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J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 29: e20220052, 2023. ilus, tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418308


The genus Conus includes over 900 species of marine invertebrates known as cone snails, whose venoms are among the most powerful described so far. This potency is mainly due to the concerted action of hundreds of small bioactive peptides named conopeptides, which target different ion channels and membrane receptors and thus interfere with crucial physiological processes. By swiftly harpooning and injecting their prey and predators with such deadly cocktails, the slow-moving cone snails guarantee their survival in the harsh, competitive marine environment. Each cone snail species produces a unique venom, as the mature sequences of conopeptides from the venoms of different species share very little identity. This biochemical diversity, added to the numerous species and conopeptides contained in their venoms, results in an immense biotechnological and therapeutic potential, still largely unexplored. That is especially true regarding the bioprospection of the venoms of cone snail species found off the Brazilian coast - a region widely known for its biodiversity. Of the 31 species described in this region so far, only four - Conus cancellatus, Conus regius, Conus villepinii, and Conus ermineus - have had their venoms partially characterized, and, although many bioactive molecules have been identified, only a few have been actually isolated and studied. In addition to providing an overview on all the cone snail species found off the Brazilian coast to date, this review compiles the information on the structural and pharmacological features of conopeptides and other molecules identified in the venoms of the four aforementioned species, paving the way for future studies.(AU)

Animais , Venenos/síntese química , Caramujos/fisiologia , Conotoxinas/análise , Compostos Fitoquímicos
Revista Brasileira de Zoociências (Online) ; 21(1): 1-7, 2020. map, ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494781


O peixe-boi-marinho-das-Antilhas (Trichechus manatus manatus) apresenta distribuição geográfica que se estende por todo o Caribe e Américas Central e do Sul. No Brasil, a espécie é considerada ameaçada de extinção devido, sobretudo, a fatores antrópicos, como emalhes em rede de pesca, perda de habitat devido à ocupação desordenada do litoral e uso inadequado das áreas marinhas e estuarinas. Neste artigo, relatamos o encalhe e morte de um espécime de peixe-boi-marinho-das-Antilhas no litoral maranhense. Por meio de procedimentos morfométricos, constatou-se ser um animal do sexo masculino medindo 3,14 m de comprimento por 2,30 m de circunferência em sua região corporal de maior largura. Em seu corpo não foi encontrado nenhum corte, perfuração ou marcas de emalhamento em redes de pesca, sugerindo inicialmente a não ocorrência de uma interação antrópica direta. A realização de inventários que possam estimar a abundância e a densidade de suas populações, bem como o monitoramento dos encalhes de animais vivos ou mortos são fundamentais para subsidiar ações de manejo e garantir a preservação da espécie no litoral maranhense.

The Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus Linnaeus, 1758) is distributed throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America. In Brazil, it is considered threatened of extinction mainly due to anthropogenic factors such as incidental captures in fishing net, habitat loss due to disordered occupation of the coast and inappropriate use of marine and estuarine areas. In this article we report the stranding of a specimen of Antillean manatee in the coast of Maranhão. Through morphometric procedures it was found to be a male animal measuring 3.14 m in length and 2.30 m in circumference in its widest body region. No injury, perforation or entanglement marks were found in his body, initially suggesting that no direct anthropic interaction occurred. The carrying out of inventories that can estimate the abundance and density of their populations, as well as the monitoring of stranding of live or dead animals are fundamental to support management actions and ensure the preservation of the species along the coast of Maranhão.

Animais , Distribuição Animal , Mortalidade , Trichechus manatus
Pap. avulsos zool ; 60: e20206007, Feb. 14, 2020. ilus, map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487222


The genus Mytilus comprises a large number of bivalve mollusk species distributed throughout the world and many of these species are considered invasive. In South America, many introductions of species of this genus have already taken place, including reports of hybridization between them. Now, the occurrence of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is reported for the first time from the Brazilian coast. Several specimens of this mytilid were found in a shellfish growing areas in Florianópolis and Palhoça, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Morphological analysis of the shells and molecular analysis through sequencing of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) confirmed the taxonomic identification. The species is known for its great invasive potential and can become a major environmental problem for seafood business and coastal communities, as it can compete and even hybridize with local species.

Animais , Especificidade da Espécie , Mytilidae/anatomia & histologia , Mytilidae/classificação , Brasil
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 60: e20206007, Feb. 14, 2020. ilus, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24896


The genus Mytilus comprises a large number of bivalve mollusk species distributed throughout the world and many of these species are considered invasive. In South America, many introductions of species of this genus have already taken place, including reports of hybridization between them. Now, the occurrence of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is reported for the first time from the Brazilian coast. Several specimens of this mytilid were found in a shellfish growing areas in Florianópolis and Palhoça, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Morphological analysis of the shells and molecular analysis through sequencing of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) confirmed the taxonomic identification. The species is known for its great invasive potential and can become a major environmental problem for seafood business and coastal communities, as it can compete and even hybridize with local species.(AU)

Animais , Mytilidae/anatomia & histologia , Mytilidae/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil
R. bras. Zoo. ; 21(1): 1-7, 2020. mapas, ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32539


O peixe-boi-marinho-das-Antilhas (Trichechus manatus manatus) apresenta distribuição geográfica que se estende por todo o Caribe e Américas Central e do Sul. No Brasil, a espécie é considerada ameaçada de extinção devido, sobretudo, a fatores antrópicos, como emalhes em rede de pesca, perda de habitat devido à ocupação desordenada do litoral e uso inadequado das áreas marinhas e estuarinas. Neste artigo, relatamos o encalhe e morte de um espécime de peixe-boi-marinho-das-Antilhas no litoral maranhense. Por meio de procedimentos morfométricos, constatou-se ser um animal do sexo masculino medindo 3,14 m de comprimento por 2,30 m de circunferência em sua região corporal de maior largura. Em seu corpo não foi encontrado nenhum corte, perfuração ou marcas de emalhamento em redes de pesca, sugerindo inicialmente a não ocorrência de uma interação antrópica direta. A realização de inventários que possam estimar a abundância e a densidade de suas populações, bem como o monitoramento dos encalhes de animais vivos ou mortos são fundamentais para subsidiar ações de manejo e garantir a preservação da espécie no litoral maranhense.(AU)

The Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus Linnaeus, 1758) is distributed throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America. In Brazil, it is considered threatened of extinction mainly due to anthropogenic factors such as incidental captures in fishing net, habitat loss due to disordered occupation of the coast and inappropriate use of marine and estuarine areas. In this article we report the stranding of a specimen of Antillean manatee in the coast of Maranhão. Through morphometric procedures it was found to be a male animal measuring 3.14 m in length and 2.30 m in circumference in its widest body region. No injury, perforation or entanglement marks were found in his body, initially suggesting that no direct anthropic interaction occurred. The carrying out of inventories that can estimate the abundance and density of their populations, as well as the monitoring of stranding of live or dead animals are fundamental to support management actions and ensure the preservation of the species along the coast of Maranhão.(AU)

Animais , Trichechus manatus , Distribuição Animal , Mortalidade
Pap. avulsos zool ; 54(19): 293-298, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1486840


Audubon’s Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri Lesson 1839) is a tropical seabird occurring mainly between southern Canada and the southeast coast of Brazil. Puffinus lherminieri is considered Critically Endangered on the Brazilian Red List because it only occurs in two known localities, both of which contain very small populations. However, many offshore islands along the Brazilian coast are poorly known and the discovery of new colonies would be of considerable significance for the conservation of this species. The aim of this study was to estimate the potential geographic distribution of Audubon’s Shearwater in Brazil, based on ecological niche model (ENM) using Maxent algorithm with layers obtained from AquaMaps environmental dataset. The ENM was based on 37 records for reproduction areas in North and South America. The model yielded a very broad potential distribution, covering most of the Atlantic coast ranging from Brazil to the US. When filtered for islands along the Brazilian coast, the model indicates higher levels of environmental suitability near the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo and Bahia. However, P. lherminieri prefers islands in environments with warm saline water. Thus, based on the influence of currents that act on the Brazilian coast we can infer undiscovered colonies are most likely to occur on islands on coast of Bahia, Espírito Santo and extreme north of the Rio de Janeiro. These should be intensively surveyed while the islands south of Cabo Frio should be discarded. The existence of new populations would have profound effects on the conservation status of this enigmatic and rarely seen seabird.

Animais , Aves/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Classificação
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 54(19): 293-298, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-11452


Audubons Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri Lesson 1839) is a tropical seabird occurring mainly between southern Canada and the southeast coast of Brazil. Puffinus lherminieri is considered Critically Endangered on the Brazilian Red List because it only occurs in two known localities, both of which contain very small populations. However, many offshore islands along the Brazilian coast are poorly known and the discovery of new colonies would be of considerable significance for the conservation of this species. The aim of this study was to estimate the potential geographic distribution of Audubon’s Shearwater in Brazil, based on ecological niche model (ENM) using Maxent algorithm with layers obtained from AquaMaps environmental dataset. The ENM was based on 37 records for reproduction areas in North and South America. The model yielded a very broad potential distribution, covering most of the Atlantic coast ranging from Brazil to the US. When filtered for islands along the Brazilian coast, the model indicates higher levels of environmental suitability near the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo and Bahia. However, P. lherminieri prefers islands in environments with warm saline water. Thus, based on the influence of currents that act on the Brazilian coast we can infer undiscovered colonies are most likely to occur on islands on coast of Bahia, Espírito Santo and extreme north of the Rio de Janeiro. These should be intensively surveyed while the islands south of Cabo Frio should be discarded. The existence of new populations would have profound effects on the conservation status of this enigmatic and rarely seen seabird.(AU)

Animais , Aves/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Classificação
B. Inst. Pesca ; 40(1): 105-109, Jan-Mar. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28765


The species of the genus Pennella are highly modified copepods that have been found parasitizing several species of fishes in Atlantic waters. Although these parasites have been recorded several times in the Atlantic Ocean, little is known about them in South Atlantic waters, except for one report published 20 years ago. The present contribution reports the occurrence of Pennella instructa Wilson, 1917 parasitizing the swordfish Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758 in the South Atlantic. The prevalence of infestation was 15.6% and the mean intensity of infestation was 1.6, ranging from 1 to 3.(AU)

Os copepoda do gênero Pennella são altamente modificados e têm sido encontrados parasitando vários peixes nas águas do Atlântico. Embora já tenha sido registrado no Oceano Atlântico, pouco é conhecido deste parasito nas águas do Atlântico Sul. Neste trabalho, descreve-se a ocorrência do copepoda Pennella instructa Wilson, 1917 parasitando o espadarte Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758 no Atlântico Sul. A prevalência de infestação foi 15,6% e a média da intensidade da infestação foi 1,6, com um mínimo de 1 e máximo de 3.(AU)

Animais , Copépodes , Perciformes/parasitologia , Crustáceos , Oceano Atlântico
Bol. Inst. Pesca (Impr.) ; 40(1): 105-109, Jan-Mar. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1464969


The species of the genus Pennella are highly modified copepods that have been found parasitizing several species of fishes in Atlantic waters. Although these parasites have been recorded several times in the Atlantic Ocean, little is known about them in South Atlantic waters, except for one report published 20 years ago. The present contribution reports the occurrence of Pennella instructa Wilson, 1917 parasitizing the swordfish Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758 in the South Atlantic. The prevalence of infestation was 15.6% and the mean intensity of infestation was 1.6, ranging from 1 to 3.

Os copepoda do gênero Pennella são altamente modificados e têm sido encontrados parasitando vários peixes nas águas do Atlântico. Embora já tenha sido registrado no Oceano Atlântico, pouco é conhecido deste parasito nas águas do Atlântico Sul. Neste trabalho, descreve-se a ocorrência do copepoda Pennella instructa Wilson, 1917 parasitando o espadarte Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758 no Atlântico Sul. A prevalência de infestação foi 15,6% e a média da intensidade da infestação foi 1,6, com um mínimo de 1 e máximo de 3.

Animais , Copépodes , Crustáceos , Perciformes/parasitologia , Oceano Atlântico
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690454


Two new species of Alpaida O.P.-Cambridge, 1889 are described based on male and female specimens from seven restinga areas from northeastern to southern Brazil. Alpaida teresinha sp. nov., from Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, differs from other species of the genus in the wider lobe of the conductor, the concave median apophysis and with the posterior lobe ventrally positioned, and the wrinkled distal projection of the terminal apophysis in males. Females can be recognized by having widely spaced epigynal lips and by the narrow epigynal notch in ventral view. Alpaida toninho sp. nov., from Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina, can be distinguished by the round lobes of the terminal apophysis, and by the median apophysis with a distal lobe and a projection in males, and by the epigynum elliptical, with a short scape in females.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504166


Two new species of Alpaida O.P.-Cambridge, 1889 are described based on male and female specimens from seven restinga areas from northeastern to southern Brazil. Alpaida teresinha sp. nov., from Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, differs from other species of the genus in the wider lobe of the conductor, the concave median apophysis and with the posterior lobe ventrally positioned, and the wrinkled distal projection of the terminal apophysis in males. Females can be recognized by having widely spaced epigynal lips and by the narrow epigynal notch in ventral view. Alpaida toninho sp. nov., from Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina, can be distinguished by the round lobes of the terminal apophysis, and by the median apophysis with a distal lobe and a projection in males, and by the epigynum elliptical, with a short scape in females.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441414


Two new species of Alpaida O.P.-Cambridge, 1889 are described based on male and female specimens from seven restinga areas from northeastern to southern Brazil. Alpaida teresinha sp. nov., from Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, differs from other species of the genus in the wider lobe of the conductor, the concave median apophysis and with the posterior lobe ventrally positioned, and the wrinkled distal projection of the terminal apophysis in males. Females can be recognized by having widely spaced epigynal lips and by the narrow epigynal notch in ventral view. Alpaida toninho sp. nov., from Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina, can be distinguished by the round lobes of the terminal apophysis, and by the median apophysis with a distal lobe and a projection in males, and by the epigynum elliptical, with a short scape in females.

Ci. Rural ; 43(6)2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-708614


Trace elements are considered toxic in high levels for human and animal organisms. In aquatic environment, some elements can form organic compounds and tend to bioaccumulate in organisms tissues. Bivalve mollusks participate on the metallic contaminants dynamics in aquatic environment due to capacity in concentrate trace elements in their soft tissues in higher levels than in water. Mussels are mollusks widely used as bioindicators of trace metal pollution in coastal areas because they can accumulate various elements as filter-feeders. In Brazil, Perna perna is one of the most commonly consumed bivalve mollusks and the most cultivated in coast regions. Therefore, the consumption of mussels may be a potential risk for human health, which enhances the importance to know trace metal levels in environment that provides food to humans. Due to constantly search for environmental quality and the use of mussels as food and often employed to monitor metal pollution in sea, it is of great interest and importance an overview of metallic contamination in national territory to assist in prevention of intoxication by trace elements.

Os metais traço apresentam grande toxicidade quando presentes em teores elevados nos organismos humano e animal. No ambiente aquático, alguns elementos formam compostos orgânicos que bioacumulam nos tecidos de organismos vivos. Os moluscos bivalves se destacam, pois possuem grande participação na dinâmica de contaminantes metálicos no ambiente marinho devido à capacidade de concentrá-los em níveis mais elevados que na água. Os mexilhões são moluscos bivalves que constituem bons indicadores de biodisponibilidade de metais, sendo amplamente utilizados como biomonitores em ecossistemas aquáticos. No Brasil, a espécie de mexilhão Perna perna é o mais cultivado devido à importância na alimentação de grande parte da população das regiões costeiras. Portanto, o consumo de mexilhões pode representar um risco à saúde humana quando proveniente de locais contaminados com metais traço, o que reforça a importância de se conhecer os teores desses elementos nos ambientes que fornecem alimento ao Homem. Devido à constante busca pela qualidade ambiental associada à utilização do mexilhão P. perna como biomonitor e como alimento, é importante conhecer o panorama de contaminação do território nacional a fim de auxiliar na prevenção de intoxicação por metais traço pelo consumo desse molusco por grande parte da população brasileira.

Ci. Rural ; 43(6)2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-708350


Trace elements are considered toxic in high levels for human and animal organisms. In aquatic environment, some elements can form organic compounds and tend to bioaccumulate in organisms tissues. Bivalve mollusks participate on the metallic contaminants dynamics in aquatic environment due to capacity in concentrate trace elements in their soft tissues in higher levels than in water. Mussels are mollusks widely used as bioindicators of trace metal pollution in coastal areas because they can accumulate various elements as filter-feeders. In Brazil, Perna perna is one of the most commonly consumed bivalve mollusks and the most cultivated in coast regions. Therefore, the consumption of mussels may be a potential risk for human health, which enhances the importance to know trace metal levels in environment that provides food to humans. Due to constantly search for environmental quality and the use of mussels as food and often employed to monitor metal pollution in sea, it is of great interest and importance an overview of metallic contamination in national territory to assist in prevention of intoxication by trace elements.

Os metais traço apresentam grande toxicidade quando presentes em teores elevados nos organismos humano e animal. No ambiente aquático, alguns elementos formam compostos orgânicos que bioacumulam nos tecidos de organismos vivos. Os moluscos bivalves se destacam, pois possuem grande participação na dinâmica de contaminantes metálicos no ambiente marinho devido à capacidade de concentrá-los em níveis mais elevados que na água. Os mexilhões são moluscos bivalves que constituem bons indicadores de biodisponibilidade de metais, sendo amplamente utilizados como biomonitores em ecossistemas aquáticos. No Brasil, a espécie de mexilhão Perna perna é o mais cultivado devido à importância na alimentação de grande parte da população das regiões costeiras. Portanto, o consumo de mexilhões pode representar um risco à saúde humana quando proveniente de locais contaminados com metais traço, o que reforça a importância de se conhecer os teores desses elementos nos ambientes que fornecem alimento ao Homem. Devido à constante busca pela qualidade ambiental associada à utilização do mexilhão P. perna como biomonitor e como alimento, é importante conhecer o panorama de contaminação do território nacional a fim de auxiliar na prevenção de intoxicação por metais traço pelo consumo desse molusco por grande parte da população brasileira.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1479412


Trace elements are considered toxic in high levels for human and animal organisms. In aquatic environment, some elements can form organic compounds and tend to bioaccumulate in organisms tissues. Bivalve mollusks participate on the metallic contaminants dynamics in aquatic environment due to capacity in concentrate trace elements in their soft tissues in higher levels than in water. Mussels are mollusks widely used as bioindicators of trace metal pollution in coastal areas because they can accumulate various elements as filter-feeders. In Brazil, Perna perna is one of the most commonly consumed bivalve mollusks and the most cultivated in coast regions. Therefore, the consumption of mussels may be a potential risk for human health, which enhances the importance to know trace metal levels in environment that provides food to humans. Due to constantly search for environmental quality and the use of mussels as food and often employed to monitor metal pollution in sea, it is of great interest and importance an overview of metallic contamination in national territory to assist in prevention of intoxication by trace elements.

Os metais traço apresentam grande toxicidade quando presentes em teores elevados nos organismos humano e animal. No ambiente aquático, alguns elementos formam compostos orgânicos que bioacumulam nos tecidos de organismos vivos. Os moluscos bivalves se destacam, pois possuem grande participação na dinâmica de contaminantes metálicos no ambiente marinho devido à capacidade de concentrá-los em níveis mais elevados que na água. Os mexilhões são moluscos bivalves que constituem bons indicadores de biodisponibilidade de metais, sendo amplamente utilizados como biomonitores em ecossistemas aquáticos. No Brasil, a espécie de mexilhão Perna perna é o mais cultivado devido à importância na alimentação de grande parte da população das regiões costeiras. Portanto, o consumo de mexilhões pode representar um risco à saúde humana quando proveniente de locais contaminados com metais traço, o que reforça a importância de se conhecer os teores desses elementos nos ambientes que fornecem alimento ao Homem. Devido à constante busca pela qualidade ambiental associada à utilização do mexilhão P. perna como biomonitor e como alimento, é importante conhecer o panorama de contaminação do território nacional a fim de auxiliar na prevenção de intoxicação por metais traço pelo consumo desse molusco por grande parte da população brasileira.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690167


This study analyzes the occurrence and distribution of lanternfish (Myctophidae) larvae along the Brazilian coast (12-22ºS) between 200 m and the surface. Three cruises were conducted during the spring/1998, winter/1999 and autumn/2000. A total of 3,394 lanternfish larvae were identified representing 27 species and Lepidophanes guentheri (Goode & Bean, 1896) was the most abundant. Most of the identified taxa were in the postflexion stage. Myctophid larvae were more numerous during the winter. Most taxa were distributed widely from 12-22ºS, including some seamounts, and occurred mainly outside the 1,000 m isobath. Although there was no difference in the myctophid community among the coastal, oceanic and seamount regions it was significantly different during the three seasons. During the spring and autumn Hygophum reinhardtii (Lütken, 1892) was the discriminating species while in the winter there were more L. guentheri.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503868


This study analyzes the occurrence and distribution of lanternfish (Myctophidae) larvae along the Brazilian coast (12-22ºS) between 200 m and the surface. Three cruises were conducted during the spring/1998, winter/1999 and autumn/2000. A total of 3,394 lanternfish larvae were identified representing 27 species and Lepidophanes guentheri (Goode & Bean, 1896) was the most abundant. Most of the identified taxa were in the postflexion stage. Myctophid larvae were more numerous during the winter. Most taxa were distributed widely from 12-22ºS, including some seamounts, and occurred mainly outside the 1,000 m isobath. Although there was no difference in the myctophid community among the coastal, oceanic and seamount regions it was significantly different during the three seasons. During the spring and autumn Hygophum reinhardtii (Lütken, 1892) was the discriminating species while in the winter there were more L. guentheri.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441159


This study analyzes the occurrence and distribution of lanternfish (Myctophidae) larvae along the Brazilian coast (12-22ºS) between 200 m and the surface. Three cruises were conducted during the spring/1998, winter/1999 and autumn/2000. A total of 3,394 lanternfish larvae were identified representing 27 species and Lepidophanes guentheri (Goode & Bean, 1896) was the most abundant. Most of the identified taxa were in the postflexion stage. Myctophid larvae were more numerous during the winter. Most taxa were distributed widely from 12-22ºS, including some seamounts, and occurred mainly outside the 1,000 m isobath. Although there was no difference in the myctophid community among the coastal, oceanic and seamount regions it was significantly different during the three seasons. During the spring and autumn Hygophum reinhardtii (Lütken, 1892) was the discriminating species while in the winter there were more L. guentheri.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 50(40)2010.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1486582


Hanleya brachyplax Simone & Jardim in Rios, 2009 is described in detail. The species occurs off the southeastern and south coast of Brazil (São Paulo and Santa Catarina states) in depths from 250 to 408 m. It differs from its congeners in having uniform white valves; wide intermediate valves; the tail valve with straight profile in the antemucronal area, and a concave postmucronal surface; and a cream-colored girdle, covered by non-articulated spines. An anatomical investigation was also performed, showing the main muscle groups; the presence of gills in the posterior third of the pallial groove; auricle with six orifices; a very flat kidney, restricted to the posterior half of the animal; and a simple esophageal region. The odontophore has a single pair of long cartilages. The buccal musculature is also described.

Hanleya brachyplax Simone & Jardim in Rios, 2009 é descrita em detalhes. A espécie ocorre entre as costas Sul e Sudeste do Brasil (Estados de São Paulo e Santa Catarina) em profundidades de 250 a 408 m. Se diferenciando das espécies do mesmo gênero por apresentar valvas uniformemente brancas; valvas intermediarias largas; valva anal com a região antemucronal reta e região postmucronal suavemente concava; cinturão creme, revestido de espinhos não articulados. Um estudo anatômico foi realizado, evidenciando os principais grupos musculares; restrição dos filamentos branquiais à região posterior da cavidade palial; aurículas com seis orifícios; rim achatado e restrito a porção posterior do animal; região esofágica simples. O odontóforo composto por um par de cartilagens simples. Musculatura da massa bucal é também descrita.

Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 50(40)2010.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-442605


Hanleya brachyplax Simone & Jardim in Rios, 2009 is described in detail. The species occurs off the southeastern and south coast of Brazil (São Paulo and Santa Catarina states) in depths from 250 to 408 m. It differs from its congeners in having uniform white valves; wide intermediate valves; the tail valve with straight profile in the antemucronal area, and a concave postmucronal surface; and a cream-colored girdle, covered by non-articulated spines. An anatomical investigation was also performed, showing the main muscle groups; the presence of gills in the posterior third of the pallial groove; auricle with six orifices; a very flat kidney, restricted to the posterior half of the animal; and a simple esophageal region. The odontophore has a single pair of long cartilages. The buccal musculature is also described.

Hanleya brachyplax Simone & Jardim in Rios, 2009 é descrita em detalhes. A espécie ocorre entre as costas Sul e Sudeste do Brasil (Estados de São Paulo e Santa Catarina) em profundidades de 250 a 408 m. Se diferenciando das espécies do mesmo gênero por apresentar valvas uniformemente brancas; valvas intermediarias largas; valva anal com a região antemucronal reta e região postmucronal suavemente concava; cinturão creme, revestido de espinhos não articulados. Um estudo anatômico foi realizado, evidenciando os principais grupos musculares; restrição dos filamentos branquiais à região posterior da cavidade palial; aurículas com seis orifícios; rim achatado e restrito a porção posterior do animal; região esofágica simples. O odontóforo composto por um par de cartilagens simples. Musculatura da massa bucal é também descrita.