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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(3): 439-443, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436926


Among the diseases that cause dyspnea in felines, primary pulmonary neoplasia is rare and tends to affect senile cats. This study reports the case of a seven teen year old FeLV infected cat who was diagnosed acinar adenocarcinoma of the lung and kidney metastasis. It presented prostration and anorexia and was hospitalized with dyspnea and pleural effusion. Chest radiography indicated increased radiopacity in the cranial portion of the right hemithorax, compatible with presence of intrathoracic mass and the cytologic analysis of pleural effusion suggested feline infectious peritonitis. The animal died two days after, and the definitive diagnosis was concluded after necropsy and histopathological examination. Pulmonary adenocarcinoma should be included with differential diagnosis of respiratory diseases in cats, especially the elderly.

Entre as doenças que causam dispneia em felinos, a neoplasia pulmonar primária é rara e costuma acometer gatos senis. Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar o caso de um felino, de 17 anos, portador do vírus da leucemia felina, diagnosticado com adenocarcinoma acinar pulmonar primário com metástase no rim e na pleura parietal. O paciente apresentava histórico inespecífico, sendo as principais queixas prostração e anorexia, e foi internado apresentando dispneia e efusão pleural. A radiografia torácica indicou aumento da radiopacidade na porção cranial do hemitórax direito, compatível com presença de neoformação intratorácica. A citologia da efusão foi sugestiva de peritonite infecciosa felina. O animal veio a óbito dois dias após o atendimento inicial e o diagnóstico definitivo foi determinado por meio da necropsia e da avaliação histológica. O adenocarcinoma pulmonar deve ser incluído como diagnóstico diferencial de doenças respiratórias em gatos, principalmente idosos.

Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato , Leucemia Felina , Carcinoma de Células Acinares/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/veterinária
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20210795, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418797


Hypothyroidism is rarely observed in cats. This article reports the case of a thirteen-year-old feline with a one-year history of bilateral cervical swelling that had majorly grown in size two weeks prior to the animal's admission. The cat presented with dysphonia, lethargy, weight gain, and constipation. On physical examination, hypothermia was observed, with a rectal temperature of 36.5 ºC. Fine-needle aspiration cytology suggested thyroid neoplasia. The serum levels of total T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), along with the exclusion of non-thyroid diseases, confirmed the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. This is the first report of feline hypothyroidism in Brazil secondary to thyroid neoplasia, classified as a follicular-compact carcinoma and confirmed by histopathology.

Hipotireoidismo é uma doença rara na espécie felina. Esse trabalho relata um felino de treze anos de idade com histórico de inchaço cervical bilateral há um ano, que havia crescido principalmente duas semanas antes da admissão do animal. O felino apresentava disfonia, letargia, ganho de peso e constipação. No exame físico, hipotermia foi observado com temperatura retal de 36,5 ºC. Citologia aspirativa de agulha fina sugeriu neoplasia de tireoide. A dosagem sérica de T4 total e TSH junto com a exclusão de doenças não tireoidianas confirmaram o diagnóstico de hipotireoidismo. Esse é o primeiro relato de hipotireoidismo felino no Brasil devido a uma neoplasia de tireoide, classificado como carcinoma folicular-compacto, confirmado na histopatologia.

Animais , Gatos , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/veterinária , Doenças do Gato , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418930


O presente trabalho relata um caso de carcinoma de tireoide em um felino doméstico, SRD de 10 anos de idade, fêmea, em que foram realizados exames laboratoriais e de imagem no laboratório veterinário Delort em Jundiaí (SP). A paciente apresentava apenas perda de peso e aumento de volume em região cervical ventral no início do quadro. Durante os exames de ultrassom abdominal e radiografia torácica observou-se presença de efusão pleural e opacificação pulmonar por padrão miliar, o que sugeria um quadro metastático. Após os achados o paciente foi encaminhado para o oncologista, além de ser realizada a colheita de material para exame citológico, onde foi confirmado o diagnóstico de carcinoma.(AU)

This paper reports a case of thyroid carcinoma in a crossbreed domestic feline, 10 years old, female. Laboratory and imaging exams were performed at the veterinary laboratory Delort in Jundiaí (SP). The patient presented weight loss and volume increase in the ventral cervical region at the beginning of the condition. During abdominal ultrasound and thorax radiography, pleural effusion and pulmonary opacification by miliary pattern were observed, which suggested a pulmonary metastasis. After the findings, the patient was referred to the oncologist, in addition to the collection of material for cytological examination, where the diagnosis of carcinoma was confirmed.(AU)

Animais , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/veterinária , Carcinoma/diagnóstico , Gatos , Metástase Neoplásica
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 239-250, jan.-jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443230


A expectativa de vida dos animais de companhia vem aumentando devido as mudanças comportamentais e de cuidados dos tutores. Em analogia, com as idades cada vez mais avançadas, é comum o desenvolvimento de doenças associadas, sendo o tumor o mais comum entre elas. Todavia, as neoplasias mais comuns na clínica de pequenos animais estão associadas ao sistema tegumentar. O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE), ou carcinoma espinocelular, é uma neoplasia de epitélio, maligno, de crescimento lento e de baixo potencial metastático. Sua etiologia ainda não é precisamente conhecida e a causa exógena mais comum e descrita pela literatura é a exposição à luz ultravioleta, gerando consequentes lesões nas estruturas genéticas e imunogênicas na pele. Além disso, essas lesões apresentam-se de forma mais comum em animais de pelagem clara, com grande exposição solar e em área anatômicas hipopigmentadas. O prognóstico varia de acordo com a localização e o estágio clínico, sendo favorável o diagnóstico realizado precocemente, e o tratamento consiste na avaliação clínica seguida do protocolo adequado O presente relato de caso tem como objetivo principal reunir e discutir informações associadas sobre o carcinoma de células escamosas em caninos e felinos, abordando aspectos clínicos e patológicos, a fim de facilitar o raciocínio sobre o CCE, desde sua abordagem inicial, até seu diagnóstico final e estadiamento.(AU)

The life expectancy of companion animals has been increasing due to behavioral and care changes of the guardians. In analogy, with the increasingly advanced ages, the development of associated diseases is common, the tumor being the most common among them. However, the most common neoplasms in the small animal clinic are associated with the integumentary system. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or squamous cell carcinoma, is a malignant, slow-growing, low-potential metastatic epithelial neoplasm. Its etiology is not yet precisely known and the most common exogenous cause described by the literature is exposure to ultraviolet light, generating consequent lesions on the genetic and immunogenic structures in the skin. In addition, these lesions are more common in light-haired animals, with high exposure to the sun, and in hypopigmented anatomical areas. The prognosis varies according to the location and clinical stage, being favorable to the early diagnosis, and the treatment consists in the clinical evaluation followed by the appropriate protocol. The present case report has as its main objective to gather and discuss associated information about squamous cell carcinoma in canines and cats, addressing clinical and pathological aspects, in order to facilitate the reasoning about the CCE, from its initial approach, to its final diagnosis and staging.(AU)

La esperanza de vida de los animales de compañía ha ido en aumento debido a los cambios de comportamiento y cuidado de los guardianes. Por analogía, con las edades cada vez más avanzadas, el desarrollo de enfermedades asociadas es común, siendo el tumor el más común entre ellos. Sin embargo, las neoplasias más comunes en la clínica de animales pequeños se asocian con el sistema tegumentario. El carcinoma epidermoide (CCE), o carcinoma epidermoide, es una neoplasia epitelial metastásica maligna de crecimiento lento y bajo potencial. Su etiología aún no se conoce con precisión y la causa exógena más común descrita por la literatura es la exposición a la luz ultravioleta, generando lesiones consecuentes en las estructuras genéticas e inmunogénicas de la piel. Además, estas lesiones son más comunes en animales de pelo claro, con alta exposición al sol, y en áreas anatómicas hipopigmentadas. El pronóstico varía según la localización y el estadio clínico, siendo favorable al diagnóstico precoz, y el tratamiento consiste en la evaluación clínica seguida del protocolo adecuado. El presente reporte de caso tiene como objetivo principal reunir y discutir información asociada sobre el carcinoma epidermoide en caninos y gatos, abordando aspectos clínicos y patológicos, con el fin de facilitar el razonamiento sobre el CCE, desde su abordaje inicial, hasta su diagnóstico final y estadificación.(AU)

Animais , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/etiologia , Gatos , Cães , Prepúcio do Pênis/fisiopatologia , Neoplasias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 884, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437121


Background: Several neoplasms can affect the perianal region, being the hepatic adenoma and the anal sac adenocarcinoma (ASAC), which is considered the most frequent. The ASAC is a malignant neoplasm originating from the secretory epithelium of the perianal apocrine glands and is rarely seen in veterinary medicine. The ASAC occurs mainly in adult to elderly canines with high metastasis rates. Patients may be asymptomatic or manifest discomfort and behavioral changes. In the presence of metastasis, the most frequent clinical signs are inappetence, coughing, dyspnea, and colorectal obstruction. Given this scenario, this paper aims to describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic examination, and necropsy findings of a Cocker Spaniel with ASAC and metastasis in the vertebral body, spinal cord, and cauda equina. Case: A 8-year-old neutered male Cocker Spaniel (12 kg of body mass) with a clinical history of non-ambulatory paraparesis was evaluated. The patient also presented tenesmus, difficulty to defecate, and the presence of nodules in the anal sac area. On the neurological examination, asymmetrical changes compatible with injury between L4-S3 were found. A complete blood count, serum biochemistry, and imaging exams such as plain radiography, abdominal ultrasonography (US), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were requested. Blood count revealed anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis and hypercalcemia. The liver showed increased echogenicity and thickened pancreas in the abdominal US scan. A slightly heterogeneous, vascularized mass with irregular borders was identified in the topographic region of the sublumbar lymph nodes; MRI images demonstrated an expansile formation in the ventral region of the lumbosacral spine, corresponding to the sublumbar lymph nodes and interruption of the cerebrospinal fluid at L5, suggestive of compression of the spinal cord and cauda equina. A presumptive diagnosis of perianal neoplasm with metastasis was made based on the complementary exams. The dog was referred to necropsy, which revealed a 4 cm tumor in the perianal region that invaded the pelvic canal. Multifocal nodules were present on the lung surface, liver, and kidneys, suggesting metastasis. On the cross-section of the spine, one could note the presence of the tumor in the vertebral bodies, spinal cord, and cauda equina from L5 to S3. Even with histopathological evaluation of the tumor, only the immunohistochemical analysis allowed us to confirm the anal sac adenocarcinoma. Discussion: Adenomas and carcinomas are perianal gland neoplasms common in adult and elderly male dogs; the Cocker Spaniel breed is among the most affected. The clinical signs presented by the patient, such as tenesmus and difficulty in adopting the posture of defecation, are common, although neurological changes are rare. As for metastasis, carcinomas of the perianal region present high chances of metastasis to organs including the liver, kidneys, and lungs, both lymphatically and hematogenously, but few studies have related these factors to neurological alterations due to metastasis. We concluded that metastases from carcinomas to the spine must be considered a possible differential diagnosis in cases of patients presenting clinical signs that are compatible with spinal cord compression and a history of previous neoplasm.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Períneo/patologia , Neoplasias da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Sacos Anais/patologia , Metástase Neoplásica
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 100-102, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509589


Apocrine neoplasms are rare in goats. This report describes an apocrine adenocarcinoma in a 5-year-old female Boer goat with an ulcerated, exophytic, multilobulated mass on the left dorsolateral cervical area. Histologically, the dermis was effaced and expanded by a poorly demarcated epithelial neoplasm with desmoplasia. Neoplastic cells were arranged in acini with papillary projections into the lumen and had cuboidal or columnar, eosinophilic, occasionally vacuolated cytoplasm. Nuclei were round and had finely stippled chromatin with one nucleolus. Neoplastic cells contained periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)­positive and diastase­resistant, alcian blue­positive cytoplasmic granules. There were 6 mitoses in 2.37 mm2 (equivalent to 10 FN22/40X fields). Histologic and histochemical features in the current case were consistent with a cutaneous apocrine gland adenocarcinoma.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/anatomia & histologia , Adenocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/veterinária , Glândulas Apócrinas/patologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 869, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434744


Background: In the literature, there are a few descriptions of epididymis neoplasia in domestic animals, especially considering primary tumors. In the few reports found in literature, the lesions were a consequence of the invasion of testicular or paratesticular neoplasia, as a papillar carcinoma in a dog's and a bull's epididymis, and mesenchymal tumors - fibrome/ fibrosarcoma, leiomyoma/leiosarcome. On the other hand, mast cell tumors are the second most prevalent neoplasia in dogs in Brazil, affecting especially the skin. The aim of this report is to describe for the first time a low malignancy mast cell tumor in a mixed-breed dog's epididymis, without metastasis or recurrence in a 2-year follow-up period. Case: A 10-year-old male mixed-breed dog was presented for pre-surgical evaluation for elective orchiectomy. In the physical examination, an increase in the volume of approximately 2 cm with an irregular appearance was identified on palpation in the cranial pole of the left testis. In the trans surgical period, an increase in testicular volume (4 cm long x 2 cm wide) was observed, with a firm consistency in the region of the vas deferens with macroscopic changes in the region. The testis was sectioned, and the fragments were sent for histopathological evaluation in 10% buffered formaldehyde. There was a fairly cellular circumscribed neoplastic infiltrate, distributed in a sheet and separated by fibrovascular stroma, and rounded neoplastic cells with a moderate amount of basophilic cytoplasmic granulation, and discrete anisocytosis and anisokaryosis. The nuclei were rounded with vesicular chromatin with 1 or 2 distinct nucleoli. No mitosis figures were observed in 10 high power fields (400x). Few eosinophils were distributed throughout the neoplastic cell population. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated immunostaining for KIT protein with perimembranous staining in 95% of neoplastic mast cells, giving a KIT 1 pattern. There was no positive nuclear staining for Ki67 in any cell of the histological sections examined. A grade II mast cell tumor (low grade of malignancy) was diagnosed. After diagnosis, the animal underwent radiographic evaluation of the chest and abdominal ultrasound, and a new physical inspection in search of nodules, plaques, skin lesions, or subcutaneous masses. There were no metastases in the thorax and abdominal cavity, nor physical alterations, and it can be inferred that the epididymis was the primary site of the mast cell tumor. After 2 years of orchiectomy, there were no recurrences, and no chemotherapy treatment was performed. Discussion: Extracutaneous mast cell tumors are uncommon in animals, but have been reported in oral and nasal mucosa, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, intestine, visceral lymph nodes, spleen, liver, spinal cord, intestine, ureter, conjunctiva, lung and more recently in tear gland of the third eyelid. However, in the authors' assessment, this is the first description of mast cell tumor in the epididymis in dogs. The diagnosis was established by histopathological examination, which revealed a grade II epididymal mast cell tumor and immunohistochemical evaluation (KIT and Ki-67) as being of low aggressiveness. The diagnosis of a primary tumor was confirmed since the staging was established after the histopathological diagnosis, involving chest radiography, abdominal ultrasound, cutaneous evaluation in search of nodules, plaques, cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions, and did not reveal other abnormalities or metastases not identified in the preoperative evaluation. In addition, immunostaining with KIT and Ki-67 reaffirmed the low degree of malignancy and the potential for metastases, which can be observed by the asymptomatic follow-up of the patient 2 years after the surgical excision.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Mastocitoma/veterinária , Epididimo/patologia , Neoplasias dos Genitais Masculinos/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 845, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415341


Background: Hepatic tumors of primary origin account for 0.6% to 2.9% of cases in canine species, less common than hepatic metastases. The hepatic tumors are divided into hepatocellular tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, bile duct tumors or cholangiocarcinomas, and mesenchymal tumors. Cholangiocarcinomas, are classified according to their origin, being intrahepatic, extrahepatic, or gallbladder type. Cholangiocarcinomas are considered rare in dogs and cats with a ratio of 29% to 71% compared to hepatocellular carcinomas, accounting for 9% of the hepatic tumors. The present study aims to describe a case of cholangiocarcinoma in a bitch, focusing on the diagnostic approach. Case: A 10-year-old castrated bitch Poodle was attended presenting hypoglycemia and seizure crisis. The patient had previous exams of hemogram and serum biochemical profile, showing a discrete increase of the hepatic enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), besides hypoglycemia. Previous ultrasound exam revealed the presence of a hepatic mass located between the right and square lobes, immeasurable, and significant splenomegaly. Abdominal palpation revealed the presence of immeasurable abdominal formation of undetermined origin. Abdominal computerized tomography (CT), glycemic curve, and insulin dosage were requested. Tomography exam showed an increase in hepatic volume with the presence of a heterogeneous formation in the right lateral lobe topography; increase in spleen dimensions and the presence of multiple nodules; and the presence of a nodule in the right lung, at the caudal thoracic region. The glycemic curve showed acute variations, and insulin dosage was between normal values. The animal was referred for surgery, as in abdominocentesis, it was observed the presence of hemorrhagic fluid, confirming active bleeding by ultrasonography. The owners chose for euthanasia. In the post-mortem evaluation the main lesion was confirmed of hepatic origin, with a massive, irregular, cavitary presentation, involving multiple hepatic lobes, and a single nodule was observed in the right caudal lobe of the right lung. Histopathological evaluation was considered inconclusive. Immunohistochemistry was performed and the association of the immunohistochemical profile with the morphological characteristics indicated diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. Discussion: The related symptomatology, in hepatic neoplasms, is generally considered non-specific, with reports of lethargy, vomiting, dyspnea, anorexia and weight loss, however, the dog in this study presented a unique manifestation of hypoglycemia and one episode of convulsive crisis resulting from it. The clinical manifestation observed was extremely unspecific making initial diagnosis difficult. The ultrasonographic examination was effective in evidencing the abdominal mass. In addition, abdominal CT was also performed, which confirmed the hepatic origin, detailing the macroscopic aspect. Biochemical analyses of ALT and AST showed a discrete increase. Biochemical changes may occur in dogs with hepatic neoplasms, although they are not specific. Functional pancreatic beta-cell tumors producing insulin are the most common cause of paraneoplastic hypoglycemia, although in the case the insulin dosage was within normal limits. In cases of nonislet cell tumor the mechanism is frequently associated with the production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF). In most cases the definitive diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma can be obtained by histopathological examination, although in the present report the result obtained was inconclusive, requiring an immunohistochemical examination. Due to the aggressive and metastatic character of this neoplastic type, early detection becomes extremely important in order to maximize therapeutic chances, however, diagnosis may be difficult.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ductos Biliares/patologia , Carcinoma/veterinária , Colangiocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta cir. bras ; 38: e380923, 2023. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1429538


Purpose: To investigate the role and mechanism of ß1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-3 gene (B3GNT3) in esophageal cancer (ESCA). Methods: The starBase database was used to evaluate the expression of B3GNT3. B3GNT3 function was measured using KYSE-30 and KYSE-410 cells of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) cell lines. The mRNA levels were detected by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Cell counting kit-8, clone formation assay and transwell assay were used to detect the changes of proliferation, invasion and migration. Results: B3GNT3 expression was higher in ESCA tissues than in normal tissues. The overall survival rate of ESCA patients with high B3GNT3 expression was lower than that of ESCA patients with low B3GNT3 expression. In vitro functional experiments showed that the proliferation ability, migration and invasion ability of KYSE-30 and KYSE-410 cells with B3GNT3 interference were lower than those of the control, and the overexpression of B3GNT3 had the opposite effect. After silencing B3GNT3 expression in ESCC cell lines, the growth of both cell lines was inhibited and the invasiveness was decreased. Knockdown of B3GNT3 reduced the growth rate and Ki-67 expression level. Conclusion: B3GNT3, as an oncogene, may promote the growth, invasion and migration of ESCC cell.

Oncogenes , N-Acetilglucosaminiltransferases/análise , Ensaios de Migração Celular , Transcriptoma , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas do Esôfago , Neoplasias Esofágicas/fisiopatologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 862, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434621


Background: Thyroid tumor is a common endocrine tumor that accounts for up to 3.8% of all tumors in dogs. Most of them are malignant and usually nonfunctional in dogs. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is an imaging modality that detects intracellular accumulation of radioactive deoxyglucose administered in the body and is used in combination with computed tomography to provide functional information with exact anatomical localization. It is used in human medicine to detect residual or recurrent head and neck neoplasm after treatments, such as surgical resection. This report describes the first case of diagnosing recurrent thyroid carcinoma (TC) through FDG-PET in a dog. Case: A 9-year-old castrated male Maltese dog presented with a palpable mobile mass in the right ventral cervical region. Radiography and ultrasonography (US) showed a radiopaque mass adjacent to the trachea, and the right thyroid gland was enlarged on computed tomography. The surgically excised mass was encapsulated and measured to be 2.3 × 1.0 × 3.4 cm (width x length x height) in size. Histopathologically, the mass was diagnosed as differentiated follicular TC, and gross and vascular invasions were observed. To prevent recurrence, postoperative carboplatin chemotherapy was performed for 5 months. Two months after completion of chemotherapy, a nodule of approximately 7 mm in diameter was detected in the thyroidectomy bed by US. FDG-PET scanning was performed as an effective means of evaluating the malignancy, local recurrence, and metastasis of differentiated follicular TC. The nodule had the dimensions of 2.8 × 5.9 × 8.6 mm, a maximum standardized uptake value (SUV) of 8.49, and a mean SUV of 5.6. The results of FDG-PET suggested the recurrence of TC; therefore, the second chemotherapy protocol using toceranib was applied for 16 months. After initiation of the 2nd chemotherapy, follow-up examinations were conducted approximately every 4 months. On the 134th day, although the nodule was not palpated, its size was observed to have increased to 5.0 × 3.8 × 13.6 mm on cervical US on the 232nd day, showing heterogeneous and hypoechoic parenchyma. On the 405th day, the tumor was enlarged to a size of 13.4 × 12.9 × 22 mm and identified as a lobular, amorphous shape, and its heterogeneity was increased. Moreover, 2 pulmonary nodules with well-defined margins were found on radiography in the left caudal lung lobe (9 × 10 mm and 12 × 12 mm [width × length]); thus, lung metastasis was suspected. On the 536th day, anorexia and lethargy occurred, and the dog was lost to follow-up. Discussion: In the present case, local recurrence of TC was suspected based on cervical US. Although US was useful as a screening tool, additional examinations were necessary for evaluating local invasiveness, malignancy, and nodal/distant metastasis. FDG-PET can detect recurrence at an early stage because it can sense increased tumor metabolism through physiologic absorption of FDG, even before the beginning of anatomic change in the lesion. Therefore, FDG-PET can assist in treatment planning and provide better prognosis. In humans, focal FDG uptake and a high maximum SUV in the thyroid gland on FDG-PET were associated with a higher risk of cancer. Because there was no evidence of neoplasia except the thyroid lesion during the FDG-PET examination, the tumor showed an increasingly malignant pattern of the thyroid gland on US during the follow-up period, and the metastatic pulmonary nodules were identified on the 650th day after the thyroidectomy, the present case was diagnosed as recurrent TC. This report describes the use of FDG-PET for diagnosing local recurrence of TC, pointing to FDG-PET as a potential strategy to evaluate loco-regional recurrence and distant metastasis of TC.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Carboplatina/uso terapêutico , Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons combinada à Tomografia Computadorizada/veterinária , Tireoidectomia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e06518, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448810


ABSTRACT: Determining cell proliferation rates and tumor apoptosis through immunohistochemistry allows the evaluation of the biological behavior of the tumor, optimizing the patient's clinical course. This study aimed to analyze the immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67, COX-2 and caspase-3 and correlate them with the type of response to ECT in feline cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), thus determining the predictive potential of these variables. For this, 13 samples of feline cutaneous SCC were evaluated before ECT, and statistical analyses of the correlation intensity between the variables were performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient, with a significance level of 95%. The results indicate a significant negative correlation between histopathological grade and response to ECT (ρ=-0.6; p=0.03); there was no significant correlation between Ki-67, COX-2 and caspase-3 immunoexpression with the response to ECT (ρ=-0.18; p=0.54/ρ=-0.23; p=0.44/ρ=-0.12; p=0.69, respectively). Therefore, the study shows that the histopathological grade, tumor size and staging, degree of cellular pleomorphism and degree of inflammatory infiltrate can be considered negative prognostic factors for cutaneous SCC and negative predictors for response to ECT. However, the markers Ki-67, COX-2 and caspase-3 are not considered predictive factors for the type of response to ECT. In addition, no relationship between these immunoexpressions and greater tumor aggressiveness was observed. The SCCs evaluated in this study showed significant COX-2 labeling, indicating a potential therapeutic target. ECT has been shown to be safe and effective for local control of feline cutaneous SCC but with reduced effectiveness in larger and invasive lesions.

RESUMO: A determinação das taxas de proliferação celular e apoptose tumoral por meio da imuno-histoquímica, permite avaliar o comportamento biológico tumoral, com otimização da evolução clínica do paciente. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as expressões imuno-histoquímicas de Ki-67, COX-2 e caspase-3 e correlacioná-las com o tipo de resposta à EQT em carcinoma de células escamosas (CEC) cutâneo de felinos; assim, determinar o potencial preditivo destas variáveis. Para tanto, foram avaliadas 13 amostras de CEC cutâneo de felinos antes da EQT e as análises estatísticas quanto à intensidade de correlação entre as variáveis foram realizadas utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, com nível de significância de 95%. Os resultados indicam que houve correlação negativa significativa entre o grau histopatológico e a resposta à EQT (ρ=-0,6; p=0,03); não houve correlação significativa entre as imunoexpressões de Ki-67, COX-2 e caspase-3 com a resposta à EQT (ρ=-0,18; p=0,54/ρ=-0,23; p=0,44/ρ=-0,12; p=0,69, respectivamente). Portanto, este estudo evidenciou que as variáveis grau histopatológico, tamanho e estadiamento tumorais, grau de pleomorfismo celular e grau do infiltrado inflamatório foram consideradas fatores prognósticos negativos para o CEC cutâneo e preditivos negativos para a resposta à EQT. Entretanto, os marcadores Ki-67, COX-2 e caspase-3 não foram considerados fatores preditivos para o tipo de resposta à EQT, assim como não foi observada relação entre essas imunoexpressões com maior agressividade tumoral. Os CECs avaliados neste estudo apresentaram importante marcação para COX-2, indicando um potencial alvo terapêutico. A EQT mostrou-se segura e efetiva para o controle local dos CECs cutâneos dos felinos, porém com efetividade reduzida em lesões maiores e invasivas.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370014


Hipertireoidismo é uma doença causada pela disfunção do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-tireoide, na qual há um aumento na produção e secreção de T3 (triiodotironina) e T4 (tiroxina). É comum em gatos de meia idade a idosos, mas raro em cães, nos quais normalmente são causados por iatrogenia ou neoplasias da tireoide. O presente trabalho relata um caso de hipertireoidismo em um cão da raça golden retriever, secundário a um carcinoma folicular-compacto de tireoide. A enfermidade causa alterações em diversos sistemas, portanto é importante que o diagnóstico precoce seja firmado para o sucesso do tratamento e a avaliação do tamanho, da invasividade tumoral, da presença de metástases, bem como, das condições clínicas do paciente que são essenciais para a escolha da terapêutica.(AU)

Hyperthyroidism is a disease caused by the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis dysfunction, in which there is an increased production and secretion of T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). It is common in middle aged to old cats but is rare in dogs, in which are usually a result of iatrogenic cause or thyroid neoplasia. The present paper reports a case of hyperthyroidism in a golden retriever dog secondary to a thyroid follicular-compact carcinoma. The disease causes changes in several systems, so to achieve the treatment's success it must be performed an early diagnoses. The analyzis of the tumor size and invasion, presence of metastasis and the patient's clinical conditions are essential to the settlement of the therapeutic choice.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Tiroxina , Tri-Iodotironina , Carcinoma , Hipertireoidismo
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(3): 525-529, May-June 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383787


A 20-year-old Arabian mare, was brought to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic with the complaint of an unknown wound in the genital area. Although the mare's general condition was good, examination of the genital area revealed a wide-open wound in the vulva and posterior vagina, characterized by fibrotic growth. The biopsy sample was sent to the pathology laboratory. A diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was made after histopathological examination. Blood samples for serum biochemistry and hematological tests were collected from the jugular vein. Hematological and serum biochemical findings are generally used to diagnose diseases in animals and humans. Hematological and serum biochemical findings are important with genital SCC. Therefore, the findings of these values are given in this case report.

Uma égua de 20 anos (raça árabe), foi levada à clínica de obstetrícia e ginecologia com a queixa de uma ferida desconhecida na área genital. Embora o estado geral da égua fosse bom, o exame da área genital revelou uma ferida amplamente aberta na vulva e na vagina posterior, caracterizada pelo crescimento fibrótico. A amostra da biópsia foi enviada para o laboratório de patologia. Um diagnóstico de carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) foi feito como resultado do exame histopatológico. Amostras de sangue para bioquímica sérica e testes hematológicos foram coletadas da veia jugular. Os resultados hematológicos e bioquímicos séricos são geralmente usados para diagnosticar doenças em animais e seres humanos. Os achados hematológicos e bioquímicos séricos são importantes com o SCC genital. Portanto, as descobertas destes valores são dadas neste relatório de caso.

Animais , Vulva , Bioquímica , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Testes Hematológicos , Cavalos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(2): 299-309, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374417


Canine malignant mammary neoplasms (CMMN) exhibit behavioral variability with the patient survival time depending on several prognostic factors. In the present study, 134 CMMN were selected and different immunophenotypes and their associations with clinical and pathological parameters were identified. The tumors were classified as follows: 46% of luminal B HER2-, 34% of luminal A, 13% of triple-negative, and 7% of luminal B HER2+. Shorter specific survival time were associated with larger tumor sizes (>3.0 cm, HR=1.94; P=0.0209), lymph node metastasis or distant metastasis (HR= 2.82; P <.0001), more aggressive histological types (HR= 7.15, P<0.0001), higher histological grades (HR= 12.97 P=0.011), angiolymphatic invasion (HR=4.68, P<0.0001) and luminal B HER2 - (HR= 3.27, P<0.0001) and luminal B HER2 + (HR= 7.14 P<0.0001) immunophenotypes. In patients with lymph nodal metastasis, shorter survival times were associated with luminal immunophenotype B HER2 + (P=0.003). However, in patients without metastasis, an increased risk of death was associated with the aggressive histological type. In conclusion, the classification in our study allowed us to identify subtypes with different prognoses in canine malignant mammary tumors. Factors such as clinical stage, histological type, luminal B HER2+ subtype, and angiolymphatic invasion were the most important prognostic factors.

Neoplasias mamárias malignas caninas (CMMN) apresentam variável comportamento biológico e o tempo de sobrevida depende de diversos fatores prognósticos. Neste estudo, foram selecionadas 134 CMMN, bem como identificados diferentes imunofenótipos e suas associações com parâmetros clínicos e patológicos. Os tumores foram classificados em: 46% luminal B HER2-, 34% luminal A, 13% triplo negativo e 7% luminal B HER2+. Menores taxas de sobrevida específica foram associadas a tamanhos de tumor maiores (> 3,0cm; HR = 1,94; P = 0,0209), metástases em nodais ou a distância (HR = 2,82; P <0,0001), tipos histológicos mais agressivos (HR = 7,15; P <0,0001), graus histológicos mais elevados (HR = 12,97; P = 0,011), invasão angiolinfática (HR = 4,68; P <0,0001) e aos imunofenótipos luminal B HER2- (HR = 3,27; P <0,0001) e luminal B HER2+ ( HR = 7,14; P <0,0001). Em pacientes com estágio avançado, menor sobrevida específica foi associada ao imunofenótipo luminal B HER2+ (P = 0,003). Entretanto, em estágio inicial, um risco aumentado de óbito foi associado a tipos histológicos agressivos. Em conclusão, a classificação utilizada no presente estudo permitiu identificar subtipos com diferentes prognósticos em CMMN. Estágio clínico, tipo histológico, subtipo luminal B HER2+ e invasão angiolinfática foram os fatores prognósticos mais importantes.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Neoplasias de Mama Triplo Negativas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 794, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401204


Background: Eye neoplasms are infrequent in felines and usually affect the eyelids. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a neoplasm that occurs owing to recurrent lesions caused by solar radiation and affects the margins of the ears, eyelids, nose and lips of animals with light-colored coat. The clinical signs consist of ulcerated, crusty lesions that may form masses. The diagnosis is established by means of histopathological analysis, and the prognosis depends on the area affected and tumor infiltration. This work aimed to describe a case of SCC in the eyelid with invasion of the eye and its adnexa in a cat, highlighting clinical aspects and the importance of the anatomopathological examination. Case: A female mixed breed senile cat that had been rescued from the streets was brought in for examination. Dehydration and a low body condition score were observed at the general clinical examination. A physical inspection revealed the presence of an ulcerated periocular lesion on the eyelid; the right eye exhibited increased size and loss of definition of its internal structures. The presence of malodorous cerumen in the right ear canal, a tilted head, and walking in circles to the right were also noted. A dysplastic epithelium along with neutrophilic inflammation was observed at the cytopathological analysis. The treatment instituted consisted of administration of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, and cleaning of the ear. On the follow-up appointment, 2 days later, the patient's condition had worsened and in spite of the supportive therapy administered, the animal died. An anatomopathological study of the body identified, in addition to the alterations in the eyelid and the eye mentioned above, a traumatic lesion with perforation of the mandibular bone, and presence of a brownish content with caseous consistency in the right ear canal. After visualization of the microscopic alterations, the diagnosis established was squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelid with metastases in the optical nerve and choroid blood vessels. Discussion: Squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common epithelial neoplasms in felines, and can occur in any region of the face; however, the eyelids and the eyes are less frequently affected, which confirms that the case reported here is uncommon. SCC has a higher incidence in female cats older than 10 years of age with light-colored coat and highly exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The case reported here exhibited these characteristics, as the patient had been rescued from the streets where exposition to sunlight is intense. The clinical presentation was consistent with that described in other works, with ulcerated crusty lesions on the eyelid and the nose. Vestibular syndrome, as inferred from the tilted head and circular gait (walking in circles to the right), could be explained by internal otitis, which was observed at necropsy. The cytological analysis of the eye lesion demonstrated the presence of a neutrophilic inflammatory process along with a dysplastic or immature squamous epithelium, which prompted for therapy using antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The definitive diagnosis was established with basis on the histopathological analysis, which revealed a pattern of neoplastic cells arranged in clusters or strands connected to the epidermal surface, and the presence of "keratin pearls" consistent with SCC affecting not only the eyelid and the eye, but also invading the optical nerve and the choroid blood vessels. The prognosis was unfavorable owing to the advanced stage of the tumor and concomitant diseases. Even though the development of SCC in the eyelid is relatively common, the occurrence of metastasis in the eye adnexa is rare in felines. An anatomopathological study was required to establish the diagnosis of SCC as the patient's clinical history data were scarce.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica
Clín. Vet. (São Paulo, Ed. Port.) ; 27(160): 44-56, set.-out. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1397515


A neoplasia prostática em gatos é rara e pouco descrita na literatura. Não é um tumor andrógeno dependente, e a castração não ajuda na prevenção ou no tratamento. Técnicas ultrassonográficas e radiográficas evidenciarão compressão uretral ou retal na posição da neoplasia, e para diagnóstico definitivo deve-se realizar exame histopatológico. Não há protocolo terapêutico eficaz estabelecido, e o tratamento cirúrgico não costuma ser efetivo no controle da evolução do quadro, já que é de caráter maligno, agressivo e com altas taxas de metástases. Relata-se o caso de um gato macho, castrado, sem raça definida, de pelo curto, 10 anos, com histórico de disquesia, fezes em fita, hematuria e normorexia. O diagnóstico presuntivo foi realizado por meio de ultrassonografia; no entanto, devido à caracteristica obstrutiva apresentada pela neoplasia, assim como ao prognóstico de reservado a ruim em relação às alternativas terapêuticas, optou-se pela eutanásia, e não foi evidenciada nenhuma metástase.(AU)

Prostatic neoplasia in cats is rare and poorly described in the literature. It is not an androgen dependent tumor, and castration does not help in prevention or treatment. Ultrasonographic and radiographic techniques will show urethral or rectal compression in the position of the neoplasm, and for a definitive diagnosis. histopathological examination must be performed. There is no effective therapeutic protocol established, and surgical treatment is not usually effective in controlling the evolution of the condition, since it is malignant, aggressive and has high rates of metastases. The patient in this report is a 10-year-old male, neutered, mixed- breed, short-haired cat, with a history of dyschesia, ribbon-like stools, hematuria and normorexia. The presumptive diagnosis was performed by ultrasound; however, due to the obstructive characteristic presented by the neoplasm, as well as the poor prognosis in relation to the therapeutic alternatives, euthanasia was chosen, and no metastasis was evidenced.(AU)

La neoplasia prostática en gatos es rara y está pobremente descrita en la literatura. No es un tumor dependiente de andrógenos, y la castración no ayuda en la prevención ni en el tratamiento. Las técnicas ultrasonográficas y radiográficas mostrarán compresión uretral o rectal en la posición de la neoplasia, y para un diagnóstico definitivo se debe realizar un examen histopatológico. No existe un protocolo terapéutico eficaz establecido, y el tratamiento quirúrgico no suele ser eficaz para controlar la evolución del cuadro, ya que es maligno, agresivo y presenta altas tasas de metástasis. El paciente de este reporte es un gato macho de 10 años. castrado, mestizo, de pelo corto, con antecedentes de disquesia, heces en cinta. hematuria y normorexia. El diagnóstico presuntivo se realizó por ecografia; sin embargo, debido al carácter obstructivo que presentaba la neoplasia, así como al mal pronóstico en relación a las alternativas terapéuticas, se optó por la eutanasia y no se evidenció metástasis.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterinária , Carcinoma/diagnóstico , Doenças do Gato , Próstata
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 833, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401696


Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common cutaneous neoplasm in horses, which mainly affects the external genitalia, oral cavity, and periocular region. The development of SCC metastases is rare in these animals, and the most common occurrence is a marked local infiltration. Exposure to ultraviolet rays and skin depigmentation are the main etiological factors of SCC. Definitive diagnosis of the neoplasm is performed through histological examination of lesions. The present report describes the clinical, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical (IHC) aspects of a case of metastatic SCC, with the vulva as the primary site in a mare. Case: A 17-year-old mare, mixed breed, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), with history of areas of depigmented skin (pinto coat), and clinical history of anorexia, frequent episodes of colic, and recumbency. During clinical evaluation, heart rate (68 bpm), rectal temperature (38.4ºC), and respiratory rate (48 mpm) were elevated, and the oral mucosa was pale. The mare also had an ulcerated tumor mass involving the vulva, which extended to the inguinal region and involved the mammary gland. A cytological aspirate of the vulvar tumor was performed, in which no neoplastic cells were found. Next, a biopsy of 2 distinct areas of the vulva was performed. The material was sent for anatomopathological examination, which showed markedly pleomorphic malignant squamous cells, with individual keratinization and high mitotic index, organized in trabeculae with rare keratin pearl-like formations. The exam allowed the diagnosis of SCC Grade II. Due to the poor prognosis and high cost of treatment, the owner consented to euthanasia and necropsy examination. During necropsy, the vulvar tumor mass was grayish, firm to hard, infiltrative, and had friable areas. Tumor foci suggestive of metastasis were also observed in inguinal, mesenteric, mediastinal and renal lymph nodes, adrenal glands, lung, pericardium, medullary canal, intercostal muscles, right 15th rib, and tissue surrounding the azygos vein. Samples from all organs were collected for anatomopathological examination. Diagnosis of metastatic vulvar SCC was confirmed through histological and IHC studies, which evaluated the expression of cytokeratins (AE1/ AE3), as well as the proliferative activity of neoplastic cells through the PCNA marker. Discussion: The diagnosis of metastatic SCC was obtained through the observed clinical, necroscopic, histological, and IHC characteristics. This neoplasm usually appears in depigmented regions exposed to ultraviolet light, and older animals are more likely to be affected. The mare in the present case had areas of depigmented skin (pinto coat). The animal was kept in a paddock outdoor and exposed to constant solar radiation. Although rare in horses, manifestation of anorexia, progressive weight loss, and frequent colic episodes and recumbency may be closely related to the multiple sites of metastasis in the present case. The main histological findings of the neoplasm were the dense proliferation of malignant squamous cells with individual keratinization, arranged in a trabecular pattern and with rare formations of keratin pearls, in line with previous studies. During IHC evaluation, the neoplastic cells showed expression of cytokeratins (AE1/AE3), as well as high proliferative activity evidenced by the PCNA marker. Given this background, the present report describes the clinical, anatomopathological, and IHC aspects of a case of metastatic SCC with a primary site in the vulva of a mare.

Animais , Feminino , Vulva/patologia , Neoplasias Vulvares/veterinária , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Cavalos , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(10): e20210171, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364719


LIN28 is a RNA-binding protein including two highly conserved homologous, LIN28A and LIN28B. Proto-oncogenes such as LIN28A and LIN28B are generally targeted by the let-7 miRNAs in different types of human cancers. Here, we determined the expression of LIN28A in canine mammary tumor samples and the LIN28/let-7 pathway in canine mammary cell lines. In those cell lines, we identified a functional LIN28/let-7 pathway which exhibited high expression of let-7 members and low expression of its targets, including LIN28A and LIN28B. However, the mammary carcinoma tissue samples showed a frequent expression of LIN28A being expressed mainly in the epithelial cells. No association was observed between LIN28A expression and histopathological classification and grade, TNM and survival time. Our results suggested a possible role of the LIN28A protein in the development of canine mammary carcinomas due to the high frequency observed in the tumor samples (28 of 32). The in vitro experiments suggested that the LIN28/let-7 pathway is active in the tumor cells evaluated. However, more studies are necessary to elucidate the exact role of LIN28/let-7 pathway in canine mammary carcinomas.

LIN28 é uma proteína de ligação ao RNA, com duas formas homólogas altamente conservadas, LIN28A e LIN28B. Os proto-oncogenes LIN28A e LIN28B são regulados pela família de miRNAs let-7 em diferentes tipos de cânceres em humanos. No presente trabalho, o objetivo foi determinar a expressão de LIN28A em amostras de tumor mamário de cadelas e a via LIN28/let-7 em linhagens celulares mamárias caninas. Nestas linhagens, através das técnicas de qPCR e RNAseq, foi identificado que a via LIN28/let-7 apresenta-se funcional, com alta expressão dos membros da família let-7 e baixa expressão de seus alvos, entre eles LIN28A e LIN28B. No entanto, as amostras de tecidos de carcinomas mamários caninos demonstraram expressão frequente de LIN28A, sendo observada principalmente em células epiteliais. Não foram observadas associações entre expressão de LIN28A com classificação e gradação histopatológicas, TNM e tempo de sobrevida. Nossos resultados sugerem uma possível relação da proteína LIN28A no desenvolvimento de carcinomas mamários caninos devido à alta frequência observada nas amostras tumorais (28 de 32). Os experimentos in vitro sugerem que a via LIN28/let-7 é ativa nas linhagens celulares caninas avaliadas. Entretanto, estudos funcionais ainda são necessários para elucidar a função exata da via LIN28/let-7 nos carcinomas mamários caninos.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/genética , Proteínas de Ligação a RNA/análise , MicroRNAs/análise , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 708, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363678


Background: In horses, the thyroid gland is located slightly caudal to the larynx and dorsolaterally between the third and sixth tracheal ring, adjacent to the thyroid, there are four small glands called parathyroid glands. In the clinical routine of horses, thyropathies are difficult to be diagnosed, as they have a silent evolution. Thyroid neoplasia is the most common finding in horses, usually unilateral and normally present in older animals. The present study reports a case of equine thyroid carcinoma and its systemic clinical effects, which was successfully treated by means of hemitieroidectomy. Case: A 12-year-old male mixed breed horse weighing 436 kg, was admitted to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the FZEA/USP with the main complaint of volume increase in the right ventrolateral region of the neck, difficulty in swallowing, significant weight loss and weakness of the pelvic limbs. On inspection, there was an increase in volume in the topographic region of the thyroid gland and on palpation, there was a firm mass, with delimited edges, with a smooth, mobile surface, without increasing the temperature and without pain. The animal was sent for ultrasound examination, which revealed a delimited mass, with an apparent capsule around it, differentiated and disorganized cellularity with small hypoechoic points of liquid inside the structure, with no apparent vascularization inside the mass. These findings, associated with the anatomical location of the mass, were consistent with thyroid tissue. The clinical signs commonly observed in thyroid neoformations are respiratory stridor, decreased performance, difficulty in swallowing and suffocation. As there was a compromised diet and weight gain, as well as athletic performance, he chose to have a hemithyroidectomy. After surgery, histopathology of the tissue was performed and thyroid carcinoma was diagnosed. Postoperatively, the animal was medicated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and anti-tetanus serum, after 10 days the stitches were removed and the animal was discharged. Discussion: Neoplasia is the most frequent cause of progressive thyroid growth and in case of suspicion of thyroid disorders, thin needle aspiration (FNAB) is recommended and, later, histopathological examination, which is considered the gold standard for diagnosis pathologies of the thyroid gland. In the present case, no FNAB or preoperative histopathological examination was performed due to the time required to obtain the result, associated with difficulty in swallowing and significant weight loss, which required immediate removal of the mass. Considering that the ultrasound examination revealed the absence of noble structures or important vascularization very close to or adhered to the mass, its removal prior to the histopathological examination was indicated. As there was compromised feeding and weight gain, he opted for hemithyroidectomy, the recommended treatment for unilateral tumors in horses. When performing a hemithyroidectomy, it should be remembered that the parathyroid glands accompany the thyroid and are located in its posterior portion, in the pre tracheal region, with its variable final position. With this variation in topography, the identification of parathyroid glands becomes challenging and, consequently, after thyroidectomy, a portion of parathyroid glands stops operating, and this fact is marked clinically by hypocalcemia and its consequences. In this case described, in which the animal had a tumor in thyroid tissue, possibly the parathyroid functions were also altered, which probably reflected in the lameness in the pelvic limbs. It is concluded that partial hemithyroidectomy in horses is an easy procedure to perform and has favorable results in relation to prognosis and quality of life.

Animais , Masculino , Glândula Tireoide/cirurgia , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/veterinária , Carcinoma Anaplásico da Tireoide/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia , Tireoidectomia/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(2): e20200051, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285133


Abstract Glutamine is often used to treat metabolic changes associated with anorexia-cachexia syndrome in patients with malignant neoplasms. Walker 256 tumor is an excellent model for studying these changes associated with cancer in different organs, including injuries in testicular functions. However, the effects of supplementing glutamine on testicular morphometry in this model have not yet been investigated. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of L-glutamine supplementation on testicular morphometry in rats transplanted with Walker 256 tumor cells. Forty puberty Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control without L-glutamine (C); control supplemented with L-glutamine (CG); inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells (WT) and inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells and supplemented with L-glutamine (WTG). The testicles were removed, weighed, fixed in Bouin, and included in paraffin for histomorphometric analysis. Walker 256 tumor caused quantitative changes in the tubular and intertubular compartments and tunica albuginea, with reductions in the percentages of lumen and tunica albuginea, number of Sertoli cells per gram of testis; number of Leydig cells; percentage of blood vessels and connective tissue in intertubule. However, glutamine supplementation prevented part of these changes caused by the tumor, presenting mainly a protective effect on the tunica albuginea and percentage of blood and lymph vessels in the intertubule. These results indicate the potential of L-glutamine was able to recover for testicular dysfunction associated with cancer.