Intervertebral disc extrusion (IVDE) is the most common cause of spinal cord compression in dogs, whose prognosis is variable and depends on several factors, with deep pain perception (DPP) being the main parameter used. Investigations of new prognostic factors are studied to assist in the estimation of functional recovery. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate whether spinal hyperesthesia (SH) at the compression site can be used as a prognostic factor for the functional recovery of dogs with acute IVDE (Hansen type I), without DPP being subjected to thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy. Decompression surgery was performed on the same day or the day after admission. The duration of the loss of DPP until surgery performance ranged from 1 to 60 days, with a median of 4.5 days for the group of dogs with SH and 5.5 days for those without SH. Among the 68 dogs included in this retrospective study, 73.5% (50/68) showed SH, and 26.5% (18/68) were not identified. Recovery was satisfactory in 60% (30/50) of dogs with SH and in 27.7% (5/18) of dogs without SH, demonstrating that paraplegic dogs without DPP but with SH were 3.9 times more likely to recover when compared to dogs in the same condition, but with no SH. No studies have evaluated SH by palpation of the spine as a prognostic factor, which reinforces the relevance of the present study. The results of this study imply that SH in paraplegic dogs affected by thoracolumbar IVDE, without the presence of DPP, can be used as a possible prognostic indicator of functional recovery.
A extrusão do disco intervertebral (EDIV) é a causa mais comum de lesão compressiva na medula espinhal de cães, cujo prognóstico é variável e depende de diversos fatores, sendo a percepção de dor profunda (PDP) o principal parâmetro utilizado. Pesquisas de novos fatores prognósticos são estudados com intuito de auxiliar na estimativa mais precisa de recuperação funcional. Com isso, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar se a hiperestesia espinhal (HE) no local da compressão, pode ser utilizada como um fator prognóstico para recuperação funcional de cães com extrusão aguda do disco intervertebral (Hansen tipo I), sem a presença de PDP submetidos a hemilaminectomia toracolombar. A cirurgia descompressiva ocorreu no mesmo dia ou no dia seguinte ao atendimento. A duração da perda de dor profunda até a realização da cirurgia variou de 1 a 60 dias, com uma mediana de 4,5 dias para o grupo de cães com e 5,5 dias para aqueles sem hiperestesia espinhal. Dos 68 cães incluídos nesse estudo retrospectivo, 73,5% (50/68) apresentavam HE e, em 26,5% (18/68) a dor não foi identificada. A recuperação foi satisfatória nos cães com HE em 60% (30/50) e, sem HE, em 27,7% (5/18) dos casos, demonstrando que os cães paraplégicos sem PDP, mas com presença de hiperestesia espinhal tem 3,9 vezes mais chances de recuperação quando comparado com cães na mesma condição, mas sem HE. Não foram encontrados trabalhos que avaliaram a HE mediante a palpação da coluna vertebral como um fator prognóstico, o que reforça a relevância do presente estudo. Os resultados do presente trabalho sugerem que a HE em cães paraplégicos acometidos por EDIV toracolombar sem presença de PDP pode ser utilizada como um possível indicador prognóstico de recuperação funcional.
Animais , Cães , Paraplegia/veterinária , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Medição da Dor/veterinária , Percepção da Dor , Hiperestesia/veterinária , Degeneração do Disco Intervertebral/veterináriaResumo
Prostatic carcinomas in are aggressive neoplasms and bone metastases may occur; however, hypertrophic osteopathy associated with that condition is poorly documented. A ten-year-old, neutered male, mixed breed dog had a history of lameness and volume increase in the left pelvic limb. On radiographic examination, a lytic bone mass was observed in the left metatarsus, as well as a diffuse proliferative periosteal reaction in several bones of the appendicular skeleton, in addition to radiopaque nodular structures in all lung lobes. A presumptive diagnosis of primary bone neoplasia with pulmonary metastases and hypertrophic osteopathy was established and chemotherapy treatment was started. However, there was no satisfactory clinical response, and euthanasia was ellected. At necropsy, there was moderate enlargement of the prostate gland. The gland was firm and whitish, with a multilobulated aspect. Several similar masses were observed in the right kidney, lungs, mediastinal lymph nodes, and multiple bones of the appendicular skeleton. These bones also presented evident diffuse periosteal reaction. Histological examination revealed a metastatic prostatic carcinoma with bone involvement and hypertrophic osteopathy. This report is an unusual case of metastatic prostatic carcinoma in association with hypertrophic osteopathy and concomitant bone metastases.(AU)
Os carcinomas prostáticos em cães são neoplasmas agressivos e as metástases ósseas podem ocorrer, entretanto a associação com osteopatia hipertrófica é pouco relatada. Um canino, macho, sem raça definida de 10 anos de idade, com histórico de claudicação e aumento de volume em membro pélvico esquerdo, apresentou no exame radiográfico uma massa óssea, lítica em metatarso esquerdo, bem como reação periosteal proliferativa difusa em diversos ossos do esqueleto apendicular além de estruturas nodulares, radiopacas em todos os lobos pulmonares. Realizou-se o diagnóstico presuntivo de neoplasia óssea primaria com metástases pulmonares e osteopatia hipertrófica e iniciou-se o tratamento quimioterápico. Todavia, não houve resposta clínica satisfatória, optando-se pela eutanásia. Na necropsia foi constatado aumento de volume moderado da próstata, com aspecto multilobulado, ao corte firme e brancacento. Diversas massas similares foram observadas no rim direito, pulmões, linfonodos mediastínicos e em vários ossos do esqueleto apendicular, além de evidente reação periosteal difusa. A avaliação histológica revelou um carcinoma prostático metastático com envolvimento ósseo, bem como osteopatia hipertrófica pulmonar. Esse relato é um caso incomum de carcinoma prostático metastático devido a associação com osteopatia hipertrófica pulmonar e as metástases ósseas concomitantes.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Metástase Neoplásica , Carcinoma/veterinária , Hipertrofia/veterinária , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterináriaResumo
Eleven cases of renal cystadenoma/cystadenocarcinoma-nodular dermatofibrosis syndrome (RCND) are described in German Shepherd dogs diagnosed from January 1994 to January 2018 at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the "Universidade Federal de Santa Maria" (LPV-UFSM). The study sample was composed of eight male and three female dogs at a ratio of 2.67:1. Age ranged from six to 12 years (mean=8.7 years). The main clinical signs reported in descending order of frequency were multiple cutaneous nodules (nodular dermatofibrosis), dyspnea, anorexia, weight loss, recurrent hematuria, vomiting, and polydipsia. Results demonstrated that it is not always easy to clinically recognize this syndrome, but its peculiar anatomical-pathological characteristics allow safe diagnosis. Histologically, it was possible to detect all phases (cysts, papillary intratubular hyperplasia, and cystadenomas or cystadenocarcinomas) of a possible pathological continuum of the renal lesions. Uterine leiomyomas were observed in only one of the cases. Through histochemical techniques, it was possible to identify the presence of type I collagen in both cutaneous and renal lesions and consider its possible involvement in the pathogenesis of renal cystadenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) showed partially satisfactory results in the staining of epithelial cells of renal cysts and neoplasms for pan-cytokeratin.(AU)
São descritos 11 casos da síndrome cistadenoma/cistadenocarcinoma-dermatofibrose nodular (CR-DN) em cães Pastor Alemão, diagnosticados entre janeiro de 1994 e janeiro de 2018 no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM). Os cães afetados foram oito machos e três fêmeas, estabelecendo-se uma relação de 2,67:1. A idade variou de seis a 12 anos, sendo a média de idade de 8,7 anos. Os principais sinais clínicos relatados foram, em ordem decrescente de frequência, múltiplos nódulos cutâneos (dermatofibrose nodular), dispneia, anorexia, emagrecimento, hematúria recorrente, vômito e polidipsia. Este estudo permitiu estabelecer que o reconhecimento clínico da síndrome nem sempre é fácil, porém suas características anátomo-patológicas peculiares permitem um diagnóstico com segurança. Histologicamente, foi possível detectar todas as fases (cistos, hiperplasia intratubular papilífera, cistadenomas ou cistadenocarcinomas) de um possível continuum patológico das lesões renais. Leiomiomas uterinos foram observados somente em um caso. Através das técnicas histoquímicas foi possível estabelecer que o colágeno tipo I está presente em ambas as lesões, cutâneas e renais, e cogitar seu possível envolvimento na patogênese dos cistadenocarcinomas renais. A técnica de IHQ mostrou resultados parcialmente satisfatórios na imunomarcação das células epiteliais dos cistos e dos neoplasmas renais para pancitoceratina.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Fibrose/veterinária , Cistadenocarcinoma/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Eleven cases of renal cystadenoma/cystadenocarcinoma-nodular dermatofibrosis syndrome (RCND) are described in German Shepherd dogs diagnosed from January 1994 to January 2018 at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the "Universidade Federal de Santa Maria" (LPV-UFSM). The study sample was composed of eight male and three female dogs at a ratio of 2.67:1. Age ranged from six to 12 years (mean=8.7 years). The main clinical signs reported in descending order of frequency were multiple cutaneous nodules (nodular dermatofibrosis), dyspnea, anorexia, weight loss, recurrent hematuria, vomiting, and polydipsia. Results demonstrated that it is not always easy to clinically recognize this syndrome, but its peculiar anatomical-pathological characteristics allow safe diagnosis. Histologically, it was possible to detect all phases (cysts, papillary intratubular hyperplasia, and cystadenomas or cystadenocarcinomas) of a possible pathological continuum of the renal lesions. Uterine leiomyomas were observed in only one of the cases. Through histochemical techniques, it was possible to identify the presence of type I collagen in both cutaneous and renal lesions and consider its possible involvement in the pathogenesis of renal cystadenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) showed partially satisfactory results in the staining of epithelial cells of renal cysts and neoplasms for pan-cytokeratin.(AU)
São descritos 11 casos da síndrome cistadenoma/cistadenocarcinoma-dermatofibrose nodular (CR-DN) em cães Pastor Alemão, diagnosticados entre janeiro de 1994 e janeiro de 2018 no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM). Os cães afetados foram oito machos e três fêmeas, estabelecendo-se uma relação de 2,67:1. A idade variou de seis a 12 anos, sendo a média de idade de 8,7 anos. Os principais sinais clínicos relatados foram, em ordem decrescente de frequência, múltiplos nódulos cutâneos (dermatofibrose nodular), dispneia, anorexia, emagrecimento, hematúria recorrente, vômito e polidipsia. Este estudo permitiu estabelecer que o reconhecimento clínico da síndrome nem sempre é fácil, porém suas características anátomo-patológicas peculiares permitem um diagnóstico com segurança. Histologicamente, foi possível detectar todas as fases (cistos, hiperplasia intratubular papilífera, cistadenomas ou cistadenocarcinomas) de um possível continuum patológico das lesões renais. Leiomiomas uterinos foram observados somente em um caso. Através das técnicas histoquímicas foi possível estabelecer que o colágeno tipo I está presente em ambas as lesões, cutâneas e renais, e cogitar seu possível envolvimento na patogênese dos cistadenocarcinomas renais. A técnica de IHQ mostrou resultados parcialmente satisfatórios na imunomarcação das células epiteliais dos cistos e dos neoplasmas renais para pancitoceratina.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Fibrose/veterinária , Cistadenocarcinoma/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Eleven cases of renal cystadenoma/cystadenocarcinoma-nodular dermatofibrosis syndrome (RCND) are described in German Shepherd dogs diagnosed from January 1994 to January 2018 at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM). The study sample was composed of eight male and three female dogs at a ratio of 2.67:1. Age ranged from six to 12 years (mean=8.7 years). The main clinical signs reported in descending order of frequency were multiple cutaneous nodules (nodular dermatofibrosis), dyspnea, anorexia, weight loss, recurrent hematuria, vomiting, and polydipsia. Results demonstrated that it is not always easy to clinically recognize this syndrome, but its peculiar anatomical-pathological characteristics allow safe diagnosis. Histologically, it was possible to detect all phases (cysts, papillary intratubular hyperplasia, and cystadenomas or cystadenocarcinomas) of a possible pathological continuum of the renal lesions. Uterine leiomyomas were observed in only one of the cases. Through histochemical techniques, it was possible to identify the presence of type I collagen in both cutaneous and renal lesions and consider its possible involvement in the pathogenesis of renal cystadenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) showed partially satisfactory results in the staining of epithelial cells of renal cysts and neoplasms for pan-cytokeratin.
RESUMO: São descritos 11 casos da síndrome cistadenoma/cistadenocarcinoma-dermatofibrose nodular (CR-DN) em cães Pastor Alemão, diagnosticados entre janeiro de 1994 e janeiro de 2018 no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM). Os cães afetados foram oito machos e três fêmeas, estabelecendo-se uma relação de 2,67:1. A idade variou de seis a 12 anos, sendo a média de idade de 8,7 anos. Os principais sinais clínicos relatados foram, em ordem decrescente de frequência, múltiplos nódulos cutâneos (dermatofibrose nodular), dispneia, anorexia, emagrecimento, hematúria recorrente, vômito e polidipsia. Este estudo permitiu estabelecer que o reconhecimento clínico da síndrome nem sempre é fácil, porém suas características anátomo-patológicas peculiares permitem um diagnóstico com segurança. Histologicamente, foi possível detectar todas as fases (cistos, hiperplasia intratubular papilífera, cistadenomas ou cistadenocarcinomas) de um possível continuum patológico das lesões renais. Leiomiomas uterinos foram observados somente em um caso. Através das técnicas histoquímicas foi possível estabelecer que o colágeno tipo I está presente em ambas as lesões, cutâneas e renais, e cogitar seu possível envolvimento na patogênese dos cistadenocarcinomas renais. A técnica de IHQ mostrou resultados parcialmente satisfatórios na imunomarcação das células epiteliais dos cistos e dos neoplasmas renais para pancitoceratina.
Background: Candida spp. are pleomorphic fungi that are commensal inhabitants of the oral, gastrointestinal, upper respiratory and urogenital mucosa of mammals. Candida albicans is described as the most important species. This opportunistic pathogen may produce local or systemic infections in dogs. Local infections have been reported in several tissues and systemic infection is rare in dogs with few reports in the literature describing this presentation. The aim of the present study was to report two cases of cerebral Candida albicans infection in dogs in Brazil.Case: Two cases of cerebral Candida albicans infection in dogs that showed nervous signs are described. In both cases, the brain showed marked asymmetry of the telencephalic hemispheres with multifocal to coalescing yellowish or reddish areas and a partial loss of distinction between gray and white matter. In Case 1, the mediastinal, tracheobronchial and mesenteric lymph nodes, as well as the right kidney and adrenal gland, showed altered architecture due to numerous whitish gray nodules. Histological lesions were characterized by granulomatous (case 1) or pyogranulomatous (case 2) necrotizing meningoencephalitis with intralesional fungal organisms. In case 1, similar granulomatous infiltrate with intralesional fungal organisms was also seen in the lymph nodes, kidney and adrenal gland. In case 2, there was evidence consistent with an underlying infection of canine distemper virus. Were observed lymphoplasmocytic interstitial pneumonia, lymphoid rarefaction in lymph nodes, and viral intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the epithelial cells of the stomach and vesical urothelium. In these two cases, the fungal organisms displayed three different morphological patterns. The first pattern was characterized by delicate tubular structures with thin parallel walls that were rarely septate and tended to undulate slightly, and measured approximately 4-20 µm (true hyphae).[...]
Animais , Cães , Candida albicans/patogenicidade , Candidíase/complicações , Candidíase/veterinária , Encefalite Infecciosa/diagnóstico , Encefalite Infecciosa/veterináriaResumo
Background: Candida spp. are pleomorphic fungi that are commensal inhabitants of the oral, gastrointestinal, upper respiratory and urogenital mucosa of mammals. Candida albicans is described as the most important species. This opportunistic pathogen may produce local or systemic infections in dogs. Local infections have been reported in several tissues and systemic infection is rare in dogs with few reports in the literature describing this presentation. The aim of the present study was to report two cases of cerebral Candida albicans infection in dogs in Brazil.Case: Two cases of cerebral Candida albicans infection in dogs that showed nervous signs are described. In both cases, the brain showed marked asymmetry of the telencephalic hemispheres with multifocal to coalescing yellowish or reddish areas and a partial loss of distinction between gray and white matter. In Case 1, the mediastinal, tracheobronchial and mesenteric lymph nodes, as well as the right kidney and adrenal gland, showed altered architecture due to numerous whitish gray nodules. Histological lesions were characterized by granulomatous (case 1) or pyogranulomatous (case 2) necrotizing meningoencephalitis with intralesional fungal organisms. In case 1, similar granulomatous infiltrate with intralesional fungal organisms was also seen in the lymph nodes, kidney and adrenal gland. In case 2, there was evidence consistent with an underlying infection of canine distemper virus. Were observed lymphoplasmocytic interstitial pneumonia, lymphoid rarefaction in lymph nodes, and viral intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the epithelial cells of the stomach and vesical urothelium. In these two cases, the fungal organisms displayed three different morphological patterns. The first pattern was characterized by delicate tubular structures with thin parallel walls that were rarely septate and tended to undulate slightly, and measured approximately 4-20 µm (true hyphae).[...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Candida albicans/patogenicidade , Candidíase/complicações , Candidíase/veterinária , Encefalite Infecciosa/diagnóstico , Encefalite Infecciosa/veterináriaResumo
Background: Atrial septal defects are generally classified into three types: ostium secundum, ostium primum, and sinus venosus. Diagnose is normaly confirmed with Doppler echocardiography, which can identify and classify atrial septal defects types. This cardiac anomaly may be corrected by different surgical approaches, such as cardiopulmonary bypass or transvenous approaches. Therefore, we chose to close the atrial septal defect using a total venous inflow occlusion technique (TIVO), which has been successfully used in other procedures without major postoperative complications, and are notably cheaper and requires no specialized equipment, been able to be done in different places.Case: An American Pit Bull Terrier was referred to our surgical service for ostium secundum atrial septal defect correction, by the time of surgery the patient presented dyspneic; normal capillary refill time and rectal temperature; the owner mentioned the patient exhibited exercise intolerance and delayed development compared to other dogs of the same age or from the same litter. Cardiac auscultation revealed a systolic murmur at the left base, femoral pulse was normokinetic, and patient was emaciated and prostrated at the time of clinical evaluation. Atrial septal defect was suspected and then confirmed by Doppler echocardiography that revealed a discontinuous area in the interatrial septum, and by color doppler images an aliased signal, that extended through the interatrial septum and shunted from the left to the right atria, was visualized, confirming an ostium secundum atrial septal defect. After a right intercostal thoracotomy, a subphrenic pericardiectomy was performed to provide access to the heart. Cranial and caudal vena cava as well as the azygos vein, were dissected, which allowed placement of a Satinskys clamp to proceed with TIVO. Before TIVO initiation, a pursestring suture with 3-0 polypropylene was applied to the right atrium.[...]
Animais , Cães , Comunicação Interatrial/diagnóstico por imagem , Comunicação Interatrial/patologia , Comunicação Interatrial/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Cardíacos/veterinária , Cardiopatias Congênitas/veterinária , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterináriaResumo
Background: Atrial septal defects are generally classified into three types: ostium secundum, ostium primum, and sinus venosus. Diagnose is normaly confirmed with Doppler echocardiography, which can identify and classify atrial septal defects types. This cardiac anomaly may be corrected by different surgical approaches, such as cardiopulmonary bypass or transvenous approaches. Therefore, we chose to close the atrial septal defect using a total venous inflow occlusion technique (TIVO), which has been successfully used in other procedures without major postoperative complications, and are notably cheaper and requires no specialized equipment, been able to be done in different places.Case: An American Pit Bull Terrier was referred to our surgical service for ostium secundum atrial septal defect correction, by the time of surgery the patient presented dyspneic; normal capillary refill time and rectal temperature; the owner mentioned the patient exhibited exercise intolerance and delayed development compared to other dogs of the same age or from the same litter. Cardiac auscultation revealed a systolic murmur at the left base, femoral pulse was normokinetic, and patient was emaciated and prostrated at the time of clinical evaluation. Atrial septal defect was suspected and then confirmed by Doppler echocardiography that revealed a discontinuous area in the interatrial septum, and by color doppler images an aliased signal, that extended through the interatrial septum and shunted from the left to the right atria, was visualized, confirming an ostium secundum atrial septal defect. After a right intercostal thoracotomy, a subphrenic pericardiectomy was performed to provide access to the heart. Cranial and caudal vena cava as well as the azygos vein, were dissected, which allowed placement of a Satinskys clamp to proceed with TIVO. Before TIVO initiation, a pursestring suture with 3-0 polypropylene was applied to the right atrium.[...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Comunicação Interatrial/diagnóstico por imagem , Comunicação Interatrial/patologia , Comunicação Interatrial/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Cardíacos/veterinária , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterinária , Cardiopatias Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Descrevem-se os principais aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de casos de hepatite infecciosa canina diagnosticados no Laboratório de Patologia Animal da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, durante o período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2016. Dos 1.640 cães necropsiados, 15 foram diagnosticados como hepatite infecciosa canina (0,91%). Dos cães acometidos nove eram machos e seis fêmeas. As idades variaram de 45 dias a sete anos, sendo a maioria filhotes. Dez animais não apresentavam raça definida, quatro eram Poodles e um Rottweiler. A maioria dos cães não recebeu nenhum tipo de protocolo vacinal. Os cães eram oriundos dos municípios de Patos, São Mamede e Teixeira, pertencentes ao estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. A maioria dos cães apresentou curso clínico variando de hiperagudo a agudo. Os principais sinais clínicos foram convulsão, apatia e hiporexia. Na necropsia, as principais alterações foram observadas no fígado que se apresentava de pálido a alaranjado e com áreas irregulares avermelhadas na superfície capsular, além de acentuação do padrão lobular e edema na parede da vesícula biliar. Hemorragias foram observadas em vários órgãos. Na histopatologia havia necrose centrolobular de hepatócitos associada a corpúsculos de inclusão viral intranucleares, hemorragia e infiltrado inflamatório misto. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido com base nas características lesões histopatológicas e foi confirmado por imuno-histoquímica. A hepatite infecciosa canina ocorre ocasionalmente na Paraíba, acometendo particularmente cães jovens e não vacinados.(AU)
We described the main epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of canine infectious hepatitis diagnosed in the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of the Federal University of Campina Grande during the period from January 2003 to December 2016. Of the 1,640 necropsied dogs, 15 were diagnosed as infectious canine hepatitis (0.91%). Of the dogs affected nine were males and six females. The ages ranged from 45 days to seven years, being most of them young. Ten animals were mixed breed, four were Poodles and one Rottweiler. Most of the dogs do not received any vaccine protocol. The dogs came from the municipalities of Patos, São Mamede and Teixeira, from Paraiba, northeastern of Brazil. Most of the dogs presented clinical course varying from hyperacute to acute. The main clinical signs were seizure, apathy and hyporexia. At necropsy, the major alterations were observed in the liver, which was pale to orange and with irregular reddish areas on the capsular surface, besides accentuation of the lobular pattern and edema in the wall of the gallbladder. Hemorrhages were observed in several organs. In the histopathology there was centrolobular necrosis of hepatocytes associated with intranuclear viral inclusion bodies, hemorrhages and mixed inflammatory infiltrate. The diagnosis was established based on the characteristic histopathological lesions and was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Infectious canine hepatitis occurs occasionally in the Paraiba, affecting particularly young and unvaccinated dogs.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Cães/virologia , Hepatite Infecciosa Canina/diagnóstico , Hepatite Infecciosa Canina/epidemiologiaResumo
Descrevem-se os principais aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de casos de hepatite infecciosa canina diagnosticados no Laboratório de Patologia Animal da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, durante o período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2016. Dos 1.640 cães necropsiados, 15 foram diagnosticados como hepatite infecciosa canina (0,91%). Dos cães acometidos nove eram machos e seis fêmeas. As idades variaram de 45 dias a sete anos, sendo a maioria filhotes. Dez animais não apresentavam raça definida, quatro eram Poodles e um Rottweiler. A maioria dos cães não recebeu nenhum tipo de protocolo vacinal. Os cães eram oriundos dos municípios de Patos, São Mamede e Teixeira, pertencentes ao estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. A maioria dos cães apresentou curso clínico variando de hiperagudo a agudo. Os principais sinais clínicos foram convulsão, apatia e hiporexia. Na necropsia, as principais alterações foram observadas no fígado que se apresentava de pálido a alaranjado e com áreas irregulares avermelhadas na superfície capsular, além de acentuação do padrão lobular e edema na parede da vesícula biliar. Hemorragias foram observadas em vários órgãos. Na histopatologia havia necrose centrolobular de hepatócitos associada a corpúsculos de inclusão viral intranucleares, hemorragia e infiltrado inflamatório misto. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido com base nas características lesões histopatológicas e foi confirmado por imuno-histoquímica. A hepatite infecciosa canina ocorre ocasionalmente na Paraíba, acometendo particularmente cães jovens e não vacinados.(AU)
We described the main epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of canine infectious hepatitis diagnosed in the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of the Federal University of Campina Grande during the period from January 2003 to December 2016. Of the 1,640 necropsied dogs, 15 were diagnosed as infectious canine hepatitis (0.91%). Of the dogs affected nine were males and six females. The ages ranged from 45 days to seven years, being most of them young. Ten animals were mixed breed, four were Poodles and one Rottweiler. Most of the dogs do not received any vaccine protocol. The dogs came from the municipalities of Patos, São Mamede and Teixeira, from Paraiba, northeastern of Brazil. Most of the dogs presented clinical course varying from hyperacute to acute. The main clinical signs were seizure, apathy and hyporexia. At necropsy, the major alterations were observed in the liver, which was pale to orange and with irregular reddish areas on the capsular surface, besides accentuation of the lobular pattern and edema in the wall of the gallbladder. Hemorrhages were observed in several organs. In the histopathology there was centrolobular necrosis of hepatocytes associated with intranuclear viral inclusion bodies, hemorrhages and mixed inflammatory infiltrate. The diagnosis was established based on the characteristic histopathological lesions and was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Infectious canine hepatitis occurs occasionally in the Paraiba, affecting particularly young and unvaccinated dogs.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Cães/virologia , Hepatite Infecciosa Canina/diagnóstico , Hepatite Infecciosa Canina/epidemiologiaResumo
Foram revisados os protocolos de biópsias e necropsias do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV/UFSM) entre 2004 e 2014, e todos os casos de tumores que acometeram a glândula tireoide foram selecionados. A partir disso, foram anotados sexo, idade e raça dos cães afetados. Também foi avaliado o significado clínico dos tumores, presença de aumento de volume cervical, lobos afetados, tamanho dos tumores, presença e localização de metástases e padrão histológico dos neoplasmas. Nos 11 anos que compreenderam este estudo, foram diagnosticados 26 tumores de glândula tireoide (quatro eram provenientes de exames de biópsias e 22 de necropsias), 53,9% dos cães eram fêmeas e 46,1% eram machos; 65,4% eram cães com raça definida. Desses, Boxers foram os mais afetados (15,4% dos casos). Dos 23 protocolos em que a idade foi informada, 60,9% dos cães eram idosos e 39,1% eram adultos. A avaliação dos protocolos permitiu constatar que 38,5% dos animais haviam apresentado aumento de volume cervical no momento do exame clínico. Dos cães necropsiados 13,6% morreram ou foram submetidos à eutanásia em decorrência de complicações causadas por metástases dos tumores de tireoide. Dessa forma, em 86,4% dos cães, os neoplasmas foram considerados achados incidentais de necropsia. Nos quatro casos provenientes de material de biópsia, o desfecho não foi conhecido. Em nenhum cão os tumores causaram síndrome clínica devido à hipo ou hiperfunção da tireoide. Em 24 protocolos havia informação sobre os lobos afetados e 75% dos cães tiveram acometimento unilateral da glândula. Os diagnósticos histológicos dos tumores permitiram constatar que 16 (61,5%) neoplasmas eram carcinomas de células foliculares (nesses casos, o padrão folicular-compacto foi o mais frequente [43,75%]), seis (23,1%) eram adenomas de células foliculares, dois (7,7%) eram carcinossarcomas e dois (7,7%) eram tumores de células C (adenoma e carcinoma).(AU)
Biopsy and necropsy reports of the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV/UFSM) were reviewed, including data from 2004 to 2014; all cases of the thyroid tumors were selected. From this point on, it was recorded the gender, age and breed of affected dogs. Additionally, it was evaluated the clinical significance of these tumors, presence of cervical swelling, affected lobes, tumors size, presence and location of metastasis and histological pattern of neoplasms. Twenty six thyroid tumors were diagnosed in the study period (four came from biopsies while the other 22 were from necropsies). Of the affected dogs, 53.8% were females and 46.2% were males; most of the animals (65.4%) were purebred. Of these, Boxers were the most affected (15.4%). In 23 protocols the age was informed; 60.9% of the dogs were elderly and 39.1% were adults. The protocols evaluation allowed establishing that 38.5% of the animals had cervical swelling, at the time of clinical examination. Out of the dogs necropsied, only 13.6% died or were euthanized due to complications caused by metastases of thyroid tumors. Thus, in 86.4% of the dogs, the neoplasms were considered as incidental necropsy findings. In the four cases from biopsy samples, the outcomes were not known. There were no tumors causing clinical syndrome in these dogs, due to thyroid hypo- or hyperfunction. In 24 protocols it was found information about the affected lobes, indicating that 75% of the dogs had unilateral glandular involvement. The histological diagnosis showed that 16 (61.5%) neoplasms were follicular cell carcinomas (in these cases, the follicular-compact pattern was the most frequent [43.8%]); 6 (23.1%) were follicular cells adenoma; two (7.7%) were carcinosarcomas and two (7.7%) were C cells tumors (adenoma and carcinoma).(AU)
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/epidemiologia , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterinária , Biópsia/veterináriaResumo
Foram revisados os protocolos de biópsias e necropsias do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV/UFSM) entre 2004 e 2014, e todos os casos de tumores que acometeram a glândula tireoide foram selecionados. A partir disso, foram anotados sexo, idade e raça dos cães afetados. Também foi avaliado o significado clínico dos tumores, presença de aumento de volume cervical, lobos afetados, tamanho dos tumores, presença e localização de metástases e padrão histológico dos neoplasmas. Nos 11 anos que compreenderam este estudo, foram diagnosticados 26 tumores de glândula tireoide (quatro eram provenientes de exames de biópsias e 22 de necropsias), 53,9% dos cães eram fêmeas e 46,1% eram machos; 65,4% eram cães com raça definida. Desses, Boxers foram os mais afetados (15,4% dos casos). Dos 23 protocolos em que a idade foi informada, 60,9% dos cães eram idosos e 39,1% eram adultos. A avaliação dos protocolos permitiu constatar que 38,5% dos animais haviam apresentado aumento de volume cervical no momento do exame clínico. Dos cães necropsiados 13,6% morreram ou foram submetidos à eutanásia em decorrência de complicações causadas por metástases dos tumores de tireoide. Dessa forma, em 86,4% dos cães, os neoplasmas foram considerados achados incidentais de necropsia. Nos quatro casos provenientes de material de biópsia, o desfecho não foi conhecido. Em nenhum cão os tumores causaram síndrome clínica devido à hipo ou hiperfunção da tireoide. Em 24 protocolos havia informação sobre os lobos afetados e 75% dos cães tiveram acometimento unilateral da glândula. Os diagnósticos histológicos dos tumores permitiram constatar que 16 (61,5%) neoplasmas eram carcinomas de células foliculares (nesses casos, o padrão folicular-compacto foi o mais frequente [43,75%]), seis (23,1%) eram adenomas de células foliculares, dois (7,7%) eram carcinossarcomas e dois (7,7%) eram tumores de células C (adenoma e carcinoma).(AU)
Biopsy and necropsy reports of the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV/UFSM) were reviewed, including data from 2004 to 2014; all cases of the thyroid tumors were selected. From this point on, it was recorded the gender, age and breed of affected dogs. Additionally, it was evaluated the clinical significance of these tumors, presence of cervical swelling, affected lobes, tumors size, presence and location of metastasis and histological pattern of neoplasms. Twenty six thyroid tumors were diagnosed in the study period (four came from biopsies while the other 22 were from necropsies). Of the affected dogs, 53.8% were females and 46.2% were males; most of the animals (65.4%) were purebred. Of these, Boxers were the most affected (15.4%). In 23 protocols the age was informed; 60.9% of the dogs were elderly and 39.1% were adults. The protocols evaluation allowed establishing that 38.5% of the animals had cervical swelling, at the time of clinical examination. Out of the dogs necropsied, only 13.6% died or were euthanized due to complications caused by metastases of thyroid tumors. Thus, in 86.4% of the dogs, the neoplasms were considered as incidental necropsy findings. In the four cases from biopsy samples, the outcomes were not known. There were no tumors causing clinical syndrome in these dogs, due to thyroid hypo- or hyperfunction. In 24 protocols it was found information about the affected lobes, indicating that 75% of the dogs had unilateral glandular involvement. The histological diagnosis showed that 16 (61.5%) neoplasms were follicular cell carcinomas (in these cases, the follicular-compact pattern was the most frequent [43.8%]); 6 (23.1%) were follicular cells adenoma; two (7.7%) were carcinosarcomas and two (7.7%) were C cells tumors (adenoma and carcinoma).(AU)
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/epidemiologia , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterinária , Biópsia/veterináriaResumo
Demodicosis is a common parasitary dermatopathy in dogs, resulting from excessive proliferation of Demodex canis mite, a natural inhabitant of dog´s skin. Definitive diagnosis is classically established through microscopic examination of deep skin scrapings obtained from affected areas, in which numerous adult mites and/or immature forms are observed. Although considered as the golden pattern for the disease diagnosis, this technique is difficult to be performed in some parts of the body, as face, eyelids and interdigital areas, besides causing pain in the dog and discomfort to the owner. Two less invasive diagnostic methods, the hair plucking and the adhesive tape test are described. Although these methods are well known, only few studies about their sensitivity were found in the literature. In the present study, tests were conducted on 40 dogs previously diagnosed with demodicosis through deep skin scrapings. At adhesive tape test, 30 of 40 samples were positive, evidencing 75% of sensivity, while at hair plucking, mites were observed in 29 samples, leading to a sensivity of 73%. These results do not differ statistically and suggest that adhesive tape test and hair plucking tests can be used on clinical routine as first choice primary tests for canine demodicosis as they offer more comfort to animal and its owner. Interestingly, the presence of pyoderma raised the sensibility
Objetivou-se com estes trabalhos relatar a ocorrência de hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) em um cão jovem com avançados sinais clínico, incomum para a faixa etária e a identificação de Leishmania sp. na próstata de cães pelas técnicas de citologia, imuno-histoquímica (IHq) e histopatologia além de demonstrar a eficácia dessas técnicas. No Capitulo I, relatou-se sobre um canino, teckel, macho, com quatros ano de idade atendido no Hospital Veterinário (HV) da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), com um aumento de volume na região perineal havia 15 dias, tenesmo e episódios de fezes amolecidas. No exame físico, verificou-se aumento de volume na região perineal dorsal esquerda. No exame ultrassonográfico abdominal, verificou-se a próstata com ecotextura discretamente heterogênea, medindo 3,76 x 3,75 cm² de extensão, conteúdo herniado de aspecto hipoecoico e ecogênico na região perineal. Após o diagnóstico de hérnia perineal secundária a uma HPB o animal foi encaminhado para o setor de cirurgia para realização da a herniorrafia e orquiectomia. O animal teve acompanhamento durante dois meses após a cirurgia, onde foi confirmada a redução do volume inicial da próstata através do ultrasson, tendo êxito no tratamento desse tipo de prostatopatia. Apesar da HPB ser uma desordem comum nos cães idosos, o clínico não deve deixar de investigar esta condição quando um paciente apresentar, tenesmo e/ou cistite mesmo não pertencendo à faixa etária de risco. Para o Capítulo II, foram utilizados 25 cães machos, sem predileção de raça, previamente diagnosticados com Leishmaniose, atendidos na Clínica Médica de Pequenos Animais do HV da UFCG. Após a eutanásia, foi realizado punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) da próstata e colhidos fragmentos desta para a confecção das impressões (imprint) em lâmina e para realização do exame de IHq. Na citologia constatou-se a presença de formas amastigotas em 56% das amostras de próstatas. Deste total foi observada positividade em 100% das lâminas confeccionadas pelo PAAF e em 4% pelo imprint. Já na IHq das 25 amostras analisadas, 4% evidenciou-se imuno-marcação positiva para Leishmania sp., assim como nas lâminas confeccionadas e coradas com hematoxilina e eosina (HE). Concluiu-se que a próstata de cães pode ser um disseminador de formas infectantes de Leishmania, evidenciando a importância epidemiológica desse achado, na associação de programas para eliminar o vetor como único método de controle dessa patologia.
The objective of these studies were to report an occurrence of benign prostatic hyperplasia in a young dog with advanced clinical signs, unusual for the age group and the identification of Leishmania sp. in the prostate of dogs by the techniques of cytology, immunohistochemistry (IHq) and histopathology and to show the effectiveness of each one. In the chapter I, a canine, dachshund, male, four-year-old was reported at the Veterinary Hospital (VH) of the Federal University of Campina Grande (FUCG), with a volume increase in the perineal region for 15 days, tenesmus and episodes of soft stools. On physical examination, there was an increase in volume in the left dorsal perineal region. Abdominal ultrasound examination revealed a discrete heterogeneous echotexture, measuring 3.76 x 3.75 cm², herniated content with a hypoechoic and echogenic aspect in the perineal region. After the diagnosis of perineal hernia secondary to a BPH, the animal was referred to the surgery department where the surgical correction of the hernia and the orchiectomy of the dog were done. The animal was followed up for two months after surgery, where it was confirmed the reduction of the initial volume of the prostate through the ultrasound, thus successful in the treatment of this type of prostatopathy. Although BPH is a common disorder in elderly dogs, the clinician should not investigate this condition when a patient has tenesmus and/or cystitis even though they do not belong to the risk age group. For chapter II, 25 male dogs, with no predilection for breed, previously diagnosed with Leishmaniosis, were treated at the Small Animals Medical Clinic of the FUCG VH. After euthanasia, fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of the prostate was performed and fragments of the prostate were collected for imprinting and for IHq examination. In cytology, the presence of amastigote forms was observed in 56% of prostate samples. From this total was observed positivity in 100% blades made by FNAB and in 4% by imprint. The IHq of the 25 samples analyzed, 4% showed positive immuno-marking, as well as in the base blades made stained with HE. It was concluded that the reproductive apparatus of dogs can be a reservoir for infecting forms, evidencing the epidemiological importance of this finding, in the association of programs to eliminate the vector as the only method of controlling this pathology.
As doenças infecciosas representam a principal causa de morte ou razão para eutanásia de cães no Brasil. Enquanto algumas doenças são frequentemente diagnosticadas, outras são vistas apenas ocasionalmente e são potencialmente fatais, como a hepatite infecciosa canina e a forma cardíaca da parvovirose. Esta dissertação, apresentada ao Programa de PósGraduação em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, está dividida em dois capítulos, sendo cada capítulo representado por um artigo científico. O primeiro artigo, submetido à revista Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, descreve os principais aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de casos de hepatite infecciosa canina diagnosticados no Laboratório de Patologia Animal durante o período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2016. Dos 1.640 cães necropsiados, 15 foram diagnosticados como hepatite infecciosa canina (0,91%). Dos cães acometidos nove eram machos e seis fêmeas. As idades variaram de 45 dias a sete anos, sendo a maioria filhotes. Dez animais não apresentavam raça definida, quatro eram Poodles e um Rottweiler. A maioria dos cães não recebeu nenhum tipo de protocolo vacinal. Os cães eram oriundos dos municípios de Patos, São Mamede e Teixeira, pertencentes ao Sertão da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. A maioria dos cães apresentou curso clínico variando de hiperagudo a agudo. Os principais sinais clínicos foram convulsão, apatia e hiporexia. Na necropsia, as principais alterações foram observadas no fígado que apresentava-se pálido a alaranjado e com áreas irregulares avermelhadas na superfície capsular, além de acentuação do padrão lobular e edema na parede da vesícula biliar. Hemorragias foram observadas em vários órgãos. Na histopatologia do fígado havia principalmente necrose centrolobular, associada a corpúsculos de inclusão viral intranucleares em hepatócitos, hemorragia e discreto infiltrado inflamatório misto. Inclusões virais puderam ser visualizadas ainda no endotélio vascular do encéfalo e nos capilares glomerulares, além de baço e linfonodos. O diagnóstico foi confirmado por imunohistoquímica. O segundo artigo, submetido à revista Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, descreve os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de um surto de parvovirose cardíaca em filhotes de cães. O surto ocorreu em um canil localizado na cidade de Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, região Nordeste do Brasil. De uma ninhada de nove filhotes, um foi natimorto e seis morreram entre 35-57 dias de idade após apresentarem sinais clínicos cardiorrespiratórios com evolução de 10 minutos a três dias. Dos seis filhotes que morreram, dois foram encaminhados para necropsia. No exame macroscópico, ambos os animais apresentaram discreta efusão pericárdica, coração marcadamente globoso, difusa palidez nas superfícies epicárdica e miocárdica e dilatação da cavidade ventricular esquerda. Nos pulmões, observaram-se áreas multifocais avermelhadas na superfície pleural. O fígado estava difusamente aumentado de tamanho, com acentuação do padrão lobular e com áreas pálidas entremeadas por áreas escuras. Microscopicamente observou-se miocardite linfohistiocítica, necrosante, associada à fibrose intersticial e corpúsculos de inclusões virais basofílicos intranucleares em cardiomiócitos. Nos pulmões observou-se pneumonia intersticial e edema, e no fígado notou-se degeneração e necrose centrolobular a mediozonal associada à congestão e hemorragia. O diagnóstico foi confirmado por imuno-histoquímica. Com a realização desses trabalhos pode-se considerar que a hepatite infecciosa canina e a forma cardíaca da parvovirose canina ocorrem ocasionalmente na rotina de diagnóstico do Laboratório de Patologia Animal do Hospital Veterinário da UFCG e ainda representam importantes causas de morte em cães.
Infectious diseases represent the major cause of death or reason for euthanasia of dogs in Brazil. While some diseases are often diagnosed, others are only occasionally and are potentially fatal, such as canine infectious hepatitis and cardiac form of parvovirosis. This dissertation, presented to the Graduate Program of Veterinary Medicine of the Federal University of Campina Grande, is divided into two chapters, each chapter being represented by one scientific article. The first article, submitted to the journal Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, describes the main epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of cases of infectious canine hepatitis diagnosed in the Laboratory of Animal Pathology during the period from January 2003 to December 2016. Of the 1,640 necropsied dogs, 15 were diagnosed as infectious canine hepatitis (0.91%). Of the dogs affected nine were males and six females. The ages ranged from 45 days to seven years, being most of them young. Ten animals were mixed breed, four were Poodles and one Rottweiler. Most of the dogs do not received any vaccine protocol. The dogs came from the municipalities of Patos, São Mamede and Teixeira, from the backland of the Paraiba, Northeast of Brazil. Most of the dogs presented clinical course varying from hyperacute to acute. The main clinical signs were seizure, apathy and hyporexia. At necropsy, the major alterations were observed in the liver, which was pale to orange and with irregular reddish areas on the capsular surface, besides accentuation of the lobular pattern and edema in the wall of the gallbladder. Hemorrhages were observed in several organs. In the histopathology of the liver there was mainly centrilobular necrosis, associated with intranuclear viral inclusion bodies in hepatocytes, hemorrhage and discrete mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Viral inclusions bodies could be visualized also in the vascular endothelium of the encephalon and in the glomerular capillaries, besides spleen and lymph nodes. The diagnosis was established based on the characteristic histopathological lesions and was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The second article, submitted to the journal Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, describes epidemiological, clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical aspects of an outbreak of cardiac parvovirosis in puppies. The outbreak occurred in a kennel located in Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern of Brazil. In a litter of nine pups, one was stillbirth and six died between 35-57 days of age after cardiopulmonary clinical signs with evolution of 10 minutes to three days. Of the six puppies that died, two were sent for necropsy. On gross examination, both animals had discreet pericardial effusion, markedly distended heart, diffuse pallor in epicardial and myocardial surfaces and dilation of the left ventricular cavity. In the lungs were observed multifocal reddish areas in the pleural surface. The livers were diffusely increased in size, with lobular standard accentuation and pale areas interspersed with dark areas. Microscopically was observed linfohistiocítica myocarditis, necrotizing, associated with interstitial fibrosis and basophilic intranuclear viral inclusions corpuscles in cardiomyocytes. In the lungs there were edema and interstitial pneumonia and in the liver was noted centrilobular to mediozonal degeneration and necrosis associated with congestion and hemorrhage. The diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. With the accomplishment of these studies it can be considered that infectious canine hepatitis and the cardiac form of the canine parvovirosis occur occasionally in the diagnostic routine of the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of the Veterinary Hospital of the UFCG and still represent important causes of death in dogs.
A 6-year-old, female, mixed-breed dog was presented for necropsy with history of prostration and incoordination followed by circling to the right and seizures. There were no gross findings in the brain. Histologically, there were numerous neoplastic glial cells throughout the thalamus, midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata. Moderate multifocal lymphoplasmacytic perivascular cuffings were also present in the same areas. In addition, severe multifocal proliferation of glial cells was observed in the leptomeninge and white matter of the cerebellum. The neoplastic cells observed in the brain stem were negative for GFAP, while in the cerebellum the neoplastic glial cells were strongly labeled with GFAP and vimentin. Based on the histopathological findings and on the immunohistochemical results, a diagnosis of gliomatosis cerebri was made.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neuroglia/citologia , Neoplasias Neuroepiteliomatosas/diagnóstico , Cérebro/fisiopatologia , Autopsia/veterináriaResumo
O meningioma é o neoplasma primário do sistema nervoso central (SNC) mais comumente reportado em cães e é o tumor primário mais frequentemente diagnosticado no SNC de cães no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Neste estudo, vinte e dois casos de meningiomas em cães, diagnosticados num período de cerca de 18 anos no LPV-UFSM, foram revisados. Os neoplasmas foram graduados e classificados histologicamente de acordo com os critérios da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS de 2007) para meningiomas em humanos adaptados para cães, em Grau I (G-I; benignos), Grau II (G-II; atípicos) e Grau III (G-III; anaplásico ou maligno). Dos protocolos de necropsias foram retiradas adicionalmente informações referentes ao sexo, idade, raça, evolução clínica, sinais clínicos, localização anatômica e achados macroscópicos. Os meningiomas intracranianos supratentoriais foram os mais frequentes em relação às demais localizações intracranianas ou intraespinhais. Os intracranianos caracterizaram-se principalmente por sinais clínicos de alteração tálamo-cortical. Os intraespinhais caracterizaram-se principalmente causarem por ataxia. Meningiomas G-I foram os mais frequentes em cães, seguidos pelos G-III e G-II. Os G-I caracterizaram-se por ter o subtipo psammomatoso como o mais frequente, mais de um padrão morfológico num mesmo tumor, um terço apresentando áreas de invasão do tecido nervoso, 71,4% dos casos acometendo fêmeas, uma média de idade de 11 anos, cães com raça definida como os mais acometidos e por ter o maior tempo de sobrevivência após a manifestação dos sinais clínicos. Os meningiomas G-II caracterizaram-se por ter o subtipo cordoide como o mais frequente, invasão do tecido nervoso em um terço dos casos, somente fêmeas acometidas, uma média de idade de 12 anos, dois terços dos cães acometidos sem raça definida e o tempo máximo de sobrevivência de 20 dias. Os meningiomas G-III caracterizaram-se por ter o subtipo papilar como o mais frequente, invasão do tecido nervoso em 80% dos casos, 60% dos casos acometendo fêmeas, uma média de idade de 8 anos, 80% dos cães acometidos da raça Boxer e o tempo máximo de sobrevivência de 90 dias. Concluindo, este estudo permitiu estabelecer uma relação entre os três graus histológicos observados em 22 casos de meningiomas em cães com vários parâmetros clínico-epidemiológicos e patológicos, fornecendo informações úteis para um melhor conhecimento da correlação entre a graduação histológica e a evolução clínica desses neoplasmas.
Meningioma is the primary neoplasm of the central nervous system (CNS) most commonly reported in dogs and is the most frequently diagnosed primary tumor in the CNS of dogs in the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology (LPV) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). In this study, twenty two cases of meningiomas in dogs, diagnosed in about 18 years, were analyzed. The neoplasms were histologicaly classified and graded according to the World and Health Organization (WHO of 2007) for human meningiomas, adapted for dogs, in Grade I (G-I; beningn), Grade II (G-II; atypical), and Grade III (G-III; anaplastic or malignant). Aditional data about gender, age, breed, skull conformation, clinical course and signs, anatomic localization, gross and histological findings were obtained from the necropsy reports. Intracranial and supratentorial meningiomas were the most frequent in relation to the other intracranial or intraspinal sites. The intracranial ones were characterized mainly by clinical signs of thalamic-cortical alteration. Intraspinal ones were mainly characterized by ataxia. G-I meningiomas were the most frequent in dogs, followed by G-III and G-II. GI were characterized by having the psammomatous subtype as the most frequent, more than one morphological pattern in the same tumor, one third presenting areas of invasion of nervous tissue, 71.4% of cases involving females, a mean age of 11 years, pure breed dogs as the most affected and for having the longest survival time after the manifestation of clinical signs. G-II meningiomas were characterized by having the chordoid subtype as the most frequent, invasion of nervous tissue in one third of cases, only females affected, a mean age of 12 years, two-thirds of the dogs affected were mongrels and the maximum survival time of 20 days. The G-III meningiomas were characterized by having the papillary subtype as the most frequent, invasion of the nervous tissue in 80% of the cases, 60% of the cases involving females, a mean age of 8 years, 80% of dogs affected were Boxers and the maximum survival time of 90 days. In conclusion, this study allowed to establish a relationship between the three histological grades observed in 22 cases of meningiomas in dogs with various clinical-epidemiological and pathological parameters, providing useful information for a better understanding of the correlation between the histological grading and the clinical evolution of these neoplasms.
Behavior issues directly affect animal and human welfare. In some countries, behavior problems are the main reasons for abandonment and euthanasia of companion animals. The present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of behavior problems among dogs seem by Brazilian veterinarians, by sending questionnaires to be responded by veterinarians at university referral animal hospitals in Brazil. Among 101 responses, 91.1% of participants affirmed to be consulted about behavior issues, and 82.2% said that they mostly concern dogs. Most veterinarians (56.7%) try to solve some behavior cases by themselves and refer others to a specialized colleague. Most affirmed to do not perform euthanasia due to behavior issues (89.1%). The most common complaint among owners was destructive behavior, followed by aggressions. The most recommended treatment for aggressive behavior and inappropriate elimination of urine was behavior therapy.
Problemas de comportamento afetam diretamente a qualidade de vida dos animais e das pessoas que com eles convivem. Em alguns países, os problemas de comportamento são as principais causas de abandono e eutanásia de animais de companhia. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a prevalência dos problemas de comportamento dos cães na rotina clínica dos médicos veterinários brasileiros por meio do envio de questionários às faculdades de Medicina Veterinária do Brasil, para serem respondidos pelos profissionais responsáveis pelo atendimento clínico a cães e gatos. No total de 101 questionários respondidos, 91,1% dos participantes afirmaram ser consultados sobre problemas de comportamento e 82,2% afirmaram que a maior frequência das queixas comportamentais foi relacionada à espécie canina. Os respondentes, em sua maioria (56,7%), relataram que tentaram resolver sozinhos alguns casos ou encaminharam o caso para um veterinário especializado. Dentre os respondentes, 89,1% afirmaram não realizar eutanásia em razão de problemas de comportamento. O problema de comportamento citado como o mais frequente foi a destrutividade e, em seguida, as agressões. O tratamento mais recomendado, tanto para agressões quanto para eliminações inapropriadas de urina, foi a terapia comportamental.
Behavior issues directly affect animal and human welfare. In some countries, behavior problems are the main reasons for abandonment and euthanasia of companion animals. The present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of behavior problems among dogs seem by Brazilian veterinarians, by sending questionnaires to be responded by veterinarians at university referral animal hospitals in Brazil. Among 101 responses, 91.1% of participants affirmed to be consulted about behavior issues, and 82.2% said that they mostly concern dogs. Most veterinarians (56.7%) try to solve some behavior cases by themselves and refer others to a specialized colleague. Most affirmed to do not perform euthanasia due to behavior issues (89.1%). The most common complaint among owners was destructive behavior, followed by aggressions. The most recommended treatment for aggressive behavior and inappropriate elimination of urine was behavior therapy.
Problemas de comportamento afetam diretamente a qualidade de vida dos animais e das pessoas que com eles convivem. Em alguns países, os problemas de comportamento são as principais causas de abandono e eutanásia de animais de companhia. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a prevalência dos problemas de comportamento dos cães na rotina clínica dos médicos veterinários brasileiros por meio do envio de questionários às faculdades de Medicina Veterinária do Brasil, para serem respondidos pelos profissionais responsáveis pelo atendimento clínico a cães e gatos. No total de 101 questionários respondidos, 91,1% dos participantes afirmaram ser consultados sobre problemas de comportamento e 82,2% afirmaram que a maior frequência das queixas comportamentais foi relacionada à espécie canina. Os respondentes, em sua maioria (56,7%), relataram que tentaram resolver sozinhos alguns casos ou encaminharam o caso para um veterinário especializado. Dentre os respondentes, 89,1% afirmaram não realizar eutanásia em razão de problemas de comportamento. O problema de comportamento citado como o mais frequente foi a destrutividade e, em seguida, as agressões. O tratamento mais recomendado, tanto para agressões quanto para eliminações inapropriadas de urina, foi a terapia comportamental.