Parasites of veterinary importance have been heavily focused on domesticated livestock that was introduced into the neo-tropics. The text used in the teaching parasitology to veterinary students in Trinidad has only investigated the parasites of domesticated species. In the reviewed veterinary parasitology text no mention was made on the parasites that affect wild neo-tropical animals. Information on wild neo-tropical animals had to be sourced from texts on the management of wild life animals in the Neotropics. The texts that were reviewed in this document spanned from the mid-1950s to 2020. The information presented in this review reveals the exhaustive work done on the parasites of domesticated species but also revealed little information on neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. In conclusion, this review reveals the gap of information that is missing from parasitology texts used in the teaching of veterinary students. In the future these parasitology texts can be revised to include chapters on the parasites of neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. At present students that graduate from the veterinary parasitology course has little information on the parasites of animals which are present in their 'backyards'.
Parasitas de importância veterinária têm se concentrado fortemente em animais domésticos que foram introduzidos na região neotrópica. O texto usado no ensino de parasitologia para estudantes de veterinária em Trinidad investigou apenas os parasitas de espécies domesticadas. No texto de parasitologia veterinária revisado, nenhuma menção foi feita sobre os parasitas que afetam os animais selvagens neotropicais. As informações sobre animais selvagens neotropicais tiveram que ser obtidas a partir de textos sobre o manejo de animais selvagens nos Neotrópicos. Os textos revisados neste documento vão de meados da década de 1950 até 2020. As informações apresentadas nesta revisão revelam o trabalho exaustivo realizado sobre os parasitas de espécies domesticadas, mas também revelaram poucas informações sobre animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Em conclusão, esta revisão revela a lacuna de informação que existe nos textos de parasitologia utilizados no ensino de estudantes de veterinária. No futuro, esses textos de parasitologia podem ser revisados para incluir capítulos sobre os parasitas de animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Atualmente, os alunos que se formam no curso de parasitologia veterinária têm poucas informações sobre os parasitas de animais que estão presentes em seus "quintais".
Animais , Animais Selvagens/parasitologia , Parasitologia/históriaResumo
Abstract Parasites of veterinary importance have been heavily focused on domesticated livestock that was introduced into the neo-tropics. The text used in the teaching parasitology to veterinary students in Trinidad has only investigated the parasites of domesticated species. In the reviewed veterinary parasitology text no mention was made on the parasites that affect wild neo-tropical animals. Information on wild neo-tropical animals had to be sourced from texts on the management of wild life animals in the Neotropics. The texts that were reviewed in this document spanned from the mid-1950s to 2020. The information presented in this review reveals the exhaustive work done on the parasites of domesticated species but also revealed little information on neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. In conclusion, this review reveals the gap of information that is missing from parasitology texts used in the teaching of veterinary students. In the future these parasitology texts can be revised to include chapters on the parasites of neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. At present students that graduate from the veterinary parasitology course has little information on the parasites of animals which are present in their backyards.
Resumo Parasitas de importância veterinária têm se concentrado fortemente em animais domésticos que foram introduzidos na região neotrópica. O texto usado no ensino de parasitologia para estudantes de veterinária em Trinidad investigou apenas os parasitas de espécies domesticadas. No texto de parasitologia veterinária revisado, nenhuma menção foi feita sobre os parasitas que afetam os animais selvagens neotropicais. As informações sobre animais selvagens neotropicais tiveram que ser obtidas a partir de textos sobre o manejo de animais selvagens nos Neotrópicos. Os textos revisados neste documento vão de meados da década de 1950 até 2020. As informações apresentadas nesta revisão revelam o trabalho exaustivo realizado sobre os parasitas de espécies domesticadas, mas também revelaram poucas informações sobre animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Em conclusão, esta revisão revela a lacuna de informação que existe nos textos de parasitologia utilizados no ensino de estudantes de veterinária. No futuro, esses textos de parasitologia podem ser revisados para incluir capítulos sobre os parasitas de animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Atualmente, os alunos que se formam no curso de parasitologia veterinária têm poucas informações sobre os parasitas de animais que estão presentes em seus quintais.
Abstract Parasites of veterinary importance have been heavily focused on domesticated livestock that was introduced into the neo-tropics. The text used in the teaching parasitology to veterinary students in Trinidad has only investigated the parasites of domesticated species. In the reviewed veterinary parasitology text no mention was made on the parasites that affect wild neo-tropical animals. Information on wild neo-tropical animals had to be sourced from texts on the management of wild life animals in the Neotropics. The texts that were reviewed in this document spanned from the mid-1950s to 2020. The information presented in this review reveals the exhaustive work done on the parasites of domesticated species but also revealed little information on neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. In conclusion, this review reveals the gap of information that is missing from parasitology texts used in the teaching of veterinary students. In the future these parasitology texts can be revised to include chapters on the parasites of neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. At present students that graduate from the veterinary parasitology course has little information on the parasites of animals which are present in their 'backyards'.
Resumo Parasitas de importância veterinária têm se concentrado fortemente em animais domésticos que foram introduzidos na região neotrópica. O texto usado no ensino de parasitologia para estudantes de veterinária em Trinidad investigou apenas os parasitas de espécies domesticadas. No texto de parasitologia veterinária revisado, nenhuma menção foi feita sobre os parasitas que afetam os animais selvagens neotropicais. As informações sobre animais selvagens neotropicais tiveram que ser obtidas a partir de textos sobre o manejo de animais selvagens nos Neotrópicos. Os textos revisados neste documento vão de meados da década de 1950 até 2020. As informações apresentadas nesta revisão revelam o trabalho exaustivo realizado sobre os parasitas de espécies domesticadas, mas também revelaram poucas informações sobre animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Em conclusão, esta revisão revela a lacuna de informação que existe nos textos de parasitologia utilizados no ensino de estudantes de veterinária. No futuro, esses textos de parasitologia podem ser revisados para incluir capítulos sobre os parasitas de animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Atualmente, os alunos que se formam no curso de parasitologia veterinária têm poucas informações sobre os parasitas de animais que estão presentes em seus "quintais".
Humanos , Animais , Educação em Veterinária , Animais Selvagens , Faculdades de Medicina Veterinária , Estudantes , Trinidad e Tobago , UniversidadesResumo
Parasites of veterinary importance have been heavily focused on domesticated livestock that was introduced into the neo-tropics. The text used in the teaching parasitology to veterinary students in Trinidad has only investigated the parasites of domesticated species. In the reviewed veterinary parasitology text no mention was made on the parasites that affect wild neo-tropical animals. Information on wild neo-tropical animals had to be sourced from texts on the management of wild life animals in the Neotropics. The texts that were reviewed in this document spanned from the mid-1950s to 2020. The information presented in this review reveals the exhaustive work done on the parasites of domesticated species but also revealed little information on neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. In conclusion, this review reveals the gap of information that is missing from parasitology texts used in the teaching of veterinary students. In the future these parasitology texts can be revised to include chapters on the parasites of neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. At present students that graduate from the veterinary parasitology course has little information on the parasites of animals which are present in their 'backyards'.(AU)
Parasitas de importância veterinária têm se concentrado fortemente em animais domésticos que foram introduzidos na região neotrópica. O texto usado no ensino de parasitologia para estudantes de veterinária em Trinidad investigou apenas os parasitas de espécies domesticadas. No texto de parasitologia veterinária revisado, nenhuma menção foi feita sobre os parasitas que afetam os animais selvagens neotropicais. As informações sobre animais selvagens neotropicais tiveram que ser obtidas a partir de textos sobre o manejo de animais selvagens nos Neotrópicos. Os textos revisados neste documento vão de meados da década de 1950 até 2020. As informações apresentadas nesta revisão revelam o trabalho exaustivo realizado sobre os parasitas de espécies domesticadas, mas também revelaram poucas informações sobre animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Em conclusão, esta revisão revela a lacuna de informação que existe nos textos de parasitologia utilizados no ensino de estudantes de veterinária. No futuro, esses textos de parasitologia podem ser revisados para incluir capítulos sobre os parasitas de animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Atualmente, os alunos que se formam no curso de parasitologia veterinária têm poucas informações sobre os parasitas de animais que estão presentes em seus "quintais".(AU)
Animais , Parasitologia/história , Animais Selvagens/parasitologiaResumo
Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) is an arboreal species domesticated in Amazonia from its wild ancestor (B. orellana var. urucurana). Bixin extracted from its orthodox seeds is a natural dye widely used in the food industry. This study evaluated methods to overcome seed dormancy and determine the germination potential, comparing domesticated and wild annatto populations. Seeds from two domesticated-type populations and two families of a wild-type population, stored for two years after field collection, were submitted to five treatments to overcome dormancy: T1 - control; T2 - mechanical scarification (with sandpaper); T3 - mechanical scarification (with sandpaper) + immersion in water at 36 ºC overnight (12 hours); T4 - immersion in water at room temperature (23 ºC, on average) for 24 h; T5 - immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid (95 - 98%) for 15 min + running water for 3 min. Highly significant differences (P < 0.001) were observed in the germination percentage of annatto seeds between wild and domesticated types, and among the treatments tested. Domesticated types showed higher germination percentage (10 - 58%) over all treatments when compared to the wild type (0 - 44%). The best treatments were those performed with mechanical scarification. Given the simplicity, we concluded that mechanical scarification with sandpaper is a good alternative to overcome dormancy of annatto seeds.
O urucum (Bixa orellana L.) é uma espécie arbórea domesticada na Amazônia a partir de seu ancestral selvagem (B. orellana var. urucurana). Das suas sementes ortodoxas, é extraído a bixina, corante bastante utilizado na alimentação. Este estudo teve como objetivos avaliar métodos de superação da dormência e determinar o potencial de germinação de sementes, comparando populações domesticadas e selvagens. Sementes de duas populações domesticadas e duas famílias de uma população selvagem, armazenadas por dois anos após a coleta, foram submetidas a cinco tratamentos de superação da dormência: T1 - controle; T2 - escarificação mecânica (com lixa); T3 - escarificação mecânica (com lixa) + imersão em água a 36 ºC durante a noite (12 horas); T4 - imersão em água à temperatura ambiente (23 ºC, em média) por 24 h; T5 - imersão em ácido sulfúrico concentrado (95 - 98%) por 15 min + água corrente por 3 min. Foram observadas diferenças altamente significativas (P < 0,001) no potencial de germinação de sementes entre domesticadas e selvagens, e entre os tratamentos testados. As populações domesticadas apresentaram maior porcentagem de germinação (10 - 58%) em comparação com a de urucum selvagem (0 - 44%). Os melhores tratamentos foram os realizados com escarificação mecânica. Considerando sua simplicidade, concluímos que a escarificação mecânica com lixa representa boa alternativa para superar a dormência do urucum.
Germinação/efeitos dos fármacos , Bixaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dormência de PlantasResumo
This study aims at investigating to follow the formation and development of biofloc aggregates in a system with the introduction of an in vitro selected bacterial consortium (Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus cohnii) in order to induce fast formation of biofloc and to compare it to the development of spontaneous formation biofloc. Two experimental groups were evaluated for biofloc formation, SFT and IFT. The first refers to spontaneous (conventional) formation of the flocs and the second to induced formation (IFT), achieved through the consortium of potentially inducing bacteria. Both treatments presented a constant increase of bioflocs, however, in the IFT treatment, the microbial aggregates were larger and more uniform. By the end of the experiment, we verified that the aggregates formed in the IFT showed higher volume and lower sedimentation rate in comparison to the spontaneously formed ones. The results show that domestication in microbial communities is efficient as related to bioflocs, reducing instability during its formation and development.(AU)
Animais , Penaeidae/anatomia & histologia , Penaeidae/microbiologia , Trato Gastrointestinal/microbiologia , Aquicultura , BacillusResumo
This study aims at investigating to follow the formation and development of biofloc aggregates in a system with the introduction of an in vitro selected bacterial consortium (Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus cohnii) in order to induce fast formation of biofloc and to compare it to the development of spontaneous formation biofloc. Two experimental groups were evaluated for biofloc formation, SFT and IFT. The first refers to spontaneous (conventional) formation of the flocs and the second to induced formation (IFT), achieved through the consortium of potentially inducing bacteria. Both treatments presented a constant increase of bioflocs, however, in the IFT treatment, the microbial aggregates were larger and more uniform. By the end of the experiment, we verified that the aggregates formed in the IFT showed higher volume and lower sedimentation rate in comparison to the spontaneously formed ones. The results show that domestication in microbial communities is efficient as related to bioflocs, reducing instability during its formation and development.
Animais , Aquicultura , Bacillus , Penaeidae/anatomia & histologia , Penaeidae/microbiologia , Trato Gastrointestinal/microbiologiaResumo
The relationship between slow loris (Nycticebus spp.) venom (BGE protein) and the major cat allergen (Fel d 1) from domestic cat (Felis catus) is known for about two decades. Along this time, evidence was accumulated regarding convergences between them, including their almost identical mode of action. Methods: Large-scale database mining for Fel d 1 and BGE proteins in Felidae and Nycticebus spp., alignment, phylogeny proposition and molecular modelling, associated with directed literature review were assessed. Results: Fel d 1 sequences for 28 non-domestic felids were identified, along with two additional loris BGE protein sequences. Dimer interfaces are less conserved among sequences, and the chain 1 shows more sequence similarity than chain 2. Post-translational modification similarities are highly probable. Conclusions: Fel d 1 functions beyond allergy are discussed, considering the great conservation of felid orthologs of this protein. Reasons for toxicity being found only in domestic cats are proposed in the context of domestication. The combination of the literature review, genome-derived sequence data, and comparisons with the venomous primate slow loris may point to domestic cats as potentially poisonous mammals.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Intoxicação , Alérgenos , Gatos , Felidae , LorisidaeResumo
The relationship between slow loris (Nycticebus spp.) venom (BGE protein) and the major cat allergen (Fel d 1) from domestic cat (Felis catus) is known for about two decades. Along this time, evidence was accumulated regarding convergences between them, including their almost identical mode of action. Methods: Large-scale database mining for Fel d 1 and BGE proteins in Felidae and Nycticebus spp., alignment, phylogeny proposition and molecular modelling, associated with directed literature review were assessed. Results: Fel d 1 sequences for 28 non-domestic felids were identified, along with two additional loris BGE protein sequences. Dimer interfaces are less conserved among sequences, and the chain 1 shows more sequence similarity than chain 2. Post-translational modification similarities are highly probable. Conclusions: Fel d 1 functions beyond allergy are discussed, considering the great conservation of felid orthologs of this protein. Reasons for toxicity being found only in domestic cats are proposed in the context of domestication. The combination of the literature review, genome-derived sequence data, and comparisons with the venomous primate slow loris may point to domestic cats as potentially poisonous mammals.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Hipersensibilidade/diagnóstico , Intoxicação/diagnóstico , Secretoglobinas/análise , Secretoglobinas/biossínteseResumo
Bovids have enjoyed great evolutionary success as evidenced by the large number of extant species. Several important domestic animals are from this family. They derive from both subfamilies: cattle and their kin belong to Bovinae and sheep and goats to Antilopinae. The premise of this review, therefore, is that evolution of reproduction and placentation is best understood in a context that includes antelope-like bovines and antelopes. Many key features of placentation, including hormone secretion, had evolved before bovids emerged as a distinct group. Variation nevertheless occurs. Most striking is the difference in fusion of the binucleate trophoblast cell with uterine epithelium that yields a transient trinucleate cell in bovines and many antelopes, but a more persistent syncytium in wildebeest, sheep and goat. There is considerable variation in placentome number and villus branching within the placentome. Many antelopes have right-sided implantation in a bicornuate uterus whilst others have a uterus duplex. Finally, there has been continued evolution of placental hormones with tandem duplication of PAG genes in cattle, differences in glycosylation of placental lactogen and the emergence of placental growth hormone in sheep and goats. The selection pressures driving this evolution are unknown though maternal-fetal competition for nutrients is an attractive hypothesis.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Bovinos , Antílopes/embriologia , Bovinos/embriologia , Hormônios Placentários/análise , PlacentaçãoResumo
Bovids have enjoyed great evolutionary success as evidenced by the large number of extant species. Several important domestic animals are from this family. They derive from both subfamilies: cattle and their kin belong to Bovinae and sheep and goats to Antilopinae. The premise of this review, therefore, is that evolution of reproduction and placentation is best understood in a context that includes antelope-like bovines and antelopes. Many key features of placentation, including hormone secretion, had evolved before bovids emerged as a distinct group. Variation nevertheless occurs. Most striking is the difference in fusion of the binucleate trophoblast cell with uterine epithelium that yields a transient trinucleate cell in bovines and many antelopes, but a more persistent syncytium in wildebeest, sheep and goat. There is considerable variation in placentome number and villus branching within the placentome. Many antelopes have right-sided implantation in a bicornuate uterus whilst others have a uterus duplex. Finally, there has been continued evolution of placental hormones with tandem duplication of PAG genes in cattle, differences in glycosylation of placental lactogen and the emergence of placental growth hormone in sheep and goats. The selection pressures driving this evolution are unknown though maternal-fetal competition for nutrients is an attractive hypothesis.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Placentação , Bovinos/embriologia , Antílopes/embriologia , Hormônios Placentários/análiseResumo
Some species of the genus Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) are successfully managed by matching the sterile insect technique with parasitoid releases. Such strategies used in integrated pest management can be implemented only where insect mass-rearing programs are feasible. In this study, we show the process of domestication, rearing technology and quality control data obtained from 54 generations of Anastrepha sp.1 aff. fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830) kept under fully artificial conditions. Eggs were collected by an artificial oviposition panel consisting of one side of the cage made of blue voile fabric externally covered with a thin layer of silicon rubber. They were then air-bubbled in water at 25 ºC for 48 h before seeding. Larvae were reared on the regular laboratory artificial diet with 66 % of agar reduction turning over a semi-liquid diet, which reduced costs and improved insect quality. The adult and larval diets were composed of local ingredients including hydrolyzed yeast. When large-scale production of this fly is contemplated, the critical stage is larval development. This system of artificial rearing for A. fraterculus sp.1 developed in Brazil, allows for the production of a large number of insects of excellent quality using local ingredients and less agar in diet composition than the original medium used for this species. By reducing the interval of egg collection, the system might be optimized in terms of insect yield and, therefore, meet the demands of A. fraterculus sp.1 with regard to integrated pest management purposes.
Dípteros , Moscas Domésticas , Tephritidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Tephritidae/embriologia , BrasilResumo
Some species of the genus Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) are successfully managed by matching the sterile insect technique with parasitoid releases. Such strategies used in integrated pest management can be implemented only where insect mass-rearing programs are feasible. In this study, we show the process of domestication, rearing technology and quality control data obtained from 54 generations of Anastrepha sp.1 aff. fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830) kept under fully artificial conditions. Eggs were collected by an artificial oviposition panel consisting of one side of the cage made of blue voile fabric externally covered with a thin layer of silicon rubber. They were then air-bubbled in water at 25 ºC for 48 h before seeding. Larvae were reared on the regular laboratory artificial diet with 66 % of agar reduction turning over a semi-liquid diet, which reduced costs and improved insect quality. The adult and larval diets were composed of local ingredients including hydrolyzed yeast. When large-scale production of this fly is contemplated, the critical stage is larval development. This system of artificial rearing for A. fraterculus sp.1 developed in Brazil, allows for the production of a large number of insects of excellent quality using local ingredients and less agar in diet composition than the original medium used for this species. By reducing the interval of egg collection, the system might be optimized in terms of insect yield and, therefore, meet the demands of A. fraterculus sp.1 with regard to integrated pest management purposes.(AU)
Tephritidae/embriologia , Tephritidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dípteros , Moscas Domésticas , BrasilResumo
The palm tree family (Arecaceae) is constituted by approximately 3000 species mainly distributed in the tropics and subtropics. As a source of a variety of products they contribute to the world and local economies, and also to peoples lifestyles. Historically their use has been based on wild populations, but also on local domestication. Very few species are subject of plant breeding programs and are cultivated in the world. This is the case of the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), in which investment and development consortiums invest high sums. Another kind of crop is the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), which was domesticated thousand of years ago and whose success is based in the export of a fine product with worldwide recognition. In this case the production is based on traditional varieties and has very incipient breeding programs. A third group of palms includes those species from which products are obtained and manufactured for local development. The objective of this literature review is to contribute in the analysis of opportunities and weaknesses to investing in domestication and plant breeding programs in those palm trees with a recognized productive value.
A família das palmeiras (Arecaceae) é constituída por aproximadamente 3000 espécies, distribuídas principalmente nos trópicos e subtrópicos. Como fonte de uma variedade de produtos, contribuem para a economia mundial e local, e também para o modo de vida de várias pessoas. Historicamente, seu uso tem sido baseado em populações silvestres, mas também em domesticações locais. Muito poucas espécies estão submetidas a programas de melhoramento genético e são cultivadas a nível mundial. Este é o caso da palmeira de dendê (Elaeis guineensis), na qual consórcios de investimento e desenvolvimento investem altas quantias de dinheiro. Outro tipo de palmeira cultivada é a tamareira (Phoenix dactylifera), a qual foi domesticada milhares de anos atrás e cujo sucesso está baseado na exportação de produtos com reconhecimento mundial. Nesse caso, a produção está baseada em variedades tradicionais e os programas de melhoramento ainda são incipientes. Um terceiro grupo de palmeiras inclui aquelas espécies cujos produtos são obtidos e manufaturados para o desenvolvimento local. O objetivo desta revisão bibliográfica é contribuir para a análise de oportunidades e fragilidades no investimento em domesticação e programas de melhoramento das palmeiras com valor produtivo reconhecido.
The palm tree family (Arecaceae) is constituted by approximately 3000 species mainly distributed in the tropics and subtropics. As a source of a variety of products they contribute to the world and local economies, and also to peoples lifestyles. Historically their use has been based on wild populations, but also on local domestication. Very few species are subject of plant breeding programs and are cultivated in the world. This is the case of the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), in which investment and development consortiums invest high sums. Another kind of crop is the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), which was domesticated thousand of years ago and whose success is based in the export of a fine product with worldwide recognition. In this case the production is based on traditional varieties and has very incipient breeding programs. A third group of palms includes those species from which products are obtained and manufactured for local development. The objective of this literature review is to contribute in the analysis of opportunities and weaknesses to investing in domestication and plant breeding programs in those palm trees with a recognized productive value.
A família das palmeiras (Arecaceae) é constituída por aproximadamente 3000 espécies, distribuídas principalmente nos trópicos e subtrópicos. Como fonte de uma variedade de produtos, contribuem para a economia mundial e local, e também para o modo de vida de várias pessoas. Historicamente, seu uso tem sido baseado em populações silvestres, mas também em domesticações locais. Muito poucas espécies estão submetidas a programas de melhoramento genético e são cultivadas a nível mundial. Este é o caso da palmeira de dendê (Elaeis guineensis), na qual consórcios de investimento e desenvolvimento investem altas quantias de dinheiro. Outro tipo de palmeira cultivada é a tamareira (Phoenix dactylifera), a qual foi domesticada milhares de anos atrás e cujo sucesso está baseado na exportação de produtos com reconhecimento mundial. Nesse caso, a produção está baseada em variedades tradicionais e os programas de melhoramento ainda são incipientes. Um terceiro grupo de palmeiras inclui aquelas espécies cujos produtos são obtidos e manufaturados para o desenvolvimento local. O objetivo desta revisão bibliográfica é contribuir para a análise de oportunidades e fragilidades no investimento em domesticação e programas de melhoramento das palmeiras com valor produtivo reconhecido.
The evolution of crop plants, which began at about 13,000 years ago, is subject to the same natural evolutionary processes, coupled with the action of man, consciously or unconsciously, leading to domestication. This review presents the main evolutionary factors such as mutation, hybridization, migration, selection and genetic drift, which somehow are involved in the origin, evolution and domestication of crop plants. Examples of how these processes influenced in the intra and interespecific diversity of crop plants, with the uprise of new varieties or even of new species, are also presented. In general, these processes have worked well in the increase, maintenance, as well as in the reduction of genetic diversity of crop plants.
A evolução das plantas cultivadas, que teve início há cerca de 13.000 anos, está sujeita aos mesmos processos evolutivos naturais, aliada à ação do homem de forma consciente ou inconsciente, levando à domesticação. Nesta revisão, são apresentados os principais fatores evolutivos, tais como mutação, hibridação, migração, seleção e deriva genética, que, de alguma maneira, estão envolvidos com a origem, evolução e domesticação de plantas cultivadas. São apresentados também exemplos de como esses processos influenciaram na diversidade intra e interespecífica de plantas cultivadas, com o aparecimento de novas variedades ou mesmo de novas espécies. De modo geral, tais processos atuaram na ampliação, na manutenção, bem como na redução da variabilidade genética das plantas cultivadas.
The evolution of crop plants, which began at about 13,000 years ago, is subject to the same natural evolutionary processes, coupled with the action of man, consciously or unconsciously, leading to domestication. This review presents the main evolutionary factors such as mutation, hybridization, migration, selection and genetic drift, which somehow are involved in the origin, evolution and domestication of crop plants. Examples of how these processes influenced in the intra and interespecific diversity of crop plants, with the uprise of new varieties or even of new species, are also presented. In general, these processes have worked well in the increase, maintenance, as well as in the reduction of genetic diversity of crop plants.
A evolução das plantas cultivadas, que teve início há cerca de 13.000 anos, está sujeita aos mesmos processos evolutivos naturais, aliada à ação do homem de forma consciente ou inconsciente, levando à domesticação. Nesta revisão, são apresentados os principais fatores evolutivos, tais como mutação, hibridação, migração, seleção e deriva genética, que, de alguma maneira, estão envolvidos com a origem, evolução e domesticação de plantas cultivadas. São apresentados também exemplos de como esses processos influenciaram na diversidade intra e interespecífica de plantas cultivadas, com o aparecimento de novas variedades ou mesmo de novas espécies. De modo geral, tais processos atuaram na ampliação, na manutenção, bem como na redução da variabilidade genética das plantas cultivadas.
The aim of this research study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of tinamous submitted to five different male:female ratios. The study was carried out with 72 birds in a randomized experimental design with 4 replications. Tinamous were housed in cages, using the ratios of one (1:1), two (2:1), three (3:1) and four (4:1) females per male, and also one male was housed with three females individually (3R:1), in a rotational system. Reproductive records of the breeding season from September 2004 to March 2005 were used. The reproductive traits studied were: number of eggs laid, fertility, and percentage of eggs damaged and cracked by pecking. Nonparametric analyses of these traits were performed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Two replications of treatments 1:1 and 4:1, and one of treatment 2:1 were video-taped for three days, 12 hours/day. The videotapes were sampled according to the scan method to fit an ethogram. Birds were also watched for one hour per day to study dominance and agonistic behavior. None of the reproductive traits was affected by mating sex ratio (p 0.05). Female dominance could be related to displacement behavior (r=1.00), and male sitting in immobility plus sitting in activity behaviors were related to lower number of damaged eggs (r=-0.90). Social dominance was indirectly determined by displacement behavior in the study situation. A large number of damaged eggs occurred in all treatments, thereby not allowing a clear conclusion on the best male:female ratio.
The aim of this research study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of tinamous submitted to five different male:female ratios. The study was carried out with 72 birds in a randomized experimental design with 4 replications. Tinamous were housed in cages, using the ratios of one (1:1), two (2:1), three (3:1) and four (4:1) females per male, and also one male was housed with three females individually (3R:1), in a rotational system. Reproductive records of the breeding season from September 2004 to March 2005 were used. The reproductive traits studied were: number of eggs laid, fertility, and percentage of eggs damaged and cracked by pecking. Nonparametric analyses of these traits were performed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Two replications of treatments 1:1 and 4:1, and one of treatment 2:1 were video-taped for three days, 12 hours/day. The videotapes were sampled according to the scan method to fit an ethogram. Birds were also watched for one hour per day to study dominance and agonistic behavior. None of the reproductive traits was affected by mating sex ratio (p 0.05). Female dominance could be related to displacement behavior (r=1.00), and male sitting in immobility plus sitting in activity behaviors were related to lower number of damaged eggs (r=-0.90). Social dominance was indirectly determined by displacement behavior in the study situation. A large number of damaged eggs occurred in all treatments, thereby not allowing a clear conclusion on the best male:female ratio.
The samambaiaçu plant from which the xaxim is taken, is in extinction. This study investigates the vegetative propagation the Epidendrum ibaguense using different substrates and propagula. The plants were cultivated in plastic pots in a greenhouse with 50% of shadind light and watered three times a week. Stem cuttings and rooted clusters were used as propagula, with the following substrates: de-fibered xaxim; plantmax; sand + plantmax (1:1). Survival rate, number of shoots and shoots height were evaluated six months later. The best propagulum was the rooted cluster. The sand + plantmax substrate was an efficient substitute for the xaxim.
O samambaiaçu, planta da qual o xaxim é retirado para ser usado como substrato, está em processo de extinção. Nesse trabalho estudou-se a propagação vegetativa da orquídea brasileira Epidendrum ibaguense, utilizando-se diferentes substratos alternativos ao xaxim e diferentes propágulos. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de plástico em casa de vegetação com 50% de luminosidade e regadas três vezes por semana. Para a multiplicação das plantas utilizou-se estaca e touceira como propágulos. Os substratos utilizados foram: xaxim desfibrado; plantmax; areia grossa + plantmax, na proporção de 1:1 na mistura. As avaliações de porcentagem de sobrevivência, número de brotos e altura média dos brotos foram realizadas após seis meses do início do experimento. Verificou-se que o melhor propágulo foi o de touceira. O substrato areia + plantmax foi um eficiente substituto do xaxim.