The brain is one of the most important organs of vertebrates. Over the years, several studies have investigated brain features under different approaches, such as comparative morphology. Although many recent studies use non-invasive methods, such as micro-CT scan, some methods require access to the brain, such as histological analyses and cell count methods. In addition, several researchers do not have access to those expensive devices and rely on the traditional dissection to conduct their studies. Still, for most vertebrates, very few protocols are available for removing the brain, especially those committed to minimizing the damage to the specimen for further examinations. Here we describe in detail a method to dissect the brains of anurans and squamates maintaining the specimen's external morphology as undamaged as possible. This simple method can be performed using few tools and can be achieved in the first trials, representing an incentive for more research on vertebrate's brains. This method contributes to the maximum utilization of each animal collected, a positive practice from both ethical and practical perspectives.(AU)
Animais , Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Metodologias de Avaliação de Danos , Cérebro/anatomia & histologia , Contagem de Células , Anatomia ComparadaResumo
Abstract The Siluriformes, popularly known as catfishes, are probably the vertebrate group with the highest diversity of venomous animals, even though only approximately a hundred venomous catfishes are reported to date. Venomous catfishes might present a delivery system apparatus, formed by an unbranched ray at the leading edge of pectoral and dorsal fins (spine), which can be stiffened and pungent, while venom glands can be present at the surface of such spines and/or the axillary region. This work investigated the presence, morphology and distribution of glands and pectoral-fin delivery apparatus in the heptapterid Brachyrhamdia genus. Pectoral-fin spine external morphology was compared across all valid species in the genus, histological sections of the pectoral-fin spine and axillary regions of B. heteropleura and B. marthae were produced, and dissections of the pectoral girdle region of the mentioned species were analyzed. The histological sections confirmed the presence of pectoral-fin glands at the surface of the pectoral-fin spine of Brachyrhamdia species, and cellular morphology indicates these glands are probably venomous. Also, we found a piriform gland at the axillary region, whose cell morphology is like the reported for other catfishes. However, we cannot currently confirm or deny axillary gland participation in the venom delivery apparatus. This work constitutes the first report of venom glands in Brachyrhamdia, and the first description of Heptapteridae axillary glands.
Abstract The Siluriformes, popularly known as catfishes, are probably the vertebrate group with the highest diversity of venomous animals, even though only approximately a hundred venomous catfishes are reported to date. Venomous catfishes might present a delivery system apparatus, formed by an unbranched ray at the leading edge of pectoral and dorsal fins (spine), which can be stiffened and pungent, while venom glands can be present at the surface of such spines and/or the axillary region. This work investigated the presence, morphology and distribution of glands and pectoral-fin delivery apparatus in the heptapterid Brachyrhamdia genus. Pectoral-fin spine external morphology was compared across all valid species in the genus, histological sections of the pectoral-fin spine and axillary regions of B. heteropleura and B. marthae were produced, and dissections of the pectoral girdle region of the mentioned species were analyzed. The histological sections confirmed the presence of pectoral-fin glands at the surface of the pectoral-fin spine of Brachyrhamdia species, and cellular morphology indicates these glands are probably venomous. Also, we found a piriform gland at the axillary region, whose cell morphology is like the reported for other catfishes. However, we cannot currently confirm or deny axillary gland participation in the venom delivery apparatus. This work constitutes the first report of venom glands in Brachyrhamdia, and the first description of Heptapteridae axillary glands.
The Siluriformes, popularly known as catfishes, are probably the vertebrate group with the highest diversity of venomous animals, even though only approximately a hundred venomous catfishes are reported to date. Venomous catfishes might present a delivery system apparatus, formed by an unbranched ray at the leading edge of pectoral and dorsal fins (spine), which can be stiffened and pungent, while venom glands can be present at the surface of such spines and/or the axillary region. This work investigated the presence, morphology and distribution of glands and pectoral-fin delivery apparatus in the heptapterid Brachyrhamdia genus. Pectoral-fin spine external morphology was compared across all valid species in the genus, histological sections of the pectoral-fin spine and axillary regions of B. heteropleura and B. marthae were produced, and dissections of the pectoral girdle region of the mentioned species were analyzed. The histological sections confirmed the presence of pectoral-fin glands at the surface of the pectoral-fin spine of Brachyrhamdia species, and cellular morphology indicates these glands are probably venomous. Also, we found a piriform gland at the axillary region, whose cell morphology is like the reported for other catfishes. However, we cannot currently confirm or deny axillary gland participation in the venom delivery apparatus. This work constitutes the first report of venom glands in Brachyrhamdia, and the first description of Heptapteridae axillary glands.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Nadadeiras de AnimaisResumo
Abstract Comparative morphological characters in Neotropical bats are mostly restricted to external and cranio-dentary complexes, and few studies focusing on other morphological complexes have been carried out. In the case of tongue morphology, comparative analyses of the structure have been restricted to the superfamily Noctilionoidea with a wide range of diets, and Molossidae, a strictly aerial insectivore family. In this paper, we studied the morphology of tongue papillae in 10 aerial insectivore Neotropical bat species, representing six families (Emballonuridae, Furipteridae, Thyropteridae, Mormoopidae, Natalidae, and Vespertilionidae), and data from the previous study of Molossidae were compared. We studied tongues in light and scanning electron microscopes following material preparation protocols. We observed two types of sensitive papillae, circumvallate and fungiform, the latter at times presenting a groove surrounding the papillae. Nine mechanic types were observed, one of them, which we called flaky-like, not hitherto described. All Vespertilionoidea families (Vespertilionidae, Natalidae, and Molossidae) presented, as diagnosing characters, fungiform papillae distributed throughout the tongue, as well as anteriorly at the dorsum, and scale-like papillae on the medial lobe directed laterally and anteriorly. Emballonuridae showed the simplest tongue morphology regarding the presence and abundance of some papillae. Families composing the clade Furipteridae + Thyropteridae + Mormoopidae presented small and non-grooved fungiform papillae, and mechanical bifid papillae were absent. In summary, this study has provided additional traits (putative synapomorphies) of the bat tongue to support the clades on the current bat phylogeny.
Abstract Comparative morphological characters in Neotropical bats are mostly restricted to external and cranio-dentary complexes, and few studies focusing on other morphological complexes have been carried out. In the case of tongue morphology, comparative analyses of the structure have been restricted to the superfamily Noctilionoidea with a wide range of diets, and Molossidae, a strictly aerial insectivore family. In this paper, we studied the morphology of tongue papillae in 10 aerial insectivore Neotropical bat species, representing six families (Emballonuridae, Furipteridae, Thyropteridae, Mormoopidae, Natalidae, and Vespertilionidae), and data from the previous study of Molossidae were compared. We studied tongues in light and scanning electron microscopes following material preparation protocols. We observed two types of sensitive papillae, circumvallate and fungiform, the latter at times presenting a groove surrounding the papillae. Nine mechanic types were observed, one of them, which we called flaky-like, not hitherto described. All Vespertilionoidea families (Vespertilionidae, Natalidae, and Molossidae) presented, as diagnosing characters, fungiform papillae distributed throughout the tongue, as well as anteriorly at the dorsum, and scale-like papillae on the medial lobe directed laterally and anteriorly. Emballonuridae showed the simplest tongue morphology regarding the presence and abundance of some papillae. Families composing the clade Furipteridae + Thyropteridae + Mormoopidae presented small and non-grooved fungiform papillae, and mechanical bifid papillae were absent. In summary, this study has provided additional traits (putative synapomorphies) of the bat tongue to support the clades on the current bat phylogeny.
Comparative morphological characters in Neotropical bats are mostly restricted to external and cranio-dentary complexes, and few studies focusing on other morphological complexes have been carried out. In the case of tongue morphology, comparative analyses of the structure have been restricted to the superfamily Noctilionoidea with a wide range of diets, and Molossidae, a strictly aerial insectivore family. In this paper, we studied the morphology of tongue papillae in 10 aerial insectivore Neotropical bat species, representing six families (Emballonuridae, Furipteridae, Thyropteridae, Mormoopidae, Natalidae, and Vespertilionidae), and data from the previous study of Molossidae were compared. We studied tongues in light and scanning electron microscopes following material preparation protocols. We observed two types of sensitive papillae, circumvallate and fungiform, the latter at times presenting a groove surrounding the papillae. Nine mechanic types were observed, one of them, which we called flaky-like, not hitherto described. All Vespertilionoidea families (Vespertilionidae, Natalidae, and Molossidae) presented, as diagnosing characters, fungiform papillae distributed throughout the tongue, as well as anteriorly at the dorsum, and scale-like papillae on the medial lobe directed laterally and anteriorly. Emballonuridae showed the simplest tongue morphology regarding the presence and abundance of some papillae. Families composing the clade Furipteridae + Thyropteridae + Mormoopidae presented small and non-grooved fungiform papillae, and mechanical bifid papillae were absent. In summary, this study has provided additional traits (putative synapomorphies) of the bat tongue to support the clades on the current bat phylogeny.(AU)
Animais , Quirópteros/anatomia & histologia , Quirópteros/classificação , Quirópteros/fisiologia , Língua/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia Eletrônica de VarreduraResumo
The morphological knowledge of the salivary glands in wild species is fundamental, since these studiescan be used as conservation strategies, clinical treatments and the preservation of species threatened with extinction. Thus, the aim of the study was to anatomically describe the larger salivary glands: parotid, mandibular, sublingual and molar of the jaguar. For this, two specimens of puma (Puma concolor) were used, after death by road traffic accident, donated by the Clinical Surgical Service Department of the Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique (UNIRP). The animals were fixed with 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, descriptively analyzed and photographed. Morphologically, the parotid gland is grayish-yellow in color, distinctly lobulated, and has a semilunar shape. This gland is located in the posterolateral region of the face and at its ventral end we observe the parotid duct. The mandibular gland presents a slightly rounded outline, a grayish color and its surface is covered by a capsule of connective tissue. This gland is located in the posterolateral region of the face and we find the mandibular duct at its ventral end. The monostomatic sublingual gland is located on the rostral border of the mandibular gland and it is covered by the mandibular lymph nodes. The molar gland is a yellowish-gray membranous protuberance, elongated, with rectangular shape and it lies dorsally to the labial commissure. Based on the dissections, we conclude that the morphological and topographic characteristics of salivary glands of puma follow the same structural pattern described for other species of carnivorous mammals (domestic and wild).
O conhecimento morfológico das glândulas salivares em espécies silvestres é fundamental, pois podem ser utilizadas como estratégias de conservação, tratamentos clínicos e preservação de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi descrever anatomicamente as glândulas salivares maiores: parótida, mandibular, sublingual e molar da onça-parda. Para isso, foram utilizados dois espécimes de onça-parda (Puma concolor), após morte por atropelamento, doados pelo Setor de Atendimento Clínico Cirúrgico de Animais Selvagens (SACCAS) do Hospital Veterinário Dr. HalimAtique (UNIRP). Os animais foram fixados com solução aquosa de formol a 10%, dissecados, analisados descritivamente e fotografados. Morfologicamente, a glândula parótida possui uma coloração cinza amarelada, é distintamente lobulada e apresenta um formato semilunar. Essa glândula localiza-se na região póstero-dorsal da face, e na sua extremidade ventral observamos o ducto parotídeo. A glândula mandibular apresenta um contorno levemente arredondado, coloração acinzentada e sua superfície é revestida por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo. Essa glândula situa-se na região póstero-ventral da face e na sua extremidade ventral encontramos o ducto mandibular. A glândula sublingual monostomática está localizada na borda rostral da glândula mandibular e apresenta-se coberta pelos linfonodos mandibulares. A glândula molar é uma protuberância membranosa de coloração cinza amarelada, formato retangular alongado que fica situada ventralmente a comissura labial. Fundamentado nas dissecações, concluímos que as características morfológicas e topográficas das glândulas salivares da onça-parda seguem o mesmo padrão estrutural descrito para outras espécies de mamíferos carnívoros (domésticos e silvestres).
Animais , Carnívoros/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Salivares/anatomia & histologia , Mamíferos , Puma/anatomia & histologia , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The morphological knowledge of the salivary glands in wild species is fundamental, since these studiescan be used as conservation strategies, clinical treatments and the preservation of species threatened with extinction. Thus, the aim of the study was to anatomically describe the larger salivary glands: parotid, mandibular, sublingual and molar of the jaguar. For this, two specimens of puma (Puma concolor) were used, after death by road traffic accident, donated by the Clinical Surgical Service Department of the Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique (UNIRP). The animals were fixed with 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, descriptively analyzed and photographed. Morphologically, the parotid gland is grayish-yellow in color, distinctly lobulated, and has a semilunar shape. This gland is located in the posterolateral region of the face and at its ventral end we observe the parotid duct. The mandibular gland presents a slightly rounded outline, a grayish color and its surface is covered by a capsule of connective tissue. This gland is located in the posterolateral region of the face and we find the mandibular duct at its ventral end. The monostomatic sublingual gland is located on the rostral border of the mandibular gland and it is covered by the mandibular lymph nodes. The molar gland is a yellowish-gray membranous protuberance, elongated, with rectangular shape and it lies dorsally to the labial commissure. Based on the dissections, we conclude that the morphological and topographic characteristics of salivary glands of puma follow the same structural pattern described for other species of carnivorous mammals (domestic and wild).(AU)
O conhecimento morfológico das glândulas salivares em espécies silvestres é fundamental, pois podem ser utilizadas como estratégias de conservação, tratamentos clínicos e preservação de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi descrever anatomicamente as glândulas salivares maiores: parótida, mandibular, sublingual e molar da onça-parda. Para isso, foram utilizados dois espécimes de onça-parda (Puma concolor), após morte por atropelamento, doados pelo Setor de Atendimento Clínico Cirúrgico de Animais Selvagens (SACCAS) do Hospital Veterinário Dr. HalimAtique (UNIRP). Os animais foram fixados com solução aquosa de formol a 10%, dissecados, analisados descritivamente e fotografados. Morfologicamente, a glândula parótida possui uma coloração cinza amarelada, é distintamente lobulada e apresenta um formato semilunar. Essa glândula localiza-se na região póstero-dorsal da face, e na sua extremidade ventral observamos o ducto parotídeo. A glândula mandibular apresenta um contorno levemente arredondado, coloração acinzentada e sua superfície é revestida por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo. Essa glândula situa-se na região póstero-ventral da face e na sua extremidade ventral encontramos o ducto mandibular. A glândula sublingual monostomática está localizada na borda rostral da glândula mandibular e apresenta-se coberta pelos linfonodos mandibulares. A glândula molar é uma protuberância membranosa de coloração cinza amarelada, formato retangular alongado que fica situada ventralmente a comissura labial. Fundamentado nas dissecações, concluímos que as características morfológicas e topográficas das glândulas salivares da onça-parda seguem o mesmo padrão estrutural descrito para outras espécies de mamíferos carnívoros (domésticos e silvestres).(AU)
Animais , Puma/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Salivares/anatomia & histologia , Carnívoros/anatomia & histologia , Mamíferos , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Descriptive studies of the fish digestive system are fundamental because they provide information on the biology of the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to morphologically describe the digestive system of the pufferfish, Chilomycterus spinosus spinosus. For this, adult specimens of pufferfish (n = 10) of both sexes were used. The animals were fixed with 10% aqueous formaldehyde solution, dissected, analyzed descriptively and photographed. The results demonstrate that the pufferfish has a morphologically modified digestive system, which is adapted to the defense behavior. This species presents a pouch-shaped diverticulum, that is called abdominal pouch, which allows the expansion of the celomatic cavity and the temporary storage of food. Although it is used to store food, macroscopically the abdominal pouch does not show gastric folds. However, this absence is compensated by a small intestine containing innumerable villi.