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Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 134-151, jan.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437896


A avicultura de corte levou ao Brasil a ser o no líder exportador de carne de frango, desde 2011, e o terceiro produtor global desta proteína. Portanto, é importante que todo produtor possua e mantenha um programa de biosseguridade continuado, respeitando rigorosamente cada etapa ou prática de manejo a fim de obter o sucesso econômico de sua produção. Sustentado pela medicina veterinária preventiva, um programa de biosseguridade deve apresentar aspectos direcionados a cada sistema de proteção em particular, para prevenir e controlar a presença e/ou introdução de microrganismos patogênicos nos rebanhos. O objetivo deste trabalho e apresentar uma revisão atualizada de literatura sobre programas de biosseguridade para evitar a proliferação de agentes patogênicos na avicultura de corte como os dois tipos de Salmonella que causam riscos à saúde pública e à dos animais. A pesquisa é qualitativa de cunho exploratório bibliográfico-documental, com pesquisa em sites como o Google Acadêmico, da revista de veterinária da Unipar, SCIELO, portal CAPES e sites governamentais. O resultado da pesquisa apresentou um panorama real sobre emprego de programas de biosseguridade no Brasil, direcionados à avicultura de corte, demonstrando que os produtores estão se conscientizando sobre a importância destes programas, devido à pressão do mercado exportador global. Conclui-se que ainda falta uma maior conscientização por parte de todos os produtores brasileiros, para evitar que o plantel produzido seja contaminado por agentes patogênicos, principalmente a Salmonella, evitando que a saúde pública e animal esteja comprometida. Somente desta maneira, o Brasil conseguirá manter e expandir mais o mercado avícola a nível global.(AU)

Poultry farming has led Brazil to be the leading exporter of chicken meat, since 2011, and the third global producer of this protein. Therefore, it is important that every producer has and maintains a continuous biosecurity program, strictly respecting each stage or management practice in order to obtain the economic success of their production. Supported by preventive veterinary medicine, a biosecurity program must present aspects directed to each protection system in particular, to prevent and control the presence and/or introduction of pathogenic microorganisms in herds. The objective of this work is to present an updated review of the literature on biosecurity programs to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic agents in poultry farming, such as the two types of Salmonella that pose risks to public and animal health. The research is qualitative, bibliographical-documentary exploratory, with research on sites such as Google Scholar, Unipar's veterinary magazine, SCIELO, CAPES portal and government sites. The result of the research presented a real panorama on the use of biosecurity programs in Brazil, directed to poultry production, demonstrating that producers are becoming aware of the importance of these programs, due to the pressure of the global export market. It is concluded that there is still a lack of greater awareness on the part of all Brazilian producers, to prevent the produced herd from being contaminated by pathogenic agents, mainly Salmonella, preventing public and animal health from being compromised. Only in this way will Brazil be able to maintain and further expand the poultry market at a global level.(AU)

La avicultura llevó a Brasil a ser el principal exportador de carne de pollo, desde 2011, y el tercer productor mundial de esta proteína. Por ello, es importante que todo productor cuente y mantenga un programa de bioseguridad continuo, respetando estrictamente cada etapa o práctica de manejo para obtener el éxito económico de su producción. Apoyado en la medicina veterinaria preventiva, un programa de bioseguridad debe presentar aspectos dirigidos a cada sistema de protección en particular, para prevenir y controlar la presencia y/o introducción de microorganismos patógenos en los rebaños. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una revisión actualizada de la literatura sobre programas de bioseguridad para prevenir la proliferación de agentes patógenos en la avicultura, como los dos tipos de Salmonella que presentan riesgos para la salud pública y animal. La investigación es cualitativa, bibliográfico-documental exploratoria, con pesquisa en sitios como Google Scholar, revista veterinaria de la Unipar, SCIELO, portal de la CAPES y sitios gubernamentales. El resultado de la investigación presentó un panorama real sobre el uso de programas de bioseguridad en Brasil, dirigidos a la producción avícola, demostrando que los productores están tomando conciencia de la importancia de estos programas, debido a la presión del mercado mundial de exportación. Se concluye que aún falta una mayor conciencia por parte de todos los productores brasileños, para evitar que el hato producido sea contaminado por agentes patógenos, principalmente Salmonella, evitando que se comprometa la salud pública y animal. Solo así Brasil podrá mantener y expandir aún más el mercado avícola a nivel mundial.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Salmonelose Animal/prevenção & controle , Prevenção de Doenças , Biosseguridade , Salmonella
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459990


The present study was carried out to evaluate the substitution of synthetic performance enhancers by ethanolic propolis extract (EPE) in the diet of broilers and their effects on performance, carcass yield, noble cuts, viscera and bed quality. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and six replicates each, totaling 24 experimental plots with 20 birds each. The experimental treatments were: negative control, without the inclusion of performance improvement and EPE-free; positive control, containing avilamycin performance enhancer; Inclusion of 0.1% of EPE and; Inclusion of 0.2% EPE. The analyzed data were submitted to analysis of variance and applied the SNK test at 5% probability. There was no effect of the inclusion of additives on feed intake and feed conversion in the periods from 1 to 7, 1 to 21, and from 1 to 42 days of age. Weight gain was lower in birds receiving feed with the inclusion of 0.1% EPE in the period from 1 to 7 days, not differing from the other treatments in the other evaluation periods. Carcass characteristics, cuts, and viscera and bed moisture were not influenced by the treatments used. The inclusion of ethanol extract from propolis as a performance enhancer up to 42 days of age provided similar results to the use of performance enhancers based on avilamycin, thus being an efficient substitute in poultry production.

The present study was carried out to evaluate the substitution of synthetic performance enhancers by ethanolic propolis extract (EPE) in the diet of broilers and their effects on performance, carcass yield, noble cuts, viscera and bed quality. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and six replicates each, totaling 24 experimental plots with 20 birds each. The experimental treatments were: negative control, without the inclusion of performance improvement and EPE-free; positive control, containing avilamycin performance enhancer; Inclusion of 0.1% of EPE and; Inclusion of 0.2% EPE. The analyzed data were submitted to analysis of variance and applied the SNK test at 5% probability. There was no effect of the inclusion of additives on feed intake and feed conversion in the periods from 1 to 7, 1 to 21, and from 1 to 42 days of age. Weight gain was lower in birds receiving feed with the inclusion of 0.1% EPE in the period from 1 to 7 days, not differing from the other treatments in the other evaluation periods. Carcass characteristics, cuts, and viscera and bed moisture were not influenced by the treatments used. The inclusion of ethanol extract from propolis as a performance enhancer up to 42 days of age provided similar results to the use of performance enhancers based on avilamycin, thus being an efficient substitute in poultry production.

Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e52845, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1390695


The present study was carried out to evaluate the substitution of synthetic performance enhancers by ethanolic propolis extract (EPE) in the diet of broilers and their effects on performance, carcass yield, noble cuts, viscera and bed quality. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and six replicates each, totaling 24 experimental plots with 20 birds each. The experimental treatments were: negative control, without the inclusion of performance improvement and EPE-free; positive control, containing avilamycin performance enhancer; Inclusion of 0.1% of EPE and; Inclusion of 0.2% EPE. The analyzed data were submitted to analysis of variance and applied the SNK test at 5% probability. There was no effect of the inclusion of additives on feed intake and feed conversion in the periods from 1 to 7, 1 to 21, and from 1 to 42 days of age. Weight gain was lower in birds receiving feed with the inclusion of 0.1% EPE in the period from 1 to 7 days, not differing from the other treatments in the other evaluation periods. Carcass characteristics, cuts, and viscera and bed moisture were not influenced by the treatments used. The inclusion of ethanol extract from propolis as a performance enhancer up to 42 days of age provided similar results to the use of performance enhancers based on avilamycin, thus being an efficient substitute in poultry production.(AU)

Animais , Própole/administração & dosagem , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Antibacterianos
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 44: e52845, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33252


The present study was carried out to evaluate the substitution of synthetic performance enhancers by ethanolic propolis extract (EPE) in the diet of broilers and their effects on performance, carcass yield, noble cuts, viscera and bed quality. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and six replicates each, totaling 24 experimental plots with 20 birds each. The experimental treatments were: negative control, without the inclusion of performance improvement and EPE-free; positivecontrol, containing avilamycin performance enhancer; Inclusion of 0.1% of EPE and; Inclusion of 0.2% EPE. The analyzed data were submitted to analysis of variance and applied the SNK test at 5% probability. There was no effect of the inclusion of additives on feed intake and feed conversion in the periods from 1 to 7, 1 to 21,and from 1 to 42 days of age. Weight gain was lower in birds receiving feed with the inclusion of 0.1% EPE in the period from 1 to 7 days, not differing from the other treatments in the other evaluation periods. Carcass characteristics, cuts, and viscera and bed moisture were not influenced by the treatments used. The inclusion of ethanol extract from propolis as a performance enhancer up to 42 days of age provided similar results to the use of performance enhancers based on avilamycin, thus being an efficient substitute in poultry production.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análise , Óleos Voláteis/análise , Óleos Voláteis/química , Própole , Fitoterapia , Antibacterianos
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764827


The present study was carried out to evaluate the substitution of synthetic performance enhancers by ethanolic propolis extract (EPE) in the diet of broilers and their effects on performance, carcass yield, noble cuts, viscera and bed quality. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and six replicates each, totaling 24 experimental plots with 20 birds each. The experimental treatments were: negative control, without the inclusion of performance improvement and EPE-free; positive control, containing avilamycin performance enhancer; Inclusion of 0.1% of EPE and; Inclusion of 0.2% EPE. The analyzed data were submitted to analysis of variance and applied the SNK test at 5% probability. There was no effect of the inclusion of additives on feed intake and feed conversion in the periods from 1 to 7, 1 to 21, and from 1 to 42 days of age. Weight gain was lower in birds receiving feed with the inclusion of 0.1% EPE in the period from 1 to 7 days, not differing from the other treatments in the other evaluation periods. Carcass characteristics, cuts, and viscera and bed moisture were not influenced by the treatments used. The inclusion of ethanol extract from propolis as a performance enhancer up to 42 days of age provided similar results to the use of performance enhancers based on avilamycin, thus being an efficient substitute in poultry production.

The present study was carried out to evaluate the substitution of synthetic performance enhancers by ethanolic propolis extract (EPE) in the diet of broilers and their effects on performance, carcass yield, noble cuts, viscera and bed quality. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and six replicates each, totaling 24 experimental plots with 20 birds each. The experimental treatments were: negative control, without the inclusion of performance improvement and EPE-free; positive control, containing avilamycin performance enhancer; Inclusion of 0.1% of EPE and; Inclusion of 0.2% EPE. The analyzed data were submitted to analysis of variance and applied the SNK test at 5% probability. There was no effect of the inclusion of additives on feed intake and feed conversion in the periods from 1 to 7, 1 to 21, and from 1 to 42 days of age. Weight gain was lower in birds receiving feed with the inclusion of 0.1% EPE in the period from 1 to 7 days, not differing from the other treatments in the other evaluation periods. Carcass characteristics, cuts, and viscera and bed moisture were not influenced by the treatments used. The inclusion of ethanol extract from propolis as a performance enhancer up to 42 days of age provided similar results to the use of performance enhancers based on avilamycin, thus being an efficient substitute in poultry production.