p 0,05). Resultados: A neoformação óssea foi menor nos animais do grupo experimento nos seguimentos de 10 (p = 0,0000), 20 (p = 0,0049) e 30 dias (p = 0,0003). Conclusão: O decocto 5% de Casearia silvestris promove atraso na cronologia do processo de reparação óssea em defeitos ósseos preenchidos com matriz óssea bovina desvitalizada, em ratos, na dose e período estudados.