Background: Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, also known as equine Cushings syndrome, is a neurodegenerative disease. An important risk factor for Cushings is advanced aging and it is the most common endocrine disorder inolder horses. The prevalence in horses aged over 10 and 15 years is reported as 9.3% and 21%, respectively. Due to the slowprogressive nature of the disease, seasonal variation in hormone output and overlapping endocrine response to other events,accurate diagnosis is challenging. The diagnosis requires the combination of anamnesis, clinical signs, in addition to laboratory tests results. This study aimed to report Cushings syndrome in a Crioulo breed horse focusing on diagnostic methods.Case: A 13-year-old male Crioulo breed, orchiectomized, was attended at the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), in PassoFundo, RS, Brazil. The owner reported that the animal had progressive weight loss and coat abnormal growth, with curlyappearance. From visual inspection, body condition score was 4 (1-9) bulging abdomen was noticed, hirsutism, depressionand lethargy. Also, there was a large neoplastic mass on the left side of gluteal region. Later, this mass was classified inhistopathological examination as a fibroblastic sarcoid and was treated. The animal presented physical parameters withinthe physiological limits of the specie. Normochromic normocytic anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis were reported in thehematologic evaluation. In coproparasitological examination, there were 300 eggs per gram of feaces. Hyperadrenocorticismwas suspected in the clinical examination and dexamethasone suppression test was performed to confirm the fact. Basal serumwas collected at 17 h (M0) and subsequently 40 µg/kg of dexamethasone was administered intramuscular...
Masculino , Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Síndrome de Cushing/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Cushing/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Eosinofilia/veterinária , Hipertricose/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, also known as equine Cushings syndrome, is a neurodegenerative disease. An important risk factor for Cushings is advanced aging and it is the most common endocrine disorder inolder horses. The prevalence in horses aged over 10 and 15 years is reported as 9.3% and 21%, respectively. Due to the slowprogressive nature of the disease, seasonal variation in hormone output and overlapping endocrine response to other events,accurate diagnosis is challenging. The diagnosis requires the combination of anamnesis, clinical signs, in addition to laboratory tests results. This study aimed to report Cushings syndrome in a Crioulo breed horse focusing on diagnostic methods.Case: A 13-year-old male Crioulo breed, orchiectomized, was attended at the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), in PassoFundo, RS, Brazil. The owner reported that the animal had progressive weight loss and coat abnormal growth, with curlyappearance. From visual inspection, body condition score was 4 (1-9) bulging abdomen was noticed, hirsutism, depressionand lethargy. Also, there was a large neoplastic mass on the left side of gluteal region. Later, this mass was classified inhistopathological examination as a fibroblastic sarcoid and was treated. The animal presented physical parameters withinthe physiological limits of the specie. Normochromic normocytic anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis were reported in thehematologic evaluation. In coproparasitological examination, there were 300 eggs per gram of feaces. Hyperadrenocorticismwas suspected in the clinical examination and dexamethasone suppression test was performed to confirm the fact. Basal serumwas collected at 17 h (M0) and subsequently 40 µg/kg of dexamethasone was administered intramuscular...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Doenças dos Cavalos , Síndrome de Cushing/veterinária , Síndrome de Cushing/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterinária , Hipertricose/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Eosinofilia/veterináriaResumo
Laminitis in horses is often associated with endocrine disorders, especially the pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) in older animals. Morphologic exams of the laminar tissue of the hoof were performed in two horses with suspected PPID, with no clinical signs of laminitis. Changes compatible with laminitis of endocrine origin were observed, such as rounding of the nuclei of the basal cells, thinning and stretching of the secondary epidermal laminae and tissue proliferation. PPID horses with no clinical signs of laminitis may be affected by lesions of the laminar tissue of the hoof that compromise the integrity of the dermal-epidermal junction and may develop clinical symptoms of the disease. It has been suggested that the development stage of endocrine laminitis is longer, but further studies should be conducted to confirm it.(AU)
A laminite em cavalos está frequentemente associada a distúrbios endócrinos, como a disfunção da pars intermedia da pituitária (PPID) em animais mais velhos. Exames morfológicos do tecido laminar do casco foram realizados em dois cavalos com suspeita de PPID após o óbito, os quais não apresentaram sinais clínicos de laminite. Alterações compatíveis com a laminite de origem endócrina foram observadas, como arredondamento da núcleo das células basais, alongamento e afilamento das lâminas epidérmicas secundárias e proliferação tecidual. Cavalos com PPID sem sinais clínicos de laminite podem estar acometidos por lesões do tecido laminar do casco que comprometam a integridade das interdigitações dérmico-epidérmicas e podem desenvolver a sintomatologia clínica da doença. Sugere-se que o período de desenvolvimento da laminite endócrina seja mais longo, porém estudos adicionais devem ser realizados para confirmar essa hipótese.(AU)