The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth and quality of arabica coffee seedlings produced in tubes under different sources of phosphorus (P). The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in a randomized block design with ten treatments (control, Osmocote®, three doses of pelleted organomineral, three doses of mashed organomineral, MAP, coated MAP) and four replications, three plants per plot. The dose of organomineral, MAP, and MAP coated was based on the recommendation of P2O5for the formation of coffee seedlings.For Osmocote®, the manufacturer's recommendation was used depending on the amount, in dm³, of substrate. After 180 days of transplanting, the growth characteristics of the plants (leaf dry matter, stem, and roots) were evaluated, and the aerial part and root system ratio and Dickson's quality index were calculated, as well as regression equations were adjusted for the evaluated parameters. For the growth and quality of seedlings, it was observed that in fertilizations with pelleted and branched organomineral, coated MAP and Osmocote®, the highest averages were obtained for the contents of dry matter, height, diameter of the collection and quality indexes, when compared to the other sources of P2O5.The dose that provides the maximum growth and quality of coffee seedlings for the treatments with organomineral was calculated, this being equal to 6 g/dm³ of P2O5for bran and pelleted organomineral. According to the results, the sources that promoted the formation of a vigorous seedling, with an adequate supply of nutrients and a good quality standard are pelleted organonineral fertilization and MAP, reducing the risk of losses and consequently the need to discard the seedlings in the nursery.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o crescimento e a qualidade de mudas de café arábica produzidas em tubetes sob diferentes fontes de fósforo(P). O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em delineamento de blocos casualizados com dez tratamentos(controle, Osmocote®, três doses de organomineral peletizado, três doses de organomineral farelado, MAP, MAP revestido)e quatrorepetições, três plantas por parcela. A dose de organomineral, MAP e MAP revestidofoi baseada na recomendação de P2O5para a formação de mudas de café. Para Osmocote®, foi utilizada a recomendação do fabricante emfunção da quantidade, em dm³, de substrato. Após 180 dias do transplante, foram avaliadas as características de crescimento das plantas (matéria seca de folhas, caule e raízes), calculadas a razão parte aérea e sistema radicular e o índice de qualidade de Dickson, bem como ajustadas equações de regressão para os parâmetros avaliados. Para o crescimento e qualidade das mudas, observou-se que nas adubações com organomineral peletizado e farelado, MAP revestido e Osmocote®, as maiores médias para os teores de matéria seca, altura, diâmetro da coletae índices de qualidade, quando comparados as outras fontes de P2O5.Foi possível identificara dose que proporciona o máximo crescimento e qualidade de mudas de café para os tratamentos com organomineral, sendo esta igual a 6 g/dm³ de P2O5para o organomineral farelado e peletizado. De acordo com os resultados, as fontes que promoveram a formação de uma muda vigorosa, com aporte adequado de nutrientes e um bom padrão de qualidade são a adubação organomineral peletizada e MAP, reduzindo o risco de perdas e consequentemente a necessidade de descarte das mudas no viveiro.(AU)
Fósforo/efeitos adversos , Café/efeitos dos fármacos , Compostagem/métodosResumo
Considered the economic engine of many countries, the coffee culture represents an important component of the agricultural chain in Brazil. The growing values of commercialization, planting areas, and crop productivity require the acquisition of quality seedlings, which must receive adequate nutritional support through efficient fertilizers. Slow and controlled-release fertilizers, such as organominerals, gain prominence when it comes to increasing efficiency in the use of phosphorus, as well as plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) with phosphate solubilizing characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different sources of mineral and organomineral fertilizers, inoculated and non-inoculated with PGPB on the quality parameters of coffee seedlings. In general, the P sources used in the experiment positively interfered with the development of coffee seedlings. This proves that there is a need for nutritional supplementation for the good development of the seedlings. Among the sources used, the organomineral in granulated form showed better performance in coffee seedlings' growth and physiological parameters, proving to be a viable alternative to commonly used fertilizers. The addition of PGPB showed a significant advantage for seedling quality variables.
Considerado o motor econômico de muitos países, a cultura do café representa um importante componente da cadeia agrícola no Brasil. Os crescentes valores de comercialização, das áreas de plantio e da produtividade da cultura requerem aquisição de mudas de qualidade, que devem receber adequado aporte nutricional através do uso eficiente de fertilizantes. Fertilizantes de liberação lenta e controlada, a exemplo dos organominerais, ganham destaque quando se trata de aumento da eficiência no uso do fósforo, assim como as bactérias promotoras de crescimento de plantas (BPCP) com características solubilizadoras de fosfato. Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes fontes de fertilizantes mineral e organomineral, inoculados e não inoculados com BPCP, sobre parâmetros de qualidade de mudas de café. De forma geral, as fontes de P utilizadas no experimento interferiram positivamente no desenvolvimento das mudas de café. Isso comprova que existe a necessidade de complementação nutricional para um bom desenvolvimento das mudas. Dentre as fontes utilizadas, o organomineral na forma granulada apresentou melhor desempenho nos parâmetros de crescimento e fisiológicos das mudas de café, mostrando ser uma alternativa viável aos fertilizantes comumente utilizados. A adição de BPCP apresentou vantagem significativa para as variáveis de qualidade das mudas.
Fósforo/administração & dosagem , Reguladores de Crescimento de Plantas , Coffea , FertilizantesResumo
This research evaluated the effects of coffee cultivation with two different water regimes associated or not with liming and the presence/absence of brachiaria as intercrop on the activities of the soil enzymes ß-glucosidase, arylsulfatase and acid phosphatase. The study was carried out at the experimental farm of Embrapa Cerrados, using the cultivar IAC 144 (Coffea arabica L.), under a clayey dystrophic Cerrado Oxisol. Two water regimes (WR) were considered, WR1 with irrigation shifts throughout the year and WR3 with controlled water stress, for about 70 days, in the dry season. In each water regime, effects of lime application (with/without) and the presence/absence of brachiaria cultivated between the lines of coffee plants were evaluated. The activities of the enzymes ß-glucosidase, arylsulfatase and acid phosphatase were evaluated during the rainy and dry seasons. Liming and intercropped brachiaria positively affected the activities of the three enzymes assessed in this study at varying degrees, depending on season and/or the WR. Our findings evidenced that intercropped brachiaria in coffee rows was the factor that most positively impacted soil enzymes activities.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do cultivo do café sobre a atividade das enzimas do solo ß-glicosidase, arilsulfatase e fosfatase ácida em função de dois diferentes regimes hídricos associados ou não à calagem e ao cultivo de braquiária nas entrelinhas. Esse estudo foi realizado em um experimento conduzido no campo experimental do Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária dos Cerrados, utilizando a cultivar IAC 144 (Coffea arabica L.), sob um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico argiloso. Foram considerados dois regimes hídricos (RH), RH1 com irrigação plena em turnos de rega ao longo do ano e RH3 com estresse hídrico controlado, por cerca de 70 dias, na época seca. Em cada regime hídrico foram avaliadas a aplicação ou não de calcário em cobertura e a presença ou ausência de braquiária cultivada nas entrelinhas das plantas do cafezal. As atividades das enzimas ß-glicosidase, arilsulfatase e fosfatase ácida foram avaliadas durante as estações chuvosa e seca. A calagem e a presença de braquiária nas entrelinhas tiveram efeito positivo sobre a atividade das três enzimas avaliadas nesse estudo, em graus variáveis, dependendo da época de coleta das amostras e/ou do RH. Nossos resultados evidenciam que a braquiária nas entrelinhas do café foi o fator de maior impacto positivo sobre a atividade enzimática do solo.
Arilsulfatases/análise , Fosfatase Ácida/análise , Acidez do Solo/análise , Coffea , Glicosídeo Hidrolases/análise , BrachiariaResumo
The exogenous application of salicylic acid can induce plant resistance against pathogens. However, little is known about the potential uses of this bioregulator for controlling coffee diseases. In this study, we assessed the effect of applying salicylic acid (SA 150 mg L-1) on the management of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in a 7-year-old coffee plantation with low crop load (651.6 kg ha-1 in 2017). For comparison, plants were sprayed with protectant fungicide (copper hydroxide CH) and standard fungicides (SF) used by local farmers (boscalid, pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole, and copper hydroxide). Non-treated plants were included as a negative control. Five monthly applications were performed from November 2016 to March 2017. Rust incidence and severity, defoliation, and growth of plagiotropic branches were evaluated monthly. The activity of catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total proteins was assessed one day after the first, third, and fifth product applications. Compared to untreated plants, SA reduced the severity and incidence of rust from 36.3 to 54.7%, while CH and SF reduced disease from 31.8 to 54.6% and from 83.8 to 88%, respectively. SA reduced defoliation by 54.1%. SA increased the concentration of CAT, APX, and SOD after the first application. However, this effect was not observed after subsequent applications. Foliar application of SA reduces the severity and incidence of coffee rust and defoliation in plants with a low crop load.
Café/química , Coffea , Ácido Salicílico/análiseResumo
The exogenous application of salicylic acid can induce plant resistance against pathogens. However, little is known about the potential uses of this bioregulator for controlling coffee diseases. In this study, we assessed the effect of applying salicylic acid (SA 150 mg L-1) on the management of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in a 7-year-old coffee plantation with low crop load (651.6 kg ha-1 in 2017). For comparison, plants were sprayed with protectant fungicide (copper hydroxide CH) and standard fungicides (SF) used by local farmers (boscalid, pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole, and copper hydroxide). Non-treated plants were included as a negative control. Five monthly applications were performed from November 2016 to March 2017. Rust incidence and severity, defoliation, and growth of plagiotropic branches were evaluated monthly. The activity of catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total proteins was assessed one day after the first, third, and fifth product applications. Compared to untreated plants, SA reduced the severity and incidence of rust from 36.3 to 54.7%, while CH and SF reduced disease from 31.8 to 54.6% and from 83.8 to 88%, respectively. SA reduced defoliation by 54.1%. SA increased the concentration of CAT, APX, and SOD after the first application. However, this effect was not observed after subsequent applications. Foliar application of SA reduces the severity and incidence of coffee rust and defoliation in plants with a low crop load.(AU)
Café/química , Ácido Salicílico/análise , CoffeaResumo
To investigate the degree of parasitism of two populations of Meloidogyne exigua, the gall index (GI) and the reproduction factor (RF) of M. exigua races 1 (Est E2) and 2 (Est E1) were analyzed in 47 progenies on F3:4 or F4:5 generation derived from the crossing between Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí Amarelo and Timor Hybrid. C. canephora cv. Apoatã IAC 2258 and C. arabica cv. Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 were used as resistance and susceptibility checks, respectively. The genotypes that were classified as resistant or susceptible by RF were similarly classified by GI, showing a close relationship between both methodologies. The data also indicated no differences in virulence between the nematode populations, since the progenies showed similar resistance reactions to the M. exigua races 1 and 2. According to GI from the 47 mother plants evaluated, 27 progenies (57.4%) were classified as resistant to M. exigua races 1 and 2, with GI ranging from 0.0 to 1.4 and 20 progenies (42.6%) were susceptible with GI from 2.6 to 4.4. These results showed that most of the evaluated germplasm was very promising in relation to the development of new Arabica coffee cultivars with resistance to M. exigua.(AU)
Com o objetivo de investigar o grau de parasitismo de duas populações de Meloidogyne exigua, o índice de galhas (IG) e o fator de reprodução (FR) de M. exigua raças 1 (Est E2) e 2 (Est E1) foram analisados em 47 progênies na geração F3:4 ou F4:5, derivadas do cruzamento entre Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí Amarelo e Híbrido de Timor. Plantas de C. canephora cv. Apoatã IAC 2258 e C. arabica cv. Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 foram usadas como padrão de resistência e de suscetibilidade, respectivamente. Os genótipos que foram classificados como resistentes ou suscetíveis pelo FR foram similarmente classificados pelo IG, mostrando uma estreita relação entre as duas metodologias para a avaliação da resistência. Os dados também indicaram que não houve diferenças quanto à virulência entre as duas populações do nematoide, uma vez que as progênies mostraram similar reação de resistência a M. exigua raça 1 e 2. De acordo com o IG, das 47 plantas-mãe avaliadas, 27 progenies (57,4%) foram classificadas como resistentes a M. exigua raças 1 e 2, com IG variando de 0,0 a 1,4 e 20 progenies (42,6%) foram suscetíveis, com IG variando de 2,6 a 4,4. Esses resultados mostraram que a maioria dos germoplasmas avaliados foi muito promissora em relação ao desenvolvimento de novas cultivares de café Arábica com resistência a M. exigua.(AU)
Tylenchoidea/parasitologia , Nematoides/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coffea/genéticaResumo
The biotrophic fungus Hemileia vastatrix causes coffee leaf rust (CLR), one of the most devastating diseases in Coffea arabica. Coffee, like other plants, has developed effective mechanisms to recognize and respond to infections caused by pathogens. Plant resistance gene analogs (RGAs) have been identified in certain plants as candidates for resistance (R) genes or membrane receptors that activate the R genes. The RGAs identified in different plants possess conserved domains that play specific roles in the fight against pathogens. Despite the importance of RGAs, in coffee plants these genes and other molecular mechanisms of disease resistance are still unknown. This study aimed to sequence and characterize candidate genes from coffee plants with the potential for involvement in resistance to H. vastatrix . Sequencing was performed based on a library of bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) of the coffee clone Híbrido de Timor (HdT) CIFC 832/2 and screened using a functional marker. Two RGAs, HdT_LRR_RLK1 and HdT_LRR_RLK2, containing the motif of leucine-rich repeat-like kinase (LRR-RLK) were identified. Based on the presence or absence of the HdT_LRR_RLK2 RGA in a number of differential coffee clones containing different combinations of the rust resistance gene, these RGAs did not correspond to any resistance gene already characterized (SH1-9). These genes were also analyzed using qPCR and demonstrated a major expression peak at 24 h after inoculation in both the compatible and incompatible interactions between coffee and H. vastatrix . These results are valuable information for breeding programs aimed at developing CLR-resistant cultivars, in addition to enabling a better understanding of the interactions between coffee and H. vastatrix .(AU)
Fungos/patogenicidade , Coffea/genética , Coffea/imunologiaResumo
The biotrophic fungus Hemileia vastatrix causes coffee leaf rust (CLR), one of the most devastating diseases in Coffea arabica. Coffee, like other plants, has developed effective mechanisms to recognize and respond to infections caused by pathogens. Plant resistance gene analogs (RGAs) have been identified in certain plants as candidates for resistance (R) genes or membrane receptors that activate the R genes. The RGAs identified in different plants possess conserved domains that play specific roles in the fight against pathogens. Despite the importance of RGAs, in coffee plants these genes and other molecular mechanisms of disease resistance are still unknown. This study aimed to sequence and characterize candidate genes from coffee plants with the potential for involvement in resistance to H. vastatrix . Sequencing was performed based on a library of bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) of the coffee clone Híbrido de Timor (HdT) CIFC 832/2 and screened using a functional marker. Two RGAs, HdT_LRR_RLK1 and HdT_LRR_RLK2, containing the motif of leucine-rich repeat-like kinase (LRR-RLK) were identified. Based on the presence or absence of the HdT_LRR_RLK2 RGA in a number of differential coffee clones containing different combinations of the rust resistance gene, these RGAs did not correspond to any resistance gene already characterized (SH1-9). These genes were also analyzed using qPCR and demonstrated a major expression peak at 24 h after inoculation in both the compatible and incompatible interactions between coffee and H. vastatrix . These results are valuable information for breeding programs aimed at developing CLR-resistant cultivars, in addition to enabling a better understanding of the interactions between coffee and H. vastatrix .
Coffea/genética , Coffea/imunologia , Fungos/patogenicidadeResumo
ABSTRACT: The chemical analysis of flowers has been studied for some crops. In coffee trees, the flower tissue analysis could anticipate the nutritional diagnosis. This study aimed to: (i) compare the mineral composition of coffee flowers and leaves; and to (ii) generate reference values for nutritional diagnosis of coffee trees, based on flower and leaf analysis. Nutrient content of flowers and leaves and coffee productivity were evaluated in 26 commercial farms located in Manhuaçu, MG, Brazil throughout three years. The critical nutrient content range in flowers are respectively: 2.78 - 3.17, 0.23 - 0.28, 2.80 - 3.12, 0.30 - 0.37, 0.24 - 0.30, 0.15 - 0.18 dag kg-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S; and 17 - 21, 12 - 18, 52 - 80, 26 - 43, and 28 - 48 mg kg-1 of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, and B. For leaves, the critical nutrient ranges are respectively: 2.63 - 2.86, 0.13 - 0.14, 2.13 - 2.33, 1.04 - 1.22, 0.27 - 0.33, 0.15 - 0.18 dag kg-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S; and 9 - 14, 15 - 23, 80 - 115, 99 - 148, and 31 - 37 mg kg-1 of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, and B. The nutritional diagnosis of coffee trees for N, P, Ca, Fe, Cu, and Mn can be anticipated using flower analysis.
RESUMO: A análise química de flores tem sido estudada em algumas culturas. Para o cafeeiro, a análise do tecido floral possibilitaria a antecipação do diagnóstico nutricional das lavouras. O estudo objetivou (i) comparar a composição mineral de flores e de folhas de cafeeiros (ii) e gerar normas para diagnose nutricional do cafeeiro com base na análise de tecidos de flores e folhas das plantas. Para isso, foram avaliados os teores de nutrientes em flores e folhas e a produtividade de café em 26 lavouras comerciais na região de Manhuaçu, MG, durante três anos. As faixas críticas de nutrientes determinadas em flores são: 2,78 - 3,17; 0,23 - 0,28; 2,80 - 3,12; 0,30 - 0,37; 0,24 - 0,30; 0,15 - 0,18 dag kg-1 de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, e 17 - 21; 12 - 18; 52 - 80; 26 - 43 e 28 - 48 mg kg-1 para Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe e B, respectivamente. As faixas críticas de nutrientes em folhas foram: 2,63 - 2,86; 0,13 - 0,14; 2,13 - 2,33; 1,04 - 1,22; 0,27 - 0,33; 0,15 - 0,18 dag kg-1 de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, e 9 - 14; 15 - 23; 80 - 115; 99 - 148 e 31 - 37 mg kg-1 para Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe e B, respectivamente. A diagnose nutricional do cafeeiro, quanto aos nutrientes N, P, Ca, Fe, Cu e Mn, pode ser antecipada por meio da análise de flores.
The chemical analysis of flowers has been studied for some crops. In coffee trees, the flower tissue analysis could anticipate the nutritional diagnosis. This study aimed to: (i) compare the mineral composition of coffee flowers and leaves; and to (ii) generate reference values for nutritional diagnosis of coffee trees, based on flower and leaf analysis. Nutrient content of flowers and leaves and coffee productivity were evaluated in 26 commercial farms located in Manhuaçu, MG, Brazil throughout three years. The critical nutrient content range in flowers are respectively: 2.78 - 3.17, 0.23 - 0.28, 2.80 - 3.12, 0.30 - 0.37, 0.24 - 0.30, 0.15 - 0.18 dag kg-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S; and 17 - 21, 12 - 18, 52 - 80, 26 - 43, and 28 - 48 mg kg-1 of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, and B. For leaves, the critical nutrient ranges are respectively: 2.63 - 2.86, 0.13 - 0.14, 2.13 - 2.33, 1.04 - 1.22, 0.27 - 0.33, 0.15 - 0.18 dag kg-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S; and 9 - 14, 15 - 23, 80 - 115, 99 - 148, and 31 - 37 mg kg-1 of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, and B. The nutritional diagnosis of coffee trees for N, P, Ca, Fe, Cu, and Mn can be anticipated using flower analysis.(AU)
A análise química de flores tem sido estudada em algumas culturas. Para o cafeeiro, a análise do tecido floral possibilitaria a antecipação do diagnóstico nutricional das lavouras. O estudo objetivou (i) comparar a composição mineral de flores e de folhas de cafeeiros (ii) e gerar normas para diagnose nutricional do cafeeiro com base na análise de tecidos de flores e folhas das plantas. Para isso, foram avaliados os teores de nutrientes em flores e folhas e a produtividade de café em 26 lavouras comerciais na região de Manhuaçu, MG, durante três anos. As faixas críticas de nutrientes determinadas em flores são: 2,78 - 3,17; 0,23 - 0,28; 2,80 - 3,12; 0,30 - 0,37; 0,24 - 0,30; 0,15 - 0,18 dag kg-1 de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, e 17 - 21; 12 - 18; 52 - 80; 26 - 43 e 28 - 48 mg kg-1 para Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe e B, respectivamente. As faixas críticas de nutrientes em folhas foram: 2,63 - 2,86; 0,13 - 0,14; 2,13 - 2,33; 1,04 - 1,22; 0,27 - 0,33; 0,15 - 0,18 dag kg-1 de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, e 9 - 14; 15 - 23; 80 - 115; 99 - 148 e 31 - 37 mg kg-1 para Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe e B, respectivamente. A diagnose nutricional do cafeeiro, quanto aos nutrientes N, P, Ca, Fe, Cu e Mn, pode ser antecipada por meio da análise de flores.(AU)