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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e57783, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396815


There have been determined the features of m. longissimus lumborum steaks from young cattle-for-fattening of Holstein-Friesian breed, Polish black-and-white variety. There were measured pH values, basic chemical composition and colour parameters. The meat was subjected to moist-ageing for 12 days and, next, stored in modified atmosphere for the following 10 days. The amount of heat loss in relation to the temperature of thermal processing was determined. Texture parameters were studied instrumentally and organoleptically. The studied muscles from young cattle-for-fattening characterised with proper and similar pH values. The average fat content was 4.37%. The surface colour of the studied dorsal muscle was relatively bright, the average value L*=37.97, and on the cross-section L*=32.97. The average value of the muscle surface's 'redness' was a*=18.98, whereas cross-section's a*=20.27. The amounts of heat leakages were rising along with the increase of temperature from 11.24 to 37.14%. Ageing and storing in MAP led to a significant decrease in the amounts of heat leakages. Ageing and storing in MAP had a significant influence on decreasing shear force and on increasing the organoleptic evaluation marks of the m. longissimus lumborum after thermal processing, which shows that the muscle may become culinary meat with features accepted by consumers.(AU)

Animais , Controle de Qualidade , Bovinos , Carne/análise , Sensação , Envelhecimento/fisiologia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(4): e20210395, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339691


Different chilling treatments are used before meat storage. The effect of spray chilling (SC) on meat quality appears to vary. Here, we investigated the effects of SC on beef carcass weight loss and meat quality during subsequent storage. The 2-h SC program tested involved 180-s initial spraying, followed by 60-s spray cycles at 540-s intervals. Deboned chuck tender (IMPS 116B) beef cuts were vacuum-packaged and stored for up to 60 d. Purge and cooking losses, Warner-Bratzler shear force, meat colour [CIE L*, a*, b*], and microbiological quality were evaluated. SC reduced carcass weight loss (P<0.001) compared with conventional chilling. However, storage time affected the purge and cooking losses, and Warner-Bratzler shear force. CIE a* and b* values increased (P<0.05) after 30-d aging in both chilling treatments. Pronounced psychrotrophic growth was observed during storage after both treatments. In conclusion, SC can be used to reduce the economic losses associated with meat chilling, without affecting meat quality attributes.

Diferentes tratamentos de resfriamento são utilizados antes da estocagem das carnes. O efeito da aspersão de carcaças (SC) na qualidade da carne parece variar. Neste estudo, investigou-se os efeitos da aspersão de carcaças bovinas na perda de peso e na qualidade da carne durante subsequente estocagem. O programa de aspersão testado foi de um tempo total de 2 h, com uma aspersão inicial de 180 s, seguida por ciclos de aspersão de 60 s em intervalos de 540 s. Os cortes comerciais desossados "Peixinho" (IMPS 116B) foram embalados a vácuo e estocados por até 60 dias. Foram avaliadas as perdas por exsudação e cozimento, força de cisalhamento por Warner-Bratzler, cor da carne (CIE L*, a*, b*) e qualidade microbiológica. SC reduziu a perda de peso da carcaça (P < 0,001) em comparação com o resfriamento convencional. No entanto, o tempo de estocagem influenciou a perda por exsudação, por cozimento e força de cisalhamento. Os valores de CIE a* e b* aumentaram (P < 0,05) após 30 dias de maturação em ambos os tratamentos de resfriamento. O crescimento pronunciado de psicrotróficos foi observado durante a estocagem em ambos os tratamentos. Em conclusão, o SC pode ser usado para reduzir as perdas econômicas associadas ao resfriamento da carne, sem afetar os atributos de qualidade da carne.

Animais , Bovinos , Fenômenos Químicos , Carne Vermelha/microbiologia , Alimentos Congelados/microbiologia , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e Serviços
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 22(1): eRBCA-2019-1172, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27261


The study aimed to compare and assess some of the quality characteristics (morphology, colour of the yolk, total carotenoid content and fatty acid profile) of eggs obtained from hens reared conventionally or in alternative system having access to pasture. Twenty eggs of each rearing system were analysed for the above characteristics. The eggs obtained from the layer reared under the alternative system were significantly heavier than the conventional ones, displayed higher diameters of the albumen and albumen index, as well as increased diameter and weight of the yolk. On the other hand, their shell thickness and Haugh units were lower when compared to the eggs from conventionally reared hens. The colour of the eggs from the alternative system was darker and they had lower values of L* and higher of a* in the yolk, corresponding to the significantly higher content of the total carotenoids in comparison to the eggs obtained from the hens reared conventionally. Furthermore, the eggs from the hens having access to pasture showed clear advantage in the fatty acid profile and the related lipid nutritional indices. In general, the rearing in alternative system reduced considerably the content of C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C16:1n-7 and C18:1n-9, as well as the saturated (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). On the other hand, with the exception of C20:3n-6, the contents of both individual and total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were dramatically increased in the eggs from the hens reared in the alternative system. This led to favourably decreased values of n-6/n-3 ratio as well as values of both atherogenic (AI) and thrombogenic (TI) indices but augmented ratio between hypo- and hypercholesterolemic fatty acids.(AU)

Animais , Ovos/análise , Ácidos Graxos , Galinhas
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 22(1): eRBCA, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490739


The study aimed to compare and assess some of the quality characteristics (morphology, colour of the yolk, total carotenoid content and fatty acid profile) of eggs obtained from hens reared conventionally or in alternative system having access to pasture. Twenty eggs of each rearing system were analysed for the above characteristics. The eggs obtained from the layer reared under the alternative system were significantly heavier than the conventional ones, displayed higher diameters of the albumen and albumen index, as well as increased diameter and weight of the yolk. On the other hand, their shell thickness and Haugh units were lower when compared to the eggs from conventionally reared hens. The colour of the eggs from the alternative system was darker and they had lower values of L* and higher of a* in the yolk, corresponding to the significantly higher content of the total carotenoids in comparison to the eggs obtained from the hens reared conventionally. Furthermore, the eggs from the hens having access to pasture showed clear advantage in the fatty acid profile and the related lipid nutritional indices. In general, the rearing in alternative system reduced considerably the content of C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C16:1n-7 and C18:1n-9, as well as the saturated (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). On the other hand, with the exception of C20:3n-6, the contents of both individual and total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were dramatically increased in the eggs from the hens reared in the alternative system. This led to favourably decreased values of n-6/n-3 ratio as well as values of both atherogenic (AI) and thrombogenic (TI) indices but augmented ratio between hypo- and hypercholesterolemic fatty acids.

Animais , Galinhas , Ovos/análise , Ácidos Graxos
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 22(2): eRBCA-2019-1145, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28992


The aim of this study was to compare the final productivity parameters, carcass and meat quality in ducks fed with yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus) as a protein source instead of soybean meal. 200 Cherry Valley ducks were divided into two equal groups. Control (1) was fed with soybean meal, experimental (2) was fed with yellow lupin. Productivity parameters were calculated. After 8 weeks of rearing, 10 ducks from each group were slaughtered. The pH of breast muscles was measured 15 minutes and 24 hours post-mortem. Carcasses were dissected and each carcass part was weighed. After dissection, breast and leg muscles were analysed for selected parameters of meat quality (water holding capacity, and colour). Additionally, drip loss in breasts was analysed. The body weight of ducks, as well as FI and FCR between groups was compared (p 0.05). There were no differences (p>0.05) between groups in post-slaughter parameters, but the weight of offal was higher (p 0.05) in group 1 than in group 2. There were no differences in the weight of carcass muscles and fatness between the two groups (p>0.05). Lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) of breast muscles were higher (p 0.05) in group 2 than in group 1. The water-holding capacity of leg muscles was higher (p 0.05) in group 1 than in group 2. Yellow lupin in duck feed as a high-protein component did not deteriorate most meat traits, or the physicochemical parameters of their muscles. It can be proposed as a partial alternative to soybean meal.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas , Carne/análise , Lupinus
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 22(2): eRBCA, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490759


The aim of this study was to compare the final productivity parameters, carcass and meat quality in ducks fed with yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus) as a protein source instead of soybean meal. 200 Cherry Valley ducks were divided into two equal groups. Control (1) was fed with soybean meal, experimental (2) was fed with yellow lupin. Productivity parameters were calculated. After 8 weeks of rearing, 10 ducks from each group were slaughtered. The pH of breast muscles was measured 15 minutes and 24 hours post-mortem. Carcasses were dissected and each carcass part was weighed. After dissection, breast and leg muscles were analysed for selected parameters of meat quality (water holding capacity, and colour). Additionally, drip loss in breasts was analysed. The body weight of ducks, as well as FI and FCR between groups was compared (p 0.05). There were no differences (p>0.05) between groups in post-slaughter parameters, but the weight of offal was higher (p 0.05) in group 1 than in group 2. There were no differences in the weight of carcass muscles and fatness between the two groups (p>0.05). Lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) of breast muscles were higher (p 0.05) in group 2 than in group 1. The water-holding capacity of leg muscles was higher (p 0.05) in group 1 than in group 2. Yellow lupin in duck feed as a high-protein component did not deteriorate most meat traits, or the physicochemical parameters of their muscles. It can be proposed as a partial alternative to soybean meal.

Animais , Carne/análise , Galinhas , Lupinus
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 20(4): 759-764, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19683


The aim of this study was to determine slaughter and carcass traits of geese with different feather colour and gender. The study was conducted with Turkish geese in free-range production conditions in Kars, Turkey. A total of 282 geese (251 females, 31 males) were grouped by feather colour as black (n=49), white (n=77), black pied (n=127), and brown and brown tawny (n=29). Geese were weighed before slaughter and then the slaughter and carcass traits were determined. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA, and post-hoc Tukey HSD test was applied to compare feather-colour means and the independent sample t-test was used to compare gender means. Feather colour did not influence (p>0.05) slaughter and carcass traits, except for hot carcass, feather and heart percentages (p<0.05). Males showed statistically higher feet (p<0.001), heart (p<0.01), liver (p<0.05) and gizzard (p<0.01) weights compared with females, as well as significantly higher (p<0.05) feet, heart, liver and gizzard yields. In conclusion, feather colour did not influence the evaluated slaughter and carcass characteristics of geese reared under semi-intensive conditions in the province of Kars, Turkey, and higher feet, heart, liver and gizzard weights and yields were obtained in males than in females.(AU)

Animais , Gansos/fisiologia , Fatores Sexuais , Plumas , Pigmentação/fisiologia , Gansos/anatomia & histologia , Tamanho do Órgão , Abate de Animais
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 15(2): 148-155, Apr.-June.2018. ilus, tab, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461352


The characteristics of umbilical blood flow (UM) was investigated using 18 (25 foetuses) pregnant ewes and 20 (41 foetus) pregnant goats transrectal non-invasive color Doppler ultrasonographic examinations were done frequently between 2 and 8 week after breeding and then transabdominally until parturition. Colour Doppler velocimetery includes blood flow volume (BFV), time averaged maximum velocity (TAMV), resistance index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), time average of mean (TAMEAN) and impedance of blood flow (PS/ED or AB ratio). Also a qualitative evaluation of UM blood flow indicating increases (P < 0.001) in BFV, TAMV and TAMEAN were Observed until 19 week of pregnancy in foetuses of sheep and goats and then those values decreased (P < 0.001) from 19 week until parturition. Conversely, UM-PI, RI and PS/ED decreased (P < 0.002-0.01) until 19 week and then increased (P< 0.01-0.0001). The umbilical artery BFV increased (P < 0.0001)during pregnancy from 7.27 ± 0.82 ml/min in sheep vs. 4.96 ± 0.54 ml/min in goats at 6 week of gestation to 700.51 ± 31.05 ml/min (~100 fold) in sheep vs. 665.56± 48.22 ml/min (~133 fold) in goats at 19 week and then decreased (P < 0.0001) to 350.561 ± 72.15 ml/min in sheep vs. 215.17 ± 35.06 ml/min in goats at 20 week. The absence of end diastolic velocity (EDV) of umbilical artery blood flow was detected in both species between 4 and 12 week of pregnancy. Results of this study clearly show that the non-invasive colour Doppler sonography can be used successfully to assess umbilical blood flow in foetuses of pregnant sheep and goats. These may provide guide lines for assessing the state of intrauterine fetal growth retardation in pregnancies of sheep and goats.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Ovinos/embriologia , Ovinos/sangue , Prenhez/sangue , Ultrassonografia Doppler
Anim. Reprod. ; 15(2): 148-155, Apr.-June.2018. ilus, tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18806


The characteristics of umbilical blood flow (UM) was investigated using 18 (25 foetuses) pregnant ewes and 20 (41 foetus) pregnant goats transrectal non-invasive color Doppler ultrasonographic examinations were done frequently between 2 and 8 week after breeding and then transabdominally until parturition. Colour Doppler velocimetery includes blood flow volume (BFV), time averaged maximum velocity (TAMV), resistance index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), time average of mean (TAMEAN) and impedance of blood flow (PS/ED or AB ratio). Also a qualitative evaluation of UM blood flow indicating increases (P < 0.001) in BFV, TAMV and TAMEAN were Observed until 19 week of pregnancy in foetuses of sheep and goats and then those values decreased (P < 0.001) from 19 week until parturition. Conversely, UM-PI, RI and PS/ED decreased (P < 0.002-0.01) until 19 week and then increased (P< 0.01-0.0001). The umbilical artery BFV increased (P < 0.0001)during pregnancy from 7.27 ± 0.82 ml/min in sheep vs. 4.96 ± 0.54 ml/min in goats at 6 week of gestation to 700.51 ± 31.05 ml/min (~100 fold) in sheep vs. 665.56± 48.22 ml/min (~133 fold) in goats at 19 week and then decreased (P < 0.0001) to 350.561 ± 72.15 ml/min in sheep vs. 215.17 ± 35.06 ml/min in goats at 20 week. The absence of end diastolic velocity (EDV) of umbilical artery blood flow was detected in both species between 4 and 12 week of pregnancy. Results of this study clearly show that the non-invasive colour Doppler sonography can be used successfully to assess umbilical blood flow in foetuses of pregnant sheep and goats. These may provide guide lines for assessing the state of intrauterine fetal growth retardation in pregnancies of sheep and goats.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ovinos/sangue , Ovinos/embriologia , Prenhez/sangue , Ultrassonografia Doppler
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 20(4): 759-764, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490560


The aim of this study was to determine slaughter and carcass traits of geese with different feather colour and gender. The study was conducted with Turkish geese in free-range production conditions in Kars, Turkey. A total of 282 geese (251 females, 31 males) were grouped by feather colour as black (n=49), white (n=77), black pied (n=127), and brown and brown tawny (n=29). Geese were weighed before slaughter and then the slaughter and carcass traits were determined. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA, and post-hoc Tukey HSD test was applied to compare feather-colour means and the independent sample t-test was used to compare gender means. Feather colour did not influence (p>0.05) slaughter and carcass traits, except for hot carcass, feather and heart percentages (p<0.05). Males showed statistically higher feet (p<0.001), heart (p<0.01), liver (p<0.05) and gizzard (p<0.01) weights compared with females, as well as significantly higher (p<0.05) feet, heart, liver and gizzard yields. In conclusion, feather colour did not influence the evaluated slaughter and carcass characteristics of geese reared under semi-intensive conditions in the province of Kars, Turkey, and higher feet, heart, liver and gizzard weights and yields were obtained in males than in females.

Animais , Fatores Sexuais , Gansos/anatomia & histologia , Gansos/fisiologia , Pigmentação/fisiologia , Plumas , Tamanho do Órgão , Abate de Animais
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 39(1): 373-382, jan.-fev. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501100


This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of different levels of standardized ileal digestible (SID) methionine + cystine (Met + Cys) and vitamin B6 supplementation on the carcass characteristics and longissimus lumborum (LL) quality in gilts from 75 to 100 kg. Fifty-six gilts were used (Talent x Topigs 20), with an initial average body weight of 75.06 ± 1.68 kg, allotted in a completely randomized block design arranged in a 2×4 factorial scheme, composed of two vitamin B6 supplementation levels (1.58 and 3.58 mg/kg) and four levels of SID Met + Cys (0.370, 0.470, 0.570, and 0.670%), with seven replicates and one animal per experimental unit. No interactions (P > 0.05) between vitamin B6 supplementation and SID Met + Cys levels were observed. The levels of SID Met + Cys and vitamin B6 supplementation did not affect the carcass characteristics. Thawing loss increased linearly, and a quadratic effect was observed for cooking loss and shear force of the LL when dietary SID Met + Cys levels increased. The highest cooking loss (27.29%) and shear force (21.58 N) were estimated at 0.528 and 0.539% SID Met + Cys levels, respectively. The dietary SID Met + Cys requirement for gilts (75100 kg) did not exceed 10.60 g/day (0.37%), based on carcass characteristics and meat quality parameters, and was not affected by vitamin B6 supplementation.

O objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos de níveis de metionina+cistina (Met+Cis) digestíveis e da suplementação de vitamina B6 sobre as características de carcaça e qualidade de carne de fêmeas suínas, dos 75 aos 100 kg. Foram utilizados 56 fêmeas suínas (Talent x Topigs 20), com peso médio inicial de 75,06 ± 1,68 kg; distribuídas em um delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, num esquema fatorial 2×4, constituído de dois níveis suplementares de vitamina B6 (1,58 e 3,58 mg/kg) e quatro níveis de Met+Cis digestíveis (0,370; 0, 470; 0, 570 e 0, 670%), com sete repetições e um animal por unidade experimental. Não foram observadas interações (P > 0,05) entre suplementação de vitamina B6 e os níveis de Met+Cis digestíveis estudados. Os níveis de Met+Cis digestíveis e a suplementação de vitamina B6 não afetaram as características de carcaça. Foi observado um aumento linear na perda de líquido por descongelamento e uma resposta quadrática para a perda de líquido por cocção e força de cisalhamento em função dos níveis de Met+Cis digestíveis. A maior perda por cocção (27,29%) e força de cisalhamento (21,58 N) foram estimados para os níveis de 0,528 e 0,539%, respectivamente. Conclui-se que a exigência de Met+Cis digestível para fêmeas suínas, dos 75 aos 100 kg, é de no máximo 10,60 g/dia (0,370%), com base nas características de carcaça e nos parâmetros de qualidade de carne, não...

Feminino , Animais , Carne , Cistina/análise , Metionina/análise , Piridoxina/análise , Ração Animal , Suínos
Semina Ci. agr. ; 39(1): 373-382, jan.-fev. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728509


This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of different levels of standardized ileal digestible (SID) methionine + cystine (Met + Cys) and vitamin B6 supplementation on the carcass characteristics and longissimus lumborum (LL) quality in gilts from 75 to 100 kg. Fifty-six gilts were used (Talent x Topigs 20), with an initial average body weight of 75.06 ± 1.68 kg, allotted in a completely randomized block design arranged in a 2×4 factorial scheme, composed of two vitamin B6 supplementation levels (1.58 and 3.58 mg/kg) and four levels of SID Met + Cys (0.370, 0.470, 0.570, and 0.670%), with seven replicates and one animal per experimental unit. No interactions (P > 0.05) between vitamin B6 supplementation and SID Met + Cys levels were observed. The levels of SID Met + Cys and vitamin B6 supplementation did not affect the carcass characteristics. Thawing loss increased linearly, and a quadratic effect was observed for cooking loss and shear force of the LL when dietary SID Met + Cys levels increased. The highest cooking loss (27.29%) and shear force (21.58 N) were estimated at 0.528 and 0.539% SID Met + Cys levels, respectively. The dietary SID Met + Cys requirement for gilts (75100 kg) did not exceed 10.60 g/day (0.37%), based on carcass characteristics and meat quality parameters, and was not affected by vitamin B6 supplementation.(AU)

O objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos de níveis de metionina+cistina (Met+Cis) digestíveis e da suplementação de vitamina B6 sobre as características de carcaça e qualidade de carne de fêmeas suínas, dos 75 aos 100 kg. Foram utilizados 56 fêmeas suínas (Talent x Topigs 20), com peso médio inicial de 75,06 ± 1,68 kg; distribuídas em um delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, num esquema fatorial 2×4, constituído de dois níveis suplementares de vitamina B6 (1,58 e 3,58 mg/kg) e quatro níveis de Met+Cis digestíveis (0,370; 0, 470; 0, 570 e 0, 670%), com sete repetições e um animal por unidade experimental. Não foram observadas interações (P > 0,05) entre suplementação de vitamina B6 e os níveis de Met+Cis digestíveis estudados. Os níveis de Met+Cis digestíveis e a suplementação de vitamina B6 não afetaram as características de carcaça. Foi observado um aumento linear na perda de líquido por descongelamento e uma resposta quadrática para a perda de líquido por cocção e força de cisalhamento em função dos níveis de Met+Cis digestíveis. A maior perda por cocção (27,29%) e força de cisalhamento (21,58 N) foram estimados para os níveis de 0,528 e 0,539%, respectivamente. Conclui-se que a exigência de Met+Cis digestível para fêmeas suínas, dos 75 aos 100 kg, é de no máximo 10,60 g/dia (0,370%), com base nas características de carcaça e nos parâmetros de qualidade de carne, não...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Suínos , Carne , Metionina/análise , Cistina/análise , Piridoxina/análise , Ração Animal
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 19(2): 281-288, abr.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16968


The study was conducted to determine the interaction of types of maize (Provitamin A-biofortified maize (PABM) versus white maize) and strain of laying birds (Amberlink and Hyline) on nutritional quality of eggs. Twenty-one of each of Amberlink and Hyline laying hens were fed on three diets for 30 days. Birds were distributed in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement constituting three diets (0, 50 or 100 % of PABM) and two strains (Amberlink & Hyline). There was a diet × strain interaction on egg shell weight, average daily feed intake, egg production, egg weight and egg shell thickness. Eggs produced by layers under 100 % PABM had lighter eggshell weight and lower eggshell percentage. In contrast, eggs produced by layers under 50 % PABM diet had signi-ficantly higher eggshell percentage, heavier egg shell weight and thicker eggshell. As the level of PABM increased, the yellow and red hue (Hunter a* and b* values) significantly increased while the lightness values (Hunter L* values) decreased. As the level of PABM in the ration increased, the vitamin A content of the egg yolk also significantly increased. Assimilation of vitamin A from feed to egg yolk in Amberlink and Hyline hens was similar. Hence, egg enrichment with vitamin A can be achieved by using PABM in layers ration. The use of high level of PABM had a negative effect on the eggshell quality traits.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas/embriologia , Aves Domésticas/fisiologia , Provitaminas/administração & dosagem , Ovos
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 19(2): 281-288, abr.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490404


The study was conducted to determine the interaction of types of maize (Provitamin A-biofortified maize (PABM) versus white maize) and strain of laying birds (Amberlink and Hyline) on nutritional quality of eggs. Twenty-one of each of Amberlink and Hyline laying hens were fed on three diets for 30 days. Birds were distributed in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement constituting three diets (0, 50 or 100 % of PABM) and two strains (Amberlink & Hyline). There was a diet × strain interaction on egg shell weight, average daily feed intake, egg production, egg weight and egg shell thickness. Eggs produced by layers under 100 % PABM had lighter eggshell weight and lower eggshell percentage. In contrast, eggs produced by layers under 50 % PABM diet had signi-ficantly higher eggshell percentage, heavier egg shell weight and thicker eggshell. As the level of PABM increased, the yellow and red hue (Hunter a* and b* values) significantly increased while the lightness values (Hunter L* values) decreased. As the level of PABM in the ration increased, the vitamin A content of the egg yolk also significantly increased. Assimilation of vitamin A from feed to egg yolk in Amberlink and Hyline hens was similar. Hence, egg enrichment with vitamin A can be achieved by using PABM in layers ration. The use of high level of PABM had a negative effect on the eggshell quality traits.

Animais , Aves Domésticas/embriologia , Aves Domésticas/fisiologia , Provitaminas/administração & dosagem , Ovos
Braz. j. biol ; 77(1): 01-11, Jan-Mar. 2017. map, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468374


Intra-specific color variation is often underestimated by researchers, and among mammals, intra-specific differences in coloration are poorly documented for most species. The main goal of this study was to apply an objective color measurement methodology to the study of a specific problem: the detection, if any, of patterns of changes in the fur color of specimens of Akodon budini in relation to biological (i.e., sex) and environmental (i.e., season) variables. We hypothesize that coat color will be more homogeneous in males than in females and that coat color will be darker in winter than in summer, the latter being orange. We measured the pelage color on five points over the dorsal surface of 26 A. budini museum specimens using a spectroradiometer and a diffuse illumination cabin. We used Principal Component Analysis to describe the association between the color variables, sex and season, and each of the observations. We then used general linear models of Analysis of Variance to examine relationships between color data, season, and sex. The results clearly confirm the hypothesis related to seasonal coat color change but do not directly confirm the hypothesis related to changes in coat color in relation to sex, and we show the complexity of the studied pattern. In conclusion, undoubtedly, the studied variables should accordingly be considered when studying the coloration of specimens for characterization, identification and discrimination of different taxonomic units based on color.

Variação de cor intra-específica é muitas vezes subestimada pelos pesquisadores, e entre espécies de mamíferos, as diferenças intra-específicas na coloração são pouco conhecidas para a maioria das espécies. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi aplicar uma metodologia objetiva de medição de cor para o estudo de um problema específico: a detecção de padrões de mudanças na cor da pele de espécimes de Akodon budini em relação a variáveis biológicas (i.e., sexo) e ambientais (i.e., temporada), se houver. Nossa hipótese é que a cor da pelagem do sexo masculino será mais homogênea do que a de fêmeas e que a cor da pelagem do inverno vai ser mais escura do que a de verão, sendo esta última mais laranja. Medimos a cor da pelagem em cinco pontos sobre a superfície dorsal de 26 espécimes de museu de A. budini usando um espectroradiômetro e uma cabine de iluminação difusa. Usamos Análise de Componentes Principais para descrever a associação entre as variáveis de cor, sexo e temporada, e cada uma das observações. Em seguida, usamos modelos lineares gerais da Análise de Variância para verificar as relações entre os dados de cor, temporada, e sexo. Os resultados confirmam claramente a hipótese relacionada à mudança sazonal de cor da pelagem, mas não confirmam diretamente a hipótese relacionada com alterações na cor da pelagem em relação ao sexo, e vamos mostrar a complexidade do modelo estudado. Em conclusão, sem dúvida, as variáveis estudadas devem consequentemente ser tidas em conta quando se estuda a coloração de amostras para caracterização, identificação e discriminação de diferentes unidades taxonômicas com base na cor.

Animais , Equipamentos de Medição de Riscos , Pigmentação da Pele , Sigmodontinae/anatomia & histologia , Variação Genética , Análise Espectral/métodos
Semina Ci. agr. ; 38(2): 957-968, mar-abr. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16210


The effects of diet supplementation with ?-tocopherol acetate (VE) and selenium yeast (SeL) on the water holding capacity (WHC), cooking weight loss (CL), drip loss (DL), pH, colour and selenium concentration of the breast of chickens fed diets based on corn or brown rice were studied. From 21 days of age, a total of 200 birds were housed in 38 floor pens (experimental unit) in a randomised 23 factorial arrangement. The levels of supplementation were VE (0 and 200 mg/kg), organic selenium (0 and 0.3 ppm) and two diets (100% corn and 100% brown rice) in a total of eight treatments: T1) corn + 0 SeL + 0 VE (control); T2) corn + 200 mg/kg VE + 0 SeL; T3) corn + 0 VE + 0.3 ppm SeL; T4) corn + 200 mg/kg VE + 0.3 ppm SeL; T5) brown rice + 0 VE +0 SeL; T6) brown rice + 200 mg/kg VE + 0 SeL; T7) brown rice + 0 VE + 0.3 ppm SeL; T8) brown rice + 200 mg/kg VE + 0.3 ppm SeL. The concentration of selenium in the breast increased with VE supplementation in the diet (P 0.001). However, a positive interaction between VE and SeL on selenium concentration in the meat was found (P = 0.06). A better WHC with the inclusion of SeL and VE was found only in the rice-based diets. The replacement of corn by brown rice decreased (P 0.05) the yellowness of the meat. CL and DL were not significantly affected by the treatments. Broilers fed with SeL supplemented diets showed a higher pH in the breast than diets without supplementation. In conclusion, the interaction between VE and SeL increased selenium in meat but improved WHC only in rice-based diets. The replacement of corn by brown rice decreased the yellowness of chicken breast meat.(AU)

Foram estudados os efeitos da suplementação com acetato de alfa-tocoferol (VE) e seleno-levedura (SeL) Sel-Plex, Alltech® Inc, sobre o pH, a capacidade de retenção de água (CRA), perdas por cocção (PC), perdas por gotejamento (PG), cor do músculo e a concentração de selênio no peito de frangos alimentados com dietas a base de milho ou arroz. A partir de 21 dias de idade 200 frangos de corte Cobb foram alojados em 38 boxes (unidade experimental) num delineamento casualizado num arranjo fatorial 2x2x2 em que foram fixados os níveis de suplementação on top de VE (0 e 200 mg/kg), SeL (0 e 0,3 ppm) e dois ingredientes da dieta (100% milho e 100% arroz integral) totalizando oito tratamentos: T1) milho + 0SeL + 0VE (controle); T2) milho + 200mg/kg VE + 0SeL; T3) milho + 0VE + 0,3ppm SeL; T4) milho + 200mg/kg VE + 0,3ppm SeL; T5) arroz + 0VE +0SeL; T6) arroz + 200mg/kg VE + 0SeL; T7) arroz + 0VE + 0,3ppm SeL; T8) arroz + 200mg/kg VE + 0,3ppm SeL. A quantidade de selênio no peito foi maior (P 0,0001) com a inclusão de 200mg/kg de VE, em comparação com os demais tratamentos. Entretanto, observou-se uma interação positiva entre VE e SeL na dieta sobre a quantidade de selênio recuperada na carne (P = 0,06). Foi encontrada melhor CRA com a inclusão de SeL e VE em dietas a base de arroz. A substituição do milho por arroz nas dietas reduziu a cor amarela na carne (P 0,05). PC e PG não foram significativamente afetadas pelos tratamentos. O pH da carne do peito foi significativamente mais elevado nas aves recebendo dietas suplementadas de SeL. Em conclusão,a interação entre VE e SeL aumenta o selênio na carne, porém, melhorando a CRA somente em dietas a base de arroz. A substituição de milho por arroz integral reduz a intensidade da coloração amarela da carne do peito de frangos.(AU)

Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Carne/análise , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Galinhas , alfa-Tocoferol , Acetatos , Selênio , Alimentos Integrais
Braz. J. Biol. ; 77(1): 01-11, jan.-mar. 2017. mapas, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734898


Intra-specific color variation is often underestimated by researchers, and among mammals, intra-specific differences in coloration are poorly documented for most species. The main goal of this study was to apply an objective color measurement methodology to the study of a specific problem: the detection, if any, of patterns of changes in the fur color of specimens of Akodon budini in relation to biological (i.e., sex) and environmental (i.e., season) variables. We hypothesize that coat color will be more homogeneous in males than in females and that coat color will be darker in winter than in summer, the latter being orange. We measured the pelage color on five points over the dorsal surface of 26 A. budini museum specimens using a spectroradiometer and a diffuse illumination cabin. We used Principal Component Analysis to describe the association between the color variables, sex and season, and each of the observations. We then used general linear models of Analysis of Variance to examine relationships between color data, season, and sex. The results clearly confirm the hypothesis related to seasonal coat color change but do not directly confirm the hypothesis related to changes in coat color in relation to sex, and we show the complexity of the studied pattern. In conclusion, undoubtedly, the studied variables should accordingly be considered when studying the coloration of specimens for characterization, identification and discrimination of different taxonomic units based on color.(AU)

Variação de cor intra-específica é muitas vezes subestimada pelos pesquisadores, e entre espécies de mamíferos, as diferenças intra-específicas na coloração são pouco conhecidas para a maioria das espécies. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi aplicar uma metodologia objetiva de medição de cor para o estudo de um problema específico: a detecção de padrões de mudanças na cor da pele de espécimes de Akodon budini em relação a variáveis biológicas (i.e., sexo) e ambientais (i.e., temporada), se houver. Nossa hipótese é que a cor da pelagem do sexo masculino será mais homogênea do que a de fêmeas e que a cor da pelagem do inverno vai ser mais escura do que a de verão, sendo esta última mais laranja. Medimos a cor da pelagem em cinco pontos sobre a superfície dorsal de 26 espécimes de museu de A. budini usando um espectroradiômetro e uma cabine de iluminação difusa. Usamos Análise de Componentes Principais para descrever a associação entre as variáveis de cor, sexo e temporada, e cada uma das observações. Em seguida, usamos modelos lineares gerais da Análise de Variância para verificar as relações entre os dados de cor, temporada, e sexo. Os resultados confirmam claramente a hipótese relacionada à mudança sazonal de cor da pelagem, mas não confirmam diretamente a hipótese relacionada com alterações na cor da pelagem em relação ao sexo, e vamos mostrar a complexidade do modelo estudado. Em conclusão, sem dúvida, as variáveis estudadas devem consequentemente ser tidas em conta quando se estuda a coloração de amostras para caracterização, identificação e discriminação de diferentes unidades taxonômicas com base na cor.(AU)

Animais , Sigmodontinae/anatomia & histologia , Equipamentos de Medição de Riscos , Variação Genética , Pigmentação da Pele , Análise Espectral/métodos
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-221863


A pesquisa caracterizou aspectos sensoriais, físicos e químicos do produto Canned Corned Beef (CCB) elaborado com extrato de aipo em substituição ao aditivo sintético nitrito de sódio. Foram conduzidos testes com cinco formulações (5 tratamentos), sendo uma contendo nitrito de sódio (formulação padrão) e as outras quatro contendo extrato de aipo como agente de cura, com variações no teor de NaCl e no tipo de flavorizante. As análises químicas dos produtos foram determinadas após a fabricação, enquanto que as determinações de cor e rancidez foram conduzidas após a fabricação e depois de 6 meses de armazenamento em temperatura ambiente. A análise sensorial (testes de diferença do controle e aceitação) foi realizada após 6 meses de armazenamento em temperatura ambiente. A composição química dos produtos experimentais não foi alterada em função do uso do extrato de aipo e atendeu ao Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade do Canned Corned Beef. A intensidade de vermelho e a rancidez dos produtos não foram influenciadas pelo uso do extrato de aipo. Todos os produtos receberam igual aceitação sensorial.

The research analyzed the sensorial, physical, and chemical characteristics of Canned Corned Beef (CCB) in which the synthetic additive sodium nitrite was replaced with celery extract. Tests were conducted with five formulations (5 treatments), one of them including sodium nitrite (standard formulation) and the other four ones containing celery extract as the agent of cure, with variations in the content of NaCl and in the type of the flavoring. The chemical analysis of the products was determined right after the manufacture, while color and rancidity were analyzed right after the manufacture and after 6 months of storage at room temperature. The sensorial analysis (difference from control and acceptance tests) was conducted after 6 months of storage at room temperature. The composition of the experimental products did not change with the use of the celery extract and complied with the Identity and Quality Standards of CCB. Redness and rancidity of the products were not altered due to the use of the celery extract. All products received the same sensory acceptance.

Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-218009


Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o efeito da estratégia de suplementação durante a fase de recria na qualidade da carne de bovinos terminados em pasto mais concentrado ou confinamento. Cento e vinte machos não castrados [10 ± 2 meses de idade e 256,54 ± 28,92 kg de peso vivo (PC) inicial] foram blocados por peso e aleatoriamente designados para os tratamentos em design fatorial 2 × 2, dois suplementos durante a fase de recria: mineral (ad libitum MIN) ou proteína + energia (0,3% PC/ animal/ dia PRE) e dois sistema de terminação: pasto mais suplementação com concentrado (2% PC/ animal/ dia - PAST); e confinamento (25:75 %; silagem de milho: concentrado - FLOT). Depois de 285 dias os bovinos (503,89 ± 56,61 kg) foram abatidos em frigorifico comercial, a carcaça foi dividida medialmente do esterno e da coluna, resultando em duas metades semelhantes. Amostras (10g) do Longíssius thoracis (LT) foram removidas imediatamente depois do abate, entre a 12ª e 13ª costela de cada animal e congeladas (nitrogênio líquido) para: atividade de enzima lipogênica e relativa abundancia de RNAm associado com metabolismo de lipídeos, analisados por qRT-PCR os genes alvos incluíram PPAR, SREBP1c, SCD1, ACC LPL, FBP4, CPT2, ACOX e PPAR. Após 24 horas de resfriamento de carcaça, o pH foi mesurado entre a 12ª e 13ª costela do LT. A gordura subcutânea e cinco bifes de 2,54 cm do LT (entre a 9ª a 13ª costela) foram coletados para análises: perfil de ácido graxo, composição química, força de cisalhamento, comprimento de sarcômero, índice de fragmentação miofibrilar, perda de descongelamento, perda de cocção, capacidade retenção de água, cor de gordura, mioglobina, oxidação lipídica e parâmetros de cor que foram avaliados nos dia 1, 4, 7, 10, 14 de exposição ao oxigênio a 0 ± 4°C. O sistema FLOT aumentou (P < 0,050) a espessura de gordura subcutânea (7,01 vs. 3,07 mm), o comprimento de sarcômero (1,59 vs. 1,42 µm) e diminuiu (P < 0,050) a força de cisalhamento da carne (36,29 vs. 43,20 N), enquanto o grupo do PAST mostrou maior (P < 0,050) capacidade retenção de água (68,16 vs. 64,32%), gordura amarela (16,66 vs. 14,30), concentração de mioglobina (4,56 vs. 3,95 mg/g de carne). A carne dos bovinos alimentados com MIN durante a fase de crescimento seguidos pela terminação FLOT mostraram aumento (P < 0,050) da oxidação lipídica comparado aos bovinos do MIN seguidos do sistema PAST (0.35 vs. 0.27 mg/kg de carne). Durante o tempo de armazenamento, a carne dos bovinos alimentados com MIN seguido pelo sistema PAST mostraram menores (P < 0,050) valores de L* comparados com os outros tratamentos. Nos dias, 4 e 7 de display, o grupo FLOT tiveram aumento (P < 0,050) de a* e C* na carne comparado ao PAST. Os animais do sistema PAST mostraram menores (P < 0,050) valores de b* comparado ao FLOT (12,17 vs. 13,40, respectivamente). O sistema FLOT aumentou (P < 0,050) o conteúdo de lipídeo na carne do que o PAST (2,72 vs. 1,49%, respectivamente). Os animais alimentados com MIN seguidos da terminação FLOT mostraram um aumento (P < 0,050) dos ácidos C12:0, C14:0, e C16:0, o que levou a um aumento da concentração do total de ácido graxo saturado. Os bovinos terminados no sistema FLOT tiveram maior (P < 0,050) concentração do total de ácido graxo monoinsaturado coincidindo com o aumento (P < 0,050) da expressão do gene SCD1 no musculo em comparação ao sistema PAST. A carne dos bovinos do sistema FLOT mostrou diminuição (P < 0,050) de C18:2n6, C20:3n6, C20:4n6, C20:5n3, razão n6/n3, e isocitrato desidrogenase em comparação ao sistema PAST. Além disso, os bovinos alimentados com PRE seguidos pela terminação FLOT tiveram maior (P < 0,050) expressão de CPT2 no musculo, enquanto que a suplementação MIN seguido pelo sistema PAST mostraram diminuição (P < 0,050) de SREBP1c, aumento (P < 0,050) da expressão de CPT2 e PPAR no musculo. Em geral, esses resultados sugerirem que os atributos relacionados com a maciez da carne não foram afetados pela fase de crescimento. O sistema PAST diminuiu a maciez e luminosidade da carne, mas esses atributos ainda mostraram dentro dos padrões aceitos na indústria de carne. Além disso, o sistema FLOT aumentou o lipídio intramuscular em comparação com o sistema PAST, mas os animais alimentados com MIN durante a fase de crescimento acompanhado do sistema PAST apresentaram maior expressão de genes relacionados à degradação lipídica e menores genes relacionados à síntese de lipídios.

Our objective was to evaluate the supplementation strategy during the growing phase on the meat quality of bulls finished in pasture plus concentrate or feedlot. One hundred and twenty young bulls uncastrated males [10 ± 2 month old and 256.54 ± 28.92 kg of body weight (BW)] were blocked by weight and randomly assigned to treatments in 2 × 2 factorial design, two supplements during the growing phase: mineral (ad libitum - MIN) or Protein + Energy (0.3% BW/ animal/ day - PE) and two finishing system: pasture plus concentrate (2% BW/ animal/ day - PAST) or feedlot (25:75; corn silage: concentrate - FLOT). After 285 days the bulls (503.89 ± 56.61 kg) were slaughtered, the carcasses were divided medially from the sternum and the spine, resulting in two similar halves. The Longissimus thoracis (LT) sample (10 g) was removed immediately after slaughtered between 12th and 13th ribs from each animal and frozen (liquid nitrogen) for: lipogenic enzyme activity and relative abundance of mRNA associated with lipid metabolism measured by qRT-PCR, target genes include PPAR, SREBP1c, SCD1, ACC, LPL, FBP4, CPT2, ACOX, and PPAR. After 24 h carcass chilling, the pH was measured between the 12th and 13th ribs of the LT. The fat thickness and five steaks of 2.54 cm from LT (between the 9th and 13th ribs) were collected for fatty acid profile, chemical composition, shear force, sarcomere length, myofibrillar fragmentation index, thawing loss, cooking loss, water holding capacity, fat color, myoglobin, lipid oxidation and meat color which was measured on days, 1, 4, 7, 10 and 14 storage time exposed to oxygen at 0 ± 4°C. The FLOT system increased (P < 0.050) the fat thickness (7.01 vs. 3.07 mm), sarcomere length (1.59 vs. 1.42 µm), and decreased the meat shear force (36.29 vs. 43.20 N), while the PAST group showed higher (P < 0.050) water holding capacity (68.16 vs. 64.32%), yellowness fat (16.66 vs. 14.30), myoglobin concentration (4.56 vs. 3.95 mg/g of meat). The meat of bulls fed with MIN during the growing phase following by FLOT finishing showed increased (P < 0.050) of lipid oxidation compared to bulls from MIN following by PAST system (0.35 vs. 0.27 mg/kg of meat). During the storage time, the meat of bulls fed with MIN following by PAST system showed lower (P < 0.050) L* value compared to the other treatments. On days, 4 and 7 of the display, the FLOT group had increased (P < 0.050) of a* and C* in meat compared to PAST. The bulls from PAST system showed lower (P < 0.050) b* value compared to FLOT (12.17 vs. 13.40, respectively). The FLOT group had (P < 0.050) higher lipid content than PAST (2.72 vs 1.49%, respectively). The bulls fed with MIN following by FLOT system showed an increase (P < 0.050) of C12:0, C14:0, and C16:0 which led to greater saturation fatty acid total concentration. The bulls finished in FLOT system had higher (P < 0.050) monounsaturated fatty acid total concentration coinciding with the up-regulated (P < 0.050) of gene expression of SCD1 compared to PAST system. The meat of bulls from FLOT system showed a decrease (P < 0.050) of C18:2n6, C20:3n6, C20:4n6, C20:5n3, n6/n3 ratio and isocitrate dehydrogenase compared to PAST system. In addition, the animals fed with PRE following by FLOT finishing had higher (P < 0.050) CPT2 expression, while the MIN supplementation following by PAST system showed decreased (P < 0.050) of SREBP1c, increased (P < 0.050) CPT2 and PPAR expression. Globally, these results suggested which the attributes relationship with tenderness meat was not affected by the growing phase. The PAST system decreased the tenderness and lightness of meat, but these attributes still showed within the acceptable standards of the meat industry. In addition, the FLOT system increased the intramuscular lipid compared to PAST system, but the animals fed with MIN during the growing phase following by PAST showed greater genes expression related to lipid degradation and lower gene expression related with synthesis of lipids.

Semina Ci. agr. ; 36(6): 3595-3604, nov.-dez. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30392


This study was carried out to investigate the effects of different AVG (aminoethoxyvinylglycine) treatments on pre-harvest fruit drop rates and ripening levels of Jonagold apples. A total of 225 mg L-1 AVG dose was applied at once in a single application at different times or divided into doses and applied different times. Compared to control treatment, entire AVG treatments increased fruit removal force and significantly decreased the pre-harvest drop rates. AVG treatments applied at once (225 mg L-1) 8 or 4 weeks before the anticipated harvest time were found to be more effective than the divided treatments. AVG treatments inhibited ethylene biosynthesis and such an inhibition was more distinctive in single 225 mg L-1 treatments. AVG treatments decreased flesh softening, starch degradation rates and consequently retarded fruit ripening. The 225 mg L-1 AVG treatment applied 4 weeks before the harvest significantly increased L* value and hue angle both in the year 2010 and 2011. NAA (naphtaleneacetic acid) at 10 mg L-1 sprayed 4 and 2 weeks before anticipated harvest was found to be insignificant in control of pre-harvest fruit drops. NAA treatment decreased flesh firmness, and did not have any significant effects on ethylene biosynthesis.(AU)

O presente estudo foi realizado para investigar os efeitos de diferentes tratamentos AVG (aminoetoxivinilglicina) sobre as taxas de queda de frutos antes da colheita e níveis de amadurecimento de maçãs Jonagold. Foi aplicada uma dose AVG total de 225 mg L-1 numa só vez numa única aplicação em momentos diferentes ou dividida em doses aplicadas e tempos diferentes. Em comparação ao tratamento controle, as aplicações de AVG aumentaram a força de remoção dos frutos e reduziram significativamente as taxas de queda na pré-colheita. A aplicação de AVG de uma só vez (225 mg L-1) ou 4 a 8 semanas antes da época da colheita mostrou-se mais eficaz do que as aplicações efetuadas em doses. O tratamento com AVG inibe a biossíntese de etileno, sendo que esta inibição se verificou mais significativa em tratamentos individuais de 225 mg L-1. O tratamento com AVG diminuiu o amolecimento da polpa, as taxas de degradação do amido e consequentemente retardou o amadurecimento dos frutos. O tratamento com doses de 225 mg L-1 de AVG aplicadas quatro semanas antes da colheita aumentou significativamente o valor L * e o ângulo de cor, tanto no ano de 2010 como de 2011. A pulverização de NAA (ácido naftaleno acético) a 10 mg L-1 2 a 4 semanas antes da colheita foi considerada insignificante no controle da queda de frutos na pré-colheita. O tratamento com NAA diminuiu a firmeza da polpa, e não tem quais...(AU)

Malus/efeitos dos fármacos , Malus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reguladores de Crescimento de Plantas