Varos tibial é um desvio angular decorrente do fechamento precoce parcial da linha fisária de crescimento do osso, levando a um desalinhamento articular com apoio e sobrecarga anormais, causando, secundariamente, osteoartrite, claudicação, luxação de patela, dor e problemas articulares. Neste relato, uma cadela da raça dachshund foi diagnosticada com tal afecção bilateralmente. Foi observado um desvio de ambos os membros posteriores aos 6 meses de idade. A confirmação da deformidade varo foi feita por meio do exame radiográfico e, posteriormente, foi realizada a tomografia e estereolitografia para o planejamento da cirurgia para correção do desvio angular, utilizando a metodologia de correção para desvio angular, denominada de técnica do centro de rotação da angulação (CORA) fechada, removendo uma cunha do osso para a correção da deformidade. A cirurgia foi bem-sucedida, apresentando bons resultados conformacionais, evoluindo sem complicações.(AU)
Tibial pes varus is an angular deviation resulting from the early partial closure of the physeal line of bone growth, leading to joint misalignment with abnormal support and overload, secondarily causing osteoarthritis, claudication, patellar dislocation, pain, among other joint problems. In this report, a female Dachshund canine was diagnosed with this condition bilaterally in the tibias. It was observed a deviation of both hind limbs at 6 months of age. Confirmation of the varus deformity was made through radiographic examination, and later computed tomography and stereolithography were performed to plan the surgery to correct bilateral angular deviation of the tibia, using the angular deviation technique (CORA) closed, removing a wedge from the bone to correct the deviation angular. The surgery was successful, and the angular deviation was correctly corrected, presenting good results to the animal, without complications.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Pé Torto/diagnóstico , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , CãesResumo
Background: Angular deformity is characterized by the deviation of part of the bone that can occur in three different planes, frontal, sagittal and transverse. Trauma on physeal plates is the most common cause of angular deviations of the limbs in dogs. Currently the CORA (Center of Rotation of Angulation) methodology is the best way to evaluate and surgically correct these deformities. The objective of this study is to describe the surgical procedures performed to treat the uniapical valgus deviation affecting both tibial bones in a dog, comparing the outcomes of hybrid external skeletal fixator used in the right pelvic limb in relation to the locking plate used in the left pelvic limb. Case: A 10-month old Border Collie dog was attended at the University Veterinary Hospital with history of lameness and deviation of both pelvic limbs. In the orthopedic examination, it was possible to identify bilateral valgus deviation in the region of the tibio-tarsal joints and moderate lameness, with absence of pain or joint crepitation. Radiographic examination showed that the deformity was only uniapical in the frontal plane, affecting both tibial bones of the dog. Signs of osteoarthrosis were not observed and the preoperative examinations were within the normal limits for the species. The deformities were corrected in two surgical times starting with the procedure in the right tibia, which appeared to be clinically worse. Due to the fact that it was a bilateral affection and there was not a healthy pelvic limb to obtain the normal angles values of this dog, for planning according to the CORA methodology, the values of the tibial mechanical angles for dogs of similar size were taken from the literature. For surgical correction of the right tibia, a closed wedge osteotomy was performed following the second rule of Paley
Animais , Cães , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Ossos Pélvicos/lesões , Tíbia/anormalidades , Osteotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Angular deformity is characterized by the deviation of part of the bone that can occur in three different planes, frontal, sagittal and transverse. Trauma on physeal plates is the most common cause of angular deviations of the limbs in dogs. Currently the CORA (Center of Rotation of Angulation) methodology is the best way to evaluate and surgically correct these deformities. The objective of this study is to describe the surgical procedures performed to treat the uniapical valgus deviation affecting both tibial bones in a dog, comparing the outcomes of hybrid external skeletal fixator used in the right pelvic limb in relation to the locking plate used in the left pelvic limb. Case: A 10-month old Border Collie dog was attended at the University Veterinary Hospital with history of lameness and deviation of both pelvic limbs. In the orthopedic examination, it was possible to identify bilateral valgus deviation in the region of the tibio-tarsal joints and moderate lameness, with absence of pain or joint crepitation. Radiographic examination showed that the deformity was only uniapical in the frontal plane, affecting both tibial bones of the dog. Signs of osteoarthrosis were not observed and the preoperative examinations were within the normal limits for the species. The deformities were corrected in two surgical times starting with the procedure in the right tibia, which appeared to be clinically worse. Due to the fact that it was a bilateral affection and there was not a healthy pelvic limb to obtain the normal angles values of this dog, for planning according to the CORA methodology, the values of the tibial mechanical angles for dogs of similar size were taken from the literature. For surgical correction of the right tibia, a closed wedge osteotomy was performed following the second rule of Paley (AU)