Background: Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) is a small rodent that in recent years has been increasingly used as a laboratory animal by different researchers. Brain irrigation is the object of study by several authors, being chinchilla classifiedas a vertebrobasillary animal, that is, it does not depend on the internal carotid artery to originate its cerebral arterialvascularization. Thus, the objective of this study was to systematize and describe the branches of the rostral, middle andcaudal cerebral arteries that vascularized the paleopallia area of the chinchilla.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty Chinchilla lanigera brains were used in this study, 17 females and 13 adult malesfrom farms in the municipalities of Viamão and Santa Maria in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The animals wereheparinized, with 5000 IU / animal, and after 30 min were sacrificed with 8 mL / 2.5% sodium thiopental animal, bothintraperitoneally. The thoracic cavity was opened, the cardiac apex sectioned and the aortic arch was cannulated throughthe left ventricle. The arterial system was flushed with 0.9% cooled saline, 100mL / animal and then filled with 603 latexstained red with specific dye. The skin was recessed and a bone window opened in the cranial vault. Thus the pieces werefixed in 20% formaldehyde for seven days and after this period, the brain with a cervical spinal cord segment was removedand ventral schematic drawings of all preparations were prepared. The Veterinary Anatomical Nomina (2017) was usedto name the cerebral arteries and their branches and for the statistical analysis of the results, the percentage calculationwas applied. Brain irrigation in the chinchilla was supplied by the basilar artery, which was formed by anastomosis of theterminal branches of the right and left vertebral arteries, in the most caudal portion of the oblong medulla. The paleopalliaareas corresponded to the olfactory trine, lateral brain fossa, piriform lobe...
Animais , Chinchila/anatomia & histologia , Cérebro/anatomia & histologia , Cérebro/irrigação sanguíneaResumo
Background: Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) is a small rodent that in recent years has been increasingly used as a laboratory animal by different researchers. Brain irrigation is the object of study by several authors, being chinchilla classifiedas a vertebrobasillary animal, that is, it does not depend on the internal carotid artery to originate its cerebral arterialvascularization. Thus, the objective of this study was to systematize and describe the branches of the rostral, middle andcaudal cerebral arteries that vascularized the paleopallia area of the chinchilla.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty Chinchilla lanigera brains were used in this study, 17 females and 13 adult malesfrom farms in the municipalities of Viamão and Santa Maria in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The animals wereheparinized, with 5000 IU / animal, and after 30 min were sacrificed with 8 mL / 2.5% sodium thiopental animal, bothintraperitoneally. The thoracic cavity was opened, the cardiac apex sectioned and the aortic arch was cannulated throughthe left ventricle. The arterial system was flushed with 0.9% cooled saline, 100mL / animal and then filled with 603 latexstained red with specific dye. The skin was recessed and a bone window opened in the cranial vault. Thus the pieces werefixed in 20% formaldehyde for seven days and after this period, the brain with a cervical spinal cord segment was removedand ventral schematic drawings of all preparations were prepared. The Veterinary Anatomical Nomina (2017) was usedto name the cerebral arteries and their branches and for the statistical analysis of the results, the percentage calculationwas applied. Brain irrigation in the chinchilla was supplied by the basilar artery, which was formed by anastomosis of theterminal branches of the right and left vertebral arteries, in the most caudal portion of the oblong medulla. The paleopalliaareas corresponded to the olfactory trine, lateral brain fossa, piriform lobe...(AU)
Animais , Chinchila/anatomia & histologia , Cérebro/anatomia & histologia , Cérebro/irrigação sanguíneaResumo
O estudo referente à formação do sistema venoso portal (VP) em chinchila (Chincilla lanigera) foi obtido através da análise de 10 animais dos quais o sis tema porta extra-hepático sofreu injeção de látex corado, seguidos de dissecação em estereolupa. Logo após foram confeccionados esquemas a partir dos resultados observados, onde se averiguou que a VP é originada sempre através da confluência de duas raízes. A primeira destas raízes é o tronco mesentérico comum (TM), formado a partir da união das veias mesentérica cranial e mesentérica caudal. O TM recebe ainda como tributárias as veias pancreaticoduodenal cranial e gastroepiplóica direita. A segunda raiz, que apresenta menor calibre, é a veia lienal. Esta descrição foi observada em 100% dos espécimes mantendo-se constante, sugestionando que os resultados obtidos possam ser considerados como modelo padrão.(AU)
The study regarding the formation of the system portal vein (VP) in chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) was obtained through the analysis of 10 specimens in which the extra-hepatic portal system suffered injection of red-faced latex, following by dissection in estereolupa. Thereafter outlines were made starting from the observed results, where it was discovered that VP is always originated from the confluence of two roots. The first of these roots is the trumcus mesentenricus communis (TM), formed from the union of the vena mesentericas cranialis and mesenterica caudalis. TM still receives as tax the vena pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis and gastroepiploica sinistra. The second root, with smaller caliber, is the vena lienalis. This description was observed in 100% of the specimens staying constant, suggesting that the obtained results can be considered as standard model.(AU)
Animais , Vasos Sanguíneos/anatomia & histologia , Veia Porta/anatomia & histologia , ChinchilaResumo
The preservation of chinchilla genital organs using a fixed solution of paraformaldehyde 10% buffered and a saturated solution of Bouin during 4, 12 and 18 hours of fixation, inclusion in paraffin and staining with hematoxylin-eosin was evaluated. The Bouin solution with 12 hours of fixation was the best protocol of fixation for the ovaries, oviduct, uterus and vagina, resulting in little tissue retraction and better cellular integration when compared to the other fixing times (4 and 18 hours). The fixation with paraformaldehyde showed good results of tissues fixation. Chinchilla genital organs can be preserved with paraformaldehyde 10% buffered and Bouin solution using 12 hours of fixation.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Fixadores/análise , Microscopia de Polarização/métodos , Genitália Feminina/anatomia & histologia , Genitália Feminina/crescimento & desenvolvimento , ChinchilaResumo
As carnes, em geral, são consideradas alimentos nobres para o homem pela qualidade de proteínas, pela presença de ácidos graxos essenciais, de vitaminas do complexo B e de certos minerais. A carne de chinchila possui excelente qualidade e sabor. No presente trabalho foram determinadas a composição química e a composição de cálcio e fósforo da carne de chinchila, seguindo a metodologia de Terra & Brum (1988), além da avaliação sensorial da carne. A análise indicou 74,02g% de umidade; 20,30g% de proteína; 4,20g% de lipídeos; 1,24g% de cinzas e 0,24g% de carboidratos. Para os minerais cálcio e fósforo, foram encontrados valores de 16,22 mg% e 303,0 mg%, respectivamente. Na análise sensorial, verificou-se que a carne de chinchila foi bem aceita pelos provadores. A análise da composição química da carne de chinchila mostrou ser uma boa fonte protéica, de fósforo e restrita em lipídios, fatores importantes para uma dieta equilibrada. Observa-se a necessidade de outros estudos sobre a criação comercial da chinchila, caracterização da carne e avaliação do processo de abate, o qual pode influenciar na qualidade da carne.(AU)
The meats, in general, are considered noble foods for the man for the quality of proteins, the presence of acid greasy essentials, vitamins of the complex B and certain minerals. The meat of chinchilla possess excellent quality and flavor. In the present work the chemical composition and the compositionof calcium and match of the meat of chinchilla had been determined, following the methodology of Terra & Brum (1988), beyond the sensorial evaluation of the meat. The analysis indicated 74,02 g% of humidity; 20,30 g% of protein; 4,20 g% of lipids; 1,24 g% of leached ashes and 0,24 g% of carbohydrate. For minerals calcium and match, values of 16,22 mg% and 303,0 mg% had been found, respectively. 1nthe sensorial analysis, it was verified that the meat of chinchilla was well accepted for the cloth provers. The analysis of the chemical composition of the meat of chinchilla showed to be a good protein source, of restricted match and in important lipids, factors for a balanced diet. It is observed necessity of other studies on the commercial creation of chinchilla, characterization of the meat and evaluation of the process of abates, which can influence in the quality of the meat. (AU)
Animais , Composição de Alimentos , Carne/análise , Chinchila , Valor Nutritivo , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Análise de Alimentos , BrasilResumo
Trophoblastic pulmonary embolism is described in three chinchillas. In one of these cases there was also trophoblastic infiltration to the myometrium. The ages of the chinchillas varied from 14 months to six years. One of them was in the late gestation and the other two in the puerperium. Trophoblastic pulmonary embolism is reported in pregnant women and chinchillas. In both species it is considered an incidental finding; however, occasionally, can be the cause of death in women. Trophoblastic pulmonary embolism in chinchillas could serve as an animal model of human diseases to study the pathogenesis as it applies for the condition in women. In these three cases the embolism was considered an incidental finding.
Descreve-se embolia pulmonar trofoblástica em três chinchilas e infiltração trofoblástica no miométrio de uma delas. A idade das chinchilas variou de 14 meses a 6 anos. Uma estava no final da gestação e as outras duas no puerpério. Embolia pulmonar por células trofoblásticas é descrita em mulheres e chinchilas gestantes. Em ambas as espécies, é considerada um achado histopatológico incidental, porém em mulheres, ocasionalmente, pode levar à morte. Embolia pulmonar trofoblástica em chinchilas pode servir como um modelo animal da doença humana para o estudo da patogênese da condição em mulheres. Nesses três casos, a embolia pulmonar por células trofoblásticas foi considerada um achado histopatológico incidental.
Trophoblastic pulmonary embolism is described in three chinchillas. In one of these cases there was also trophoblastic infiltration to the myometrium. The ages of the chinchillas varied from 14 months to six years. One of them was in the late gestation and the other two in the puerperium. Trophoblastic pulmonary embolism is reported in pregnant women and chinchillas. In both species it is considered an incidental finding; however, occasionally, can be the cause of death in women. Trophoblastic pulmonary embolism in chinchillas could serve as an animal model of human diseases to study the pathogenesis as it applies for the condition in women. In these three cases the embolism was considered an incidental finding.
Descreve-se embolia pulmonar trofoblástica em três chinchilas e infiltração trofoblástica no miométrio de uma delas. A idade das chinchilas variou de 14 meses a 6 anos. Uma estava no final da gestação e as outras duas no puerpério. Embolia pulmonar por células trofoblásticas é descrita em mulheres e chinchilas gestantes. Em ambas as espécies, é considerada um achado histopatológico incidental, porém em mulheres, ocasionalmente, pode levar à morte. Embolia pulmonar trofoblástica em chinchilas pode servir como um modelo animal da doença humana para o estudo da patogênese da condição em mulheres. Nesses três casos, a embolia pulmonar por células trofoblásticas foi considerada um achado histopatológico incidental.